November-December, 2014 The magazine of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Yardley, PA The Day Rite 13 Left The Building ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Founded 1835 47 West Afton Avenue Yardley, PA 19067 Tel: 215.493.2636; Fax: 215.493.3092 E-mail: [email protected] Website: The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel 3rd, Bishop Provisional Parish Staff The Rev. Dr. Daniell C. Hamby, Rector E-mail: [email protected] The Rev. Lloyd H. Winter, Jr., Priest Associate Mr. Mark Dolan, Music Director Cheri Peters, Parish Administrator Joyce Krauss, Pledge Secretary TITAR Commercial, Cleaning Service Bob Ebert, Sexton Office of the Rector Accounting Warden Jennifer Duffield 917-846-1120 Rector’s Warden Joan Thomas 215-369-8141 The Vestry Angela Grady 215-860-8268 Porter Hibbitts 215-550-6791 Randy Hill 215-579-1518 Liz Lapiska 215-321-7523 Dave Richardson 215-295-3235 Steve Rupprecht 215-428-9568 Write to The Chronicle: Reviews, Voices: Maximum 500 wor ds. Letters: Maximum 200 wor ds. News: Maximum 200 wor ds. Send via e-mail to editor Robin Prestage at [email protected] or call 215-295-7346. 2 FOR YOUR CALENDAR November 3: Prayer Shawl Ministry, 7:30pm, RCR 4: Camera Club, 7:00pm, PH 5: Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, 2:50pm 8: Acolyte Training, 11:00am, C 11: Potluck Supper, 6:30pm, PH 11: Property Committee, 7:30pm, RCR 13: Finance Committee, 7:00pm, RCR 15: Diocesan General Convention, Paoli 15: Aid for Friends, 8:30am, PH 16: Sonic Theology, 5:00pm, C 18: GRACE Book Club, 2:00pm 19: Vestry Meeting, 7:30pm, PH 25: Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, 2:50pm 27: Thanksgiving Day Service, Church of the Incarnation, Morrisville, 10:00am December 1: Prayer Shawl Ministry, 7:30pm, RCR 2: Camera Club, 7:00pm, PH 3: Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, 2:50pm 4: Nursery School fundraiser, PH 7: Bishop Visitation 7: Cantus Novus concert/reception, C, PH 9: Potluck Supper, 6:30pm, PH 9: Property Committee, 7:30pm, RCR 10: Blue Christmas Service, 7:30pm, C 11: Finance Committee, 7:00pm, RCR 14: Evensong/Messiah, Part One, 5:30pm, C 17: Vestry Dinner, 7:30pm, at the Hambys 18: Bucks Deanery Meeting, 12 noon, PH 20: Aid for Friends, 8:30am, PH 20: Greening the Church, 9:00am 23: Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, 2:50pm 24: Christmas Eve services, 4:00pm, 8:00pm, 10:45pm, C 25: Christmas Day service, 10:15am, C 28: Lessons & Carols, 10:15am, C On the cover: Rite 13 students and teachers at the Garden of Reflection during The Church Has Left The Building workday. Later they worked at the Robert Morris Apartments in Morrisville. See page 4. THE CHRONICLE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 2014 FROM THE RECTOR The season of God’s return among us Dear People of God: SEVERAL years ago the Church of England’s Liturgical Commission entertained the possibility of lengthening Advent. Given the press of commercialism, Great Britain’s declining numbers of people in worship, and the general sweep of the gathered clouds of christmas” (note the little ‘c’), their idea was that by lengthening Advent, it could build in a more intentional time to prepare. Perhaps, they thought, were there more time to think on the themes of preparation, discernment, repentance, and more importantly “longing,” they hoped that by lengthening Advent to an eight-week period it might be good. For weal or woe, the Bishops of the C of E did not agree, and the theologically sound — at least I thought theologically sound — proposal went down to the dust, not singing Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. It is so tempting to give in to the cries of woe we hear from some parts of the church. “Let’s put Christ back in Christmas.” “It is such a shame that Christmas has become commercialized,” others bemoan. “I remember when Christmas was about going to church with family,” yet others report. It becomes one of those opportunities where we can re-think our Baptismal Covenant. Let’s be clear. There is not a duality that goes “Commercialized Christmas is Bad,” “Church Christmas is good.” All that God has created is good. The question that might be addressed, though, is how decking our halls somehow reminds us that the chief reason for the season is the return of God amongst us. THE CHRONICLE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 2014 Making one another feel guilty never helps. What might it mean to realize again, in the words of Gustav Holst: “Christ is born to save….Christ is born to save.” I wonder, though, if we who look for the coming of God, and the birth of the Messiah, might find it meaningful if we did some intentional planning, some intentional “getting ready.” That could include protected time, put aside to be with our family and friends. It could be an occasion that we share a simple (simple!) meal. Perhaps it might be including children in the annual Christmas Card sending…. not worrying that they get the stamps on crooked or their handwriting isn’t as good as mom’s and dad’s. If we really want to go the whole hog, what if there were an inter-family conversation about giving one or two “alternative” Christmas gifts, a flock of chickens or a goat or something, maybe a contribution to Habitat for Humanity or some other favorite charity. The list can be as creative as your own ideas. Advent begins in three short weeks. Just after