Proposals for voting on at the 2014 Year End District Meeting Proposal 1 – Submitted by Brian Bounds Change District 19 Rule 5-12: Open Oval Class Reasoning: Because the electric boats can spin out right in front of you & they can stop and go, spin flip, continue on, & cause you to die or make a mistake. It's not fair that this can happen. I propose that we change the rule in Open Oval class from any open motor to Open Gas only Current: Open Oval Class will include all legal NAMBA boats regardless of power. Proposed: Open Gas Oval Class will include all legal NAMBA gas boats. Proposal 2 – Submitted by Brian Bounds Change District 19/ Rule 6-12: Open Offshore Class Reasoning: Because the electric boats can spin out right in front of you & they can stop and go, spin flip, continue on, & cause you to die or make a mistake. It's not fair that this can happen. Other NAMBA districts run this class not as open offshore but as open Gas Offshore. The same reason is that the electric Guys just make too many mistakes and cause others to die. I would like to change it to Open Gas Offshore. Current: Open Offshore: This is an OPEN CLASS open to any legal NAMBA hull/engine combo. When possible, course should always be set with (2) left hand turns using outside buoys to create an "M" and using the interior of oval course and the start/finish buoy for the 2nd left. When this course is not possible a "lazy 8" course should be utilized. It is the goal in offshore to create a more difficult course with left turns, a driver’s course per say. Standard District 19 mill pattern will be run. Cutting the start/finish buoy during the mill is a one lap penalty. 6 lap race running the offshore course. Proposed: Open Gas Offshore: This is an OPEN CLASS open to any legal NAMBA gas hull/engine combo. When possible, course should always be set with (2) left hand turns using outside buoys to create an "M" and using the interior of oval course and the start/finish buoy for the 2nd left. When this course is not possible a "lazy 8" course should be utilized. It is the goal in offshore to create a more difficult course with left turns, a driver’s course per say. Standard District 19 mill pattern will be run. Cutting the start/finish buoy during the mill is a one lap penalty. 6 lap race running the offshore course. Proposal 3 – Submitted by Pete Markese New District 19/ Rule: To impose penalties for yelling at the CD or judges. Proposed: No competitor or their pit person should be allowed to yell out or in any other way publicly admonish another competitor during the actual running of a heat race for what was believed to be a rules infraction. Penalty: Immediately upon hearing a competitor making such comments, the CD or judge should notify the individual that he has been issued a 1-lap penalty. If the competitor makes additional comments of this nature, a 250 point penalty will be imposed by the CD. If the same competitor commits another infraction of this nature at any time during the actual event for the same class or any other class he is entered in, all points accrued for that class during the event will be erased, and the competitor will be scratched from all remaining heats of that class. Reasoning: I cannot find any language in the NAMBA Rule Book referencing this proposed new rule unless it would be considered under what would generally be defined as “Un-Sportsman like Conduct.” Such calls are solely the responsibility of the judges and CD. Conduct of this nature is viewed as unsportsman like and causes a disturbance to other racers and a possible confrontation between competitors. Additionally it is insulting to the judges and CD as it can be viewed as a direct attack on their ability to fulfill their assigned responsibility. Such out loud proclamations can unfairly pressure judges into possibly making a call that they themselves did not see or feel as adamant about. Such conduct makes some participants shy away from judging all together as they choose not to want to be admonished by their peers. Here are some examples of un-sportsman like comments that should not be allowed: - “He should be DQ’d…He should be DQ’d!” - “Come on judges, are you blind?” - “That was a lane infraction...was there a call?” - “OMG! He should be penalized!” - “Are you kidding me? There was no call on that!” The above rule will be announced by the CD during the Driver’s Meeting at the beginning of the event. The following 4 proposals all apply to limiting the time for racing; need to take that into consideration when voting on them as they can’t all pass and be implemented together. Proposal 4 – Submitted by Pete Markese New District 19 Rule: To limit the length of time for racing on Sundays. Reasoning: In consideration of commute times and other personal matters that may cause problems for many D-19 competitors when a race venue runs late into Sunday evening, I suggest we consider limiting the length of our 2-day races. In short I would like to propose a time limit for how long a race will run on Sunday. If by 4:00pm the 3rd Round is still in progress, then the CD will announce to all competitors that the 4th Round will not be run. The event will continue until all classes have completed the 3rd Round, and then the event will be officially ended. Proposed: If the third round of the Sunday classes is not completed by 4:00pm then the fourth round will not be run. