Document 440541

Volume 7 Issue 11
We are a Christ-centered church committed to making disciples by
witnessing God’s grace, mercy and love to all people.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Traditional Worship 9:00 am Sunday School for All Ages 10:10 am
Contemporary Worship 11:00 am
Church Office: 717- 741-1429 Parsonage: 717- 741-0579
Otterbein UMC of Spry 50 School Street, York, PA 17402
Rev. Dr. Ken Loyer, Pastor / Rev. Dave McCullough, Associate Pastor
Mark Your Calendars, Pray, and Let’s
Get Ready!
“Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had
told them to go. When they saw him,
they worshiped him; but some doubted.
Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All
authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to me. Therefore go and
make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am with
you always, to the very end of the age.’”
—Matthew 28:16-20
Dear Otterbein Church Family,
God is doing new and amazing
things in and through our church, things
that make a difference in our lives and
in the life of our community. What a joy
it is for us to be part of God’s work! I’m
excited about the next step that our
church leaders have identified and that
we can now announce to the congregation, an initiative called Matthew 28.
The Matthew 28 Initiative helps
congregations be faithful and effective
in making disciples of Jesus Christ for
the transformation of the world. Matthew 28 is designed and led by Growing
Effective Churches: A Ministry of the
Susquehanna Conference of The
United Methodist Church. More than 50
congregations have gone through this
process. Many of those congregations
and the communities around them are
experiencing the benefits of the initiative. Most have seen numeric and spiritual growth go to a whole new level.
Here’s what some people are
saying about Matthew 28:
-“Matthew 28 has provided the
excuse and freedom enough to dream
a bigger dream. We are on the
MOVE! Thanks be to God!” -Rev.
Robin Baer
-“M28 has opened our eyes to
changes that should have been intuitive. It has generated enthusiasm
from our congregation and reenergized our programs. People are
stepping up to the plate with excitement and we are seeing results!” Erin Ross
-“Matthew 28 is a tool for
churches who want to become vital
congregations in the 21st century.
More than a program, it helps your
church develop a mindset aligned
with our disciple-making mission and
the reclaiming of our local mission
field.” - Rev. Mike Bealla, Director of
Connectional Ministries
-“The Matthew 28 Initiative has
already equipped dozens of churches
throughout our conference to fulfill the
Great Commission. It has helped
them become prayer-centered and
vision-driven. It has also helped them
develop strong leadership and vibrant
ministries, and has gotten people out
of the pews and into the community. If
you believe God wants your church to
grow, I highly recommend M28.” Rev. Dennis Keller, Harrisburg District
So why am I telling you all this?
Because our church has been accepted
into the Matthew 28 Initiative. And that’s
exciting news! After much prayer, reflection, and conversation, I believe—
along with the members of our church
council—that this is the step that God is
calling us to take at this time. We see
(continued on page 8)
Every Sunday Morning at 10:10
The Bright Promise Class meets in the Meeting
Room. Leaders: Virginia Houser, Scott and Doris
Snyder. We are studying the book “Read the Bible
for Life - Listen, Understand, Respond.” All are
welcome. Come join us!
The Monday Morning Bible Study
meets in the Meeting Room at 9:45.
We plan to finish the year studying
Esther. We will begin the new year
back in the New Testament to study
Matthew. Everyone is encouraged to join this wonderful group to study God’s word. Contact Joe
The Ole Faithful Class meets in the library
Mowery, 757-7068 or [email protected] for located behind the Sanctuary. Leaders (Alternate):
more information.
Joe Mowery and Nadine Goodwin. The class is
using ‘Christian Living in the Mature Years’ Bible
The Wednesday Evening Bible Study is using
Adam Hamilton's 'Revival, Faith as Wesley Lived
It' as our study during Wednesdays Together at
The Seekers meet in the lower level in Room 100
6:15 in Room 101. John Wesley's message and
(the classroom right across from the church office).
his faith continue to speak to 21st century ChrisIt is a Bible study based class. Bring your Bible,
tians. Through this study and the DVD, Adam
and come and grow in the faith with us!
