Banners Gate & Parklands Community & Neighbourhood Forum 104th Issue October &— &—November 2014 A merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous new year to all our readers The next meeting is on November 24th when the speaker will be Vidar Hjardeng. Vidar has spent over 20 years working for ITV in the Midlands, much of that 0me as Editor/Execu0ve Producer on regional poli0cal and social ac0on magazine programmes, documentaries and 'live' debates. He was awarded the MBE in the 2012 Queen's New Years Honours List for his services to Visually Impaired People and to Broadcas0ng. For reference these are the dates of the following three meetings: 26th January, 30th March and 18th May. Things are moving forward. -- You have enabled us to reach this stage -- Read On: This is the official newsletter to all residents from the the Sutton Coldfield Town Council Referendum Group. We comprise Sutton Coldfield’s Neighbourhood Forums, Resident Associations, and concerned resident groups. Last year we submitted your 10,000 + petition to Birmingham City Council. The petition requested a new Town Council for Sutton under the government’s ‘Localism’ Legislation. The government have given us official backing with a grant of £15,000 to communicate with residents to achieve this aim. This is the second letter to all households in Sutton Coldfield to keep you advised of the progress your campaign is making. YOUR help is still needed Civic confidence is growing Only YOU can make this happen Happy Campaigners! What happens next? Birmingham City Council has responded to our petition by setting up a cross-party Review Group which includes three Sutton councillors. This group has now agreed to carry out a Governance Review. This is the legal process that can ultimately lead to the formation of a Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council. If we get it approved, it will be the largest of its kind in the UK. It will protect our boundaries, and it will be legally independent of Birmingham City Council. The Governance Review will determine what powers the Town Council will have and residents will then have a ‘Consultative Ballet’. The law requires the City Council to implement the final decision, from the results of this ballot, within the next year. We need all residents to give their view on what powers they want back, so please complete the Town Council Survey at email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: Also see page 3 Inside this issue: Page 2: Notes from the Minutes; Rob Pass from Friends of the Earth; Your Local Councillors. Page 3: Mark Heesom from Veolia; BCC Review; Advert; Crime Reporting. Page 4: Banners Gate Primary School. Page 5: Advertisements. Page 6: St. Columba’s Church; Banners Gate Community Church; Banners Gate Community Hall. Page 7: Sutton Park Surgery – Flu Clinic, Shingles vaccine; Your Local Services; Adverts. Page 8: What’s On? AVAILABLE IN LARGE PRINT. TEL: EDITOR AT 605 4947 Editor: Tony Willis, 44 Hollyhurst Road. B73 6SY Tel: 605 4947, or [email protected] Next deadline: January 9th. Printed by NEWTON PRINT The Complete Print Service, Suon Coldfield. Tel: 07786933696 Notes from the Minutes of Banners Gate (Suon Vesey) Neighbourhood Forum Annual General Meeng held at Banners Gate Community Hall, 7.30 p.m. on Monday 29th September, 2014 were monstrosities, elderly people found difficulty in using them, i.e., height, unable to move them to the front of their properties, and not enough rubbish, unless returned in situ after emptying (highly unlikely) became a danger to partially sighted and were likely to be blown into the road at any time causing a hazard to traffic. Having been told wheelie bins “were the way forward” residents now sought answers to the original questions. Evidently the bins would come large or small – residents could choose which size would suit, e.g., half-size (small) bins would no doubt suit elderly and couples whilst the large would be needed for families. It was understood that there would be a survey by the council of each area looking at properties and a card would be put through each door with the recommendation as to suitable bin, at this point residents can then make their own point/s; similarly there will be a choice of wide or slim bin. In cases where there is no drive, or space at the front for a bin, residents can still use a bag. Apologies: Cllr L Collin, Ms S Grainger, Cllr A Hardie 1. MINUTES OFTHE PEVIOUS MEETING: The Minutes of the meeting held 28th July 2014 were agreed as a correct record. Proposed by Mike Hughes seconded, J Glendenning. 