Dodgeville High School Newsletter November 2014 2nd 7th 8th 11th 12th 14th 15th 18th 19th 20th 21st 23rd 24th 26th 28th From the Principals Desk by Dr. Jeff Athey Bryce P Emma N Maynard P Ryan R Joshua M Tanner C Hunter G Kennedy S Taylor P Shawnee J Jacob B Brittany W MacKenzie R Trilby C Thomas S McKenzie B Jason F Lance James Jamaica R Hunter D Alaina P Zachary S Inside this issue: From the Desk of cont… 2 Library Media Center Junior Parent Thank you Thanksgiving Recess Daylight Savings Turkey Grams ASVAB Election Day Mock Elections FCCLA Leadership 3 Winter Sports Start-up Veteran’s Day Program Nurse News 4 MSG 2 Teens “Anything Goes” P/T Conferences 5 Guidance News 6-8 Halloween Party 9 DECA News 10 FFA News 11 Nov Students of the Month 12 Calendar of Events 1315 FCCLA News 15 Dates Reminder 16 Happy November, everyone! It seems like I just finished working on last month’s newsletter! The time flies when you’re busy! This month’s newsletter will not be as long as last month’s newsletter. However, it’s still a busy time of year. We’re in that transition from fall sports season to winter sports season. Our fall sports teams are in the process of holding their awards/recognition banquets while the winter sports meeting with Scott Tolzman is being held tonight (10/27). All of our fall teams have concluded their seasons with the exception of our Girls’ Cross Country team who qualified this past Saturday to run at state. I’m sure they won’t mind an extra week of practices with Coach McGraw and Coach Hanson. Congratulations, girls! We hope you are able to bring that gold trophy back with you on Saturday (11/1)! This past week, we came off of a successful “Stuff the Bus” campaign in which we held an all-school canned goods/non-perishable food item collection (along with the other 3 school buildings in the district) to donate to the Iowa County Food Pantry. We were happy to do this for the community and, yes, it’s true- “Dodgers Do Make a Difference!” In mid-October, all of our freshmen students took the Aspire tests using computers. Despite some glitches we had with the technology, all of our students completed their testing this past week. This Tuesday morning (10/28) and Thursday morning (10/30), all of the sophomores will be taking the WKCE tests in “Social Studies” and “Science” from 7:55-8:55 a.m. This the final year that this pencil and book test will be administered. All freshmen and sophomores will be taking the Aspire test in the spring of 2015, too. Up next, will be the juniors who will be taking the ACT (3/3) and Work Keys (3/4)! By the Dodgers way, the winter STAR testing window for students is January 12th-23rd, 2015. As you will read in this month’s edition, there are some short articles that talk about what is coming up at DHS in November—the vote on the referendum November 4th, the fall musical (“Anything Goes”) November 6th-8th, the Veteran’s Day program we’ll be holding in the gym on Tuesday, November 11th starting at 9:30 a.m., and, of course, Thanksgiving Recess November 27th & 28th. Students and faculty from Samuel Whitbread Academy in England will be visiting us October 29 thNovember 7th. Brian Kulcinski, our advisor to our school’s International Students Club, has arranged for some exciting field trips for them when they are here this coming week. We hope they enjoy the Midwest and their time with host students/families! Aside from these events, I’m staying busy with Educator Effectiveness-related things. I just spent the past couple of weeks meeting with each teacher to discuss their 3 SLO goals, their self-assessment, the analysis of their survey 1 results with students, and their professional growth goals. I’m now scheduling formal and informal classroom observations and getting into classrooms which I’m glad is finally here. I’ve also had to complete my own SLOs, selfassessment, and PPG. The high school’s SPDG (State Personnel, Development Grant) team has been meeting twice a month. In our upcoming meeting on November 5th, we’ll be examining the feedback received from faculty regarding the “mission, vision, and collaboration” activity we did back during a Wednesday October inservice session. In our last meeting with our coach, Edie Holcomb, we completed our first (of 3) reports on the progress we’ve made in addressing our two goals for the year (e.g., closing the gap in math scores between regular education and Special Education students and moving toward more of a school-wide professional learning communi- Page 2 Dodgeville High School Newsletter From the Desk of cont… DHS Library Media Center ty). We’ve also been reading and discussing information about “formative assessments” from two books we’re reading this year (e.g., Embedded: Formative Assessment by Dylan Wiliam and Common Formative Assessment by Kim Bailey & Chris Jakicic). Tomorrow, Amanda VanDenHeyden will be spending the morning with us (7:45-11:45 a.m.) to demonstrate interventions for Tier 2 & 3 students in a math classroom. Enjoy the fall colors of leaves on trees before they fall and that extra hour of sleep you’ll get Saturday night (11/2) before Daylight Savings Time ends! Have a great month ahead, everyone! Thank you to Junior Parents Do you have to take an important college or career