Light Educational Ministries Curriculum and Library Catalogue November 2014 Our catalogues This catalogue contains Curriculum and Student Books for Christian Schools and Home Educators. Also available is a Theological and Reference Catalogue, which includes Health Resources. Copies of any or all of these catalogues are available in printed form on request, or as Adobe Acrobat downloads (PDF) on our website at Alternatively, visit our showroom at 200 Florey Drive, Charnwood ACT. Curriculum Light Educational Ministries has also developed and produced the LEM Curriculum Book which lists all the curriculum material in this catalogue, together with descriptions of each item. This book is available for $5.50 (plus $2.70 p&h) or as a free PDF download at Home education Light Educational Ministries also offers assistance in curriculum selection, and implementation. More details are available on request, or by visiting our website at All prices include GST Prices are subject to change without notice Contents Curriculum Light Educational Ministries Rod & Staff 3 5 A Beka 11 Bob Jones University Press 18 Christian Liberty Press 24 Foundation for American Christian Education 27 General 27 Student Library Lower Primary 29 Middle Primary (7–9 years) 30 Upper Primary (9–12 years) 31 Secondary to Adult 35 Classics 37 Stationery 38 How to Order 39 Symbols used in this Catalogue NEW! New item HC Hard cover NSC Not specifically Christian 2nd Curriculum Edition 2003 Curriculum Year l i ght educat i o nal m i n i str i es curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price Light Educational Ministries Curriculum Code Description Evelyn Garrard Manuals/Word Lists Evelyn Garrard 23031 Manual 3rd Edition includes CD 23100 Word List Book K Sections A, B and C for 1st year of school 23101 Word List Book 1 Sections D–J for 2nd year of school 23102 Word List Book 2 Sections K–Q for 3rd year of school 23103 Word List Book 3 Sections R–Z for 4th year of school 420 44.95 200 20.95 320 28.95 330 29.95 500 39.95 Helps 23001 23029 23135 23028 23030 23048 23058 23125 23126 23127 23128 23129 23131 23008 23027 23166 23165 23167 23168 Phonogram Cards 340 25.95 75 Phonograms on Compact Disc 60 9.95 The Sounds of the 75 Phonograms DVD 80 24.95 Clickety Clack Hearts of Hope CD 100 19.95 Spelling Scale 30 3.50 Handwriting Practice Book 80 3.45 Cursive Practice Book 170 13.95 Set of 3 Phonogram Charts A2 poster size 260 26.95 Set of 3 Phonogram Charts A4 book size 60 9.95 Circle letter grid A4 size 20 2.50 Circle letter grid A3 size 40 3.75 Set of 12 Rules Charts A3 size 520 59.95 Set of 12 Rules Charts A4 size 270 24.95 Sentence Cards for Workbook 2 240 14.95 The Book of Rules 440 44.95 Sound Charts for Vowel/Consonant Sounds 20 2.50 Phonogram Ruler 10 0.95 Teacher Resource Kit initial designed for schools 149.00 Teacher Resource Kit renewal designed for schools 99.00 Training DVDs 23122 Training DVDs set of 4 for personal use 23123 Training DVDs set of 4 for schools or institutions 160 149.00 160 299.00 Workbooks Christian Editions 23004 23005 23017 23006 23018 23019 23013 1. Single Phonograms 2. Multiple Phonograms 3. Reading with the Phonograms 4. Reading On 5. Base Words and Endings 1 6. Base Words and Endings 2 7. Successive Seventeen 180 180 180 220 80 220 120 Price 190 300 300 8.95 18.95 24.95 180 180 180 200 80 180 120 190 300 8.95 8.95 8.95 8.95 5.95 8.95 8.95 8.95 18.95 23014 8. Spelling and Grammar 23016 9. Spelling and Vocabulary Exercises 23023 The Reference Workbooks General Editions LEM Phonics Weight (g) 8.95 8.95 8.95 8.95 5.95 8.95 8.95 23004 23005 23092 23093 23094 23095 23096 23097 23098 NSC 1. Single Phonograms General Ed 2. Multiple Phonograms General Ed 3. Reading with the Phonograms General Ed 4. Reading On General Ed 5. Base Words and Endings 1 General Ed 6. Base Words and Endings 2 General Ed 7. Successive Seventeen General Ed 8. Spelling and Grammar General Ed 9. Spelling and Vocabulary Exercises Gen Ed Blackline Masters 23033 23034 23035 23036 23037 23038 23039 23040 23041 23042 1. Single Phonograms 2. Multiple Phonograms 3. Reading with the Phonograms 4. Reading On 5. Base Words and Endings 1 6. Base Words and Endings 2 7. Successive Seventeen 8. Spelling and Grammar 9. Spelling and Vocabulary Exercises The Reference 300 99.00 260 99.00 280 99.00 340 99.00 100 59.95 260 99.00 160 99.00 260 99.00 520 149.95 510 149.95 LEM Readers 23160 Word List K Readers set of 3 readers 100 Getting Up The Kind Lady Fast and Slow 23150 Beginner Series Set 1 set of 10 readers 340 The Reed Family Food for the Family The Reeds’ Home Pets The Reeds’ Garden Visitors Relatives A Holiday Shopping Day Seasons 23161 Word List 1 Readers set of 2 readers 140 The Sun and the Wind Old Man by the Sea 12.95 29.95 12.95 Kits 23110 Starter Kit 6 months’ work 23113 K Kit 12 months’ work 23114 Complete Kit with DVDs 1620 119.95 2460 169.00 5630 519.00 Pathway to Literacy 23025 23026 23024 23023 23001 23125 Student Workbook with CD Teacher Manual with CD Pathway to Literacy Phonogram CD The Reference Phonogram Cards Set of 3 Phonogram Charts A2 poster size 380 660 60 300 340 260 38.95 54.95 9.95 24.95 25.95 26.95 November 2014 | 3 l i ght educat i o nal m i n i str i es curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price 60 520 270 9.95 59.95 24.95 23126 Set of 3 Phonogram Charts A4 book size 23129 Set of 12 Rules Charts A3 size 23131 Set of 12 Rules Charts A4 size Learning Made Easier Christine Killey 24101 Grammar Magic 4–9 yrs 24102 Grammar Magic 9–12 yrs 290 290 33.00 33.00 God’s Plan 23061 Grade K 200 6.05 God’s Plan for Creation 23077 Grade 1–2 Student Workbook with Tests 23078 Grade 1–2 Teacher Manual 240 180 17.95 15.95 History Peter Cain and Peter Frogley 23085 Student Workbook Grades 3–5 23086 Teacher Manual 23087 Test Booklet 300 140 60 25.95 14.60 7.95 Astronomy The Heavens Declare 380 340 9.95 15.95 Geography Price Art Lets Teach Art Terry Lewitzka and Peter Frogley 22621Introductory DVD Line, Tone and Colour 22625 Grade K Teacher Manual full colour 22626 Grade 1 Teacher Manual Trial Edition 22627 Grade 2 Teacher Manual Trial Edition 22628 Grade 3 Teacher Manual Trial Edition 60 160 180 180 190 19.95 29.95 15.00 15.00 15.00 The Elements of Music 320 34.95 Wendy Hill 2nd 22581 Volume 1 Student Text 22582 Volume 1 Teacher Resource Kit inc charts, flashcards, games and two CDs 22585 Volume 2 Student Text NEW! 22586 Volume 2 Teacher Resource Kit inc charts, flashcards, games and two CDs 22587 Volume 2 Student Test Booklet NEW! 22588 Volume 2 Keyboard Arrangements NEW! 22575 Volume 3 Student Text NEW! 22576 Volume 3 Teacher Resource Kit includes two CDs NEW! 22577 Volume 3 Student Test Booklet NEW! 22578 Volume 3 Keyboard Arrangements NEW! NEW! 1360 460 95.00 41.95 NEW! 1560105.00 100 180 530 17.95 21.95 53.75 660 140 150 79.50 24.95 25.95 400 20 14.95 0.25 61110 Legal Aspects of Home Education in Australia 140 19.95 22550 Student Text Grades 6–8 22560 Teacher Manual 240 180 22.95 12.95 61006 Home Education Planner inc Attendance Roll 61007 Attendance Roll Careers for Home Educated Children 61121 The Career