November 16, 2014 “You have exalted above all things Your name and Your word.” Psalm 138:2 MEMBERS SERVING THIS WEEK (THIRD SUNDAY), NOVEMBER 16 1st Service Sunday School 2nd Service Infant Nursery TK Keesling Elizabeth Martens Colleen Ernst Phil Ernst Susan Miller Jessica Miller Jeannine Misantone Walker Nursery Lori Blosser Faith Blosser Kellie Grathwol Megan Harris Debby Walsh Greg Montgomery Hannah Peters Karen Montgomery Anna Updike Toddler Nursery Beth Clatterbuck Jared Clatterbuck Maria Shickel Mark Shickel Seth Stapel Joanna Valentine Nicole West Tim Frost Karen Standford Children’s Church Heather Dowdy Matthew Dowdy Gabriel Dowdy Janelle Garman Tyler Garman Peyton Miller Anthony Tongen Micah Tongen Paul Tongen Craig West Tracy West Ruth Oates Worship Team Hal Baker, Gene Bradshaw, Jaye Brumfield, Becky Lueng, Bill Long, Jerry Weniger, Jeff Williamson Aaron Mingle (sound), Jeff Tyson (A/V) Patty Borden Lydia Borden Larry Chico Aaron Lorson Lorna Nichols Becky Scheel Rachel Shumway Ken Rogers Meneika Rogers Michael Rogers Grace Rogers Chris Rogers Jennifer Schanely Jane Shumway MEMBERS SERVING NEXT WEEK (FOURTH SUNDAY), NOVEMBER 23 1st Service Sunday School 2nd Service Infant Nursery Jane Shumway Jim Shumway Rachel Shumway Jane Chase Barbara Miller Gina Carderelli Hilda Guerro-Rosas Walker Nursery Julie McClay Chloe McClay Mary Beth Wylie Abby Montgomery Cindy Veenis Gabriella Gonzales Anya Kirkpatrick Toddler Nursery James DeBoer Sarah DeBoer Bonnie Downey Mike Brady Vanessa Manson Joyce Bentz Mark Bentz Children’s Church John Bucher Sharon Bucher Hannah Couric Mindy Miller J.D. Patton Teresa Patton Jess Pierson Grace Weniger Jerry Weniger Laura Whittaker Worship Team Susan Adamson, Marshall Butler, Maretta Heatwole, Mike Marsh, Beth Matthew, Mike Tipton James DeBoer (sound), Bob Grathwol (A/V) Abigail Jacobsen Nathanael Jacobsen John Kidd Kelly Kidd Libby Kidd Terri Kisamore Leah Kirkpatrick Holly Michael Karen Montgomery Sarah Pruett Scott Pruett Dorothy Scheel Ken Scheel Lyric Updike *This is the schedule as posted on the website. Substitutions arranged among volunteers are not reflected. DEACONS OF THE MONTH: NOVEMBER Chris Goehner and Michael Wilburn WELCOME TO COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH! We are so glad you’re here this morning! Please be sure to fill out the Attendance Register when it is passed so we can get to know you. Also, please stop by the Welcome Table in the lobby to pick up some information about our church and our many ministries. Covenant Presbyterian is a large church, and it might seem overwhelming at first, but it is a church filled with wonderful people who are anxious to meet you, minister to you, and help you get connected. If you have any questions about anything at all, feel free to contact the church office at 433-3051 or [email protected]. A NOTE ABOUT TODAY’S SERVICE In chapter 9 of Acts, we read of the conversion of Saul. There is a beautiful and redemptive irony to Saul’s transformation into the Apostle Paul. There was no more violent persecutor of the church than this hater of Jesus and His people. As Luke points out, he breathed out murder against the church. He dragged Christian men and women from their homes to be tried, imprisoned, and worse. In modern terms we would call Saul a terrorist. He was the unlikeliest of all unlikely candidates for conversion, and yet God saved him by His overpowering and irresistible grace. In this way, Paul became God’s great object lesson of grace. The apostle understood his life in precisely these terms: The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life. To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. (1 Timothy 1:15-17) ~Todd Pruitt WORSHIP SERVICE November 16, 2014 GATHERING SONG Lord, with Glowing Heart I’d Praise Thee CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: I will tell of Your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will praise You: Psalm 22:22-27 Congregation: You