1st The FIRST EDITION Of The First United Methodist Church P.O. Box 350, Weatherford, OK. 73096 Lynn Brack, Pastor November 10, 2014 United Methodist Church THIS SUNDAY . . . NOVEMBER 16th Liturgical Color . . . Green 7th Sunday in Kingdomtide Text for the Day . . . Matthew 25:14-30 “Losing A Bundle on Jesus” Bring Your Commitment Card to worship this Sunday. Place it in the “Treasure Chest.” “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (MT 6:21) . Advent Study Begins Nov. 12th & 13th “Under Wraps: The Gift We Never Expected” Sign-Up in the Narthex . Tuesday, Nov. 18th “Public Forum on the Islamic Religion” 7:00PM in the Fellowship Hall John Kokalis, moderator . Sunday, Nov. 23rd 50th Anniversary of the Sanctuary Building 1964 to 2014 One Worship Service Only at 10:30AM Sunday School as Usual Catered Lunch Afterwards in the Fellowship Hall RSVP NOW for your FREE lunch ticket Sign-Up in the Narthex or Call the Church Office 1 TEEN TALK Beginning this Wednesday, November 12th, the youth begin a new study, “Under Wraps, The Gift We Never Expected”. This is an Advent study that is part of 3-D Wednesday. While adults talk about this study, youth will be discussing it as well. This gives parents a great opportunity to learn with other adults while their youth learn with other youth. Then, they can go home and talk about their studies together. “Under Wraps” is an exciting Advent experience that explores four characteristics of God described in the Old Testament and then revealed perfectly and completely through Jesus: God is Expectant, God is Dangerous, God is Jealous, and God is Faithful. From the beginning, the Bible tells of a love story between God and his people. As the story works its way through the Old Testament into the New Testament, there are twists and turns but the endings is always clear—God’s plan is to rescue his people. And so God sent Jesus. God actually gift-wrapped himself in human flesh and was born in a stable so he could come and live among us and offer us life and salvation that we could never gain on our own. This is a four week study. Kelley Ramey hopes that parents will check it out and send their youth. It is a great way to begin this Advent! Prior to the bible study, which begins at 6:30pm, is a Devotion service that begins at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Worshipping God prior to Discipleship is a great way to prepare our hearts and to get ready to listen as we study His word. Hope to see you there! This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. – Luke 2:12 You Are Invited! SUNDAY NOV. 23RD 10:30AM ONE SERVICE ONLY 50th anniversary of the sanctuary building 1964 TO 2014 FORMER PASTOR, REV. KEN TOBLER, PREACHING catered LUNCH AFTERWARDS rsvp for your “free” lunch ticket sign-up now!! 2 TH I S W EE K S EV E NT S Thursday, November 13 2:30pm Kingdom Connection 4:30pm Advent Study 7:00pm Frances Good Saturday, November 15 2:00pm CCYM @ Yukon Sunday, November 16 8:30AM Worship Service 9:30AM Sunday School Classes 10:30AM Worship Service 3:30pm Wesley Board 4:30pm FUMY Monday, November 17 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministries Tuesday, November 18 7:00pm Islam Forum Wednesday, November 19 4:00pm “Kids Like Me Kamp” 4:30pm Hand Bell Choir 5:15pm 3-D Wednesday Requesting Prayers James Ediger; Linda Stengl; Dee Donwerth; Alene Macaulay; Jason Mills Paula Horsburgh; Joy Gillingham; The Dickey Brothers: Jack, David, Glenn; Bennett (7 month-old) & Parents Ryan Kaci Lenaburg; Jana Sexton, Phil Tannehill’s daughter In Our Father’s House Family of Linda Gragg, Friend of Jo Klingman Family of Brody Sims • Extended Care Facilities & Homebound Annette Dahlgren, (W’Wood #49) Duane Rea (W’Wood) (Brother of Joyce Hamburger) Ella Vogt (Corn, Corn #F7) • Arlen Hamburger (W’Corn #38) • • • Jack Phelps for Rehab (W’Corn # 36) Jim Lovell (W’Corn #16) Glassnell Smith (W’Corn #19) Virginia Lantz (W’Corn #22) Nellie Verhines (W’ford Living Center) Dorotha Downing (W’ford Living Center #313) Vanita Morris (Sterling House # 120) Flossie Pray, (Sterling House #105) Louise Wyatt (Sterling House #28) Ernestine Wright, (Sterling House #13) Evelyn Minton, (Sterling House #107) Sharon (Segress) Raskin, (McKinney, TX) Kaye Lee, Methodist Center, Clinton (Garla’s Mother) Gene Hays, Elkwood Memory Care Center, Elk City Gary Webb, Sterling on Council Rd., Bethany, OK Curly McAlpin, Grace Center, Clinton • • • • Meri Whitaker – Cookson Hills Center, Cookson, OK Dakin Cook and his wife, Bolivia Kristen Brown Christians & Missionaries • • • • • • • • • • Oklahoma State Legislature Our Nation Armed Forces & Military Service and their Families All Police, Law Enforcements & Corrections Officers Brent Webb, USAF Lt. Col. Judy Webb-Hapgood, USAF William Johnston, US Army serving in Iraq Chris Bonner, son of Merle & Nelda Bonner Charles & Autumn (Wright) Wood Dakota Duree Austin Baugh USMC • • MENU: Beef Stew, Corn Bread, dessert • 6:30pm Advent Study 6:30pm Chancel Choir 8:00pm HS Disciple Thursday, November 20 11:30am City Employee Luncheon 2:30pm Kingdom Connection 4:30pm Advent Study 7:00pm Frances Good • • • • • • • • • • • Frances Good Circle November 13, 2014 First UMC 6:30 pm Worship Bags 7 pm Devotional………………………….Marti Bessinger Program…Joyce T-Sophia Lee-Music Therapy Hostess……………..…..……..Marti Bessinger • Missionaries Those In The Service of Our Country UP-COMING EVENTS th Wednesday, November 12 . . . 6:30PM—3-D Wednesday Discipleship; Advent Study th Thursday, November 13 . . . 4:00PM—Advent Study in Leadership Room th Tuesday, November 18 . . . 7:00PM—Public Forum on Islamic Religion Fellowship Hall with Refreshments th Thursday, November 20 . . . 11:30AM—City of Weatherford employees’ Thanksgiving Dinner Church of Christ; our church provides dinner rolls rd Sunday, November 23 . . . th 50 Anniversary of the Sanctuary Building—1964 One worship service at 10:30AM Catered Lunch Afterwards in Fellowship Hall 2:00PM—Devotional Service at WeatherFORD Living Center th th Thursday & Friday, November 27 & 28 . . . Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday th Saturday, November 29 . . . 9:00AM—Worship Committee decorates Sanctuary for Advent th Sunday, November 30 . . . First Sunday in Advent “Noisy Offering” received in both services for Circle of Care 6:00PM—Family Movie Night • Found Reading glasses and Sun glasses Please claim them in the office. Food Pantry The Food Pantry item for November is Bread: Saltine, Graham Crackers & Muffin Mixes Women’s Shelter Items (Frances Good Circle) The items for November is: Diapers; all Sizes, Baby Toiletries, wipes, rash cream, powder 3 NOTE FROM YOUR FINANCE COMMITTEE Please Return Your “Treasure” 2015 Commitment Card to the Church As Soon As Possible. You may snail mail it, or drop it off at the church office. You may also bring it to worship with you and place it in the collection “Treasure Chest,” located at the entrance to the Sanctuary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! “3-D WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE” Kidz Like Me AfterSchool . . . 3:30PM to 4:00PM = Snacks in Fellowship Hall 4:00PM to 5:30PM = Class Sessions Ju-Bellation Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal . . . 4:30PM to 5:30PM Dinner . . . 5:15PM to 6:00PM Devotion (Evening Vesper Service) . . . 6:00PM to 6:30PM Discipleship (“Table Talk”) . . . 6:00PM to 7:30PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal . . . 6:30PM to 7:30PM in the Sanctuary 50th Anniversary of the Sanctuary Building Sunday, November 23rd Catered Lunch in Fellowship Hall at 11:30AM Catered by Chef Kevin Hamburger Main Meat . . . Pork Loin RSVP in the Narthex or Call the Church Office GET YOUR FREE LUNCH TICKET TODAY! “WEE 3-D WEDNESDAY” Younger Elementary Children (PreK, 1st & 2nd Grades) . . . 6:00PM TO 6:30PM = Choir with Ms. Marti 6:30PM to 6:45PM = Recreation 6:45PM to 7:30PM = Kidz Bible OLDER ELEMENTARY (3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades) . . . 6:00PM to 6:45PM = Kidz Bible 6:45PM to 7:30PM = Choir with Ms. Marti NEW FALL ARRANGEMENT THANKS TO GLENDA WALKER th Just in time for our 50 Anniversary of the rd Sanctuary Building on November 23 , GLENDA WALKER has once again graced our fellowship hall with a gorgeous fall wreath hanging above the double doors at the entrance. Kudos to Glenda! KUDOS FOR THE GORGEOUS ANGEL COURTYARD The entire church wishes to extend their heart-felt THANKS to all those who have worked so tirelessly this summer in their partnership with God in creating the beautiful botanical display in our Angel Courtyard. High kudos are extended especially to HELEN SWEARENGIN and her many helpers, including JOHN & AGGIE KOKALIS, EVERETT SWEARENGIN, and RICHARD VOGT. UPDATE ON STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN As of Friday, November 7th . . . 