to inform... BEACON SAFE HARBOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH November 2014 Love and Grace not Law and Judgment In my sermon series on Revelation, and again in this current series when speaking of holding a biblical world and life view and the conflict that such a view inevitably engenders, I mentioned the obvious trajectory of our society away from God and all things godly and how that can clearly be an indicator of either the coming judgment of God against our current society, or persecution of those who are in disagreement with currently accepted values, or both. I used an illustration of someone who shared comments about recent laws enacted in our state, one concerning abortion the other about gender issues and pointed to those comments as evidence of the changing world in which we live. There is no doubt our world is changing, but what I didn’t have time to address on Sunday is the bigger question: How do we as Christians confront the changing tide of public opinion about morality, sexuality and issues like the rights of the unborn? There are several knee jerk reactions that we may struggle with. One is to bemoan the change and long for the way things used to be, burying our heads in the sand or surrounding ourselves with those who think like we do and join together with them to reminisce about the old days when marriage was for life, men were men, women were women, and children were loved and safe in their homes, neighborhoods and their mother’s wombs. Another reaction is to view the changes as attacks against God and Christianity and fight those attacks with aggression, anger, judgment and condemnation. Still another reaction is to go with the flow and pretend all is well as we try to be current and keep up with our contemporary culture with its changing standards and practices. I believe all these reactions are wrong. We have to take a step back and recognize that since the fall, humanity has been driven by a natural instinct that is in rebellion to God. By nature people are going to choose to do things that are contrary to God’s will, and fail to fulfill the creation mandate of being God’s image bearers in this world reflecting his nature and character to the universe. We shouldn’t be surprised, nor should we panic nor get nasty when sinners act like sinners. If we examine our own lives with any degree of honesty we can clearly see we too are sinners, and have less of an excuse for our sins, since, as Christians, we have God’s Holy Spirit to help keep our actions in check. We should be living faithfully, yet we still fail. There is a sad irony in getting frustrated with those who lack God’s Holy Spirit, when they act in perfect harmony with the sin nature that we all possess. So should we say and do nothing about the changing morality around us? That would be a mistake; to either hide our heads in the sand, or just go with the flow. There is a strategic work given to the church to help our society. We are to be salt and light in the world: You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:13-16 Speaking the Truth in Love Through sermons, classes, seminars and small groups, the understanding of the nature of God and his revealed will through His Word is one of the greatest tools we have to address the views in our society. In the matter of human sexuality we need to be able to lovingly demonstrate from a biblical perspective that God’s image in us is the groundwork of understanding for how God intended us to relate and interact with each other: emotionally, relationally and sexually. Church members can also learn how to relate in a constructive, caring way toward those who believe they have a minority sexual orientation. The “love” part of our speech is absolutely paramount. To really do this well I believe many, if not most of us, need to seek out friendships with and truly love those, who are at the center of these issues. Those seeking answers to their sexuality should be able to openly ask questions. We should be able to host loving, thoughtful and safe conversations about faith, gender, reproductive issues and sexuality; partnering with other ministries to establish trust, reduce fear, and inspire hope for those who are looking to be loved. We can help others move toward godly wholeness through caring, teaching, discussion, but most of all, loving interaction. Intercession The value and place of prayer cannot be overstated. Combined with education, friendship and healing resources, prayer declares to all involved that the risen Lord has power to redirect individual lives and to heal personal images and provide clarity and peace. Both prayer with individuals and private intercessory prayer for individuals function in the mysFriendship tery of the work of God, through us, to free, redeem and The incarnation of God in Christ is our constant reminder of heal. As we intercede we demonstrate love, and regardless of the absolute necessity of a genuine identification with those the choices that ultimately come, whether faithful or unfaithwe try to reach. Women with unwanted pregnancies, teenag- ful, our response needs to continue to be love and grace ers with confusion about their sexuality, ardent Homosexuals demonstrated though caring prayer. We all make bad choiclooking for affirmation need to know a loving acceptance of es. We all struggle with choosing the right over the wrong, their personhood can be found in the church and that we how awful would it be if we set our hearts on judging and welcome them and see beyond their reproductive and