Questionnaire Grades 9–12 260 13.20 200 5.50 170 200 120 120 140 140 11.95 12.95 8.95 8.95 9.95 9.95 General Government/Civics Government in Australia LEM Planner Legal Home Education Peter Frogley Curriculum Book Peter Frogley 22570 Student Text Grades 9–12 includes the Aust Constitution 22571 Teacher Manual 61008 Curriculum Book 300 140 25.95 17.95 Australian Money and Measure 31008 31018 31024 31025 31035 31036 4 | November 2014 Weight (g) Home Education James Nickel 61020 Student Text Mid to upper secondary 61021 Teacher Manual The Earth Description Music God’s Plan for Me History of Australia Code Student Workbook Grade 1 Student Workbook Grade 2 Student Workbook Grade 3 Answer Key Grade 3 Student Workbook Grade 4 Answer Key Grade 4 l i ght educat i o nal m i n i str i es curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price Penmanship 23058 Cursive Practice Book 23057 Alphabet Sheets double-sided and laminated displaying both cursive and print letters 180 13.95 20 2.20 40 1.10 Time Book 23050 Clock Faces for Time Telling Exercises Rod and Staff Curriculum Pre-school Weight (g) Price 31208 Set 4 300 ABC Book of God’s Creatures My Blue Book of God’s Different Things My Green Book of God’s Different Things Birthday Friend 31209 Set 5 300 Berries, Berries, Berries The Twin’s Picnic Molly Helps Mother Learning our Letters 31228 Set 6 300 David’s New Ball Happy Helpers Golden Deeds Happy Seasons 16.45 16.45 16.45 About Three Bigger Steps Colour, Count and Cut Doing My Best Colouring Books For 3–4 year olds 100 100 100 100 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 200 200 280 200 200 200 200 4.10 4.10 8.20 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10 31220 31221 31222 31223 Pre-School A-B-C Series 31210 31211 31212 31213 31214 31215 31216 Description For 3–4 year olds Simple Activity Workbooks 31235 31236 31237 31238 Code Adventure with Books Bible Pictures to Colour Bible Stories to Read Counting with Numbers Do it Carefully Everywhere we Go Finding the Answers Pre-School G-H-I Series 31217 Going on Eagerly 31218 Hearing and Helping 31219Inside and Outside 31240 Just Thinking and Choosing 200 180 190 180 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10 220 7.50 Pre School Reader 31226 God’s World and Johnny Little Jewel Books 31205 Set 1 God’s Happy Family Little Jewel Bird 31206 Set 2 God’s Gifts Three Happy Days 31207 Set 3 Anthony Gets Ready for Church God’s Wonderful Trees God’s Wonderful Water My Thank-you Book 300 The Lost Milk Jar Two Surprises 300 Helping Mother This is Mohan 300 16.45 16.45 31227 31225 31229 31224 31230 A Garden for Everyone We Live on a Farm The 23rd Psalm Set of 4 books 1. Animals Man Uses 2. Birds and Insects of the Bible 3. The Parables 4. Wild Animals of the Bible To Learn and Colour set of 4 books 1. The Lord’s Prayer 2. Books of the Bible 3. The Ten Commandments 4. The Beatitudes Happy Times with God’s Creation Grade 4 Nature Book to Colour Boys and Girls of the Bible Happy Hours with Henry 140 180 100 540 3.45 4.10 2.85 10.75 200 8.20 320 260 100 160 5.70 4.40 3.15 3.45 150 380 480 440 580 580 8.30 15.00 17.80 11.85 14.60 14.60 180 450 220 5.15 11.00 5.55 230 280 300 6.25 7.50 7.50 Bible Nurture Readers Grade 1: We Learn About God 31100 31101 31102 31103 31104 31105 Reader Unit 1 Reader Units 2–3 HC Reader Units 4–5 HC Teacher Manual Unit 1 Teacher Manual Units 2–3 Teacher Manual Units 4–5 WORKSHEETS 16.45 31106 Unit 1 Worksheets 31107 Units 2–4 Worksheets 31108 Unit 5 Worksheets PHONICS WORKBOOKS 31109 Unit 1 Phonics Workbooks 31110 Units 2–3 Phonics Workbooks 31111 Units 4–5 Phonics Workbooks November 2014 | 5 r o d and staff curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price 200 300 300 5.15 7.10 7.10 31170 31171 31172 31173 160 260 260 6.70 7.80 7.80 Grade 7: A Time to Gather 540 510 360 220 19.35 18.15 16.60 11.85 280 300 360 380 360 7.25 7.25 8.70 8.70 8.70 160 300 300 5.15 7.50 7.50 660 560 320 21.75 19.35 14.60 320 320 280 260 260 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 31112 Unit 1 Reading Workbooks 31113 Units 2–3 Reading Workbooks 31114 Units 4–5 Reading Workbooks PRINT PRACTICE 31115 Unit 1 Print Practice 31116 Units 2–3 Print Practice 31117 Units 4–5 Print Practice Grade 2: Stories About God’s People Reader Units 1–3 HC Reader Units 4–5 HC Reading Teacher Manual Phonics Teacher Manual READING WORKBOOKS 31127 31128 31129 31130 31131 Unit 1 Reading Workbooks Unit 2 Reading Workbooks Unit 3 Reading Workbooks Unit 4 Reading Workbooks Unit 5 Reading Workbooks PHONICS WORKBOOKS 31124 Unit 1 Phonics Workbooks 31125 Units 2–3 Phonics Workbooks 31126 Units 4–5 Phonics Workbooks Grade 3: God Leads His People 31140 Reader Units 1–3 31141 Reader Units 4–5 31142 Teacher Manual HC HC Unit 1 Reading Workbooks Unit 2 Reading Workbooks Unit 3 Reading Workbooks Unit 4 Reading Workbooks Unit 5 Reading Workbooks Grade 4: Exploring with God 31150 Reader Units 1–3 31151 Teacher Manual HC 560 200 19.75 11.45 225 225 260 6.30 6.30 6.30 400 340 400 60 17.30 9.85 12.55 2.75 READING WORKBOOKS 31155 Unit 1 Reading Workbooks 31156 Unit 2 Reading Workbooks 31157 Unit 3 Reading Workbooks Grade 5: A Time to Plant 31160 31162 31163 31164 Reader HC Workbook Workbook Teacher Edition Test 6 | November 2014 Weight (g) Price 540 260 140 160 22.05 12.55 4.75 6.25 575 300 160 160 22.05 13.80 4.75 6.25 640 320 23.60 15.00 480 240 20.45 12.55 520 29.70 380 100 22.10 7.50 500 560 60 12.55 15.70 2.75 31253 God’s Chosen Family as a Nation Student Text 460 31254 Teacher Manual 540 31255 Test Booklet 60 12.55 15.70 2.75 31180 31181 31182 31183 Reader HC Teacher Guide Workbook Workbook Teacher Edition Reader HC Teacher Guide Workbook Workbook Teacher Edition Grade 8: A Time of Peace 31185 Reader HC 31186 Teacher Guide Grade 9: A Time to Heal 31187 Reader HC 31188 Teacher Guide God is Good Series 31200 Set of 9 readers Supplementary readers for grades 1 and 2 Say it Again Series 31201 Set 1 7 readers 31202 Set 2 2 readers Bible Grade 5 READING WORKBOOKS 31143 31144 31145 31146 31147 Description Grade 6: A Time to Build READING WORKBOOKS 31120 31121 31122 31123 Code 31250 God Chooses a Family Student Text 31251 Teacher Manual 31252 Test Booklet Grade 6 Grade 7 31256 31257 31258 31259 God Visits His Chosen Family Student Text Teacher Manual Test Booklet The Human Register Timeline 540 600 60 400 14.15 17.30 2.75 21.20 560 620 60 14.15 17.30 2.75 Grade 8 31262 God’s Redeemed Family Student Text 31263 Teacher Manual 31264 Test Booklet r o d and staff curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price 520 580 80 14.15 17.30 2.75 580 660 80 14.15 17.30 2.75 Grade 9 Grade 10 31267 The Completion of God’s Plan for Man Student Text 31268 Teacher Manual 31269 Test Booklet Price Student Workbook, Units 1–2 Student Workbook, Units 3–4 Student Workbook, Unit 5 Teacher Guide HC 1 inch Ruled Tablet 3/4 inch Ruled Tablet 360 360 340 640 550 550 8.30 8.30 8.30 23.60 3.95 3.95 420 380 550 9.10 15.70 3.95 420 360 560 9.10 15.70 3.95 Grade 2 31585 Student Workbook Cursive begins 31586 Teacher Guide HC 31572 1/2 inch Ruled Tablet Grade 