Thanksgiving. With a little planning, perhaps this year the anticipation of God’s return to us can be more than the blur that seems these days to begin at Halloween, and extends to New Year’s Day. Until then, God Rest you “merry” Gentle-friends (remembering that the middle-English word “merry” meant Peace). Daniell+ 3 OUTREACH/ADVOCACY Advocacy group to host parish forums THE Advocacy group is continuing to host parish forums through November 23. What's on tap: November 2: J esus and the Minimum Wage - Bob Anderson will lead a study of Matthew 20:1-16. November 9: Par t One of Civil Discourse in America: Finding Common Ground for the Greater Good. We will view an Episcopal Church webcast guiding us in reasoning sweetly together about social issues rather than tearing each other apart. November 16: Par t Two of Civil Discourse in America. November 23: What have we learned about our faith and civil discourse. Where do we go from here? Christmas shoeboxes and food for families ST. ANDREW’S will again collect shoeboxes and food bags for children and families living in the Robert Morris Apartments for Christmas. The collection will be between Sunday, November 16 and Sunday, December 14. Feel free to share these projects with a friend or another family! The posters with names and information will be posted in church on November 16. The Robert Morris Apartments (RMA), in Morrisville are part of the Bucks County Housing Group, which is a private, non-profit social service organization that provides a wide range of housing and related social services to homeless and low -income families. Their primary goal is to assist families attain permanent housing and financial security. The Penndel 4 Food Pantry is also part of this group. St. Andrew’s has had a long term association with RMA, and the food pantry. For Christmas shoeboxes: Select a figure from the Christmas tree at the back of the church, with the name, age and gender of a child. Pick up a flyer with instructions and suggestions for gifts. On the Sign up Sheet, please sign your name beside the name of the child or children you selected. Fill a shoebox or small gift bag with goodies, small toys, mittens, knit hat, candy, pencils, pens, toothbrush, and etc. Please bring shoeboxes to church, unsealed, with the nametag SECURELY ATTACHED and leave at the back of the church on Sunday or drop off anytime at the parish office. For holiday food bags: Pick up a “Holiday Shopping Bag” and “Snowman tag” from the wreath, indicating a family and family size on the tag. Fill the bag with canned vegetables, instant potatoes, apple sauce, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, gravy, hot chocolate mix, Christmas cookies, dessert mixes and etc. Feel free to add napkins and candy canes, to make it more festive! Also include a $25.00 gift card for Giant grocery store, so they can purchase a ham or turkey and On Sunday, October 26, St. Andrew’s joined more than 30 other area churches in serving our community as part of The Church Has Left The Building workday. Parish members worked at the Clark Nature Center in Newtown (top), the Garden of Reflection (cover), the Old Library in Yardley and the Robert Morris Apartments in Morrisville. Others worked in the Parish House wrapping utensils for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (above, photo: John Sherrard). After the work was completed a joint service of celebration was held at Woodside Church, Yardley. other perishable items. Put everything in the shopping bag. Bring “bags” to the church on Sunday or leave at St. Andrew’s House during the week. Deadline for shoeboxes and Food Bags is Sunday, December 14. Call Ann Holland 215-428-3571 or Doug Riblet 215-321-7920 if you have questions. THE CHRONICLE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 2014 GALLERY Homecoming...and a fond farewell Our Homecoming Tailgate Party featured team jerseys, caps and, of course, hot dogs and burgers. And, top left, holy folders and many other friends gathered to offer Marge Connors fondest wishes on her move to an Episcopal retirement community near Reading. THE CHRONICLE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 2014 5 REVIEW House for All Sinners and Saints MEET Nadia Bolz-Weber. She stands 6’1” and is covered with tattoos, including one of Mary Magdalene. Like MM, she has been possessed by demons — in her case alcohol, pot, and manicdepressiveness. She jokes like the stand-up comic she once was and swears like a truck driver. Bolz-Weber is now a Lutheran minister, pastor of the House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver. How did she get from pot to priest? Her bestselling book, Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner and Saint, tells us. It is hilarious and sobering, profane and holy. of those newcomers. You can look around at the 120 or so people gathered on any given Sunday and think I am unclear what all these people have in common. Out of one corner of your eye there’s a homeless guy serving communion to a corporate lawyer and out of the other corner is a teenage girl with pink hair holding the baby of a suburban soccer mom. At HFASS, all are welcome for “we are simultaneously sinner and saint, 100 percent of both, all the time.” Bolz-Weber’s sacred journey begins with the gracious To my mind, this saint/sinner paradox is the bedrock truth for building a faithful church and any real community of a 