www.thurstonsplusautobody.com Autobody: (620) 342-2613 Tuesday, November 11, 2014 (620) 208-8888 • Fax 620-342-8108 Volume 4, No.45 FHSHOPPER. COM Automotive: (620) 343-7063 After Hours & Weekends 620-341-9111 Thanks to all who serve! Time for your read us online Flu Shot! No appointment needed! 820 Graham St. • Emporia www.CollisionBodyKS.com 620-343-1590 M-F • 8am - 5pm HOT SPECIALS - while supplies last! STYLISH SOFAS YOUR CHOICE ONLY your hometown pharmacy 1400 W. 12th Ave Flint Hills Shopper $299 OR $26 PER MONTH* 620-208-8888 REFRIGERATION 620-794-3926 My customers are the greatest. Call Anthoney Worthy for a $65 furnace tuneup & inspection COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Experienced with all makes & models! 6 ways to pay including payment plans with NO Credit Check* Nick Jacob Agency, LLC We Do Facial Waxing & Hair Straightening EXTRA COMFORTABLE RECLINING SOFA 907 Commercial St. • Emporia (620) 343-6300 • (877) 653-6300 Toll Free [email protected] RANGE American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office - Madison, WI 53783 as low as $299 3 $ Adult 95orOff kid cut 3 $ Off Eyebrow Wax only $599or $26 per month FIRM MATTRESS 59 $ twin FULL . . . . . . . . . $79 QUEEN . . . . . . . $99 KING . . . . . . . . $119 © 2011 or $26 per month* FREE HD TV with select MATTRESS SET PURCHASE* As an American Family agent, I consider it an honor to be trusted with helping you protect your family through good times and bad. Thank you. Gentle Chiropractic PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET 169 $ 002140 - Rev. 6/11 twin • Back Pain • Neck • Numbness • Headaches • Arthritis • Bursitis • Shoulder Pain • Arm/Leg Pain • Hip Pain • Painful Joints • Stiffness • Cold Hands/Feet FULL SET . . . . $189 QUEEN SET . . $199 KING SET . . . . $349 *WAC Some restrictions apply. See store for details Most insurance companies recognize and cover chiropractic care. Initial Consultation - FREE!! (Does not include physical exam) TO DETERMINE IF CHIROPRACTIC CAN HELP YOU With This Coupon Expires Dec. 13, 2014 CALL 620-343-1616 TODAY Dr. Patrick E. Murray, D.C., N.D. No Appointment Necessary. (620) 342-1910 2313 Industrial, Emporia M-F 9-7 • Sat. 9-6 LYNDON 603 Washington Street 785-828-3322 1-800-39-CHIRO Chiropractor Acupuncturist EMPORIA 812 Anderson 620-343-1616 1-800-75-CHIRO Page 2 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER SENIOR MEALS Neosho Rapids Senior meals are served Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday beginning at noon. If you are 60 or older, a $3.15 donation is appreciated; meal is $5 for those under 60. For reservations or cancellations in Neosho Rapids call (620) 342-8232. We accept everyone – Uninsured, Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance like Blue Cross, Blue Shield, United, Cigna A team approach to managing your overall health! Dr. Patel is a psychiatrist who will help you and your Primary Care Provider manage medications and develop lifestyles to achieve optimal health – for medical and mental health! Call today to schedule your appointment. Behavioral Health Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday – Friday Dr. Dilip Patel, M.D. /FlintHillsHealth /FHCHC FOOD PANTRY The Hartford Community Food Pantry, 201 E. Park Ave., will be open Wednesday, November 12 from 4-6:30 p.m. Clothing and some household goods are available. This is open to residents of the USD #252 School District and residents of Reading. HARVEST SUPPER The annual Harvest BRING IN THIS AD FOR Supper for the Bethel community will be held Off Fees on Saturday, Novemon 1st Loans! ber 15 at 6:30 p.m. at Debit card pay day the Schoolhouse. Each loans now available! Some restrictions apply family is asked to bring a covered dish, a dessert and table service. The Pep & Progress Comis the Place to Go! munity Unit will provide Get Up To Title & the turkey, dressing, Payday Loans mashed potatoes, gravy FAST 1309 W. 6th, Emporia and drinks. Lyon County EMPORIA (620) 342-8999 Extension agents will present a short program about the Anderson Building remodeling and the $50,000 matching donation. 50% $ 1500 $ Brian Filinger Jacinda Kahle Callie Thomsen Amy Pedersen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Agent Sales Associate 1015 Industrial, Ste. B Emporia, KS OLDER KANSANS EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM The OKEP will meet on Tuesday, November 18, 10 am., at the Emporia Friendship Meals, 221 W. Logan. Join them for coffee, meet other job seekers and hear employers and motivational speakers. Sales Associate Sales Associate 620-342-2500 www.brianfillinger.com Registered Representative/Securities & services offered through Equitrust Marketing Services, LLC, 5400 University Avenue, West Des Moines, IA 50266, 877.860.2904, Member SPIC Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance • Western Agricultural Insurance Co. • Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company • Affiliates *Company Providers of Farm Bureau Financial Services COYOTE CALLING CONTEST The Ethan Carroll Memorial Coyote Calling Contest will be held November 29 at the Morris County 4-H Building, Council Grove. A 2-person team with option of one youth 14 and under. Cost is $100 per team. A pre-contest meeting will be held on November 28 at 7 p.m. Entries must be Please see Tidbits, Page 6 Tuesday, November 11, 2014 on Page 12 Need Help? Alcoholic Anonymous Hotline Emporia Area 620-794-6718 Tuesday, November 11, 2014 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Keep Warm • Conventional Heaters • Automatic Thermostat • Propane or Natural Gas • Optional Ceramic Logs • Ventless or Vented • Optional Blower with Total Convenience and Comfort. Empire Ventless Heaters • 99.9% Efficiency • No Electricity Required • No Outside Venting • Blue Flame or Infrared • 10,000 - 30,000 Btu • Thermostat Control The Right Heat. Right Where You Need It! Page 3 Heaters Sales • Service • Installation 2608 W. Hwy. 50 • Emporia, KS 66801 (620) 342-2835 • 800-342-2835 www.ssoilpropane.com See how A Little Steel can protect your Home in a Big Way! Seamless Steel Siding Seamless Steel Gutters & Windows, too! No matter what color you run! www.abcseamless.com 620-341-2662 Page 4 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER All you can eat Soup Friday & Salad November 14 6-9 pm Coffee or Tea 12.50 $ OLDTIME FIDDLERS, PICKERS & SINGERS The Flint Hills Chapter of the Kansas Oldtime Fiddlers, Pickers and Singers will have their ~ Daily Lunch Specials ~ Mon. - Roast Beef Tues. - Pan Fried Chicken Wed. - Cook’s Choice Thurs. - Ham Fri. - Mexican monthly meeting on Sunday, November 16 at the Emporia Senior Center, 603 E. 12th, from 1- 6 p.m. This club is for people of all ages. If you enjoy listening to oldtime music or want to dance, they welcome DOWNTOWN READING (620) 699-3009 M-Th. 9am-3:30 pm Fri. 9 am-9 pm Sat. 6-11 am Breakfast only Tuesday, November 11, 2014 you. If you play an instrument, bring it along and join the fun. Membership includes a monthly newsletter telling where all the meetings are held. There are 10 chapters throughout the state. MUSIC IN BURLINGTON Rex and Bud will perform on Thursday, November 13, at the Burlington Senior Center, 202 Neosho St. Join them for an evening of food, music, dancing and fellowship. The covered dish dinner begins at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Donations will be accepted. For more information, contact Bill at (620) 4901423. Daily Specials (620) 528-3355 Fall Open House And Harvest Celebration GUN & AMMO SHOW Herington Community Building 810 S. Broadway • Herington, KS Sat., Nov. 15 (9-5) Sun., Nov. 16 (9-3) Repeating Rifle Giveaway! Also, Reloading, Knives, Coins, Gold, Silver, Military Surplus Info. Call Brett, (785) 258-2987 after 6 p.m. The White Memorial Camp, 1271 S. 1050 Rd, Council Grove, will hold a Fall Open House and Harvest Celebration on Saturday, November 15 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. They will have homemade chili and cinnamon rolls, hayrack rides and camp tours, walking tours with map, prairie surfing, fireplace chatting, face painting, balloon catapult and door prizes. The camp provides summer youth camps, adult with developmental disabilities camps, bed and breakfast weekends, cabin rental, family reunions, weddings, group retreats and workshops, meetings, challenge course programs, outdoor education site for schools and hunter cabin rental. Thanksgiving Day BUFFET Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Let us do the Cooking! Thursday, November 27 • 11am-10pm Adults $12.99 • Children $5.49 • Hand carved smoked Ham and slow-roasted Beef • Smoked turkeys • Peach glazed pork loin • Fried chicken • Beef and noodles • Pan seared with whitefish topped shrimp mornay • Chicken, broccoli, smoked sausage in tomato-garlic glaze over rice • Traditional dressing • Cornbread dressing • Mashed potatoes with two gravies • Yams • Country style green beans • Corn pudding • Roasted vegetables • Fried zucchini, okra, and pickles It is time to place your order for Smoked Hams and Smoked Whole Turkeys for the Holidays! Catering for the season is available from Country Pride, Call for details and pricing! Beto Junction • Hwy 75 & I-35 620.256.2032 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Page 5 • Plumbing • Heating • Electrical • Cooling Call today and have your furnace serviced for the winter season! Service contacts are available Call today 785-528-3912 Page 6 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER TIDBITS From PAGE 2 postmarked by November 16 for T-shirts. To register contact Tim King at (620) 767-2133, [email protected] or write to 940 S. 1700 Rd, Council Grove, KS 66846; Clifford Carroll at (785) 466-1405 or bullseye@ tctelco.net. This is a benefit for the Morris County Sharp Shooters, 4-H Shooting Sports Project, in honor of Ethan Carroll. All proceeds will help purchase equipment and supplies for the 4-H Youth and help fund the program. Ethan was one of the first members who was taken from earth way too early. So go out, help them honor his memory and support 4-H Shooting Sports. CALLING ALL CONTRACTORS Calling All Contractors! The Lyon County Conservation District has partnered with the Flint Hills Shopper to establish a great advertising opportunity for you! List your business information in our annual meeting program and receive a discounted rate on an advertisement space in the Flint Hills Shopper’s Conservation Edition Library Fun STORY HOUR Story Hour at Elmendaro Township Library, Hartford, is Tuesday, November 18 from 9:3010:30 a.m. for children ages 5 and under who are accompanied by an adult. There will be stories with guest readers, crafts with Chelsis, and music and games with Catherine. November 18 is Kansas Reads “Is Everyone Ready for Fun?” by Jan Thomas. STORYTIME Fall Storytime at the Emporia Public Library, 110 E. 6th Ave. Join them for music, activities, stories and crafts! Choose a storytime that best suits your family’s schedule and join them for fun! Pat-a-Cake Club, infants to 18 months, Thursday 9:15 a.m.; Mother Goose Time, toddlers to 36 months, Monday and Thursday, 9:45 a.m.; Preschool Storytime, ages 3-5 years, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 a.m. Every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. is Family Night @ the Library. All ages are welcome. For more information, contact (620) 392-5518, e-mail [email protected] or visit their website at http://hartford.mykansaslibrary.org. that will publish January 27, 2015. The deadline to submit information has been extended to December 15, 2014. For more information call Kelsey Fuller at 620-3432813 ext. or email kelsey. [email protected]. HELP CAMILLE COOPER Camille Copper an ELA teacher at Timmerman Elementary school a mother of 2, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The goal of this event to raise money for the fam- ily to help with medical treatment cost, travel and loss of income. So on November 13, Freddy’s Frozen Custard is having an all day fundraiser to help out. Freddy’s is giving 15% of all sales to the Copper’s. All you have to do is mention I am here to support the Copper family. ABWA TO MEET The Emporia Charter Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association will meet on Tues- Lyon County Historical Facts Provided by Lyon County Historical Society The College Building in Hartford was originally founded as the Hartford Collegiate Institute in 1861. The Neosho Valley Educational Association elected a board for the purpose of locating and founding an institution of learning to prepare students for Baker University. The school was sponsored by the Methodist Church, and classes were first offered in October of 1863. When a schism developed between the Methodist North and Methodist South churches, it became difficult to maintain a school. Local classes met on the lower floor for a time. Once Hartford established a four-year high school, those classes met in the old college building. Over the years the building has also been used for church meetings, senior citizen dinners, Boy Scouts, and other activities. James Lusk of the Ruggles neighborhood south of the Neosho River Bridge south of Americus had to blow out candles on four cakes when he celebrated his 86th birthday in 1940. The cakes were presented by Mrs. Ross Disney, Mrs. Vol Peak of Americus, Mrs. V.W. Goodyear of Topeka, and Mrs. Frank Sloan of Newton. Lusk and his wife were married in 1876 in Iowa before coming to Kansas in 1881. Their prairie schooner was ferried across the Missouri River at Kansas City. While living in Clark County in a sod house, they experienced the last big Indian scare in Kansas and the historymaking blizzard of 1885-1886. They moved to the Ruggles neighborhood in 1897. Mrs. Lusk died just days after her husband’s birthday party. Tuesday, November 11, 2014 day, November 18, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held following dinner at 1217 Presby. Call Robin Beatty at 366-2594 for reservations if you are interested in attending our meeting. EAGLE CREEK SADDLE CLUB Eagle Creek Saddle Club awards banquet will be held on Sunday, November 16, noon, at Olpe High School cafeteria. Please bring a covered dish. The meat and table service will be provided. Go and support the club. DIDDE FRIENDS Coffee with Didde friends and family is Saturday, November 15, 8:30-11 a.m. at the Best Western, 3021 W. Hwy. 50, Emporia. Everyone is welcome. Bring pictures and stories if you like! Custom Order Early For Christmas! Personalize Your Name Rock or Bench Great Christmas Gift! Variety of Styles Available! Tuesday, November 11, 2014 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Page 7 4-H News Lyon County 4-H Council by Sarah Moyer, Reporter It is a new year for 4-H, and that meant newly elected Council representatives. Following the meeting’s pledges, the 4-H Council had the honor of welcoming the MidKansas Cooperative Association. Thank you to them for their support through a generous donation and those who were involved with that presentation! Officer reports took place, as well as the agent report. Corinne reported more about the new online member forms for this year. That registration begins November 1st! County-wide officer training is on November 3rd after the regular Council meeting. During other reports, the scholarships and achievement committee reported final details for the achievement banquet. Club representatives announced they had held officer elections for the 2014-2015 year. During new business, Council passed a motion to pay outstanding bills, reviewed for the Achievement Banquet, and proceeded to 4-H Council officer elections. The new officer team consists of Sarah Moyer as President, Kyle Pedersen as Vice President, Maddie Simmons as secretary, Luke Ikerd as Treasurer, and Karlee Wigton as Reporter. Council had one adult advisor position to fill, so it was voted on that Robyn MacGregor would fill that spot. Amy Pedersen and Penny Smith will be continuing with their second year. After brushing up on the upcoming dates and hearing announcements, the meeting was adjourned. Logan Avenue 4-H Club by Ashlyn Alingh, Club Reporter The Logan Avenue 4-H Club held our October meeting on Saturday, October 18 at 5:30 p.m. at the home of Don and Darlene Witherspoon, and was called to order by President Taylor Botkin. There was no roll call or minutes read from the previous meeting. Our club did welcome two new families to our 4-H club at this time. Leaders, Kim Botkin and Monica Scarberry talked about the new pamphlet that helps describe the new online enrollment process for the new 4-H year, and to not enroll online until you have received an email from our club leaders to do so. Tracy Simmons passed out the record books and reported that our club had turned in 24 record books this year, and had done an amazing job. The leaders t i m b u S your d fie i s s a l C Online 24/7 om er.c p p o h fhs 88 08-88 620-2 reminded4-H members that the county Achievement Celebration was Sunday, October 26 from 3-6 pm at the Granada Theatre, and encouraged everyone to attend. Our club program was handing out club achievement awards to our club members. Evie Simmons and Ashley Storrer were recognized asoutgoing members, and for all their hard work and contribution to our 4-H club. Chocolate from the Sweet Granada was the reward given to those members who had perfect attendance over the last year. Our meeting was adjourned, and our club then celebrated our club’s achievements over the past year by having a wiener roast dinner followed by smores cooked over a bonfire. Our next 4-H meeting will be November 10 at 7 p.m. at the Presbyterian church on 15th Avenue( our usual location). Page 8 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Tuesday, November 11, 2014 4-H News Lyon County 4-H Members Earn Special Awards Special to the Flint Hills Shopper The Lyon County 4-H Achievement Celebration was held on Sunday, October 26 at the Granada Theatre. This program recognized and celebrates 4-H members for their hard work throughout the 4-H year. Nearly 120 4-Hers were recognized for record book and pin awards. The Busy Beavers 4-H Club was named club of the year. Aubrey Jenkins, of the Logan Avenue 4-H Club and Sarah Moyer, of the Cloverleaf 4-H Club, received the 4-H Key award this year. This is a prestigious award that recognizes leadership, citizenship and service in 4-H and in the community. Only about one percent of the more than 29,000 Kansas 4-H members receive this award each year. Elliott Smith, of the Model Boosters 4-H Club, and Wyatt Bolen, of the Rinker 4-H Club, received the “I Dare You” award this year. This award is sponsored by the American Youth Foundation and challenges young people to achieve their highest potential and to influence others through lives of service. Loraine Zweimiller was named this year’s Friend of 4-H award and Gary, Lisa, Lane and Logan Fuller Family was named 4-H Family of the Year. Lyon County 4-H also recognized two outstanding members with the Phyllis Webb Memorial Award. Phyllis was a Lyon County 4-H member, parent, grandparent and leader. This award is presented to two senior level 4-H members who have excelled in the 4-H program in leadership, citizenship, setting and achieving goals, reaching their fullest potential Close-Out on United States Department of Agriculture. Contact the Lyon County Extension Office at (620) 342-3220 for more information about 4-H educational programs. K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity employer and provider. Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating. New & Used Mowers Up to ff! O 0 0 $4,0 as individuals, and their dedication to the 4-H program “To Make the Best Better.” The recipients of the Phyllis Webb Memorial Award were Chloe Creager, daughter of Brian and Jill Creager, of the Happy Harvesters 4-H Club, and Evie Simmons, daughter of Rand and Tracy Simmons, of the Logan Avenue 4-H Club. Lyon County 4-H is part of K-State Research and Extension and the Prices drastically reduced on in-stock inventory! “Partnering Together to Nurture the Land” 0% 36 m for onths on se 0 down lect m ower WA C See for de store tails s! Ask for Nik or Chad! 620.342.5000 • 1744 County Rd. F • Emporia Tuesday, November 11, 2014 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Page 9 Open Enrollment Time by Rhonda Gordon, Lyon County Extension Office We are hearing a lot in the news about open enrollment time for Medicare Part D plans. Open Enrollment for Medicare Part D runs from October 15th to December 7th each year, for coverage that begins January 1st and runs the whole year. Everyone should shop their Part D plan every year. If you don’t want to make changes that is fine, but make an informed decision. There are changes to the plans every year and you don’t want any surprises come January 1st of 2015. Medicare offers prescription drug coverage to everyone with Medicare. Even if you don’t take many or any prescriptions now, you should consider joining a Medicare drug plan. If you decided not to join a Medicare drug plan when you are first eligible and you don’t have other creditable prescription drug coverage, or you don’t get Extra Help, you will pay a late enrollment penalty if you join a plan later. What does creditable coverage mean? Creditable coverage means you have other sources of drug coverage. You have coverage with a current or former employer or union, you might have coverage with the Tricare or the Veteran Affairs. If your current coverage is at least as good as the Medicare Part D plan you choose then you are considered to have creditable coverage. To get Medicare prescription drug coverage, you must join a plan run by an insurance company or other private company approved by Medicare. Each plan can vary in cost and specific drugs covered. For the 2015 Part D plans there are currently 28 plans in our area. If you currently have employer or union coverage check with your benefits administrator before you make any changes, or before you sign up for other coverage. If you drop your employer or union coverage you might not be able to get it back. Also, you may not be able to drop prescription drug coverage without dropping your health insurance (doctor and hospital coverage). Make sure you check before you make changes with your benefits administrator. You are eligible for special enrollment periods for a Medicare Part D plan if you move out of your plans service area. Generally speaking this means a permanent move to another state. If you winter in another state you want to make sure you pick a plan that has national coverage. Not all plans offer national coverage, so if you do a lot of traveling or you winter in another state keep these things in mind. Another special enrollment period would be if you lose creditable coverage like you retire mid-year of 2015. You would need to pick up coverage before the end of your creditable coverage. If you or a person you care for are a resident of a long term care facility, you are eligible to change your cover every month as your prescriptions change. If you have Medicaid or qualify for Extra Help then you also are eligible for special enrollment periods. You should shop your Medicare Part D plan every year October 15th to December 7th. If you decide to make a switch, it is easy. Your old Medicare drug plan coverage will end when your new drug plan begins which is on January 1st of the new calendar year. You will get a letter from your new Medicare Part D plan stating when your coverage starts. Please see Enrollment, Page 16 Flint Hills Mall • Monday, December 1 • 9am-7pm It’s a day of giving for 15 charitable organizations in the Emporia area. The more you give, the more your favorite charities get from our $20,000 MATCH POOL. Donate to these Charitable Organizations Lyon County Crime Stoppers Lyon County RSVP Military Car Packages Never Let Go Fund Project Teen - Flint Hills Community Health Center, Inc. Sertoma Train What’s in Outdoors Chase County Care & Compassion Emporia Celebrates the Flint Hills Emporia Eastside Community Group Emporia Municipal Band Emporia Senior Center Food for Students Friends of the Emporia Animal Shelter Hispanics of Today & Tomorrow Donations accepted only on the day of the event. For more information: Call 620-342-9304 • Visit the ECF Website emporiacf.org Brought to you by: • Hopkins Foundation • Trusler Foundation • Reeble Foundation • Emporia Community Foundation OLD NEWS IS FUN NEWS Provided by the North Lyon County Historical Society and Museum at Admire, Kansas ALLEN TIDINGS, NOVEMBER 1, 1888 - Guy Serviss had a valuable team of horses stolen from his pasture near Emporia a week ago. They were recovered at Osage City Monday. - Thomas McLinden, an unfortunate lad with a broken arm, was soliciting aid in our town last Saturday to enable him to get to his home at Clay Center. - This point would be an excellent vocation for an elevator and feed mill. Such an institution would not only pay the proprietor but would greatly help all other branches of trade in our city. Let us take steps to secure one immediately. - Perhaps the most important event that has occurred in this city for some time was the occasion of the 21st birthday of our friend Mr. George Grimsley which occurred last Saturday. The event was celebrated in an appropriate manner with his friends from near and far. George is a jolly good fellow, aspires to be somebody, and is certainly more of a man today than he was 21 years ago. Page 10 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Emporia Farmers Market The Emporia Farmers Market vendors has made the transition from the parking lot to the indoor location. Starting at 10 a.m., the doors of the Emporia Humanitarian Center will open for the fifth season of Indoor Winter Markets. The winter season is made possible by a generous grant from the Emil Babinger Charitable Trust. Markets are located in the south end of the Emporia Humanitarian Center (former Lowther South school building) at 215 W. 6th Avenue, from 10 a.m. to noon. The following items are expected for sale at Indoor Winter Markets: apples (9 varieties), apple cider, beef, eggs, herbs (fresh and dried), honey, jams & jellies, kale, mixed leaf lettuce, peppers (mild through hot), radishes, baby romaine, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon (small black diamond). Baked goods vendors will have a vari- ial t n e d F gifts. Homemade lotions, soaps, and lip balms are also expected. Artists who are interested in joining the Emporia Farmers America Recycles Day Celebrated at the Emporia Recycling Center Saturday, November 15, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 3100 W. South Avenue Tours, Prizes and Drawing for Recycler Lawn Mower RCeIr c i a l • I n omm n o i t a tall •C l a i r t dus s e c i Serv t n e m Baseir We do more than just insulate! We spray open and closed cell and high density foam. It lifts concrete slabs & sidewalks, increases structural value and SAVES ON ENERGY COST. Roof Covering capabilities for Residential, Commercial & Agricultural needs! Structural and application requirements will apply. Foundation Coating Application Market for the month of December (three market opportunities) should contact Tracy Simmons, Market Manager, at (620) 343-6555. America Recycles Day m epa a R n h o i t n a r u und o B F h t i & w ion t a i c o s s a in repurposed) are a few of the items that can be expected. November and December markets will feature holiday decorations for sale, as well as The Natural Resource Advisory Board and City of Emporia invite you to attend s n I m oa Resi ety of breads, including herbed, whole wheat and sweet breads, as well as cinnamon rolls, cookies, homemade pies, angel food cakes and more. Indoor Winter Markets also feature a variety of artisan crafts and artwork. Handmade quilts, bags and purses, rag rugs, sock critters, handmade jewelry (original and 318 Neosho St • Emporia, KS • 