Hamilton takes us on a pilgrimage to the places
where the Methodist revival began and it becomes The Practical Christianity Class meets in Room
a journey into the heart and soul of what it means
101 and is led by a team of teachers who rotate.
to follow Christ in the Wesley tradition. Everyone
We study the Bible and issues related to faith and
is welcome, bring your Bible and join us! For
everyday life.
more information, contact Nadine Goodwin 2254820 or [email protected].
Our youth and children’s classes meet on the
Upper Level. Children’s Department teachers: Bev
The Young Women's Group
Castriota, Jen Coppage, Eric and Terri Foust, Joel
meets at the church every 1st
and DeAnna Hain, Missy Howard, and Molly Loyer.
and 3rd Monday of each
Junior and Senior High youth teacher: Rusty
month at 7 pm in the Meeting
Room. We are a group of
women in our late twenties to
We now have a new children’s Sunday School
class for 4-6th graders. Join us for learning, disearly forties who meet to have
fellowship, discuss life issues,
cussion, and fun at 10:10 am every Sunday in
and study the Bible. Many of
Room 402.
us are moms but you don't have to be a mom to
come! Come and be blessed! We would love to
 Nursery ages 0-2 yrs. Room 401
have you join us! Childcare is provided.
 3 yrs. - kindergarten Room 403
 1st - 3rd grade Room 404
The Men’s Group,
 4th - 6th grade Room 402
Iron Men, meets on
 Youth ages 12 - 18 Room 406
the first and third MonJoin us for fun and Bible teaching!
day of each month
from 7 to 8:15 pm in
the Sanctuary. All
men, regardless of age or stage in life, are invited
to join us. Child care is provided. “As iron sharpens
iron, so one man sharpens another”. (Proverbs
January 4- Agents in Action Mission 6 and
Popcorn and a Movie- The Great Mouse Detective
Kids' Club
All children 4 - 12 years old are
January 18- Agents in Action Mission 7
Every 1 and 3 Sunday of the
month 2 - 4 pm
February 1- Agents in Action Mission 8
February 15- Agents in Action Mission 9 and
Kids’ Club Annual Olympics!
Games, Snacks, Crafts, Bible Lessons,
Music & More!
Free of charge
March 1- Agents in Action Mission 10
Adult Supervision
(We are a Safe Sanctuary Church)
March 15- Agents in Action Mission 11
April 19- Agents in Action Mission 12
Kids’ Club 2014-2015
May 3- Agents in Action Mission 13
Secret Agents in Action
Calling all Secret Agents in kindergarten through
age 12… Join us this year at Kids’ Club to learn how
to live courageously as God’s disciples. Receive
your own special agent passport to collect information, decode secret messages, and complete daily
challenges. Games, crafts, and snacks are included
in each mission!
Christmas Play 2014
Parts for the children’s Christmas play will be
handed out at Kids’ Club on November 2. There will
be performances at both the 9:00 am and the 11:00
am services on December 21st. Your child must be
able to attend the performances and at least one
other play practice to participate. See the following
schedule for practice dates.
November 2- Agents in Action Mission 5
and Initial Play Practice
November 16- Play Practice
December 7- Play Practice
Saturday, Dec. 20- Play
Practice (time TBA)
Sunday, Dec. 21- Christmas
Play Performances at 9:00 and
11:00 services
May 17- VBS Sneak Peak!
Growing in God
We are blessed to offer Children's Worship during
both the Traditional and Contemporary Services. To help grow the children's faith and foster
family conversation, we are sending home weekly
key Bible points the children learned, a Scripture
reading for the family, and a few questions to discuss. Hopefully, this will help reinforce the teaching
during that time as well as inform parents what the
children learned. Additionally, we would like to
challenge the children (and parents!) to learn one
Bible verse or passage a month that we will work on
during Children's Worship as well.