test this year? Let the DHS library help you! We have access to online practice tests for the AP, ACT, SAT, ASVAB, and more. Additionally, we have resources to help you write the perfect college essay. Check out the DHS Library test prep website at We would like to thank some of the Junior Class Parents for providing food for the staff during Parent/ Teacher Conferences on Wed. Oct., 8th: Julia Harman, Chris Stumpf, Sara Jones, Julie Klar, Angie Cushman, Mike Gorgen Chad Rhyner, Becci Thompson, Lisa Stewart, Paula Lee-Hall, Christine Hess, Mary Pluemer, Staci Driscoll, Carrie Schroeder, Julie Piper, Muffy Swingen, Michelle Mettlach, Wendy Sersch, Tina Martin, Jill Zajicek, Teresa Bauer, Ron Goetzke, Mike Humke, and Janalyn Yager Thanksgiving Recess No classes will be held in the Dodgeville School District Thursday and Friday, November 27th & 28th due to the Thanksgiving Recess. Classes will resume at their regular times on Monday, December 1st. Page 3 Dodgers Daylight Savings Time Ends- November 2nd Don’t forget to turn your clocks back an hour before going to bed on Saturday night, November 1st. Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 2nd. We all get an extra hour of sleep that night as a result. The only bad thing about this is that it will be dark that much earlier in the evenings. That’s a sure sign winter isn’t too far behind. Turkey Grams—Gobble, Gobble The Psychology Club will be taking orders for Turkey Grams from November 17-25 and deliveries will be made during Advisory on Wednesday, November 26th. Buy your friend or even favorite teacher a treat for only $.50 or 10 Dodger Dollars. ASVAB This year juniors and seniors have the opportunity to take the ASVAB exam. This is a career exploration program that can help them identify, understand, and organize information about their interests, skills and work-related values. The ASVAB will assist students in identifying suitable occupations they may wish to investigate and pursue based on their own interests, values, skills, and competencies. The FREE ASVAB exam consists of eight tests and takes approximately three hours. The exam will be given in the Library at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, December 1st. Students must sign up in the Guidance Office by Monday, November 24th. Please see Ms. Reidt if you have any questions. Election Day- November 4th The polls will be open from 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 4th. Besides the chance to cast your vote for Governor and other representatives running for political offices, there’s an opportunity to weigh in on the school district’s referendum regarding the building of a new high school and remodeling of the existing high school. If you are eighteenyears-old or older, exercise your right as an informed voter! Mock Elections DHS students will have the opportunity to engage in civic participation and vote in an election. Mock elections are a great way for our young people to get involved in politics and make informed decisions at the ballot box. The election will be held in Dr. Wehrle’s classroom throughout the day on Tuesday, November 4th and all students are encouraged to participate. FCCLA Members Attend WI Leadership Event Three FCCLA members at DHS recently attended the WI Leadership Workshop in Madison. Students were able to hear keynote speaker Latrell Armstrong speak to them about the importance of “community” in their FCCLA chapters. Members were also able to choose from among 6 different workshop sessions to learn more about FCCLA and ideas they could bring back to their chapters and also network with some of the other 300 FCCLA members in attendance from southern WI. Shown in the photo are: Jasmine Salava, Maddie Rundle & Ryan James. Dodgeville High School Newsletter Winter Sports Start-Up Page 4 Veteran’s Day Program- Nov. 11th Scott Tolzman, the DHS Assistant Principal/A.D., will be facilitating the winter sports meeting on Monday, October 27th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the high school gym. If an athlete and his/her parent(s) did not attend the fall meeting and the athlete is planning to go out for a winter sport, then this is a mandatory meeting to attend. Gymnastics and girls’ basketball practices begin on Monday, November 10th. Boys’ basketball and wrestling practices begin on Monday, November 17th. Basketball and wrestling cheerleading practices begin Tuesday, November 18th. Good-luck to all our winter sports teams in their seasons ahead! Dodgeville High School will be holding a Veteran’s Day program this year on Tuesday, November 11 th beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the DHS gym to honor veterans. Dr. Tammy Wehrle, one of the DHS Social Studies teachers, will be planning/orchestrating this all-school assembly program. Several DHS students will emcee and present short messages. Both the choir and band will perform musical selections. Dr. Athey, the high school Principal, will perform special music for this event, too. Terry Wilkinson will present a short address on behalf of the veterans in our community. The public is welcome to attend. Health Information by Ann Jenkins Dodgeville School District Nurse Flu vaccine was offered to students at each school in the district