The Spirit of Innovation Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space Table of Contents Vision About Somerset History The Offering Leasing & Space A Convenient Location Site & Floor Plans Our Community Test Fits by Industry Building Facts Sustainability News & Culture Contacts News & Culture Contacts 2 Vision Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts Vision Bell Works is the transformation of the Bell Labs building, once considered a hub for innovation, into a dynamic mixed-use environment. Over fifty years ago, Bell Labs opened a cutting edge We’re giving the building more than a facelift; it’s a research and development facility in suburban Holmdel, complete transformation. Our plan for Bell Works New Jersey. The building – spanning a length of three has become a model for “adaptive reuse” – that is, football fields with vast open spaces – spurred a culture repurposing space by injecting it with new uses and of collaboration and imagination rarely seen in today’s vitality – earning praise from around the globe. This business world. renowned innovation hub will become the region’s In 2013, Somerset Development purchased this historic building to reanimate the once booming research facility. Our vision for the Bell Labs building is not just to create office and retail space, but to create a truly unique destination for businesses – one that embodies the creative freedoms and diversities of Bell Labs, but also something that is decidedly new. foremost live-work-play community, seamlessly joining offices, retail, arts, and culture, all contained in one of the world’s great architectural icons. This is the spirit of innovation. This is Bell Works. 5 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Vision A live-work-play community, seamlessly joining offices, retail, arts, and culture. M i d d l e tow n Roa d Entr a nc e Contacts 6 Vision History Vision Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts 7 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 8 Contacts Vision Ro b e rts Roa d Entr a nc e Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts The Spirit of Innovation Once home to some of the twentieth century’s most significant technological advancements, Bell Works is the new identity for this iconic building, inspired by the spirit of innovation. Our approach to forging a new identity for the former that continue to shape our day-to-day life, not the least Bell Labs echoes the ambition and aspirations of of which included development of cell phone and fiber researchers who once occupied this building. In order to optic technology. fully understand the magnitude of this building’s revival, one must first appreciate its vast historical significance. It is with this prevailing spirit of creation and innovation that we have repurposed the former Bell Labs building. Designed and constructed between 1959 and 1982, Bell Works will retain the character of Bell Labs – the the enormous mirrored glass-enclosed structure was breathtaking esplanades, majestic glass exterior, and once home to Bell Laboratories. Within these walls timeless lobby areas – while opening the building to a researchers made countless technological discoveries broader population for a new era of invention. 9 Vision History Th e offering Bell’s new function comes with a new logo: a fresh identity to introduce Bell Works to the world. The series of carefully woven, interconnected dots embodies the spirit of collaboration that once fostered some of the world’s most influential discoveries within Bell Labs. Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts At Bell Works, this principle takes on a new meaning, as it will build deep connections between each of its uses, from office space to retail to dining and culture, fostering a new kind of collective environment that ‘Works’ for all of its community. 10 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts About Somerset Somerset Development is one of the region’s preeminent real estate firms specializing in transit-oriented, adaptive reuse, and large-scale redevelopment projects. Somerset Development is led by a senior executive redevelopment initiatives as the 50-acre Anchor Glass team, the members of which have more than 60 years site in Aberdeen, New Jersey and Wesmont Station, of collective development experience. Somerset the award-winning transit oriented New Urbanist is highly regarded for its expertise in the planning redevelopment and new train station in Wood-Ridge, and development of innovative and environmentally New Jersey. conscious communities that evoke a strong sense of place and reflect a distinctive