Youth Schedule
November and December 2014
Time to turn back the clock.
Daylight savings time ends on
Sunday, November 2. Remember
to turn back your clocks 1 hour on
the evening of Saturday, Nov. 1.
All youth ages 12 to 18 are welcome
Sunday November 2, 2:30 to 4:30 pm
Bowling at Suburban Bowlerama
(1945 S. Queen St., York). Cost:
$5 for bowling, snacks compliments of the church. Meet at the
church at 2:30 pm, and return at
4:30 pm. Note: drivers needed.
Parents, if interested in driving
contact Ken (717-817-1916).
We as a church
have signed up to
assist Compassion
York a local ministry
by serving food to
those in downtown
York on Sunday, November 23, 2014 from 4:00 to
7:00 pm. We are accepting donations of money,
food and volunteers (see sign-up sheets on table in
Sunday November 16, 5 to 7 pm
Narthex). Volunteers are needed in the following
Join us at the parsonage—2714 Whitney
ways: (1) to prepare food for main meal, (2) make
Dr., York—for food, games, football on
and pack the lunches, (3) assemble the main meal
TV, a Bible lesson, and fun!
bags, (4) to serve or drive (vans & trucks are
Friday December 12 to Saturday December 13 needed) the main meal on-site and (5) to clean-up
Game Night Lock-In, an event partnering with Ven- after the run. “If you or a class would like to take
ture Crew 153 of Red Lion. Note: all youth ages 14 charge of any parts of this ministry please conto 20 are welcome to attend. For more information tact me”. We will be making the bag lunches and
main meal bags during the Sunday school time
check out this website:
downstairs. So any SS classes that wish to assist
or call Terri Foust at 717-870-0189.
us may do so during this time. This is a great opportunity for us to do what Christ commands usSunday December 21, 5 to 7 pm
serve him by serving others. As our Lord says, “…
Christmas Cookie Drop!
for I was hungry, and you gave me food…”
Youth will deliver Christmas
(Matthew 25:35). If interested, please contact
cookies, candy canes, and
personal invitations to Christ- Charlie Brown at 887-1063 or
mas Eve Worship to the peo- [email protected]. Thank you!
ple of our community. We’ll
This year the annual Church Conalso share a meal together
ference will be on Sunday, Novemand play games!
ber 9 at 5:00 pm at our church. It
will begin with worship in the SancLooking ahead…
tuary with other churches of the
No Youth Group on Sunday, January 4 .
Dallastown Cluster. After worship,
Happy New Year!
each church will have its own indiWe will resume later in January—more details
vidual meeting to conduct the necessary business
to be announced.
of Church Conference. This format places a greater
emphasis on worship and will keep the business
All Saints Sunday will be obnd
portion to a minimum. All church members are welserved November 2 . We will
celebrate the lives of those mem- come, and church officers are especially encourbers who have departed from us aged to attend this meeting which will include a resince November 2013 at the 9 am view of the previous year’s ministries as well as the
setting of ministry goals for 2015.
worship service.
“Worship the Lord with
gladness; come before him
with joyful songs”
Psalm 100.2
Children’s Music Opportunities
Lord’s Lil’ Singers will be singing
“Dem Bones” Sunday, October 26th at
the 9 am and 11 am worship services
and playing rhythm sticks as they sing!
All children are welcome and we encourage them to come to Sunday
School at 10:10 am in the Music Room 400 when
we sing and practice our songs. We also sing at the
start of Kids’ Club the 1st and 3rd Sunday each
month at 2:00 pm.
Joyful Lil’ Ringers will share
a special song on November
2nd during the 9 and 11 am
services! Children 1st grade
through 5th grade are welcome. They meet Tuesdays
each week at 5:15 – 5:45 pm in the Children’s Music
Room 400. No experience or music reading required. We will begin working on a song for Christmas! If your child is interested, please contact Laurie Snyder 309-1678 [email protected].