3 31588 Student Workbook 31589 Teacher Guide HC 31573 1/2 inch, 5 line, Ruled Tablet Grade 4 31591 Student Workbook 31592 Teacher Guide HC 31574 3/8 inch, 5 line, Ruled Tablet 180 120 560 6.25 8.70 3.95 Grammar: Building Christian English Grade 2 31300 Preparing to Build Student Text 31301 Teacher Manual HC 31315 Test Booklet 620 940 80 20.45 25.20 3.55 Grade 3 HC 31304 31305 31323 31317 Building with Diligence Student Text Teacher Manual HC Worksheets Test Booklet 800 1340 180 120 25.20 33.10 5.15 3.55 900 1540 180 120 26.80 36.25 5.15 3.55 920 1600 200 140 28.35 39.45 5.15 3.55 900 1670 160 140 28.35 39.45 5.15 3.55 990 1590 120 140 28.35 39.45 5.15 3.55 720 1160 180 25.20 31.55 4.60 680 1100 180 25.20 31.55 4.60 HC 600 1000 180 60 31306 31307 31314 31318 Following the Plan Student Text Teacher Manual HC Worksheets Test Booklet HC Grade 6 Grade 1 Beginning Wisely Student Text Teacher Manual HC Worksheets Test Booklet Weight (g) Grade 5 Penmanship for Christian Writing 31302 31303 31322 31316 Description Grade 4 31270 The Revelation of God Student Text 31271 Teacher Manual 31272 Test Booklet 31580 31581 31582 31583 31570 31571 Code 20.45 25.20 5.15 3.55 31308 31309 31324 31319 Progressing with Courage Student Text Teacher Manual HC Worksheets Test Booklet HC Grade 7 31310 31311 31325 31320 Building Securely Student Text Teacher Manual HC Worksheets Test Booklet HC Grade 8 31312 31313 31326 31321 Preparing for Usefulness Student Text Teacher Manual HC Worksheets Test Sheets HC Grades 9–10 31331 Communicating Effectively Book 1 Student Text HC 31332 Teacher Manual HC 31333 Tests and Editing Sheets 31327 Communicating Effectively Book 2 Student Text HC 31328 Teacher Manual HC 31329 Tests and Editing Sheets Supplementary/Remedial English Grades 3–5 31335 31336 31337 31338 31339 The Eight Parts of Speech Student Worksheets Teacher Manual The Sentence Student Worksheets Teacher Manual Punctuation and Capitalisation Student Worksheets 31340 Teacher Manual 200 200 140 140 5.55 7.10 3.95 5.90 90 90 3.55 5.15 November 2014 | 7 r o d and staff curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price 350 350 275 275 7.10 8.70 5.55 7.10 Parts of Speech Student Worksheets Teacher Manual The Sentence Student Worksheets Teacher Manual Punctuation and Capitalisation Student Worksheets 31346 Teacher Manual 175 175 4.35 5.90 Spelling by Sound and Structure 200 275 7.60 9.85 200 275 7.60 9.85 400 480 11.00 12.50 Grade 3 31932 Student Text 31933 Teacher Edition Grade 4 31934 Student Text 31935 Teacher Edition Grade 5 31936 Student Text 31937 Teacher Edition 380 500 11.00 12.50 350 440 13.45 14.15 400 700 15.00 15.70 Grade 6 31939 Student Text HC 31940 Teacher Edition HC Grade 7 31941 Student Text HC 31942 Teacher Edition HC Grade 8 31943 Student Text HC 31944 Teacher Edition HC 420 680 15.00 18.90 75 3.95 Grades 5–8 31938 Spelling Word List Poems for Memorization Poems for Praise and Power Cotton Sailboats Poems for Little Children Echoes from My Heart HC Dancing Buttercups Lessons from the Clock Singing Trees The Swinging Tree 8 | November 2014 Price Grade 1 31001 31003 31002 31006 31004 31009 31008 Beginning Arithmetic Part 1 Student W’book Beginning Arithmetic Part 2 Student W’book Teacher Manual for Beginning Arithmetic HC Speed Drills Practice Sheets Flashcards Australian Money and Measure Supplement 460 460 1000 200 2340 1600 150 11.00 11.00 33.10 7.75 26.05 28.15 11.95 31010 31012 31014 31016 31017 31011 31015 31019 31018 Working Arithmetic Unit 1 Student W’book 440 Working Arithmetic Unit 2 Student W’book 240 Working Arithmetic Unit 3 Student W’book 460 Working Arithmetic Unit 4 Student W’book 390 Working Arithmetic Unit 5 Student W’book 380 Teacher Manual for Units 1–2 HC 660 Teacher Manual for Units 3–5 HC 940 Blackline Masters 1220 Australian Money and Measure Supplement 200 8.30 5.55 8.30 7.10 7.10 12.55 17.30 16.20 12.95 Grade 3 31020 Exploring Arithmetic Student Text includes student worksheets HC 1230 31021 Teacher Manual includes answer key to worksheets HC 900 31022 Speed Drills 250 31026 Student Worksheets 350 31027 Answer Key to Worksheets 180 31023 Blackline Masters 450 31024 Australian Money and Measure Supplement 100 31025 Australian Money and Measure Answer Key 100 23.60 25.20 7.75 6.25 5.55 7.10 8.95 8.95 Grade 4 31030 31031 31032 31033 31034 31035 31036 Progressing with Arithmetic Student Text HC Teacher Manual Book 1 HC Teacher Manual Book 2 HC Tests Speed Drills Australian Money and Measure Supplement Australian Money and Measure Answer Key 1000 1100 1160 120 240 140 140 23.60 18.90 18.90 3.55 7.75 9.95 9.95 1020 1100 1160 100 240 23.60 18.90 18.90 3.55 7.75 Grade 5 Poetry 31553 31554 31559 31552 31563 31564 31565 31567 Weight (g) Grade 2 Grade 2 31930 Student Text 31931 Teacher Edition Description Mathematics for Christian Living Grades 6–8 31341 31342 31343 31344 31345 Code 280 220 180 400 180 160 180 140 10.05 9.15 7.25 12.60 7.25 5.35 7.25 10.10 31040 31041 31043 31042 31044 Gaining Skill with Arithmetic Student Text Teacher Manual Book 1 HC Teacher Manual Book 2 HC Test Sheets Speed Drills HC r o d and staff curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price Grade 6 31050 31051 31053 31052 31054 HC 1000 1100 1120 110 260 23.60 18.90 18.90 3.55 7.10 Mastering Mathematics Student Text Teacher Manual Book 1 HC Teacher Manual Book 2 HC Test Sheets Quiz and Speed Drills HC 1160 1200 1380 120 220 26.80 18.90 18.90 3.55 7.10 1340 1420 1490 120 280 28.35 18.90 18.90 3.55 7.10 Grade 8 31070 31071 31074 31072 31073 Applying Mathematics Student Text Teacher Manual Book 1 HC Teacher Manual Book 2 HC Test Sheets Quizzes and Speed Tests HC Grades 9–10 1290 1230 560 360 270 33.10 37.85 16.60 12.25 6.70 Maths Flash Cards Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division 480 460 600 660 15.80 15.80 20.55 22.10 Science 31400 Patterns of Nature Student Workbook 31401 Teacher Manual 300 100 9.40 5.55 600 700 110 19.75 19.75 3.55 640 700 80 22.90 19.75 3.55 Grade 3 HC Grade 4 31415 God’s Inspiring World Student Text 31416 Teacher Manual HC 31417 Test Sheets Price 560 700 80 24.50 21.35 3.55 600 740 80 26.05 21.35 3.55 HC 640 810 60 27.65 30.80 3.55 HC 690 860 80 31.55 35.55 3.55 125 10.25 180 60 5.55 4.35 200 200 60 7.10 8.70 2.75 300 130 9.40 5.55 380 560 120 40 20.45 20.45 4.65 3.55 31427 God’s Wonderful World Student Text 31428 Teacher Manual HC 31429 Test Sheets HC Grade 6 31431 God’s Inhabited World Student Text 31432 Teacher Manual HC 31433 Test Sheets HC Grade 7 31435 God’s Orderly World Student Text 31436 Teacher Manual HC 31437 Test Sheets Grade 8 31438 God’s Orderly World Student Text 31439 Teacher Manual HC 31440 Test Sheets Astronomy Health Grade 2 31600 Proper Manners and Health Habits Student Workbook 31601 Teacher Manual Grade 4 31605 Health for the Glory of God Student W’book 31606 Teacher Manual 31607 Tests Social Studies Grade 2 31407 God’s Protected World Student Text 31408 Teacher Manual HC 31409 Test Booklet Weight (g) 31430 Discovering God’s Stars Grades 7–8 31076 Recordkeeping for Christian Stewardship Student Text HC 31077 Teacher Manual HC 