EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 1 of 11 Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 POLICY El Campo Memorial Hospital will make available Charity Care to person’s eligible as part of its mission to serve the health care needs of the community. El Campo Memorial Hospital will provide Charity Care to patients who cannot afford to pay for their own medical care based on set criteria and guidelines of the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 61. Because ECMH will provide care regardless of the patient’s ability to pay, there may be individuals who require additional financial assistance. Such financial assistance is considered Charity Care. Charity Care will be provided to all eligible patients who present themselves for care at El Campo Memorial Hospital without regard to race, creed, color or national origin. The evaluation of the necessity for medical treatment of any patient will be based upon clinical judgment regardless of the financial status of the patient. The clinical judgment of the patient’s personal physician or the Emergency Department physician will be the sole determining criterion for a patient’s admission to El Campo Memorial Hospital in accordance with the Medical Staff Bylaws. In cases where a medical emergency condition exists, El Campo Memorial Hospital’s evaluation of possible payment alternatives will occur only after urgent medical care evaluation, necessary stabilizing treatment, and/or appropriate transfer to another facility have been rendered in accordance with federal [EMTALA], state or local law. Expenses for Charity Care eligible patients shall not exceed Amounts Generally Billed (AGB) for emergency or other medically necessary care. The percentage of financial assistance for patients who qualify for a discounted rate is determined annually using a look-back method. The amount generally billed is the amount of the bill that would have been the patient’s responsibility had the patient had commercial insurance. The amount generally billed for patients that qualify for financial assistance is determined using the Net Patient Service Revenue from all financial payor classes from the prior year’s audit report. PURPOSE This policy establishes a framework by which El Campo Memorial Hospital identifies residents who are eligible for Charity Care. EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 2 of 11 Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 DEFINITIONS Financially Indigent - Patients who are uninsured and are accepted for care with either no obligation to pay or a discounted obligation for the services rendered based on the El Campo Memorial Hospital’s eligibility criteria set forth in this policy. In no event will El Campo Memorial Hospital establish eligibility criteria for financially indigent patients, which set the income level for Charity Care lower than that required for counties under the Texas Indigent Health Care and Treatment Act. The El Campo Memorial Hospital may, however, adjust the eligibility criteria from time to time based on the financial resources of the El Campo Memorial Hospital and as necessary to meet the Charity Care needs of the community. Medically Indigent - Patients whose medical bill after payment by third-party payers exceed fifteen (15) percent of the patient’s annual household gross income and who are unable to pay the remaining bill. El Campo Memorial Hospital may consider other financial assets and liabilities of the patient when determining ability to pay. A determination of a patient’s ability to pay the remainder of the bill will be based on whether the person reasonably can be expected to pay the account in full over a one-year period. If a determination is made that the person has the ability to pay the remainder of the bill, such a determination does not prevent a reassessment of the patient’s ability to pay at a later date. Charity Care Patient – A patient that is treated without the expectation of full payment. PROCEDURES 1. APPLICATIONS Each patient applying for Charity Care will be asked to complete an El Campo Memorial Hospital Application for Health Care Assistance (“Assistance Application”). Assistance EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 3 of 11 Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 Applications can be requested from the Indigent/Charity Program Coordinator at El Campo Memorial Hospital, 303 Sandy Corner Road, El Campo, Texas 77437, 979-5785194. Assistance Applications can also be picked up in the Hospital Business Office and from a Mid Coast Medical Clinic Receptionist. Applications may also be found on the Hospital’s website at www.ecmh.org. El Campo Memorial Hospital staff must give or mail Assistance Applications the same day they are requested. A brief explanation, if possible, should be given to the applicant explaining the process and the applicant’s responsibilities. Assistance in completing the Assistance Application will be provided if needed. [1] Texas Health Safety Code 61.053 [d] Applicants shall be informed that they should contact the Indigent/Charity Program Coordinator at El Campo Memorial Hospital at 979-578-5194. An Assistance Application will be considered complete if it includes these components: The applicant’s full legal name, physical and mailing