WT Kids: All kids are welcome to hang out in the
Kids’ Music Room 6:15 pm – 7:20 pm and learn
about praising God through music…singing, learning about rhythm and playing instruments! Kids also
have a short Bible lesson, games and creative
time! Bring your friends!
Special Christmas Music Cantata
Keith Andrew Grim will be presenting
“Child Of Bethlehem – A Christmas Music Cantata” at Otterbein Spry at both the
traditional 9 am service and the 11 am
contemporary service on November 30.
The concert is a musical journey through the events
of the birth of Jesus Christ through scripture readings, acoustic guitar instrumental Christmas Carols,
original Christmas songs written by Keith, and music
presented by the congregation.
Sounds of the Season Concert
Great news…we are excited to
announce we will have our annual Sounds of the Season Concert this year on Friday, December 12th at 7:00 pm Due to
school scheduling conflicts last year, we could not
have the concert. This year we are fortunate to find
a date that would fit Mr. Diehl and the group’s
schedule. So, the Dallastown Middle School String
Ensemble “Wildcat Strings” AND the High School
String Ensemble will perform! Both groups are under the direction of David Diehl. Mark your calendars, invite friends, neighbors and family to come
hear the “Sounds of the Season” fill our beautiful
Sanctuary. A love offering will be received to go to
the charity of the groups choosing. We will have
cookies and punch in Fellowship Hall following the
Dear Otterbein UMC, I want to take a
moment to sincerely thank you for
your donation and partnering with me
in ministering to the people of Guatemala. The work that will be done wouldn't be
possible without God moving your heart to partner
with me in this ministry and you responding with
In the upcoming months, I will continue
making the necessary preparations to answer the
call to serve in Guatemala. I am trusting that the
Lord would provide the necessary funds and Tito
(my dog) and I will be able to move to Guatemala
right after the New Year. Please pray that God
would continue to grow my faith through this daunting process of fundraising.
One way you can continue to support me is
to spread the word about what God is doing in Guatemala and about how He has called me to
serve. You can direct any friends or churches that
are interested in hearing more to my blog (http:// or to Servants
( (717) 378-0336).
Thank you again for your commitment to me
and this ministry God has called me to, and I also
want you to know that your support matters to me:
prayer, financial, and every other way you continue
to be a part of what God is doing through me! I am
praying for continued blessings in your life. Thank
you for all you've done!
Sincerely, Val Ludwig
Scripture Reader
2 - Mindy Noll
9 - Sandy Towson
16 - Janeen Hershey
23 - Janeen Hershey
2 - Carl and Mary Ann Lauver
9 - Dan and Deb Keech
16 - Bud and Lois Roth
23 - Gary and Virginia Houser
30 - Linda Noll, Pam Brandt
Children’s Church
2 - Matt Ferree, Dodie Stabley
9 - Sarah Mc Queen,
Jen Coppage
16 - Doris Snyder, Erin Hammons
23 - Martha Brown, Dina Ferree
30 - Heather Beavers,
Dodie Stabley
Communion Servers
2 - Ed Anderson, Lucreta Clark,
Nadine Goodwin
Nursery Helpers - Angela Smith,
Sarah Weikert
Ushers - Bob and Sally Spyker,
Dale and Sandy Stough
If interested or for more
information in volunteering for
these ministries, please call the
church office (741-1429).
2 - Meg and Ethan Mylet
9 - Scott and Michelle Schreckengast
16 - Mitch and Clare Hescox
23 - Steve, Stephanie, Emily, and Erin Perago
30 - Children’s Sunday School Class
Children’s Church
2 - Kim Becker, Meg Mylet
9 - Lindsay Barshinger, Pam Brandt
16 - Scott Snyder, Michelle Schreckengast
23 - Molly Loyer
30 - Doris Snyder, Clare Hescox
Ushers - Warren Adams, Bob Becker
Nursery Helpers - Angela Smith, Sarah Weikert
During the month of September
our Food Bank helped 121 families consisting of 204 adults, 189
children and 38 seniors. Food
items are collected the first Sunday morning of every month or
food may be dropped off during
normal office hours, Tuesday
through Friday, 8:30 am—4:00
pm. Monetary donations are appreciated also.