90 Commitment Cards Had Been Received Total of All Commitments To Date for 2015 = $322,600.00 THANKS & PRAISE TO OUR GUEST ORGANISTS We are deeply indebted to and sincerely appreciative of our guest organists the past two Sundays during Marti Bessinger’s absence. High praise and grateful thanks to GLENDA WALKER & SOPHIA LEE for blessing our worship experience; you are appreciated! Thank You Note We want to thank you for the prayer shawl you gave to Phil’s daughter Jana. She really liked it a lot. Thanks to the Ladies that make them also, you touch al of the lives. With Our Love, Phil & Glennda Tannehill NOTE TO CHURCH RECEIVED FROM TAYLOR KINCANON IN WALES Dear Lynn & Kelley—Thank you both, as well as the rest of the church family, for all of the support and prayers you have provided during and before my time abroad here in Wales. I’m so appreciative of the support system the Church provides and look forward to being back home soon. Well wishes to all . . . Taylor Kincanon (Taylor’s post card featured a breath-taking photographic image of the beach at Worm’s Head, Rhossili, South Wales.) I REMEMBER WHEN . . . FIFTY YEARS AGO The following is a letter from then Bishop W. Angie Smith to our Church February 3, 1964 My Dear Friends, I congratulate you upon the completion of this beautiful building, and shall be praying that the Opening Service will be one of the greatest spiritual openings The Church has ever known. I know that this Church has finally come into being as a result of the prayers, the sacrifices, and the dedication of both the ministry and the membership during these years. What you have done is an inspiration, not only to the lovely city of Weatherford, but to our entire Oklahoma Conference and state. I trust that with this new church building you will be able to reach far larger numbers for Christ and His Kingdom than ever in the past. May God graciously and powerfully bless each of you, is my prayer. Sincerely yours, Bishop W. Angie Smith 4 PUBLIC FORUM ON ISLAMIC RELIGION TUESDAY, NOV. 18th, 7:00PM FELLOWSHIP HALL Our church will be sponsoring a “Public Forum on Islam” for members of our church as well as the entire community of Weatherford. With the mixed messages coming from the Muslim religion (peaceful and violent) and while mainstream Islam remains virtually silent regarding the violence and terrorism of their extremist brethren, this forum will be particularly timely. John Kokalis of our church is organizing the event and will serve as the moderator during the forum on Tuesday, November 18th, 7:00PM in our Fellowship Hall. The forum begins with the premise that Christians and Muslims wish to honor their faiths’ two central commandments—love God and love one another. The goal of the forum is to cut through the myths and conflicting information being circulated through the internet and the media about Islam that does not accurately represent the 1.2 billion people who call themselves Muslim. John has invited two professors from Southwestern Oklahoma State University, who are both of the Muslim faith, to be our guest speakers at the forum. Presenting will be Muatasem Ubeidat, professor of Biology from Jordan, and Faruk Khan, professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences from Bangladesh. You will have an opportunity to ask questions. Make plans to attend this most timely and informative forum. Refreshments will be served during the break time. MAKE PLANS NOW TO ATTEND 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SANCTUARY BUILDING 1964 – 2014 Fifty years ago, the faithful and obedient members of the Weatherford First Methodist Church launched a vision for a new church building. It came to fruition, at great sacrifice to themselves, in 1964 when they moved into the new, ultra-modern facility at 817 N. 7th Street. We owe much thanks to these our forbearers of the faith for their tireless and fearless efforts to provide future generations of Methodists with such a fine church building that has served the entire Weatherford community for fifty years. Members of our Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee, under the leadership of Shandelle Recker, chairperson and with the assistance of Judy Sisson and Jamie Sisson, have put together a wonderful day of celebration and thanksgiving. We will observe our 50th building anniversary on Sunday, November 23rd. On that day, there will be only one, large worship service at 10:30AM; Sunday School will meet as usual. The Reverend (retired) Ken Tobler, former pastor of this church from 1974-1979, will be preaching that day. The Chancel Choir, Children’s Choir, and Ju-Bellation Hand Bell Choir will come together to provide special music that day. Following worship, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a FREE catered lunch. You do need to