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal 5 – Submitted by Shane Forrest Change District 19/ Rule: Race Round Revision Reasoning: This rule will help with the out of town racers and be able to leave at a decent time to get back home. This will be a more consistent way of running the races compared to the last few race seasons. The problem with running random amount of rounds is, when the points get tight towards the last couple races some contestants need those couple extra rounds to make up missing points. This way it won’t be a surprise whether or not we are running 3 or 4 rounds. The acting District Director will be the final call on reduced amount of rounds due to weather or any other unseen circumstances. If the District Director is not present the acting Assistant District Direct will make the call. Proposed: All NAMBA District 19 races will run the following round schedule: Saturday will run 4 rounds, Sunday will run 3 rounds. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal 6 – Submitted by Kent Elder Change District 19/ Rule: Reasoning: To allow those who are traveling to tear down and stow boats and trailers and get on the road and make it home at a reasonable hour for working and school the next day. Along with getting home, it also saves from having to spend another night away, plus meals. Also, hopefully entice more people to participate in more distant district races. Proposed: On Sundays District races if there are more than 60 heats, we limit the rounds to 3 or have a cut off time of 2:30 to 3 PM local after 3 rounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 7 – Submitted by Rob Martinez Change District 19/ Rule: Heat Racing Time Limit Reasoning: Every sport in the world has a time limit to complete the event for the day. This gives those entities a reason to hold themselves accountable to the day’s event for the participants encompassing all seen and unforeseen events. Example, Basketball, Hockey, Formula 1, Nascar, Football. You just don’t see these enterprises just playing the game or racing until they feel like they are done or until one person has had enough. Too much time, miles, money and effort is invested into our sport/hobby for this to occur time and time again and to be declared by one person sometimes 24-36 hours before the day starts and is extremely unfair and disrespectful to the district. We pay for 4 rounds, and CD’s should be held accountable to a time limit to accomplish this by use of pit bosses, better communication skills, team work, and considering the district as a whole, not only themselves. Impose a Daily time limit of 9 hours each day to complete racing. Example: If you start the first heat at 730AM you have 9 hours to complete 4 rounds, which is 430PM. This is extremely viable and effective in time management and has been identified as a problem over the years and simply stating “cut classes” is not the answer. Time management, personal agendas, and team work IS the answer. Pit bosses shall be incorporated at every race to gather and speed up the backup classes as well. If the 9 hour mark is reached, racing ends as it stands at the end of that heat, and only the District Director May call a race shorter or longer for any other reason, such as weather, safety, etc… and down the chain of command if not available immediately on site Proposed: There will be a daily time limit of 9 hours to complete racing. Once the 9 hour mark is reached, racing ends as it stands at the end of that heat. Only the District Director may call a race shorter or longer for any other reason, such as weather, safety, etc. If the District Director is not available immediately on site, the call will proceed down the chain of command. Proposal 8 – Submitted by Roger Pane and Kent Elder Change District 19/ Rule: Ability to throw-out a race Reasoning: Hopefully entice more people to participate in the all the District races verses the ones just close to their homes. Also, to allow people that made other plans, or emergencies that have come up, to be able to throw out a race weekend. I would like to propose that we be allowed to throw out ONE race in EACH of the qualifying classes, meaning that at the end of the year you will be allowed to throw out your worst finish of the years 8 race schedule. Basically the person calculating the scoring will look at the scores for the year and throw out your worst race. Proposal: Each racer will be allowed to throw out ONE race in EACH of their qualifying classes. At the end of the year the racer’s worst finish of the year’s 8 race schedule will be thrown out. Proposal 9 – Submitted by Rob Martinez New NAMBA Class: New rule for Gas Tunnel (To flow through as a National proposal if approved, to be put under D. Specialty Classes) Reasoning: There is currently no Gas Outboard Tunnel Rules, Guidelines, or Class Established. This will solidify Gas Outboard Tunnel for those who have Tunnels and wish to compete, those who are waiting to compete or finish building their boats. There is no place yet established