Premium List Speedway Classic of the Carolinas 3 All-Breed Dog Shows, 4 Obedience, Rally & Agility Trials (Separate Premium List) One Location - One Weekend Thursday - Sunday For All-Breed Obedience and All- Breed Rally Trials See Pawsome Results Trial Services (Separate Premium List) For Agility Trials See GoneDoggin' Agility Trail Services (Separate Premium List) Information for Trials on page 6 Thursday, November 13, 2014 Carolina Working Group Association (Separate Premium List) Carolina Terrier Association (Separate Premium List) Friday, November 14, 2014 Salisbury North Carolina Kennel Club, Inc. - Conformation Saturday, November 15, 2014 Greater Monroe Kennel Club - Conformation Sunday, November 16, 2014 Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. Conformation AKC National Owner-Handled Series All Four Days Cabarrus Arena & Events Center 4751 NC Hwy. 49 North Concord, NC 28025 ✵✵ attention exhibitors ✵✵ Building will be available for exhibitors at 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday or at the discretion of the Cluster Coordinator. No space can be reserved for anyone. The building opens at 6:00 A.M. Thursday through Sunday and closes at 11:00 P.M. Thursday through Saturday. Sunday building closes one hour after Best in Show. Dogs are allowed in the building overnight. No draining of fluids of any kind on grounds. (Order of Health Department). Setups may be checked for ANY animal NOT ENTERED IN THESE EVENTS. Unentered ANIMALS are not allowed in building. No soft crates except for obedience, rally and agility areas. NO BABY STROLLERS OR RESTRAINT DEVICES THAT WOULD HAVE A CHILD WITHIN TWO FEET OF GROUND AND NO FLEX-LEADS allowed in the Building. No crates, grooming tables or items that would obstruct movement are allowed in the center aisle. Ring side crating allowed 30 minutes before your breed shows, crates must be removed within 30 minutes of breed conclusion. Exhibitors are responsible for cleanliness in and around their crates and grooming area. No dogs allowed in planted areas, pine straw, or any non-grassy areas. All dog droppings to be picked up and disposed of in the proper containers. Clean up will be enforced. An Event Committee Hearing may convene if you do not clean up. No bikes or mobile apparatus allowed in building, except those facilitated for the physically handicapped. Please be prepared to show handicap ID if necessary. Trophies will not be mailed - they must be picked up at the events. Any Charitable Association wishing to solicit donations at Event Site must first request this in writing from the Show Chairmen. NO SMOKING ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING (STATE LAW). The AKC reminds all exhibitors that dogs showing any signs of illness or communicable disease should not be brought to the events; it is the owner's duty and responsibility to ensure that to prevent the spread of disease at large gatherings of dogs, and that all dogs should be properly inoculated against disease according to your vet's protocol. Dogs must be leashed at all times, except while exhibiting during a scheduled event or in an event's designated warm-up area. No ex-pens in buildings. Food is available at concession stands. There will be a $5.00 parking fee for all vehicles, each day, charged by the Cabarrus Arena. RV Parking in designated areas only. THE CLUBS MUST PAY FOR EACH USED ELECTRICAL OUTLET. SHARE WITH YOUR GROOMING AREA NEIGHBOR! Grooming Area: All crates should be stacked when possible. Event Committee reserves the right to condense exhibitor's grooming area. No dogs left unattended on grooming tables. No practicing allowed in any ring at any time. The welfare of an exhibitor's child is assumed to be the responsibility of the exhibitor. Please exercise control and restraint over the children you are responsible for. The superintendent nor the clubs are responsible for any loss, damage or injury sustained by exhibitors, handlers, vendors or to any dogs or property.They assume no responsibility for injury to any person or child. RULES WILL BE ENFORCED. No space can be reserved for anyone. 2 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Speedway Classic of the Carolinas John Schoeneman, Cluster Coordinator 5361 Bedfordshire Ave., Harrisburg, NC 28075 (704) 363-7238 E-mail: [email protected] Ring Stewards United Eastern Stewards Association (434) 250-1951 Veterinarian On Call Dennis Orr, DVM Cabarrus Animal Hospital 3030 South Cannon Blvd. Kannapolis, NC 28083 (704) 786-6102 Animal Emergencies Cabarrus Emergency Veterinary Clinic 1317 South Cannon Blvd. Kannapolis, NC 28083 (704) 932-1182 Emergency Information The nearest medical facility is Northeast Medical Center, 920 Church St. N., Concord, NC 28025 (704) 403-3000. An EMT will be on the premises during show hours. In an Emergency dial 911. Be prepared to be specific regarding your needs and exact location on the grounds. The show site is within the Cabarrus County and City of Concord servicing area. Locate any club member and they can locate a map for you to the hospital or veterinary offices. “Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians' recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropriate vaccinations.” Saturday A New Exhibitor Briefing will be held during this Show. The briefing location & time will be posted in the Judging Program. Spectators are welcome to attend. CERTIFICATION Permission is granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of these events under American Kennel Club rules and regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary Equipment & Service Furnished By: "Please feel free to come by and take a tour of our Headquarters Office in NC any business day Mon. thru Fri., 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M." 620 Industrial Ave., Greensboro, NC 27406 P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420 • 336-379-9352 32351 Edward Ave. • P.O. Box 9999 • Madison Hts., MI 48071 • 248-588-5000 FAX - 336-272-0864 • Internet Address E-Mail Address [email protected] Dial-N-Entry® - (1-800) 334-8978 - For Entries Only or (336) 379-9605 American Kennel Club Annually Licensed Superintendent Member of the Dog Show Superintendents Association • Rosemary Berg • Vickie L. Bovee • Kathleen Bowser • Michael Bowser • Bob Christiansen A n t h o ny M . C h r i s t o p h e r • M i c h e l l e C l a i r • K a t h l e e n C o r b e t t • D o r i e C rowe P a t r i c i a D e n B o e r • E d wa r d H a d l e y • E l e a n o r C . H a m l i n • R i c h a r d H a m l i n Dennis Johnson • Marti Johnson • Jerr y Jordan • Tonya Jordan • Kellie K. King Kathryn Knepley • Fred J. Lyman • Darlene Nichols • Kevin Nieboer • W. Henry Odum, III Robert C. Peters, Jr. • Ralph Price • Barbara A. Rio • Robert P. Rio • Heidi Spaeth • Kuno W. Spies Joseph R. Tomey • Carol Lee Tyte One Or More Of The Above Superintendents Will Superintend This Show Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 3 AKC National Owner-Handled Series Friday, Saturday & Sunday (Remember to check the box at the bottom of the entry form) The AKC National Owner-Handled Series is a non-titling competition for dogs that are exhibited by their owners that are not professional handlers. All dogs that are owner-handled and are not owned or exhibited by professional handlers* meet the requirements for this competition. Exhibitors must declare their dog is Owner-Handled eligible at the time of entry using the check box on the entry form. Eligible dogs will be identified by an asterisk in the steward’s book & the catalog. Dogs must be handled throughout the breed level competition for the regular show by an eligible owner. Professional handlers, household members and current assistants** to professional handlers may not exhibit the dog in this competition. Owner-Handled Best of Breed/Variety will be selected from the dogs that are eligible to compete in the Best of Breed/Variety competition including Winners Dog, Winners Bitch and winners of the non-regular classes. • If the Best of Breed/Variety winner is Owner-Handled competition eligible, it will automatically be Owner-Handled Best of Breed/Variety and be eligible to compete in both the regular as well as the Owner-Handled group. • If the Best of Breed/Variety winner is not eligible for Owner-Handled competition and the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety is eligible, the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety will compete against the eligible exhibits of the other sex to determine OwnerHandled Best of Breed/Variety. • If neither the Best of Breed/Variety nor the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety are Owner-Handled competition eligible and Select Dog & Select Bitch are both eligible, the judge is to choose Best Owner-Handled exhibit from the Selects and eligible Winners Dog or Winners Bitch. • If one of the Selects is eligible, excuse all Champions and non-regular class winners of the same sex and then choose Best Owner-Handled exhibit from the remaining dogs of the opposite sex including the eligible Winners. • If the regular show Best of Breed/Variety, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety, Select Dog & Select Bitch are not eligible, the judge may choose any eligible dog who competed in Best of Breed/Variety including Winners Dog or Winners Bitch as the Best of Breed/Variety for the AKC National Owner-Handled Series. • If the Best of Winners is eligible, the other Winners are ineligible since it was defeated. • No class dogs other than the Winners Dog & Winners Bitch are eligible to return to the ring. The breed will not be represented in the Owner-Handled Group if there is no eligible dog competing in the Best of Breed/Variety or in Best of Winners competition. *Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay within the last five years. **A current assistant is defined as anyone employed by a professional handler on a full-time basis, or, assisting a professional handler at the show or any show during the cluster/weekend. Best Owner-Handled in Show & Group Judges Best Owner-Handled in Show Owner-Handled Sporting Group Owner-Handled Hound Group Owner-Handled Working Group Owner-Handled Terrier Group Owner-Handled Toy Group Owner-Handled Non-Sporting Group Owner-Handled Herding Group FRIDAY Dr. Sophia Kaluzniacki Mr. Bob Busby Mr. Bob Busby Mr. Bob Busby Mr. Bob Busby Ms. Mary Jane Carberry Mr. Bob Busby Mr. Bob Busby SATURDAY Dr. Linda M. Fowler Dr. Linda M. Fowler Dr. Linda M. Fowler Dr. Linda M. Fowler Dr. Linda M. Fowler Dr. Linda M. Fowler Dr. Linda M. Fowler Dr. Linda M. Fowler 4 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 SUNDAY Mrs. Marian Johnson Your Mrs. Marian Johnson Your Mrs. Marian Johnson Your Mrs. Marian Johnson Your Mrs. Marian Johnson Your Mrs. Marian Johnson Your Mrs. Marian Johnson Your Mrs. Marian Johnson Your Speedway Classic of the Carolinas event schedule Three All-Breed Dog Shows • Four Obedience Trials • Four Rally Trials • Four Agility Trials Thursday (Separate Premium Lists) Doberman Pinscher Club of Charlotte All-Breed Obedience & All-Breed Rally Greater Monroe Kennel Club All-Breed Agility Trial Carolina Working Group Association (All Working Show with AKC National Owner-Handled Series) Carolina Terrier Association (All Terrier Show with AKC National Owner-Handled Series) Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club Independent Regional Specialty & Sweepstakes (AKC National Owner-Handled Series) Friday Salisbury NC Kennel Club, Inc. All-Breed Dog Show with AKC National Owner-Handled Series Doberman Pinscher Club of Charlotte All-Breed Obedience & All-Breed Rally (Separate Premium List) Greater Monroe Kennel Club All-Breed Agility Trial (Separate Premium List) American Foxhound Club, Inc. - Supported Entry American Rottweiler Club - Designated Specialty & Sweepstakes Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club Supported Entry & Sweepstakes Japanese Chin Club of the Carolinas - Supported Entry Central Carolina Pug Dog Club - Supported Entry Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club - Supported Entry Central Carolina Pug Dog Club "Pug Specialty B Match" 30 minutes after Best in Show Saturday Greater Monroe Kennel Club All-Breed Dog Show with AKC National Owner-Handled Series Greater Monroe Kennel Club All-Breed Obedience & Rally Trial (Separate Premium List) Greater Monroe Kennel Club All-Breed Agility Trial (Separate Premium List) Doberman Pinscher Club of Charlotte - Concurrent Specialty Show & Sweepstakes Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club Concurrent Specialty (Separate Premium List) Carolina Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club - Designated Specialty & Sweepstakes (Separate Premium List) American Foxhound Club, Inc. - National Specialty & Sweepstakes American Whippet Club - Supported Entry American Rottweiler Club - Designated Specialty & Sweepstakes Japanese Chin Club of the Carolinas - Supported Entry Central Carolina Pug Dog Club - Supported Entry Piedmont Collie Club - Supported Entry Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club - Supported Entry Sunday Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. - All-Breed Dog Show with AKC National Owner-Handled Series Fayetteville Kennel Club All-Breed Obedience & Rally Trial (Separate Premium List) Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. - All-Breed Agility Trial (Separate Premium List) American Rottweiler Club - Designated Specialty & Sweepstakes Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club Designated Specialty & Sweepstakes American Foxhound Club, Inc. - Supported Entry Portuguese Water Club of America Supported Entry & Sweepstakes Japanese Chin Club of the Carolinas - Supported Entry Central Carolina Pug Dog Club - Supported Entry Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club - Supported Entry Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 5 Indoor bathing facilities available starting Wednesday at 2:00 P.M. Cost: $1.00 per dog Each dog must be towel dried before leaving bathing area Thursday - Same Location Carolina Working Group Association - Group Show Show Chairman: Jay Kuster, E-mail: [email protected] MB-F Superintendent Carolina Terrier Association - Group Show Show Chairman: Gene S. Hains, E-mail: [email protected] Show Secretary: Tina Lunsford, 4584 Cherry Grove Rd., Elon, NC 27244 Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club - Specialty Show Chairperson: Cheryl Owens Janet Robinson, Event Secretary c/o MB-F, Inc. Don't Miss All-Breed Agility Trials - Thursday - Sunday Greater Monroe Kennel Club - Thursday, Friday & Saturday Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. - Sunday Contact Event Secretary: Mrs. Laurene Galgano P.O. Box 3070, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 (757) 481-4854 E-mail: [email protected] Website: All-Breed Obedience & All-Breed Rally Trials - Thursday & Friday Hosted by Doberman Pinscher Club of Charlotte All-Breed Obedience & All-Breed Rally Trials - Saturday & Sunday Greater Monroe Kennel Club - Saturday Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. - Sunday Contact Event Secretary: Ginger Robertson 7 W. Back St., Savannah, GA 31419 (912) 308-1007 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Drop by the Raffles and Auctions for Breed Rescue going on each day in the Reserved Grooming Area and Vendor Booths. Friday Central Carolina Pug Dog Club B Match Information Jo Ann Stone, E-mail: [email protected] Saturday Doberman Pinscher Club of Charlotte - Concurrent Specialty Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club - Concurrent Specialty 6 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Health Clinics Echocardiography Clinic ~ Friday Sponsored by the Carolina Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club Heart Certification (echocardiography with auscultation) OFA and/or ARCH Peggy Sayer, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology), Board Certified Veterinary Cardiologist, will offer a heart certification clinic for ultrasound examination of dogs. The clinic will run from 9:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. The fee is $175.00 per dog for echocardiography (including auscultation). Dogs must be 12 Months or Older for certification. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. For information, please contact Shirley Van Camp (704) 564-5234 E-mail: [email protected] Canine Health Clinics ~ Saturday Sponsored by the Carolina Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club Eye Clinic (Cerf)Heart Certification (auscultation only) OFA and/or ARCH Details will be Peggy Sayer, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology) listed in the Board Certified Veterinary Cardiologist Judging Program. 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Fee $40.00 per dog for auscultation only Dog must be 1 year of age for OFA Cardiac Certification BAER Testing Patella/Microchip Clinic Susanne Hughes, DVM Susanne Hughes, DVM 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 12:00 Noon to 2:00 P.M. Fee $50.00 per dog Fee for OFA patellar certification $30.00 Fee for AVID Microchip $25.00 Dog must be 1 year of age for OFA Patellar Certification For information, please contact Shirley Van Camp (707) 564-5234 E-mail: [email protected] Vendors Vendor information contact Vendor Chairman: JOHN SCHOENEMAN 5361 Bedfordshire Ave., Harrisburg, NC 28075 (704) 363-7238 E-mail: [email protected] Reserve YOUR space ASAP - we expect many Holiday Shoppers! The basic Vendor Spaces are 100 square ft. The cost is $100.00 per day for the first 100 square ft. The cost of additional square footage is $7.50 per day for each additional 10 square ft. This will include one electrical outlet per booth. Additional outlets are available for $25.00 per day. Service Vendors are half price. Please let us know if you plan to place a 10' x 10' tent in your space. We will do our best to give you the usual linear footage, but cannot guarantee this. Star Dogs to raise funds for the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation. How to make your contribution to Star Dogs for the AKC Canine Health Foundation. By including an extra dollar with your entry fee and indicating with a star by your dog’s name on the entry form, the show superintendent will be glad to forward the donation for you. With your participation, you and your dog will receive recognition by being listed in a special donors’ ad in the show catalog, along with a star notation (★) in the on-line show results. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 7 Buffet lunch available Thursday - Sunday INCLUDES: 2 Entrees ~ Sides ~ Desserts ~ Drinks PRICE: $12.00 ~ TIME: 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: Arena Atrium Directions to the Event Site From Charlotte, Kings Mountain & Gastonia (via I-85): Take I-85 North to Exit 48 (I-485). Turn right on I-485 East, travel to NC 49 (Harrisburg). Turn left on 49 North, through Harrisburg - cross under US 601(Bridge) and follow NC 49 3.2 miles. Arena will be on the left. -Or: Take I-485 East to Exit 33 (Hwy. 49N – Harrisburg). Stay on Hwy. 49 North for approximately 13.5 miles. Arena will be on the left. From Albemarle: Take NC 73 West through Mt. Pleasant. Turn right on NC 49 South, travel 2.9 miles. Arena will be on the right. From Asheboro: Travel NC 49 South, pass under NC 73 (bridge) and travel 2.9 miles. Arena will be on the right. From Davidson, Cornelius, Huntersville: Take NC 73 East to US 29/Hwy. 601. Turn right, travel 2.2 miles, stay left and follow US 601 to NC 49 North. At traffic light, turn left onto NC 49 North. Travel 3.2 miles. Arena will be on the left. From Monroe: Take US 601 North to NC 49 North. Travel 3.2 miles and Arena will be on the left. From Salisbury: Travel I-85 South take Exit 60. Turn left on Dale Earnhardt/Copperfield Blvd. Follow to NC 3 (approx. 1.5 miles). Turn left at the traffic light and follow NC 3 to US 601 (approximately go through 6 traffic lights). Turn left at traffic light onto NC 49 North and follow NC 49 3.2 miles. Arena will be on the left. From Columbia, South Carolina: Take I-77 North to I-485 East to Exit 33 (Hwy. 49 North – Harrisburg). Stay on Hwy. 49 North for approximately 13.5 miles. Arena will be on the left. 8 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Accommodations Pet friendly hotel options for FALL Speedway Classic of the Carolinas Shows The following is a list of pet friendly hotels in the area. Please contact the hotels directly for rates, restrictions, and pet fees. You can also contact the Cabarrus County Convention & Visitors Bureau for special requests. America's Best Value,Exit 58, 2451 Kannapolis Hwy., Concord, NC.............................(704) 788-8550 omfort Suites, Exit 49, 7800 Gateway Ln., Concord, NC.............................................(704) 979-3800 C Residence Inn by Marriott, Exit 49, 7601 Scott Padgett Pkwy., Concord, NC...............(704) 454-7862 Days Inn, Exit 55, 5125 Davidson Hwy., Concord, NC....................................................(704) 786-9121 Econo Lodge, Exit 58, 3100 Cloverleaf Pkwy., Concord, NC..........................................(704) 786-3100 Embassy Suites, Exit 49, 5400 John Q Suites Hammons Dr. NW, Concord, NC...........(704) 455-8200 Hampton Inn, Exit 60, 6 12 Dickens Pl. NE, Kannapolis, NC...........................................(704) 793-9700 Suburban Extended Stay Hotel, 7725 Sossaman Ln., Concord, NC............................(704) 979-5555 Sleep Inn Concord, Exit 60, 1120 Copperfield Blvd., Kannapolis, NC............................(704) 788-2150 Cabarrus County Convention and Vistors Bureau 10099 Weddington Rd. Ext. Suite #102, Concord, NC 28027 704.782.4340 or 704.456.7972 Please use designated areas to exercise your dog(s). Keep your dogs on leash at all times while in the hotel, lobby and on hotel grounds. All hotels are near major interstate and highways - loose dogs could be injured (or cause someone else to be injured). All dogs must be crated when responsible party is out of the room. Please - no grooming or Dog Bathing in Rooms. The clubs assumes no responsibility for any damage occurring to hotel property. All hotels/motels listed in this premium list as accepting dogs are considered to be part of the event site. An Event Committee Hearing will be held for individuals reported by any of the listed hotels/motels for not respecting motel property. Unattended dogs must be crated. Do not let your dog(s) destroy or foul the rooms. No grooming or bathing dogs in rooms. Clean up after your dog outside too! Limit barking and other noise. Please respect others. All crates must be on plastic. Hotel quiet time: 10:00 P.M. - 6:00 A.M. Attention Exhibitors - For your protection, thoroughly check your room for previous damage before moving in. Report any previous damage to hotel before occupying room. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 9 Speedway Classic of the Carolinas Fall Cluster, Concord, NC RV Reservations Please fill out and return it with your payment, as spaces are limited and strictly available on a firstcome, first served basis. Reservations will open and be accepted beginning August 14, 2014. Longer term rentals will have priority over shorter term rentals. Name............................................................................................................................................................................. Address......................................................................................................................................................................... City................................................................................................................................State...............Zip.................... Phone............................................................ E-mail...................................................................................................... Vehicle Lic. #........................................... State.................. RV Unit Lic. #............................................. State................. Total Length.................................# Slides........................ Driver Side........................Passenger Side.......................... Date In............................................................Date Out............................................. Total # Nights.............................. Entered in the following events: Rate per day: Agility.............. Conformation..............Obed./Rally.................Vendor............ Full hookups - Power Available 50 amps *Advance Reservations Hookups: Water & electricity, (3 night Minimum) Additional nights No Hookups: Your generator, No water, No sewer, per unit/per night (Full Hookups may be paid for at check-in if available) 30 amps 20 amps $105.00 $................ $35.00 x # nights =$................ $25.00 x # nights =$................ No Advance Reservations (Cash Only): Hookups: Water & electricity, per unit/per night No Hookups: Your generator, No water, No sewer, per unit/per night $40.00 x # nights =$................ $30.00 x # nights =$................ Sewer is available in some places. Bring 100 feet of appropriate power cables, adaptors, water and sewer hoses. Dump station available. Payment must accompany order and must be received by October 29, 2014 Please make checks payable to GMKC Thank you for your interest in camping at Cabarrus Arena and Events Center. While camping at the Arena we would like for you to have a safe and enjoyable time. By signing below, you agree to the camping rules and regulations. Reserved Overnight Parking is available on the following dates: Wednesday through Sunday additional days will need to be communicated with RV Chairman RVs coming in prior to 12:00 Noon on Wednesday must make arrangements with RV Chairman. Please check-in upon arrival for your parking pass and assistance with RV parking. Your parking pass MUST be visible at all times. Check in without prior arrangements is from 12:00 Noon on Wednesday to 10:00 P.M., Thursday through Saturday 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Send payment payable to GMKC & reservation form to: John Schoeneman, RV Chairman 5361 Bedfordshire Ave., Harrisburg, NC 28075 Questions: (704) 363-7238 E-Mail any question to: [email protected] Please sign and date below and return to the RV Chairman with the appropriate fee. The signature below constitutes agreement and affirmation by the applicant to the terms and conditions in the Camping Rules & Regulations. Camper Signature:..........................................................................................................................Date:...................... NO REFUNDS - NO EXCEPTIONS AFTER OCTOBER 29, 2014 10 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Camping Rules & Regulations for the Fall Speedway Classic of the Carolinas Fall Cluster, Concord, NC Parking is solely at the applicant's own risk. The applicant by submitting this application waives any and all claims and cause of action against the Cluster Clubs and the Cabarrus Arena & Events Center and their employees, agents and volunteers related to loss of, or damage to the vehicle or its contents, including all claims and causes of action arising out of the negligence of such parties. The applicant agrees to indemnify the Cluster Clubs and the Cabarrus Arena & Events Center, their employees, agents and volunteers for any and all loss by fire, theft or damage, or loss of personal property, or the loss or injury to the animals in the applicant's charge while on the event grounds or parking area. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 23. 24. 25. 26. NO REFUNDS - NO EXCEPTIONS after October 29, 2014. Camping sites are on a first come, first-served basis. All payments must be received with reservations. Assignments of space will be at the discretion of RV Parking Committee. With full hookups, center will provide electric, water hookup and dumps where/when available. Dump station will be available. You must bring appropriate power cable, adaptors and water hose, 100 feet suggested. Vehicle and camping equipment must not extend beyond assigned space. No reserving/saving of spots for other campers. All motorized vehicles must have a valid state license plate. No charge for tow vehicle. No unauthorized golf carts, motorized bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles, scooters, etc., are permitted on site. Camping is permitted in designated campgrounds only. Excessive drunkenness or lewd behavior will not be tolerated. No ground fires, fire rings, or open flame grills. No firearms, dangerous weapons or fireworks permitted. No soliciting or commercial sales permitted. Parking pass must be affixed to the front right side/windshield and be visible at all times. Pets are welcome at our camping facilities if they are leashed, cleaned up after and do not disturb the other guests. Pets are not allowed inside the arena restrooms (no exceptions). No loud or boisterous activity after 11:00 P.M. until 6:00 A.M. Please be aware of all carbon monoxide dangers that can be harmful to you or other guests. Vehicle and generator exhaust MUST be expelled safely into roadways and not into adjacent campsites. Please place trash in receptacles or dumpster provided by Cabarrus Arena & Events Center. All exhibitors and guests will be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of their spaces, or will be asked to vacate their space immediately. No tent camping allowed. No shower or restroom facilities. No outside catering. No alcoholic beverages allowed outside RV/Camper. ❏ I have read and understand the above rules and regulations Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 11 Judges Mr. Gary Bassett......................................................................1504 Buffalo St., Green Bay, WI 54313 Mr. Richard Bohannon.........................................................46 Sayles Lyda Rd., Fairview, NC 28730 Mr. Bob Busby.........................................................................139 Di Dio’ Cir., Mooresville, NC 28115 Mrs. Debbie Campbell-Freeman..............................................654 White Cap Dr., Ventura, CA 93003 Ms. Mary Jane Carberry........................................................ 3723 E. Lee St., Greensboro, NC 27406 Ms. Rebecca Carner............................................................................1 Twine St., Sterling, MA 01564 Ms. Mari Fleming Carroll................................................................. 4 Linden St., Westport, CT 06880 Ms. Bess Cleveland.............................................................137 Willow Oak Dr., Columbia, SC 29223 Ms. Lisa R. DeRoulet................................................................ P.O. Box 12868, Mill Creek, WA 98082 Mr. Gary L. Doerge........................................................................ 1097 Whitehall, Jackson, TN 38301 Mrs. Ann M. Dunn................................................................70 Malden St., West Boylston, MA 01583 Mr. Bradford C. Dunn...........................................................70 Malden St., West Boylston, MA 01583 Dr. Linda M. Fowler......................................................... 1004 Cold Branch Dr., Columbia, SC 29223 Mr. Carl E. Gomes................................................................ 4408 White Plains Rd., Bronx, NY 10470 Ms. Celeste M. Gonzalez..................................................... 533 Watford Rd., Thomasville, NC 27360 Mr. Clayton G. Haviland IV........................................ 15863 76th Trl. N., West Palm Beach, FL 33418 Mr. Hector Hector....................................................................... 1100 S.W. 128th Dr., Davie, FL 33325 Mrs. Meredith Hector................................................................. 1100 S.W. 128th Dr., Davie, FL 33325 Mr. Josef Hedl............................................................... 491 Winslow Way, Lake in the Hills, IL 60156 Mr. Douglas R. Holloway, Jr...........................................2131 Pleasant Valley Rd., Newark, DE 19702 Dr. Sophia Kaluzniacki....................................................... 220 E. Duval Rd., Green Valley, AZ 85614 Mrs. Cindy C. Lane................................................................. 319 HKR Ranch Rd., Victoria, TX 77904 Mrs. Kim Meisel........................................................ 538 Hammond Farm Rd., Hope Mills, NC 28348 Mr. Desmond J. Murphy....................................................................P.O. Box 257, Monroe, NY 10949 Mr. Jim Owens......................................................................46 Sayles Lyda Rd., Fairview, NC 28730 Mrs. Nancy C. Russell........................................................ 601 Big Horn Dr., Walsenburg, CO 81089 Mr. John Schoeneman.............................................. 5361 Bedfordshire Ave., Harrisburg, NC 28075 Ms. Judith Ann Smith..................................................11 Legendary Rd., Hendersonville, NC 28739 Mrs. Jacqueline L. Stacy................................................. 116 Ocoee Falls Dr., Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Ms. Carolyn Strunge.............................................................4647 Averill Dr., Grants Pass, OR 97526 Mrs. Lisa Warren.......................................................................... P.O. Box 923, Fogelsville, PA 18051 Mrs. Melanie D. Williams..........................................23710 St. Rd. 19, Howey-In-The-Hills, FL 34737 Mrs. Karen C. Wilson.................................................... 3290 Emerald Hill Rd., Sperryville, VA 22740 Mrs. Sandra J. Wolfskill.................................................... 13430 Bass Lake Rd., Chardon, OH 44024 Mrs. Marian Johnson Your........................................................4834 Neiman Rd., Pattison, TX 77423 *provisional/permit Judge - see assignments RIBBON PRIZES Regular Classes First Prize................................................................. Blue Ribbon Second Prize.............................................................Red Ribbon Third Prize............................................................. Yellow Ribbon Fourth Prize............................................................ White Ribbon Winners.................................................................Purple Ribbon Reserve Winners..................................... Purple & White Ribbon Best of Winners...........................................Blue & White Ribbon Best of Breed (Variety)..............................Purple & Gold Ribbon Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed (Variety)........................ Red & White Ribbon Select..................................................Light Blue & White Ribbon Miscellaneous Classes First Prize................................................................Rose Ribbon Second Prize......................................................... Brown Ribbon Third Prize.....................................................Light Green Ribbon Fourth Prize..............................................................Gray Ribbon Best of Breed....................................................... Orange Ribbon Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed..............Lavender Ribbon Best in Miscellaneous.................................Pink & Green Ribbon Non-Regular Classes First Prize................................................................Rose Ribbon Second Prize......................................................... Brown Ribbon Third Prize.....................................................Light Green Ribbon Fourth Prize..............................................................Gray Ribbon 12 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 RIBBON PRIZES (Continuation) Variety Groups First Prize................................................................ Blue Rosette Second Prize............................................................Red Rosette Third Prize............................................................ Yellow Rosette Fourth Prize........................................................... White Rosette Reserve Best in Show....................Dark Green & White Rosette Salisbury N.C. Kennel Club, Inc. Reserve Best in Show.............................Yellow & White Rosette Greater Monroe Kennel Club Reserve Best in Show........................Dark Multicolored Rosette Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. Best in Show......................................Red, White & Blue Rosette unless otherwise specified Best in Show..........................................Cream & Green Rosette Greater Monroe Kennel Club BREED CLASSIFICATION The class numbers in italic type are for an exhibitor computer entry-inquiry system. These numbers SHOULD NOT be used on entry forms. Regular Classes 00300. Puppy, 10900. 6 & Under 9 Months 00450. Amateur-Owner-Handler 00300. Puppy, 11000. 9 & Under 12 Months 00500. Bred by Exhibitor 00300. Dogs, 11100. 12 & Under 18 Months 00600. American-Bred 00400. Novice 00700. Open Winners All Regular Classes are divided by sex and are offered for all breeds or varieties of breeds unless otherwise noted below. Where classes are further divided by color, weight, or other breed characteristics, it is so indicated below and the class division MUST be indicated on the entry form. Non-Regular Classes Involving Single Dog Entries for ROTTWEILERS - FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens & Collies (rough & smooth) - Saturday FOR PORTUGUESE WATER DOGS - SUNDAY .NR1.08100.15000. Veteran Classes - Class for dogs & class for bitches seven (7) years & over. for CHINESE CRESTEDS FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY NR1.08100.20800. Veteran Classes - Class for dogs & class for bitches seven (7) years & under ten (10) years. NR1.08100.37100. Veteran Classes - Class for dogs & class for bitches ten (10) years & over. 00900. Best of Breed (01000. Variety) Competition OPEN CLASS DIVISIONS Retrievers (Labrador) 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 14800. Chocolate; 18600. Yellow. Dachshunds (Longhaired) 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 20500. Miniature-11 lbs. and under and 12 months old or over; 20600. Standard-over 11 lbs. and 11 lbs. and under if less than 12 months old. Dachshunds (Smooth) 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 20500. Miniature-11 lbs. and under and 12 months old or over; 20600. Standard-over 11 lbs. and 11 lbs. and under if less than 12 months old. Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 20500. Miniature-11 lbs. and under and 12 months old or over; 20600. Standard-over 11 lbs. and 11 lbs. and under if less than 12 months old. Boxers 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 14400. Brindle; 15200. Fawn. bullmastiffs 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 14400. Brindle; 19000. Any Other Allowed Color. Doberman Pinschers 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 19000. Any Other Allowed Color. Great Danes 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 13700. Blue; 14400. Brindle; 15200. Fawn; 15600. Harlequin; 15900. Mantle. newfoundlands 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 16100. Other Than Black. St. Bernards 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 19600. Longhaired; 19700. Shorthaired. Chinese Cresteds 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 19800. Hairless; 19900. Powderpuff. Boston Terriers 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 22300. Under 15 lbs.; 22500. 15 lbs. and Under 20 lbs.; 32700. 20 lbs. and not to exceed 25 lbs. XOLOITZCUINTLI 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 17900. Toy; 44600. Miniature; 44700. Standard. Australian Shepherds 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 12100. Black; 14000. Blue Merle; 16600. Red; 17200. Red Merle. Collies (Rough) 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 14000. Blue Merle; 17500. Sable and White; 18200. Tri-Color; 18400. White. Shetland Sheepdogs 00700. Open Classes Divided, both sexes: 17500. Sable and White; 19000. Any Other Allowed Color. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 13 BEST IN SHOW SPORTING GROUP HOUND GROUP WORKING GROUP TERRIER GROUP TOY GROUP NON-SPORTING GROUP HERDING GROUP BEST IN SHOW & Variety Group Judges Friday Saturday Sunday Dr. Sophia Kaluzniacki Mrs. Karen C. Wilson Ms. Celeste M. Gonzalez *Mr. Bradford C. Dunn Ms. Mary Jane Carberry Mrs. Jacqueline L. Stacy Mr. Gary L. Doerge Mrs. Sandra J. Wolfskill Mr. Gary Bassett Mrs. Debbie Campbell-Freeman Mr. Gary L. Doerge Ms. Judith Ann Smith Mr. Desmond J. Murphy Mr. Desmond J. Murphy Mr. Carl E. Gomes Dr. Sophia Kaluzniacki Mrs. Jacqueline L. Stacy Mr. Desmond J. Murphy Mrs. Karen C. Wilson Ms. Lisa R. DeRoulet Mr. Gary L. Doerge Mrs. Debbie Campbell-Freeman *Mrs. Debbie Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Melanie D. Williams SEE ADDITIONAL JUDGES ON PAGE 4 SPORTING GROUPFRIDAY Brittanys Mrs. Wilson Pointers Mrs. Wilson Pointers (German Shorthaired) Mrs. Wilson Pointers (German Wirehaired) Mrs. Wilson Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) Mrs. Wilson Retrievers (Curly-Coated) Mrs. Wilson Retrievers (Flat-Coated) Mrs. Wilson Retrievers (Golden) Mrs. Wilson Retrievers (Labrador) Mrs. Wilson Ret (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Mrs. Wilson Setters (English) Mrs. Wilson Setters (Gordon) Mrs. Wilson Setters (Irish) Mrs. Wilson Setters (Irish Red and White) Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (American Water) Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (Boykin) Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (Clumber) Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (Cocker) Black Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (Cocker) A.S.C.O.B. Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (Cocker) Parti-Color Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (English Cocker) Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (English Springer) Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (Field) Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (Irish Water) Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (Sussex) Mrs. Wilson Spaniels (Welsh Springer) Mrs. Wilson Spinoni Italiani Mrs. Wilson Vizslas Mrs. Wilson Weimaraners Mrs. Wilson Wirehaired Pointing Griffons Mrs. Wilson Wirehaired Vizslas Mrs. Wilson SATURDAY Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman *Ms. Smith *Ms. Smith *Ms. Smith *Ms. Smith Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman *Ms. Smith Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman *Ms. Smith Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman *Ms. Smith Mrs. Campbell-Freeman *Ms. Smith *Ms. Smith Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman SUNDAY Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy *Mrs. Lane Mr. Murphy *Mrs. Lane Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy *Mrs. Lane *Mrs. Lane Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy *Mrs. Lane Mrs. Lane Mrs. Lane Mrs. Lane Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy *Mrs. Lane Mr. Murphy *Mrs. Lane Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy HOUND GROUPFRIDAY Afghan Hounds Ms. Gonzalez American English Coonhounds Ms. Gonzalez American Foxhounds Ms. Gonzalez SPECIALTY SHOW (Saturday) Sweepstakes NOT OFFERED Veteran Sweepstakes NOT OFFERED Basenjis Ms. Gonzalez Basset Hounds Ms. Gonzalez Beagles, 13 Inch Ms. Gonzalez Beagles, 15 Inch Ms. Gonzalez Black and Tan Coonhounds Ms. Gonzalez Bloodhounds Ms. Gonzalez Bluetick Coonhounds Ms. Gonzalez Borzois Ms. Gonzalez Dachshunds (Longhaired) Ms. Gonzalez SATURDAY Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mrs. Wilson SUNDAY Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mr. Doerge Mr. Holloway Mr. Holloway Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson 14 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Dachshunds (Smooth) Dachshunds (Wirehaired) English Foxhounds Greyhounds Harriers Ibizan Hounds Irish Wolfhounds Norwegian Elkhounds Otterhounds Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens SPECIALTY SHOW (Saturday) Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes Pharaoh Hounds Plotts Portuguese Podengo Pequenos Redbone Coonhounds Rhodesian Ridgebacks Salukis Scottish Deerhounds Treeing Walker Coonhounds Whippets Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mr. Doerge NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Ms. Gonzalez Mrs. Meisel Mrs. Meisel Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Murphy NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson WORKING GROUP FRIDAY Akitas Mrs. Russell Alaskan Malamutes Mrs. Russell Anatolian Shepherd Dogs Mr. Bassett Bernese Mountain Dogs Mrs. Dunn Black Russian Terriers Mr. Bassett Boxers Mr. Haviland Bullmastiffs Mrs. Russell Cane Corsos Mr. Bassett Chinooks Mr. Bassett Doberman Pinschers Mr. Dunn Dogues de Bordeaux Mr. Bassett German Pinschers Mr. Bassett Giant Schnauzers Mr. Bassett Great Danes Mrs. Dunn Great Pyrenees Dr. Kaluzniacki Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs Mr. Bassett Komondorok Mr. Bassett Kuvaszok Mr. Bassett Leonbergers Mr. Bassett Mastiffs Mrs. Russell Neapolitan Mastiffs Mr. Bassett Newfoundlands Mrs. Russell Portuguese Water Dogs Mr. Bassett Sweepstakes NOT OFFERED Veteran Sweepstakes NOT OFFERED Rottweilers Mr. Owens SPECIALTY SHOW (Friday & Saturday & Sunday) Sweepstakes Mr. Bohannon Veteran Sweepstakes Mr. Bohannon St Bernards Mr. Dunn Samoyeds Mrs. Russell Siberian Huskies Mr. Dunn Standard Schnauzers Mr. Bassett Tibetan Mastiffs Mr. Bassett SATURDAY Mr. Bassett Mr. Bassett Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Ms. Smith Mr. Bassett Mr. Bassett Ms. Smith Ms. Smith Mr. Bassett Ms. Smith Ms. Smith Ms. Smith Mr. Bassett Mr. Bassett Dr. Kaluzniacki Ms. Smith Ms. Smith Ms. Smith Mr. Bassett Ms. Smith Mr. Bassett Ms. Smith NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED Mr. Bassett SUNDAY Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Mr. Hedl Mr. Hedl Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Mr. Hedl Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Mr. Hedl Mr. Schoeneman Mr. Schoeneman Mr. Bassett Dr. Kaluzniacki Mr. Bassett Ms. Smith Ms. Smith Ms. Carner Ms. Carner Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet Ms. DeRoulet TERRIER GROUP Airedale Terriers American Staffordshire Terriers SATURDAY Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson SUNDAY Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge FRIDAY Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 15 Australian Terriers Bedlington Terriers Border Terriers Bull Terriers (Colored) Bull Terriers (White) Cairn Terriers Cesky Terriers Dandie Dinmont Terriers Fox Terriers (Smooth) Fox Terriers (Wire) Glen of Imaal Terriers Irish Terriers Kerry Blue Terriers Lakeland Terriers Manchester Terriers (Standard) Miniature Bull Terriers Miniature Schnauzers Norfolk Terriers Norwich Terriers Parson Russell Terriers Rat Terriers Russell Terriers Scottish Terriers Sealyham Terriers Skye Terriers Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers Staffordshire Bull Terriers Welsh Terriers West Highland White Terriers Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Mrs. Wolfskill Mrs. Wolfskill Mrs. Wolfskill Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Ms. Carberry Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge TOY GROUP Affenpinschers Brussels Griffons Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Chihuahuas (Long Coat) Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) Chinese Cresteds SPECIALTY SHOW (Sunday) Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes English Toy Spaniels (B & PC) English Toy Spaniels (KC & R) Havanese Italian Greyhounds Japanese Chin Maltese Manchester Terriers (Toy) Miniature Pinschers Papillons Pekingese Pomeranians Poodles (Toy) Pugs Shih Tzu Silky Terriers Toy Fox Terriers Yorkshire Terriers FRIDAY Mrs. Stacy *Mr. Bohannon Mr. Haviland Mrs. Stacy Mrs. Stacy Mr. Haviland SATURDAY Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mrs. Williams Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Dr. Kaluzniacki SUNDAY Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Williams *Mrs. Lane Mrs. Lane Mrs. Lane *Ms. Strunge Ms. Cleveland Ms. Cleveland Mrs. Stacy Mrs. Stacy Mr. Haviland Mrs. Stacy Mr. Haviland Mrs. Stacy Ms. Carberry Mrs. Stacy *Mr. Bohannon Mr. Haviland *Mr. Bohannon Mr. Bohannon Mr. Haviland *Mr. Bohannon Mrs. Stacy Mrs. Stacy Mrs. Stacy NOT OFFERED NOT OFFERED Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mrs. Williams Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mrs. Williams Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Murphy Mrs. Williams Mr. Murphy Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mr. Murphy Mrs. Williams Mrs. Warren Mrs. Warren Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Williams Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Williams Mr. Doerge Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Williams Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Williams Mr. Doerge Mrs. Williams Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman NON-SPORTING GROUP American Eskimo Dogs Bichons Frises FRIDAY Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge SATURDAY Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes SUNDAY Ms. DeRoulet *Mrs. Campbell-Freeman 16 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Boston Terriers Bulldogs Chinese Shar-Pei Chow Chows Coton de Tulear Dalmatians Finnish Spitz French Bulldogs Keeshonden Lhasa Apsos Lowchen Norwegian Lundehunds Poodles (Miniature) Poodles (Standard) Schipperkes Shiba Inu Tibetan Spaniels Tibetan Terriers Xoloitzcuintli Mr. Dunn Mr. Doerge Mr. Haviland Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Haviland Mr. Bassett Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Bohannon Mr. Bohannon Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge Mr. Bassett Mr. Doerge HERDING GROUPFRIDAY Australian Cattle Dogs Mrs. Wolfskill Australian Shepherds Mrs. Wolfskill Bearded Collies Mrs. Wolfskill Beaucerons Mrs. Wolfskill Belgian Malinois Mr. Bassett Belgian Sheepdogs Mrs. Wolfskill Belgian Tervuren Mr. Bassett Border Collies Mrs. Wolfskill Bouviers des Flandres Mr. Bassett Briards Mrs. Wolfskill Canaan Dogs Mrs. Wolfskill Cardigan Welsh Corgis Mrs. Wolfskill Collies (Rough) Mrs. Wolfskill Collies (Smooth) Mrs. Wolfskill Entlebucher Mountain Dogs Mrs. Wolfskill Finnish Lapphunds Mrs. Wolfskill German Shepherd Dogs Mrs. Wolfskill Icelandic Sheepdogs Mrs. Wolfskill Norwegian Buhunds Mrs. Wolfskill Old English Sheepdogs Mr. Bassett Pembroke Welsh Corgis Mrs. Wolfskill Polish Lowland Sheepdogs Mrs. Wolfskill Pulik Mr. Bassett Pyrenean Shepherds Mrs. Wolfskill Shetland Sheepdogs *Mr. Hector Swedish Vallhunds Mrs. Wolfskill Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Gomes Mr. Doerge *Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mr. Murphy Ms. DeRoulet Mrs. Stacy *Mrs. Campbell-Freeman *Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Ms. DeRoulet *Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Campbell-Freeman *Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. Stacy Mr. Doerge Mr. Doerge *Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Ms. DeRoulet *Mrs. Campbell-Freeman Mr. Doerge Mrs. Stacy SATURDAY Dr. Kaluzniacki Mrs. Williams Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki *Ms. Carroll Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Ms. Carroll Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki Dr. Kaluzniacki *Mrs. Hector Dr. Kaluzniacki SUNDAY Mrs. Williams Mrs. Your Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Your Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Your Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mr. Murphy Mrs. Your Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams Mrs. Williams MISCELLANEOUS CLASSESFRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Mr. Bassett Mr. Doerge Mrs. Wilson The Miscellaneous Classes for each breed shall be 00300. Puppy, 00500. Bred by Exhibitor and 00700. Open. These classes shall be divided by sex. All class winners within a breed shall compete for Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Each of the Miscellaneous Class Best of Breed winners shall be eligible to compete for Best in Miscellaneous Class. There shall be no further competition for dogs entered in the Miscellaneous Classes. American Hairless Terriers Azawakh Belgian Laekenois Bergamascos Berger Picards Boerboels Cirnechi dell’Etna Dogo Argentinos Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens Lagotti Romagnoli Miniature American Shepherds Norrbottenspets Peruvian Inca Orchids Portuguese Podengos Pumik Sloughis Spanish Water Dogs JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIPFRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY COMPETITION Mrs. Dunn Dr. Kaluzniacki Mr. Hedl Novice Junior, Novice Intermediate, Novice Senior, Open Junior, Open Intermediate, Open Senior, Master Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 17 80000. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION ~ EACH DAY AKC Junior Handler Numbers are now required for entry in Junior Showmanship Competition. Numbers may be obtained from the American Kennel Club - PHONE: (919) 233-9767. For additional information contact American Kennel Club, Junior Showmanship, P.O. Box 900051, Raleigh, NC 276759051. Phone (919) 233-9767 or E-mail: [email protected]. Entry blank MUST be filled out with the necessary information, otherwise the entry in Junior Showmanship will not be accepted. NOVICE JUNIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years and under 12 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. NOVICE INTERMEDIATE CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 12 years and under 15 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. NOVICE SENIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 15 years and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN JUNIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years and under 12 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN INTERMEDIATE CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 12 years and under 15 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN SENIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 15 years and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. Master Class: This class will be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years on the day of the show, and who have won the 10 first place wins in an Open Class with competition to be eligible to enter the Limited Class Competition. The calendar for this class will be consistent with the eligibility dates for the AKC Eukanuba National Championship. All Junior meeting the criteria for this class are required to enter the Master Class and may change their entry the day of the show if entries have already closed. Once the eligibility time frame for that year has passed all participants return to the Open Class to complete for the following year. NOTICE JUNIORS WITH A DOG ALSO ENTERED IN ANOTHER CLASS OFFERED AT THIS SHOW WHO SUBSTITUTE A DOG NOT ENTERED IN THIS SHOW MUST REMIT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP ONLY AND JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP AS AN ADDITIONAL CLASS ENTRY FEE. JUNIORS WHO HAVE ENTERED JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP ONLY WHO THEN SUBSTITUTE ANOTHER DOG WILL NOT BE CHARGED A FURTHER FEE. Come Enjoy the Speedway Classic! 