Food can now be purchased at the York County
Food Bank for ¼ of the price that would be
paid at the grocery store. Donations can be included with your regular offering by writing “Food
Bank” on the envelope or using the brown envelopes in the pews. The Food Bank Committee is
very thankful for ALL the support. If you are in
need of assistance from the Food Bank, contact
the church office, 741-1429 by Wednesday each
week. Food pick up is Thursdays between 11 am
and noon. Any questions see Virginia Houser or
Denise Harlacker.
The Seniors’ Group luncheon will be
held at Aroma Buffet & Grill, 2801 E.
Market St, York Wednesday, Nov. 19,
11:45 am. For more information contact
Pat Shue, 741-2203.
“Piggies” are here! It is time to pick
up a piggy bank and start feeding it
with money to support our church’s
Food Bank, which serves our community. October 9th our Food Bank distributed food to 141 adults and children. We will present our piggies–
along with donations of canned food—in worship
on Faith Harvest Sunday, Nov. 23.
Quarterly Missions Offering
Thank you for your giving to
support Val Ludwig, a missionary to Guatemala through Servants. The October 5 offering
for this cause totaled $346.
Again this year we will have
our ANGEL TREE. Angels will be hung on the
tree in the lobby. If you
would like to help a needy
child have a happier Christmas, take one or more angels off the tree. The gifts
need to be returned by
December 1st, unwrapped and placed beneath
the tree with the Angel attached. For more information contact Virginia Houser,
We will not do our church's Christmas
Card Exchange due to space limitations in the lobby with the upcoming
construction for our church elevator.
Of course, you can still send and exchange cards to one another on your
The Hanging of the
Greens will be done
after the morning worship services and during
the Sunday School hour
on Sunday, November
30th. The following
schedule will be used:
Ole' Faithful Class - Hallways, Meeting Room
and Library; Bright Promise Class - Narthex; Choir Sanctuary and Tree; The Seekers - Sanctuary &
Tree; Practical Christianity Class - Narthex; Praise
Band - Fellowship Hall; Youth - Upstairs Hallway,
Class Room & Youth Room. Our church brunch will
be held during the Sunday School hour that day
also. We encourage everyone to join in this activity… make it a family event and a time of fellowship
as we begin the Advent Season!
Due to the substantial increase in prices,
the Ole’ Faithful Class will not be taking
orders for citrus fruit this year. Sorry for
any inconvenience this has caused.
This year we will
celebrate our
Faith Harvest
Service during morning worship Sunday, November
23rd at the 9 and 11am worship services. Please
bring your filled piggy banks. The money will support our church’s Food Bank which serves our community. If you haven’t picked up your “piggy” they
are available in the lobby. We ask everyone to
bring non-perishable food items and place them on
the altar rails at the front of the church (for the 9 am
service) or up front by the Communion table in Fellowship Hall (for the 11 am service). This food will
help stock our Food Pantry which helps many families each week in our community. Let us join on
this day to give thanks with a grateful heart and
give praise to God for all he has given us!
Join us for brunch and a
time of fellowship Sunday,
November 30 at 10:10. We
will not have Sunday School
that day.
the Servants Committee is taking orders for
sweet pickles. Order forms are in the lobby.
Orders are due November 9. Pints - $2.50,
Quarts - $5.00. Pick up is Sunday, November 23 in the kitchen after the worship services.
Just in time for the holidays!