as a starting point for Gas Tunnels. This would be a starting point and can be amended if needed in the future both on district levels and as a national rule. Proposed: Gas Outboard Tunnel a) Hull Specifications i) The boat may be of wood or fiberglass construction. ii) The hull length will be between 41“- 51“, measured from back of boat to sponson tip. iii) The hull width will be between 17“-21”, measured across rear of the boat. iv) Tunnel hulls will be of a tunnel configuration and must as closely as possible follow the design of full sized OPC tunnel hulls. v) Sponsons may be of any design and may include stepped surfaces vi) The tunnel must connect two outer sponsons which are unbroken and both must at minimum, run the full length of the hull (extend past the nose of the cowl). vii) The Transom must be vertical or no more than a 3 degree slope. viii) The transom may not be inset from the rear of the boat more than 4 inches. ix) Outrigger, Mono, Catamaran or Picklefork hydro designs, and Tunnel-vee’s are not acceptable. x) Tunnel Hull Cowls must include a Cockpit Windshield, either paint, vinyl etc. b) Engine Specifications i) G or GX Class engines from 15 to 31 cubic centimeters will be allowed. ii) Cowlings, shrouds, covers, are encouraged to cover the engine to resemble full size outboard engines in appearance. iii) The outboard will be the single means of controlling the direction of the boat and propulsion. iv) Gas Outboard is defined as, any G or GX engine 15-31 cubic centimeters, attached to a lower unit, which can be attached to and removed from the hull, as one unit at the transom. No inboards allowed. Proposal 10 – Submitted by Rob Martinez New NAMBA Class: G-Ltd Catamaran (To flow through as a National proposal if approved, to be put under D. Specialty Classes) Reasoning: This class is envisioned to be an alternative to the existing rigors of G, GX Mono racing, Rookie, and Mid to Veteran Level Racers, as well as an affordable class that allows any NAMBA member to compete with factory stock engine. Secondly this will also grow membership, and offer alternatives as a cost effective means to enjoy and participate in Heat Racing. This is not intended to add additional heats to the day but to transition either current racers or add a percentage of new boaters to the class over the years and to provide NAMBA as an entire organization a Stock racing class, just not District 19. Proposed: G-Ltd (Limited) Catamaran a) Hull Specifications i) The hull will conform to current NAMBA Gas Catamaran standards and may be of either wood or composite construction. b) Engine Specifications i) All engines will be a box stock Zenoah GPUM 300, 29.5cc only. ii) All replacement parts must be OEM, no part swapping from different Zenoah’s ( i.e. 260 to 300) iii) No internal modifications will be allowed. You are allowed to replace the cylinder base gasket with the standard Zenoah Blue base gasket, as the metal one is not available for replacement this is not considered a modification, but as a parts availability either for teardown, fixing, inspection, etc. iv) The gray coil may be moved. v) Recoil starting is the only method of starting. vi) Any exhaust flange, header, and pipe combination or canister may be used. vii) Carburetors must remain stock and unmodified of the following; 257 or 1048. viii) All fasteners must remain stock. ix) The flywheel must remain stock. x) All engines will use the stock black Zenoah Isolator block. xi) No zero drag seals. xii) Pistons may not be turned down or lightened. xiii) Bearings must remain stock. xiv) Cooling cap must remain the factory cap. xv) Engine Inspection or tear down at any time can be called by the CD, DD or any Engine Tech Member upon one boat or the entire class at any time. All other racers must follow Protest Protocol. Proposal 11 – Submitted by Rob Martinez New NAMBA Class: G-Ltd Mono (To flow through as a National proposal if approved, to be put under D. Specialty Classes) Reasoning: This class is envisioned to be an alternative to the existing rigors of G, GX Mono racing, Rookie, and Mid to Veteran Level Racers, as well as an affordable class that allows any NAMBA member to compete with factory stock engine. Secondly this will also grow membership, and offer alternatives as a cost effective means to enjoy and participate in Heat Racing. This is not intended to Add additional heats to the day but to transition either current racers, or add a percentage of new boaters to the class over the years and to provide NAMBA as an entire organization a Stock racing class, Just not District 19. Proposed: G-Ltd (Limited) Mono a) Hull Specifications i) The hull will conform to current NAMBA Gas Mono standards and may be of either wood or composite construction. b) Engine Specifications i) All engines will be a box stock Zenoah GPUM 300, 29.5cc only. ii) All replacement parts must be OEM, no part swapping from different Zenoah’s ( i.e. 260 to 300) iii) No internal modifications will be allowed. You are allowed to replace the cylinder base gasket with the standard Zenoah Blue base gasket, as the metal one is not available for replacement this is not considered a modification, but as a parts availability either