12-step program and the suicide of P.J., a friend possessed by alcohol and other demons. community. There are no individual exceptions to our common sinful saintliness; no gospel gradations When she and other recovering alcoholics gather to limiting “inclusiveness” or “hospitality.” mourn, she is led to lead a memorial service. All are welcome. And all are loved, equally and Something takes hold of her and doesn’t let go. eternally. Skeptical about the Spirit, she asks herself: “With a universe this vast and unknowable, what are the odds that this story of Jesus is true? Come on, Nadia. It’s a Bolz-Weber illuminates that truth by tilling the dirt of our daily lives with the living waters of the scriptures. [f******] fairy tale.” The answer arises in her very Come with her as an Ethiopian eunuch is baptized; next thought: “Except that throughout my life, I’ve wedding water turns into wine; workers receive the experienced it to be true.” same wages for differing work hours, and loaves and fishes multiply. Speed ahead to 2008 when Bolz-Weber opens The Listen as Mary Magdalene encounters a “gardener” House for All Sinners and Saints in a run-down section of Denver. HFASS is to be a place “where no besides an empty tomb: one had to check at the door their personalities or the parts of the stories that seemed ‘unChristian’” and It happens to all of us, I concluded that Eastwhere “something other than how we responded to er Sunday morning. God simply keeps reachrules was at the center of our life together.” ing down into the dirt of humanity and resurrecting us from the graves we dig for ourAt first, there are only eight congregants, “four of selves through our violence, our lies, our selfwhom are queer.” But HFASS grows steadily and ishness, our arrogance, and our finds itself featured in The Denver Post. Suburbanites addictions. And God keeps loving us back to who wear Dockers and eat at Applebee’s start life over and over. showing up. Bolz-Weber wonders if the church is Yes, God keeps loving us back to life, every blessed attracting “the wrong element,” but learns that one of us, over and over. May St. Andrew’s be a “welcoming the stranger includes those people who look like mom and dad, not just young transgendered house for all sinners and saints. Amen. people.” B-W adds: It goes without saying that House for All Sinners and Saints is stronger now because 6 Bob Anderson THE CHRONICLE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 2014 REVIEW Library offers books, DVDs for all ages brings a funny, emotional, and very modern day approach to faith when the believer isn’t quite sure what there is to believe in. Lamott has a great sense of humor and, like C. S. Lewis, can talk about serious ideas in ways we can all conversations about faith. understand. Each book and DVD has an oldSheppard’s Congregational fashioned library card to fill out and Connections - Uniting Six place in the basket. Please keep the Generations in the Church is a book for a week or two, then bring clear-eyed look at the pushes and it back, put the card back in, and pulls in every modern congregation return it to the shelf. It’s pretty and addresses how to deal with much sorted by author. them in a loving and inclusive way. If you have some Christian books at And, the funniest set of resources is home that you’d like to put to good the V eggie Tales DVD collection, use, please bring them in and drop I’ve always considered C. S. Lewis including Classic Bible Stories and them on the window seat next to the Super Heroes. They’re fairly short, bookcase or contact me at 908-391a brilliant author for his ability to active, humorous, and made for talk about deep topics using 2686. kids (but I think they’re great!). language that is really very approachable. We have a number of They’ll lead to some great Clay Hayden his books that I think you’ll enjoy, including the complete Chronicles of Narnia series. These were GOOD Reads And Conversational Excellence (G.R.A.C.E.). We read ostensibly written for younger two books in September: A Dog’s Purpose and A Dog’s Journey both by readers, but I re-read the whole W. Bruce Cameron. Two hear t-warming accounts of life from a dog’s series just last year. perspective. We also have a biblical reference October’s book was The Invention of W ings: a Novel by Sue Monk series called Interpretation, each volume covering one or two books Kidd, an histor ical novel taking place in pr e-Civil War Charleston, South Carolina. The lives of two women are portrayed, a reluctant slave of the Bible. These are also very approachable and answer many of owner and her slave. November’s book is The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman. We the questions each of us struggle skip December for the holidays. with when reading Scripture. Help – Wow – Thanks – The Three Henrietta (Hank) Grosz Essential Prayers by Ann Lamott MANY of us (some of a certain age…) like to have a physical book in our hands – something to sit quietly with in a comfortable chair. Many of us, of all ages, feel called to deepen our lives of faith through Scripture, biblical commentary, and Christian study. St. Andrew’s has a great and growing ministry in the form of a lending library in our living room just across the street. We have well over 300 books and DVDs for all ages, for those deep in Christian topics and those just starting out. GRACE Notes: What we’re reading THE