2. MATTERS ARISING: 2.1. Banners Gate Community Association Minibus: The Chairman referred to the previous issue of ‘Gatepost’ and stressed that any resident belonging to an organisation in the area could ask to be included in the use of the minibus; a trained driver would be needed of which there were presently 7 with the MiDAS certification; if anyone wished to use, or train to drive the ‘bus, please contact Tracy in the first instance. 2.2. Ward Meeting: The Chairman would be attending the Ward Meeting on 24th October 2014 at the Carpenters’ Arms, and if anyone wished to go please ring him. 2.3. Good Hope Hospital: A public meeting was to be held in Trinity Centre to discuss the move of certain services from Good Hope to Heartlands Hospital. 1.30-4.30 pm 15th October 2014. 3. CORRESPONDENCE: 3.1. The Chairman read and tabled a paper received from Natalie Harding, NHS Central Midlands Commissioning Support Unit – entitled My Neighbourhood, Call for Local Support. This paper refers to financial abuse to vulnerable adults, i.e., harming or defrauding, pressuring people to hand over money, goods, benefits or property, sign over Deeds to their home or make changes to Wills. Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board is launching a campaign to encourage anyone who is concerned about financial abuse of any adult at risk to get in touch with Adults and Communities Access Point. The campaign runs for 6 weeks from 29th September 2014. 4. NEW ITEMS 4.1. Junction of Banners Gate Rd with Chester Rd and Monmouth Drive: Situation now critical and measures need to be taken to stop the ‘Rat-running’ down Banners Gate service road. With morning traffic backed up to Rough Rd from Chester Rd motorists were speeding down the service road into Westwood Rd which caused problems at that junction. Westwood Rd itself has become a racing track and short-cut for cars and residents considered it might benefit from the introduction of the 15 mph enforcement. The service road especially needed action to be taken as children leave their homes to walk to school during the rush hour period; perhaps ‘sleeping policemen’ would help to calm the traffic if not stop it altogether. The main cause of the back-up of traffic was the lack of guide lines in the centre of the Chester Rd at the junction with Banners Gate Rd and Monmouth Drive as cars from Banners Gate Rd are prevented from moving once a car is waiting to turn right; there should be an indication for a vehicle wishing to turn right to go into the crown of the road and thereby release traffic queuing behind, or change the timing of the traffic lights. This matter has been raised many times with council staff looking at the junction, etc., but still nothing is done. Councillor present would raise the matter with relevant department and report back. 4.2. Wheelie Bins: There was a long discussion on the distribution of Bins including houses with no side entrance, houses with access immediately from the pavement, management of bin collection and suitability for elderly and disabled households. Some 2-3 years ago Birmingham considered wheelie bins and the residents of Sutton Coldfield had emphatically rejected them; they The Chairman introduced the first of two speakers both of whom would be representing agencies involved in the environment. Rob Pass is Carbon Co-ordinator for Birmingham Friends of the Earth Campaign to secure greater funding from local government to invest in alternatives i.e., walking, cycling, etc. Rob said there were many problems to face on looking ahead to keeping the planet habitable, the biggest being climate change, followed by energy and food – humans are not living sustainably as a society. Air pollution in Birmingham is worse than 2 years ago – joggers/ runners experience symptoms of chest pain or tightness, sinusitis, etc. Statistics on air pollution are shocking; road traffic accidents kill 2,000 people per year, air pollution 29,000 per year. Air pollution is composed of various chemicals from vehicles, e.g., nitrous oxide, carbons, diesel