addresses; The applicant’s social security number; The names of all other household members and their relationship to the applicant; Information about any medical insurance, hospital or health care benefits that household members may be eligible to receive; Information about the applicant’s gross yearly household income; The applicant/spouse’s signature and the date the form is filled out; and All needed verifications, including but not limited to a form authorizing El Campo Memorial Hospital Charity Care Program to utilize any and all resources available to verify the validity of the applicant’s information. The date that the Assistance Application and all information necessary to make an eligibility determination are received by the Indigent/Charity Program Coordinator will be considered the application completion date. All uninsured or underinsured patients unable to pay the required deposits before inpatient admission or prior to outpatient services will be screened for Charity Care eligibility at time of pre-registration, registration or admission. EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 4 of 11 Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 ECMH will make reasonable effort to determine if a patient is eligible for Charity Care by providing notices via mail during the notification period which ends 120 days after the date of the first billing statement. If ECMH has not determined if a patient is eligible for financial assistance during the notification period, the hospital will accept and process a Charity Care application for an additional 120 days before engaging in extraordinary collection efforts. Extraordinary Collection efforts include but aren’t limited to action requiring legal or judicial process, reporting to credit agencies and the sale of individual’s debt to another party. In situations where the patient does not provide the requested documents and El Campo Memorial Hospital personnel believe that the patient may have been treated without expectation of payment, the Assistance Application may be used. The Assistance Application should include information considered in classifying the patient and document that an attempt was made to obtain more complete information from the patient. The Assistance Application should have a written signature of the person completing it. Final authorization for Charity Care designation of accounts without complete documentation will be approved in writing by the Administrator and documented on the Assistance Application. 2. APPLICANT RESPONSIBILITY The applicant is responsible for: Correctly filling out the Assistance Application and providing all needed verification for all eligible household members; Reporting any individual, entity, or other third party that may be legally liable for all or any part of the cost of health care services received by the household during the period of eligibility. The applicant must provide El Campo Memorial Hospital with all necessary information about the third party as required by El Campo Memorial Hospital; and EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 5 of 11 Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 Keeping all appointments scheduled with the Indigent/Charity Program Coordinator. If the applicant is married and his or her spouse is a household member, the spouse also must sign the Assistance Application. By signing the Assistance Application, the applicant, spouse, or authorized representative: Swears to the truth of the information supplied, [2] Texas Health Safety Code 61.053 [e] Assigns to El Campo Memorial Hospital the household’s rights to recovery of health care costs from any individual, entity, or other third party that may be legally liable for any health care services paid by El Campo Memorial Hospital not to exceed Amounts Generally Billed (AGB). If approved for Charity Care, the applicant promises to report any changes in income and resources within fourteen [14] calendar days after the change occurs. Persons who intentionally misrepresent information are not entitled to receive benefits and are responsible for reimbursing El Campo Memorial Hospital for the cost of benefits they were ineligible to receive. [3] Texas Health Safety Code 61.053 [f]. 3. APPLICATION PROCESSING El Campo Memorial Hospital shall process each Assistance Application without regard to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, age, sex, disability, or political belief to determine if the applicant meets the eligibility requirements for Charity Care. El Campo Memorial Hospital shall review each Assistance Application and shall accept or deny the Assistance Application no later than fourteen [14] calendar days after the date on which El Campo Memorial Hospital received the completed Assistance Application. [4] Texas Health Safety Code 61.053 [g] If an incomplete Assistance Application is received, El Campo Memorial Hospital shall request any needed information from the applicant. Reasonable Effort will be made by the Hospital to determine if a patient is eligible for financial assistance for 120 days after the date of the first billing statement before engaging in extraordinary collection efforts. ECMH will accept and process Charity Care applications for an additional 120 days if the hospital cannot determine financial