Divine Mercy Parish 312 Davis St., Scranton, PA 18505 / 570-344-1724 / www.divinemercyparish.us Worship Schedule Saturday……..4:00PM & 5:30PM Sunday………….8:00AM, 11:00AM & 5:00PM Monday - Friday…………..12:10PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 11:00AM - 11:45AM or anytime by appointment Eucharistic Holy Hour Wednesday 6:00PM Sunday Evening Prayer Sunday 6:00PM Office Hours 9:00AM - 5:00PM Monday - Friday Religious Education Office 5:00PM - 9:00PM Tuesday & Thursday 9:00AM - 11:00AM Sunday Fax Number: 570-344-1787 School Information All Saints Academy 570-343-8114 Holy Cross High School 570-346-7541 Head Groundskeeper Martin Montoro Sacristans William Castaldi, Anthony DelVecchio, Edward Fortuna, Shawn Soroka, Sal DeFrancesco, Daniel Burke, Michael Boyko Office Staff Rev. Francis L. Pauselli Pastor [email protected] William Drazdowski Director of Parish Operations [email protected] Brittain Banull Director of Religious Education [email protected] Nicholas Katchur Director of Music [email protected] Parish Council Michele Manzo Ann Marie Cawley Lois Fuller Mary Ellen McDonough Joseph Walsh Edward Fortuna Margaret MacArt Cathleen Shields Kathryn Moceyunas Jamie Hayes Dominick Georgetti The 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekend of November 15 & 16, 2014 Page 2 THE WORD IS THE PRESENCE OF OUR LORD THROUGH SCRIPTURE, THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE CAN CONTINUE TO BUILD OUR FAITH. Religious Education / Life Long Faith Formation (Advent and Lent Bible Study) / Vacation Bible School / RCIA / Children’s Liturgy of the Word Religious Education News: We are approaching the time of the year to give thanks for the bountiful gifts God has given us. We as Divine Mercy Parish would like to share our abundance with our less fortunate friends and neighbors. The children of Divine Mercy Parish are invited to bring one of the following items: cranberry sauce, instant potatoes, canned vegetables, stuffing mix or gravy to Religious Education classes on the weekends of November 15/16 & 22/23. The donations will be given to the Catholic Social Services Food Pantry at the old Nativity School. Reminder: The First Penance/Eucharist class will be hosting the Thanksgiving Mass on Sunday, November 23rd at 11:00 AM. Please keep this class in your prayers as they prepare to receive the sacraments. Make-Up First Penance Meeting Attention Second Grade Parents: There will be a make-up First Penance meeting on Sunday, November 23rd following the 11:00 AM Mass. The First Penance meeting will outline how you can help prepare your child for the Sacrament of Penance and explain the schedule for the year. The meeting will take place in the Parish Center. Make-Up Confirmation Meeting Attention Confirmation Parents: There will be a make-up Confirmation meeting on Sunday November 16th at 6:15PM. In order to properly prepare your child for the Sacrament of Confirmation you are required to attend this Confirmation meeting. We will be meeting in the Parish Center while the Candidates are attending Confirmation class. During this meeting we will outline the Confirmation requirements and schedule for the year. Breakfast with Santa Tickets are available for the Divine Mercy Parish’s “Breakfast with Santa” on Saturday, December 6th, 2014. Cost is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. We will begin serving at 9:00AM with Santa arriving sometime after 9:30AM. Tickets can be purchased during Religious Education classes or at the Parish Office. The deadline for ordering tickets is Tuesday, December 2nd. Breakfast with Santa Service Project Students in the Confirmation Classes will be helping with setup, cleanup, and guiding the children on the day of the breakfast. Setup will take place on Friday, December 5th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Help with the breakfast is needed on Saturday, December 6th, from 8:30 AM till 11:30 AM. All Confirmation students are welcome and encouraged to come and help. Bring your green card for Parish Service Hours. Shoebox Project Donations The 25th Annual Christmas Shoebox Project for St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen has asked our parish to collect 100 pairs of ladies socks and 12 shoeboxes that they need. So, please, next weekend, come with your gifts. You can also make a monetary contribution. Simply mark your gift “Shoebox” and drop it off in the collection basket. We will purchase whatever we need to make up the difference. All socks and shoeboxes are needed by December 9th. Containers will be at each door