for teardown, fixing, inspection, etc. iv) The gray coil may be moved. v) Recoil starting is the only method of starting. vi) Any exhaust flange, header, and pipe combination or canister may be used. vii) Carburetors must remain stock and unmodified of the following; 257 or 1048. viii) All fasteners must remain stock. ix) The flywheel must remain stock. x) All engines will use the stock black Zenoah Isolator block. xi) No zero drag seals. xii) Pistons may not be turned down or lightened. xiii) Bearings must remain stock. xiv) Cooling cap must remain the factory cap. xv) Engine Inspection or tear down at any time can be called by the Contest Director, District Director, or any Engine Tech Committee member upon one boat or the entire class at any time. All other racers must follow Protest Protocol. Proposal 12 – Submitted by Rob Martinez New NAMBA Class: G-Ltd Sport Hydro (To flow through as a National proposal, if approved) Reasoning: This class is envisioned to be an alternative to the existing rigors of G, GX Sport Hydro racing, Rookie, and Mid to Veteran Level Racers, as well as an affordable class that allows any NAMBA member to compete with factory stock engine. Secondly this will also grow membership, and offer alternatives as a cost effective means to enjoy and participate in Heat Racing. This is not intended to Add additional heats to the day but to transition either current racers, or add a percentage of new boaters to the class over the years and to provide NAMBA as an entire organization a Stock racing class, just not District 19. Proposed: G-Ltd (Limited) Sport Hydro a) Hull Specifications i) The hull will conform to current NAMBA Gas Sport Hydro standards and may be of either wood or composite construction. b) Engine Specifications i) All engines will be a box stock Zenoah GPUM 300, 29.5cc only. ii) All replacement parts must be OEM, no part swapping from different Zenoah’s ( i.e. 260 to 300) iii) No internal modifications will be allowed. You are allowed to replace the cylinder base gasket with the standard Zenoah Blue base gasket, as the metal one is not available for replacement this is not considered a modification, but as a parts availability either for teardown, fixing, inspection, etc. iv) The gray coil may be moved. v) Recoil starting is the only method of starting. vi) Any exhaust flange, header, and pipe combination or canister may be used. vii) Carburetors must remain stock and unmodified of the following; 257 or 1048. viii) All fasteners must remain stock. ix) The flywheel must remain stock. x) All engines will use the stock black Zenoah Isolator block. xi) No zero drag seals. xii) Pistons may not be turned down or lightened. xiii) Bearings must remain stock. xiv) Cooling cap must remain the factory cap. xv) Engine Inspection or tear down at any time can be called by the Contest Director, District Director, or any Engine Tech Committee member upon one boat or the entire class at any time. All other racers must follow Protest Protocol. The following proposal would only be voted on if any of the above G-Ltd class proposals are passed. Proposal 13 – Submitted by Rob Martinez Add District 19 Rule: Limitation of running in G-Ltd classes Reasoning: These classes are not intended to add additional heats to the day but instead to transition either current racers or add a percentage of new boaters over the years. Proposed: Entrants in a particular G-Ltd class will be exempt from running in the corresponding G-1, GX-1, G-2, or GX-2 class at the same Heat Race event. For example if you enter/race G-Ltd Mono, you will not be allowed to enter/race in G-1, G-2, GX-1, or GX-2 Mono at the same event. Proposal 14 – Submitted by David Newland Change NAMBA Rule: Addition to Section 28-Electric, new rule under A. General Rules (To flow through as a National proposal, if approved) Reasoning: The reason for this proposal is to see if the membership wants to specifically exclude self-righting boats from competition. There are not many being run now, but some hulls have flood chambers and some have buoyant hatches large enough to flip the boat over. My concern with these self-righting boats is the amount of distraction they create on the drivers stand with the drivers, pit men and the CD. In my opinion, they take more attention to manage and, therefore, get a disproportionate amount of attention to see if the boat is going to flip, or worse yet, right itself and keep going. We have tried to address this at the Drivers Meeting as far as what constitutes a dead boat. However, the self-righting boats, again in my opinion, are still a distraction and I feel a rule proposal is necessary to see what direction we’d like to go with this situation. Proposed: With the exception of boats run in the ECO Specialty Class, boats that are capable of self-righting are not eligible for competition. If the boats self-righting design can be disabled or otherwise rendered useless, then the Contest Director may allow it to compete. Proposal 15 – Submitted by Shane Forrest Change District 19/ Rule: Extend race sign-up deadline to 2 weeks Reasoning: This will make it easier for contestants to know which classes will be running. This way the contestant will have