31078 Student Workbook 1 31079 Student Workbook 2 31080 Tests 31091 31092 31093 31094 Description Grade 5 Understanding Mathematics Student Text Teacher Manual Book 1 HC Teacher Manual Book 2 HC Test Sheets Quizzes and Speed Tests Grade 7 31060 31061 31063 31062 31064 Code HC Grade 2 31801Our Father’s World Student Workbook 31802 Teacher Manual Grade 3 2006 31805 Understanding Our Community Student Text HC 31807 Teacher Manual HC 31808 Student Workbook 31806 Tests November 2014 | 9 r o d and staff curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price History/Geography 840 540 100 28.35 31.55 3.55 Grade 5 31810 Homelands of North America Student Text 31811 Teacher Manual HC 31812 Tests HC 1200 600 150 33.10 37.85 3.55 Grade 6 31821 Understanding Latin America Student Text 31822 Teacher Manual HC 31823 Tests HC 1200 640 100 29.95 34.70 3.55 Grade 7 31825 Understanding the Old World Student Text 31826 Teacher Manual HC 31827 Tests HC 1280 740 80 42.60 50.50 3.55 Grade 8 31831 Understanding North American History Student Text HC 31832 Teacher Manual HC 31833 Tests 1440 1690 180 47.35 56.80 3.55 1210 1320 140 41.00 50.50 3.55 160 200 200 5.55 5.55 5.55 180 110 180 50 450 10.25 3.95 9.85 2.75 16.60 200 80 160 50 450 10.25 3.95 9.50 2.75 16.60 Grade 9 HC Music Grades 1–3 Grades 4–5 31705 31706 31708 31709 31715 Growing in Music Student Text Student Workbook Teacher Manual Test Booklet Flash Cards Grades 6–7 31710 31711 31712 31713 31715 Developing in Music Student Text Student Workbook Teacher Manual Test Booklet Flash Cards 10 | November 2014 Weight (g) Price 220 200 6.70 9.10 Developing Motor Skills in Art 31815 Homelands Around the World Student Text 31816 Teacher Manual HC 31817 Tests 31701 Beginning in Music 1 Student/Teacher 31702 Beginning in Music 2 Student/Teacher 31703 Beginning in Music 3 Student/Teacher Description Art Grade 4 31835 Understanding the Past Five Centuries 31836 Teacher Edition HC 31837 Tests Code 31920 Student Pack 31921 Teacher Manual Art with a Purpose 31901 31903 31906 31908 31911 31913 31916 31917 includes student and teacher material Artpac 1 Grade 1 Artpac 2 Grade 2 Artpac 3 Grade 3 Artpac 4 Grade 4 Artpac 5 Grade 5 Artpac 6 Grade 6 Artpac 7 Grade 7 Artpac 8 Grade 8 290 290 300 240 310 230 210 150 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 100 5.00 40 460 1280 140 150 200 175 140 380 325 160 3.70 19.90 33.50 12.85 6.65 4.40 6.95 7.25 6.25 11.70 9.15 Drawing 31919 Lessons in Perspective Drawing Upper Primary/Lower Secondary Helps 31566 31330 31550 31561 31557 31562 31551 31548 31549 31556 31555 Cultivating Composition Skills English Handbook Handbook for Creative Teaching HC Hungry for Composition The Master Teacher New Testament Crossword Puzzles Preparing Children for School Life Treasure Beyond Measure Treasure Beyond Measure Pattern book Treasury of Bible Subjects Writer Helps 3 booklets 1. Short Story Writing 2. Learning Essay Writing 3. Poetry Pointers a beka curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price A Beka Curriculum 750 330 480 22.00 17.30 16.90 200 130 15.15 13.10 1000 275 70 25 25 25 25 74.10 25.40 6.35 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 225 225 225 375 275 240 225 300 225 180 350 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 19.95 18.20 18.20 19.95 220 350 200 100 200 375 200 200 350 240 350 280 18.20 19.95 18.20 17.30 18.20 19.95 18.20 18.20 19.95 19.95 19.95 18.20 Readers 5 Year Old Kindergarten 32610 Reading for Fun Enrichment Library 32611 Basic Phonics Readers Set 12 books 32604 Friends and Helpers Readers 3 books 32612Our Week 32613 The Little Pie 32614 Jesus Helps 32615 The Big Green Bird Grade 1 32620 32621 32622 32623 32624 32631 32626 32627 32628 32632 32629 Fun with Pets Tiptoes Stepping Stones Secrets and Surprises The Bridge Book Animals in the Great Outdoors Kind and Brave Aesop’s Fables Strong and True Down by the Sea Primary Bible Reader Grades 1–3 Grade 2 32635 Story Tree 32636 Treasure Chest 32637 Hidden Treasure 32638 No Longer a Nobody 32639 Paths of Gold 32640 Sunshine Meadows 32642 Silver Sails 32643 Growing Up Where Jesus Lived 32644 All Kinds of Animals 32645Open Skies 32629 Primary Bible Reader Grades 1–3 32630 Handbook for Reading Grades 1–3 Weight (g) Price 32646 32647 32648 32649 32650 32651 32652 32653 32676 32677 380 200 180 220 280 180 440 320 140 220 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 20.30 20.30 16.90 20.30 425 360 280 480 230 24.10 24.10 24.10 24.10 18.20 280 18.20 400 480 400 280 24.90 24.90 24.90 18.20 240 18.20 400 460 460 24.90 24.90 24.90 220 18.20 160 12.25 220 12.65 2nd 220 12.65 2nd 220 12.65 Paths to Adventure Footprints Crossroads Pilgrim Boy Secret in the Maple Tree Better Bridges Worlds of Wonder Pilgrim’s Progress Simplified Swiss Family Robinson Doors of Discovery Grade 4 4 Year Old Kindergarten 32601 Little Books 1–10 32603 Animal Friends 8 books Description Grade 3 Pre-School 32536 ABC-123 K4 32555 Writing With Phonics K4 32921 Readiness Skills K4 Code 32656 32657 32658 32659 32655 32660 Salute to Courage Liberty Tree Flags Unfurled Trails to Explore Song of the Brook Adventures in Other Lands Speed and Comprehension Reader Grade 5 32663 Beyond the Horizon 32664 Windows to the World 32665Of America (Volume 1) 32662 Noah Webster: A Man Who Loved Words 32666 Adventures in Nature Speed and Comprehension Reader Grade 6 32667 Mountain Pathway 32668 Voyage of Discovery 32669Of America (Volume 2) 32670 Adventures in Greatness Speed and Comprehension Reader Reading Comprehension Grade 3 32500 Read and Think Skill Sheets Grade 4 32501 Read and Think Skill Sheets Grade 5 32502 Read and Comprehend Skill Sheets Grade 6 32503 Read and Comprehend Skill Sheets November 2014 | 11 a beka curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price Phonics Letters and Sounds K5 Student Text Teacher Key to Letters and Sounds K5 Letters and Sounds AK5 Student Text Teacher Key to Letters and Sounds AK5 Grade 1 32528 32529 32531 32532 Grade 2 32530 32533 32534 32535 720 740 720 740 21.60 36.00 23.15 36.00 500 500 220 220 24.50 46.20 8.25 12.65 520 500 220 220 24.50 46.20 8.25 12.65 3rd Letters and Sounds 2 Student Text Teacher Key to Letters and Sounds 2 Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Language Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 32410 32412 32413 32414 32415 32417 32418 32419 32420 32422 32423 32424 560 560 24.50 46.20 430 410 100 100 24.50 69.55 7.80 14.60 3rd Language A Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Grade 5 24.50 46.20 4th Language 3 Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Grade 4 500 480 3rd 32405 Language 2 Student Text 32407 Teacher Key to Language 2 680 680 220 230 24.90 69.55 7.80 14.60 770 780 150 160 24.90 69.55 7.80 14.60 3rd Language B Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book 12 | November 2014 Price 720 740 190 190 250 24.90 69.55 7.80 14.60 16.05 650 700 260 260 27.05 40.85 8.25 14.60 730 760 280 290 27.05 40.85 8.25 14.60 970 1060 300 310 27.05 40.85 8.25 14.60 990 1040 240 240 27.05 40.85 8.25 14.60 430 29.10 200 230 200 220 170 160 