Saint Bernadette Parish 245 Azalea Drive • Monroeville, PA 15146PARISH STAFF November 16, 2014 Rev. Anthony Gargotta, Pastor [email protected] Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Deacon Michael W. Kelly [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sundays: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 7:00 PM Daily: Monday - 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM Tuesdays & Thursdays - 7:15 AM Wednesdays & Fridays - 7:15 AM & 9:30 AM PARISH PHONES Parish Office .................................................................................................................412.373.0050 Religious Education Office..............................................................................412.373.1797 School Office................................................................................................................412.372.7255 Lourdes Center...........................................................................................................412.843.0668 Convent............................................................................................................................412.372.7263 Parish Office Fax.......................................................................................................412.374.8113 School Office Fax.....................................................................................................412.372.7649 Parish Office School Office Bulletin Announcements........................................................ [email protected] Rev. John Forbidussi, Hospital Chaplain In Residence Mr. Regis Reinersmann, Business Manager [email protected] Mrs. Marlene V. Kopper, Director of Religious Education [email protected] Sr. Carol Arch, C.S.J., Elementary School Principal [email protected] Ms. Lauren Gates, Youth Minister [email protected] Mr. Joshua Bandish, Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Mrs. Marty Kelly, Parish Office Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Jane Bobich. Parish Office Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Cathy Cowan, Parish Office [email protected] Mrs. Francine Pochciol, School Administrative Assistant [email protected] Bulletin announcements and flyers due by Noon on Mondays. Parish Website Mr. Tim Jacob, Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] Devotions: Mondays: Morning Prayer and Rosary - 8:45 AM Adoration - 10 AM - 7:00 PM (6:30 - 7:00 will include rosary and novena prayers) - Confessions 6:00—6:45 PM 7:00 PM Mass Tuesdays: Morning Prayer - 9:30 AM Wednesdays: Morning Prayer and Rosary - 8:45 AM Thursdays: Morning Prayer - 9:30 AM Fridays: Morning Prayer and Rosary - 8:45 AM First Saturdays: Adoration - following 8:30 AM Mass including First Saturday Fatima Devotions. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We of St. Bernadette Parish, are a Eucharistic Community, created by the Father, nourished by the Lord and led by the Holy Spirit. We are to be the eyes, ears, hands and heart of Christ, living by His example, sharing the Good News in Word and deed. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday: After the 8:30 AM and the 5:00 PM Masses. Monday: 6:00—6:45 PM. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated every second and fourth Sunday of the month at 1:15 PM. PreBaptismal Seminar—The third Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office to reserve dates for both the Pre-Baptismal Seminar and your child’s Baptism. RCIA PROCESS/SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Inquiry Sessions for those interested in becoming Catholic are held weekly. Call the Parish Office for more information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Weddings should be arranged at least six months prior to the anticipated date. Call the Parish Office to make an appointment to assist you in beginning this sacrament. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Will take place the first Sunday of each Month after every Mass. Please wait in the front pew until Father returns. THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Recently you have probably heard much being said throughout the Catholic Church at large as well as in our diocese recently about the “New Evangelization.” The reality is there is no “new” evangelization but rather that which Pope St. John Paul II began, which is the realization that evangelization is not just clergy or religious orders reaching out to people, it is every single baptized Catholic Christian doing their part to evangelize, to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and bring each other to Him or closer to Him. In the Gospel today, "His master said to him, 'Well done! You are an industrious and reliable servant. Since you were dependable in a small matter I will put you in charge of larger affairs. Come, share your master's joy!' " The Lord expects us to be good stewards not only of the money He has given us, but also of our time, talents, spiritual gifts, and graces. We Christians have been given new life, a new nature, sonship and daughterhood in God's family, the forgiveness of our sins, the indwelling of the Trinity, Jesus' Body and Blood in Holy Communion, the meaning of life, and much more. The Lord in His mercy has given us the best and the most. (Therefore, we have the greatest responsibilities of any stewards.) "When much has been given someone, much will be required of him. More will be asked of a person to whom more has been entrusted." If we are not good stewards and do not spread the Gospel’s Good News, in word and action and if we don't evangelize, Jesus promised to take away His graces from us and give them to others. We see this happening as Christians in Europe and the USA are losing their faith while new Christians in the third-world are showered with faith, joy, power, boldness, healings, miracles, and religious vocations. These churches are booming with growth and enthusiasm while most (first-world) Christians are somewhat shrinking or failing because of lack of good stewardship and evangelizing. We have been entrusted with everything God has revealed in His Word and in His Eucharist. Let’s set forth in the spirit of Pope St. John Paul II and evangelize the world. Feast of Christ the King November 23 The Church year ends with the last Sunday being the Feast of Christ the King, reminding us that at the end of time we will see Jesus as the King for all eternity. We will have a Holy Hour at 4:00 pm in the Church. Please put time aside honor our King Jesus and prepare for the New Year. Missalettes and Hymnals Beginning with the New Church Year on the first Sunday of Advent, November 30, we are switching our hymnals and missalettes. We will now have a 1-year Missalette-Hymnal combination, with all the Sunday readings as well as the weekday responses in one book. This will eliminate several shipments throughout the year and we will save money on shipping costs. Also it will eliminate 1 book in the book holders. Please be patient the first few weeks as you get used to this new book. Thanksgiving Day Mass Plan ahead to attend Mass at 10:00AM Thanksgiving Day and give thanks to God for all our blessings. We will also be enhanced by our Children’s Choir which always adds to our worship. Please remember the food items are collected for the Little Sisters of the Poor and money offertory goes to our Ladies of Charity. Bible Study Bible Study of a look at The Sacraments in the Scriptures concludes this week on Monday evening, November 17 at 7:30 pm in the church or - Thursday morning, November 20 at 11:00 am in Biedenbach Hall. Olive Wood Sales – shop early for Christmas On November 22 and 23 our brothers and sisters representing the Christian Catholic Families of Bethlehem will be selling Crucifixes, religious art work, and rosaries, - all made of olive wood which is native to Israel and Bethlehem. Since tourism has greatly depleted, Christian families in the holy land, who depend on tourists, have been greatly affected. Sale of these goods will help them and also give you the opportunity to have something authentic from the holy land. This is their main source of income. Please browse and buy some articles. It is for a good cause and also a help to your personal devotion. See Website: Pilgrimage to Lourdes and the Shrines of France – November 4-11, 2015. Approximate cost is $2,850.00 which includes 2 meals per day, accommodations and airfare. Reserve the date and look for more information in the future. The Women's Bible study group will resume after the holidays on Monday January 12, 2015. We will be studying " The Seven Last Words of Jesus.” This is study guide