UMEÅ UNIVERSITY Department of Economics Sofia Lundberg June 2015 CURRICULUM VITAE CONTACT DETAILS Department of Economics, Umeå School of Business and Economics Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Telephone (46) 90 786 52 06, (46)70 374 92 55, e-mail [email protected] PERSONAL DETAILS: Date of birth: July 16, 1969 (19690716-7842) Civil status/family: Married, one daughter (born 1999) and one son (born 2003) Citizenship: Swedish EDUCATION: Associate Professor (Docent) Umeå University, 2012 PhD (FD) Umeå University, June 2001. Going once, going twice, SOLD! The Economic of Past and Present Public Procurement in Sweden. Supervisor: Professor Karl-Gustaf Löfgren. PhLic (Fil lic) Umeå University, January 1998. B.A (Fil kand) Umeå University, July 1992. CURRENT AND PREVIOUS ACADEMIC POSITIONS AND AFFILIATIONS: Current position: Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Umeå University, September 2008 – Visiting Scholar at Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley, USA. March and April 2013. Visiting Scholar at the Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley, USA. Fall semester 2003. Assistant Head of CERUM 2007 – 2008. Assistant Professor CERUM, Centre for regional science Umeå University September 2002 – August 2008. Financed by the Swedish Research Council. Researcher, CERUM, Centre for regional science Umeå University July 2001 –August 2002. Visiting PhD student at the Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, USA. Spring semester 2000. Assistant Teacher, Department of Economics, Umeå University, Dec 1994 - June 1995. Assistant Researcher, Department of Economics, Umeå University, July 1995 –June 2001 PhD Students: Elon Strömbäck (supervisor), David Sundström (co-supervisor) LEADERSHIP TRAINING (course names in Swedish) Morgondagens forskningsledare (14 days) UCL, Universitetets Chefs- och Ledarutbildning (20 days) Forskningshandledning i praktiken Styrelsekraft, 2009 Högre Styrelseutbildning., 2009 GRADING COMMITTE Pre-seminar opponent, 4 papers on railway maintenance (costs and failures), Kristoffer Odilinski, Transport Economics, VTI, Stockholm. June 3, 2015. Member of PhD examination committee of Doctoral Thesis, “Who is afraid of SGEI:s?, Department of Law, Umeå University, Caroline Wehlander, April 17, 2015. Member of PhD examination committee of Doctoral Thesis, “Essays on Health Shocks and Social Insurance”, Department of Economics, Uppsala University, Martin Nilsson, August 29, 2014. Member of PhD examination committee of Doctoral Thesis “Bundling for consumers?: Understanding complementarity and its effect on consumers' preferences and satisfaction”, Umeå School of Business and Economics, Erika Knutsson, December 2, 2011. Member of PhD examination committee of Doctoral Thesis “Essays on the Namibian Economy Essays on the Namibian Economy”, Department of Economics, Humavindu, Michael N, September 26, 2008. Commission of trust and other assignments COMMISSION OF TRUST Member of the Board of Burghers in Umeå Foundation, 2015 Alternate member of the Board of Representatives the Swedish Football Association (SvFF) 2015 Member of the Board of Samarbetsarenan AB, 2014 – President Umeå IK FF, 2014 – (including club representative in Women’s committee, European Club Association (ECA) and Elitförbundet damfotboll, (EFD)) Alternate member of Board of Consumer Price Index at Statistics Sweden, 2013 Appointed by the Swedish Government as an expert in economics at district administrative court of appeal regarding cases under Chapter 8, 25 -26§§ the Electronic Communications Act (2003:389). Kammarrätten. 