13.50 22.85 8.25 14.60 12.65 22.85 3rd Language C Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Creative Writing 4th Grade 7 32430 32431 32432 32433 Grade 8 32440 32441 32442 32443 32450 32451 32452 32453 5th Grammar and Composition I Student Text Teacher Key to Grammar and Composition I Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book 4th Grammar and Composition II Student Text Teacher Key to Grammar and Composition II Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Grade 9 3rd 32400 Language 1 Student Text 32402 Teacher Key to Language 1 32425 32427 32428 32429 32438 Weight (g) Grammar 4th Letters and Sounds 1 Student Text Teacher Key to Letters and Sounds 1 Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Description Grade 6 Grade K 32520 32521 32525 32526 Code 4th Grammar and Composition III Student Text Teacher Key to Grammar and Composition III Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Grade 10 32460 32461 32462 32463 4th Grammar and Composition IV Student Text Teacher Key to Grammar and Composition IV Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Grade 11 4th 32470 Handbook of Grammar and Composition for Grades 11–12 32475 Workbook V for Handbook of Grammar and Composition 32476 Teacher Key to Workbook V 32477 Student Test/Quiz for Workbook V 32478 Teacher Key to Test/Quiz for Workbook V 32483 Supplementary Exercises 32484 Teacher Key to Supplementary Exercises a beka curr i culum Code Description Grade 12 Weight (g) Price 450 240 280 180 200 180 200 29.10 13.50 22.85 8.25 14.60 12.65 22.85 Spelling Vocabulary and Poetry Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 32416 32494 32496 32497 32505 Grade 5 32421 32491 32448 32449 32505 Grade 6 32426 32495 32498 32499 32505 32445 32444 32446 32447 80 160 11.85 28.20 100 200 190 190 120 13.50 41.35 8.75 14.60 13.10 Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry III Student Text Teacher Key to Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry III Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book 130 260 200 210 120 13.50 41.35 8.75 14.60 13.10 180 260 200 210 120 13.80 41.35 8.75 14.60 13.10 17.30 40.85 9.15 14.60 140 230 170 180 17.30 27.70 9.15 14.60 280 280 140 140 20.30 28.20 9.15 14.60 250 270 150 150 20.30 28.20 9.15 14.60 240 250 110 110 20.30 28.20 9.15 14.60 700 770 200 210 41.70 81.20 9.15 14.60 640 700 200 210 41.70 81.20 9.15 14.60 5th Vocabulary and Spelling V Student Text Teacher Key to Vocabulary and Spelling V Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book Grade 12 32490 32492 32468 32469 130 260 180 180 5th Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry IV Student Text Teacher Key to Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry IV Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book Grade 11 32480 32488 32481 32482 17.30 40.85 9.15 14.60 5th 32465 32464 32467 32466 32455 32454 32457 32456 120 240 170 180 5th Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry II Student Text Teacher Key to Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry II Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book Grade 10 6th Spelling, Vocabulary, Poetry 6 Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Spelling Challenges Grades 4–6 Grade 8 16.90 30.15 5th Spelling, Vocabulary, Poetry 5 Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Spelling Challenges Grades 4–6 Price 5th 490 560 5th Spelling, Vocabulary, Poetry 4 Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Spelling Challenges Grades 4–6 Weight (g) Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry I Student Text Teacher Key to Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry I Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book 16.90 30.15 5th 32411 Spelling and Poetry 3 Student Text 32493 Teacher Edition 32435 32434 32436 32437 400 450 3rd 32406 Spelling and Poetry 2 Student Text 32408 Teacher Edition Grade 7 Grade 9 4th 32401 Spelling and Poetry 1 Student Text 32403 Teacher Edition Description Vocabulary Spelling and Poetry 2003 32470 Handbook of Grammar and Composition for Grades 11–12 32485 Workbook VI for Handbook of Grammar and Composition 32489 Teacher Key to Workbook VI 32486 Student Test/Quiz for Workbook VI 32487 Teacher Key to Test/Quiz for Workbook VI 32472 Workbook VI Supplement 32473 Workbook VI Supplement Key Code 5th Vocabulary VI Student Text Teacher Key to Vocabulary Poetry VI Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book English Literature Grade 7 4th 32350Of People Student Text 32351 Teacher Edition 32352 Student Test and Quiz Book 32353 Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Grade 8 4th 32355Of Places Student Text 32359 Teacher Edition 32357 Student Test and Quiz Book 32358 Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book November 2014 | 13 a beka curr i culum Code Description Grade 9 32360 32361 32362 32363 41.70 81.20 9.15 14.60 840 1080 260 260 200 300 46.30 81.20 9.15 14.60 18.20 18.20 970 1230 220 220 300 51.85 81.20 9.15 14.60 18.20 890 1160 250 250 140 200 51.85 81.20 9.15 14.60 18.20 18.20 4th 4th English Literature Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Macbeth with Study Notes Pilgrim’s Progress with Study Notes Grade K Writing with Phonics K5 Cursive 4th Kindergarten Writing Tablet Cursive Numbers Writing Tablet Writing with Phonics K5 Manuscript 4th Kindergarten Writing Tablet Manuscript 620 420 380 620 420 18.20 16.45 13.90 19.05 16.90 700 420 640 24.50 9.35 20.30 680 560 24.50 13.90 Grade 1 32550 Writing with Phonics 1 Cursive 5th 32551 Writing Tablet Cursive 32552 Writing with Phonics 1 Manuscript 4th Grade 2 3rd 32553 Writing with Phonics 2 Cursive 32554 Writing Tablet Cursive Grade 3 32541 Cursive Writing Skillbook 3rd 680 24.50 Grade 4 32542 Penmanship Mastery I 14 | November 2014 32543 Penmanship Mastery II Weight (g) Price 460 18.20 500 500 21.60 36.00 1000 650 400 400 25.20 49.10 9.95 14.60 1000 1100 380 380 25.20 49.10 9.95 14.60 980 1020 400 400 25.20 69.55 9.95 14.60 850 830 350 360 25.20 69.55 9.95 14.60 930 970 350 360 25.20 69.55 9.95 14.60 970 1040 350 360 25.20 69.55 9.95 14.60 770 760 39.20 54.95 590 370 370 44.75 11.20 15.55 3rd 480 18.20 3rd Mathematics 1995 32795 Number Skills K Student Text 32796 Teacher Key Grade 1 32801 32802 32803 32810 32805 32804 32806 32809 4th Arithmetic 4 Student Text Teacher Edition Student Tests and Speed Drills Teacher Key to Tests and Speed Drills Grade 5 4th Arithmetic 5 Student Text Teacher Edition Quizzes, Tests and Speed Drills Teacher Key to Quizzes, Tests and Speed Drills Grade 6 32821 32822 32823 32824 5th Arithmetic 3 Student Text Teacher Edition Student Tests and Speed Drills Teacher Key to Tests and Speed Drills Grade 4 32817 32818 32819 32820 1994 Arithmetic 2 Student Text Teacher Edition Student Tests and Speed Drills Teacher Key to Tests and Speed Drills Grade 3 32807 32808 32811 32812 1993 Arithmetic 1 Student Text Teacher Edition Student Tests and Speed Drills Teacher Key to Tests and Speed Drills Grade 2 32813 32814 32815 32816 Writing/Penmanship 32545 32546 32547 32548 32549 Description Grade K 4th