who fear the Lord, praise Him! All you offspring of Jacob, glorify Him, and stand in awe of Him, all you offspring of Israel! Leader: For He has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted, and He has not hidden His face from him, but has heard, when he cried to Him. Congregation: From You comes my praise in the great congregation; my vows I will perform before those who fear Him. Leader: The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek Him shall praise the Lord! May your hearts live forever! Congregation: All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You. SONG OF PRAISE FOR OUR SALVATION Mighty to Save CONFESSION OF SIN Gracious Lord, we confess that we have dishonored You in our words, thoughts and deeds. Depending on our strength, we have stumbled. Trusting in our goodness, we have become prideful. Confident in our plans for our lives, we have failed to seek Your will. We pray now, Lord, for You to forgive all of our many sins; to cleanse the darkness from our lives, and to turn our faces and our hearts back towards You. We pray these things in the name of Your most precious Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. PRAYER OF INTERCESSION ASSURANCE OF PARDON SONG OF THE WORK OF CHRIST IN OUR SALVATION Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD AND HIS PEOPLE GLOBAL PRAYER FOCUS GOD’S TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS SONGS OF THE GRACE OF CHRIST How Deep the Father’s Love for Us* Amazing Grace/Not By Might SERMON Acts Part 24: “God Saves a Terrorist” Acts 9:1-19a (Pew Bible Page #917) Todd Pruitt SONG OF RESPONSE And Can It Be? (Hymn #203) BENEDICTION *Children are dismissed for Children’s Church. A Soundproof Room is available within the kitchen if you or someone you love needs a place to be free to make some noise while still being able to participate in the worship service. Lyric Sheets are available at the sound booth for those who cannot see the overhead. Headsets are available at the sound booth for the hearing impaired. CHILDREN AND YOUTH INFORMATION Children’s Church—8:30 and 11:15 a.m. Sunday School—10:00 a.m. NURSERIES Infants Room W-7 (newborns to 12 mos.) Walkers Room W-8 (10-20 mos.) Toddlers Room W-4 (18-36 mos.) Nursing Mothers Room W-5 EARLY CHILDHOOD CHILDREN’S CHURCH & SUNDAY SCHOOL Preschool C-106 (born 10/1/10 – 9/30/11) Pre-kindergarten C-104 (born 10/1/09 – 9/30/10) Kindergarten C-109 (born 10/1/08 – 9/30/09) ELEMENTARY SUNDAY SCHOOL YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL First Grade Room C-200 6th - 8th grade boys Mobile 3 Second Grade-A Room C-202 6th - 8th grade girls Mobile 4 Second Grade-B Room C-204 9th - 10th grades Mobile 1 Third Grade Room C-206 11th - 12th grades Mobile 2 Fourth Grade Room C-205 Fifth Grade Room C-207 CHILDREN’S WING MOBILE UNITS SANCTUARY ANNEX SOUNDPROOF ROOM KITCHEN ACTIVITY ROOM LIBRARY NURSERY LOBBY MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM STUDY FELLOWSHIP HOUR 10:00 a.m. ARABIC/ENGLISH BIBLE CLASS Meets in Annex 3, led by member Jack Tapping COLLEGE AND CAREER FELLOWSHIP (CCF) Meets in Mezzanine 2, taught by Todd Pruitt on “God’s Alternative to Sin and Legalism” SALÓN DE ESCUELA DOMINICAL DE ALIANZA Sala de Cunas, Salón W10, líder: Pastor Jacinto Hernández THE GLORY OF CHRIST IN HEBREWS Meets in Multi-Purpose Room West, led by members Jeff Borden and Jeff Jordan WELCOME TO COVENANT CLASS Meets in Annex 6, led by Pastor Burress McCombe CHURCH MISSION, SOCIAL JUSTICE, AND REGULAR LIFE—WHAT’S A GIRL TO DO? (For Women) Meets in Annex 5, led by members Rita Dunaway and Teri Jacobsen YOUR WALK WITH GOD IS A COMMUNITY PROJECT Meets in Multi-Purpose Room East, led by Pastor Tim Frost UPCOMING SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES EAST ASIA SHORT-TERM MISSION TRIP UPDATE Come hear from the short-term mission team to East Asia on Sunday, November 30, during the Study Fellowship Hour (meeting in Multi-Purpose Room East). We were invited by a