in October. The Iowa County Health Department gave either the injected vaccine or nasal mist free of charge. No more flu vaccine will be offered at school but you may get vaccine from Iowa County Health Department by calling 930-9870 for an appointment or see your health care provider. Some area pharmacies also offer the vaccine at a cost to you during their regular pharmacy hours. Flu vaccine provides protection from common types of respiratory illness called influenza which is spread mainly by coughing, sneezing and close contact. The vaccine takes a couple weeks to be fully effective so you are encouraged to get the vaccine early to avoid illness. Flu vaccine is recommended every year as the formula is changed to prevent the viruses circulating in the current year. Flu symptoms include: fever/chills, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, cough, headache, and runny or stuffy nose. Symptoms usually come on suddenly and may last several days in most people but longer in people with health issues and the very young or old. Flu can lead to pneumonia and other complications in all age groups. In all grades K4 through 12 there were about 402 students vaccinated for influenza in October at the Dodgeville School District clinics held by Iowa County Health Department. There were also about 150 other students who had the vaccine at a health care provider prior to the school clinics (that notified the school). With more students receiving the vaccine it reduces the chance of a widespread influenza outbreak in our schools. Thank you to the Iowa County Health Department for providing this service to the Dodgeville School District students. Page 5 Dodgeville High School Newsletter MSG 2 Teens A Teen Driving Safety Campaign MSG 2 Teens is a Driving Safety Campaign that encourages high school students to create positive messages that are produced by and for teens. We are inviting teens to write and direct a public service announcement regarding driving safely. The students must be 14 to 18 year old high school students. They may enter as individuals or teams—a team can have a maximum of four members. PSA topics can cover the following driving dangers: spped, distracted driving, texting and driving, driving under the influence, or seatbelt usage. Here is the best part… prizes for the school and teens! The winning PSA will be aired in January 2015 during American Idol. All of the top five PSAs will air on Fox 47 TV between February and June 2015. First place will receive a $1500 grant for their school and each team member will receive a $500 cash prize. The second place team will win a $250 cash prize for each team member. The third place team will win a $125 cash prize for each team member. All team members who make the Top 5 will receive a prize pack that includes: a $25 gift card from Culver’s, a $25 gift card from Kelley’s Market, a $25 gift card from The Nitty Gritty, and 2 movie passes from Marcus Theaters. Our mission: Teens are over-represented in traffic crashes and fatalities each year—and we would like to decrease the number of teen accidents in Wisconsin through peer education. By working together, we will achieve our goals of decreasing teen accidents in Wisconsin; and, hopefully save at least one more life this year! Deadline entries: November 7th! ( Fall Musical The fall musical “Anything Goes” will be performed for the public on the DHS stage in the gymnasium Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights November 6th, 7th, & 8th at 7:00 p.m. A Saturday afternoon matinee will be performed at 2:00 p.m. The cast and crew have been working hard on the show since September 7 th. They would appreciate you coming to attend one of these shows! Cost: $4.00 for students & seniors: $6.00 for Adults; $1.00 off if you bring in non-perishable food items to contribute to the local food pantry. Parent-Teacher Conferences at DHSDec. 10th Dodgeville High School will hold its second-round of Parent -Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, December 10th from 3:45-7:30 p.m. It is not necessary to call the high school in advance to schedule conferences to meet with the teachers. Conferences will be held on a first-come, first-serve basis. We just ask that parents limit their conferences with teachers to no more than 10-minutes each. This allows as many parents as possible to meet with teachers. Term 2 mid-term progress reports can be picked up in the office upon arrival before parents go around to meet with teachers. Feel welcome to leave when you’re through. We look forward to seeing as many parents as possible on this night. Any midterm progress reports not picked up at Parent-Teacher Conferences will be mailed home to parents the next day. We look forward to seeing as many parents on this evening who can make it! Our third-round of Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 from 3:457:30 p.m. Dodgeville High School Newsletter Guidance Office News by Tracy Reidt LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION No UW schools require letters of recommendation; however, UW-Madison still encourages them. The other UW schools suggested including a letter of recommendation if your student is considered to be on the “bubble” for admission. These