fumes and other particulate matter not evident to the naked eye, all of which come from exhaust pipes and can get into the blood stream. The Clean Air Act in the 1950s cleaned up pollution but in the intervening years road traffic has sky-rocketed and is the main cause; there are also 3m tonnes of rubbish being incinerated each year adding to pollution. Unfortunately getting the Council and the population to see there is a solution i.e., active travelling, would make a huge difference, but if walking is feasible there is air pollution to consider and cycling is dangerous because of the busy roads. It was a mistake to take up 100 miles of tramlines as most European cities have an effective pollution-free tram service and there is also a culture of living in the city centre but people here live on the perimeter and need to travel in – most journeys are 2 miles or less. A united front is needed to make Birmingham a sustainable city, and a beginning is the South Birmingham cycling and walking pathway; Birmingham has been given £4M to create a pathway to support cycle-ways through the city, however, a bicycle is not the answer to everything. The FofE (Friends of the Earth) would like the Council to invest £10 per person (London spends £18 per person) over the next 10 years for healthier citizens, this does not mean taking money from front line services but to plan traffic money wisely in the future. The Council is right in restoring footpaths and towpaths but need to be reminded there is a 20 year plan for the future. FofE (Birmingham) would like community organisations and groups around the city to support the “Let’s Get Moving Campaign” for clean air. The Chairman put the proposal to the meeting and a vote by show of hands unanimously agreed to support the clean air measures Your Local Councillors: Cllr. Lyn Collin, Tel: 0121 303 2130, e-mail: [email protected], Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BB . Cllr. Andrew Hardie, Tel: 0121 303 2130 [email protected], Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham. B1 1BB. A weekly Advice Bureau: The Carpenter’s Arms, Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield, on the third Thursday in every month, August excepted, 7.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. by appointment only. Cllr. Robert Pocock, [email protected], tel: 0121 303 2039 (Labour Group Office), Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BB. Advice Bureau: Boldmere Library, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. First Saturday of Month. 2 The second speaker, Mr Mark Heesom (General Manager, Veolia Environmental Services) came well prepared with a PowerPoint presentation setting out how rubbish was dealt with and what form some of it took after recycling. Veolia had a 25 year contract with Birmingham for collection of household waste but in the last 20 years the way rubbish is managed has changed and there is now stringent legislation on every aspect of dealing with it and a move away from landfill. Post-war period resources were scarce, then in 60s-70s UK became a disposal society with all kinds of materials burned on open fires. Nowadays a lot of plastic products are used, egg boxes, packages and bottles – so how much of a resource is waste? Some statistics appeared on the screen the main interest focusing on recycling of household waste figure of 43%. Business waste declined by 29% the recycling rate rising to 52%, with waste to landfill nearly halved; by 2020 50% of household waste will be re-used or recycled. Mr Heesom then showed charts and tables including the percentages within UK of re-use, recycling, recovery and disposal of waste materials before turning to Birmingham’s own facilities. A new plant at Tyseley for recycling of materials had been built and the recovery of energy was now 10% in Birmingham. The presentation now showed the old and new Energy Recovery Facilities, the first plant opened in 1912, then one in 1970 and the most recent in 1994, followed by pictures of the re-use centre for furniture in the city and a materials recycling facility at Cannock. The pictures of the inside of the Tyseley plant showed 15 conveyor belts each sorting its own materials – a Spaghetti Junction only more so - with for instance, the end product of waste paper ending up in neat