With our firm foundation we
have already started building to
a most hopeful future with our
giving to date totaling $153,476
and our commitments at $400,
867. This is an exciting start to
what will be a great ongoing
campaign. We are in the process of getting the necessary
permits and finalizing the plans
for our church elevator. We will proceed as quickly
as possible, and we look forward to the completion
of this project in the fall. Stay tuned for more updates as we carry out the work funded by your generous support of our capital campaign.
Mark Your Calendars, Pray, and Let’s Get Ready!
(continued from page 1)
Matthew 28 as exactly the kind of opportunity that,
with God’s guidance and blessings, will help us
continue to move forward in ministry and reach
more people with the good news of Jesus.
Thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit, and
to your faithful response to God’s leading, we are
already a growing church. In fact, the renewal that
God has brought about in our midst is nothing short
of remarkable. Praise the Lord! Matthew 28 has the
potential to help us become even more effective at
living out our mission of making disciples of Jesus
Christ. After all, that is exactly what he commands
us to do, in the passage known as the Great Commission: “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to
obey everything I have commanded you.”
In the coming weeks and months, you will
hear more about what the Matthew 28 Initiative
entails. Part of it will be a weekend-long consultation with a trained consultant. Our consultant is
Rev. Matt Lake, the pastor of the largest church in
our entire conference, First UMC Williamsport,
which averages over 850 people in worship each
week. The result of the consultation is a report that
includes specific prescriptions designed to lead our
congregation to even greater fruitfulness for Christ.
For now, I am asking you to save the date of our
consultation weekend: January 23 to 25, 2015. I
am excited about how God will use this initiative to
lead our church forward in ministry, so that we can
carry out with ever-increasing focus, energy, and
joy the mission that God has given us as described
in the words that we affirm in every worship service: “We are a Christ-centered church committed
to making disciples by witnessing God’s grace,
mercy, and love to all people.”
So mark your calendars, pray, and let’s get
ready for Matthew 28—and meanwhile, I look forward to seeing you in worship!
Good Food For a Good Price
For a Good Deed
SHARE is a program that empowers people to be
self-sufficient and strengthens relationships and
communities by encouraging volunteer service.
Through SHARE, people can purchase food packages worth $35-$40 for $21 or less. SHARE offers
a wide variety of meat packages, a veggie package, holiday packages, and during the summer and
fall months, Farm Fresh Packages. Farm Fresh
Packages offer fresh fruits and veggies from family
farmers in Lancaster County. All this for only 2
hours of volunteer service such as church work,
babysitting, calling a neighbor daily, picking up
trash while on a walk, working at a food bank,
library, school, etc. If you eat, you’re in! Everyone
can participate in SHARE. Any questions call
Virginia Houser, 741-3462 or Lois Roth, 741-2302.
November Sign Up Date
November 8 — 10 am - noon
Food Distribution Day
November 22 — 10 am - noon
Roy Deardorff
Senior Commons Rm. 610
1775 Powder Mill Rd
York, PA 17402
Ethel Deardorff
Manor Care South, Rm. 406A
200 Pauline Dr.
York, PA 17402
Are you on our church
e-mail list?
If not, please write it on
the Fellowship Pad on
Sunday mornings or send
Confused about Medicare Part D?
us a message ([email protected]) and we’ll
Pharmacists from Walgreens will be in
add you to our list. That way, you can receive ocFellowship Hall Saturday, November 1st casional e-mail updates about church events and
at 10 am to answer all your questions.
the new Pastor’s E-note that is sent out each week.
Light refreshments will be served.
The Advent and Christmas season will soon be upon us and
we are again decorating the
Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall
with poinsettias. This year we
will continue to offer three sizes (please see order
form for size details and pricing information). You
have choices of white, red, pink, or marble poinsettias. In lieu of flowers, you may also contribute to
the Ephesians and Good Samaritan Funds to support people in need in our church and community.
Please make all checks payable to:
On the line located on the lower left hand corner of
your check (in the memo/notes section) please
designate how you wish your contribution to be
To place your poinsettia order please fill out the
form and place it in an envelope found in the pew
racks or in the lobby. The completed forms in the
envelopes may then be placed in the offering plate
or given to Florine Harris or Barb Stambaugh.