university to assist them in the process of teaching conversational English through a program called “English Week.” We will have pictures and share stories about our time there. RECOMMENDED READING The Book Nook is currently featuring an excellent book by Steve Levy entitled Bible Overview. It is a readable and devotional introduction to the whole Bible. The reader will come to understand the themes of all the books of the Bible and see how it all fits together. Excellent for individual or group study. Highly recommended. “In this book Steve Levy fights back to reclaim a thrilling Bible that from beginning to end speaks of Jesus. If you want more joy in your Bible reading, if you want to love Christ more, read it!" — Michael Reeves, Theological Adviser, UCCF “With the care of a good pastor, Levy takes his readers by the hand and faithfully guides them from Genesis to Revelation and shows simply but brilliantly the gospel trajectory of God’s great story. This eminently readable book is perfect for laypersons desiring a greater understanding of and love for God and His Word." —Todd Pruitt, Lead Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church COVENANT FAMILY NEWS We grieve with Sue and John Hodges, Pierce, Jarod and Marie, and Sara the death of Sue’s mother, Annabelle Shortell, on Thursday, November 6. We grieve with Claire Hutchinson the death of her father, John Peck, on Sunday, November 9. COVENANT FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS NURSERY AND EARLY CHILDHOOD CHECK-IN SYSTEM Today is the official start of our new check-in system for all children in Kindergarten down through nursery. Please, before taking your children to their classes, check them in at one of the kiosks. You may check them in for the appropriate classes as soon as you arrive at church. Save the parent tag. It will be needed when you pick up your children. Thanks for your patience as we all learn how to use this new system effectively. CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Early Childhood Lesson Plan: Although God’s people broke their promise to obey Him, God did not break His promise to be their God. (Exodus 32-34) Covenant Playgroup is a time for mothers and their children to engage with each other and other families through play. All children are welcome, although activities will be geared toward toddler and preschool-aged children. Join us Tuesdays from 9:00-10:45 (unless otherwise noted). November 18--Mom’s Potluck Breakfast YOUTH EVENTS Today, Sunday, November 16: No Youth Group Next Sunday, November 23: Church-wide Thanksgiving Dinner (no Youth Group) Thursday, November 27 (Thanksgiving Day), 9:00-11:00 a.m.: Church-wide/youth sponsored Turkey Bowl at Monger Field in Mt. Crawford! Sign up online at youth or at the Welcome Desk in the church lobby by Monday, November 24. CHURCH-WIDE THANKSGIVING MEAL AND WORSHIP SERVICE Join us on Sunday, November 23, for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner and Worship Service. Covenant will provide chicken for the meal, and we ask that each family bring two or more large side dishes and a salad or dessert. (Please label any dishes that contain pork products, tree nuts or peanuts.) We will eat together at 5:00 p.m. then worship together at 6:15 p.m. This is a great time of fellowship as we gather as God's people and feast on the food and friendship he has provided. Come ready to meet new friends from among Covenant, Alianza and others who join us. COVENANT CHOIR The Covenant Choir is resuming rehearsals for Christmas. We will meet at 1:15 p.m. on November 30, December 7 and 14 in the sanctuary, and will sing for the services on December 21. Please join us! If you have questions please contact Raymond Hebert or the church office. WOMEN’S MINISTRY We have an opportunity to serve in our own community by providing a meal to those temporarily living at the Salvation Army shelter. The menu for this month is lasagna, fruit salad, rolls and purchased green