bundles ready for transportation to become the newspapers etc., of tomorrow. The whole facility keeps working with a staff of only 14 personnel per shift. Next, members settled back to watch a film ‘The Lifecycle of a Milk Bottle’ – this followed the milk bottle from the shelf of the supermarket so it was bought/milk used/binned/recycled/new bottle/back on the shelf. Hard plastics went to a specialist centre where they were reused in making such things as scaffold boards. Waste packaging is being reduced all the time, most is cardboard and easily recycled. The facility generates 25MW (and saves 40,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year), enough to supply 1/10th of Birmingham’s housing stock. There is a fleet of vehicles which run on LPG at present; a trial in Westminster is underway with vehicles run on batteries – it means carrying batteries around on the vehicles – not altogether desirable but we await the outcome. Related news: Sir Bob Kerslake, the government Permanent Secretary, is now reviewing Birmingham City Council. Following recent negative press coverage and critical government reports on child protection, the Trojan Horse scandal, and public finance, Sir Bob Kerslake has been tasked by the government to review Birmingham City Council's performance and structure. Your Sutton Neighbourhood Forums attended a conference at Highbury Hall on 28 th October, at which Sir Bob Kerslake was present. Our concerns were put to him directly and we made the following points: • Birmingham City Council is too big to manage and the status quo is no longer viable. • Devolution to local committees has not worked for Birmingham's residents in the past; we have found powers and funds being taken back by the City Council. We do not want experimental devolution structures again. • We need proven legal entities, such as independent unitary local authorities or at the very least Town Councils with proper control of local services and planning powers, to better represent local communities. • We support Birmingham City Council being broken up into a number of smaller independent unitary local authorities that can work in partnership to win investment and champion the city-region. • The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield should be one of these unitary authorities. What Can You Do? Please support the above proposals. Write to Sir Bob Kerslake and ask him to support our aims! Sir Bob's contact details: Email: [email protected] Postal address: Sir Bob Kerslake, Permament Secretary, DCLG 2 Marsham Street, London. SW1P 4DF Tel: 030 3444 0000 Twitter: @KerslakeReview We have come a long way in the past year. We will get there. It takes time. Stay with us. We will campaign for as long as it takes! Chairman Ken Rushton - Secretary Pat Jones - Treasurer Graham Alkins Ginny Professional Makeup Artist with years of experience with all the best cosmetic companies in the world. Makeover for any occasion, weddings, proms, special occasions and parties. Contact Ginny on 07920 76 24 79 CRIME REPORTING Sue Atkins is the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator. 0121 354 6571 [email protected] 3 Banners Gate Primary School We have had a fabulous start to our Autumn term with lots of exciting opportunities happening across the school. Our MacMillan coffee morning was an outstanding success raising the magnificent sum of £365.00 for the charity. Thank you to all the parents, children and community members who helped to make the morning a success. Our Head Boy and Head Girl attended Specsavers opticians in Sutton Coldfield, where we were met by the Manager, Tim Goodhew, who kindly donated a range of literacy resources to the school to support our literacy scheme. Louis and Jess are amazing representatives for our school and conducted themselves extremely well. The books provided by Specsavers are being used across the school and are proving a huge hit with the children. We have been making use of the Community Minibus – this is a fabulous asset for the school to access, enabling us to take children to events in the local area at no extra cost to the children. Children from Years 3 and 4 attended a football tournament at Arthur Terry School travelling on the minibus. This was a mixed team event – boys and girls and the first time these children had