18 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 2014039802 Entries Close at Superintendent’s Office at 12:00 Noon, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, or substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Premium List 95th All-Breed Dog Show (Unbenched) Salisbury N.C. Kennel Club, Inc. (Member of the American Kennel Club) Cabarrus Arena & Events Center 4751 NC Hwy. 49 North, Concord, NC 28025 Friday, November 14, 2014 The Officers, Directors and Members of the Salisbury NC Kennel Club dedicates this show to the memory of Douglas Wayne Meeks July 27, 1947 to March 25, 2013 All Judging Will Be Indoors Show Hours: 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. All Puppy Classes Divided obedience & rally classes not offered akc NATIONAL owner-handled series Specialty Show American Rottweiler Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Supported Entries American Foxhound Club, Inc. Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Japanese Chin Club of the Carolinas Central Carolina Pug Dog Club Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club this club does not agree to arbitrate claims as set forth on the official akc entry form for THIS event. Officers of the Salisbury N.C. Kennel Club, Inc. MB-F Show #242 President (Acting).................................................................................................................... Bob Busby Vice-President......................................................................................................................... Bob Busby Treasurer........................................................................................................................... Crystal Finney Recording Secretary............................................................................................................Tonya Waters Corresponding Secretary.................................................................................................. Selina Skipper 139 Di Dió Cir., Mooresville, NC 28115-9323 (704) 904-4214 [email protected] AKC Delegate Bob Busby Board of Directors Stacie Crayton Tony Finney Alane Landry Sarah Terns Event Committee Selina Skipper, Show Chairperson c/o 139 Di Dió Cir., Mooresville, NC 28115-9323 (704) 904-4214 E-mail: [email protected] Tonya Waters, Assistant Show Chairperson And the Board of Directors Bob Busby, Coordinator (704) 663-0472 E-mail: [email protected] Hospitality Crystal Finney, Chairperson And the members of the Salisbury NC Kennel Club Show Grounds Rufus McCrary, Chairman Jill Baker Billy Busby Daren Raynor Catalog Advertising Bob Busby E-mail: [email protected] Trophy Committee Selina Skipper Tonya Waters Catalog Sales Drew Finney Stacie Creighton Official Photographers Bryan McNabb Dog Show Photography P.O. Box 780 Granite Quarry, NC 28072-0780 (704) 279-0859 or (704) 223-0398 CC Photography Cary C. Manaton P.O. Box 853, Clayton, NC 27528 (919) 523-5135 (Only the Official Photographers may take win pictures.) 20 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 ALL TROPHIES MUST BE PICKED UP THE DAY OF THE SHOW. THE SALISBURY N.C. KENNEL CLUB, INC. WILL NOT MAIL UNCLAIMED TROPHIES. BEST IN SHOW AND GROUP PRIZES Best in Show. $100.00 Visa Gift Card & Race Themed Dog Bed offered by the Salisbury N.C. Kennel Club, Inc. First in Each Variety Group. $50.00 Visa Gift Card & Race Themed Dog Bed offered by the Salisbury N.C. Kennel Club, Inc. BEST OWNER-HANDLED IN SHOW Best Owner-Handled in Show. $50.00 Visa Gift Card offered by Salisbury N.C. Kennel Club, Inc. 00000. BREED PRIZES The Salisbury N.C. Kennel Club, Inc. offers Rosettes for Best of Breed/Variety, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch & Best in Sweepstakes (where offered) for each Specialty Show & Supported Entry. Sporting Breeds 13200. RETRIEVERS (LABRADOR) Jill Baker offers Rosette for Bred by Exhibitor Dogs, First. Hound Breeds 20550. AMERICAN FOXHOUNDS THE American Foxhound Club, INC.WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF AMERICAN FOXHOUNDS AT THIS SHOW. American Foxhound Club, Inc. offers a Club Medallion for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed & Best of Winners through the generosity if its officers, board & members. American Foxhound Club, Inc. offers a SP Jewelry Box with Club Logo for Best of Breed through the generosity of its officers, board and members. 23200. BLOODHOUNDS Jill Baker offers Rosettes for Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. Working Breeds 33500. CANE CORSOS Selina Skipper, Redemption Kennels offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners. 37500. ROTTWEILERS THE AMERICAN ROTTWEILER CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE ROTTWEILER CLASSES AT THIS SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW. Officers of the American Rottweiler Club President............................................................................................................................ Nancy Griego Vice-President........................................................................................................Roberta Kelley-Martin Treasurer................................................................................................................................ Lin Beenen Secretary..........................................................................................................................Karen S. Riddle 156 Lovelace Dr., Fall Branch, TN 37656 (423) 348-7479 E-mail: [email protected] AKC Delegate Peter G. Piusz Board of Directors Joseph Bastyr Ann K. Callahan Beth Fitzgerald Sharon Marples William Ward The following prizes are offered by the Carolina Rottweiler Club unless otherwise specified. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 21 00100. SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Mr. Richard Bohannon The Sweepstakes is open to all Rottweilers who are 6 months & under 24 months of age on the day of the show. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes must also be entered in a Regular Class. Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 10100- Puppy Dogs, 10900- 6 months & under 9 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11100- 12 months & under 18 months 10100- Puppy Dogs, 11000- 9 months & under 12 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11600- 18 months & under 24 months (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided by class as follows: First - 40% Second - 30% Third - 20% Fourth - 10% SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES The Carolina Rottweiler Club offers Rosettes for Best in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes & First in Each Sweepstakes Class. Best in Sweepstakes. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Stainless Steel Dog Dish Filled with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. First in Each Sweepstakes Class. Goodie Bag offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Rottweiler Magnet offered by Bob Busby & Sons, Di Dio'. 00100. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Mr. Richard Bohannon The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all Rottweilers who are 7 years & over on the day of the show. Dogs entered in Veteran Sweepstakes do not have to be entered in a Regular Class. Neutered dogs and spayed bitches are eligible. Veteran Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Veteran Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 16000- 7 years & under 9 years 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 39300- 9 years & over (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided by class as follows: First - 40% Second - 30% Third - 20% Fourth - 10% VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES The Carolina Rottweiler Club offers Rosettes for Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes & First in Each Veteran Sweepstakes Class. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Goodie Bag offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Embroidered Drool Towel offered by Bob Busby & Sons, Di Dio'. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Goodie Bag offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. BREED PRIZES The Carolina Rottweiler Club offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch & First in Each Regular Class. Best of Breed. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Speedway Classic Hand Towel offered by Bob Busby & Sons, Di Dio'. 22 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Speedway Classic Hand Towel offered by Bob Busby & Sons, Di Dio'. Best of Winners. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Speedway Classic Hand Towel offered by Bob Busby & Sons, Di Dio'. Winners Dog & Bitch. Stainless Steel Dish Filled with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. First in Each Regular Class. Goodie Bag offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best Bred by Exhibitor. Rosette. $10.00 Walmart Gift Card offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Awards of Merit. At the discretion of the judge up to two (2) Awards of Merit may be awarded from the Best of Breed Competition. Each recipient will receive a Rosette. Terrier Breeds 46400. NORWICH TERRIERS Bob Busby & Sons, Di Dio' offers Rosette for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners. 46700. RUSSELL TERRIERS Jill Baker offers Rosette for Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. Toy Breeds 51400. CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIELS Alane Landry offers Rosette for Best of Winners, Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. 51700. CHIHUAHUAS (SMOOTH COAT) Jill Baker offers Rosette for Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. 52000. CHINESE CRESTEDS THE TAR HEEL CHINESE CRESTED CLUB WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF CHINESE CRESTEDS AT THIS SHOW. The following prizes are offered by Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club. 00100. SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Ms. Bess Cleveland The Sweepstakes is open to all Chinese Cresteds who are 6 months & under 18 months of age on the day of the show. Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. In accordance with the American Chinese Crested Club Rules, Sweepstakes entries must be handled by the owner, co-owner, a member of the owner, or co-owner's family, the breeder or an amateur handler. Professional handlers are defined by the American Kennel Club are permitted to handle Sweepstakes entries only if they are the owner, co-owner, or a member of the owner's or co-owner's family or the breeder of the Sweepstakes entry. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes must also be entered in a Regular Class. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 10100- Puppy Dogs, 10900- 6 months & under 9 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11400- 12 months & under 15 months 10100- Puppy Dogs, 11000- 9 months & under 12 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11500- 15 months & under 18 months (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: Best in Sweepstakes. ........................................................................................................................................... 10% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes......................................................................................................... 5% Remaining entry fees will be divided between the classes as follows: First - 50% Second - 25% Third - 15% Fourth - 10% SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES The Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club offers a Rosette for Best in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes & First through Fourth in Each Sweepstakes Class. Best in Sweepstakes. Original Chinese Crested Design Painted on Agate or Rock by Artist Mary Delmoro. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 23 Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Original Chinese Crested Design Painted on Agate or Rock by Artist Mary Delmoro. Each Entrant in Sweepstakes Classes. Stuffed Toy offered by the Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club. 00100. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Ms. Bess Cleveland The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all Chinese Cresteds who are 7 years & over on the day of the show. Dogs and bitches which have been altered (neutered or spayed) may be entered. Any wins in this Veteran Sweepstakes do not qualify the winners to compete for Best of Breed Competition. Dogs entered in Veteran Sweepstakes do not have to be entered in a Regular Class. In accordance with the American Chinese Crested Club Rules, Veteran Sweepstakes must be handled by the owner, co-owner, a member of the owner, or co-owner's family, the breeder or an amateur handler. Professional handlers as defined by the American Kennel Club are permitted to handle Veteran Sweepstakes entries only if they are the owner, co-owner, or a member of the owner's or co-owner's family or the breeder of the Veteran Sweepstakes entry. Veteran Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Veteran Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 18800- 7 years & under 10 years 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 49500- 10 years & over (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: Best in Veteran Sweepstakes................................................................................................................................ 10% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes........................................................................................... 5% Remaining entry fees will be divided between the classes as follows: First - 50% Second - 25% Third - 15% Fourth - 10% VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES The Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club offers a Rosette for Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes & First through Fourth in Each Veteran Sweepstakes Class. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Original Chinese Crested Design Painted on Agate or Rock by Artist Mary Delmoro. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Original Chinese Crested Design Painted on Agate or Rock by Artist Mary Delmoro. Each Entrant in Veteran Sweepstakes Classes. Stuffed Toy offered by the Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club. BREED PRIZES The Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club offers a Rosette & Chinese Crested Magnet for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Select Dog & Select Bitch. 53000. ITALIAN GREYHOUNDS Tonya Waters, To-Sa offers Rosette for Best of Breed. 53500. Japanese Chin THE JAPANESE CHIN CLUB OF THE CAROLINAS WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF JAPANESE CHIN AT THIS SHOW. The Japanese Chin Club of the Carolinas offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Select Dog & Select Bitch. 57500. PUGS THE CENTRAL CAROLINA PUG DOG CLUB WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF PUGS AT THIS SHOW. The Central Carolina Pug Dog Club offers a Plush Dog Toy for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. Central Carolina Pug Dog Club will hold a Sanctioned "B" Match 30 minutes after Best in Show on Friday Pending AKC approval. 59000. YORKSHIRE TERRIERS Carey Cox, Carey's Clips Grooming offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. 24 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Non-Sporting Breeds 61000. BOSTON TERRIERS Tonya Waters, To-Sa offers Rosette for Best of Breed and Speedway Classic Hand Towel for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. Herding Breeds 65500. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS Bobbie Myrick, Oakridge Australian Shepherds offers Speedway Classic Hand Towel for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. 66500. BELGIAN TERVUREN Tonya Waters, To-Sa offers Rosette for Best of Breed. 67700. COLLIES (ROUGH) Beverly Ruskey, Sanshor offers Rosette for Best of Variety & Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety. 68700. PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI THE PALMETTO PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI CLUB, Inc. WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF PEMBROKE WELSH CORGIS AT THIS SHOW. The following prizes will be offered by the members of Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club, Inc., Pat Barton; Melissa Ericksen; Miriam Mitchell; Phil Moore; Teresa Mulhausen; Dr. Feli Noeller, DVM; Cheryl Owens; Jim Rathbun; Janet Robinson & Rev. Dr. Cindy Taylor unless otherwise specified. Best of Breed. Seagrove Pottery offered by Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgis Club, Inc. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. PWCCA Ornament. Best of Winners. PPWCC Lead. Rosette offered by Cheryl Owens, BechanCi PWC. Winners Dog & Bitch. PWCCA Ornament. Select Dog & Bitch. Rosette offered by Janet Robinson, Snowdonia. 