620.342.0006 Tuesday, November 11, 2014 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Big Brothers Big Sisters Match of the Month Please meet our November match of the month, Josh and Tyce! Josh, who is the store manager of Shoe Sensation said, “I decided to volunteer because I wanted to learn how to be a good male figure in someone’s life.” Josh will be expecting a son soon and said he wanted to learn firsthand how to be a good Big Brother because he thinks it directly applies to being a good father. Josh and Tyce’s favorite memory of their match so far is when they were able to go see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie this summer. When asked, Josh said, “I would describe my little as energetic, funny and kind.” Tyce, a 2nd grader in Emporia said his favorite things to do with his Big Brother is playing arcade games, like air hockey, and playing tetherball. Tyce described Josh as awesome, nice and funny. His favorite part about being involved in BBBSFH is getting to do fun activities with Josh. Josh is a great volunteer for BBBSFH and is very passionate about his time with Tyce. He told us that he is very thankful for this match and really enjoys making a difference in Tyce’s life. If you have ever considered mentoring or would like to learn more please call us at (620) 3425645! Page 11 ARLENE EICHORN SCHOLARSHIP ACCEPTING APPLICANTS The Friends of Flint Hills Community Health Center have announced they are accepting applicants for the 2015 Arlene Eichorn Scholarship. The Friends of FHCHC offer the $500 scholarship annually to an outstanding student enrolled in a program offering a degree in Dental Hygiene, Licensed Practical Nursing, or other medical ancillary program. Arlene Eichorn was a beloved employee of the health center, according to the Friends of FHCHC, so the group established a scholarship fund in her name for students in these health fields. Criteria for selection include a high school diploma or GED; a connection to Lyon County or the surrounding area; attendance at an approved program for LPN, dental hygiene or other medical ancillary program; meeting the promotion policies for progression in the program (and sending a transcript or copy of Ratcliff Propane LLC Travis Ratcliff (620) 366-1967 ratcliffpropanellc.com Home and Commercial Propane Delivery grades earned with application); and a letter of endorsement from one faculty member of the student’s current program. Primary consideration will be given to applicants’ academic achievement. Applications are available at Flint Hills Technical College or through the health center CEO’s office. Applications are due to the Administrative Assistant at the health center by 3 p.m. on Jan. 2, 2015. For questions, contact Friends of FHCHC Board Member Joann Sanderson at 620-3420874 or the Administrative Assistant at 620-3424864, option 6. The Friends of FHCHC is an independent organization that was established to promote and support the efforts of the health center. In addition to the scholarship, the group raises funds for the Eileen Greisher Memorial Fund to help eligible individuals receive medication and provide education for health center staff. Community members who are interested in joining the Friends of FHCHC should contact Alice Brockhouse at 620342-5053. Flint Hills Community Health Center offers medical, dental and behavioral health services on a sliding-fee scale, and serves residents with and without insurance. FHCHC works to promote the health and well-being of the entire community and provides health department services through a contract with Lyon County. Page 12 BREAKFAST IN ALLEN The North Lyon County Youth Association will hold their monthly breakfast buffet on Saturday, November 15 from 7-10 a.m. at the old Allen gym. Cost is $6 which includes sausage, biscuits and gravy, eggs, pancakes, drink and a variety of other items. SOUP SUPPER The previous Methodist Church in Dunlap is in the historical Society of Morris County. will have a fundraiser, Saturday November FLINT HILLS SHOPPER 15. They will hold a soup and chili supper with salad and dessert at the church site from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. or until the food is gone. It is a freewill donation for the maintenance and utilities. All of the money raised will be used at Dunlap. They are in the process of opening a museum honoring Dunlap and its rich history of the Kaw Indians, the black exodus, the railroad, the early town, schools and churches. They have been collecting stories and pictures as well as histories. THANKSGIVING MEAL As a “thank you“ to our community for their support Olpe United Methodist Church will serve a traditional Thanksgiving meal on Saturday, November 15 from 5:30-7 p.m. or until the food runs out. The menu will include turkey and dressing, ham, potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, salads, desserts and beverages. The meal will be served in our handicapped accessible Fellowship Hall at Olpe UMC, 120 W. Liesterscheid, Olpe. If you have questions you may call (620) 7944324. TURKEY DINNER BASKET DRAWING St. Catherine’s Youth Group is selling chances to win a Turkey Dinner Basket. The basket will include a noncooked turkey, stuffing mix, mashed potatoes with gravy package, corn, rolls and a pump- Tuesday, November 11, 2014 kin pie. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5. The sale will end on November 22. The winner will be announced on Sunday, November 23 at St. Catherine’s Church at the end of 1:30 p.m. mass. You do not need to be present to win. For tickets or more information, call Amanda Rodriguez at (620) 340-3258. Proceeds will be donated to The Never Let Go Fund and to Catholic Charities. HARVEST DINNER The Allen United Methodist Church will be having a Harvest Dinner on Sunday evening,November 16, from 5 – 7 p.m. The menu features beef brisket, cheesy potatoes, green beans, homemade rolls and desserts. A free will offering is appreciated. Carry outs available by calling (620) 528-3442 that evening. Tuesday, November 11, 2014 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Families ready for holiday adoption For most of us, the holidays are a time of family celebration and happiness. For families torn apart by domestic violence or child abuse, the holidays are an ugly reminder of the pain and fear they are experiencing. To help make the holidays brighter for those troubled families, SOS is asking for your help to provides basic needs and small gifts to families during the holidays. Families/individuals are eligible for adoption if they have worked with SOS consistently the last three months and do not qualify for assistance from the Salvation Army. Those available for adoption are from within the six counties SOS serves: Chase, Coffey, Lyon, Greenwood, Morris and Chase. If you are interested in adopting a family/ Page 13 Emporia Welding Supply (Under New Ownership) Since November 2013 We provide the finest quality products at competitive prices and stand behind what we sell and service! • Welding & Industrial Equipment • Welding Gases • Materials & Safety Products We Salute Our Veterans Thank you to all the brave men & women who served for the cause of freedom! We service and repair welders, plasma cutters, torches and regulators. 610 East Street, Emporia 620-342-3160 Ron Kuhlmann Page 14 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Treasures Hello, I work at an archaeological contracting company. We excavated a mug from a historic site in Mississippi and are having trouble identifying and dating it. We believe it to be ironstone with a black transfer print with what we believe to be the image of Abraham Lincoln and an unidentified man on one side and a strange game being played on the other. The phrase "We be loggerheads three" is across the top. The alphabet is molded along the rim. We are stumped! Can you tell me anything about this artifact? Thank you, K. W. Dear K. W.: This is one of the more curious requests we have received in our long career and it certainly intrigued and challenged us. Perhaps we should begin by saying this is a child's alphabet mug, or an ABC mug as it is more commonly called. These started being made in the 1820s, and production continued through the 1860s. That is not to say these alphabet wares were not made later, because they were popular once again in the late 19th century and early 20th centuries. The earliest of these were made from creamware (a whitish or cream-colored earthen- ware sometimes called "Queensware"), which was introduced in the 1740s and continued to be made well into the 19th century with production revived by Wedgwood. Most ABC plates and mugs _ the plates are far more commonly found than the mugs _ were made from ironstone, which was introduced by Mason's and was patented In July 1813 as Mason's Patent Ironstone China. Many subsequent potters tried to copy this tough and durable ware and named it such things as "Stone China," "Opaque China," and "Granite China." This ware was most popular from the 1830s through the 1890s, and we believe this mug is from the earlier portion of this time spread. But does it have anything whatsoever to do with Abraham Lincoln? We doubt it, and it would have helped us to know why K. W. thought so. The figure does indeed resemble the 16th president of the United States, but