recommendations should come from a core content teacher who can comment on your student’s ability to successfully complete college level work. Because letters need to be thoughtful in order to be effective, students must give those writing the recommendations at least two weeks notice. For early January deadlines, recommendations must be requested in early December due to the Winter Break. School personnel cannot be responsible for meeting deadlines when requests are made with less than two weeks notice. SENIOR COUNSELOR CONFERENCES Throughout first term, seniors were asked to attend an individual appointment with Ms. Reidt. The purpose of the conferences was to check graduation requirements and discuss/prepare for life after high school. If a senior has not had that conference with Ms. Reidt, he/she should come to the Guidance Office to reschedule as soon as possible. Page 6 SENIORS APPLYING TO SCHOOLS Please be aware that you will be responsible for submitting the application, application fee, ACT scores and any other supporting documents to the school(s) to which you are applying. You can request a transcript by completing a “Transcript Request Form”. This form can be picked up in the Guidance Office and turned in to Jenni or Ms. Riedt. If applying for schools out of state, you must include the address. SCHOLARSHIP UPDATE Scholarship information is available to students throughout the year by accessing the Dodgeville High School website ( high/) > DHS Guidance > 2014-2015 Scholarships. The link is updated about every 1-2 weeks. All organizations that contact DHS regarding their available scholarships are advertised on this posting. The Dodgeville Guidance Department strongly discourages students from paying for scholarship searches. UW System Required Course Preparation All UW System institutions require a minimum of 17 high school credits distributed as follows: English 4 credits, Mathematics 3 credits, Natural Science 3 credits, Social Science/ History 3 credits. In addition to the “core college preparatory” credits identified, students need to complete a minimum of four elective credits as follows: Electives - An additional 4 credits may be chosen from English, mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science/History, Foreign Language, Fine Arts, Computer Science, and other academic areas. (Two years of a single Foreign Language are required for admission to UW EauClaire and UW Madison, and strongly recommended at other UW System Campuses.) Some UW System campuses may also accept technical and career courses for a portion of these 4 elective credits. All Students are encouraged to exceed the minimum number of college preparatory credits required for admission. Students who choose a rigorous high school curriculum (including senior year course work) are more successful in college. Strong academic preparation for college helps to ensure success. ONE ACCEPTED, STUDENTS MUST NOTIFY SCHOOLS BEFORE CHANGING CORE ACADEMIC CLASSES. SENDING AN EMAIL TO THE ADMISSIONS OFFICE OF THE COLLEGE(S) IS ADVANTAGEOUS. Priority application dates vary among the UW schools; check the specific school’s website for the exact date. Page 7 Dodgeville High School Newsletter FINANCIAL AID MEETING FOR SENIORS Although technical college and university education are very expensive, financial aid (scholarships, grants, part-time jobs, and loans) is usually available. To understand the process of applying for financial aid, seniors who are planning to continue their education after high school are encouraged to attend any one of the following meetings with their parents/guardians. Financial Aid Night January 6th, 2015 6:00-7:00 pm Dodgeville High School College Goal Wisconsin-assistance completing FAFSA forms Saturday, February 22nd, 2015 at Platteville High School 2 pm-4 pm Students are encouraged to apply online at . Students applying online will get their application results 7-14 days faster than if they apply through the mail. The information transmitted over the internet is completely secure, and the process is quicker because students are only asked the questions they need to answer. When the application is submitted, the printer will generate a form which the student needs to sign and mail in. For those who do not have access to a computer, a paper application is available. It is important to remember that financial aid will be based on the information from your 2014 tax form and cannot be submitted until after January 1, 2015. HELPFUL RESOURCES FOR POST SECONDARY EDUCATION INFORMATION The University of Wisconsin System 1-800-442-6459 Wisconsin’s Technical Colleges 1-800-320-8324 Wisconsin’s Independent Colleges 1-800-433-4733 UW Helpline 1-800-422-6459 UW HELP is an educational advising service for all 26 campuses in the UW System and UW-Extension. Students and parents can talk to an adviser, request literature, and access a wide array of information on topics such as: Admission, Financial Aid, Majors, Residence Life, and more. WISCAREERS/CAREER LOCKER WisCareers/Career Locker is a website available to students interested in exploring career interests, postsecondary options, and information regarding postsecondary schools in Wisconsin. This program offers personality and interest