CHRONICLE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 2014 7 VOICES Leading by example, with faith and love An occasional series of articles in which put up posters of J.C. alongside MY parents were atheists. This parish members talk about their journey to posters of Duran Duran. In High wasn’t that weird in the St. Andrew’s and raising a church family. School, I went in the other direction progressive, shag-carpet 70’s, but and declared to everyone who my parents combined their would listen that God Was Dead (I was a less than unbelief with enrolling my sister and me in Catholic charming teen.) School. When they registered us at St. Matthew’s in Ridgefield, New Jersey, they made sure to let Sister My husband, Tim O’Donnell, comes from a slightly Patricia know that they had no different background. While his parents were not atheintention of ever attending mass or church events. ists, they were lapsed. There would be no praying before dinner Neither of us went to church regularly, nor or bed or after major did our friends. But I catastrophes. did go to church, seeking God, after SeptemSo when I learned ber 11. I went after a about Adam and Eve in friend died of cancer. I Kindergarten and went after Tim’s dad excitedly told my mom died suddenly. about how God created I opened my heart and humans, she said, mind to God and was “That’s a nice story, amazed to find Him honey. But there are there. Not only when I lots of stories in the was in desperate need, world. And that’s all but even when I wasn’t. they are. Stories.” When we started our own family, we thought seriously So it’s something of a miracle that I find myself taking about what we wanted for our children. We wanted God to be part of their daily lives. We wanted them to my own young family to church (nearly) every Sunday. That I want to attend, that I seek to be closer understand that Jesus walks with them. But we didn’t know how to start. to God and to a fellowship in Christ. In the words of The Talking Heads, How did I get here? The teachings of our Catholic upbringing didn’t match In my mind, it’s a natural evolution. While my parents what we knew to be true about how God loves us— taught me to value skepticism and critical thinking, the irrespective of gender, sexual orientation and race. So we searched. And searched. And finally, we found the loving but stern nuns at St. Matthews, and later at Paramus Catholic Girls High School, instilled a sense little church on the lake. of God’s love for me, for all of His creation. Now we talk to our children about praying to God when they are scared or unsure or thankful. We tell I don’t know how they did it. They didn’t try to them that if they can spend countless hours watching convince me of anything. They just required me to show up. It turns out that being there is an integral part Sponge Bob, they can show up to Church once a week. Most of all, we try to lead by example. We to being open to God. show up. We listen. Because we know that faith isn’t a At least it was for me. I dabbled with being really into thing you have. It’s a thing you do. Jesus. I may or may not have tried to get my friends to Alex Villasante 8 THE CHRONICLE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 2014 VOICES Count to five, at least, before speaking “IF you can’t say something good about someone, sit right here by me.” So spoke Teddy Roosevelt’s tart-tongued daughter, Alice Roosevelt Longworth. Alice is dead, but her spirit is alive. Her invitation is all too readily issued and accepted in our polarized and pugnacious society. There’s something pleasing and addictive in complaining about “them” in like-minded company, thereby assuring each other of a shared superiority. I give in to that temptation from time to time; perhaps you do too. But following Alice kills our souls, our relationships, and our communities. There’s a better way. Sharline Fulton, a for mer pr iest of my church, once instructed me: “Bob, I want you to count to five before you speak.” When I thought I was being smart, I was sometimes just being a smartass. My unfiltered words were unhelpful and sometimes unkind. The usual advice is to count to ten before speaking, but the pragmatic Sharline knew ten was a bridge too far for me. Five is a good target; I’ve been trying to reach it ever since. Counting to five before speaking gives me time to remember five of the non-negotiable basics of my faith: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Judge not, lest you be judged. Let he [or she] who is without sin cast the first stone. Take the mote from your own eye before criticizing it in someone else’s. Love your enemies (no exceptions). Counting to five gives us time to think, thus making it more likely we may say something helpful and maybe even wise. When we speak too quickly, we are prone to simply repeating a party line, replaying a tape of grievances we’ve played way too often, or just prattling on. As folk wisdom has it, sometimes it’s “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and Turkey drive: Time to share our thanks ST. ANDREW’S will hold the traditional collection of frozen turkeys and traditional thanksgiving fare on Sunday, November 23. This year we will share our gifts with families served by the Penndel Food Pantry, the Robert Morris Apartments, and the Salvation Army. Frozen turkeys and other nonperishable Thanksgiving fare (cranberry sauce, boxed