American Literature Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book The Scarlet Letter with Study Notes Grade 12 32342 32348 32344 32345 32346 32347 710 780 260 270 Code Grade 5 World Literature Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Julius Caesar with Study Notes Silas Marner with Study Notes Grade 11 32365 32366 32367 32368 32369 Price 4th Themes in Literature Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Grade 10 32320 32321 32322 32323 32324 32325 Weight (g) 4th Arithmetic 6 Student Text Teacher Edition Student Tests and Speed Drills Teacher Key to Tests and Speed Drills Grade 7 4th 32831 Basic Mathematics Student Text 32832 Teacher Key 32835 Curriculum Guide/Solution Key selected problems only 32833 Student Test and Quiz Book 32834 Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book a beka curr i culum Code Description Grade 8 Weight (g) Price 810 810 39.20 54.95 32845 32846 32847 32848 32844 32843 32849 610 300 300 44.75 11.20 15.55 2nd 960 1200 400 400 650 920 540 42.60 74.90 16.55 20.90 24.90 36.45 54.45 720 740 1020 400 500 46.30 92.40 76.85 16.55 20.90 700 740 2500 360 380 46.30 92.40 76.85 16.55 20.90 Grades 9–10 32850 32851 32852 32853 32854 2002 Algebra 1 Student Text Algebra 1 Teacher Edition Algebra 1 Solution Key Algebra 1 Student Test and Quiz Book Algebra 1 Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book ALGEBRA 2 32860 32861 32862 32863 32864 Algebra 2 Student Text Algebra 2 Teacher Edition Algebra 2 Solution Key Algebra 2 Student Test and Quiz Book Algebra 2 Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book BUSINESS MATHEMATICS Price 230 340 18.20 36.00 340 440 19.95 49.10 340 400 19.95 49.10 360 340 50 170 170 24.10 60.30 17.50 8.55 14.60 460 460 90 220 230 240 250 32.00 60.30 17.50 8.75 14.60 8.85 14.60 600 610 110 120 130 250 260 32.00 60.30 17.50 8.75 14.60 8.75 14.60 630 660 32.00 60.30 80 130 140 240 250 10.95 8.75 14.60 8.75 14.60 4th 32001 God’s World Student Text 32002 Teacher Edition Grade 1 3rd Plane Geometry Student Text Plane Geo Teacher Edition Plane Geo Student Test and Quiz Book Plane Geo Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Plane Geo Solution Key 4th 32008 Enjoying God’s World Student Text 32009 Teacher Edition Grade 3 32011 32014 32010 32013 32012 Grade 4 32016 32021 32022 32019 32017 32020 32018 4th Exploring God’s World Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test, Quiz and Worksheet Book Teacher Key to Test, Quiz and Worksheet Book 4th Understanding God’s World Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Student Activity Book Teacher Key to Activity Book Grade 5 4th 44.25 56.90 54.45 16.55 460 20.90 Grade 6 560 46.30 120 104.05 360 16.55 380 20.90 2000 92.40 PRECALCULUS (INC TRIGONOMETRY AND ANALYTIC GEOMETRY) 32895 Precalculus Student Text 32896 Precalculus Teacher Edition Answers not included 32897 Precalculus Solution Key 32898 Precalculus Student Test and Quiz Book 32899 Precalculus Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Grade 2 1180 1260 600 460 2nd Business Mathematics Student Text Bus Math Teacher Edition Bus Math Solution Key for selected problems Bus Math Student Test, Quiz and Speed Drills Bus Math Teacher Key to Test, Quiz and Speed Drills PLANE GEOMETRY 32865 32869 32866 32867 32868 Grade K 32025Investigating God’s World Student Text 32026 Teacher Edition 32024 Answer Key to Text 32028 Student Test Book 32027 Teacher Key to Test Book 32029 Student Quiz and Worksheet Book 32030 Teacher Key to Quiz and Worksheet Book Grades 10–12 32886 32887 32885 32888 32889 Weight (g) 32005 Discovering God’s World Student Text 32006 Teacher Edition Consumer Mathematics Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Student Skills and Review Exercises Teacher Key to Skills and Review Exercises Solution Key to Consumer Mathematics ALGEBRA 1 Description Science 3rd 32837 Pre-Algebra Student Text 32838 Teacher Key to Pre-Algebra 32893 Curriculum Guide/Solution Key selected problems only 32839 Student Test and Quiz Book 32840 Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Grades 9–12 Code 690 48.80 720 880 400 410 93.35 92.40 16.55 20.90 4th 32035Observing God’s World Student Text 32034 Teacher Edition 23306 Teacher Key to Observing God’s World LEM Edition 32037 Student Test Book 32036 Teacher Key to Test Book 32038 Student Quiz and Worksheets Book 32039 Teacher Key to Quiz and Worksheet Book November 2014 | 15 a beka curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price 32040Order and Design Student Text includes Health 870 32045 Teacher Edition 1020 32095 Answer Key to Text 120 32041 Student Test Book 170 32042 Teacher Key to Test Book 180 32043 Student Quiz Book 210 32044 Teacher Key to Quiz Book 220 32093 Student Activity Book 200 32094 Teacher Key to Activity Book 210 44.65 81.20 21.40 11.20 14.60 9.15 14.60 9.35 14.60 32080 Physics: The Foundational Science Student Text 32083 Teacher Edition answers not included 32084 Solution Key to Physics: The Foundational Sc 32081 Student Test Book 32082 Teacher Key to Test Book 32085 Student Quiz Book 32086 Teacher Key to Quiz Book 32087 Lab Manual 32088 Teacher Edition for Lab Manual 810 940 130 170 180 190 190 150 160 44.65 81.20 21.40 11.20 14.60 9.15 14.60 9.35 14.60 Grades 7–12 760 920 140 200 210 210 220 410 470 48.05 81.20 21.40 12.15 18.00 9.15 18.00 25.20 36.45 990 1170 170 240 240 180 200 560 600 65.25 81.20 26.75 12.15 18.00 9.95 18.00 27.80 36.95 670 880 220 230 170 170 370 430 67.40 81.20 12.15 18.00 9.95 18.00 27.80 36.95 Grade 7 Science Earth and Space Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book Student Activity Book Teacher Key to Activity Book Grade 9 32105 32106 32113 32107 32108 32109 32110 32111 32112 32060 32063 32068 32061 32062 32064 32065 32066 32067 Grade 11 32070 32079 32071 32072 32074 32075 32078 32077 3rd Chemistry: Precision and Design Student Text Teacher Edition Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book Lab Manual Teacher Key to Lab Manual 16 | November 2014 Price 5th 850 920 320 160 190 220 220 320 350 67.40 81.20 50.10 12.15 18.00 9.95 18.00 27.80 30.15 480 16.45 240 440 19.95 49.10 260 290 19.95 49.10 350 340 40 130 140 20.30 60.30 17.50 8.55 14.60 230 260 40 130 140 20.30 60.30 17.50 8.75 14.60 270 270 50 130 140 20.30 60.30 17.50 8.75 14.60 320 360 70 160 160 20.30 47.15 17.50 8.75 14.60 Health Grade 1 2nd 32701 Health, Safety and Manners 1 Student Text 32702 Teacher Edition 3rd 32703 Health, Safety and Manners 2 Student Text 32704 Teacher Edition Grade 3 32705 32732 32706 32730 32731 32707 32710 32724 32708 32709 3rd Enjoying Good Health Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test, Quiz and Worksheet Book Teacher Key to Test, Quiz and Worksheet Book Grade 6 32715 32718 32728 32716 32717 3rd Developing Good Health Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test, Quiz and Worksheet Book Teacher Key to Test, Quiz and Worksheet Book Grade 5 32711 32714 32727 32712 32713 3rd Health, Safety and Manners 3 Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Grade 4 3rd Biology: God’s Living