2014 Non-Government Associate (NGA), the Advocacy Working Group at the International Competition Network (ICN). Assigned by the Swedish Competition Authority, 2013. Member of the Board of Umeå University, 2014 Alternate member of the Board of Umeå University 2013 Secretary, the Swedish Inquiry on Public Procurement (fi2010:06), 2011 Alternate member of the Board of Burghers in Umeå Foundation, 2011 - 2014 Member of the board of the Centre for Environmental Research in Umeå (CMF), 2011-2012 Appointed by the Swedish Government as an expert in economics at county administrative court and administrative court of appeal regarding cases under Chapter 8, 25 -26§§ the Electronic Communications Act (2003:389). Förvaltningsrätten. Appointed by the Swedish Government as an expert in economics at Stockholm district court regarding cases under the Swedish competition act (1993:20). July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2007, July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2010. Member of the Gösta Skoglund International Foundation Committee. November 1, 2004 – 2011. Member of the Council for Competition Research, September 2005 – Associated Researcher The Swedish Research Institute of Trade (HUI). 2005 – REFERENCE GROUP ASSIGNMENTS Member of three reference groups at the Swedish Competition Authority regarding evaluation of LOV (Health care and outsourcing), Karl Lundvall (1), Tom Madell (2), Lars Nordgren and Bengt Åhgren (3). (2010). Member of a reference group at the Swedish Competition Authority regarding evaluation of the use of framework agreement in public procurement, Mats Bergman. (2010). Member of a reference group at the Swedish Competition Authority regarding evaluation of the use of framework agreement in public procurement and auction theory, Fredrik Andersson. (2006). Member of a reference group at the Swedish Competition Authority regarding evaluation of agent agreements, Magnus Henriksson. (2006). Member of a reference group at the Swedish Competition Authority regarding evaluation of assignment criteria in public procurement, Arne Andersson and Anders Lunander. (2004). REVIEWER FOR JOURNALS American Economic Review, Applied Economics, Automation in Construction, Ecological Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Economics and Business, Journal of Public Procurement, Resource and Energy Economics, Waste Management and Research. CONSULTING ASSIGNMENTS LIF - the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Sweden, Swedish National Audit Office, The Swedish Competition Authority (5), The Employment office (Örnsköldsvik), Department of Nursing at Umeå University and Academy North, The Swedish Central Bank, Umeåregionen OTHER ASSIGNMENTS AND SERVICES TO THE UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTMENT Scientific Committee, the International Public Procurement Conference in Bali 2016. Nominations committee, Board members, the Board of the Umeå School of Business and Economics, 2014. Scientific Committee, the International Public Procurement Conference in Dublin 2014. Member of the education committee at the department of Economics at Umeå University, 2011 Scientific Committee, the International Public Procurement Conference in Seattle 2012. Moderator, “The cost of different goals in public procurement” conference organized by the Swedish Competition Authority, August 31, 2011. Advisory Board, Principal, the Umeå School of Business and Economics, 2011. Nominations committee, Board members, the Board of the Umeå School of Business and Economics, 2011. Nominations committee, Dean and Faculty Board, the Social Science Faculty, Umeå University, 2010. Secretary the Public Procurement Committee 2010 (January 1, 2011 to June 28, 2012) Scientific Committee, the International Public Procurement Conference in Seoul 2010 Head of project KoM (Kiruna on the Move) until August 31, 2008. Organizer of and introduction speaker on a conference on Competition in Public Procurement. Umeå University, February 17, 2005. Grants RESEARCH GRANTS AS MAIN APPLICANT J C Kempes Minnesstipendiefond Umeå Studentkår, April 1994. [In Swedish] J C Kempes Minnes Akademiska Fond & J C Kempes Minnes Akademiska Forskningsfond, “travel grant”, April 1996. [In Swedish] Länsförsäkringars och Sparbankens fond för ekonomisk och social forskning, May 1996. [In Swedish] Stipendium utdelat av Umeå Universitet för en termin i Berkeley. 1999. [In Swedish] Stipendium utdelat av Nordbankens Norrlandsstiftelse 1999. [In Swedish] Knut & Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse, stipendium till unga kvinnliga forskare. September 2001. [In Swedish] Assistant Professor. The Swedish Research Council. September 2002 (four years). Grant from the European Commission, e-Learning network for Teacher Training, Agreement number 2004-3043/001-001. 