inventories. It also offers ACT and SAT practice tests. All students at Dodgeville High school have access to WisCareers/Career Locker. Students can login by using the registration code: dhs-c818. When creating a new account, please write down your username and password in a secure place for future use. 8th GRADE PARENT/STUDENT SCHEDULING INFORMATION NIGHT On the evening of January 6th from 7:00-8:00 pm, DHS will be hosting a Scheduling Information Night for incoming freshman and their parents. The evening will provide students and parents the opportunity to meet with teachers from the various departments to discuss course offerings. Parents and students will also be provided with information on scheduling for high school and graduation requirements. ACT/SAT Most universities and four-year colleges require either the ACT or the SAT for admission; the ACT is the preferred test at most schools in the Midwest. The SAT is the preferred test at most schools on the east and west coast. The ACT is administered on several Saturday mornings throughout the school year. Juniors should plan on taking the ACT or SAT in April or June of their junior year. Page 8 ALL juniors will take the ACT, free of charge, at Dodgeville High School on Tuesday, March 3. More details to come in the future. Preparation materials for the ACT tests are available in the Guidance Office and online. ACT and the College Board, publisher of the SAT, have preparation materials online. WisCareers/Career Locker also offers ACT and SAT test preps. The website for ACT is; the website for the SAT is ACT and SAT scores are used to determine admission and to advise students in course selection. They are also used as a criterion in judging some scholarship competitions. Juniors planning to apply to a university or four year college are advised to register to take either ACT or SAT no earlier than April of their junior year. ACT/ACT PLUS WRITING- (newsletter information site ACT provides two testing options for students, the “ACT Assessment” and the “ACT Assessment Plus Writing”. The “ACT Assessment Plus Writing” includes a 30 minute writing sample. Some universities (including UW-Madison, Marquette University, and the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities, Duluth and Morris) require the Writing Test. Students should check with the schools they are considering or go to for a list of institutions that require or recommend the Writing Test. The SAT includes a writing sample as part of the assessment. THE 2014-2015 ACT AND SAT TEST DATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: ACT Date Registration Deadline (Late Fee Required) September 13, 2014 August 8, 2014 August 9–22, 2014 October 25, 2014 September 19, 2014 September 20–October 3, 2014 December 13, 2014 November 7, 2014 November 8–21, 2014 February 7, 2015 January 9, 2015 SAT Subject Tests AvailaSAT Date ble (Find Dates) June 13, 2015 Mail Phone/ Online Deadline for Changes Subject Tests Oct 9 Oct 24 Oct 28 Oct 28 Dec 6 Subject Tests Nov 6 Nov 21 Nov 24 Nov 24 Jan 24 Subject Tests Dec 29 Jan 9 Jan 13 Jan 13 Feb 13 Feb 27 Mar 3 Mar 3 January 10–16, 2015 More information to come April 18, 2015 Late Registration Deadline Nov 8 Mar 14 March 3, 2015 Registration Deadline March 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 2 Subject Tests Apr 6 Apr 17 Apr 21 Apr 21 Jun 6 Subject Tests May 8 May 22 May 27 May 27 March 14–27, 2015 May 9–22, 2015 Page 9 Dodgeville High School Newsletter FFA, DECA, VICA and FCCLA Halloween Party On Monday, Oct. 27th the FFA, DECA, VICA and FCCLA Clubs had there annual Halloween Party. All members were invited to attend. The evening started with a cookout. Games are always a big hit at the party, this year some were Balloon Stomp, the Ping Pong Ball Relay, Mummy Wrap and Whipped Cream Bubbles. This year they also had a Haunted Walk in the Arboretum for those brave enough to try it! Sounds like a great time was had by all who attended! Dodgeville High School Newsletter Page 10 At our regular chapter meeting on October 8th about 30 students painted pumpkins in the cafeteria. Several DECA members are competing in a relatively new area of competition; the Virtual Business Challenge (VBC). VBC is completed through online simulations. There are five tracks for the VBC, each of which test students knowledge in different areas of marketing. Senior DECA members Emily Philipps and Morgan Storkson are participating in the restaurant track, trying to earn the highest annual gross profit. Seniors Ryan Raess and Caleb Grady are competing in the Sports track in which they take on ownership roles in a football franchise. Juniors MacKenzie Reukauf and Jenna Sersch are in the retailing track, which tests students abilities to manage a virtual convenience store. Lastly, Stewart Thompson will be competing in the hotel track where he will explore all aspects of running a hotel. Students will compete in two rounds of competition between October 20th and February 6th. All tracks of the Virtual Business Challenge have the potential to result in advancement to the International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida next spring. Upcoming Events 11/12: Chicago Trip 11/26: Monthly Meeting 12/1: Pizza Hut Buffet 12/10-12/17: Giving Tree Above: Matt G. stands with a mummified Max M. at the all CTSO Halloween party. Left: A sample photo of what the restaurant looks like in the VBC restaurant track. Page 11 Dodgeville High School Newsletter FFA News & Events by Denny McGraw In the pictures shown the Aquaculture and Ag Mechanics Classes are painting the picnic tables that go around the building, weighing and measuring the new fish they added to the tank, fixing Burkhardt’s rotary mower, making fishing lures and doing a filtration experiment. In the below picture the FFA Officers are excepting a check for $1517.00. Officers excepting the check are: Kristin Keenan, Zach Dressler, John Sanders, Matt Haag from Culvers, Riley Berning, Megan Pluemer and Brittany Rhyner. Page 12 Dodgeville High School Newsletter (The students recognized this month were nominated by the teachers in the Career & Technical Education Department at DHS) Ashley Chitwood- Ashley is a senior at DHS. She has taken Career & Tech Ed Department classes including: Info Processing, Computer Apps 1, Intro to Business & Marketing, and Basic Photography. While at DHS she has participated in cross country (2 yrs), basketball (4 yrs) and softball (4 yrs). She is a member of FFA and DECA and likes to read and draw in her free time. She has a part-time job working at the House on the Rock. She plans to attend college next year and is considering majoring in engineering. Ashley was nominated by the Business & Marketing Department staff. They commented that her assignments are always done on time and her work is impeccable. She will not turn something in that does not meet her high standards. She also does a great job working with other students in class and takes a leadership role when working on group projects. Ty Driscoll- Ty is a junior at DHS. So far in his high school career he has taken Career & Tech Ed classes including: Info Processing, Basic Metals, Woodworking, Nutrition & Food Prep, Intro to Professional Cooking. He has participated in cross country and track for 3 years. He has a part-time job at McDonalds and enjoys music in his free time. He is still exploring his options for plans after high school. Ty was nominated by the staff in the Family & Consumer Science department. It’s noted that he hands in work on time and his work is always of good quality. He pays attention to detail and is good at catching verbal as well as written directions. He’s great to work with in small groups and shows leadership by assisting other students in interpreting directions when needed. Claire Rickey- Claire is a senior this year and has taken numerous Career & Tech Ed Department classes such as: Entrepreneurship, Companion Animals, Animal Science, Senior Ag, Intro to Professional Cooking and Career Prep. She is a member of FFA and DECA and plans to get involved with Spanish Club again this year. Claire enjoys fishing and hunting in her free time. She has 2 part-time jobs---one is working at Best of Friends Pet Care and the other is at Kate’s Bait where she handles customer service. She plans to attend either UW Platteville or UW Whitewater next year and hopes to explore a career in the accounting field. Claire was nominated by the Family & Consumer Science Department staff. Her teachers have noticed that she does a great job of interpreting directions on projects and pays close attention in class to all details. The quality of her work is excellent. Congratulations to these students for being chosen as DHS Students of the Month! Career & Tech Ed teachers--Mark Dooley, Lori Crum, Erika Gleason, Sharon Anderson, Ashlee Schanke, Denny McGraw, John Moran, Tom DeLain Page 13 Dodgeville High School Newsletter November Calendar of Events November 1 Cross Country- State- Wisconsin Rapids Tamra Novinska- PL- Wisconsin State Music Conference- Monona Terrace- Madison8:30-11:30 a.m.- Introduction to Medical Spanish class- Upland Hills Health- Education Conference Room (Contact person: Kathy Warpinski) (Cost: $125.00) 2 2:00 a.m.- Daylight Saving Time ends 4:00-6:00 p.m.- Dodgeville Youth Girls’ Basketball practice- Gym (Contact person: Angela Borne) 3 Sharon Anderson- F.T. with Professional Cooking class to The Cook’s Room 3:30 p.m.- Scheduling Committee meeting- Library 4:00-6:00 p.m.- Dr. Ed. class- H-1 4:30-9:15 a.m.- Nursing Assistant class- Distance Ed. Lab (Contact persons: MJ Dachelet) 6:30 p.m.- Policy/PR Committee meeting- DMS Library 7:00 p.m.- Curricular/Co-Curricular Committee meeting- DMS Library 4 Election Day Mark Dooley- PL- Carl Perkins’ Consortium meeting- CESA #3Scott Tolzman- PL- Region 14 & 15 football meeting- 9:00 a.m.- Babe’s- Madison Term 1 classes end today 4:30-9:15 p.m.- Nursing Assistant class- Distance Ed. Lab (Contact persons: MJ Dachelet ) 5 Term 2 classes begin today Julie Thormodsgard- PL- District Special Education Dept. meeting- All day- Sub: Tim Kinney 9:00 a.m.- DHS Custodian’s meeting- Office Conference Room 12:30-3:45 p.m.- District Special Education Dept. meeting- DES VIP Room 1:33-2:05 p.m.- FFA meeting- A-5 2:00 p.m.- UW-Platteville Math Contest- Jeff Bradley, Laura Kulcinski, & math students 2:20-3:45 p.m.- Professional Development- Teachers work on Term 1 grades 2:30-5:30 p.m.- SPDG meeting- Office Conference Room 2:30-4:30 p.m.