driven. It is not necessary to purchase one, however, If anyone would like their own copy, the cost will be ten dollars. Please contact Kim at 717.4141078 or [email protected] for ordering. This study will take us up to Easter after which we will be studying " The "Resurrection.” Peace of Christ, Fr. Tony ST. BERNADETTE PARISH MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA November 16, 2014 Business Manager Financial Update: Below is the weekly Offertory collection detail and recap for October, 2014: Offertory Collection Date: Oct 5 $ Budget Plan 18,218 $ Difference # of Donors 18,733 $ (515) 577 Oct 12 $ 13,475 $ 18,733 $ (5,258) 523 Oct 19 $ 14,739 $ 18,733 $ (3,994) 554 Oct 26 $ 13,445 $ 18,733 $ (5,288) 534 Onl i ne Ba nki ng & Credi t Ca rd Offeri ngs $ 6,802 $ - $ 6,802 Subtotal $ 66,679 $ 74,932 $ (8,253) Budget YTD $ 295,141 $ 318,461 $ (23,320) 212 • The October Diocesan Collection is support of World Missions was $2,152. Thank you for your support. • Please consider using on-line banking to pay your offerings to St. Bernadette’s. Signing up is available on our website, Just click the ‘Online Giving’ link and follow the instructions. If you have questions or need any help, call me at the parish office. Rege · COMFORT QUILT MINISTRY Our next evening meeting will be Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 7:00PM in Biedenbach Hall. All are invited to join us to see how you can help. Also please remember to take squares to decorate at home. It’s good for the young people to help. Please call either Laura at 724.325.3523 or Joan at 412.372.1488 if you have questions or if you would like to have us send a quilt to a loved one. THANKSGIVING NUT ROLLS AND PUMPKIN LOGS Thanksgiving is fast approaching. If you would like to order Nut Rolls and Pumpkin Logs, the prices are as follows: Nut Rolls $12.00 Apricot Rolls $12.00 Poppy Seed Rolls $12.00 Apricot-nut Rolls $15.00 Cherry-nut Rolls $15.00 Banana-nut Rolls $15.00 Date-nut Rolls $15.00 10” Pumpkin Log with Cream Cheese Filling $10.00 Please place orders by Nov. 17 by calling Jan at 412.372.6555 or email to [email protected]. Your order will be confirmed. $1.00 of each nut roll sold goes towards our organ fund. Nut roll orders can be picked up the week-end of Nov 22 after the 5:00PM Mass and Sunday Nov. 23, after the 10AM and Noon Masses in the side entrance by the choir loft. A GENTLE REMINDER A gentle reminder that the handicapped parking spaces are reserved for those persons who need them, meet the requirements and display the proper handicapped placards or license plate. Thank you. WELCOME TO ST. BERNADETTE PARISH So that we might better serve your needs, if any of the situations below apply to you, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Thank you. Name _____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City/Zip Code ______________________________________________ Phone-H __________________________W ______________________ ___New Parishioner ___New Address/Phone ___Interested in RCIA ___Interested in Choir ___New envelopes ___Wish to speak to a priest ___Moving out of Parish ___Returning to Parish ___Returning Catholic ___Entering Hospital ___A Shut-in lives with me ___Questions on Catholicism ADVENT WREATH LIGHTING If your family (of any age or size) would like to light the Advent Wreath, please call Lynda MacMurchy to reserve the date and Mass time that you prefer. You can leave a message, and your call will be returned. 412.374.8202 ADVENT WREATHS AND CANDLES FOR SALE Advent wreaths and candles are on sale now in the Parish Office. The cost is $7.00 for the wreaths and $4.00 for the candles. Please call the Parish Office at 412.373.0050 for more information. St. Bernadette 6th Annual Christmas Tree Sale This year’s sale will begin Thanksgiving Day Weekend on Saturday, Nov. 29 and Sunday, Nov. 30 and continue for the following two weekends while supplies last. Trees will be available in the lower parking lot near the pavilion as follows: Fridays 5:00PM till 9:00PM Saturdays 9:00AM till 9:00PM Sundays 11:00AM till 8:00PM DUE TO THE THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY, ALL BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, MUST BE RECEIVED BY THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20 AT NOON. DEATHS Trey Mitlo Son of Jay and Rachel Mitlo, Brother of Joseph Jr. and Isabella, Grandson of Tom Mitlo and Betty Mitlo BANNS OF MARRIAGE III Jesse Leax and Megan Hackworth BAPTISMS Jade Sierra Lichtenfels Daughter of Joseph & Jill Sankovitch Lichtenfels THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WINNERS UPDATE 250 Club Winner 11/01 #245 St. Bernadette School 11/08 #371 Steve DeLuca Grocery cert. sold:……………………………….