2004. Together with the Elene network. Grant from the European Commission, e-Learning network for economics of elearning, Together with the Elene network. 2006. Travel grant from Gösta Skoglunds Internationella Fond. February 2006. Konkurrensverkets forsningsfond. 2008. Together with Mats A Bergman and Giancarlo Spagnolo. (Returned as we accepted funding from the Swedish Research Council instead). Umeå University’s Young Researcher Award, 2008. The Swedish Research Council. Environmental policy Tool? 2009 Green Public Procurement: an Efficient The Swedish Competition Authority. 2015. Ekologisk livsmedelskonsumtion i offentlig och privat sektor: Ger politiken önskat eko? RESEARCH GRANTS AS TEAM MEMBER Swedish Council for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSFR). July 1995 to June 1998. Karl-Gustaf Löfgren Konkurrensverkets Forskningsfond. 1 year, May 1998. [In Swedish] Karl-Gustaf Löfgren Konkurrensverkets Forskningsfond. May 2001. [In Swedish] Lars Westin Formas. Hushållens beteende och konkurrenssituationen på den svenska dagligvaru marknaden. 2004. Together with Johan Lundberg (head of project), Tönu Puu, and Lars Westin. Competition and Quality in Public Procurement. 2009. The Swedish Research Council. Together with Mats A Bergman and Giancarlo Spagnolo. Effektivare offentlig upphandling med ny metodik? The Research Council at the Swedish Competition Authority. 2009. Together with Anders Lunander. Högt anbudspris - hög kvalitet? En empirisk analys av relationen mellan anbudspriser och bedömning av kvalitet i offentlig upphandling. The Research Council at the Swedish Competition Authority. 2012. Together with Anders Lunander. Rumslig ekonometri för spårning av karteller i anbudsdata. The Research Council at the Swedish Competition Authority. 2012. Together with Johan Lundberg (Head), Mats A Bergman and Johan Y Stake List of Publications JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS Is Environmental Policy by Public Procurement Effective? Forthcoming in Public Finance Review, 2015. Online First June 5, doi:10.1177/1091142115588977. Coauthored with Per-Olov Marklund and Elon Strömbäck. Using Public Procurement to Implement Environmental Policy: An Empirical Analysis. Forthcoming in Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2015. Coauthored with Per-Olov Marklund, Elon Strömbäck and David Sundström. Green Public Procurement as an Environmental Policy Instrument: Cost Effectiveness. Environmental Economics, 4(4): 75-83, 2013. Co-authored with Per-Olov Marklund. Tender Evaluation and Supplier Selection Methods in Public Procurement. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 19(2): 73-83, 2013. Co-authored with Mats A Bergman. Bids and Costs in Combinatorial and Non-Combinatorial Procurement Auctions. – Evidence from Procurement of Public Cleaning Contracts. Contemporary Economic Policy, 31(4): 733 – 745, 2013. Co-authored with Anders Lunander. DOI: 10.1111/j.1465-7287.2012.00317.x Different Design – Different Cost: An Empirical Analysis of Combinatorial Public Procurement Bidding of Road Maintenance. Journal of Public Procurement, 12(3): 407422. 2012. Co-authored with Anders Lunander. Distributional Effects of Lower Food Prices in a Rich Country - Calculations Based on Estimates of Household Demand for Food. Journal of Consumer Policy, 35(3): 373-391, 2012. Co-authored with Johan Lundberg. Combinatorial Auctions in Public Procurement. Experiences from Sweden. Journal of Public Procurement, 11(1): 81-108, 2012. Co-authored with Anders Lunander. Expropriationsersättning och EU:s statsstödsregler – ekonomiska begrepp i en juridisk kontext, Förvaltningsrättslig tidskrift 1: 293-310, 2011. Co-authored with Tobias Indén. The Pivotal Nature of Award Methods in Green Public Procurement, Environmental Economics, 2(3): 64-73, 2011. Co-authored with Per-Olov Marklund. Retailer Choice and Loyalty Schemes Evidence from Sweden. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 3(3): 137-146, 2010. Co-authored with Johan Lundberg. Join the club – On the Attractiveness of Golf Club Membership. The Empirical Economics Letter 7(11): 1125-1131, 2008. Co-authored with Johan Lundberg. E-learning as a Regional Policy Tool: Principles for a Cost-benefit Analysis. Coauthored with Niklas Hanes. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento. 5(1): 12–21, 2008. Auction Formats and Award Rules in Swedish Procurement Auctions. Rivista di Politica Economica 2006 96(1-2): 91-116. Restrictions on Competition in Municipal Competitive Procurement in Sweden. International Advances in Economic Research 2005 11(3): 353-366. Asymmetric information and distance. An empirical assessment of geographical credit rationing. Journal of Economics and Business 2005 57(1): 39-59. Co-authored with Kenneth Carling. Child Auctions in 19th Century Sweden - An Analysis of Price Differences, in The Economics of Child Auctions in 19th Century Sweden. Journal of Human Resources 35(2): 279-298, 2000. BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS Offentlig upphandling eller gröna nedköp? En ESO rapport om miljöpolitiska ambitioner. Rapport till Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi 2013:13. Coauthor: Per-Olov Marklund. Sourcing for Government Goods and Services: Theory and Evidence from Swedish Cities and Authorities, in Charting a Course in Public Procurement Innovation and Knowledge Sharing, edited by Guan Luigi Albano, Keith F. Snider and Khi V. Thai., 2012, PrAcademic Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA). Co-author: Mats A Bergman. Nationell Upphandlingsstatistik (Chapter 6) i ”På Jakt efter den Goda Affären – Analys och erfarenheter av den offentliga upphandlingen”, SOU 2011:73, 2011. Offentlig upphandling – på rätt sätt och till rätt pris, Studentlitteratur, 2011, Coauthors: Mats A Bergman, Tobias Indén och Tom Madell On Financial Incentives in Child Auctions in 19th Century Sweden. In The World of Child Labor: An Historical and Regional Survey edited by Hugh D. Hindman, 2009. (M.E. Sharpe, Inc. NY, USA) Auction Formats and Award Rules in Swedish Procurement Auctions. In The Economics of Public Procurement edited by Gustavo Piga and Khi Thai, 2007. (Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK) WORKING PAPERS (Selection, see Diva for full list) TENDERING DESIGN WHEN PRICE AND QUALITY IS UNCERTAIN - Theory and Evidence from public procurement, UES 895, 2014, Co-authored with Mats A. Bergman. Revise and re-submit 2015. Privatization and Quality: Evidence from Elderly Care in Sweden, C.E.P.R. Discussion Paper 9939, 2014, Co-authors Mats A. Bergman, Per Johansson and Giancarlo Spagnolo. Politics and Procurement: Evidence from Cleaning Contracts, HECER Discussion Paper No 196, 2007, Co-authors Ari Hyytinen and Otto Toivanen. REPORTS FOR THE SWEDISH COMPETITION AUTHORITY Överprövning av offentliga upphandlingar. En intervjustudie om skillnader mellan LOU och LUF, 2014:8. Co-authered with Tobias Indén, Hanna Lindström. Att utvärdera anbud – utvärderingsmodeller i teori och praktik. Co-authored with Mats Bergman. 2009. Miljöhänsyn i offentlig upphandling och konkurrens. Co-authored with Per-Olov Marklund. 2008. Skall vi singla slant? Om försäljningen av offentliga tillgångar. Co-authored with Tom Madell. 2008. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Offentlig upphandling som miljöpolitiskt styrmedel, SNS ANALYS nr 30, Juni 2015. Joint with Per-Olov Marklund. Lägre dödlighet i privat äldrevård. Debattartikel i Dagens Samhälle den 6:e September 2012. Joint with Mats A Bergman. Grön upphandling på felaktiga grunder. Debattartikel i Göteborgsposten (GP) den 27:e maj 2013. Joint with Per-Olov Marklund and Eva Samakovlis Grön offentlig upphandling har ingen effekt på miljön. Debattartikel i Dagens Nyheter den 10:e december 2013. Med slutreplik den 13:e december 2013. Joint with Per-Olov Marklund ”Utsläppsmoratorium = inköpsstopp?” Replik på debattartikel i Dagens Nyheter den 14:e maj 2014. Joint with Per-Olov Marklund For list of working papers, see DIVA at Supervision and Teaching DOCTORAL THESIS SUPERVISION Elon Strömbäck, Main supervisor David Sundström, Second supervisor PEDAGOGICAL MERITS AND AWARDS Best teacher at the Umeå Business School (USBE), 2009. Nominated to the best teacher award, Umeå Studentkår, 2010. BACHELOR AND MASTER THESIS SUPERVISED Linda Holmlund. 