character. In addition to its experienced in-house staff of professionals, Somerset teams with world-class architects, planners and other consultants to work with owners, responsible parties, town officials and residents to create dynamic, sustainable communities. Somerset is renowned for its keen ability to capture the hearts and minds of the communities in which they work, both residents and elected officials alike. The company conveys a unique imagination not only in physically transforming ordinary buildings, but also in creating a distinguishing narrative rooted in culture and historical context. This results in developments Somerset’s propensity for genuine “placemaking” that are crafted to blend walkable urban design with the permeates each of its innovative development character of the communities that they comprise. endeavors. Its reputation for complex, ambitious, and sustainable projects is on display in such landmark 11 History Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts History The former Bell Labs building was home to the brightest minds that contributed to some of the most monumental technological advancements, from the first development of cellular technology to the Nobel Prize-winning transistor. From its conception, Bell Labs has embodied the spirit What Saarinen would create in bucolic Holmdel, of imagination and discovery. Bell Works is carrying this however, had arguably the greatest societal impact tradition, reenergizing a community within the same of any of his creations. Bell Labs’ unique open design walls that inspired past generations. enabled researchers to roam, collaborate, and converse, In 1959, architect Eero Saarinen set into motion one of the most culturally transformative designs of his career. And that’s saying something. Saarinen was one of the most sought-after architects of his time, responsible for some of the nation’s most tantalizing cultural landmarks including St. Louis’ Gateway Arch, the Miller House in Columbus, IN, and the stunning TWA Terminal at JFK Airport in New York City. fostered by the facility’s creative landscape and explorative ambiance. In a space where ideas were imagined and shared with unprecedented efficiency, researchers unearthed technologies that were once unimaginable, including: the transistor; high-fidelity sound recording; silicon solar cells; theories for the laser; confirmation of the Big Bang theory; and, eventually, the first cellular technology. 13 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 14 Contacts Timeline 1924 1927 1933 1939 1947 1954 1956 1958 1959 Telephotography Machine sends political convention photos long distance for newspaper publication Long Distance Television Machine sends images of Herbert Hoover via phone lines from Washington to New York Cosmic Radio Waves Karl Jansky discovers three types of static: nearby thunderstorms, distant thunderstorms, and the center of the Milky Way; at current Holmdel site Binary Digital Computer George Stibitz designs the Complex Number Calculator, which performs mathematical operations in binary form using on-off relays and finds the quotient of two 8-digit numbers in 30 seconds Transistor invented by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley this first solid state vacuum tube resulted in the transistor: a fundamental building block of modern electronic devices winning the Nobel Prize in 1956 Microwave Tower Stations 400 stations are scattered across the country, by 1958 the microwave carrier made up 13,000,000 miles of American telephone circuits First Transatlantic Telephone Cable connects the US with Europe by carrying up to 36 simultaneous calls Laser ‘Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation’, harnessed excited molecules and atoms to make light in an extremely pure form which led to all digital laser technologies Horn Antenna & Transmission Dish picks up a static noise providing the strongest evidence to date that the universe was created in a ‘Big Bang’ explosion 1959 – 1962 1960 – 1964 1961 1962 1962 1963 1969 – 1972 1978 – 1980 1988 Construction of Bell Laboratory in Holmdel, NJ, it was said that connection and collaboration between researchers within this building was the fabric of Bell Project Echo, Experimental Balloon Satellite first indication of world wide satellite communication system; a coast to coast (Crawford Hill at Holmdel, NJ to Goldstone, CA) voice transmission bounced off a man made satellite Continuously Operated Laser Beam leads to fiber optic communications Bellboy Pager one of the first consumer applications of the transistor, this personal pager alerts sounds upon incoming calls thus keeping