….$8,350 Scrip sold:…………………………………………….$2,560 Profit:………………………………...…………...……,.$494 We sell Certificates for Giant Eagle, Shop ‘n Save, Labriola’s, McGinnis Sister’s and Community Market. Please consider using grocery certificates when shopping at these stores. Thanks for your help!!! 250 Club Update Tickets are currently on sale for the 2014-2015 year after all Masses in the Bride’s Room and in the School office. Please purchase your ticket as soon as possible. Payouts on the new tickets began on October 4 and continue for 50 weeks. The price of the ticket is $125. Thanks to all those who have already purchased your tickets. Next M.C.C. Liturgy is Wednesday, November 26 at 9:30AM. Intentions due by November 19. Please respond to the school office. CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE FOR THE SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH The Annual Christmas Bake Sale for the Sisters of St. Joseph will be held after Mass in the School Foyer on Dec 7 & 8. Anyone wishing to donate baked goods or candies may drop them off at the hall before the Saturday evening Mass or on Sunday morning . Thank you so much for your generosity. Spaghetti Dinner Join St. Bernadette Athletic Association for their annual Spaghetti Dinner this Sunday, Nov. 16 from 1-6PM in the Lourdes Center Dining Hall . A great meal is waiting and you will help support our student athletes. All proceeds are used to purchase equipment and uniforms for our teams. Tickets can be purchase at the school office from 8:30AM-3PM daily. Prices are $8 per adult and $4 per child and include pasta, meatballs, salad, bread, dessert and beverage. RETIREMENT FUND COLLECTION FOR RELIGIOUS Did you know………. • There are more than 34,000 religious past age 70 living in the United States. • In 2010, the average annual cost for their care was more than $35,000 per person. • By 2019, retired religious are projected to outnumber wageearning religious by nearly four to one. • Many religious worked for years for small stipends, leaving their religious communities without adequate savings for retirement and elder care. • Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious provides funding for prescription medications, nursing care and more. • The Second collection for retired Religious will be taken next Sunday November 22/23 PLEASE BE GENEROUS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED FOR BOTH UPMC AND FORBES REGIONAL HOSPITALS If you are interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister at either UPMC or Forbes Regional Hospital, please contact Fr. John at the Parish Office 412.373.0050 and he will be happy to welcome you to share in this ministry and answer any questions you may have. TAI CHI AT SAINT BERNADETTE—is still going strong!! Tai Chi is a fun, low-impact, slow motion workout developing breath control, circulation, balance, flexibility and strength, not to mention of course, the good company! First class is free, then $5 per class as you go. Each month, 20% of all fees goes toward the Building Fund. Classes are at 10:00 am Tuesday mornings in Biedenbach Hall. You are welcome anytime. Contact Bill White if you have any questions at 412.913.4729 or [email protected]. DEACON’S BEACONS I am offering an ongoing daily Scriptural Reflection via email. I will pick a short passage and offer a brief reflection on it. If you would like to be included, please email me at [email protected]. I will add you to the group list. Deacon Mike Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless my family, my home, my friends, and me. Amen. SACRAMENTAL VISITS TO THE HOMEBOUND FESTIVAL OF PRAISE There will be a Festival of Praise on Friday, November 21 at 7:00PM in the Church, followed by a reception in the Lourdes Center. Eucharistic Ministers and Parish Staff are available to take Communion to the homebound. Just call Deacon Mike Kelly at 412.373.0050 or email him at [email protected]. ST. BERNADETTE PARISH MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA Music Ministry Organ Console Fund Donations are still needed to help with the significant expense of purchasing a new organ console. We recently received an exciting look at the preliminary specifications of the new console and how it would integrate with our current pipework. If you are able please consider making a donation. You can place it in the weekly collection just indicate “Organ Fund” or give online at For more information about the project please contact Josh Bandish, Music Ministries Director at [email protected] or call the parish office. PRE–BAPTISMAL CLASS: The next PreBaptismal seminar for anyone baptizing a baby in the near future will be held on Monday, November 17 at 7:00PM in the Rectory Conference Room. We require this class for all new parents. Please call the Parish Office to register. There will be class in December. A CHRISTMAS REFLECTION A Christmas Reflection presented by the combined choirs of St. Bernadette Parish will be held on Friday December 5 at 7:00PM in the church. This special event will feature choral music from the choirs along with prayer and reflection. Please plan to join us. For more information please email Josh Bandish, Ministries Director at [email protected]. LADIES OF CHARITY THANKSGIVING DINNERS Thanksgiving is fast approaching and once again the Ladies of Charity are asking your help as we prepare Thanksgiving Dinner packages for those in need of our support. We suggest donations of the following products: canned fruits, peas, pie crust mix, canned sweet potatoes, icing, cream of mushroom soup, dried fried onions, evaporated milk, sugar, flour, applesauce, cake mix of paper products. You might prefer making a monetary donation to help defray costs of perishable items that complete the dinner. It would be helpful if all donations are RECEIVED NO LATER THAN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17. Donations can be left in the Brides Room and monetary donations dropped in the collection basket marked Ladies of Charity. We thank you for your continuing support for these members of our parish family who are in need. The Little Sisters of the Poor Our annual collection for The Little Sisters of the Poor will be at the Thanksgiving Day Mass. This year they are in the need of can goods, personal care items and paper products. If you need further information, please call Sister Margaret at 412.726.2382 or email her at [email protected] November 16, 2014 Called By Name An upcoming presentation “Called By Name” is being offered by Dr. Susan Muto at St. John the Baptist Parish in Plum on Thursday, Nov. 20 at 7:00PM. We hope all our neighbors and those who desire to grow in their spiritual formation and life will attend. A free will offering will be taken. “THE CREATION” Masterworks Concert Chorale presents its Tenth Anniversary Concert of “The Creation” on Saturday, Nov 22, at 7:30PM at Beulah Presbyterian Church, Churchill. Lottie Del Signore and Bob Herold, who will have the solo part of Raphael, will be participating. Please contact Bob Herold at 412.913.5686 or [email protected] MONROEVILLE INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING GATHERING The Monroeville Interfaith Ministerium, an area organization of eight world religious members is announcing its annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Gathering to be held on Tuesday, Nov 25 at 7:00PM at Temple David, 4415 Northern Pike In Monroeville. Representatives from member houses of worship will be participating as they bring expressions of Thanksgiving from the various traditions, to include the spoken word, music and song. There will follow a time of fellowship and refreshments as we get to know, appreciate and understand one another on a deeper level. The eight faith groups are: Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Muslim, Unitarian Universalist, Roman Catholic and Protestant Christian, including chaplaincy programs from nearby hospitals. Please plan to join us as we model peaceful coexistence among people of faith. OPEN HOUSE Central Catholic High School’s Open House for prospective students and their families will be held on November 16 from 12:00 until 2:30PM. All are welcome to tour the campus and speak with current students, teachers and coaches. For more information, please