of the Church. Another project is to help the poor and homeless of our area by collecting bars of soap which can be dropped off in the baskets on Sunday. Thank you in advance! Youth Group Meeting Our High School Youth Group will meet on Sunday, November 23rd, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the Parish Center. All high school students in private or public school are welcome to attend. BIBLE STUDY Bible Study will be on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 6 to 7 pm in the parish center. Facilitated by Mike Abdalla Page 3 WORSHIP IS THE TANGIBLE EXPRESSION OF OUR LORD’S LOVE FOR US We Remember... AND OUR RESPONSE TO HIM IN A CONCRETE AND LOVING EXPRESSION OF FAITH. Monday—12:10PM 11/17/2014 Liturgy Committee / Art and Environment / Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration / Evening Prayer / Music Ministry / Eucharistic Ministers / Lectors / Altar Servers / Choirs / Cantors / Musicians / Ushers and Sacristans / Hospitality For the Souls Remembered on the Altar Tuesday—12:10PM 11/18/2014 Divine Mercy Parish Music Ministry Practices for our parish Adult Choir are Tuesday evenings at 6:00PM. Stanley Polinski Requested by Marie Polinski Wednesday—12:10PM 11/19/2014 For the Souls Remembered on the Altar Thursday—12:10PM 11/20/2014 For the Souls Remembered on the Altar Friday—12:10PM 11/21/2014 Judith Krypel Requested by Paula Jones Saturday—4:00PM 11/22/2014 Thomas Kaczmarek Requested by the Niemiec family Saturday—5:30PM Paul Sporer Requested by Bill and Suzi Taylor Sunday—8:00AM 11/23/2014 Mass for the People Sunday—11:00AM Second Grade Thanksgiving Mass Sunday—5:00PM John Miskowski Requested by Mary Ann Miskowski Practices for our Parish Children’s Choir are Sunday mornings from 9:45AM—10:10AM. All children beginning at 1st grade are invited to sing with the choir! The Divine Mercy Contemporary Group consisting of piano, guitars, drums, percussion, and singers provides the music for the 5:00PM Mass on Sundays. Practices are Sunday afternoon at 3:30PM. If you are interested in participating in any of these groups, please contact Nick at the Parish Office (570-344-1724). **Ability to read music is NOT required.** From the Desk of Father Pauselli Thanks to all who attended the fifth anniversary Parish luncheon at Via Appia. It was a lovely event and a good time was had by all. It was a fitting way to conclude our celebration of the fifth year of existence of Divine Mercy Parish and to seek the Lord’s blessings on the years to come. Today is “Commitment Weekend” in parishes throughout the Diocese. I join my fellow pastors in inviting the faithful to again consider sharing in the work of the Gospels in our local Church by making a gift to the Diocesan Annual Appeal if you have not already made your pledge. Your support for the Appeal makes you part of this vital effort which benefits thousands of families and individuals through various ministries of Catholic Social Services and Parish Outreach, Catholic Education in Schools and Parishes, Clergy Formation, Education and Support, Parish Life and Ministry Formation and Catholic Media and Communication. If you didn’t complete a pledge card at Mass today, envelopes are still available at the main entrance of the Church, at the parish office or by contacting the Diocesan Development Office. Please be certain to write our parish’s name (Divine Mercy) on the pledge card. More information is available online at www.annualappeal.org. On behalf of all those who benefit from your generosity, I thank you for giving to the Diocesan Annual Appeal. Please pray for its successful completion. Have a great week! Important November Dates November 19 - Women's Guild Meeting - 7:00 PM Page 4 Liturgical Assignments WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF GOD. WE STRIVE TO BE THE FACE OF GOD FOR OTHERS IN OUR PARISH AND THE PEOPLE WE MEET DAILY IN OUR COMMUNITY. for November 22 & 23, 2014 Saturday 4:00PM Cantor Megan Kolata Parish Breakfast / Craft Fair / Calendar Party / Parish Picnic / Movie Night / Doughnut Sunday / Lector Richard Patchcoski First Friday and Lenten Friday Luncheons / Clothes Shed and Coat Drive / Easter Egg Hunt / Michael Kavulich Breakfast with Santa / Concerts EM Eileen Patchcoski Nancy Laffey CALENDAR PARTY Lisa Minnichbach The Women's Guild is holding its annual Calendar Party on Sunday, March 22, 2015 in Patrick Tobin the Parish Center. There is still one table available. Sponsors may feature a holiday or Servers Tony DeFrancesco other event as their table theme. If anyone is interested in