stuffing, gravy, etc.) should be delivered to Church that day, up until the end of the 10:15am service. Please do not bring the turkeys at any other time as we do not have freezer space to accommodate them. You can also make a financial contribution, checks payable to St. Andrew’s, marked “turkeys” and the funds will be used to purchase additional turkeys or other goodies to go with a Thanksgiving feast. Any monetary donation must be received by November 20 so we have time to buy the additional food. For more information contact Jonathan and Joanne Smith at 215-321-0651. THE CHRONICLE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 2014 remove all doubt.” Counting to five gives us time to listen and learn, thus making it more likely we will be respectful and grow in empathy and understanding. Counting to five gives us time to let go of anger, thus making it less likely we will say something spiteful that may destroy peaceful relationships. That possibility led Thomas Jefferson to adopt this canon of conduct: “When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, 100.” Ambrose Bierce adds: “Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” Counting to five gives us time to embrace peace, thus making us better able, like St. Francis, to be instruments of peace. At peace ourselves, we can counteract the anger that is poisoning our souls and paralyzing our politics. Counting to five allows time to apply these three tests in deciding whether to open the gates of one’s mouth: Is what I propose to say true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? These tests are often wrongly attributed to Buddha, but they do accord with his teachings. Applying them would do much to reduce hatred and misunderstanding. The Letter of St. James (1:19) sums up the alternative to accepting Alice’s invitation: “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” Alice, you’re fun and you’re tempting, but I’m sticking with Sharline. Lord, help me to bite my tongue and count to five before I speak. Bob Anderson This article first appeared in the Bucks County Courier Times. 9 FROM EPISCOPAL NEWS SOURCES ER&D: 75 years ‘healing a hurting world’ more deeply with ER&D’s programs and get involved in promoting and sustaining the organization’s work. These opportunities are detailed in a special web section at, which also includes a social media hub around the celebration hashtag #AllHands75, and an interactive historical timeline. One of the cornerstones of the celebration is a traveling photo exhibition, which features 33 iconic images of ER&D’s work, along with in-depth explanations and personal reflections through an accompanying e-docent app. The exhibition officially launches at New York City’s Cathedral of St. John the Divine and continues its national tour with stops in Denver, San Francisco and Cincinnati. Other venues are being confirmed. Similarly, the organization’s 75 Stories Project provides a window into the programs, “Each year, more than three million people events and personalities that have shaped participate in innovative, locally led programs the last 75 years and are changing lives today. Individuals and groups are that. . .empower people to build livelihoods encouraged to offer reflections and stories through financial and skills training.” through the Share Your Story page, and inspire and energize others to join the celebration. overcome challenges and create lasting change. ER&D has created a variety of resources to help “At this milestone anniversary, Episcopal Relief & individuals, congregations, dioceses, schools and Development is celebrating 75 years of healing a groups to join the 75th Anniversary Celebration. hurting world, together with our partners and Worship and prayer resources build awareness and supporters around the globe whose contributions of solidarity with the organization’s partners worldwide, time, talent and treasure have made this work and faith formation materials can spark multihappen,” said Rob Radtke, the organization’s President. “Each year, more than three million people generational conversation about global needs and what each person can do to help. participate in innovative, locally led programs that Additionally, five campaign toolkits provide easy-toboost harvests while protecting the environment, use informational leaflets, images, videos and creative prevent diseases by mobilizing local volunteers and empower people to build livelihoods through financial ideas to rally communities around a specific issue, or support the organization’s overall mission. and skills training. It is a joy to be part of the The goal of the campaigns is to raise $7.5 million by community of people whose efforts support this the end of 2015. Downloadable toolkits are available life-giving work.” on the organization’s website to help individuals and Led by a volunteer Steering Committee and an Honorary Committee co-chaired by Presiding Bishop groups to invite their communities to make a 75th Katharine Jefferts Schori and her pr edecessor s, the Anniversary contribution and join the celebration. For more information visit Rt. Rev. Frank T. Griswold and the Rt. Rev. or call 1.855.312.HEAL Edmond L. Browning, the 75th Anniver sar y (4325). Celebration provides many opportunities to engage EPISCOPALIANS, friends and partner agencies around the globe are joining together to celebrate Episcopal Relief & Development (ER&D)’s 75th