2003. Sjuksköterskor på väg! Regional- och samhällsekonomisk analys av sjuksköterskeutbildningen i Lycksele. Awarded the Gösta Skoglund Price for best Bachelor Thesis 2003. Anna Karlsson 2004/2005. Miljö eller pris? En studie av utvärderingskriterier i offentlig upphandling. Awarded the Swedish Competition Authority Price for best Bachelor thesis 2005. Lena Ericsson and Camilla Johansson. 2005. Tänk om Maxi ICA låg på Ön – En studie av stormarknadens lokaliseringar och konkurrenssituation I Umeå tätort utifrån Hotellings modell med kvadratiska transportkostnader. Awarded the Gösta Skoglund Price for best Bachelor Thesis 2005. Anna-Karin Lundström 2007. “Detaljhandelns utveckling i Haparanda kommun. –En framåtblickande analys. Awarded the Gösta Skoglund Price for best Bachelor Thesis 2007. Marcus Holmström 2008. Sverige, strukturfonderna och sammanhållningspolitiken inom EU. En panelstudie för 1991 – 2006 tillämpad på de svenska länen. Awarded the Gösta Skoglund Price for best Bachelor Thesis 2008. Elin Engqvist och Stefan Åkerblom, 2009. ”En kartells prissättning och agerande – En spelteoretisk analys av bilmarknaden i Skåne, Blekinge och Kronobergs län under åren 1998-2002” Malin Tirud och Emma Zetterdahl, 2009. ”The Reform of the Swedish National Pension System. A study on the effects of the reform on private saving”. Malin Blomqvist och Leehau Li, 2009. ”Konkurrens i kvalitet på ålderns höst? En jämförande studie huruvida driftsformen påverkar kvaliteten i hemtjänst”. Mattias Carlgren och Markus Sjöberg, 2010. ”Alkoholefterfrågan och nya införselregler”. Dorde Klacar, 2011. “The good, the bad and the ugly. Trade Association impact on the economy; a cartel och saint.” Jenny Lidmark, 2011. ”Offentlig upphandling Utvärderingsmodellens betydelse för konkurrensgraden.” av särskilt boende. Elon Strömbäck, 2011. ” Offentlig upphandling. Obligatoriska krav och dess snedvridande effekt på konkurrensen” Awarded the Swedish Competition Authority Price for best Bachelor thesis 2011. Elon Strömbäck, 2012, ”Kan centralt utformade förfrågningsunderlag motivera diskvalificerade anbud? - Offentlig upphandling inom ramen för jobb- och utvecklings garantin.” Awarded the Swedish Competition Authority Price for best Bachelor thesis 2012. Hanna Lindström och Johnny Norberg, 2013, ”Lasta om, lasta rätt. En upprepad tvärsnittsanalys av hur samordnad distribution påverkat antalet budgivare inom offentlig livsmedelsupphandling.” The runner up in the Swedish Competition Authority Price for best Bachelor thesis 2013. Johan Flinkfält, 2014 Erik Johansson, 2015 Mimmi Lövbom, 2015 TEACHING Undergraduate teaching in economics (micro economics). Assistant lecturer. FebruaryMarch 1995, September-October 1997, September-October 1998. Undergraduate teaching in economics (micro economics). Main lecturer. January – February 2001, September – October 2001, September – October 2002, September – October 2007, January – February 2008, September – October 2008 Undergraduate teaching in industrial economics. Main lecturer. Fall 2008, Spring, 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2012, Fall 2014. Guest lecturer, Public Procurement, Uppsala University April 12, 2005. Guest lecturer, “The utility of the utility function.” Undergraduate course in Microeconomics at Umeå University. November 3, 2005, and Marsh 27, 2006. Guest lecturer, “Shopping behaviour, loyalty, and demand,” Retail and Supply Chain Management Program Umeå School of Business, August 31, 2006. Commissioned education: Successful Public Procurement – impediments and opportunities. Fall 2006, Spring 2007. Guest lecturer, “Economics of Public Procurement” Department of law (kommersiell marknadsrätt). Fall 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 KY, Qualified Purchaser. “Public Procurement”. Fall 2007. Seminars CONFERENCES AND WORK SHOPS (including presented papers): The European Economic Association Conference in Istanbul, August 1996. Presentation of “Auctioned and Re-auctioned Children in 19th Century Sweden”. Konkurrenspolitiskt forum 1997. April 1997, Stockholm Sweden. [In Swedish]. Work Shop in Industrial Organization. Stockholm School of Economics. June 1997. Upphandling av drift och vägunderhåll. Erfarenheter och effekter i Norra Sverige. Vägverket (Swedish Road Administration) Luleå. March 31, 1998. [In Swedish] Tema upphandling av drift och underhåll av trafikens infrastruktur. CDU/KFB. Stockholm September 23-24, 1998. [In Swedish] The European Economic Association Conference in Lausanne, August 2001. Presentation of “An Empirical Analysis of Regional Differences in Municipal Competitive Procurement in Sweden”. The European Economic Association Conference in Venice, August 2002. International conference C.R.E.D.I.T 2002, Assessing the risk of corporate default. Presentation of “Bank lending, geographical distance and credit risk. An assessment of the church tower principle”. Svenska utvärderingsföreningens första konferens, Tema makt, kunskap och lärande, April 21-23, 2004, Norra Latin. ”Nätbaserad utbildning – Utvärdering av regionala utbildningssatsningar i norra Sverige.” Together with Anna Nordström, CERUM. Umeå School of Business and Economics. Accounting and Finance work shop/Meeting II, 8 June 2004. “Asymmetric information and distance: An empirical assessment of geographical credit rationing.” 44th Congress of the European Regional Science Association in Porto August 2004. “Join the Club on the Attractiveness of Golf Club Membership.” The European Economic Association Conference in Amsterdam, August 2005. “Bidder Behaviour in Swedish Simultaneous Procurement Auctions.” The 32th Congress of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics in Porto, September 2005. “Auction Formats and Award Rules in Swedish Procurement Auctions.” The European Economic Association Conference in Vienna, August 2006. “Favoritism in Public Procurement: Evidence from Sweden.” The 33th Congress of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics in Amsterdam, August 2006. “Award Me and I will be You Faithful. Retailer Choice and Loyalty Schemes – Evidence from Sweden.” The 2nd International Public Procurement Conference in Rome, September 2006. “Auction Formats and Award Rules in Swedish Procurement Auctions.” and “Favoritism in Public Procurement: Evidence from Sweden.” HUI, Workshop, January 18-19, 2007. “Price Competition and Demand in Swedish Retail”. Joint with Johan Lundberg. SITE, Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, June 18, 2008, Politics and procurement: Evidence from cleaning contracts.” The third International Public Procurement Conference in Amsterdam, August 2008. “Package Bids and Stand-Alone Bids in Combinatorial Procurement Auctions.” Coauthored with Anders Lunander. The 11th SNEE conference in Mölle, May 2009, Assessment of Green Public Procurement as a Policy Tool: Cost-efficiency and Competition Considerations. Coauthored with Runar Brännlund and Per-Olov Marklund. The 36th Congress of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics in Ljubljana, August 2009, Do Combinatorial Auctions Lower Cost? An Empirical Analysis of Public Procurement of Multiple Contracts.” Co-authored with Anders Lunander. The 4th International Public Procurement Conference in Seoul, August 2010, Green Public Procurement as a Policy Tool. Co-authored with Runar Brännlund and PerOlov Marklund. The 4th International Public Procurement Conference in Seoul, August 2010, An empirical Analysis of Scoring Rules, Contract Design and Performance in Public Procurement. Co-authored with Mats A Bergman. 