beans. Please pray that the love of Christ would shine through and the door be opened for the Gospel as we care for our neighbors in this way. Contact Barbara Broome if you can help. ADVENT DEVOTIONALS Advent begins Sunday, November 30. Our Advent Devotional, available on the bulletin tables, includes Scripture, songs, and meditations written by men in our congregation. It is a great resource to move our hearts to worship during this season. Copies will also be available on our website. TURKEY BOWL The annual church-wide Turkey Bowl football game will be held on Thanksgiving morning, November 27, 9:00-11:00 a.m. at Monger’s Field in Mount Crawford (on Route 11)! All family members and friends are welcome to play! Please sign up by Monday, November 24, online at or fill out a paper form at the welcome desk in the church lobby or at the church office. LOST AND FOUND It’s that time again! The lost and found is filling up and we need to clean it out. Please stop by the lost and found closet (next to the book nook in the east wing of the lobby) to claim any lost items. We will d onate any items left behind after November 30. BLESSING OUR MISSIONARY FAMILIES We want to bless some of our missionary families who are not able to be in the states for Christmas. We will be sending packages to the Mirabellas, Nolls and Caroline Clymer. We will also have the opportunity to provide more injera ovens and flour for ministry leaders’ wives in the underground church in a tribal group located in northern Ethiopia. Look for the table in the lobby. Call or email Dawn with any questions (433-3051, [email protected]). OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child is a global project to share the love of Christ with needy children. Fill a shoebox with toys, school supplies, and non-liquid hygiene items. Samaritan’s Purse will add a gospel booklet in the local language so please don’t seal the box. Pick up brochures in the lobby. Bring boxes to Covenant by Sunday, November 23. On top of the toys please include a $7 check for shipping, payable to Samaritan's Purse, with Operation Christmas Child on the memo line. Contact Vanessa Manson for details or check God's Tithes & Our Offerings Actual Budgeted Surplus/(Deficit) Month-end Fiscal Year-to-date (October) (July-October) $110,825 $488,664 $127,454 $501,525 ($16,629) ($12,861) OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE MEALS NEEDED We have several families in our church body need our support. Please consider providing them a meal and showing them Christ’s love in this way. Visit to sign-up (contact church office for passwords). John and Kristin Grogg Junior Nava Raymond and Hope Hebert SERVE OUR BABIES AND THEIR PARENTS IN THE NURSERY Wow! We have lots of babies! That means we need more help in our nurseries. Please consider how YOU might serve! The times that need to be filled are: Infant- 3rd Sunday, 1st service and 5th Sunday; 1st service (Youth over 14 or adult) Walker- 5th Sunday, 1st service (two adults); 5th Sunday, 2nd service (1 adult ) Toddler- 1st Sunday, Sunday School hour (youth helper or adult); 4 th Sunday, Sunday School hour (Youth helper or adult); 5th Sunday, 1st service (2 adults, or 1 adult and 1 youth over 14); 5th Sunday, Sunday School hour (1 youth over 14, or 1 adult) Contact Lisa Updike ([email protected]) or Kris Zwanzig ([email protected]). MINISTRY CONTACTS After School Program Sandy Hernandez American Heritage Girls Kelli Hertzler Backyard Bible Club Sarah Kalichman Children’s Church: 1st Service Peyton Miller Children’s Church: 2nd Service Kristin McCombe Clarion Becky Shickel CPC Moms Ashley Hormel Cub Scouts Bunnie Poyser ESL Sue Hodges Library Vanessa Manson Men’s Ministry Jim Blair Mercy Ministry Terry Pennington Marshall Butler Missions Ministry Bert Richardson Nurseries Kris Zwanzig Prayer Chain Church Office • 433-3051 Senior Ministry Jeanie Diehl Stephen Ministry Greg Becker, Karen Montgomery Confidential Care Line • 433-3051 (Ext. 