come together as a team. The team were truly magnificent; they played with passion and control. The team won the tournament and now go through to the regional tournament. Well done to the team and to Mr. Edmonds for taking the children to the event. As a school we celebrated Harvest with the Community Church. Members of the Church came into school and worked with Year 1 in the morning on an activity based on Harvest. The children had a fantastic morning learning about harvest, the growing of wheat, the producing of bread, tasting of new fruits and vegetables amongst other things. In the afternoon Years 1,3 and 5 attended the Church for a Harvest service. The children all took an item of food to the Church which had been donated by the children and parents, this will then be passed on to Birmingham City Mission to support vulnerable people within our city. Reception children are now well and truly settled into school life. They have grown up so much since they started in September , they are working hard on their Maths Make Sense and Read Write Literacy programme. Across the school from Reception to Year 6 children are focused hard on their work, showing positive attitudes to both their work and each other . Preparations are in hand for our Christmas concerts and we know members of our community enjoy coming along to see the performances – even it is only for the mince pies!!! Dates for your diary for the concerts are Nursery and Reception performances Wednesday 10th December 9.30am and Thursday 11th December 2.00pm. KS1 performances Tuesday 9th December 9.30am, Wednesday 10th December 2.00pm and Thursday 11th December at 6.00pm. KS2 performances are Tuesday 9th 2.00pm, Wednesday 10th 6.00pm and Thursday 11th December at 9.30am. Please call 464 7355 and speak to the main office to reserve a seat, we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. Year 3 performed their very own Harvest assembly to parents and family. Considering the children have been in KS2 for a short period of time, they were confident and produced a polished performance – well done Year 3! We have held Open days for Parents and Carers considering joining our school for next years Reception intake, if you were unable to attend these and are interested in finding out more than please call 0121 464 7355 and speak to the main office for further details. Year 4 had a very informative time at Tesco Store New Oscott. The children were invited to the store to participate in the Farm to Fork Food Trail. The children split into groups and were taken around the store, they had the opportunity to look at various fruit and vegetables before having the opportunity to taste them. Favourite fruits were the strawberries and grapes, although some of the children enjoyed the blueberries. We then tasted different cheeses – the children either loved or hated the cheese – White Stilton and Blue Berry was definitely not a favourite!! After a tour of the bakery we had the chance to sample a doughnut – which went down very well!!! Thank you to Tesco New Oscott and Jo James – the Community Champion, for hosting this event. We are also very grateful for all the support that we are given by our community volunteers who come to hear readers and work in class with small groups of children. With a new and exciting curriculum we are always on the look- out for new volunteers who would like to give some of their time to support – if you are interested in this role and can spare some time then please contact me directly at Banners Gate Primary School. Mrs F. Greaves, Head Teacher, Banners Gate Primary School, tel. 0121 464 7355 4 We will assist you with affordable practical homehome-help and care support. Whether you have a busy family life or just require a little extra help, our professional, tailor-made service is here for you. KJ Property Services Electrical + Tiling Plumbing + Decorating + General maintenance Public Liability Insurance – Local references available Kevin Ivory M. 07730048750 or T. 0121 241 9947 E. [email protected] PetStay Building Blocks Nursery [email protected] Would you like to be one of our dog carers? Are you at home during the day? Have a very secure garden? Love dogs? Want to earn a little extra? Then maybe being one of our many loving dog carers would be ideal for you. Ring Jenny for a chat 