RSVP and get your lunch ticket so we can have an accurate head count for the meal preparation. Don Hertzler will be preparing a special DVD presentation of some old photographs from when the church was built in 1964, and photos of members from that time period. Don will also be securing a commemorative tree, which will be planted that day to mark the occasion. Don will be planting a “Shurmard Red Oak” from the Sunshine Nursery in Clinton. An Historical Table will be displayed in the Fellowship Hall showing items and photographs from the period. Some of our folks have been asked to provide special decorations for the occasion. Weather permitting, there will be several large blow-up toys for children to play on that day. There will also be a “work day” on Saturday, November 22nd, so we can all work together to “spit and polish” the building in preparation for our special 50th birthday. Tell us if you were active in this church in 1964. We will want all those members who were here then to sit together as a group so we can recognize you during the service. Lynn will be using the same basic order of worship as was used in 1964 when they began worshiping in this Sanctuary with the Rev. Gordon Spencer. It will be a grand day . . . you and your family will want to be here for the festivities. Be sure and register your RSVP for your meal ticket by signing-up in the Narthex or calling the church office. Plan now to attend! OUR PASTORS IN 50 YEARS 1964 – 2014 1964-1965 Gordon Spencer 1965-1968 Lonzo Battles 1968 – 1973 Bob Edde, Jr. 1973 – 1974 Robert Wise 1974 – 1979 Kenneth Tobler 1979 – 1982 Charles (Chuck) Wallace 1982 – 1988 Phil Ware 1988 – 1990 Russell Bracy 1990 – 1994 Grayson Lucky 1994 – 1999 Clayton Hughes 1999 – 2002 J. Torrey Curtis 2002 – Present Lynn Brack 5 OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD “SHOE BOX GIFTS” Fill a shoe box (Christmas wrapped so lid can be removed) with: toothbrush, hair brush, soap, etc. t-shirts, caps, sunglasses, hair lips, etc hard candies small dolls, stuffed animals, jump ropes, balls, toy trucks,, etc. Pencils, erasers, small notebooks Be sure to label the box showing gender and age group( boy or girl ages 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14) you are buying for. Make it personal by writing a note and praying for the child who will receive it. Time is running out – needed by November 17th. Thanks! B.J. CARING & SHARING This event will be December 20 with a few changes this year: same location as last year (PAC), except it will not be in the auditorium and there will be four shopping times instead of three. We are buying for boys 5 – 7 and are partnered with Trinity Baptist. Collection receptacles will be in the Ryden Center. Jason needs help with registration (Nov. 10, 17; Dec. 18) from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Chamber of Commerce. If you are willing to help, please call Jason (580-302-1371). th Have any photos to help celebrate 50 Years of Church? Anyone with photos or pictures of the building of or activity in our church when it was built 50 years ago or from the 60’s and 70’s, please contact Don Hertzler so he can make copies for possible inclusing in our celebration video. Don’s phone number is 772-2274. Email: [email protected] THANK YOU FOR A SUCCESSFUL “FIFTH QUARTER” Thank you to everyone who helped make the “Fifth Quarter” such a success on Friday, November 7th. We had 50 youth here. We appreciate everything you did whether it was giving a donation, praying, setting or cleaning up, bringing food or drinks, or being a sponsor during the “Fifth Quarter”. Without you this “Fifth Quarter” would not have been possible! The following people are the ones we know of that helped. If your name is not on the list, please excuse our oversight. But, please know your generosity and your support is greatly appreciated! Thanks again everyone! Kelley Ramey and the FUMC Youth Group Tonya Adams Michelle Agan Jeanine Berrong Ruth Boyd Misty Carman Chaz Franks Reagen Lesperance JoAnn McClendon Pat Meyer Richard Meyer Michelle Ramey Royce Ramey FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 817 North Seventh Street Rose Ratcliffe Kim Short Glennda Tannehill Joyce Teghtmeyer Diana Walker Drew Willis NON-PROFIT ORGRANIZATION U.S. Postage Paid P.O. Box 350 Weatherford, OK 73096 (580) 772-5565 Web Address: http://fumcmethodistok.org Permit #43 Weatherford, OK 73096 E-Mail: [email protected] RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 6
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