180) Sunday School: Early Childhood Jenn Gay Sunday School: Elementary Karie Wilburn Sunday School: Youth Brian Hunt • 433-3051 Study Fellowships: Adults Greg Becker • 433-3051 Visitor Welcome Bread Ministry Rachel Brunk WIC: Women’s Ministry Church Office • 433-3051 COVENANT CARE CONNECTIONS COUNSELING Greg Becker, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), is the first step in receiving individual or family counseling through Covenant. You may make an appointment with him by calling him at the church office, 540-433-3051. At your first appointment, Greg will determine if he can help you or if you should be referred to Journey Counseling Ministry or to another care group within our body. STEPHEN MINISTRY It's okay to be human. We're brought up to be strong, self-sufficient, independent people. We tend to think that asking for help is a sign of weakness. So we keep our struggles hidden, stuffed deep inside. Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." God wants us to care for others—and to allow others to care for us in our time of need. If you're struggling inside, don't suffer alone. Ask for help. We've got a team of Stephen Ministers ready to listen, encourage, and pray for and with you during this tough time. Men are matched with men, and women with women. It's completely confidential, too! To request a Stephen Minister, call our care-line at 433-3051, ext. 180 or talk with Stephen Leader Karen Montgomery or Elder Greg Becker. AFTER HOURS CARE LINE A pastor is on call when the church office is closed. In the case of a family emergency (serious illness or death) on the weekend or after office hours, call 540-820-9712. If the phone is not answered, leave a message. Please note that this phone number is to be used only in the case of family emergencies that occur outside of business hours. This number is not to be used for prayer requests, mercy requests or church business that can be taken care of during normal office hours. If you would like a need placed on the prayer chain, call 433-3051 or e-mail [email protected]. CHURCH CALENDAR NOVEMBER 17— WIC evening Bible study, 7:00 p.m. 18— Men’s Fraternity, 6:00 a.m. CPC Playgroup, 9:00 a.m. Children’s Choir, 4:00 p.m. 19— WIC morning Bible study, 9:30 a.m. 20— American Heritage Girls, 6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts, 6:30 p.m. 21— Covenant Seniors’ Dinner at Beery Farm, 6:00 p.m. 23— Church-wide Thanksgiving Meal and Worship, 5:00 p.m. 27-28— Thanksgiving Holiday: Office Closed Pastoral Staff • Teaching Elders Todd Pruitt, Lead Pastor • Tim Frost, Facilitating Pastor Jacinto Hernandez, Pastor for Hispanic Ministries Burress McCombe, Pastor for Worship Ministry Staff Greg Becker, Director for Congregational Care and Small Groups Kendal Butler, Director of Administration • Lisa Updike, Director of Children’s Ministries Sandy Hernandez, Associate Director for Hispanic Ministries • Brian Hunt, Director of Youth RUF Campus Minister Joe Slater Ruling Elders Hal Baker Greg Becker Larry Chico Steve Draper* Bruce Gillan Mike Marsh Deacons J.D. Patton Don Perkuchin** David Shank* Gary Shickel Jim Smith Ken Van Sickle* Mark Bentz* Mike Brady Marshall Butler Mike Downey* Angel Garcia Chris Goehner Paul Hamner* Dennis Houff Rodney Landes Reid Linn Greg Montgomery Terry Pennington Mark Shickel Jeff Stapel John Wickenheiser* Michael Wilburn *Sabbatical **Emeritus Sunday Morning First Service (English) 8:30 a.m. Sunday School (English & Spanish) 10:00 a.m. Second Service (English) 11:15 a.m. Alianza Service (Spanish) 11:15 a.m. Contact Information Worship Facility Address: 546 W. Mosby Rd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Phone: 540-433-3051 Fax: 540-433-6361 Offices and Mailing Address: 32 Southgate Ct., Suite 101, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Web: Email: [email protected] Covenant Presbyterian Church A member of the Presbyterian Church in America
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