contact the admissions office at 412.621.7505 RESPECT LIFE MEETING The next Infant Jesus Respect Life meeting will be at S. John Fisher Church Hall in Churchill, on Tuesday Nov. 18 at 7:00PM. Come an learn more about how we are educating others and respecting the sanctity of human life in each of our parishes. JOURNEY FROM GRIEF TO HEALING St. Joseph Spirituality Center will sponsor Journey from Grief to Healing during the Holidays, conducted by Sister Mary Ann Thimons, on two Tuesday afternoons Dec 2 and 16 from 1:30 till 3:00PM. Sessions consist of input, sharing ad mutual support— helping to cope with loss during the holidays. There is no fee for this program. To register, call 412.600.3247 by Nov. 26 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Liturgies For The Week The Week Ahead November 16, 2014—November 23, 2014 SUNDAY—THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00— Vigil Mass—Welfare of St, Bernadette Parishioners 8:00— Kathryn & Robert Shearer—Daughter, Kay 10:00— Dottie Oross—Bill Seippel 12:00— Mary (Millie) Chismar—Laura & Bill Klimek 7:00— Deacon Mike—In Thanksgiving, Joe & Ruth D’Agostino MONDAY—St. Elizabeth of Hungary 8:45-- Morning Prayer 9:30— Welfare of Ifeyinwa Uwazie—Family 10:00-7:00— ADORATION 6:00-6:45—Confessions 7:00— Mass of Reparations of Sin—Apostolate of Reparation TUESDAY—The Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 7:15— Joe & Kathy Blocky—Kish Family 9:30— Morning Prayer WEDNESDAY—WEEKDAY 7:15— Herman Lieb — Ray & Louis Weaver 8:45— Morning Prayer 9:30— Michael & Helen Boruch—Parry Family THURSDAY—WEEKDAY 7:15— Dolores Fucich—Son 9:30— Morning Prayer FRIDAY—The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:15— Loretta Ott—Jill Faust & Eileen Ruppel 8:45— Morning Prayer 9:30— Special Intention—Jinny Welker 7:00— Festival of Praise SATURDAY—St. Cecilia 8:30— Dee-Dee Conwell—Theresa Gravante 2:30— Wedding —Megan Hackworth & Jesse Leax 9:00— Confessions 5:00— John & Marty Joyce—Kathy Joyce & Family 6:00— Confessions SUNDAY—OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE 8:00— Welfare of St. Bernadette Parishioners 10:00— Michael Seman—Wife & Family 12:00— Peter Nese—Wife & Family 7:00— Marlene Villalpando—Family We reserve the right to make unavoidable changes in the Mass schedule. St. Bernadette, pray for us! Mass Eucharistic Ministers Sunday 11/16 Monday 11/17 Tuesday 11/18 Wednesday 11/19 Thursday 11/20 Friday 11/21 Saturday 11/22 All Masses Youth Group Fundraiser After 8,10 & 12 Fellowship Sunday—BH 1-6PM SBA Spaghetti Dinner—LC 1:10PM Parent/Child Reconciliation Mtg. 6PM Boy Scouts—MR 7PM Pre-Baptism—RC 7-9PM Sr. High Youth Group—BH 8-9AM Family Breakfast (A-L)—LC 10AM Tai Chi—BH 6:45PM Meditation Group— RC 7PM Youth Group—LC 7PM Card Club—BH 8-9 Family Breakfast (M-Z)—LC 1-3PM Music Ministry—CH 3-5PM Children’s Choir—CH 5-7PM Music Ministry—CH 4:30-5:45PM CCD & Mass—CH/SCH 7PM Cub Scouts—LC 7PM RCIA—AR 7PM Parish Choir—CH 11AM Bible Study—BH 6:30-7:45PM CCD & Mass—CH/SCH 6-8:30PM Pastoral Council—RC 7PM Prayer Group—BH 8AM Meditation Group—BR 7PM Festival of Praise —CH 7:15AM CMF—RC AR=Art Room BH= Biedenbach Hall BR=Brides Room BMR=Borchick Meeting Room CH=Church CR=Choir Room LC=Lourdes Center LCG=Lourdes Center Gym MR=Music Room RC=Rectory Conf. Room SCH=School SL=School Library Readings for the Week of November 16, 2014 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 Monday Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15; Lk 19:1-10 Wednesday Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149; Lk 19:41-44 Friday Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Sunday Lector Commentator Altar Servers E. Bozicevic M. Chapkis M. Bozicevic, R. Bozicevic, E. Gurtner M. & W. Kromka 5:00 PM 11-22 L. Sehovski, N. Sehovski, C. Maskiewicz, J. Lilly, K. Schuez, C. Cowan 8:00 AM 11-23 K. Brendlinger, C. Rosko, B. Almeter, F. Eggleston, L. Eggleston J. Kromka J. Kromka 10:00 AM 11-23 S. Hart, L. Herold, J. Ribic, D. Dzuban, C. Cooley, J. Bobich M. Stevens B. Mackowick 12 Noon 11-23 S. Torick, L. Moore, D. Rielly, B. DiSabato, D. O’Toole, L. Ziccardi L. Valentine J.M. Farina D. MacMurchy, A. Stark, C. Stark 7:00 PM 11-23 R. Rogus, P. Rogus, D. Marney L. Lucas, S. Dilorio P. Rossi B. Baluma M. Reynolds, J. Arbster E, B, & Z. Wernert
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