69200. SHETLAND SHEEPDOGS Selina Skipper, Redemption Kennels offers Rosette for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed & Best of Winners. Greater Charlotte Shetland Sheepdog Club offers AKC Bark Box for Winners Dog. 80000. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION PRIZES Best Junior Handler. Rosette & $25.00 Visa Gift Card offered by Salisbury N.C. Kennel Club, Inc. First in Each Class. Rosette offered by Bob Busby & Sons, Di Dio'. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 25 NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS ~ EACH DAY Telegraph, Telephone (Except Dial-N-Entry®) and Unsigned Entries Cannot Be Accepted. Entries Not On Official AKC Entry Forms, Downloaded and/or Photocopies of Entry Forms without Agreement and Rules on the reverse side of the Official AKC Entry Form are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Mail All Entries With Fees to MB-F, Inc., Superintendent, P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, North Carolina 27420. Entries received without fees will not be accepted. Acknowledgement of entries will be made as soon as practicable with tickets and/or identification cards. The person accompanying a dog must show tickets of admission and identification before the dog will be received. Should such acknowledgement not be received by the exhibitor within a reasonable time, please verify your entry with the MB-F Office in North Carolina. For Hand Delivery, street address: 620 Industrial Ave., Greensboro, NC 27406 or 32351 Edward Ave., Madison Heights, MI 48071. Entries may be made online - or through Dial-N-Entry® - (1-800) 334-8978 or (336) 379-9605. Fax Entries, 1-336-272-0864 or 1-800-SHO-FAXS. Both sides of entry form must be transmitted. Entries must be accompanied by a cover sheet stating the number of pages, what shows and how many dogs per show. Visa/Mastercard/Discover/ American Express number and expiration date, as well as the printed cardholder’s name and address must be included on cover sheet. Visa/Mastercard/Discover/American Express number, expiration date, cardholder’s name must appear on each entry. Fax entries must be received by the closing hour/date. Fax fee: $4.50 per entry in addition to entry fee. All credit card entries, regardless of method submitted, are processed through the Fax program and are charged the $4.50 administrative fee. This Fax Fee is subject to change without notice. Make All Checks and Money Orders payable to MB-F, Inc. CANADIAN exhibitors must make fees payable in U.S. FUNDS. When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to either use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check. Please mail checks or money orders with entries. Superintendent assumes no responsibility for cash sent through the mail. Tabulate carefully. Due to cost of processing, no refunds $4.00 and under will be made. An AKC Recording Fee of $.50 first entry only and an AKC Event Service Fee of $3.00 per entry will be required for each dog entered at any Licensed or Member Club Show, Obedience Trial or Tracking Test. An AKC Recording Fee of $3.50 will be required for each first entry and $3.00 for each additional entry in any Licensed or Member Club Rally Trial. All Recording and Event Service Fees are paid to the American Kennel Club. (There is no Recording Fee or Event Service Fee for Junior Showmanship, Sweepstakes, Futurities, Brace/Team, Multi-Dog Classes or Special Attractions.) No Entry shall be made and no entry shall be accepted which specifies any conditions as to its acceptance. Entry Fees shall not be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by Veterinarian or Judge, or barred from competition by action of the Event Committee. If because of riots, wars, strikes, civil disturbances, national emergencies, health emergencies, and the dictates of law enforcement or of the owner(s) of the grounds and/or facilities or other acts beyond the control of the management it is impossible to open or to complete the event, no refund of entry fee will be made. Extreme weather conditions, such as, but not limited to snow storms, hurricanes, lightning, extreme heat, heavy rains, or other circumstances including, but not limited to, the condition of the facilities or grounds and/or the ingress and egress from the grounds, must be considered for the health and safety of the dogs, exhibitors and spectators. The well-being of dogs, exhibitors and spectators is of paramount importance and, in the event it is necessary to cancel or stop the event before completion, no refund of entry fee will be made. To find out about any AKC event cancellations call the AKC Event Cancellation Hotline (877) 252-3229. Post Dated Checks, Returned Checks and Declined Credit Cards do not constitute a valid entry fee. The Superintendent will add a collection fee to the amount of each returned check or declined card. Subsequent returned checks or declined cards from the same exhibitors may result in their being put on a CASH ONLY basis. No Refund for Duplicate Entries. Every effort to find all duplicate entries will be made; however, if entry has been processed, no refund will be made. An Administrative Fee of $2.00 will be charged or withheld from refunds for duplicate entries. An Administrative Fee of $2.00 will be withheld from all refunds for entries cancelled prior to the closing of entries. Errors on Entry Blanks. Owners are responsible for errors in making out entry forms, whoever may make such errors, and no entry fee will be refunded in event of such errors or cancellation of entries after the published closing date. Each Owner and Agent listed on the entry form and/or individual responsible for the dog at a show is bound by the Certification and Agreement on the front and back of the entry form regardless of who may have completed & submitted the entry form. As specified in Chapter 12, Section 4 of the AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows, information contained on the entry form is required to be published in the club’s show catalog. This information is also subject to publication in other media. Dogs May Arrive any time prior to their scheduled time of judging. Dogs not required for further judging will be excused. Judges Will Not Wait for Any Dog Holding Up a Class. Owners or agents alone are responsible for the presence of their dogs in the judging ring when their classes are called to be judged. All Dogs Present must be held on leash or confined to their crates except when being judged or when in the exercising ring. Class Cash Prizes will be paid in the ring to the person showing the dog. Claims for prize money must be made in the ring before the judging of that breed is over, and the Superintendent’s Office advised at once. The Superintendents and showgiving Club disclaim any liability for cash prizes after the judging of the breed is over. No gasoline or diesel generators are permitted inside any building or within 100 feet of any tent in which this dog show is conducted. 26 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 2014559711 DOBERMAN PINSCHERS & CHINESE CRESTEDS LIMITED TO 100 ENTRIES EACH Entries Close at Superintendent’s Office at 12:00 NOON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014, or when the numerical limit has been reached, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, or substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Premium List All-Breed Dog Show (Unbenched) Greater(American Monroe Kennel Club Kennel Club Licensed) Cabarrus Arena & Events Center 4751 NC Hwy. 49 North, Concord, NC 28025 Saturday, November 15, 2014 ALL JUDGING WILL BE INDOORS SHOW HOURS: 7:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. ALL PUPPY CLASSES DIVIDED AKC NATIONAL OWNER-HANDLED SERIES Specialty Shows American Foxhound Club, Inc. National (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Carolina Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) American Rottweiler Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Supported Entries American Whippet Club Japanese Chin Club of the Carolinas Central Carolina Pug Dog Club Piedmont Collie Club Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club, Inc. Doberman Pinscher Club of Charlotte Concurrent Specialty Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club Concurrent Specialty For Important Show Information, Visit Our Website this club does not agree to arbitrate claims as set forth on the official akc entry form for thIS event. Officers of the Greater Monroe Kennel Club MB-F Show #1230 President.................................................................................................................... John Schoeneman Vice-President..................................................................................................................Martha Milligan Treasurer............................................................................................................................... Gene Hains Secretary............................................................................................................................ Janet Broome 515 Walters Mill Rd., Monroe, NC 28112 Pat Ginocchio Board of Directors Bobbe Jackson Beth Warren Event Committee Bobbe Jackson, Show Chairperson 5913 Rocky River Rd. N., Indian Trail, NC 28079 (704) 882-2178 E-mail: [email protected] And Officers of the Club Committees Catalog Advertising..................................................................................................... Betty Montgomery E-mail: [email protected] Vendors...................................................................................................................... John Schoeneman Grounds...................................................................................................................... John Schoeneman Trophies............................................................................................................................Martha Milligan Judges' Hospitality........................................................................................................ Lori Schoeneman Publicity.............................................................................................................................. Pat Ginocchio RV Reservations & Parking........................................................................................ John Schoeneman Chief Ring StewardOfficial Photographer United Eastern Stewards CC Photography (434) 250-1951 Cary C. Manaton P.O. Box 853, Clayton, NC 27528 (919) 523-5135 (Only the Official Photographer may take win pictures.) Veterinarian On Call Dennis Orr, DVM Cabarrus Animal Hospital 3030 South Cannon Blvd. Kannapolis, NC 28083 (704) 786-6102 Animal Emergencies Cabarrus Emergency Veterinary Clinic 1317 South Cannon Blvd. Kannapolis, NC 28083 (704) 932-1182 Emergency Information The nearest medical facility is Northeast Medical Center, 920 Church St. N., Concord, NC 28025 (704) 403-3000. An EMT will be on premises during show hours. In an Emergency dial 911. Be prepared to be specific regarding your needs and exact location on the grounds. The show site is within the Cabarrus County and City of Concord servicing area. Locate any badged member of the GMKC and they can locate a map for you to the hospital or vet offices. The President or Show Chairperson will not own, co-own, enter, show or exhibit any dog at a GMKC Conformation Show, Obedience or Rally Trial. A club member whose job is directly involved with the selection or hospitality of judges will not own, co-own, enter, show or exhibit any dog at any GMKC Conformation Show, Obedience or Rally Trial. In the same vein of fairness no GMKC Club Officer, Board Member, or Member that owns, or co-owns, a dog that is entered, shown or exhibited will not attend the Judges' Luncheon, Judges' Dinner or any other function hosted for the Judges by the GMKC. 28 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 BEST IN SHOW AND GROUP PRIZES Best in Show. Challenge Trophy, Established in 2004, the ✯✯✯ Triple Star Shadowlodge Crystal Loving Cup with Hardwood Base is offered by the Greater Monroe Kennel Club for competition at its shows only. The trophy will remain in the possession of the Greater Monroe Kennel Club until retired. Each year until retired, the name of the dog winning Best in Show along with the name of the owner will be inscribed on the trophy with a Miniature Loving Cup awarded to the winner. To be retired for permanent possession by the winner, the trophy must be won three times by the same owner not necessarily with the same dog. Embroidered Towel offered by the Greater Monroe Kennel Club. Reserve Best in Show. Embroidered Towel offered by Greater Monroe Kennel Club. First in Each Variety Group. Framed Rosette in a Shadow Box offered by Greater Monroe Kennel Club unless otherwise specified. Hound Group. Offered by Bobbe Jackson & Lynn Rowell, Goose Creek Kennel. Terrier Group. Offered by Gene & Linda Hains, Gaidoune Reg. Kennel. Herding Group. Offered by Randy & Karen Jackson, Trumpeter Collies. BEST OWNER-HANDLED IN SHOW AND GROUP PRIZES Best Owner-Handled in Show. Embroidered Towel offered by Greater Monroe Kennel Club. First in Each Owner-Handled Group. Framed Rosette in a Shadow Box offered by Greater Monroe Kennel Club. 00000. BREED PRIZES The Greater Monroe Kennel Club offers Rosettes for Best of Breed/Variety, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch & Best in Sweepstakes (where offered) for each Specialty Show & Supported Entry. Sporting Breeds 16300. SPANIELS (COCKER) PARTI-COLOR Best of Variety. Decorative Candle offered by Dee Holiday McAnulty. Hound Breeds 20550. AMERICAN FOXHOUNDS THE American Foxhound Club, INC. WILL CONSIDER THE AMERICAN FOXHOUNDS CLASSES AT THIS SHOW AS ITS NATIONAL SPECIALTY SHOW. Officers of the American Foxhound Club, Inc. President.................................................................................................................................................... Harry Miller Vice-President.....................................................................................................................................Ingrid Gleysteen Secretary/Treasurer.........................................................................................................................................Julie Lux P.O. Box 928, Kearney, MO 64060 Board of Directors Morgana Landrum Dennis Pincheck Paul Reilly Robert Smith Phyllis Snell Ann Whitfield 00100. SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Mr. Douglas R. Holloway, Jr. The Sweepstakes is open to all American Foxhounds who are 6 months & under 24 months of age on the day of the show. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes must also be entered in a Regular Class. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 10100- Puppy Dogs, 10900- 6 months & under 9 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11100- 12 months & under 18 months 10100- Puppy Dogs, 11000- 9 months & under 12 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11600- 18 months & under 24 months (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 25% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: Best in Sweepstakes - 10% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes - 5% First - 25% Second - 20% Third - 10% Fourth - 5% Any unclaimed monies revert back to the club. SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES Best in Sweepstakes. Rosette. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 29 00100. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Mr. Douglas R. Holloway, Jr. The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all American Foxhounds who are 7 years & over on the day of the show. Dogs entered in Veteran Sweepstakes do not have to be entered in a Regular Class. Neutered dogs and spayed bitches are eligible. Indicate Veteran Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 18800- 7 years & under 10 years 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 49500- 10 years & older (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 25% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: Best in Sweepstakes - 10% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes - 5% First - 25% Second - 20% Third - 10% Fourth - 5% Any unclaimed monies revert back to the club. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Rosette. BREED PRIZES The American Foxhound Club, Inc. offers a Club Medallion & Rosette for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed & Best of Winners and a Rosette for Winners Dog & Winners Bitch, through the generosity of its officers, board and members. Best of Breed. THE DR. ALAN H. SNELL TROPHY Pewter Bowl mounted on a Marble finish and wood base offered by the American Foxhound Club, Inc. in memory of Dr. Alan H. Snell, Winquest Kennels. For permanent possession, to be won three consecutive time by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. A Plaque with the winner's name will be added to the base each year to commemorate the win. 17" SP Tray with Club Logo offered by Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Smith. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. 14" SP Tray with Club Logo offered by Nancy Dougherty. Best of Winners. 14" SP Tray with Club Logo offered by Lisa & Harry Miller in loving memory of Ch. Kiarry's Reflections of the Sun, Sunny. Winners Dog. 12" SP Tray with Club Logo offered by Ingrid & Dirk Gleysteen. Winners Bitch. 12" SP Tray with Club Logo offered by Ann & Gary Shultz. Reserve Winners Dog. 10" SP Tray with Club Logo offered by Ingrid & Dirk Gleysteen. Reserve Winners Bitch. 10" SP Tray with Club Logo offered by Ann & Gary Shultz. Select Dog & Bitch. 10" SP Tray with Club Logo offered by Ann Whitfield. Best Owner-Handled. 12" SP Tray with Club Logo offered by Julie & Ron Lux, Deluxe Hounds in memory of Ch. Cedar Creek Golden Girl Deluxe, Victoria. 