sponsoring a table, please call Calendar Party chairpersons Pat Kneiss 562-3713 or Ann Fox 451-0649 for further details. Thanksgiving Coat and Glove Drive Service Project Collecting Coats and Gloves For the Family-to-Family Program at the Scranton Cultural Center If you have a warm winter coat or gloves (used or new) and would like to give to a great cause, please consider donating! Families who are less fortunate can really use them. Over the past 15 years our coat project has organized and distributed over 25,000 coats to the needy… So…. if you can help, clean out your closet and donate!!!! Please drop your coats off at Divine Mercy Parish By Monday, November 17th Thank you for your generosity. The Terrery Family Thank you to those who have already made the commitment to join in “Transforming Lives Together.” On behalf of all who will benefit from your gifts, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera extends his sincere gratitude to everyone who has already made a pledge to the 2014 Diocesan Annual Appeal. Each gift truly matters. If you have not yet made your gift, and need a pledge envelope, envelopes will be distributed at Masses today. Packets are also available by calling the Diocesan Development Office at 570-207-2250, or on-line at www.DioceseofScranton.org. Our Parish Goal: $75,000.00 Percentage of Goal Pledged as of 11/3/14: 49% Saturday 5:30PM Cantor Christina Mecca Lector Edward Fortuna Germaine Helcoski EM Cathy Shields Tom Shields Servers Vanessa Grzyboski Sunday 8:00AM Cantor Michael Tedesco Lector Suzanne Ritterbeck Joseph Surridge EM Mari Walsh Rose Marie Kloss Servers Mia Spinelli Sunday 11:00AM Cantor Mary T Montoro Lector Robert Walsh Marge Husosky EM Ann M Charnogursky Alice DeCarlo Mary A Donovan Marge MacArt Servers Raymond Rinaldi Sunday 5:00PM Cantor Molly Abdalla Lector Kevin Grebas Karen May EM Mary E McDonough Gerald Phillips Servers Jack Patterson Page 5 THROUGH SCRIPTURE WE KNOW GOD CALLS US TO SERVE OTHERS. WE ARE A PARISH COMMUNITY COMMITTED TO HELPING THOSE IN NEED. Eucharistic Outreach / Divine Mercy Table / Social Concerns Committee / Food Pantry Support / Blood Drive / Holiday Donations / Souper Bowl of Caring OUR SHELVES ARE BARE… DONATIONS NEEDED FOR OUR FOOD PANTRY… Our food pantry at the former St. John Neumann School (now Whittier Annex) is in great need of your donations. We have over sixty families each week coming to us in need. This means at least sixty boxes of cereal, sixty bottles of juice, sixty boxes of pasta, sixty cans of vegetables, fruit, etc. are being distributed every week. We really need your help. If each family would bring at least one item to church each weekend, we should be able to meet our needs—for now. Thank you for your generosity to us. -Sr. Janet Jeffers, I.H.M., Catholic Social Services Used Clothing Drop-Off Shed Sponsored by the Divine Mercy Parish Youth Group Items Accepted: All clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, drapes and stuffed toys. (Please no rags, fabric scraps, pillows, toys or household goods) -Send clothing to people who can use it all over the US and World. -Help the environment by keeping your clothing out of the landfill. -Receive a tax deduction for your donation. Receipts are on the shed. Monday • November 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary Rev 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday • November 18 Weekday Rev 3:1-6, 14-22/Lk 19:1-10 Wednesday • November 19 Weekday Rev 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28 Thursday • November 20 Weekday Rev 5:1-10/Lk 19:41-44 Friday • November 21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Rev 10:8-11/Lk 19:45-48 Saturday • November 22 St. Cecilia Rev 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40 Sunday • November 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/1 Cor 15:20-26, 28/Mt 25:31-46 Mass Attendance November 8-9 Saturday 4:00PM 236 5:30PM 133 Sunday 8:00AM 11:00AM 184 395 5:00PM 161 **Help us keep your donations clean and dry.** If possible, please put them in tied or closed bags. Thanks! In recognition of our need to give, and the many needs of our church and parish, and in gratitude for God’s gifts to us, we declare our willingness to return a portion of our Treasure to our parish, as part of our total Christian stewardship. Weekly Sacrificial Giving Weekend of Nov. 8/9: Not available at time of publication. Thank you for your continued support and generosity! SUNDAY EVENING PRAYER **NEW TIME EVERY SUNDAY 6:00PM**
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