Bellboys and Doctors alike in constant contact Telstar I first orbiting communications satellite to receive, amplify, and transmit voice and data Touch-tone Telephone enables voice mail and call centers UNIX Operating System became the ‘Gold standard of operating systems’ and the Internet’s foundation, developed by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie Commercial Cellular Network and Digital Cellular Phone connects the country wirelessly and makes us all the more hip Fiber Optic Cable Laid Across Atlantic leads to global connectivity and would not have been possible if Bell Labs had not developed the technology to make optical fiber practical The Offering Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts The Offering Bell Works offers tenants a slice of urbanity in an iconic suburban locale, complete with a vast array of retail, public amenities and tailored office space. Bell Works offers a truly unique opportunity for the Bell’s renaissance is centered around is a new modern business. pedestrian friendly public “street” in the building’s The building’s immense size and flexible layout allow for a one-of-a-kind dynamic, mixed-use environment, and a complete rebirth that will serve the needs of a new generation of workers, residents, and visitors from around the globe. Much like a lively urban downtown, Bell Works will provide workers and visitors with a decidedly metropolitan backdrop that affords access to an abundance of services and amenities, all in a single walkable locale. existing esplanade, incorporating an amalgam of exciting uses, including retail and dining; health and wellness uses; a hotel and conference center; spas and a public library. Outside of the building, Somerset is collaborating with leading homebuilder Toll Brothers to develop new luxury residences on-site. Indoor and outdoor sports facilities are planned as well. 17 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts 18 An Historic Building with a Modern Twist Bell Works isn’t just a building. It isn’t an office park. It’s a complete community, teeming with culture, collaboration, and vitality. In New Jersey, office space is abundant. Yet in the sea imitate its vast public corridors and communal feel. Now, gathering space for Bell’s research staff. Without setting of antiquated business parks and uninspired office trends in the office marketplace have aligned perfectly foot outside of the building, employees will be able to complexes, companies are rightfully seeking a departure with Bell Works’ unique design and atmosphere. step out of their offices and into a vibrant public piazza from the tedium of the workplaces of yesteryear. Bell Works, with its adventurous, pioneering spirit, is fulfilling that need. The reinvented space is unique to any other office experience in New Jersey and the surrounding region. Occupying approximately two million square feet – but only six stories tall at its highest point – Bell filled with cafes, retail, communal gathering space, and much more. Works is ideally configured to facilitate collaboration, At Bell Works, we’ve created an enthralling self- conversation, and communication among its entire contained ecosystem that will capture the minds of community. Its horizontal orientation exposes the space workers, visitors, and residents. Its architectural layout has been sought-after to open hallways and a mesmerizing public esplanade throughout the world, as others have attempted to – or “street” – that historically served as a central Leasing & Space Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts A Convenient Location Bell Works is located in Holmdel, New Jersey in Monmouth County, easily accessible by a number of highways and public transportation via NJ Transit. Nearby airports include JFK, Newark Liberty and Philadelphia, allowing for easy travel beyond the East Coast. 20 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts A Convenient Location Location Workforce Incentives The State conveniently adjoins New York City and New Jersey has one of the nation’s most well-educated Bell Works qualifies for a number of Grow New Jersey Philadelphia and is halfway between Boston and and diverse workforces. More than 1.7 million residents incentives, significantly offsetting move-in and rent Washington, D.C. In fact, New Jersey is within a 24-hour hold college degrees, and the State is home to 57 costs. drive of over 100 million consumers with a collective colleges, universities and technology schools. New purchasing power of $2 trillion. Jersey is committed to continually strengthening this workforce, evidenced by over $225 million awarded to Transportation