plenty of time to get the appropriate boats ready for the classes that made the 5 boat minimum. The sign up deadline date will be changed from 1 week to 2 weeks before the date of the race. Current: 24-12: Unless advertised otherwise, the accepted deadline for entering a District Heat race will be 9:00 PM Sunday preceding the race. All entries received after deadline will not be accepted and racer will not be allowed to race at that event. Entrants in classes that did not qualify will have until 9:00 PM Monday to move only those entries to another class that did qualify for that hull type. Entrants entered in classes that did not qualify also have the option to cancel all their entries prior to the Monday deadline without having to pay; canceling of any entries as a result of this will not change qualified classes. Proposed: Unless advertised otherwise, the accepted deadline for entering a District Heat race will be 9:00 PM Sunday two weeks preceding the race. All entries received after deadline will not be accepted and racer will not be allowed to race at that event. Entrants in classes that did not qualify will have until 9:00 PM Monday following the deadline to move only those entries to another class that did qualify for that hull type. Entrants entered in classes that did not qualify also have the option to cancel all their entries prior to the Monday deadline without having to pay; canceling of any entries as a result of this will not change qualified classes. The following 2 proposals apply to changing the existing benefit race structure; need to take that in consideration when voting on them as only one if either should be passed. Proposal 16 – Submitted by Howard Welch Change District 19 Rule: Reasoning: This is a great option or solution to the burden of one club constantly doing the benefit race and spreads the responsibility across the district and really helps the district in the long run over the year. In lieu of a once a year benefit race each district heat race will donate $400.00 to the district as a benefit payment rather than one club taking on the responsibility and passing it around every year or not passing it around and allowing clubs to retain their profits and earnings. Current: 11-12c: Each year one District heat race will be called the “District 19 Benefit Race”. All income, excluding expenses for conducting the race will go to the District treasury. The District Director and the Contest Director will mutually select the selected race site. Proposed: Each district heat race will donate $400.00 to the district as a benefit payment, as opposed to having a true benefit race during the year. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal 17 – Submitted by Shane Forrest Change District 19/ Rule: Benefit Race Rotation Reasoning: A. Each district 19 participating club will take a turn in putting on a benefit race to help the district out with paying for expenses throughout the year. B. The rotation will be as follows starting the 2015 race season, the club to hold the first race of the year will give the remaining funds left over after their expenses have been paid to the district secretary. The following year the club that holds the 2nd race of the year will participate in the benefit race. The year after that the club that holds the 3rd race of the year will participate in the benefit race and so on down the line. If we have 8 heat races put on a year that means that each club will only have to participate every 8 years, C. By doing this it won’t be left up to just one or two clubs every year participating. This will give a fairer consistent format for this race. D. If the club does not want to participate in the benefit race that club will forfeit its date for that race season or be put back at the end of line for schedule priority. If this would occur then the club with the 2nd race date will do the benefit race that season and then on down the line for the following years. Current: 11-12c: Each year one District heat race will be called the “District 19 Benefit Race”. All income, excluding expenses for conducting the race will go to the District treasury. The District Director and the Contest Director will mutually select the selected race site. Proposed: Each year one District heat race will be called the “District 19 Benefit Race”. All income, excluding expenses for conducting the race will go to the District treasury. The benefits race will rotate as follows starting in the 2015 race season: the first race of the year, the following year it will be the second race or the year, the next year it will be the third race of the year, and so on down the line. Proposal 18 – Submitted by Shane Forrest Change NAMBA Rule: Change hull measurements for Classic Thunderboat (rule 27.D.1.a) (To flow through as a National proposal if approved) Reasoning: The class seems to be a little stale without many changes. This new rule will now allow a few existing boats that are just under the minimum size requirements to now be legal to participate in the class. The rule will still pertain to open cockpit forward or aft drivers (no closed canopies). There were classic picklefork hull designs that did run with the round and chisel