07794 222325 Earn from £77 to £126 p/w looking after dogs in your own home 28 Rough Road, Kingstanding Tel: 0121 355 6175 We are also offering free funded places of up to 15 hours per week for 2, 3 and 4 year olds HATHA YOGA wylde green Banners Gate Community Church, Westwood Rd., B73 6UH Wednesday 6 to 7 p.m. also 7.15 to 8.45 p.m. Over 15 different classes per week. See for details - Book Online Michelle - 07910158275 or [email protected] These classes are held at the Community Church but are not part of the Community Church. Ballet, tap, modern, lyrical and street dance classes For all Car Vale0ng and Driveway Cleaning. I also clean Carpets, Upholstery and Leather Seees. Fully mobile can travel to your home or workplace. For a free NO OBLIGATION quote call Phil Davis on 07830 020 384 0 – 13 months Baby Development Class Wednesdays 9.30, 11.00 and 12.30 Music, singing, exercise, massage, signing, light shows, bubbles, bells, tickly feathers and many more!! For more details: Plastering internal & external specialist Includes: Dry lining - Plaster boarding - Artex re-skimming Replacement walls & ceilings Painting / Decorating - Carpentry [email protected] We are a longstanding dance school that aims to bring enjoyment to children whilst learning the techniques required for the different areas of dance. For more information visit Wylde Green Academy of Dance on facebook Or contact Sarah on 0779 200 20 83 or [email protected] Banners Gate Community Hall, Thursdays 10.00 -11.00 a.m. Beginners class Please call Tricia on 07954 403943. Email: [email protected] Office: 0121 354 5446 Mobile: 07934 15 19 20 Classes held at Chester Road Baptist Church on Saturdays HATHA YOGA Call Tracy Jones on 07753 82 56 22 36 Banners Gate Road Sutton Coldfield B73 6RX of dance Classes for children aged 3 upwards Shows every 2 years Staff fully CRB checked Qualified and experienced teachers SWIMMING LESSONS for ages 4 and upwards: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Evenings Local Pools ~ All Abilities Badge Work ~ Qualified Instructors ADULT CLASS on Tuesdays at 7.00 p.m. 0121 353 6616 Lee Nugent academy WDC Service Solutions Ltd Complete Door Security and Access Solutions WDC can repair the following products: UPVC WINDOWS, HANDLES, HINGES, LOCKS, ROLLERS FOR PATIO DOORS, SECURITY, UPGRADES, REPAIRS TO UPVC DOORS, TIMBER DOOR REPAIRS, REPLACEMENT DOORS, GARAGE DOOR REPAIRS, REPAIR OR REPLACE, FAULTY CABLES, HANDLES AND LOCKS, REMOTE CONTROLS, REPLACEMENT FOBS, NEW GARAGE DOOR SYSTEMS, FREE QUOTATIONS. [email protected] [email protected] T: 0121 285 3222 510A Queslett Road, Great Barr, Birmingham. B43 7EJ 5 COFFEE MORNINGs St. Columba’s Church Hall On 2nd Thursday of each month from 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon. The next three will be on 11th December, 8th January and 12th February. Coffee, cakes and chat, Book swap, A warm welcome to all is assured. Come and prepare for Advent & Christmas at St Columba’s Church hall, Banners Gate Road Sunday 30th November 4.00-6.00 pm A me for children and parents to be creave, worship and eat together All welcome! The Christmas Fair S a t u r d a y 15th N o v e m b e r St. Columba’s Church and Hall (corner of Chester Road North & Banners Gate Road) from 11.00 a.m. Christmas Gi8s, Toys, Books, Bric a Brac, Tombola, Toiletries. Father Christmas, Homemade Cakes, Preserves, etc, etc, Refreshments and Lunches Admission 50p (Children)20p Christmas services at St Columba’s Church Banners Gate Road All are welcome at any of our services Sunday 14th December 10.00am Christingle all-age service Share a ‘magic moment’ as we stand around church with our lighted Christingle candles and sing ‘Away in a manger’. Please bring toys for the Children’s Society. Money collected will be for them. Sunday 21st December 10.00am Family Communion with ‘DIY’ Christmas Story 6.30pm Candlelit Carol Service with dedication of the Christmas crib Christmas Eve, 24th December 4.00pm for ¾ hour Messy Church Crib Service for all ages - children, parents, grandparents Stay for squash or a cup of tea and biscuits 11.30pm First Communion of Christmas Christmas Day 10.00am Family Communion Mums’ coffee mornings are here! Who? All parents and carers Come along to the coffee morning and enjoy tea, coffee, biscuits and cakes, while having an opportunity to meet new friends and other parents in the community!! Children are welcome, there will be toys. Mums and Toddlers group Tiddlers Time Stay and Play Toddler Group Banners Gate Community Church, Westwood Road B73 6UH Fridays 9:15 a.m. till 11:15 a.m. Contact: 0121 353 0230 All children between 0 - 4 years old are welcome. We are a friendly group, come along and meet other parents/carers and enjoy a cup of tea, coffee and biscuits. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A VENUE for a health- or welfare-related activity? Do you run or belong to a support group, which might be interested in a base in Banners Gate? Are you aware of the need for a social or support group, from which you or someone you know could benefit? If so, the Community Association would be interested to hear from you. Drop us a line at the Community Hall, Reay Nadin Drive, B73 6UR and let us know how to contact you. Banners Gate Community Hall Coffee Mornings When? Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month in term 0me. The next three will be 19th November, 3st December and 17th December. Time: 9.00 a.m. – 10.15 a.m. Come along for a Coffee and a Cake, a chat and a get together. We hold a free Raffle for regular members. We also have a bring and buy book stall. Every Third Tuesday in each month 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Where? St Columba’s Church Hall, Banners Gate Road Enquiries - Sharon Luhila 354 1562 6 FLU JAB - 2014 - still available CALL 0121 353 2586 IT’S NOT TOO LATE You MUST be in one of the following risk categories to qualify for your free flu jab: Over 65 - heart disease - diabetes - asthma - renal disease copd - liver disease - carer - immunosuppressed - pregnant As in previous years we ask you to please complete a flu slips (available on reception) with your name & date of birth- you will not be able to have your vaccination without the slip. This system will enable us to ensure that details are transferred to your medical records after the clinic. 31st AUG 2015 Deadline for vaccina0ng eligible pa0ents Please note: CAR PARKING WILL BE LIMITED DUE TO THE NUMBER OF PATIENTS ATTENDING THESE CLINICS. And don’t forget your local services: Private Pracce, Massage and/or Acupuncture at Suon Park Surgery, Tracey Joiner BA (Hons) Lic. Ac., 07521 96 88 15. £5 off your first visit with this advert. The Chemist, M.W.Phillips, at Sutton Oak Corner 353 9027 The Dentist, The Neighbourhood Dental & Implant Clinic, at Sutton Oak Corner, Dr. S. Arash-Gohar D.D.S., 353 0483 Massage and/or Acupuncture Private Prac0ce Suon Park Surgery, Chester Road. Tracey Joiner, BA (Hons), Lic. Ac., MBAcC., MTI. Retired Nurse Available for caring/home help/companion Part time - Rates negotiable References and CRB checked Telephone 07866 11 90 28 or 07800 98 30 85 ring 07521 96 88 15 £5 off your first visit with this adver0sement. Mac and PC, Computer Repairs, System Setup, Anti-Virus, Backup and Networking, CCTV or any other Techno Device (TV, Mobile Phones etc.). We provide a one to one engineer service. With over 20 years experience. GCDtec Limited - Computer Repair and Maintenance IT Support and Help. Gavin C. Dodds – Mobile: 07966 274 713 – Office: 0845 074 5702 [email protected] HOME TUITION ENGLISH FRENCH SPANISH Leisure Courses and Exams to GCSE all materials provided New Horizons Counselling Services. The Community Hall, Reay Nadin Drive, Sutton Coldfield. If you would like to know about our service ring the number above Or visit our web site 7 Tracy: 07803 29 33 51 DAY/TIME ACTIVITY VENUE CONTACT Sun (1st) 11.30 –2.30 pm (2nd) 8.30 am 10.00 am 10.30 am 11.00 am 6.30 pm Create at Gate with K & S Holy Communion Family Communion Family Worship Chikara Karate Kai Evening Worship Community Hall St. Columba's St. Columba's Banners Gate CC Scout Hall St. Columba's Kathy Weston Rev. R. Tucker Rev. R. Tucker Terry Lockyer Paul Murphy 07837 Rev. R. Tucker 628 6651 354 5873 354 5873 353 0230 39 57 89 354 5873 The Scout Hut The Scout Hut Community Hall Jayne Poole Jayne Poole Diane Pursall 355 2831 355 2831 747 4659 Tues . 