27900. PETITS BASSETS GRIFFONS VENDEENS THE CAROLINA PETIT BASSET GRIFFON VENDEEN CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE PETIT BASSET GRIFFON VENDEEN CLASSES AT THIS SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW. Officers of the Carolina Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club President............................................................................................................................................... Ginger Russell Vice-President..........................................................................................................................................Ralph Hattox Treasurer.......................................................................................................................................... Shirley Van Camp Secretary................................................................................................................................................ Ruth Hoffman 668 Grandview Dr. N.E., Concord, NC 28025 The following prizes are offered by the Carolina Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club. 00100. SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Mrs. Kim Meisel The Sweepstakes is open to all Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens who are 6 months & under 18 months of age on the day of the show. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes must also be entered in a Regular Class. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. 30 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Classification 10100- Puppy Dogs, 10900- 6 months & under 9 months 10100- Puppy Dogs, 11000- 9 months & under 12 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11100- 12 months & under 18 months (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided by class as follows: First - 40% Second - 30% Third - 20% Fourth - 10% SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES Best in Sweepstakes. Rabbit Plate Trophy. First through Fourth in Each Sweepstakes Class. Rosette & Dog Toy. 00100. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Mrs. Kim Meisel The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens who are 7 years & over on the day of the show. Dogs entered in Veteran Sweepstakes do not have to be entered in a Regular Class. Neutered dogs and spayed bitches are eligible. Indicate Veteran Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 24900- 7 years & over (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided by class as follows: First - 40% Second - 30% Third - 20% Fourth - 10% VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Rabbit Plate Trophy. First through Fourth in Each Veteran Sweepstakes Class. Rosette & Dog Toy. BREED PRIZES The Carolina Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch & First through Fourth in Each Class. Best of Breed. Decorative Candle offered by Ginger Russell. Large Quilted Throw Handmade by P. J. Curry. First in Each Regular Class. Quilted Dog Blanket Handmade by P. J. Curry. 28200. RHODESIAN RIDGEBACKS Best of Breed. Decorative Candle offered by Sally Beard Smith. 29400. WHIPPETS THE AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF WHIPPETS AT THIS SHOW. The American Whippet Club offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog & Reserve Winners Bitch. Best of Breed. Basket offered by Chuck, Gail & Jenny Boyd, Ableaim. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Basket offered by Michelle Queen, Wesann. Best of Winners. Plaque offered by American Whippet Club. Basket offered by Donna Bost, FreeFlite. Winners Dog. Basket offered by Connie Alexander, Kachina. Winners Bitch. Basket offered by Ken & Margaret Norkette, Kemar. Reserve Winners Dog & Bitch. Basket offered by Betty & Heather Carroll, Monarch. Select Dog. Basket offered by Ilaria Derr & Steve Wood. Select Bitch. Basket offered by Bart & Amy Carlson, Willowcrest. First in Each Regular Class. Toy offered by Catherine Nunn & Camille Brooks. Working Breeds 37500. ROTTWEILERS THE AMERICAN ROTTWEILER CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE ROTTWEILER CLASSES AT THIS SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 31 Officers of the American Rottweiler Club President............................................................................................................................ Nancy Griego Vice-President........................................................................................................Roberta Kelley-Martin Treasurer................................................................................................................................ Lin Beenen Secretary..........................................................................................................................Karen S. Riddle 156 Lovelace Dr., Fall Branch, TN 37656 (423) 348-7479 E-mail: [email protected] AKC Delegate Peter G. Piusz Board of Directors Joseph Bastyr Ann K. Callahan Beth Fitzgerald Sharon Marples William Ward The following prizes are offered by the Carolina Rottweiler Club unless otherwise specified. 00100. SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Mr. John Schoeneman The Sweepstakes is open to all Rottweilers who are 6 months & under 24 months of age on the day of the show. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes must also be entered in a Regular Class. Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 10100- Puppy Dogs, 10900- 6 months & under 9 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11100- 12 months & under 18 months 10100- Puppy Dogs, 11000- 9 months & under 12 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11600- 18 months & under 24 months (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided by class as follows: First - 40% Second - 30% Third - 20% Fourth - 10% SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES The Carolina Rottweiler Club offers Rosettes for Best in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes & First in Each Sweepstakes Class. Best in Sweepstakes. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Stainless Steel Dog Dish Filled with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. First in Each Sweepstakes Class. Goodie Bag offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. 00100. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Mr. John Schoeneman The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all Rottweilers who are 7 years & over on the day of the show. Dogs entered in Veteran Sweepstakes do not have to be entered in a Regular Class. Neutered dogs and spayed bitches are eligible. Veteran Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Veteran Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 16000- 7 years & under 9 years 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 39300- 9 years & over (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided by class as follows: First - 40% Second - 30% Third - 20% Fourth - 10% VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES The Carolina Rottweiler Club offers Rosettes for Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes & First in Each Veteran Sweepstakes Class. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Goodie Bag offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Goodie Bag offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. 32 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 BREED PRIZES The Carolina Rottweiler Club offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch, Best Veteran, Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran & First in Each Regular Class. Best of Breed. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best of Winners. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Winners Dog & Bitch. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. First in Each Regular Class. Goodie Bag offered by D. A. Roberts & S. M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Awards of Merit. At the discretion of the judge up to two (2) Awards of Merit may be awarded from the Best of Breed Competition. Each recipient will receive a Rosette. Toy Breeds 53500. JAPANESE CHIN THE JAPANESE CHIN CLUB OF THE CAROLINAS WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF JAPANESE CHIN AT THIS SHOW. The Japanese Chin Club of the Carolinas offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Select Dog & Select Bitch. 57500. PUGS THE CENTRAL CAROLINA PUG DOG CLUB WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF PUGS AT THIS SHOW. The Central Carolina Pug Dog Club offers a Pug Christmas Ornament for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. Non-Sporting Breeds 61000. BOSTON TERRIERS Best of Breed. Decorative Candle offered by Betty Montgomery. Winners Dog & Bitch. Decorative Candle offered by Betty Montgomery. Herding Breeds 67700. COLLIES the piedmont collie club will support the entry of collies at this show. Randy & Karen Jackson, Trumpeter Collies offers Rosettes for Best of Variety, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety, Best of Winners, Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. The following prizes are offered by the Piedmont Collie Club. COLLIES (ROUGH) Best of Variety. Photo Album. Winners Dog & Bitch. Plastic Crate Filled with Dog Related Items. 68000. COLLIES (SMOOTH) Best of Variety. Photo Album. Winners Dog & Bitch. Plastic Crate Filled with Dog Related Items. 68700. PEMBROKE WELSH CORGIS THE PALMETTO PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI CLUB, Inc. WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF PEMBROKE WELSH CORGIS AT THIS SHOW. The following prizes will be offered by the members of Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club, Inc., Pat Barton; Melissa Ericksen; Miriam Mitchell; Phil Moore; Teresa Mulhausen; Dr. Feli Noeller, DVM; Cheryl Owens; Jim Rathbun; Janet Robinson & Rev. Dr. Cindy Taylor unless otherwise specified. Best of Breed. Seagrove Pottery offered by Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgis Club, Inc. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. PWCCA Ornament. Best of Winners. PPWCC Grooming Noose. Rosette offered by Cheryl Owens, BechanCi PWC. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 33 Winners Dog & Bitch. PWCCA Oranament. Select Dog & Bitch. Rosette offered by Janet Robinson, Snowdonia. 69200. SHETLAND SHEEPDOGS Best of Breed. Decorative Candle offered by Pam Harmon, Nandina Shelties. 80000. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION PRIZES Best Junior Handler. 8'' x 10'' Photo offered by Show Photographer. 8'' x 10'' Curved Picture Frame offered by Martha Milligan, Run Away Farm. Ladies & Gentlemen...Start Your Engines The Speedway Classic Will be Run Again March 26, 27, 28, 29, 2015 Cabarrus Arena & Events Center Hwy 49, Concord, NC 4 Glorious Days Featuring All-Breed Dog Shows All-Breed Agility, Obedience & Rally Trials Specialties & Supported Entries Hosted by *Columbia Kennel Club *Greater Monroe Kennel Club *Charlotte Dog Training Club *pending AKC approval 34 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 2014061103 Entries Close at Superintendent’s Office at 12:00 Noon, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, or substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Premium List 109th All-Breed Dog Show (Unbenched) Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. (Member of the American Kennel Club) Cabarrus Arena & Events Center 4751 NC Hwy. 49 North, Concord, NC 28025 Sunday, November 16, 2014 All Puppy Classes Divided All Judging Will Be Indoors Show Hours: 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. AKC NATIONAL OWNER-HANDLED SERIES Specialty Show American Rottweiler Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Supported Entries American Foxhound Club, Inc. Portuguese Water Dog Club of America, Inc. (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Japanese Chin Club of the Carolinas Central Carolina Pug Dog Club Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club this club does not agree to arbitrate claims as set forth on the official akc entry form for thESE events. Officers of the Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. MB-F Show #423 President.............................................................................................................. Mr. Robert Richardson Vice-President............................................................................................................. Ms. Cathy Rubens Treasurer...................................................................................................................... Ms. Cindi Rubens Recording Secretary........................................................................................... Mrs. Brooke Burlingame Corresponding Secretary............................................................................................ Mr. AJ Burlingame 41 Arnhem Way, Fort Bragg, NC 28307 Board of Directors George Guba Arlene Harris Teresa Vila William Stroud Delegate to AKC Cathy Rubens Event Committee Cathy Rubens, Show Chairperson 971 Luther Rd., Apex, NC 27523 (919) 362-4738 E-mail: [email protected] Reed Kowalczyk, Assistant Show Chairman And All Officers & Members of the Board Hospitality Pat Stroud Safety Cindi Rubens Catalogs Sales Pat Stroud Yvonne Kowalczyk Trophies Pat Stroud Yvonne Kowalczyk Grounds Bob Richardson RV Parking Greater Monroe Kennel Club Assisted by members of Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. Chief Ring Steward United Stewards Association Official Photographer CC Photography Cary C. Manaton P.O. Box 853, Clayton, NC 27528 (919) 523-5135 (Only the Official Photography may take win pictures.) BEST IN SHOW AND GROUP PRIZES The following prizes are Handcrafted Pottery by Dan Triece, Potter from Dirtworks Pottery offered by the Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. Best in Show. Glazed Stoneware Bowl. Reserve Best in Show. Small Glazed Stoneware Bowl. First in Each Variety Group. Glazed Stoneware Plate. BEST OWNER-HANDLED IN SHOW AND GROUP PRIZES Best Owner-Handled in Show. Large Rosette. First in Each Owner-Handled Group. Rosette. 36 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 00000. BREED PRIZES The Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. offers Triple Streamer Rosettes for Best of Breed/Variety, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety, Winners Dog & Winners Bitch for each Supported Entry. Hound Breeds 20550. AMERICAN FOXHOUNDS THE American Foxhound Club, INC.WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF AMERICAN FOXHOUNDS AT THIS SHOW. The American Foxhound Club, Inc. offers its Club Medallion for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed & Best of Winners through the generosity of its officers, board & members. Best of Breed. SP Picture Frame offered by the American Foxhound Club, Inc. through the generosity of its officers, board & members. Working Breeds 37000. PORTUGUESE WATER DOGS THE PORTUGUESE WATER DOG CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF PORTUGUESE WATER DOGS AT THIS SHOW. The following prizes are offered by Movers and Shakers Portuguese Water Dog Club, unless otherwise specified. 00100. SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Dr. Sophia Kaluzniacki The Sweepstakes is open to all Portuguese Water Dogs who are 6 months & under 18 months of age on the day of the show. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes must also be entered in a Regular Class. Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 10100- Puppy Dogs, 10900- 6 months & under 9 months 10100- Puppy Dogs, 11000- 9 months & under 12 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11100- 12 months & under 18 months (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: Best in Sweepstakes - 15% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes - 10% First - 15% Second - 12% Third - 8% Fourth - 5% SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES Best in Sweepstakes. Dog Bowl with Portuguese Water Dog. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. 7" Plate with Portuguese Water Dog. 00100. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Dr. Sophia Kaluzniacki The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all Portuguese Water Dogs who are 7 years & over on the day of the show. Dogs entered in Veteran Sweepstakes do not have to be entered in a Regular Class. Neutered dogs and spayed bitches are eligible. Veteran Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Veteran Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 16000- 7 years & under 9 years 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 30900- 9 years & under 11 years 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 38100- 11 years & over (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: Best in Veteran Sweepstakes - 15% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes - 10% First - 15% Second - 12% Third - 8% Fourth - 5% VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. 7" Plate with Portuguese Water Dog. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. 7" Plate with Portuguese Water Dog. BREED PRIZES Best of Breed. Oval Platter with Portuguese Water Dog offered by Portuguese Water Dog Club of America & Movers and Shakers Portuguese Water Dog Club. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. 11" Plate with Portuguese Water Dog. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 37 Best of Winners. Mug with Portuguese Water Dog. Select Dog & Bitch. 7" Plate with Portuguese Water Dog. Best Veteran. 7" Plate with Portuguese Water Dog. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran. Dog Bowl with Portuguese Water Dog. 37500. ROTTWEILERS THE AMERICAN ROTTWEILER CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE ROTTWEILER CLASSES AT THIS SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW. Officers of the American Rottweiler Club President............................................................................................................................ Nancy Griego Vice-President........................................................................................................Roberta Kelley-Martin Treasurer................................................................................................................................ Lin Beenen Secretary..........................................................................................................................Karen S. Riddle 156 Lovelace Dr., Fall Branch, TN 37656 (423) 348-7479 E-mail: [email protected] AKC Delegate Peter G. Piusz Board of Directors Joseph Bastyr Ann K. Callahan Beth Fitzgerald Sharon Marples William Ward 00100. SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Ms. Rebecca Carner The Sweepstakes is open to all Rottweilers who are 6 months & under 24 months of age on the day of the show. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes must also be entered in a Regular Class. Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 10100- Puppy Dogs, 10900- 6 months & under 9 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11100- 12 months & under 18 months 10100- Puppy Dogs, 11000- 9 months & under 12 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11600- 18 months & under 24 months (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided by class as follows: First - 40% Second - 30% Third - 20% Fourth - 10% SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES The Carolina Rottweiler Club offers Rosettes for Best in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes & First in Each Sweepstakes Class. Best in Sweepstakes. Flat Sided Stainless Steel Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Stainless Steel Dog Dish Filled with Goodies offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. First in Each Sweepstakes Class. Goodie Bag offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. 00100. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Ms. Rebecca Carner The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all Rottweilers who are 7 years & over on the day of the show. Dogs entered in Veteran Sweepstakes do not have to be entered in a Regular Class. Neutered dogs and spayed bitches are eligible. Veteran Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Veteran Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 16000- 7 years & under 9 years 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 39300- 9 years & over (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided by class as follows: First - 40% Second - 30% Third - 20% Fourth - 10% 38 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES The Carolina Rottweiler Club offers Rosettes for Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes & First in Each Veteran Sweepstakes Class. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Goodie Bag offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Goodie Bag offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. BREED PRIZES The Carolina Rottweiler Club offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch, Best Veteran, Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran & First through Fourth in Each Regular Class. Best of Breed. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. $10.00 Walmart Gift Card offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. $10.00 Walmart Gift Card offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best of Winners. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Winners Dog & Bitch. Stainless Steel Flat Sided Bucket Filled with Goodies offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. $10.00 Walmart Gift Card offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best Veteran. Goodie Basket offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best Opposite Sex to Best Veteran. Goodie Basket offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Best Puppy. Goodie Basket offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. $10.00 Walmart Gift Card offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. First in Each Regular Class. Goodie Bag offered by D.A. Roberts & S.M. Taylor, Stargazer Rottweilers. Toy Breeds 52000. CHINESE CRESTEDS THE TAR HEEL CHINESE CRESTED CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE CHINESE CRESTED CLASSES AT THIS SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW. Officers of the Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club President.........................................................................................................................................Judy Umeck Vice-President..............................................................................................................................Susan Cicone Treasurer.................................................................................................................................... Michael Parker Secretary...................................................................................................................................... Lara Siva Hill 4522 Brentwood Dr., Belmont, NC 28012 (704) 829-1018 E-mail: [email protected] Terri Clements Board of Directors JoAnn Evans Wendy Ryan, DVM Specialty Arrangements Chairperson Terri Clements (919) 844-9393 E-mail: [email protected] The following prizes are offered by Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club. 00100. SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Mrs. Lisa Warren The Sweepstakes is open to all Chinese Cresteds who are 6 months & under 18 months of age on the day of the show. Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. In accordance with the American Chinese Crested Club Rules, Sweepstakes entries must be handled by the owner, co-owner, a member of the owner, or co-owner's family, the breeder or an amateur handler. Professional handlers are defined by the American Kennel Club are permitted to handle Sweepstakes entries only if they are the owner, co-owner, or a member of the owner's or co-owner's family or the breeder of the Sweepstakes entry. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes must also be entered in a Regular Class. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 39 Classification 10100- Puppy Dogs, 10900- 6 months & under 9 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11400- 12 months & under 15 months 10100- Puppy Dogs, 11000- 9 months & under 12 months 10200- Junior Dogs, 11500- 15 months & under 18 months (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: Best in Sweepstakes. ........................................................................................................................................... 10% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes......................................................................................................... 5% Remaining entry fees will be divided between the classes as follows: First - 50% Second - 25% Third - 15% Fourth - 10% SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES The Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club offers a Rosette for Best in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes & First through Fourth in Each Sweepstakes Class. Best in Sweepstakes. Original Chinese Crested Wood Design by Artist Meegan Pierotti-Tietjen. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Original Chinese Crested Wood Design by Artist Meegan Pierotti-Tietjen. Each Entrant in Sweepstakes Classes. Stuffed Toy offered by the Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club. 00100. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Mrs. Lisa Warren The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all Chinese Cresteds who are 7 years & over on the day of the show. Dogs and bitches which have been altered (neutered or spayed) may be entered. Any wins in this Veteran Sweepstakes do not qualify the winners to compete for Best of Breed Competition. Dogs entered in Veteran Sweepstakes do not have to be entered in a Regular Class. In accordance with the American Chinese Crested Club Rules, Veteran Sweepstakes must be handled by the owner, co-owner, a member of the owner, or co-owner's family, the breeder or an amateur handler. Professional handlers as defined by the American Kennel Club are permitted to handle Veteran Sweepstakes entries only if they are the owner, co-owner, or a member of the owner's or co-owner's family or the breeder of the Veteran Sweepstakes entry. Veteran Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Veteran Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under “Additional Classes”. Entry fee is $15.00. Classification 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 18800- 7 years & under 10 years 76000- Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 49500- 10 years & over (Same Classes for Bitches) Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: Best in Veteran Sweepstakes................................................................................................................................ 10% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes........................................................................................... 5% Remaining entry fees will be divided between the classes as follows: First - 50% Second - 25% Third - 15% Fourth - 10% VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES The Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club offers a Rosette for Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes & First through Fourth in Each Veteran Sweepstakes Class. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Original Chinese Crested Wood Design by Artist Meegan Pierotti-Tietjen. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Original Chinese Crested Wood Design by Artist Meegan Pierotti-Tietjen. Each Entrant in Veteran Sweepstakes Classes. Stuffed Toy offered by the Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club. BREED PRIZES The Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch, Best Puppy, Best Bred by Exhibitor, Best Veteran, First through Fourth in Each Regular & Non-Regular Class & Awards of Merit. The Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club reserves the right to replace unavailable trophies with ones of equal value as necessary. The following prizes are Original Chinese Crested Wood Design by Artist Meegan Pierotti-Tietjen. Best of Breed. Chinese Crested Wood Design. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Chinese Crested Wood Design. Best of Winners. Chinese Crested Wood Design. 40 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Winners Dog & Bitch. Chinese Crested Wood Design. Reserve Winners Dog & Bitch. Chinese Crested Wood Design. Select Dog & Bitch. Chinese Crested Wood Design. Best Puppy. Chinese Crested Wood Design. Best Bred by Exhibitor. Chinese Crested Wood Design. Best Veteran. Chinese Crested Wood Design. First through Fourth in Each Regular & Non-Regular Class. Chinese Crested Wood Design. Awards of Merit. At the judge's discretion up to three Awards of Merit may be selected from the Best of Breed Competition. Each Award of Merit recipient will receive Chinese Crested Wood Design. SATURDAY & SUNDAY RAFFLE TABLE The Tar Heel Chinese Crested Club will hold a raffle, drawing to be held 30 minutes after Chinese Crested breed judging on Sunday, November 16, 2014. Items being raffled will be on display at the show site. 53500. JAPANESE CHIN THE JAPANESE CHIN CLUB OF THE CAROLINAS WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF JAPANESE CHIN AT THIS SHOW. The Japanese Chin Club of the Carolinas offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Select Dog & Select Bitch. 57500. PUGS THE CENTRAL CAROLINA PUG DOG CLUB WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF PUGS AT THIS SHOW. The Central Carolina Pug Dog Club offers a Stainless Steel Dog Bowl for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Winners Dog & Winners Bitch. Herding Breeds 68600. OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOGS The following prizes are offered by Gail Swails, Cheryl Tavares & Cheryl Delmar, Shaggeybark OES, unless otherwise specified. Best of Breed. Ceramic Crafted Item. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Ceramic Crafted Item. Winners Dog & Bitch. Ceramic Crafted Item. Select Dog & Bitch. Old English Sheepdog Cards offered by Jim & Grace Caplan, Peek A Boo OES. First in Each Regular Class. Old English Sheepdog Cards offered by Jim & Grace Caplan, Peek A Boo OES. 68700. PEMBROKE WELSH CORGIS THE PALMETTO PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI CLUB WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF PEMBROKE WELSH CORGIS AT THIS SHOW. The following prizes will be offered by the members of Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club, Inc., Pat Barton; Melissa Ericksen; Miriam Mitchell; Phil Moore; Teresa Mulhausen; Dr. Feli Noeller, DVM; Cheryl Owens; Jim Rathbun; Janet Robinson & Rev. Dr. Cindy Taylor unless otherwise specified. Best of Breed. Seagrove Pottery offered by Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgis Club, Inc. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. PPWCC Lead & Crate Pad. Best of Winners. PPWCC Ornament. Rosette offered by Cheryl Owens, BechanCi PWC. Winners Dog & Bitch. PPWCC Lead. Select Dog & Bitch. Rosette offered by Janet Robinson, Snowdonia. 80000. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION PRIZES Best Junior Handler. $50.00 MB-F Gift Certificate offered by the Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. First through Fourth in Each Class. Rosette offered by the Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 41 Doin’ the Charleston Jan 24-25, 2015 All-Breed Dog Shows All-Breed Obedience & Rally Trials, Match Exchange Park Ladson, SC (CLOSING DATE JAN 7, 2015) Judging Panel Ms. Rita J. Biddle Esq. Dr. Alvin W. Krause Mr. Manuel Queijeiro Miss Virginia L. Lyne Ms. Shelley S. Hennessy Michael Silva Mrs. Kendall Herr 42 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 Don't Miss! Victory Lane Classics On Their New Dates "Nothing Could Be Finer than to be in Carolina" 3 All-Breed Dog Shows, Combined Specialties and a Group Show H One Location H *Combined Specialties Thursday, May 28, 2015 *Carolina Working Group Association Thursday, May 28, 2015 Salisbury NC Kennel Club Friday, May 29, 2015 Fayetteville Kennel Club Saturday, May 30, 2015 Salisbury NC Kennel Club Sunday, May 31, 2015 Specialties H Supported Entries Cabarrus Arena & Events Center Hwy 49, Concord, NC *pending AKC approval Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 43 Entry Fees ~ Each Show (There is no Recording Fee or Event Service Fee for Junior Showmanship, Sweepstakes, Futurities, Brace/Team, Multi-Dog Classes or Special Attractions) (Entry Fee Includes $3.00 AKC Event Service Fee Per Entry & $.50 AKC Recording Fee First Entry Only) First Entry of a Dog Unless Otherwise Specified........................................................ $27.00 Each Additional Entry of the Same Dog Unless Otherwise Specified......................... $22.00 Puppy Classes............................................................................................................. $22.00 Bred by Exhibitor Classes........................................................................................... $22.00 Veteran Classes as a First or as an Additional Entry.................................................. $20.00 Junior Showmanship Only........................................................................................... $22.00 Junior Showmanship as an Additional Class............................................................. NO FEE Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Classes......................................See Individual Clubs Ramps at the sole discretion of the judge, approved breeds may be judged on the ground or on a ramp: Boykin Spaniels, Clumber Spaniels, Field Spaniels, Sussex Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels, Whippets, Irish Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Chinese Shar-Pei, Chow Chows, Keeshonden, Norwegian Buhunds & Polish Lowland Sheepdogs. (Boykin Spaniels & Whippets may be judged on the table, ramp or the ground.) In accordance with AKC Board Policy, Basset Hounds and Bulldogs are expected to be judged on the ramp in the Group and Best in Show competitions. This extends to the 4–6 Month Beginner Puppy Competition, the AKC National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS), and all other special attractions that offer Group and BIS competitions. This list may be revised from time to time, and the current list can be found on the AKC website in Judging Operations. A judge requesting the use of a ramp must give reasonable notice to the Show Superintendent/Show Secretary prior to the day of the show. AKC approval is not required. Ramps may be used in emergency situations to judge any breed. (In all but emergency situations, the exhibitor has no recourse. In an emergency situation, where use of a ramp is not indicated in the premium list, an exhibitor has the option of withdrawing their entry and receiving a refund.) HOW TO USE THE ENTRY BLANK Use one entry blank per dog only if information is exactly the SAME for each events. Carefully check the block (blocks) for each event in which you wish to enter your dog. You MUST use a separate entry blank if you are entering your dog in a different class on different events. 