State businesses to train their workers between 2003 and 2010. To reach markets across the State, the nation and the world quickly and efficiently, New Jersey businesses take advantage of one of the best transportation, Quality of Life warehousing and highway connectivity networks in the The State offers exceptional variety for all who live and United States. New Jersey, a gateway for international work here. One of the top-ranked states on a number trade, boasts two ports: the South Jersey Port on of educational measures, New Jersey possesses a the Delaware River and the Port of New York and New world-class healthcare system and an extraordinary Jersey, which is the largest facility of its kind on the range of cultural institutions. Factor in 127 miles of Eastern Seaboard. beach, Atlantic City’s casinos, great shopping and an outstanding park and forest system, and it’s no wonder New Jersey tops quality of life rankings. To learn more about the specific incentives you are eligible for at Bell Works, please contact one of our leasing agents. 21 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 22 Contacts Site Plan L ege n d S ports fac i l i t y 4 0 e x ec u t i v e h om es 3,900–5,100 sf 1 8 5 Ca rri age h om es 2,700–3,500 sf C lu b h o u s e & a m e n i t i es Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Stacking Plan Leg end O ffi c e R eta i l Li b r a ry Hot el H e a lt h & welln ess Con fer ence c enter Contacts 23 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Floor Plans Conference BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 BUILDING 2 BUILDING 1 L eg e n d Of f i ce BELL WORKS 101 CRAWFORDS CORNER RD H e a lth & w e llness Confe re nce ce nte r ALTERNATE BLOCK - CONCOURSE ● 09/02/14 Contacts 24 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 25 Contacts Floor Plans Esplanade BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 STAIR 3-A HEALTH CLUB 8301 SF RETAIL 3282 SF STAIR 3-B STAIR 4-B STAIR 4-A OFFICE 10905 SF OFFICE 5741 SF CHA 31968 SF SPA 2546 SF PHARMACY 5343 SF MARKET CAFE 6400 SF RESTAURANT 3162 SF STAIR 3-C RETAIL 1414 SF RETAIL 1414 SF RETAIL 2804 SF RETAIL 1390 SF RETAIL 1390 SF RETAIL 2805 SF RETAIL 2891 SF RETAIL 2647 SF RETAIL 1935 SF RETAIL 7095 SF STAIR 4-C UP STAIR 5-B STAIR 5-A STAIR 2-C ? RETAIL ? SF 1887 RETAIL 2992 SF ? RETAIL ? SF 2300 ? RETAIL ? SF 2259 RETAIL 3992 SF RETAIL 1552 SF RETAIL 2787 SF RETAIL 2787 SF RETAIL 1357 SF RETAIL 1357 SF RESTAURANT 4572 SF RECEPTION 5088 SF LIBRARY 17759 SF STAIR 2-A STAIR 2-B STAIR 1-B DN PLAYGROUND RETAIL 1232 SF SUPPORT 1966 SF OFFICE 8528 SF OFFICE 5679 SF STAIR 1-A BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 LEGEND OFFICE RETAIL L eg e n d Of f i ce Re tail L i br a ry Hote l H e a lth & w e llness RESTAURANT 7586 SF STAIR 1-C MARKETING CENTER 11090 SF OUTDOOR SEATING 3942 SF CHILD CARE 13022 SF LIBRARY BELL WORKS HOTEL 1ST FLOOR PLAN ● 10/21/14 MEDICAL 101 CRAWFORDS CORNER RD Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 26 Contacts Floor Plans Second Floor BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 STAIR 3-A STAIR 3-B STAIR 4-A STAIR 4-B CHA OFFICE OFFICE STAIR 4-C STAIR 3-C STAIR 5-B STAIR 5-A STAIR 2-C KEY KEY KEY 571 SF 622 SF 618 SF KEY KEY KEY 618 SF 623 SF 618 SF KEY KEY KEY 618 SF 623 SF 592 SF KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY 592 SF 622 SF 618 SF 618 SF 622 SF 618 SF STAIR 1-C KEY KEY KEY 618 SF 622 SF 571 SF OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE 559 SF 723 SF BAR AREA 3670 SF OFFICE 652 SF DN OFFICE STAIR 2-A KEY KEY KEY 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF KEY KEY KEY 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF STAIR 1-B KEY KEY KEY STAIR 617 SF 620 SF 602 SF 2-B KEY KEY KEY 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF STAIR 1-A KEY KEY KEY 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 LEGEND OFFICE L eg e n d Of f i ce Hote l RETAIL KEY COUNT: 1ST FLOOR - 0 2ND FLOOR - 33 3RD FLOOR - 36 4TH FLOOR - 36 5TH FLOOR - 36 TOTAL - 141 H e a lth & w e llness BELL WORKS 101 CRAWFORDS CORNER RD 2ND FLOOR HOTEL ● 09/25/14 LIBRARY HOTEL MEDICAL Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 27 Contacts Floor Plans Third Floor BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 STAIR 3-A STAIR 3-B STAIR 4-A STAIR 4-B CHA OFFICE OFFICE STAIR 3-C STAIR 4-C STAIR 5-B STAIR 5-A STAIR 2-C KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY 655 SF 622 SF 618 SF 618 SF 622 SF 618 SF 618 SF 622 SF KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY 571 SF 622 SF 618 SF 618 SF 623 SF 618 SF 618 SF 623 SF 655 SF OFFICE OFFICE STAIR 2-A 551 SF 602 SF KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF 617 SF 620 SF 638 SF STAIR 1-B KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY 653 SF 620 SF 616 SF 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF 616 SF 620 SF OFFICE OFFICE 602 SF STAIR 2-B STAIR 1-C KEY 571 SF STAIR 1-A KEY 616 SF BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 LEGEND OFFICE L eg e n d Of f i ce Hote l RETAIL KEY COUNT: 1ST FLOOR - 0 2ND FLOOR - 33 3RD FLOOR - 36 4TH FLOOR - 36 5TH FLOOR - 36 TOTAL - 141 H e a lth & w e llness BELL WORKS 101 CRAWFORDS CORNER RD 3RD FLOOR HOTEL ● 09/25/14 LIBRARY HOTEL MEDICAL Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 28 Contacts Floor Plans Fourth Floor BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 STAIR 3-A STAIR 3-B STAIR 4-A STAIR 4-B CHA OFFICE OFFICE STAIR 3-C STAIR 4-C STAIR 5-B STAIR 5-A STAIR 2-C KEY KEY KEY 571 SF 622 SF 618 SF OFFICE OFFICE STAIR 2-A 551 SF KEY KEY KEY 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF KEY KEY KEY 618 SF 623 SF 618 SF KEY KEY 618 SF 623 SF KEY 660 SF KEY KEY KEY 655 SF 622 SF 618 SF 602 SF KEY KEY KEY 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF KEY KEY KEY KEY 618 SF 622 SF 618 SF 618 SF 602 SF KEY KEY 624 SF 620 SF KEY STAIR 632 SF 2-B STAIR KEY KEY KEY 1-B 652 SF 620 SF 616 SF KEY KEY KEY KEY 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF 616 SF STAIR 1-C KEY KEY 622 SF 571 SF OFFICE OFFICE STAIR 1-A KEY KEY 620 SF 616 SF BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 LEGEND L eg e n d Of f i ce Hote l OFFICE RETAIL KEY COUNT: 1ST FLOOR - 0 2ND FLOOR - 33 3RD FLOOR - 36 4TH FLOOR - 36 5TH FLOOR - 36 TOTAL - 141 H e a lth & w e llness BELL WORKS 101 CRAWFORDS CORNER RD 4TH FLOOR HOTEL ● 09/25/14 LIBRARY HOTEL MEDICAL Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 29 Contacts Floor Plans Fifth Floor BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 STAIR 3-A STAIR 3-B STAIR 4-A STAIR 4-B CHA OFFICE OFFICE STAIR 3-C STAIR 4-C STAIR 5-B STAIR 5-A STAIR 2-C KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY 571 SF 622 SF 618 SF 618 SF 623 SF 618 SF OFFICE OFFICE STAIR 2-A 551 SF KEY KEY KEY 656 SF 622 SF 618 SF KEY KEY KEY 618 SF 623 SF 655 SF 602 SF KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF 616 SF 602 SF KEY KEY STAIR 620 SF 640 SF 2-B STAIR KEY KEY KEY 1-B 654 SF 620 SF 616 SF STAIR 1-C KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY 618 SF 622 SF 618 SF 618 SF 622 SF 571 SF OFFICE OFFICE STAIR 1-A KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF 616 SF 620 SF 616 SF BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 LEGEND OFFICE L eg e n d RETAIL KEY COUNT: Of f i ce Hote l 1ST FLOOR - 0 2ND FLOOR - 33 3RD FLOOR - 36 4TH FLOOR - 36 5TH FLOOR - 36 TOTAL - 141 H e a lth & w e llness BELL WORKS 101 CRAWFORDS CORNER RD 5TH FLOOR HOTEL ● 09/25/14 LIBRARY HOTEL MEDICAL Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 30 Contacts Our Community From visiting the local coffee shops to viewing art installations and attending galas, Bell Works offers a host of premium amenities for both businesses and visitors alike. Bell Works is a mixed-use destination unlike any other space in the region. Its unique suburban location – with close proximity to the Garden State Parkway and other major Tri-State transit lines – makes it an inimitably accessible destination, packed with amenities not found in even the most enviable city locales, including: P u bl i c pe destria n es pl a n ad e , line d w ith s ho p s, ca fes, restau r a nts, c u lt u r al e xhibits a nd more Hotel with conf erenc e cent er F u ll au d i tor i u m a n d pr es entat i on ha ll Stat e- o f-t he-a rt fi tness fac i l i t y Also ava il a ble : Public libr ary O ns i t e he a lt hca r e fac i l i t i es D ed i cat ed dayca r e, o pen d u r i n g b u s i n ess ho u rs O u t d oor “gr e e n ” roo f d ec k In d oor a n d O u t d oor S ports Com pl e x Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts Creative Office Space Solutions, Large & Small Bell Works offers the seamless ability to scale offices based on the personalized needs of its business tenants. At Bell Works, great thought went into the design of communities for businesses large and small. This unique the physical environment to create collaborative and flexibility will foster a diverse environment of established productive workspaces. The distinctively expansive multinational firms to startups in their early stages, each layout, complete with large, flexible floor plates benefitting from Bell’s cooperative work setting. provides seamless scalability to create work teams and 31 