this cup is English in origin and was intended for use by a child, and we doubt a political contest would have interested most children of the day. "We be loggerheads three" probably does not refer to the election of 1860, in which there were actually four U.S. presidential contenders _ Abraham Lincoln, John Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen Douglas (the 1864 presidential election only had two candidates, Lincoln and George McClellan). Other than turtles and tools, the term "loggerheads" refers to a blockhead or stupid person and comes from the English word "logger," a block of wood. It also means to be in a state of quarrelsome disagreement. In addition, Loggerheads is the name of a village in Denbighshire, Wales and one in Staffordshire, England. We are not sure what the actual game being played on this mug is (the contestants seem to be wielding large brushes _ so a mug fight?), but we think the caption may be (at least in part) "contest of honor." But too much is missing to be positive. In summation, this is a really nice and rare child's ironstone ABC mug from the 185060s, but we doubt that the image on the front is that of Abraham Lincoln. The value, of course, is historic rather than monetary. ___ Helaine Fendelman and Joe Rosson have written a number of books on antiques. Do you have an item you'd like to know more about? Contact them at Joe Rosson, P.O. Box 27419, Knoxville, TN, or email them at [email protected]. If you'd like your question to be considered for their column, please include a high-resolution photo of the subject, which must be in focus, with your inquiry. Distributed by MCT Information Services Tuesday, November 11, 2014 4th Annual Shop Lebo “Eat, Shop & Play!” • November 29, 2014 Vendor booths available $10 per booth • Contact Amber 620.343.0663 7:00-10:00am 9:30am-2:30pm 9:00am-3:00pm S l h a op Lebo u n n A d r 3 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER • EAT • Pre/Play School Pancake Feed, Lebo School Commons area. Lebo American Legion Chili Cook-Off, Reed Company Building, 2738 Fauna Rd. (Old Dream Homes Building). Entry Forms at City Hall. American Legion will have hot dogs & refreshments all day. Food Specials at Lebo Diner, Kwik Ship & Heidi Inn • SHOP • Home-based businesses, crafts, vendors located at the Reed Company Building (Old Dream Homes Building) ALL DAY Open House G&L Flean Market and Linhart Liquor. Shop all our local businesses and while you’re shopping register to win. Winners receive $25 in local Merchant Bucks. ! s l e e H r u o pY u k c i K Ladies Night Out at PrairieLand Partners John Deere Thursday, November 20 5:30-7 p.m. FREE GIFT TO THE FIRST 50 WOMEN!! UNTS ON SCO I D MERCHANDISE Outside vendors will include: Thirty One, Paula’s Creations, Mary Kay, Gold Canyon Candles, Stampin’ Up, Longaberger Baskets, Kika Paprika, Tastefully Simple, Pampered Chef, Tupperware, BeautiControl and Handcrafted Jewelry. Come and enjoy a FREE MASSAGE – Refreshments – Door Prizes! 8:00am 8:30am • PLAY • Page 15 Kari’s Diamonds will be here for ring inspections and FREE ring cleaning. Ugly Sweater Contest - Football field. Lebo School “Ugly Sweater Fun Run” Call 620-256-6161 or 620-340-2906. Registration is $15 by Nov. 14. $20 day of run. 11:00am-2:00pm Horse & Carriage Rides, Face Painting and Caricature Artist. Outdoor Fun and Education, fur harvesting, decoying and fishing with Outdoor Universe and Fishing’s Future. “Partnering Together to Nurture the Land” Don’t miss out on all the fun located at football field and the Reed Company Building. 2 miles West of Emporia on Hwy 50 620.342.5000 • 1744 County Rd. F • Emporia Page 16 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER ENROLLMENT From PAGE 9 The Medicare Part D plan premium varies depending on which plan you choose. You need to compare the Part D plans by which plan will cover all of your prescription drugs for the year and total cost to you for the year. It is hard to compare the plans just based on the monthly premium, you really need to plug all your prescription drugs into the plan finder and see which plan is best for you based on the total cost for the year. Medicare Part D plans change their formularies each year, so just because the plan worked for you last year doesn’t mean that is will be best plan for you next year. It is so important for people to shop their plan every year. The people I have seen so far this year about half had made a change to save themselves money. The biggest savings I have seen so far this year is just over $5,000 dollars for the year, and the smallest is about $30.00. A savings is a savings, it doesn’t cost anything to shop your Medicare Part D plan. There are a couple of places you can get help is shopping your plans The Department of Aging, Doug Steuve and his crew are taking appointments call them to make an appointment. I am also taking appointments out at the Extension Office. Call me at 341-3220 to schedule your appointment between now and December 7th. We are also having a two day event at the Courthouse Annex on November 21 and 22nd. You can call the department of Aging to make an appointment for this event as well. We are taking reservations for appointments, walk ins are welcome but it is Tuesday, November 11, 2014 suggested to have an appointment. If you have questions about your Medicare Part D plan please give me a call at the Extension Office 341-3220. Rhonda Gordon is the Family and Consumer Sciences agent for KState Research and Extension in Lyon County. For more information on this column, nutrition, food safety, parenting, financial management, health and safety email Rhonda at rgordon@ksu. edu call the Lyon County Extension Office at 620-341-3220. K-State Research and Extension provides “Knowledge for Life”. Chase County Museum Messenger By Derrick Doty, Chase County Historical Museum Director The Burnley Memorial Library in Cottonwood Falls recently gifted us with some models that have been housed at the library for about as long as anyone can remember. Two of the items, a log cabin and covered wagon, are identified as having been made by the Works Progress Administration shop in Emporia. The Works Progress Administration was part of the New Deal legislation enacted by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935. The WPA was responsible for building many pub- lic structures such as libraries, bridges and courthouses. The WPA also had projects for the arts. Murals were painted and models, such as the ones we now have on display, were made by crafters and sent to museums and libraries all over the state. The project provided employment for people and enhanced communities by preserving and promoting art, history and culture. At its peak, the WPA employed over 50,000 Kansans. In 1943 the program was brought to a close due to the war which not only took men away to fill the ranks, but also created employment for workers. Beside the cabin and wagon we also have a loom, spinning wheel and what we think is a water pump. A tag on the bottom of the loom reads ‘Loom completed/Date 12/13 No__’. So it appears the loom was made in 1913 long before the WPA and therefore has no connection with that project. The Chase County Historical Society & Museum is pleased to announce that much needed work on our electrical will soon be done thanks to a grant from the Chase County Community Fund and money from the County Building Fund. The money from the CCC Fund will complete phase one of the work which will be installation of lights and outlets in the first floor work and store room. Once complete, this will allow staff and researchers better work area for viewing, handling, photographing and processing artifacts and will ensure the safety and preservation of artifacts as well. UV filters will also be purchased to minimize damage caused by florescent lighting. Money from the County Building Fund will complete phase two which will add lighting and outlets to the second floor where it is planned in the future to have more display area. Our sincerest gratitude and thanks to both the Chase County Community Fund and the Commissioners for their assistance in making these improvements possible. Tuesday, November 11, 2014 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Page 17 FEEDING CATTLE? GOING HUNTING? WE HAVE THE UTILITY VEHICLE FOR YOU! G N I C N A r details. N I F % 0 e fo it. d ed cre pprov tor see s own with a ey d n No mo “Partnering Together to Nurture the Land” Ask for Nik or Chad! 620.342.5000 • 1744 County Rd. F • Emporia Page 18 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Tuesday, November 11, 2014 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, November 15 • 10 a.m. 1290 13th Lane, Burlington, KS Lyon County Extension Calendar Sunday, November 16 - Poultry Club Meeting, 1 p.m., Extension Meeting Room. Tuesday, November 18 - Cloverbuds, 6 p.m., Extension Meeting Room. For more information, contact the Lyon County Extension Office at (620) 341-3220. Hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. RLS AUCTIONS w w w.b id rl s. co m We are currently taking on LAND, FARM, ESTATE, BUSINESS LIQUIDATION and Downsizing AUCTIONS! We offer LIVE and Online Options or a Combination of Both! Our Capabilities are Endless! Reach Buyers you never thought Possible! Shop around before you Choose to Liquidate your assets, then call US. You Won’t be Disappointed. We are also taking Clean Consignments for future Live Auctions. RLS AUCTIONS LLC 2905 Bel Aire Dr • Emporia, KS • 620-208-6800 • Toll Free 855-784-3705 JJ Stutler, Auctioneer/Realtor 620-208-6800 Mike Phillips, Auctioneer & Owner 620-803-9090 Directions: From Burlington, go N on 75 Hwy 1/2 mile to 13th Rd. and turn W. Turn N on Lynx Place and proceed 1/2 mile to private drive. Parking will be along the road and in bean field if weather permits. Watch for auction signs! Tractors, Equipment & Mowers: 1996 Model JD 7600 tractor w/725 loader, 1043 hrs, power quad trans., 2WD, Immaculate condition! #RW7600 H008098; 1981 Model JD 950, 3 cylinder diesel w/864 hours! 