eligibility during the notification period. EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 6 of 11 Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 El Campo Memorial Hospital shall provide an applicant written notification of its decision. If El Campo Memorial Hospital denies Charity Care, the written notification shall include the reason for the denial and an explanation of the procedure for appealing the denial. [5] Texas Health Safety Code 61.053 [h] If the applicant is denied Charity Care, the applicant may re-submit an Assistance Application at any time circumstances justify a re-determination of eligibility. [6] Texas Health Safety Code 61.053 [k] Applicants will be contacted/notified by the Indigent/Charity Program Coordinator to schedule an appointment after the completed application is turned in with all the necessary information. 4. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Income [7] Texas Health Safety Code 61.052 [a] [2]; 25 Tex. Admin. Code 14.104 [d] El Campo Memorial Hospital shall provide Charity Care with no obligation (100% discount of AGB) to pay for services rendered to those uninsured and underinsured patients who have a net monthly income less than or equal to 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for the household’s size. Those uninsured and underinsured patients who have a net monthly income between 151% and 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for the household’s size shall receive 0% discount of amounts generally billed. Federal Poverty Guideline At or below 150% FPG 151% - 200% FPG Percentage of Financial Assistance (Amount Generally Billed) 100% AGB 0% AGB In addition, patients who are over 200% and are uninsured or underinsured can apply for the Discount Card Program. The card is free and there is no asset or income requirements to meet for patients to become eligible. Because the Discount Card Program is not a means-tested Program, it is not considered Charity Care or Financial Assistance. EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 7 of 11 Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 El Campo Memorial Hospital shall request that the applicant verify his or her gross annual household income by supplying the following: Tax Return and IRS Form W-2, Wage and Earnings Statement, Pay Check Remittance, Social Security, Workers Compensation, Unemployment Compensation or Government Program Determination Letters, telephone verification by employer of the applicant’s annual gross income, and/or bank statements. If this information is not provided with the Assistance Application, El Campo Memorial Hospital shall request such documentation from the applicant. El Campo Memorial Hospital balances owed by patients whose net monthly household income equals or falls below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for the household’s size and who submit a completed application will automatically be designated as Charity Care. Current eligibility begins on the first calendar day in the month that an identifiable application is filed or the earliest, subsequent month in which all eligibility criteria are met. The applicant may be retroactively eligible in any of the three calendar months before the month the identifiable application is received if all eligibility criteria are met. 5. RIGHT TO APPEAL [8] Texas Health Safety Code 61.053 [h] Applicants have the right to appeal a denial of their Assistance Application or eligibility for Charity Care. To appeal a denial, the applicant should submit an appeal and the reasons why the applicant should be considered eligible for Charity Care in writing to El Campo Memorial Hospital, 303 Sandy Corner Road, El Campo, Texas 77437, Attention: Administrator, within 90 calendar days of receipt of the notice of denial. EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 8 of 11 6. Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 ELIGIBILITY REVIEW Applicants shall be informed that they must report to El Campo Memorial Hospital any change in income or resources that might affect the applicant’s eligibility within fourteen [14] calendar days after the date on which the change occurs. Eligibility for Charity Care shall be reviewed by El Campo Memorial Hospital every six [6] months after approval, at which time, the household must provide El Campo Memorial Hospital with documentation establishing current eligibility. 7. DOCUMENT RETENTION [9] Texas Health Safety Code 61.053 [j] El Campo Memorial Hospital shall maintain the records relating to an Assistance Application for at least three [3] years after the date on which the Assistance Application is submitted. Such records shall include at least the Assistance Application, including the applicant’s gross annual household income and any supporting documentation, and a copy of the written notification of approval or denial of the Assistance Application. 