- Dr. Ed. class- H-1 4:30-8:15 p.m.- Medical Terminology class- Distance Ed. Lab (Contact persons: MJ Dachelet) 6:00-7:15 p.m.- Gym use- Basketball (Contact person: Wayne Larson) 6 Elizabeth Dorn will be in the district to have follow-up meetings with co-teachers 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.- PBIS Networking at La Follette High School- Madison 10:00 a.m.- SWC Principals’ & ADs’ meeting- Tower Junction- Montfort Shannon Baxter & Brian Kulcinski- F.T. with the Samuel Whitbread students & teachers to visit local sites Kyle Glynn- F.T. to Las Palmas Restaurant- Platteville with Block 4 Spanish 2 class Deadline for seniors to apply for the 2015 Kohl Excellence Scholarships 6:30 p.m.- Finance Committee meeting- DMS Library 7:00 p.m.- Building & Grounds Committee meeting- DMS Library 7:00 p.m.- Fall musical- “Anything Goes”- Gym (Cost: $4.00 for students & seniors: $6.00 for Adults; $1.00 off if you bring in non-perishable food items to contribute to the local food pantry) 7 Shannon Baxter, Laura Kulcinski, & Brian Kulcinski- PL- Taking theSamuel Whitbread students and teachers to O’Hare Airport (Chicago) Deadline for registering for the December 13 th ACT test 7:00 p.m.- Fall musical- “Anything Goes”- Gym MSG 2 Teens entries due today ( 2:00 & 7:00 p.m.- Fall musical- “Anything Goes”- Gym 9 Scott Tolzman- PL- State ADs’ Convention- Wisconsin Dells12:00 p.m.- Football Banquet- Cafeteria 4:00 p.m.- Cross Country Banquet- Cafeteria 4:00-6:00 p.m.- Dodgeville Youth Girls’ Basketball practice- Gym (Contact person: Angela Borne) 10 7:30-7:50 a.m.- DHS Technology Committee meeting- Library Office Scott Tolzman- PL- State ADs’ Convention- Wisconsin Dells- All Day Girls’ Basketball starts Gymnastics starts 4:00-6:00 p.m.- Dr. Ed. class- H-1 4:30-9:15 p.m.- Nursing Assistant class- Distance Ed. Lab (Contact persons: MJ Dachelet) 7:00 p.m.- School Board meeting- DMS Library 11 Veteran’s Day Page 14 Dodgeville High School Newsletter November Calendar of Events 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 9:30 a.m.- Veteran’s Day program- Gym 4:30-9:15 p.m.- Nursing Assistant class- Distance Ed. Lab (Contact persons: MJ Dachelet) 6:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m.- Erika Gleason & Clarey Knellwolf- F.T. with DECA students- Chicago 7:30-7:50 a.m.- Sophomore Team meeting- D-6 8:00-9:00 a.m.- DHS MTSS meeting- Office Conference Room 9:00 a.m.- Rep. from Edgewood College here 1:33-2:05 p.m.- FCCLA meeting- B-4 2:00-4:30 p.m.- Flu vaccine for staff at DHS 2:20-3:45 p.m.- Professional Development- Library (re: Essential questions activity- Top 8) 2:30-4:30 p.m.- Dr. Ed. class- H-1 4:30-8:15 p.m.- Medical Terminology class- Distance Ed. Lab (Contact persons: MJ Dachelet) 6:00-7:00 p.m.- Open gym- Basketball (Contact person: Jeff Grady) 6:00-7:15 p.m.- Gym use- Basketball (Contact person: Wayne Larson) 7:30-7:50 a.m.- Junior Team meeting- D-6 7:30-7:50 a.m.- Senior Team meeting- D-6 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.- DHS SPDG meeting with Edie Holcomb- Office Conference Room 10:00 a.m.- G BB (Varsity)- Scrimmage at Belmont High School (T); Bus- 9:00 a.m. 4:00-6:00 p.m.- Dodgeville Youth Girls’ Basketball practice- Gym (Contact person: Angela Borne) 6:00-8:00 p.m.- Open gym- Basketball (Contact person: Jeff Grady) Mark Dooley- PL- “Ready for College, Ready for Careers”- SWTC- Fennimore John Moran- PL- Southwest Education Summit- All Day- SWTC- Fennimore- Sub: Dave James Boys’ Basketball starts Wrestling starts 4:00-6:00 p.m.- Dr. Ed. class- H-1 4:30-9:15 p.m.- Nursing Assistant class- Distance Ed. Lab (Contact persons: MJ Dachelet) 7:00-9:00 p.m.- 8th Gr. Basketball practice- Gym (Contact person: Howard Blalock) 9:00-11:00 a.m.- Administrative Team meeting- DES VIP Room Basketball and wrestling cheerleading starts 3:45-4:45 p.m.- District Technology Committee meeting- DMS Library 4:30-9:15 p.m.- Nursing Assistant class- Distance Ed. Lab 6:00 p.m.- Girls’ Basketball (Varsity Reserve)- Evansville (H) 7:30 p.m.- Girls’ Basketball (Varsity)- Evansville (H) 1:33-2:05 p.m.- VICA meeting- Shop 2:20-3:45 p.m.- Professional Development- Library (re: Building Professional Program- Content Goals) 2:30-4:30 p.m.- Dr. Ed. class- H-1 4:30-8:15 p.m.- Medical Terminology class- Distance Ed. Lab 6:00-7:00 p.m.- Open gym- Basketball (Contact person: Jeff Grady) 6:00-7:15 p.m.- Gym use- Basketball (Contact person: Wayne Larson) 6:00 p.m.- Girls’ Basketball (Varsity Reserve)- Mineral Point (T); Bus- 5:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.- Girls’ Basketball (Varsity)- Mineral Point (T); Bus- 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.- 5th-8th grade basketball games- DHS Gym (Contact person: Howard Blalock) December “Student-of-the-Month” nominations made by the English Department 4:00-6:00 p.m.- Dodgeville Youth Girls’ Basketball practice- Gym (Contact person: Angela Borne) 6:00-8:00 p.m.- Open gym- Basketball (Contact person: Jeff Grady) 7:30-7:50 a.m.- DHS Technology Committee meeting- DHS Library Office Deadline for principals to received Herb Kohl Fellowship applications from teachers 3:45 p.m.- District Assessment Committee meeting- DMS Library 4:00-6:00 p.m.- Dr. Ed. class- H-1 7:00-9:00 p.m.