3pt hitch, well taken care of! #014437; 2000 Model JD LT 155 Lawnmower, 38” cut, 15HP engine, excellent condition; 2009 Dixie Chopper Lawnmower, 60”, Generac 33HP engine, excellent condition, #8085217; Garfield 10' speed mover, very good condition; JD 60” 3pt. tiller, excellent condition; JD Pallet Fork Loader attachment, like new; (2) Very nice hay wagons w/ hydraulic beds, Approx 14'x7'; JD 3pt. handy basket. 40”x22; (2) JD & (1) sandwich antique hit and miss engines. ½” drill; heavy duty c-clamps; Stihl MS250 Chainsaw; Stihl 026 pro chainsaw; lots of chainsaw chains; sledge hammers; 1,000# of nuts, bolts & screws in jars; chain hooks; garden hoses; ladders; long handled garden & yard tools; Tecumseh walk behind weed trimmer; Eddy boy 26” garden tiller; Forney 611 volt battery charger; herbicides, including Pasturegard, Buccaneer Plus, Round-up Ultra Max. Rough Rider, Kamp King, Ridge Runner, Tomahawk, Frost, Kissing Crane, Timber Wolf, Rigid and more. Household, Antiques, Glass, Dishware & Collectibles: Franciscan 12 pc setting w/platter, pitcher, teapot etc. Apple pattern; silver plated platters including Pool, Castleton, WM Rogers, Rockwell plates; pink depression glass; glass servers, Russian plates w/certificates, “ The Love Sonnets Antique Blacksmithing, Farm of Shakespeare” & “Leporte Related & Tools: hundreds of blacksmith equip., including tongs, Del Ghiberti” collectors plates; hammers, forge, anvil etc. Antique Multiple & Foreign domestic beer steins; Monarch wood telephone tools: pipe tongs, ice tongs, hand shears, hatchets, broad axes, grub box (no phone); antiq. lightning ax, draw knives, brush cutter, large rods; Spartaflex camera; Brownie belt driven drill press, antique iron Hawkeye camera; vintage Minolta railroad 4-wheel cart; fish gigs, can camera; antiq. kerosene lanterns; Vehicles: 2005 Chevy Silverado, hook, 30+ meat cleavers, hay barn vases; vintage cigar boxes; large Crew Cab Z-71 off road package, pulleys, ropes & much, much more! antiq. doll approx. 3'. tall; pair of 4WD, auto., Vortec V-8, extra clean lg mahogany elephants; antiq. iron w/only 43,182 miles, hard cover shelf brackets; antiq. muffin pans; Guns & Knives: G. Zabalay Y Cia for bed, beautiful condition! 1996 SD, 10GA. 3 ½” chamber, side by vintage matchbook collection; Lincoln Town Car, 4 dr, V-8, power side. Beautiful vintage gun, good antiq. hand tools; vintage writing everything, cloth interior, 120K pens; stone crocks; antiq. wood condition, #34508; Winchester miles. Very good condition. Model 70. 270 w/vintage Weaver wine barrels; unique pair of locked together deer antlers, lg collection scope, very good condition Farm Misc., Modern Tools & #299274; Harrington & Richardson of scale model tractors & trucks & Chainsaws: Champion Industrial Model 176 10 GA., single shot, 3 ½” much more! air compressor; air bubble; 25 gal. chamber, 35” barrel, #AX457677; Schaben sprayer; 5’ & 6’ T-posts; Miscellaneous: Live trap; leghold Interarms .22LR semi-auto rifle, Parmak electric fence charger; & body grip traps; fish baskets; #319668; Marlin Model 55, 12GA, Fleet & Challenger 1”drive socket fishing equipment; good native single shot, 36” barrel; Huge set; welding rod; grinding discs collection of incredible antique & lumber; Crossley 21 cu. ft. chest & wheels; 100s of industrial drill deep freezer; tomato cages; steel modern knives of all kinds! 300+ bits; 100+ hammers; Twentieth ammo boxes; lots of Mason jars; modern pocket, folding & fixed Century arc welder; adjustable There are way too many items to blade knives. Brands: Schrade, pipe wrenches; Makita cutoff saw; Remington, Smith & Wesson, Case, mention! B & D Wildcat grinder; Milwaukee Barlow, Imperial, Gerber, Kabar, Auctioneer’s Note: Anyone who knows the Deckers' can attest to the tremendous care taken of both their personal & real property. From the mechanics of the vehicles & farm equipment to the excellent condition of many types of farm & household collectibles! Feel free to call me for a preview of merchandise, detailed pictures or further description. Order of sale: We will start promptly at 10 a.m. on general shop tools, moving on to blacksmith equipment, knife collection and other collectibles until 1 p.m. at which time we’ll sell the tractors, vehicles and farm equipment. We will then resume where we left off and finish with household items. BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MERCHANDISE PICTURES AT VAUGHNROTHAUCTIONS.COM VAUGHN-ROTH AUCTIONS Cameron Roth: Auctioneer- (785) 917-0867 Pam Noonan: Clerk • Brooke Paxon: Cashier • Heather Finnerty: Cashier Concessions will be available. Dolores Decker and the Late John Decker, SELLER Tuesday, November 11, 2014 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Page 19 CHASE COUNTY, KANSAS LAND FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14, 2014 11:00 A.M. PATRICIA JACKSON FAMILY, SELLERS AUCTION LOCATION: BURNS COMMUNITY CENTER, 301 N. WASHINGTON AVE., BURNS, KS LAND LOCATION: FROM 4 MILES WEST OF CASSODAY, KS ON 150TH (1ST ST), NORTH 2 MILES ON PRICE, EAST 1 MILE, NORTH 1 MILE 631.08 - ACRES OF NATIVE FLINT HILLS CATTLE GRAZING PASTURE IN SCENIC CHASE COUNTY, KANSAS SOME OF THE FINEST CATTLE GRAZING LAND IN THE WORLD! WWW.SUNDGREN.COM SUNDGREN REALTY INC. * LAND BROKERS JOE SUNDGREN, BROKER 316 377 7112 JEREMY SUNDGREN 316 377 0013 RICK REMSBERG 316 322 5391 REAL ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, November 23 • 2:00pm at the home at 509 Elm, Emporia, KS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Here is a comfortable 2 bedroom, 1 bath 1 1⁄2 story home on a basement, Central heat, with a detached garage. TAXES: 2013 taxes were $488.88. INSPECTION: Thursday, November 13, 5-7pm TERMS: $2,000 as earnest money, balance at closing, within 30 days. Buyer accepts the home in it’s current “as is” condition. Seller: Twila Fowler Sat, November 15, 2014 Beginning at 11 A.M. Troy Barrett and others will offer at Public Auction a lot of good Personal Property at the Community Building in New Strawn, Kansas. It is a diverse and intriguing collection including but not limited to the following partial list: Somerset Kimball reproduction chairs, antique love seat, IHC pedal tractor, IHC corn sheller, antique hand tools, cast iron skillets, crocks, new and used toys, several guns, washer and dryer, IHC Cub Cadet Model 70, Model 129 Cub Cadet Hydro, Snapper YT12 mower with 36” cut, C Farmall, 07 Kymco 500cc motorcycle, bead blast cabinet, Milwaukee drill, several good Craftsman stacking toolboxes, Craftsman combination toolbox/ footstool with cord reel, Craftsman 20” chain saw, 14.5” trailer house wheels, 20 lb. propane bottles, lawn and garden tools, computer equipment, 15 sheets ProPanel tin 5’ length, 3 wheel electric golf cart, 2 axle car trailer, IHC single cylinder engine, 1996 Misty Harbor 20’ pontoon boat with 50H Mercury engine, Bimini top, stereo, live well, sink, and more, excellent 2 axle car trailer, 500 gallon water tank, and lots, lots more. For sale bill or further information call PAUL HANCOCK, Broker [email protected] Emporia, Kansas 66801 (620) 340-5692 • info at www.hancockauctionandrealestate.com see website for more details AUCTION Platt Auction Company LLC at 620-344-2222, 620-836-4295, or 620-364-2131, or go online to www.kansasauctions.net/platt. Remember, Platt Auction Company LLC always gives you “More Holler For Your Dollar”! www.GriffinRealEstateAuction.com Office: 305 Broadway, Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845 Phone:620-273-6421 Fax:620-273-6425 Toll Free: 1-866-273-6421 LAND & PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 2014, 10:00 A.M. NICHOLS LIVING TRUST, SELLER AUCTION LOCATION: 2014 250TH ST., HAMILTON, KS 66853 (1/2 MILE SOUTH OF HAMILTON ON W RD.) AUCTION WILL BE HELD ON-SITE REAL ESTATE SELLS AT NOON TRACT 1: 327+- ACRES OF EXCELLENT SLATE CREEK RIVER BOTTOM TILLABLE, 3 BEDROOM 1 BATH HOME BUILT IN1950, GARAGE/SHOP BUILDING, OLD BARN, PIPE PENS 6 PONDS, APPROX. 1 MILE OF SLATE CREEK, PASTURE LARGE ELEVATION CHANGES, ABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE TRACT 2: 120+- ACRES OF NATIVE HAY MEADOW, BROME NATIVE PASTURE MIX, 2 PONDS, GOOD FENCE INCLUDING A VERY NICE CLEAR FISHING POND 92 CADILLAC DEVILLE SEDAN, 77K MILES 81 CHEVY TRUCK, 36K MILES * FARMALL SUPER M * TRACTOR *LINCOLN 200 AMP WELDER ON TRAILER * ROTARY MOWER *1000 GAL PROPANE TANK * SCRAP IRON * TOOLS * EQUIPMENT * DISHES * FURNITURE * APPLIANCES * ANTIQUES VIEW OUR WEBSITE FOR A COMPLETE LIST & PICTURES! WWW.SUNDGREN.COM SUNDGREN REALTY INC. JOE SUNDGREN, BROKER JEREMY SUNDGREN 316 377 0013 RICK REMSBERG, AUCTIONEER Page 20 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER Guns Tractors Trucks and more! Guns Vehicle Tractors sell at 11 am 10:00 am, Saturday, November 15, 2014 Property of the late Harold L. Stuttle Auction Location: 504 Rd 50, Olpe, KS 66865 DIRECTIONS: From Olpe, KS at Hwy 99 & Rd 70 (Lake Rd), go west 2 miles on Rd 70 (Lake Rd) to Rd J, then 2 miles south on Rd J to curve in road and go west on Rd 50 approximately 4 miles to auction site on north side of road. Watch for signs. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Harold was a long time resident of the Olpe area. Come and enjoy the day of a complete personal property auction. VEHICLES & TRAILER: 2012 Ford F150 XLT Super Crew Cab, auto, 2-wheel drive, PW,PL, AC, Cruise, Auto, Approx 25,000 mi; 2002 Ford F150 XLT, Ext Cab, 4dr, 2-wheel Drive, Auto, PW/PL, AC, Cruise, Triton V8, Approx 152,117 mi; 1997 Chevy Cheyenne 3500, 5-spd, 4x4, Flat Bed, New Engine, Odometer shows 188,544 mi; Chevy 6400 Truck, As Is, 6-cyl, Bed Floor needs replaced, w/ Bed Mount Elec/Hyd Bale Mover; 2001 Circle D Stock Trailer, Dual Axle, 16" Tires, Model# 6820GNST; TRACTORS: Oliver 1755 w/ 1730 QA White Loader, Diesel, Wide Front, Over/ Under Hyd Shift, 18 spd, Shows 5,910 hours, 2 Hyd, Good Rubber, [Ser# 253 291676]; Allis Chalmers WD Wide Front, 1 Hyd, 2-pt, Good Rubber; John Deere A, Narrow Front, 1 Hyd, Good Rubber, [Ser# 643650]; Ford 8N, 3-pt, Good Rubber; Allis Chalmers D-17, Gas, Wide Front, 3-pt, Poor Rubber [Ser# 32287]; EQUIPMENT: Continental Post Hole Diggers (old style) x2; 3, 3-pt Bale Movers; 1 Bale Trailer; 2-Wheel Panel Trailer w/ 14+ Panels, 15" Wheels; Several 8-lug Wheels; 2 Hay Rings; Various Stock Tanks; Misc Feed Bunks; Overhead Diesel & Gas Tanks, 300-gal; Misc Cylinders; Bale Mover for AC WD; Ford 5-ft 3-pt Mower; 8-ft Drag Disc; IH 7-ft, Bolt On Sickle Mower; Snapper SR1230 Riding Mower, 30", 12-hp B&S; Pickup Rack; Misc Scrap Iron; IH 35 Hay Rake with Frt carrier wheels; Allis 3-bottom Plow for WD x3; Van Brunt FBA Drill; JD 12-ft Disc (older); Independent Manufacturing Pull Type 5-ft Rotary Mower; Ezee Flow Spreader, 10-ft; New Idea 7-ft Pull Type Sickle Mower; IH Pull Type 7-ft Mower; 300-gal Water Tank; Trailer House Axles x3; Hay Wagon Running Gear; Pickup Bed Trailer; 12 Volt Sprayer; TOOLS: Century Battery Charger; Come-a-long; Poulan 2000 Chainsaw; Puma Air Compressor; 21-pc Socket Wrench Set 3/4" Drive (7/8"-2"); 23-pc 1/4" & 3/8" Drive SAE Socket Set; Misc Pipe Wrenches, Screw Drivers, Wrenches, Sockets, Ratchets, Misc; Circular Saws; Post Vice; Shop Tables, one w/ Vise; Air Tank; Misc Log Chains; 6" Vise Chicago; Sickle Mower Grinder; Used Tin; 15-ft Wooden Panel; GUNS: Remington Wingmaster Model 870 12-ga Pump Shotgun [692993V]; Remington Model 1100 12-ga Semi-auto Shotgun [377684V]; Remington Model 870 12-ga Pump [3719V]; Ruger M77 Bolt Action Rifle, 270 WIN, Bushnell 3x-9x Banner Scope [772-61910]; JC Higgins Model 103.13, .22-cal Bolt Action Rifle; Colt Lightning .22 Cal Pump, Round Bbl, Small Frame Rifle Ser. 2465; Gun Cabinet; Crossman 130 Pneumatic Pistol HOUSEHOLD & MISC: Hitachi 40" Flat Screen TV; Amana 19 Cu Ft Refrigerator (new in 2009); Deer Antlers; Cast Iron Tractor Seat; 48" Steel Wheels x2; Fire King; plus other miscellaneous household. TERMS: Cash, approved check or credit card with 3% processing fee on all credit card transactions. It is the responsibility of the buyer to inspect all vehicles/tractors as to model #, serial #, year and condition. All statements made day of auction take precedence over advertisements. Owners and auction company not responsible for accidents or theft. Nothing removed until settlement has been made. Ebenezer Youth Group will have lunch available. SEE WEBSITE FOR MORE DETAILS www.GriffinRealEstateAuction.com Office: 305 Broadway, Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845 Phone:620-273-6421 Fax:620-273-6425 Toll Free: 1-866-273-6421 Tuesday, November 11, 2014 REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION Tuesday Evening, November 18th 4 p.m. for PP and 6 p.m. for RE 515 S. EXCHANGE EMPORIA, KS Directions: From Commercial & S. Ave, go E. 4 blocks to Exchange, turn right until you get to 515 on right. This little bungalow has a lot of potential! Built in 1934, it has 2 bedrooms, plenty of closet space, 1 bathroom, kitchen, front room, and its own laundry room all on one story and a crawl space! There’s a car port and a nice sized fenced in back yard! There are 2 sheds in the back for storage. Central gas Heat, Window air. LISTING AGENT: Hope Edelman 620-366-0729 BROKER/AUCTIONEER: Victor Edelman 620-3660339 TERMS: Sellers require 20% earnest money on sale date with signature on binding contract with the balance due in full at the time of closing on or before December 19th, 2014. CONDITIONS: This sale is subject to all easements, restrictions, covenants, leases and zoning regulations of record. MERCHANTABLE TITLE: Sellers will provide an owner’s title insurance policy with the cost to be split 50-50 between Sellers & Buyers TAXES: Taxes will be pro-rated to the date of closing based on the 2013 tax amount of $597.70. (unless 2014 is available) INSPECTIONS: Any and all inspections will be paid at Buyers expense. Inspections need to be completed prior to auction date. Property selling “AS IS” POSSESSION: Buyer will receive full possession the day of closing. COME TO THE AUCTION! YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO US! All announcements the day of sale take precedence over all advertisements and printed information. Sellers reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Swift-N-Sure Auctions & Real Estate and its agents represent the sellers and do not represent the buyers. All information is obtained from sources deemed to be reliable but are not guaranteed by the Sellers or Sellers’ Agents. This sale is not subject to the buyer obtaining financing. All financial arrangements must be made prior to sale date. Sellers and Sellers’ Agents are not responsible in case of accidents. Personal Property sells onsite at 4 pm Car: to sell before real estate: 1991 Oldsmobile Eighty-Eight 67,000 K, good tires; Furniture: 3dressers; matching chest and dresser w/ mirror; 2 bed frames (Queen size?) w/mattress sets; kitchen table; 2 recliners; couch; end tables; Kitchenware: Corning ware and like cooking dishes; Pots; Pans; Household: misc. glassware/collectables; collectable Hallmark ornaments; Singer trundle sewing cabinet; 2 Half head vase figurines; bedding; linens; Victor Edelman Larry Lochmann Misc: a few tools; wood high chair; 19” Sharp flat TV; Box TV 26”?; Kirby vacuum and accessories; 2 antique ladies hats; misc. jewelry; old Monopoly game; Antique child’s doll stroller; 4 Cabbage Patch Dolls w/original boxes; Many boxes needed to be sorted! This will be a quick little auction. Small concessions & bathroom available! Cash & Good Checks accepted! Other terms available day of auction! Dora Hines Dwayne Coble Hope Edelman We are your locally owned and operated auction company and have been for 10 years! We want to THANK all our sellers and buyers for your help and support throughout the years! From Left: Layke Edelman, Aleah Hines, Sage Edelman, Teagan Hines, Zane Edelman And we look forward to working with YOU in the future! For a full list go to our website or call us Victor Edelman Broker/Auctioneer Hope Edelman Owner/RE Agent • 620-366-0729 http://www.swiftnsureauctions.com [email protected] Tuesday, November 11, 2014 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER SERVICES In home care, housekeeping, errands, shopping. 20 years experience. Call 620344-0351. Todd Belt Appliance Service and Vac Shop, 616 Commercial, Emporia. 620342-9562. Ken’s Sharpening Service, 1236 Lawrence, Emporia, saw chains, clipper blades, saw blades, knives, more. 620-481-1225. Carry Concealed Class, Saturday, November 15, Emporia, 620-412-3977, www.kansascarryconcealed.com. Page 21 SERVICES A Helping Hand • Cleaning • Residential Services • Companion Care Marcella - 620-481-6525 PETS Registered Shih Tzu puppies, S/W, males $250, females $300, older males $100. 785-733-2699. AKC registered chocolate Labrador puppies for sale, $600. 785-393-1600. FIND A HAPPY HELPER IN THE FLINT HILLS SHOPPER PETS REAL ESTATE 23228 S. Davis Rd., rural property in Osage City. 4 bedroom ranch style home, two woodburning fireplaces, oversized double garage, huge storage building, full finished basement, 1.42 acres, $175,000. American Real Estate 620342-9500. kbthomasjr.com For sale/rent. Possible owner carry. Small 3 bedroom, 1 bath with 6 city lots in Elmdale. Storm cellar basement, 2 car garage, carport. 620-755-4846. RENTALS Mobile homes, 2 and 3 bedrooms, Strong City and Cottonwood Falls. 620273-8110. Valley View Village Apartments 511 Commercial Carbondale, KS • 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Units • Partial Utilities Paid • Rent Based on Income • Laundry On Site • Appliances Furnished • Maintenance Provided (785) 836-7123 Arlene High Manager TDD Users Call 1-800-766-3777 Specializing in Post and Stud Frame Buildings “Your Building is Our Business” Garages • Shops • Storage Facilities • Agriculture • Custom Barn Homes Call Jeff Hodges Today! 620-340-7732 www.metalroofsystemsofkansas.net RENTALS In Lebo, 1 bedroom apartment with appliances. $400 plus deposit. 