6.30 – 7.30 & 7.30 – 8.30 Line Dancing 7.45 pm Chikara Karate Kai Community Hall St. Columba's Diane Pursall Paul Murphy 07837 747 4659 39 57 89 Wed (2nd & 4th) 2.30 pm Daytimers 9.30, 11.00 and 12.30 Baby Sensory 3.30 — 5.00 Dazzlers Banners Gate CC Banners Gate CC Community Hall Jenny Cloves Tracy Jones 07753 07974 353 8405 82 56 22 92 96 01 Thurs St. Columba's Community Hall St. Columba's Hall Community Hall Banners Gate CC St. Columba's The Scout Hut Rev. R. Tucker Dave Upton Warren 01902 Brampton Hall Community Hall Michelle Duff Mon 5.30 – 6.45 pm Beavers 15th Group 7.00 – 9.00 pm Scouts 15th Group 7.30 – 8.30 pm Line Dancing 10.00 am 2.00 – 4.00 pm 6.30 – 9.45 pm 7.15 – 10.15 pm (4th & 2nd alt months) 7.30 pm (1st) 8.00 pm 7.00 - 8.30 pm Fri Holy Communion W’colouring & beginners Zig Zag Dance Studio Bridge Townswomen's Guild Mothers' Union Cub Scouts 15th Group 9.15 – 11 am Little Ducklings 10.30 —11.30 Yummy Mummy Fitness Sat TEL. 354 5873 353 5338 897 900 Sylvia Cunnington 07870 82 98 37 Josie Orme 352 1042 Judith Fennell 354 4390 Alice Wood 07902 90 73 44 355 1307 353 4719 . BOOKING SECRETARIES: Community Hall - Anne Craven 249 7852 Banners Gate CC - June Dadd 07443 22 65 30 St. Columba's - Margaret Warner 355 1303 Scout Hall A & R Talliss 353 8166 UNIFORMED ORGANISATIONS: Scouts: Jayne Poole, 15th GSL 355 2831 Margaret Drummond, 18th GSL 353 5203 Girlguiding: Carol Gardner, Vesey West District Commissioner 350 7191 DAYTIMERS Banners Gate Community Church 2.30 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Wed. 26th Nov. Christmas Craft with Elsie Weston Wed 10th December Christmas Party 2015 Wed 14th January Chattaday Wed 28th January Mrs Gayton - Her visit to Malawi nd We meet from 2.30 - 4.00 p.m. on the 2 and 4th Wednesday each month at Banners Gate Community Church. Everyone welcome. Contact Jenny Cloves 353 8405. Thurs. 27th Nov. Jo Carter, Christmas True Victorian Style Thurs. 11th December Christmas Party 2015 Thurs. 8th January Bingo, Fish and Chips Thurs. 22nd January Vince Williams Mountain Search and Rescue Meetings, 4th Thursday each month, & 2nd Thursday every other month at Banners Gate Community Church, Westwood Road at 7.30 p.m., lots of other activities. Contact Josie Orme 352 1042 Useful telephone numbers Sutton and Kingstanding Police: 0345 113 5000 Good Hope: 424 2000 Outpatients: 424 2000 Freephone Health helpline: 0800 66 55 44 10 am - 5 pm CAB: 354 8344 BANNERS GATE COUNSELLING CENTRE Accessible and Affordable Counselling to Adults in the Community. The Upper Room St. Michael’s House 198 Boldmere Road Sutton Coldfield Tel : 0121 354 6544 For information or an appointment please ring after 10 a.m. daily, except Wednesday BGs Child care based at, and run by, Banners Gate Primary School. The club opens 7.45 - 8.45 a.m. & 3.30 - 6.00 p.m. weekdays during term time. Call Una Coleman on 675 3937 before school, and after school until 6.00 p.m. Deliverers of Gatepost always wanted. Delivery rounds take 20 minutes to 1 hour just six mes a year. We especially want a deliverer for Welshmans Hill (25 Minutes). If you can help please call Tony Willis on 0121 605 4947. 18th Sutton Coldfield Scout Group at Banners Gate Community Church, formerly URC Monday 7 – 9 p.m. Scouts 10½-14 GSL 353 5203 SL 353 5329 Tuesday 5.30 – 6.30 p.m. Beaver Scouts 6 – 8 GSL 353 5203 Tuesday 6.45 – 8.15 p.m. Cub Scouts 8 – 10½ GSL 353 5203 CSL 243 5061 15th Sutton Coldfield Scout Group, H.Q. Coppice View Road Beavers 6 – 8 Years Monday 5.30 - 6.45 Cubs 8 – 10.5 Years Thursday 7.00 - 8.30. Scouts 10.5 – 14 Years Mondays 7.00 - 9.00. Explorers 14 - 18 Years Mondays 7.00 - 9.00. Contact group scout leader 0121 355 2831 Email [email protected] Girlguiding gives girls and young women a voice.....has done so for 100 part of the next 100 Could you spare 1½ hours a week to help with the St Columba’s Guide unit? Gain real sa0sfac0on in volunteering and helping to ensure girls in Banners Gate aged 10 – 14 can con0nue to enjoy games, projects, badges and ou0ngs at Guides. There are also places available in both Brownie units in September for girls aged 7 or 8. For more informa0on contact Carol Gardner on 350 7191. Day/Time Activity Venue Contact Tel Mon 6.00 - 7.30pm 39th Brownies St Columba's Hall Laetitia Tucker 354 5873 Mon 7.30 - 9.00pm 39th Guides St Columba's Hall Michelle Suri 07969 589869 Tues 6.00 - 7.30pm 45th Brownies St Columba's Hall Carol Gardner 350 7191 Thurs 5.00 - 6.00pm 39th Rainbows St Columba's Hall Laetitia Tucker 354 5873 8
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