sexual punishing those who we felt were making bad choices. We concerns they bring with them, and that the church views never have the right not to forgive, and so we share love, we these things as only a part of their total being. The basis for extend grace, we demonstrate forgiveness, and as we do, we friendship must be recognition of our common need of the are the hands and heart of Christ to bring healing to this brograce of God. Hope, healing, love and acceptance of individ- ken world and confront the changing society with the reality uals is part of the grace of God that should be reverberating of God’s power and the hope of God’s Fatherly affection. around the church and her ministries. A test of this love and grace can be found when those we are trying to reach act in ~ Pastor Todd ways that are contrary to God’s word - that is where love, patience, forgiveness and true friendship find the power of the cross to bring future transformation. Healing Resources Healing from the harm sin brings is part of the mandate of the church. In the area of sexual identity and behavior, healing comes through a number of channels which individual Christians and local churches can offer. These include worship, small group and one-to-one relationships, pastoral counseling, prayer, and the services of committed Christian psychologists. In the area of unwanted pregnancies healing comes from the loving interaction of Christians who provide counseling, support, prayer and friendship in the midst of a battle against fear, pressure, selfishness, and isolation. Loving and faithful ministries like Choices Crisis Pregnancy center provide programs and support that we should be behind in the hopes of reaching these young women with the Love of Christ and the support of the church. Local church programs can draw on the resources of other groups which focus on this area of ministry as they seek to establish ministries to hurting people. As individuals seek to move away from selfishness and toward faithfulness in thought and act, they need the regular availability of caring and supportive Christians who can be trained by the local church for such ministries. SAFE HARBOR WEBSITE: If you would like to have a church related ministry, activity, or announcement placed on the church website (, please sent the text and documents to: [email protected]. Begin the email subject line with "Safe Harbor" so that it will be directed properly. Questions and constructive suggestions regarding the website are always welcomed. The Second Annual Lighthouse Christian Academy Holiday Showcase Attention all Visitors Saturday, November 22nd Our next visitors luncheon will be on from 9am-3pm in the Safe Harbor gym. Sunday, November 23rd at noon We welcome all recent visitors to come and fellowship with us. Please call the church office if you would like to attend. Free Admission, Talented Crafters, Wonderful Vendors, Food and Raffles From one pumpkin to another! A woman was asked by a co-worker, “What is it like to be a Christian?” The coworker replied, “It is like being a pumpkin.” God picks you from the patch, bring you in and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. The He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see” Holiday Hours The church office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day and Friday, November 28th. Take a moment, next time you see Denise Perdue, to thank her for her ministry to the deaf at Safe Harbor. She faithfully attend the first service where she signs the songs, readings, and sermon to those who are hearingimpaired in our church family. Without her, those family would be able to participate on Sunday mornings. Thank you Denise! We are able to embrace good when we recognize evil. Lighthouse Christian Academy invites you to attend the LCA Players' production of “Macbeth”, the story of man who rises and falls through prophecy and his own devious means. Performance schedule is: Wednesday, November 12th with a matinee at 1pm and evening performance at 7pm and Thursday, November 13th at 7pm. Cost is $5 per person, with a cap of $20 per family. 6547, or Liz Bazzell at 410-353-0455. November 2014 Pantry Food: All items on the pantry list act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our LORD. Micah 6:8 Volunteer training for the shelter is on Thursday, November 11th at 6pm at KI United Methodist Church Fellowship hall. Even if you’ve volunteered before, it’s beneficial to refresh yourself and to hear the changes that have been made for this coming shelter season Also if you’re not sure about volunteering please come anyway for the training and we will have sign up tables set-up. We do need prayer warriors to keep the shelter guests, staff, and volunteers in their prayers. Please pray that Check out the fall trips for the GOD’S love shine though us all when were serving at middle and high school: the shelter. The QACCA Our Haven Shelter staff are holding a Christmas Bazaar to help raise funds for the shelter. “Crazy in the Country” - Middle school reThe Bazaar will be held at St. Christopher’s Church on treat to Skycroft November 22nd, from 9am to 2pm. If you’d like to do- November 21-23—sign up today!! Cost: $138.00. nate a cake for our bake table stop by the Faith with feet table after church to sign up. Now is the time to sign up if you would like to help us by donating one of the 32 turkeys we will be delivering to the Baltimore Christian Community for Thanksgiving and Christmas. See Sandi after church if you can help. “Life’s Better at the Beach” High school