Creation Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book Field/Laboratory Manual Teacher Key to Field/Laboratory Manual Weight (g) 2nd 32090 Science in Action Grade 2 Science Matter and Energy Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book Lab Manual Teacher Key to Lab Manual Grade 10 Description Grade 12 Grade 8 32096 32097 32104 32098 32099 32100 32101 32102 32103 Code 3rd Choosing Good Health Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book a beka curr i culum Code Description Grades 8–12 32747 32756 32755 32749 32750 Price 480 560 80 160 170 35.50 63.20 21.40 8.25 14.60 220 140 80 100 24.90 40.85 7.70 14.60 2003 Life Management Student Text Teacher Guide Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book History/Geography 380 18.20 32151Old World History and Geography Student Text 670 32150 Teacher Edition 690 23350 Teacher Key to Old World History and Geography LEM edition 110 32152 Student Maps and Activities 170 32154 Teacher Key to Maps and Activities 180 32153 Student Test Book 200 32155 Teacher Key to Test Book 210 32156 Student Quiz Book 190 32157 Teacher Key to Quiz Book 200 34.15 60.30 Grade 5 Grade 6 11.80 8.75 14.60 8.75 14.60 8.75 14.60 4th 720 730 120 230 230 200 200 200 210 34.15 60.30 17.50 8.75 14.60 8.75 14.60 8.75 14.60 Weight (g) Price 840 1200 240 200 210 220 230 39.20 81.20 21.40 11.20 14.60 9.15 14.60 170 13.90 170 17.00 190 190 13.90 17.00 540 630 80 210 220 150 150 35.50 63.20 21.40 8.25 14.60 9.15 14.60 900 1000 260 230 240 220 230 44.65 81.20 26.75 12.15 18.00 9.15 18.00 600 300 300 300 140 160 37.35 63.20 8.25 14.60 8.25 14.60 4th 32201 32205 32204 32202 32203 32206 32207 32208 History of the World Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book World Atlas and Geography Studies of the Eastern Hemisphere Student Activity Book 32209 Teacher Key to World Atlas and Geography Studies 1998 32215 Geography Studies and Projects of the Western Hemisphere Student Text 32216 Teacher Edition Grade 9 4th 32160 New World History and Geography Student Text 32165 Teacher Edition 32168 Answer Key to Text 32162 Student Maps and Activities 32164 Teacher Key to Maps and Activities 32161 Student Test Book 32163 Teacher Key to Test Book 32166 Student Quiz Book 32167 Teacher Key to Quiz Book Description Grade 8 Grade K 32149 Social Studies K5 Code Grades 7–8 2nd Health in Christian Perspective Student Text Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Student Test and Quiz Book Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book Grade 12 32751 32752 32753 32754 Weight (g) 2nd 32220 World Geography in Christian Perspective Student Text 32221 Teacher Edition 32226 Answer Key to Text 32222 Student Test and Quiz Book 32223 Teacher Key to Test and Quiz Book 32224 Student Map Studies Book 32225 Teacher Key to Map Studies Book Grade 10 3rd 32230 World History and Cultures in Christian Perspective Student Text 32231 Teacher Edition 32236 Answer Key to Text 32232 Student Test and Map Book 32233 Teacher Key to Test and Map Book 32234 Student Quiz Book 32235 Teacher Key to Quiz Book Economics Grade 12 32240 32243 32241 32242 32244 32245 2nd Economics: Work and Prosperity Student Text Teacher Guide Student Test Book Teacher Key to Test Book Student Quiz Book Teacher Key to Quiz Book November 2014 | 17 a beka curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price 540 690 640 730 570 620 550 680 180 20.30 20.30 21.60 21.60 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 20 3.00 320 12.65 Art 32909 32910 32911 32912 32913 32914 32915 32916 32920 32900 Under Loving Command 22 page booklet on Training Children 32901 Sex, Love and Romance from the Bible Christian Ethics and Morals, by H Pyle 1996 Grade 1 Grade 2 35803 35804 35853 35854 35855 400 1040 100 990 30.90 75.85 23.15 74.45 640 1240 180 100 120 100 1910 30.90 75.85 18.60 17.55 12.30 23.15 74.45 730 1320 110 110 100 30.90 75.85 17.55 12.30 23.15 3rd A Father’s Care Student Worktext Teacher Edition Student Material Packet Tests Answer Key to Tests Music CD Teacher Visual Packet 4th A Servant’s Heart Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests Music CD 18 | November 2014 35807 35808 35859 35861 35862 35809 35810 35843 35863 35864 35865 880 1390 80 110 100 30.90 75.85 17.55 12.30 23.15 840 1340 240 100 120 100 30.90 75.85 18.60 17.55 12.30 23.15 980 1380 240 100 120 30.90 75.85 18.60 17.55 12.30 460 850 110 140 30.90 81.80 18.95 13.70 530 860 160 160 30.90 81.80 18.95 13.70 660 860 160 160 30.90 81.80 18.95 13.70 4th 3rd 35819 Portraits from the Old Testament Student Worktext Level B 35820 Teacher Edition 35821 Tests 35822 Answer Key to Tests Grade 9 30.90 73.05 17.55 12.30 23.15 3rd 35815 Learning from the Life of Christ Student Worktext Level A 35816 Teacher Edition with CD 35845 Tests 35846 Answer Key to Tests Grade 8 800 1340 80 100 100 3rd Living in God’s Love Student Worktext Teacher Edition Student Material Packet Tests Answer Key to Tests Music CD Grade 7 Price 4th God and His People Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests Music CD 35811 Redemption: God’s Grand Design Student Worktext 35812 Teacher Edition 35844 Student Material Packet 35866 Tests 35867 Answer Key to Tests 2nd Bible Truths K5 Student Packet Teacher Edition Music CD Teacher Picture Packet Grade 4 Weight (g) 4th Following Christ Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests Music CD Grade 6 Bible Truths Grade K 35805 35806 35856 35857 35858 Grade 5 Bob Jones University Press Curriculum 35801 35802 35839 35850 35851 35852 35871 Description Grade 3 Art Projects K4 Preschool 3rd Art Projects K5 Grade K 3rd Art Projects 1 Grade 1 3rd Art Projects 2 Grade 2 3rd Art Projects 3 Grade 3 4th Art A Grade 4 2nd Art B Grade 5 2nd Art C Grade 6 3rd Watercolour Step-by-Step Grades 7–12 Curriculum Aids 35813 35814 35818 35817 Code 3rd 35823 Lessons from the Early Church Student Worktext Level C 35824 Teacher Edition 35829 Tests 35830 Answer Key to Tests b o b j o nes un i vers i ty press curr i culum Code Description Grade 10 460 870 140 140 30.90 81.80 18.95 13.70 490 840 100 130 30.90 81.80 18.95 13.70 510 810 100 130 30.90 81.80 18.95 13.70 3rd 35835 Patterns for Christian Living Student Worktext Level F 35836 Teacher Edition 35868 Tests 35869 Answer Key to Tests 35006 35005 35007 35008 Grade 2 35010 35011 35012 35013 35014 Grade 3 35020 35021 35028 35024 35026 35030 35031 35032 35033 80.40 85.35 23.15 24.95 740 740 2720 940 920 44.95 44.95 95.85 38.65 38.65 2nd Reading 3A Text HC Reading 3B Text HC Reading 3A and 3B Teacher Edition Reading 3 Student Worktext Reading 3 Teacher Worktext Grade 4 1440 2740 780 520 2nd Reading 2A Text HC Reading 2B Text HC Reading 2A and 2B Teacher Edition Reading 2 Student Worktext Reading 2 Teacher Worktext 780 780 2700 820 840 44.95 44.95 95.85 38.65 38.65 2nd Reading 4 Text HC Reading 4 Teacher Edition Reading 4 Student Worktext Reading 4 Teacher Worktext 35035 35036 35037 35038 Grade 6 35040 35041 35042 35043 1160 2520 780 800 68.15 95.85 38.65 38.65 Weight (g) Price 940 2460 780 780 68.15 95.85 38.65 38.65 1340 2740 860 860 68.15 95.85 38.65 38.65 840 1400 760 