Poinsettias may be picked up after the morning
worship services on December 28.
DEADLINE TO ORDER is November 23, 2014
Name (please print clearly)
Phone #________________
Please check the number of each type wanted in the
categories listed below:
5-6 Blooms: ___Red ___White___Pink ___Marble
10-12 Blooms: ___Red ___White___Pink ___ Marble $14.50
14-16 Blooms: ___Red ___White ___Pink ___Marble $20.50
Dear Partners in the Mission of Christ,
What a joy it was to receive your commitment to support the Bishop’s Partner in Mission Campaign. Because of your contribution of $250, you will join the
efforts of your sisters and brothers, both laity and clergy, to support our continued
outreach on behalf of Jesus Christ. The Susquehanna Annual Conference has had
a long history of serving the needs of the less fortunate, responding in times of
global, national and natural crisis, and sharing the good news of healing and hope
with the least and forgotten.
The challenges before us are overwhelming and quite formidable; however, we know that our
God is able and that God’s power works mightily in and through our denominational heritage of connectional partnership in mission. Each gift, when added to others’ gifts, ensures our ability to respond on
God’s behalf and to make God’s presence known among those who desperately need to know that God
loves and cares for them. Because you have responded to the plea of the Bishop’s Partners in Mission,
your gift when multiplied over and over again will make a difference in so many lives as it helps to feed
the hungry, to clothe the naked, to rescue the perishing, to comfort the troubled, and to heal the hurt.
I bow before you in thanksgiving for your gift of generosity and hope! It is my joy and privilege
to serve the Church of Jesus Christ with you. Alive in Christ together, you and I claim each other as
partner in mission for the sake of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
May God continue to richly bless and honor you and your ministry among us.
Your Partner in Mission, Bishop Jeremiah J. Park
A Midweek
Opportunity for
September 10—November 12
5:30 p.m. • Dinner
6:15 – 7:20 p.m. • Classes/Activities
7:30 p.m. • Prayer Service
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the
prayers.” Acts 2:42
Wednesdays Together is an opportunity for
folks of all ages to gather for one evening a week
of fun, fellowship, and growing in faith. We will
share a meal together (one you won’t have to cook
or clean up after!) and nourish our minds and souls
through a variety of classes and activities.
This fall, in addition to activities for children
and youth as well as nursery coverage for our little
ones, we will offer three classes for adults: The
Crafters (crocheting and knitting group), Wednesday Night Bible Study, and Key Christian Beliefs.
Stay for some or all!
Songbird Café
A place where you can
relax, listen to music,
meet new friends,
play games, and
savor the simple
Join us November 21!
An evening filled with:
*Music *Games *Refreshments *Fun
The third
Friday of every
7:00 - 10:00 pm
Songbirdcafe Oumc
My Beloved Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Grace to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Healer of
our Brokenness and Hope of the World!
Without a doubt, one of the great blessings of being a United Methodist is our connectional system. One of the primary ways that we live out that connection is with our Shares of Ministry. Your congregation, along with hundreds of others within the Susquehanna Annual Conference, has sustained
that covenant through 100 percent payment of your conference fair share for 2013. As your Episcopal
leader and colleague, I want to thank every one of you for what you have done!
Because of your faithfulness in fully supporting your Shares of Ministry, the ministry of your
church has been expanded many fold. Ministries near and far are made possible through your generosity. Because you cared to give out of the abundance of the resources that God has blessed your congregation, children and youth had a wonderful camping experience, our retired pastors received assistance with their health care and pension, and a host of many other ministries were enabled because you
care. I deeply appreciate your commitment, which I realize often requires great sacrifice.
When we multiply our gifts together rather than attempting to accomplish through the efforts of
one church alone, we can do amazing things as the people of God. In United Methodist language we
call that connectionalism. In faith language we call that the power of Christ to multiply the jgifts that we
May God continue to richly bless and honor you and your ministry.