trip to Ocean City! November 14-16th—first come first served! Cost $45.00. Locally, the FEED-A-FAMILY Community Thanks- REGISTRATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE giving Program has started. Stop by the Faith With Feet IN THE CHURCH OFFICE DURING THE table on Sunday to pick up a Turkey Tag with a sugWEEK: 8AM-3:30PM. gested shopping list for a family. The drop off time and all directions are on the back of tag. What a blessing to shop and feed another family as well as your own! Bountiful Blessings is in need of some donations of non-food items. There help us provide for the needs of families less fortunate. Please stop by our table in the narthex for a list of those items. We are very thankful to Kangaroo Storage for continuing their donation of a storage space for our furniture outreach for families in our community. Praise GOD for our caring church family and how beautifully He works though us all. If you need more information on any of the out reaches mentioned above please call Sandi Wiscott at 410-643-3325 or 410-570- High School Youth Group Ski Trip January 16-19, 2015 Location: Timberline. Cost: $280 (prior to 12/21) $300 after 12/21. Open to adults and other church members too. Pick up a flyer and sign up! Makes a good Christmas present for your child too! From our MTW Missionary on the ground in Turkey: Turkish Missions Report, 30 Oct 2014 Doing ministry in Turkey takes a huge toll on our Turkish pastors. Our pastor ministering in the south of Turkey is battling external persecution, financial and social pressures, and a terrible family crisis. The lack of other believing women and adults in his close proximity to adequately provide emotional and relational support for his wife, has left her feeling desperate to leave the ministry. This has placed a huge burden on their family and a great dilemma before this pastor who feels called to love and shepherd his family and at the same time bring the truth of God’s word and the message of salvation in Christ Jesus to his neighbors, community and nation. The incredible stress on the pastor and his family and how this impacts possible future ministry has been a topic of great concern and prayer in the partnership and they are consulting with two national pastors and their wives about how to proceed in giving encouragement and direction as well as pinpointing exactly what is actually going on in their ministry, marriage and family. There is a desperate request that we continue to devote ourselves to prayer for wisdom and God’s work in their lives. As this pastor endeavors to minister to his family and devote himself to ministry he continues to disciple new believers, write and translate commentaries and works on basic Christian doctrine. He is currently working on several key books, and now his translation and study guide for Philip Ryken’s The Message of Salvation is finally hot off the press. Several other books are nearing completion and we trust will soon be published. Ankara Presbyterian Church / Ankara Protestant Church Many serious inquirers have come asking questions in the past two months. Some are Islamic theological students with projects doing research. Some have been prayed over, evangelized and discipled and now want to be members of the church, but still know next to nothing and are eager to learn. Others have heard something of Jesus and want to know more. Pray with us that the Gospel would go forth and he Great Shepherd would draw His sheep to Himself! Many inquirers typically get cold feet after the first inquiry. Pray that fear would not keep people away. Others are believers who have moved to our area recently. Many know next to nothing about the Bible. Pray for growth and discipleship. Pray that God might use Pastor Y’s sermon series on Colossians in a powerful way. Even some of the plain clothes “visitors” show real interest! The visit from Grace DC, a few days ago, brought great encouragement to us here. Pray for future trips and growth in relationships in the partnership. There is no substitute for these trips. The pastors ask for grace as their families face financial challenges because of the flat level of support in an inflationary environment. Pray for more adequate support on a regular basis and for the long term future. The Pastor in Ankara is asking for prayer as he endeavors by God’s grace to develop more video and internet ministry beyond what he has yet accomplished. This will likely involve keeping on the pastoral intern beyond his original plans and amount of support raised. Keep this request for added support and extended tenure in your prayers as well. Please Join Lighthouse Chris an Academy for our Veterans Day Ceremony Join us as we honor and celebrate the veterans in our Community Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church Sanctuary 10 – 11:15 AM Tuesday, November 11, 2014 931 Love Point Road Stevensville w Michael Hoxter ~ USAF Here are our veterans at Safe Harbor and within their families Ed Keen ~ US Army Thank you for serving! Rick Mellinger ~ USAF **** Jim Monger ~ USN Seabees Fred Koch ~ USAF Pierre Pyle ~ USMC Bill Almy ~USAF Robert Reed ~ USN William Charles Atwell ~ USN Submarine Ron Rozell ~ Army Helen Bennett ~ USMC Jon Shaffer ~ USAF Wayne Brobst ~ USN Terry Siciliano ~ USAF Bill Bullis ~ USAF David Siciliano ~ USAF Dale Burns ~ USN Doug Tribull ~ USN-Air Mickey Burns ~ USN Sam Whiting ~ USMC James Catoe ~ USAF Jim Fleisher ~ US Army Winn Frank ~ USN Lou Glasgow ~ USMC Keith Hastedt ~US Army
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