29:e Arne Ryde Symposiet, Nationell konferens i Nationalekonomi, Lund, September 2010, Green Public Procurement as a Policy Tool. Co-authored with Runar Brännlund and Per-Olov Marklund. The 5th International Public Procurement Conference in Seoul, August, 2012, OBJECTIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF GREEN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT, Co-authored with Per-Olov Marklund and Elon Strömbäck. The 39th Congress of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics in Rome, September, 2012, OBJECTIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF GREEN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT, Co-authored with Per-Olov Marklund and Elon Strömbäck. Invitation to Work Shop “The Challenges of Green Public Procurement, Chair EPPP (Economics of Public Private Partnership), Sorbonne Graduate Business School – IEA of Paris 1 Sorbonne, Paris, September 21, 2012. Green Public Procurement as an Environmental Policy Instrument: Cost- and Objective Effectiveness. Joint with PerOlov Marklund. The 83rd Annual meeting of the Southern Economic Association in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA, Privatization and Quality: Evidence from Elderly Care in Sweden, Coauthored with Mats A. Bergman, Per Johansson and Giancarlo Spagnolo. The 6th International Public Procurement Conference in Dublin, August 2014. Consumer Choice and Quality of Home Care For The Elderly, Co-authored with Mats Bergman and Henrik Jordahl. SEMINARS, PRESENTATIONS and PANELS (All outside the department of Economics in Umeå are invited) Department of Economics Umeå University, November 12, 1996. “Competitive Public Procurement.” Department of Economics Umeå University, 1997, “Public Procurement, Regular cleaning services.” Stockholm School of Economics, Department of Economics 1998. “Auctioned and Reauctioned Children in 19th Century Sweden.” Tema upphandling av drift och underhåll av trafikens infrastruktur. CDU/KFB. Stockholm 23 – 24 September 1998. “Kommunal upphandling av städtjänster – en presentation av data.” [In Swedish] CERUM, Umeå University 2002. “Competition in Public Procurement.” Swedish Competition Authority 2002. “Competition in Public Procurement.” The Swedish Central bank, Research department, 2002. “Bank lending, geographical distance and credit risk. An assessment of the church tower principle”. Department of Nursing Umeå University, 2002, ”Hur gick det till? En utvärdering av Sjuksköterskeprogrammet i Lycksele. En sjuksköterskeutbildning med IT- och Glesbygdsprofil.” University of Dalarna Department of Economics 2002. “Bank lending, geographical distance and credit risk. An assessment of the church tower principle”. Real Estate Conference, CERUM 2002. “Bank lending, geographical distance and credit risk. An assessment of the church tower principle”. The Swedish Central bank, 2002. “Bank lending, geographical distance and credit risk. An assessment of the church tower principle”. Skattebetalarna January 28, 2004. ”Är offentliga upphandlingar effektiva?” [In Swedish]. CERUM, Umeå University, internal seminar, April 7, 2004. ”An Empirical Evaluation of the Outcome From Different Auction Formats Using Swedish Procurement Data.” AffärsConcept AB. 14 April 2004. “Ekonomiska Aspekter på Offentlig Upphandling.” Umeå School of Business and Economics. Accounting and Finance work shop/Meeting II, June 8, 2004. “Asymmetric information and distance: An empirical assessment of geographical credit rationing.” Department of Nursing Umeå University, September 29, 2004. “Snart är de klara! Hur var de första fem terminerna? Delrapportering av utvärderingen av sjuksköterskeprogrammet i Lycksele.” Department of Economics Umeå University, internal seminar, October 26, 2004, “Join the Club on the Attractiveness of Golf Club Membership.” Together with Johan Lundberg. Lycksele, December 16, 2004. ”Snart är ni klara! Hur var de första fem terminerna? Delrapportering av utvärderingen av sjuksköterskeprogrammet i Lycksele.” Rotary Södra, Umeå. February 2005. Child Auctions in 19th Century Sweden”. CERUM, Umeå University Marsch 15 2005. ”Vem handlar var” En beskrivning av dagligvaruhandeln i Umeåregionen. Department of Nursing Umeå University, June 15, 2005. Klara, färdiga, vårda! Slutrapportering av utvärderingen av Sjuksköterskeprogrammet i Lycksele. CONSIP Rome, Italy. October 18, 2005. “Procedures, auction formats and scoring rules: lesson learned from Sweden”. CERUM, Umeå, December 7, 2005. “Lojalitetsprogram och efterfrågan