- 8th Gr. Basketball practice- Gym (Contact person: Howard Blalock) Herb Kohl teacher fellowship applications due into District Administrators 5:50 p.m.- Boys’ Basketball (Varsity Reserve)- Mt. Horeb (T); Bus- 4:30 p.m. 5:50 p.m.- Boys’ Basketball (Freshmen)- Mt. Horeb (T); 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.- Girls’ Basketball (Varsity Reserve)- Riverdale (T); Bus- 4:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.- Girls’ Basketball (Varsity)- Riverdale (T); Bus- 4:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.- Boys’ Basketball (Varsity)- Mt. Horeb (T); Bus- 4:30 p.m. Page 15 Dodgeville High School Newsletter November Calendar of Events 26 27 28 30 8:00-9:00 a.m.- DHS MTSS meeting- Office Conference Room 1:33-2:05 p.m.- DECA meeting- B-3 2:30-3:45 p.m.- Professional Development- District “State-of-the-State” meeting with Dr. Jacobson- DHS Gym 2015 Kohl Excellence Scholarship applications due into CESA #3 4:30-8:15 p.m.- Medical Terminology class- Distance Ed. Lab 6:00-7:00 p.m.- Open gym- Basketball (Contact person: Jeff Grady) 6:00-7:15 p.m.- Gym use- Basketball (Contact person: Wayne Larson) Thanksgiving- No School today Thanksgiving Recess- No School today 4:00-6:00 p.m.- Dodgeville Youth Girls’ Basketball practice- Gym (Contact person: Angela Borne) 6:00-8:00 p.m.- Open gym- Basketball (Contact person: Jeff Grady) December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jeff Bradley- PL- AP Calculus workshop- Pyle Center- UW-Madison- All Day 7:00-9:00 p.m.- 8th Grade Basketball practice- Gym (Contact person: Howard Blalock) Mark Dooley- PL- Carl Perkins Consortium meeting- CESA #39:00-11:00 a.m.- Administrative Team meeting- DES VIP Room 5:40 p.m.- Boys’ Basketball (Freshmen)- Evansville (T) 6:00 p.m.- Girls’ Basketball (Varsity Reserve)- Darlington (H) 6:00 p.m.- Boys’ Basketball (Varsity Reserve)- Mineral Point (T); Bus- 5:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.- Boys’ Basketball (Varsity)- Mineral Point (T); Bus- 5:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.- Girls’ Basketball (Varsity)- Darlington (H) 12:45-3:45 p.m.- DHS SPDG meeting- Office Conference Room 1:33-2:05 p.m.- FFA meeting- A-5 2:20-3:45 p.m.- Professional Development- Teachers to write Term 2 mid-term progress reports 4:30-8:15 p.m.- Medical Terminology class- Distance Ed. Lab 5:15-8:30 p.m.- Adult Spanish class- Library (Contact person: Kathy Warpinski) 6:00-7:00 p.m.- Open gym- Basketball (Contact person: Jeff Grady) 6:00-7:15 p.m.- Gym use- Basketball (Contact person: Wayne Larson) 10:00 a.m.- SWC ADs’ meeting- Tower Junction- Montfort 6:00 p.m.- Girls’ Basketball (Varsity Reserve)- Prairie du Chien (H) 7:00 p.m.- Wrestling (Varsity)- Blackhawk/Darlington (T) at Darlington; Bus- 4:50 p.m. 7:15 p.m.- Girls’ Basketball (Varsity)- Prairie du Chien (H) Shannon Baxter- PL- Teaching Science with NGSS- All Day- CESA #3- FennimoreDeadline for District Administrators to send Herb Kohl applications to CESA #3 6:00 p.m.- Boys’ Basketball (Varsity Reserve)- Barneveld (H) 7:30 p.m.- Boys’ Basketball (Varsity)- Barneveld (H) 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.- 5th-8th Gr. Basketball games- DHS Gym (Contact person: Howard Blalock) 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.- Santa’s Secret Shop- Hills Pub- Dodgeville (Contact person: Brenda Crowe) 9:00 a.m.- Wrestling (Varsity)- Black Hawk Tournament (T) Bus- 6:30 a.m. 6:00-7:00 p.m.- Open gym- Basketball (Contact person: Jeff Grady) FCCLA Works to End Child Hunger On Oct. 28, three FCCLA members volunteered after school for an hour in the Iowa County Food Pantry. They helped check for expiration dates and sorted out over 500# of donated food from the Dodgeville School District “Stuff the Bus” food drive. One of the national projects for FCCLA is “No Kid Hungry”---bringing awareness to the support to end hunger in America. This is one small way students tried to help end child hunger in Iowa County! FCCLA members took time recently to bake banana bread to donate to the Family Advocates Shelter in Platteville. The bread will be used for snacks for the children who are temporary residents there. Shown are some of the members who helped in the after school baking session presenting the bread to Nikki Lewis, Youth Services Director at Family Advocates. Nikki explained to the members why their donation + other things are gratefully received by the staff at Family Advocates! Dodgeville High School NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 68 Dodgeville, WI 53533 912 W Chapel St Dodgeville, WI 53533 608 935 3307 option 4 Fax: 608 935 9540 Address Service Requested DHS Mission Statement DHS will be a safe, collaborative community that ensures success, inspiring life-long learners to be meaningful contributors to society. DHS Vision Statement DHS will be the leader in quality education. Important Dates to Remember….. Sunday, Nov. 2nd - Daylight Savings - (turn clocks back an hour) Tues, Nov. 4th -Vote Today Tues, Nov. 4th - Last day of Term 1 Thurs - Sat, Nov. 6th - 8th - Anything Goes Musical Tues, Nov. 11th - Veterans Day Program 9:30am Thurs - Fri, Nov 27th - 28th - Thanksgiving Break Wed, Dec. 10th - Parent/ Teacher Conferences
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