620-392-5685. House in Emporia, 404 S. Sylvan. Small 2 bedroom with stove and refrigerator. $400 plus deposit. 620392-5685. MOBILE Cash paid for clean used mobile homes. 620-2738110. FROM THE HOMELAND TO THE HEARTLAND Page 22 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER AUTOMOTIVE 1998 Mustang convertible, 111K, good condition, $4,800. 620-342-1853. AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE FARM & RANCH Tuesday, November 11, 2014 FARM & RANCH Country Haven Inn, Burlington, now hiring part-time housekeepers and evening desk clerks. Competitive wages. Apply in person 6 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday-Friday. Ask for Carol. 1997 Nissan Altima, 132,000 TRUCKS miles, burgundy, good mechanical condition, $2,000 2007 Chevy Tahoe, V8, OBO. 620-528-3314. 176,000 miles, well maintained, $8,000. 620-273DEALS ON WHEELS IN 8955. FLINT HILLS SHOPPER AUTOMOTIVE NEW & USED PARTS WESTSIDE 3401 W. 6th West of UPS AUTO SALVAGE WANTED 342-9200 A LEADER IN HOME FURNISHINGS IN THE EMPORIA AREA is currently looking for a Full-time Sales person. We are looking for an ambition and determined individual to grow with us. Bilingual is helpful. We offer training and strong sales support. Buying antiques, primitives, costume jewelry, coins, gold, estates or collections. 620-343-5108. 1-800-748-8134 All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock Flint Hills Battery Farm Batteries ALL SIZES IN STOCK Partial Listing Flint Hills Battery “Emporia’s only true Battery Specialist” 615 Graham, Emporia KS. 66801 620-342-2842 Monday-Friday: 8-5 • Saturday: 8-noon All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock MODEL CCA PRICE 24/24F-60 .......... 525 ........ $74.00 24/24F-70 .......... 580 ........ $82.00 35-70 ................ 580 ........ $91.00 34/24/78HD ....... 850 ...... $109.00 27 HD ................. 825 ...... $113.00 31P/315 ............. 750 ...... $118.00 65HD .................. 875 ...... $119.00 See us for motorcycle, lawn mower, boat and golf batteries All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock Come meet a Sales Professional. Ask for David “Simple” Simon, The Pie man. It’s November folks and come see the great deals, ask about the 2014 end of the year clearance; New or used I can help. For your vehicle specialist, ask for David “Simple” Simon, The Pie Man, and find out how you can donate to the cause. Direct 620-412-1214 Cell 620-344-0532 [email protected] All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock FARM & RANCH All sizes in stock • All sizes in stock HELP WANTED Buying and selling horses and goats. 620-794-4318, 620-3427190. Need help harvesting corn, beans, milo, etc. Give us a call 785-230-5205, 785-230-5905. Reasonably priced. Includes combine, grain cart and semi. $21-$26/acre. Want to buy horses to put out on pasture. Also will buy studs. 785-640-0209, 785-2422109. 6x16 Sundowner stock trailer, good condition, $1,650. 620366-1732. ATTENTION HUNTERS: bird dog trainers, live quail for sale. 620-757-6828. Huskee 165 gravity wagon $900. 620-340-5692. FIND FARM EQUIPMENT & SERVICES IN THE FLINT HILLS IMMEDIATE OPENING Apply in person to: 2023 W. 6th • Emporia, KS HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Brian J. Schmidt, CPA, P.A. is looking for a personable and cheerful individual to join our team. Great communication on the phone and in person a must. Duties will include answering the phone, greeting clients, bookkeeping, payroll and other general office duties. Must have a working knowledge of MS Office. Quickbooks experience preferred. Email resume to csmains@ swbell.net. Brian J. Schmidt, CPA, P.A. is looking for a career minded, experienced CPA to be part of our team. Our firm focuses on business tax preparation and planning. The ideal candidate will have a great attitude, strong work ethic and the ability to be coached in order to provide excellent service to our clients. Must have 3–7 years experience with corporate, partnership, trust and individual tax preparation. Excellent possibility for future ownership. Email resume to [email protected]. Now Accepting Applications For CNA’s, LPN’s, RN’s and Cooks. Tracy Bartley 620-364-2117 • 620-364-2013 Fax 601 Cross St. • Burlington, KS 66839 [email protected] Visit us: LCCA.com EOE/M/F/V/D – 48265 Immediate openings we need servers, cashiers, cooks and dishwashers all shifts. 620-256-2032 Tuesday, November 11, 2014 HELP WANTED FLINT HILLS SHOPPER HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Page 23 GRAGE SALES Multi-family garage sale, Saturday, November 15, 8 a.m. Cottonwood Falls Community Building. Dishes, houseware, clothes, toys, car seats, bikes, etc. Flat Bed Freight Company needs drivers who want to be home every 5-8 days. Mileage pay based on experience. Paid insurance and Vacations. GRAGE SALES FIND A HOME AND GET COZY WITH THE FLINT HILLS SHOPPER JW Trucking Div. Waechter LLC. 800-835-0260 DISCOUNT SALES The Best Store You Will Ever Visit! Seeking Part- time nutrition assistant. Flexible, part-time limited term ending 9/30/15 position to work with adult audiences and parents of school aged children and younger. This position requires working with limited resources families to provide nutrition information on meal planning and preparation. Provide information on healthy meal and snack options for families. Valid driver’s license, car insurance and reliable automobile needed upon employment. Physical exertionmoderate. Requisition #179046 with a closing date of 11/25/14. Some evenings and weekends. Bilingual Spanish language preferred. Salary $10.68/ hr-$11.75/hr. KBI background check is required. Applicants to apply onlinehttp://www.kstate.edu/hr/prospectiveemployees/vac.html and e-mail letter of interest and resume to [email protected] KSU is an equal opportunity employer of individuals with disabilities and protected Veterans. KSU encourages diversity among its employees. Local questions call Rhonda, 620-341-3220. There is Something for everyone! 2 New Semi Truck Loads Just Arrived! Business is Growing!! Help Wanted - Burlington,KS Founded in 1969, Charloma is based in Cherryvale, KS, with a secondary location in Burlington, KS. Charloma has grown into one of the most diversified and leading plastics manufactures in the US. Warehouse Operations Manager - Charloma is searching for a seasoned Warehouse Operations Manager for our BURLINGTON location. This position is responsible for leading and managing activities related to the functioning of the warehouse to meet or exceed customer expectations. Responsibilities - Manage daily activities, shipping and receiving functions, transportation logistics, inventory control, lead warehouse team, set priorities and meet deadlines, space optimization, damage-free performance, compliance with company and OSHA safety requirements. Requirements -High school diploma or GED, satisfactory driving record as well as current CDL license and DOT medical card, working knowledge of DOT safety rules and regulations. Mattresses, Beds, Frames, Kitchen Carts, Tables and Chairs, Nice Patio Furniture, . A/C and Heating Units, Mobile Home Wall Heaters, Bath Tubs, insulation, Tools, Shop Lighting, Gun Cases, TV Stands, Bookcases, Vanities, Hot Peppers, Vanities, Desks and Much Much More! Come see us Today! Orange Net Fencing, Welding Wire, Shower Inserts, Cast Iron Tub, Storm door, 3 ft Locking Security Cabinet, Cases of Tea, Commercial and residential A/C and HEATING Units 2905 BelAir Drive Emporia Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Most Saturdays 8am-1pm Questions call 620-208-6800 • 620-803-9090 We offer a competitive benefit package. Salary commensurate with experience. AUCTION ACTION Announce Your Upcoming Auction in The Flint Hills Shopper. The Shopper leads all others in the area for Auction Advertising. Call 620-208-8888 NOTICES Quest Services, Inc. is applying to the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) for a Section 5310 Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Funding Grant for operating assistance and for two new passenger buses. Quest Services, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides residential and other services to person with developmental disabilities. Persons wishing to submit comments to this application are required to do so to Quest Services, Inc., 116 Congress, PO Box 248, Hartford, KS 66854. MISCELLANEOUS Hilltop Firewood. Variety of species, measured volume. Call Jay 620-794-0415, Strong City. Walmart quilt of month kits $1.25/yard. Oak curved glass curio cabinet, glass shelves, light, $100. 620342-0767. Good used York furnace, 100,000 btu propane. Coats 310 manual tire machine, like new. Otter front mount dozer blade for 2WD JD, great for snow, dirt, silage. 785-230-0800. Barn wood for sale, siding, frame boards, trim, miscellaneous. 620-342-2475, 620-757-6346. Firewood for sale, $150/ cord, mixed wood. Call Darren at 402-770-2939. Tuesday, November 11, 2014 FLINT HILLS SHOPPER 2014 Holiday Gift Guide Copy Deadline: Friday, November 14, 4 p.m. Proofing Deadline: Thursday, November 20, 5 p.m. This will be published on Tuesday, November 25. If The Flint Hills Shopper can be of any assistance, contact us at 620-208-8888 or email [email protected] or [email protected]. Page 24
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