nose designs of the past. Current: ii) The hull length will be between 48” – 56”. iii) The hull width will be a minimum of 24”. v) The hull design will only be one of the following types: round nose, step deck, or chisel nose Proposed: ii) The hull length will be between 44” – 56”. iii) The hull width will be a minimum of 22”. v) The hull design will only be one of the following types: round nose, step deck, picklenose, or chisel nose. Proposal 19 – Submitted by Rob Martinez Change NAMBA Rule: Change motor specification rules for Classic Thunderboat (Rule 27.D.1.b.i) (To flow through as a National proposal if approved) Reasoning: To continue to advance the sport with the use of the G300PUM, 29.5 engines and to encourage the use of the underutilized and readily available G300PUM. This will further use the props available, allow further tuning of the thunderboats, and increase the competitiveness of the class as well as thunderboats showing a positive response in speed and handling with the use of the G300PUM and excellent idle characteristics. To advance from the Zenoah G260PUM to the G300PUM, Replace all wording of G260PUM and all boats with the G300PUM, Keeping all other existing rules in place. Only Modification to be allowed is the replacement of the OEM metal base gasket to the Stock Zenoah Blue Base Gasket- Reasoning is the metal gasket is not available as a replacement. Allow the use of a Stock Walbro 257 or 1048 Current: Engines will be a Zenoah G260 PUM. The Engine may run a stock 257 carburetor. No internal modifications are allowed. Replacement parts must be from the original manufacturer and the same type engine (Zenoah 260 to Zenoah 260). No part swapping from other manufacturers or engine types is permitted. Proposed: Engines will be a Zenoah G300 PUM. The Engine may run a stock 257 or 1048 carburetor. No internal modifications are allowed. Replacement parts must be from the original manufacturer and the same type engine (Zenoah 300 to Zenoah 300), with the exception of replacing the base gasket with the Zenoah Blue OEM gasket. No part swapping from other manufacturers or engine types is permitted. Proposal 20 – Submitted by Rob Martinez Change NAMBA Rule: Section 27 - Rule B.1a.iii. regarding G-1 and G-2 engine parts specifically Welded Crankshafts (To flow through as a National proposal, if approved) Reasoning: Welded crankshafts are not new to the Sport/Hobby. However with the increase in the availability of welded cranks and confirmation of the process using a TIG welder and a Welding Rod to add material to the center pin and the counterweight, grinding to appear smooth and making a cavity to do so, this is adding material to the part, and rendering such modification Illegal throughout NAMBA. There is no method proven or tested, both through professional engine builders and professional tradesmen aerospace welders to conduct the process using solely the TIG welder to melt the 2 dissimilar metals together to form a bond at a high enough temperature exceeding 1900F.+ degrees. Therefore upon any Record, protest, sanctioned event etc.. Welded cranks will be illegal in G1 and G2 engines and subject to removal from engines and or records, trials etc., and corrective action within the District Rules set within if used going forward. Current: Modifications are allowed to major and minor components. However, major components may only be modified by removing material. Adding material or parts to modify an engine's major components will be illegal. The only exception to this rule is that a cylinder may be modified to accept (add-on) a water jacket. Proposed: Modifications are allowed to major and minor components. However, major components may only be modified by removing material. Adding material or parts to modify an engine's major components will be illegal. The only exception to this rule is that a cylinder may be modified to accept (add-on) a water jacket. Welded crankshafts are illegal. The following are proposals on the classes that will be run in the district’s heat racing series for 2015. These themselves won’t become rules but if we decide to run GX-27, GX-32, or an Open class we will need a rule to define what those are so I’ve left the proposal numbers in place to be used for those definitions should they be needed. Proposal 21 – Submitted by Howard Welch Engine Classification to run for 2015: Reasoning: This would replace GX1, GX2, G1, and G2. Proposed: GX-27 on Saturday in all classes, this includes any and all engines up to 27cc in all classes. GX-32 on Sunday in all classes, this includes any and all engines up to 32cc Thunderboat to remain unchanged on Saturday. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal 22 – Submitted by Howard Welch Classes to run for 2015: Proposed: To run G-1 on Saturday, all classes, Thunderboat to remain unchanged on Saturday. G-1 engine rules stay unchanged. Run open engines up to 35cc in all classes on Sunday excluding GX-Twin. Twin to run in Open Oval or Open Offshore and/or until creation of a twin class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Submitted by Rob Martinez Proposed: G-Ltd classes would run on Saturday.
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