120 120 32.30 80.40 70.50 17.55 12.30 860 1500 780 140 140 32.30 80.40 70.50 17.55 12.30 900 1460 800 140 140 32.30 80.40 70.50 17.55 12.30 920 1500 140 140 32.30 80.40 17.55 12.30 920 1460 160 140 32.30 80.40 17.55 12.30 2nd Reading 5 Text Reading 5 Teacher Edition Reading 5 Student Worktext Reading 5 Teacher Worktext 2nd Reading 6 Text HC Reading 6 Teacher Edition Reading 6 Student Worktext Reading 6 Teacher Worktext English 35200 35201 35202 35203 35204 35205 35206 35207 35254 35255 2nd English 5 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 6 35220 35221 35222 35223 2nd English 4 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 5 35215 35216 35217 35218 2nd English 3 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 4 35210 35211 35212 35213 35214 2nd English 2 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Answer Key to Text Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 3 3rd Reading 1A–1F Text Reading 1 Teacher Edition Reading 1 Student Worktext Service Word Cards Description Grade 2 Reading Grade 1 Code Grade 5 3rd 35831 Directions for Early Christians Student Worktext Level E 35832 Teacher Edition 35833 Tests 35834 Answer Key to Tests Grade 12 Price 3rd 35827 Themes from the Old Testament Student Worktext Level D 35828 Teacher Edition 35847 Tests 35848 Answer Key to Tests Grade 11 Weight (g) 2nd English 6 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests November 2014 | 19 b o b j o nes un i vers i ty press curr i culum Code Description Weight (g) Price Writing and Grammar Grade 7 35225 35226 35227 35229 Grade 8 35230 35231 35228 35238 Grade 9 35235 35236 35237 35239 35248 Writing and Grammar 9 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests The Writers Toolbox for Grades 9–11 35.80 83.95 18.95 13.70 1040 1310 180 190 440 35.80 83.95 18.95 13.70 43.20 1130 1410 190 220 35.80 83.95 18.95 13.70 500 2200 180 180 35.80 83.95 18.95 13.70 1120 2180 160 180 35.80 83.95 18.95 13.70 2nd 35260 Spelling 1 Student Worktext 35261 Teacher Edition Grade 2 Grade 3 250 320 29.50 32.30 2nd 35262 Spelling 2 Student Worktext 35263 Teacher Edition 390 640 29.50 73.05 390 630 29.50 73.05 2nd 35264 Spelling 3 Student Worktext 35265 Teacher Edition 20 | November 2014 Grade 9 29.50 37.60 520 440 29.50 37.60 500 540 29.50 37.60 160 160 24.95 26.35 160 160 24.95 26.35 160 160 24.95 26.35 180 180 24.95 26.35 180 180 24.95 26.35 180 180 24.95 26.35 1100 2050 170 200 68.15 81.80 18.95 13.70 1070 2010 170 190 68.15 81.80 18.95 13.70 3rd 3rd 35277 Vocabulary Student Worktext B 35278 Teacher Edition 3rd 35279 Vocabulary Student Worktext C 35280 Teacher Edition Grade 10 2nd 35281 Vocabulary Student Worktext D 35282 Teacher Edition Grade 11 2nd 35283 Vocabulary Student Worktext E 35284 Teacher Edition Grade 12 2nd 35285 Vocabulary Student Worktext F 35286 Teacher Edition Literature Grade 7 Spelling/Vocabulary Grade 1 Grade 8 520 440 2000 35270 Spelling 6 Student Worktext 35271 Teacher Edition Grade 7 Price 2000 35268 Spelling 5 Student Worktext 35269 Teacher Edition 35275 Vocabulary Student Worktext A 35276 Teacher Edition 2nd Writing and Grammar 12 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 5 Grade 6 2nd Writing and Grammar 11 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 12 35250 35251 35252 35253 1130 1400 240 240 3rd Writing and Grammar 10 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 11 35245 35246 35247 35249 35.80 83.95 18.95 13.70 3rd Grade 10 35240 35241 35243 35244 1040 1280 200 260 Weight (g) 2000 35266 Spelling 4 Student Worktext 35267 Teacher Edition 3rd Writing and Grammar 8 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests Description Grade 4 3rd Writing and Grammar 7 Student Worktext Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests Code 35150 35151 35158 35159 Grade 8 35155 35156 35188 35189 3rd Explorations in Literature Student Text Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests 3rd Excursions in Literature Student Text Teacher Edition Tests Answer Key to Tests b o b j o nes un i vers i ty press curr i culum Code Description Grade 9 35160 35161 35164 35167 74.45 81.80 18.95 13.70 850 1760 220 250 68.15 81.80 18.95 13.70 1250 2280 300 330 68.15 88.15 18.95 13.70 2nd British Literature Student Text Teacher Edition 2 volumes Tests Answer Key to Tests 1240 2430 240 280 68.15 88.15 18.95 13.70 Mathematics Grade K 35301 35302 35303 35306 35307 Grade 1 35310 35311 35317 35316 35315 940 1400 310 2400 940 30.90 88.15 21.40 83.95 51.20 820 1340 440 180 180 30.90 88.15 21.40 17.55 12.30 860 1420 730 120 160 780 30.90 88.15 21.40 17.55 12.30 27.75 3rd Math 1 Student Worktext Teacher Edition with CD Student Manipulatives Packet Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 2 35320 35321 35322 35326 35325 35327 3rd Math K5 Student Worktext Teacher Edition with CD Student Manipulatives Packet Teacher Visual Packet Answer Key to Student Worktext 3rd Math 2 Student Worktext Teacher Edition with CD Student Manipulatives Tests Answer Key to Tests Reviews Code Description Grade 3 2nd American Literature Student Text Teacher Edition 2 volumes Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 12 35175 35176 35179 35185 940 1820 190 220 2nd Elements of Literature Student Text Teacher Edition 2 volumes Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 11 35170 35171 35174 35183 Price 2nd Fundamentals of Literature Student Text Teacher Edition 2 volumes Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 10 35165 35166 35180 35181 Weight (g) 35330 35331 35332 35336 35335 35334 35350 35351 35357 35356 35355 35360 35361 35362 35364 35366 35365 35370 35371 35372 35373 35380 35381 35382 35383 35390 35391 35393 35394 35395 35396 700 1100 110 150 1142 30.90 88.15 21.40 17.55 12.30 700 2670 440 460 140 140 30.90 79.00 21.40 34.75 17.55 12.30 1580 64.95 2090 105.35 530 18.95 560 13.70 2nd Pre-Algebra Student Text Teacher Edition 2 volumes Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 9 30.90 88.15 21.40 17.55 12.30 26.35 2nd Fundamentals of Math Student Text Teacher Edition 2 volumes Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 8 1040 1270 960 100 130 700 2nd Math 6 Student Worktext Teacher Edition 2 volumes Student Manipulatives Teaching Charts Tests Answer Key to Tests Grade 7 30.90 88.15 21.40 17.55 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Wings of Gold With Daring Faith: Amy Carmichael Zoli’s Legacy: Zoltan Gaal (Books 1 and 2) Price 240 150 175 250 380 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 14.05 300 300 280 300 320 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 240 300 240 260 18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 220 300 18.20 18.20 340 400 320 18.20 18.20 18.20 420 200 160 320 360 200 160 200 160 220 200 640 125 160 300 20.20 11.35 9.25 11.35 15.15 13.90 11.35 12.65 11.35 11.35 11.35 20.20 11.35 11.35 15.15 300 260 460 260 240 15.15 15.15 20.20 13.90 11.35 Abeka SONS OF LIBERTY 32688 32689 32690 32687 32691 Abraham Lincoln Benjamin Franklin Booker T. Washington George Washington James A. 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