44 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM Cabarrus Arena & Events Center, 4751 NC Hwy. 49 North, Concord, NC 28025 242 ❏ SALISBURY NC Kennel Club, Inc. - Friday, November 14, 2014 - 2014039802 1230 ❏ GREATER MONROE KENNEL CLUB - Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 2014559711 423 ❏ FAYETTEVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. - Sunday, November 16, 2014 - 2014061103 Entry Fees: SEE PAGE 44. DOBERMAN PINSCHERS & CHINESE CRESTEDS LIMITED TO 100 ENTRIES EACH ON SATURDAY. Entries Close at Superintendent’s Office at 12:00 NOON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014, or when the numerical limit has been reached, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, or substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Mail Entries With Fees To: MB-F, Inc., Superintendent, P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420. Make Checks or Money Orders Payable To: MB-F, Inc. Canadian Exhibitors must make fees payable in U.S. Funds. When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to either use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check. I ENCLOSE $ ________for entry fees I ENCLOSE $ ________for fees IMPORTANT-Read Carefullyentry Instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the IMPORTANT-Read Instructions on Reverse Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the instructions relevantCarefully to the information needed in that Side box (PLEASE PRINT) instructions relevant to the information needed in that box (PLEASE PRINT) 5 1 VARIETY 1 SEX BREED 5 VARIETY SEX BREED 2,3 3 DOG 2,3 DOG SHOW SHOW CLASS CLASS ADDITIONAL CLASSES ADDITIONAL CLASSES CLASS 3 CLASS DIVISION Weight, color, etc. DIVISION OBEDIENCE CLASS (Jump Height) OBEDIENCE CLASS (Jump Height) NAME OF (See Back) NAME OF (See Back) JUNIOR HANDLER (If any) JUNIOR HANDLER (If any) FULL FULL NAME NAME OF DOG OF DOG AKC® NO. ® AKC NO. PAL/ILP NO. PAL/ILP NO. FOREIGN REG NO. & COUNTRY FOREIGN REG NO. & COUNTRY ■ ■ JR. SHOWMANSHIP CLASS JR. SHOWMANSHIP CLASS JR. HANDLER JR. HANDLER NUMBER NUMBER Enter number here Enter number here DATE OF DATE OF BIRTH BIRTH PLACE OF PLACE(list OF country) BIRTH Do not print above in catalog. BIRTH (listthe country) Do not print the above in catalog. BREEDER BREEDER SIRE SIRE DAM DAM ACTUAL OWNER(S) ACTUAL OWNER(S) Weight, color, etc. RALLY CLASS (Jump Height) RALLY CLASS (Jump Height) 4 4 (Please Print) (Please Print) OWNER’S ADDRESS OWNER’S ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF OWNER’S AGENT NAME OFATOWNER’S AGENT (IF ANY) THE SHOW _______________________________________________________________________________________ (IF ANY) AT THE SHOW _______________________________________________________________________________________ I CERTIFY that I am the actual owner of the dog, or that I am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name I have entered Iabove. CERTIFY that I am the actual of the of dog, or entry, that I am the agree duly authorized agent the actual owner whose name I have entered In consideration of the owner acceptance this I (we) to abide by the ofrules and regulations of the American Kennel above. consideration I (we)rules agree to regulations abide by the rules and thefor American Kennel Club in In effect at the timeofofthe thisacceptance event, andofbythis anyentry, additional and appearing in regulations the premiumof list this event, and Club inagree effect to at be thebound time of and byprinted any additional rules and appearing in the premium list for thisthat event, and further bythis the event, “Agreement” on the reverse sideregulations of this entry form. I (we) certify and represent the dog further bound to by persons the “Agreement” on theentry reverse side of this form. I (we) certify and represent that the dog enteredagree is notto abehazard or other printed dogs. This is submitted forentry acceptance on the foregoing representation and entered is not a hazard to conduct persons myself or other dogs. This entry is submitted acceptance the foregoing representation and Agreement. I (we) agree to (ourselves) in accordance with all for such Rules andon Regulations (including all provisions Agreement. I (we) agree conduct (ourselves) applying to discipline) and to abide by myself any decisions madeininaccordance accord with with them.all such Rules and Regulations (including all provisions applying to discipline) and to abide by any decisions made in accord with them. SIGNATURE of owner or his/her agent SIGNATURE of to owner his/her duly authorized makeorthis entryagent ________________________________________________________________________________ duly authorized to make this entry ________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #_______________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you a new exhibitor? Yes No Owner/Handler Eligible? Yes No Are you Address a new exhibitor? Yes No Owner/Handler Yes No E-MAIL (An acknowledgement or receipt of entry may be sent to thisEligible? e-mail address): E-MAIL Address (An acknowledgement or receipt of entry may be sent to this e-mail address): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Green Option: Check this box to receive ID/Judging Program information by E-Mail only, in lieu of a printed copy Green Option: box to receive ID/Judging Program information by E-Mail only, in lieu of a printed copy through the USCheck Postalthis Mail. through the US Postal Mail. ALL Puppy Classes Divided Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 45 AKC Rules, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines are available on the American Kennel Club Web site, AGREEMENT In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of this event and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prizes, ribbons, or trophies, I (we) agree to hold the AKC, the event-giving club, their members, and any provider of services that are necessary to hold this event and any employees or volunteers of the aforementioned parties, and any AKC approved judge, judging at this event, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or about the event premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim; and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss, injury or damage to this dog. Additionally, I (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify, defend and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons, including myself (ourselves), or on account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of my (our) participation in this event, however such, injuries, death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees, agents, or any other persons. I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION, CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE ENTRY, EXHIBITION OR ATTENDANCE AT THE EVENT BETWEEN THE AKC AND THE EVENT-GIVING CLUB (UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN ITS PREMIUM LIST) AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALL APPLICABLE AKC BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST FIRST BE FOLLOWED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBLISHED POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. INSTRUCTIONS 1. (Variety) if you are entering a dog of breed in which there are varieties for show purposes, please designate the particular variety you are entering, i.e., Cocker Spaniel (solid color black, ASCOB, parti-color), Beagles (not exceeding 13 in., over 13 in. but not exceeding 15 in.), Dachshunds (longhaired, smooth, wirehaired), Collies (rough, smooth), Bull Terriers (colored, white), Manchester Terriers (standard, toy), Chihuahuas (smooth coat, long coat), English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby, Blenheim and Prince Charles), Poodles (toy, miniature, standard). 2. The following categories of dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed competition: Dogs that are Champions of Record and dogs which, according to their owners’ records, have completed the requirements for a championship, but to a period of 90 days from the date of the show where the dog completed the requirements for a championship. divided, then, in addition to designating the class, specify the particular division of the class in which you are entering your dog, i.e, age division, color division, weight division. 4. A dog must be entered in the name of the person who actually owned it at the time entries for an event closed. If a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner it must be entered in the name of its new owner in any event for which indicating that the dog is recorded in his/her name. State on entry form whether transfer application has been mailed to the AKC. (For complete rules, refer to Chapter 11, Section 3.) 5. Mixed Breed dogs entering classes for Agility, Obedience, and Rally trials should mark Breed as “All-American Dog/Mixed Breed.” Sire and Dam information shall remain blank for mixed breed entrants. If this entry is for Junior Showmanship, please give the following information: JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP JR.’S DATE OF BIRTH AKC JUNIOR HANDLER NUMBER The above number MUST be included. Should you not have your Junior Handler number, this may be obtained from the American Kennel Club. Phone: (919) 233-9767. By signing the entry form I (we) certify that the Junior Showman does not now, and will not at any time, act as an agent/handler for pay while continuing to compete in Junior Showmanship. ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY_______________________________________________________ STATE____________________ ZIP__________________ ■ AEN999 (10/11) v7.0P Stat 46 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM Cabarrus Arena & Events Center, 4751 NC Hwy. 49 North, Concord, NC 28025 242 ❏ SALISBURY NC Kennel Club, Inc. - Friday, November 14, 2014 - 2014039802 1230 ❏ GREATER MONROE KENNEL CLUB - Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 2014559711 423 ❏ FAYETTEVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. - Sunday, November 16, 2014 - 2014061103 Entry Fees: SEE PAGE 44. DOBERMAN PINSCHERS & CHINESE CRESTEDS LIMITED TO 100 ENTRIES EACH ON SATURDAY. Entries Close at Superintendent’s Office at 12:00 NOON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014, or when the numerical limit has been reached, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, or substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Mail Entries With Fees To: MB-F, Inc., Superintendent, P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420. Make Checks or Money Orders Payable To: MB-F, Inc. Canadian Exhibitors must make fees payable in U.S. Funds. When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to either use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check. I ENCLOSE $ ________for entry fees I ENCLOSE $ ________for fees IMPORTANT-Read Carefullyentry Instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the IMPORTANT-Read Instructions on Reverse Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the instructions relevantCarefully to the information needed in that Side box (PLEASE PRINT) instructions relevant to the information needed in that box (PLEASE PRINT) 5 1 VARIETY 1 SEX BREED 5 VARIETY SEX BREED 2,3 3 DOG 2,3 DOG SHOW SHOW CLASS CLASS ADDITIONAL CLASSES ADDITIONAL CLASSES CLASS 3 CLASS DIVISION Weight, color, etc. DIVISION OBEDIENCE CLASS (Jump Height) OBEDIENCE CLASS (Jump Height) NAME OF (See Back) NAME OF (See Back) JUNIOR HANDLER (If any) JUNIOR HANDLER (If any) FULL FULL NAME NAME OF DOG OF DOG AKC® NO. ® AKC NO. PAL/ILP NO. PAL/ILP NO. FOREIGN REG NO. & COUNTRY FOREIGN REG NO. & COUNTRY ■ ■ JR. SHOWMANSHIP CLASS JR. SHOWMANSHIP CLASS JR. HANDLER JR. HANDLER NUMBER NUMBER Enter number here Enter number here DATE OF DATE OF BIRTH BIRTH PLACE OF PLACE(list OF country) BIRTH Do not print above in catalog. BIRTH (listthe country) Do not print the above in catalog. BREEDER BREEDER SIRE SIRE DAM DAM ACTUAL OWNER(S) ACTUAL OWNER(S) Weight, color, etc. RALLY CLASS (Jump Height) RALLY CLASS (Jump Height) 4 4 (Please Print) (Please Print) OWNER’S ADDRESS OWNER’S ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF OWNER’S AGENT NAME OFATOWNER’S AGENT (IF ANY) THE SHOW _______________________________________________________________________________________ (IF ANY) AT THE SHOW _______________________________________________________________________________________ I CERTIFY that I am the actual owner of the dog, or that I am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name I have entered Iabove. CERTIFY that I am the actual of the of dog, or entry, that I am the agree duly authorized agent the actual owner whose name I have entered In consideration of the owner acceptance this I (we) to abide by the ofrules and regulations of the American Kennel above. consideration I (we)rules agree to regulations abide by the rules and thefor American Kennel Club in In effect at the timeofofthe thisacceptance event, andofbythis anyentry, additional and appearing in regulations the premiumof list this event, and Club inagree effect to at be thebound time of and byprinted any additional rules and appearing in the premium list for thisthat event, and further bythis the event, “Agreement” on the reverse sideregulations of this entry form. I (we) certify and represent the dog further bound to by persons the “Agreement” on theentry reverse side of this form. I (we) certify and represent that the dog enteredagree is notto abehazard or other printed dogs. This is submitted forentry acceptance on the foregoing representation and entered is not a hazard to conduct persons myself or other dogs. This entry is submitted acceptance the foregoing representation and Agreement. I (we) agree to (ourselves) in accordance with all for such Rules andon Regulations (including all provisions Agreement. I (we) agree conduct (ourselves) applying to discipline) and to abide by myself any decisions madeininaccordance accord with with them.all such Rules and Regulations (including all provisions applying to discipline) and to abide by any decisions made in accord with them. SIGNATURE of owner or his/her agent SIGNATURE of to owner his/her duly authorized makeorthis entryagent ________________________________________________________________________________ duly authorized to make this entry ________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #_______________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you a new exhibitor? Yes No Owner/Handler Eligible? Yes No Are you Address a new exhibitor? Yes No Owner/Handler Yes No E-MAIL (An acknowledgement or receipt of entry may be sent to thisEligible? e-mail address): E-MAIL Address (An acknowledgement or receipt of entry may be sent to this e-mail address): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Green Option: Check this box to receive ID/Judging Program information by E-Mail only, in lieu of a printed copy Green Option: box to receive ID/Judging Program information by E-Mail only, in lieu of a printed copy through the USCheck Postalthis Mail. through the US Postal Mail. ALL Puppy Classes Divided Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014 - 47 AKC Rules, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines are available on the American Kennel Club Web site, AGREEMENT In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of this event and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prizes, ribbons, or trophies, I (we) agree to hold the AKC, the event-giving club, their members, and any provider of services that are necessary to hold this event and any employees or volunteers of the aforementioned parties, and any AKC approved judge, judging at this event, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or about the event premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim; and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss, injury or damage to this dog. Additionally, I (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify, defend and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons, including myself (ourselves), or on account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of my (our) participation in this event, however such, injuries, death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees, agents, or any other persons. I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION, CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE ENTRY, EXHIBITION OR ATTENDANCE AT THE EVENT BETWEEN THE AKC AND THE EVENT-GIVING CLUB (UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN ITS PREMIUM LIST) AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALL APPLICABLE AKC BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST FIRST BE FOLLOWED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBLISHED POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. INSTRUCTIONS 1. (Variety) if you are entering a dog of breed in which there are varieties for show purposes, please designate the particular variety you are entering, i.e., Cocker Spaniel (solid color black, ASCOB, parti-color), Beagles (not exceeding 13 in., over 13 in. but not exceeding 15 in.), Dachshunds (longhaired, smooth, wirehaired), Collies (rough, smooth), Bull Terriers (colored, white), Manchester Terriers (standard, toy), Chihuahuas (smooth coat, long coat), English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby, Blenheim and Prince Charles), Poodles (toy, miniature, standard). 2. The following categories of dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed competition: Dogs that are Champions of Record and dogs which, according to their owners’ records, have completed the requirements for a championship, but to a period of 90 days from the date of the show where the dog completed the requirements for a championship. divided, then, in addition to designating the class, specify the particular division of the class in which you are entering your dog, i.e, age division, color division, weight division. 4. A dog must be entered in the name of the person who actually owned it at the time entries for an event closed. If a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner it must be entered in the name of its new owner in any event for which indicating that the dog is recorded in his/her name. State on entry form whether transfer application has been mailed to the AKC. (For complete rules, refer to Chapter 11, Section 3.) 5. Mixed Breed dogs entering classes for Agility, Obedience, and Rally trials should mark Breed as “All-American Dog/Mixed Breed.” Sire and Dam information shall remain blank for mixed breed entrants. If this entry is for Junior Showmanship, please give the following information: JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP JR.’S DATE OF BIRTH AKC JUNIOR HANDLER NUMBER The above number MUST be included. Should you not have your Junior Handler number, this may be obtained from the American Kennel Club. Phone: (919) 233-9767. By signing the entry form I (we) certify that the Junior Showman does not now, and will not at any time, act as an agent/handler for pay while continuing to compete in Junior Showmanship. ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY_______________________________________________________ STATE____________________ ZIP__________________ ■ AEN999 (10/11) v7.0P Stat 48 - Speedway Classic of the Carolinas - November 14-16, 2014
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