Anniversary. The 75-week celebration, which will continue through the end of 2015, invites supporters to learn more about the organization’s programs and get involved in campaigns to raise $7.5 million to sustain its vital work. In 1940, the National Council of The Episcopal Church established Episcopal Relief & Development – originally the Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief – to respond to the needs of European refugees fleeing World War II. Now, working on behalf of the Church with partners in nearly 40 countries, the organization continues its legacy of bringing together the generosity of Episcopalians and others to help communities 10 THE CHRONICLE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 2014 FROM EPISCOPAL NEWS SOURCES have limited resources for adapting to climate change’s effects. Opportunities to act imaginatively and courageously abound in all our THE following Pastoral Message on Climate Change has been issued individual callings. The Holy Spirit’s work in us leads us as by Episcopal Church Presiding faithful consumers and investors in Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori a global economy to make with the heads of the Anglican responsible choices to reduce Church of Canada, and the energy use, carbon emissions, and Evangelical Lutheran Churches in the wasteful consumption of water America and Canada. “We are united as Christian leaders and other natural resources. As in our concern for the well-being of citizens, we have voices to use in our neighbors and of God’s good creation that provides life and livelihood for all God’s creatures. Daily we see and hear the evidence of a rapidly changing climate. At the same time we also witness in too many instances how the earth’s natural beauty, a sign of God’s wonderful creativity, has been defiled by pollutants and waste. Many have reacted to these educating children about the changes with grief and anger. In climate and in shaping public and their outrage some have corporate policies that affect the understandably focused on the environment. The Spirit has also neglect and carelessness, both in given us our voices to contribute private industry and in government our witness to public discussion of regulation, that have contributed to just and responsible use of natural these changes. resources.” However, an honest accounting requires a recognition that we all participate both as consumers and World’s largest climate action march investors in economies that make intensive and insistent demands for DON ROBINSON’S right hand energy. In addition, as citizens we gripped a leaf of curly kale, have chosen to support or acquiesce pointing it toward the sky as he liftin policies that shift the burdens of ed his eyes in silent prayer. climate change to communities that Robinson, from the Diocese of are most vulnerable to its effects. Western Massachusetts, stood People who are already challenged among more than 200 by poverty and by dislocation Episcopalians and Anglicans from resulting from civil war or famine as far as Alabama, Oregon and Pastoral Message on Climate Change THE CHRONICLE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 2014 South Africa, all squeezing into their designated patch of 58th Street in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. He stood for the human right to save Earth and all of its living things from the snowballing effects of climate change. “We have a responsibility as stewards of God’s creation,” Robinson said. On a Sunday in September more than 310,000 people of all faiths and none joined the People’s Climate March (see photo, left), the largest demonstration for climate action in history, while a series of religious events included a multifaith evening service at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. The Episcopal contingent on the 2.2-mile march held signs such as “There is no Planet B,” “For Christ’s Sake, Tax Carbon” and “I’m marching for wildlife (That means humans too).” The march was endorsed by more than 1,200 organizations, including the nation’s largest environmental organizations, labor unions, faith-based and social justice groups. While legions swarmed the streets of Manhattan, 30 faith leaders representing nine religious traditions signed their names to a statement calling for concrete actions to curb carbon emissions. The interfaith conference was co-hosted by the World Council of Churches and Religions for Peace, an interfaith coalition with members in more than 70 countries. Signatories hailed from 21 countries on six continents. 11 Almighty God, who created us in your image: Grant us grace fearlessly to contend against evil Grant, O God, that your holy and and to make no peace with oppression; and, that we may life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart [and especially reverently use our freedom, help us to employ it in the maintenance the hearts of the people of this land], that barriers which divide us of justice in our communities and among the nations, to the glory of may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease; that your holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and our divisions being healed, we reigns with you and the Holy Spirmay live in justice and peace; it, one God, now and for ever. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. Prayers for Social Justice
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