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Creative Office Space Solutions Contacts 32 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Creative Office Space Solutions Contacts 33 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts The Perfect Venue With its glass-enclosed jewelbox, mesmerizing esplanade and variety of conference spaces, our clients can find the right space for their event, whatever the budget. Bell Works is home to a huge array of event venues. The plans include an onsite hotel, conference center and full auditorium, along with scenic outdoor accommodations, making it an ideal destination for nearly any occasion. And with a convenient centralized location only minutes from the Garden State Parkway, Bell Works is perfectly located for New Jersey and Tri State-centric events. 34 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Test Fits by Industry Law Office: Single Tenant B u i l d i n g 4 , Floor 4 L aw f i rm combine d Se at co unts Pa rtn e r Office 28 Assoc iate Office 56 S ecre ta ry Station 20 S u pport sta ff workstation /Office 62 Pa r a leg a l 12 Total 178 Confe re nce 16 S u pport Contacts 35 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Test Fits by Industry Law Office: Multiple Tenants B u i l d i n g 4 , Floor 4 L aw f i rm Se pa r ate T e na nts W est Office Se at co unts L aw fi rm S epa r at e T en a nts E a st O ffi c e S e at co u nts Pa rtn e r Office 22 Pa rtner O ffi c e 7 Assoc iate Office 29 Assoc i at e O ffi c e 22 S ecre ta ry Station 12 S ecreta ry Stat i on 8 S u pport sta ff workstation /Office 34 S u pport sta ff wor kstat i on /O ffi c e 24 Pa r a leg a l 8 Pa r a l eg a l 4 Total 105 Tota l 65 Confe re nce 7 Con fer ence 9 S u pport S u pport Contacts 36 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 37 Contacts Test Fits by Industry Law Office: Lobby View Building 4 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Test Fits by Industry Tech Office: Single Tenant B u i l d i n g 4 , floor 4 T ec h Office combine d Se at co unts Pri vate Office 34 Workstation 296 Total 330 Confe re nce 22 S u pport 52 Contacts 38 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 39 Contacts Test Fits by Industry Tech Office: Workstations View Building 4 BUILDING 4 STAIR 4-A STAIR 4-B COPY IT IT COPY MAIL ROOM SUPPORT IT STAIR 5-B BELL WORKS 101 CRAWFORDS CORNER RD TECH OFFICE - INTERIOR VIEW ● 09/25/14 GAME ROOM STAIR 4-C Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts 40 Building Facts General Information Construction Mechanical Systems Acres: 472 Structural System: Poured reinforced concrete and Cooling: Two 1,200 Trane centrifugal heat recovery steel construction chillers, Two electric centrifugal chillers and one 850 Year Built: 1962-1964 Main Building / 1982 Expansion Number of Floors: Six Rentable Square Feet: 1,600,000 Parking Provisions: 4,263 parking spaces Park Amenities: Retail shops, restaurants, medical services, professional services, day care, sports complex, gym Building Hours: 24/7 secured access Office Operating Hours: M-F 8am-6pm, Sat 8am-3pm Retail Operating Hours: M-S 10am-8pm, Sun 12n-5pm Security System: State of art electronic security to Floors: 6”-8” poured reinforce concrete Roof: Carlisle ballasted EPDM vehicle patrols. Irrigation System: Main lawn areas and flower beds cooling tower. Heating: Two Cleaver Brooks 600 BHP low pressure Window Mullion Spacing: Six feet steam boilers and one Cleaver Brooks 200 BHP low Typical Column Space: Fourteen feet, Thirty in Phase 3 pressure steam boiler. All boilers are dual fuel, natural Maximum Finished Ceiling Height: Nine feet Slab-to-Bottom of “Rib“: Ten feet eight inches Slab-to-Slab: Twelve feet seven inches gas (primary), #2 Oil (secondary). Distribution: Thirty six VFD driven air handler units with duel duct mixing boxes and VAV distribution Controls: Procos for chillers and heating, Johnson Number of Fire Stairs: Twelve Metysis Controls for Cooling Tower Loading Area: Four bay loading enclosed loading dock Elevators: Otis cars and controls. Twelve traction with levelers and lift passenger cars, 3,500 pound capacity. Two traction include CCTV surveillance, card access and after hours elevator “lock out”, plus 24/7 manned security with electric centrifugal chiller. Five cell forced draft BAC freight cars, 8,000 pound capacity, four hydraulic mini ADA Compliance Parking: Yes Entry Doors/Ramps: Yes Existing Hardware: Yes Restrooms: Yes Elevators: Yes freight servicing floors 1 & 2 only. Temperature Control Method: Procos and Johnson Controls integrated BMS Zones Per Floor: 4-6 After Hours HVAC: Available at tenant’s request Fire Alarm System: Yes Supplemental