PROGRAMMANUS PRODUCENT: CHRISTINE DEMSTEADER PROJEKTLEDARE: MIA BISANDER BESTÄLLNINGSNUMMER: 104169/RA15 NEWSREEL 15/2015 Script and Word list Signature Presenter: You’re listening to Newsreel. I’m Christine Demsteader. Coming up in today’s programme; • Meet the UK astronaut who wants to inspire kids on his space mission • Swedes are the best non-native English speakers in the world • And was it the language? Justin Bieber walks out of a radio interview. • “Today’s kids could walk on Mars” Presenter: Tim Peake will become the first British astronaut to travel to the International Space Station when his mission launches on December 15. He will spend six months on-board, doing experiments and hopefully will get the chance to do a spacewalk. But an even bigger hope is that his expedition will inspire kids to learn more about science and space. Listen to what he said at a press conference at the Science Museum in London. Tim Peake: “This mission has the opportunity to reach out to young people and to get them involved in space flight and – well you want to be an astronaut – but there are so many other careers available to you if you take the right opportunities and qualifications at a young age. Then it opens the door to a great career.” Presenter: Peake has already got UK school kids involved in the mission after he launched a competition for children to design special meals for him onboard the space station. He is most looking forward to eating a bacon sandwich. He wants to inspire the next generation of kids to get into space – why? Listen to what he says. non-native English speakers engelsktalande som inte har språket som modersmål launch här: skjuta upp expedition forskningsresa opportunity möjlighet career yrke, karriär competition tävling Tim Peake: “There’s nothing to stop the school kids today from being amongst the first men and women to set foot on Mars in the future.” Presenter: Peake will return to Earth in May 2016 but will use social media to give regular updates on life in space. regular regelbundna 1(3) • Minecraft – your new chemistry teacher? Presenter: On the subject of kids and science, how would you like to use the computer game Minecraft to learn more about chemistry? Well, university students in the UK have developed an educational version of the game to do just that – and it could be used in schools. Instead of using blocks to create buildings, players use molecules to build structures. The makers say it’s a fun and interactive way to understand some of the basics of chemistry. educational pedagogisk structures (molekylära)strukturer basics grunder The game – called MolCraft – is already being tested by children in some schools in London. • Swedes are top English speakers Presenter: Congratulations! You are the best non-native speakers of English in the world – well, Swedes in general that is. Swedes achieved the best results in a recent survey that tested the English language skills of over 900,000 people in 70 countries. Scandinavian countries dominated the top spots; the Netherlands was second but that was followed by Denmark, Norway and Finland. Scandinavia does well in these surveys because English is a compulsory subject in schools. Children begin learning English at a young age. survey undersökning language skills språkkunskaper compulsory obligatorisk Some of the biggest countries in Europe didn’t do so well. Italy and Spain failed to make the top 20 and France came in 37th place. 2(3) • Where’s Justin gone? Presenter: And finally, Justin Bieber walked out of an interview with a Spanish radio station. He was there to promote his new song, “Sorry”. The presenter was speaking Spanish and a translator was in the studio too. Newspapers wrote that the translator’s English wasn’t perfect. See what you think – have a listen. promote göra reklam för translator tolk SOUND FROM INTERVIEW It’s believed the poor language skills made Bieber frustrated and so he decided to walk out the studio in the middle of the interview. poor här: dålig The interview was also filmed – the incident can be seen on YouTube. And no one heard Justin saying sorry before he left. incident händelse Presenter: That’s all from Newsreel for today. As usual; check out our quiz and questions on the Newsreel pages of – or have a look at our Facebook page – it’s UR Engelska. Until next time, I’m Christine Demsteader, thanks for listening. 3(3)
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