8. SERVICES [10] Texas Health Safety Code 61.055 El Campo Memorial Hospital shall provide the following services to the extent it is financially able to do so as determined annually by the Board of Directors of El Campo Memorial Hospital: Primary and preventive services, including immunizations, basic medical screening services and annual physical examinations provided at El Campo Memorial Hospital and/or Mid Coast Medical Clinic; Inpatient hospital services provided at El Campo Memorial Hospital; Outpatient hospital services provided at El Campo Memorial Hospital excluding sleep studies (this includes physician billing only for Mid Coast Medical Clinic providers which are listed below) ; Physician services rendered by a Mid Coast Medical Clinic provider – Tom Baccam, D.O.; Carlos Duque, M.D.; Patrick E. Johnson, M.D.; Dana Foster, PA-C; Ashley Koudela, MPAS, PA-C; Laura Williams, PA-C and Clay Zboril, MPAS, PA-C limited to six (6) office visits per eligibility period; and EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 9 of 11 Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 Laboratory and X-Ray services provided at El Campo Memorial Hospital and/or Mid Coast Medical Clinic. Services provided at other facilities will not be paid for by El Campo Memorial Hospital. The services provided by El Campo Memorial Hospital under this policy shall be reviewed annually and may be revised as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors of El Campo Memorial Hospital. 9. CHANGES TO ELIGIBILITY STANDARDS OR SERVICES PROVIDED El Campo Memorial Hospital may adopt any proposed changes if approved by the Board of Directors of El Campo Memorial Hospital. 10. PENALTIES FOR FRAUD/FAILURE TO REPORT CHANGE IN HOUSEHOLD The following procedure will apply to all cases of applicants eligible for benefits through the El Campo Memorial Hospital Charity Care Program: A. Failure to report income/resources on Assistance Application - PENALTY 1. All household members disqualified from program for one year for each Assistance Application in which information was not provided or misrepresented to El Campo Memorial Hospital. Disqualification date begins the date the office is informed or learns of omission or intentional misrepresentation. 2. Applicant[s] will be responsible for repayment of all expenditures, not to exceed amounts generally billed, incurred by El Campo Memorial Hospital Charity Care Program. 3. Applicant[s] can reapply for program after one year if repayment has been made in full or applicant has remained in compliance with repayment agreement during the one-year period. EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 10 of 11 4. B. Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 If restitution has been made in full prior to one year, applicant[s] are not eligible to reapply or receive benefits prior to end of one year penalty. Failure to report change in household status within 14 calendar days – PENALTY If change would have denied eligibility for Charity Care Program: 1. Applicant[s] will be disqualified from program for six months from the date El Campo Memorial Hospital Charity Care Program is informed of change of household status. 2. Applicant[s] will be responsible for repayment to El Campo Memorial Hospital for all expenditures El Campo Memorial Hospital incurred from the date the change occurred in the household. 3. Applicant[s] cannot be placed on any other West Wharton County Programs during the disqualification period. If change would not have changed status of eligibility: 1. Information will be documented in case file and, if first offense, then no action against applicant. 2. If second offense, then household will be disqualified for 90 calendar days. If household is found to be guilty of failure to report information or change of household situation in more than two instances, the household will be disqualified from program for a two-year period effective on the date the El Campo Memorial Hospital learns of status change. Reporting ANY changes in the household is the responsibility of the household receiving services and failure to comply with the above will result in the above EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: Administration SUBJECT: Charity Care Eff. Date: 02/01/04 Page: 11 of 11 Policy/Procedure No: _____ Approved By: ___________ Revised: 12/16/04 12/19/07 12/18/06 12/21/09 12/19/08 12/19/11 12/20/10 04/20/12 01/28/13 01/27/14 06/01/14 10/27/14 penalties. Residents are subject to criminal/civil charges for misrepresentation on Assistance Applications or failing to comply with reporting requirements. 11. PAYOR OF LAST RESORT El Campo Memorial Hospital shall always be the payor of last resort. Therefore, applicant must submit a denial letter from Medicaid before the Assistance Application will be considered complete. Furthermore, if an applicant lives outside of the West Wharton County Hospital District, the applicant must submit a denial letter including the reason for denial from the respective County Indigent Program and/or Hospital District in which they reside before the Assistance Application will be considered complete. This policy shall not alter or modify other policies regarding efforts to obtain payments from third-party payors, patient transfers, or emergency care. 12. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY [12] Texas Health & Safety Code 61.035 El Campo Memorial Hospital’s maximum liability for each fiscal year for health care services provided to each eligible applicant is: 1) $30,000; or 2) the payment of 30 days of hospitalization or treatment in a skilled nursing facility, or both, or $30,000, whichever occurs first.
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