HVAC: Tenant provided Signage: Yes Wet Column Locations: Multiple locations per floors Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space Building Facts Restrooms Location: All floors Number of Fixtures (Ladies): Forty-four ladies’ rooms with 136 toilets Number of Fixtures (Men): Fifty-one mens’ rooms with 221 toilets and 202 urinals Electrical System Voltage/Phase Delivery: Supplied by JCPL, four 34.5kV feeders into a main substation Lighting Watts PSF: Excess of 10 Watts Power Watts PSF: Excess of 10 Watts Distribution System Description: Forty two supplied by six 15kV feeders UPS Systems: Tenant provided Generator: Three 600kw CAT powered Magna Max generators (diesel) Transfer Sw: Transfer switches Telecommunications: Verizon, Comcast. Risers available for tenant use News & Culture Contacts 41 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture Contacts Sustainability Bell Works plans to utilize a host of energy efficient materials and green techniques, harnessing the latest in sustainable technologies. Reinventing a building of Bell Works’ scope requires a hawkish eye on its efficiency and ecological footprint. With this in mind, we are planning an entirely new energy efficient design reconsidering every one of the structure’s functions, from its building materials to the natural resources surrounding it. With a wide range of cutting-edge green technologies, we’re proposing new ways to harness the land around us, like integrating existing ponds into our cooling system. In total, our goal is to reduce energy use by up to 30% at the building, drastically cutting costs and consumption for all of the Bell Works community. Proposed Features: ǰǰ Onsite solar farm to supply 10-30% of the main building’s energy needs ǰǰ Cogeneration availability, allowing the building to operate “off the grid” ǰǰ Low-consumption LED lighting ǰǰ New energy-efficient HVAC system ǰǰ Advanced energy control and monitoring system ǰǰ “Low-e” window coating, slashing cooling needs by 30% ǰǰ Coil condensate recovery mechanism for dehumidification 42 News & Culture Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & culture News & Culture Drawing on its global reputation for innovation, the groundbreaking Bell Works redevelopment plan has turned the heads of media throughout the world. A global architectural icon, Bell Works has been the subject of media curiosity since its infancy. When initial concepts for the monumental reinvention of the building were unveiled, some were skeptical of the plans. Others were enthusiastic. But nearly all were captivated. Now, Bell Works has become a flagship for imaginative redevelopment, earning praise from national newspapers, architectural trade publications, lifestyle magazines, and seemingly everything in between. Bell Works doesn’t just represent a massive construction project; it’s a glimpse into how we can reimagine buildings to create exciting, transformative, and sustainable places for a new, contemporary workforce. Contacts 44 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & culture Contacts Press Links “Seven Years Later, Reuse Plan for Bell Labs Building Gets Local Approval” “New Life for the Bell Labs Building where Cellphones were Born” – Joshua Burd, 7/31/13, NJBiz – John Gertner, 2/10/14, Fast Company “Future Takes Shape for Bell Labs Site” “Holmdel Could See $71M in Bell Deal” – Ronda Kaysen, 9/10/13, The New York Times – Larry Higgs, 6/6/14, Asbury Park Press “Eero Saarinen’s Bell Labs, Now Devoid of Life” “Belle Époque: Repurposing the Iconic Bell Labs Building for a Residence/Retail/Entertainment Complex Promises a Beautiful New Era for Holmdel” – Samuel Medina, 1/3/14, Metropolis “A New Experiment for the Eero SaarinenDesigned Bell Labs Building” – 1/30/14, PreservationNation Blog “Bell Place A Model For Mixed-Use Projects” – 6/10/14, Industry Magazine “Diamonds to Dinosaurs: NJ Towns Struggle Under Weight of Massive Office Park Vacancies” – Stephan Stirling, 6/29/14, The Star-Ledger – 2/9/14, The Star Ledger “Restoration Work Begins On Bell Labs” – 8/1/14, Asbury Park Press 45 Vision History Th e offering Le asing & Space News & Culture 46 Contacts Contacts Office inquiries Retail inquiries Press inquiries Developer The Garibaldi Group M.Wilk Consulting Beckerman Somerset Development Jeff Garibaldi Michele Wilk Christa Segalini [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] +1 (732) 528 8509 +1 (201) 465 8021 Tara Keating [email protected] Kyle Mahoney [email protected] +1 (973) 507 0369 Event inquiries Bell Works [email protected] +1 (732) 367 2828 [email protected] +1 (732) 367 2828
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