With You in Christ’s Ministry, Bishop Jeremiah J. Park
Sunday Morning Schedule
9:00 am Traditional Worship
10:10 am Sunday School for all ages
11:00 am Contemporary Worship
Boy Scout Troop 50, Mon. 7 pm
Brownie Troop 474, Wed. 6:30
Cub Scout Pk. 50, Tues. 7 pm
Junior Troop 1698 & Cadette
Troop 1699, Friday 6 pm
Kids’ Club
2 - 4 pm
Youth 2:30 pm
Conference 5 pm
Kids’ Club
2 - 4 pm
Hanging of
Reminder—We will not have Sunday School
November 23 or 30 due to Food Run prep on
the 23rd and Hanging of the Greens on the 30th.
Medicare Part D
10 am
Private Party
AA - 6 pm
Trustees, 7 pm
7 pm
22 Share Distri-
Bible Study 9:45 am
AA - 6 pm
Staff Meeting 7 pm
Bible Study 9:45 am
AA - 6 pm
Young Women’s
Group, 7 pm
Iron Men, 7 pm
Missions 7 pm
AA - 6 pm
3 - Leah Seitz
5 - Mary Louise Snyder
Robert Spyker
6 - Susan Scott
8 - Barbara Dietrich
Barbara Stambaugh
9 - Logan Barshinger
14 - Dan Kerchner
15 - Dolores Butcher
16 - Andy Souders
17 - Charles Thomas
AA - 6 pm
Bible Study 9:45 am
AA - 6 pm
Young Women’s
Group, 7 pm
Iron Men, 7 pm
SPRC 8:15 pm
Youth at parsonage 5-7 pm
23 Faith
30 Bible Study 9:45 am
Sunday 10:10 am Lord’s Lil’ Singers
Tuesday 5:15 pm Joyful Lil’ Ringers
Wed. 6:30 pm Contemporary Worship Team
Thursday 6:30 pm Choir
Thursday 7:30 pm Glory Bells
19 - Brady Boyd
20 - Bev Castriota
24 - Pastor Ken Loyer
25 - Henry Ferree
Andrew May
Rainor Smith
26 - Braydon Flynn
27 - Chelsea Duke
Louise Suedkamp
28 - Annie Loyer
Lisa Miller
Joseph Mowery
Seniors’ Group
Luncheon - 11:45 am
AA - 6 pm
Prayer Service
AA - 6 pm
30 - Brynn Kehler
Zeke Loyer
Matthew Smith
Share Sign Up
10 - noon
Game Nite /
Covered Dish 6 pm
bution 10 - noon
11 - Steve & Janeen Hershey
Kenn & Gwen Man
27 - Joel & DeAnna Hain
29 - Randy & Gale Runkle
Otterbein United Methodist Church of Spry
50 School Street
York, PA 17402
Visit us at:
Phone: 717-741-1429
Parsonage: 717-741-0579
E-Mail: [email protected]
Otterbein UMC Spry
7:00 pm* Family Service
( with our children’s choir and a
special visit from Santa Claus!) December Upcoming Events
11:00 pm Traditional Worship Dec. 5 & 6, Cub Scout Lock In, 5 pm—10 am
with Communion(10:30 pre- Dec. 6, Share Sign Up, 10 am - Noon
service music in the sanctuary) Dec. 9, Trustees, 7 pm
*Childcare available for children Dec. 12, Sounds of the Season Concert, 7 pm
If you no longer wish to receive
these publications, please contact the
church office at 717-741-1429 or via
e-mail at spryumc@verizon. net.
Would you like to receive
The Otterbein Messenger by
e-mail? Contact the church
2 and under
Dec. 19, Songbird Café, 7 pm
Dec. 20, Share Distribution, 10 am - Noon
Dec. 21, Children’s Christmas Program 9 & 11