inom dagligvaruhandeln.” Department of Economics Umeå University, internal seminar, March 8, 2006. “Award Me and I will be You Faithful!” Department of Nursing Umeå University, November 6, 2006. “Vårda(n)de resurser? En samhällsekonomisk lönsamhetsbedömning av nätbaserade Sjuksköterskeprogrammet I Lycksele”. European Symphosium Teacher Training and the innovative use of ICT in Higher Education, November 23, 2006 Paris France. “Costs and benefits in an eLearning context – what can departments and teachers learn from such an analysis?” Umeå School of Business, Framtidens Handel. “Vem handlar var?” Marsch 13, 2007. Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN): May 15, 2007. “Favoritism in Public Procurement: Evidence from Sweden.” University of Gävle (Högskolan i Gävle). ”Is Food a Normal Good in a Rich Country? On the Determinants of Household Demand in Sweden.” May 31, 2007. Department of Economics Umeå University.” Politics and procurement: Evidence from cleaning contracts.” November, 2007. Department of Economics, Umeå University, internal seminar, “Package Bids and Stand-Alone Bids in Combinatorial Procurement Auctions.”, September 2008. ALC, Umeå University; October 2008. “Competition, Quality, and Favouritism in Public Service Provision” Rotary Västra, Umeå. November 26, 2008; “Competition, Quality, and Favouritism in Public Service Provision” VTI, Borlänge, December 5, 2008; ”Politics and procurement: Evidence from cleaning contracts.” The Swedish Business School at Örebro University, January 16, 2009; ”Politics and procurement: Evidence from cleaning contracts.” Avfall Sverige, Assessment of Green Public Procurement as a Policy Tool: Costefficiency and Competition Considerations. 2009 Landstingsförbundet Upphandling (LfU) Årskonferens, August, 27, 2009; Offentlig upphandling, forskning och utbildning. Rotary Norra, Umeå. September 10, 2009; Barn till salu. Södertörn University, January 26, 2010; Assessment of Green Public Procurement as a Policy Tool: Cost-efficiency and Competition Considerations Umeå University Department of Economics, March 2, 2010, Umeå University Scientific Seminar for the Public, Café Station March 11, 2010 Inköpsakademin, Stockholm, Utvärderingsmodeller i teori och praktik, April 12, 2010. Örgrund, Procuring entities from Uppsala County, Assessment of Green Public Procurement as a Policy Tool: Cost-efficiency and Competition Considerations, June 2, 2010. Landstingsförbundet Upphandling (LfU) Forskarvärlden kommer och berättar... Årskonferens, September 2, 2010; LIF:s konferens om Överprövningar i offentlig upphandling, Analys av överprövningar; antal/orsak/utfall samt trender, September 23, tillsammans med Elon Strömbäck och Emma Zetterdahl. The Swedish Competition Authority May 25, 2011, Assessment of Green Public Procurement as a Policy Tool: Cost-efficiency and Competition Considerations. Public Procurement and Sustainable Growth, October, 2011, San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy. Round Table on Which policies for effective public procurement ? Rotary Södra (Umeå), January 27, 2012, Att Upphandla Äldreomsorg. The annual Nordic Public Procurement (NPP) Forum 2012. Nohr-Con, March 19, 2012, Public Procurement of Multiple Contracts, Copenhagen. Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN): (Brown Bag seminar) , Public Procurement and Non-Contractible Quality: Evidence from Elderly Care, May 11, 2012 Region Gotland Årskonferens: Offentlig Upphandling – Som politiskt styrmedel. Miljöhänsyn, May 24, 2012. ESO-seminar: Offentlig upphandling eller gröna nedköp? En ESO-rapport om miljöpolitiska ambitioner, December 10, 2013. SNS-seminar: Överprövning vid offentlig upphandling – hur öka effektiviteten? May, 26, 2014. Svenskt näringsliv: Konkurrensutsättningens inverkan på produktivitet och effektivitet i svensk välfärd, June 24, 2014. Umeå Universitet och nationalekonomis 50 årsjubelium: Vinster i välfärden – hälsosamt?, December 4, 2014. SNS Seminar: Offentlig upphandling som miljöpolitiskt styrmedel, 2 Juni 2015. Joint with Per-Olov Marklund.
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