Holy Family School 815 Stensrud Road SASKATOON SK S7W 0M9 Phone: 306-659-7850 www.gscs.sk.ca - click on our schools, select Holy Family Principal: Mrs. C. Tenaski Vice Principal: Mrs. C. Anning Superintendent: Mrs. J. Weninger Trustee Liaison: T. Hawkins, L. Lambert & W. Stus Wednesday, November 19th, 2014 GREETINGS FROM YOUR ADMIN TEAM: Advent will soon be upon us. This season marks a special time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Doesn’t it seem fitting that our school’s name is Holy Family and that along with the excitement of the Christmas season also comes the anticipation of moving into our new school? Our caretaker, Mr. Ron McLean, officially begins on Monday, November 24th in our building. During the next few days he will work with a crew to get the school ready for us to begin to move in furniture, technology and resources. Staff will then have a chance to work together to get our school ready for our students! December will definitely be an exciting and busy month for us all. There will be a number of faith filled opportunities throughout Advent. Some of these include daily prayer, classroom and school wide liturgies and masses. For this year only, we will not be having a Christmas concert due to the move. Once we are in our school, we will be planning many opportunities for students to perform and showcase their learning and talents. Due to time limitations, nature of being in two schools and a primary focus of moving into our new school, we will be unable to coordinate a school wide Advent celebration this year. We will continue to keep you informed as we journey through these next few weeks. C. Tenaski C. Anning Principal Vice Principal School Opening Update Representatives from the school divisions, their consultants and the construction firm Ellis-Don met recently to further discuss the opening date for Holy Family Catholic School and Willowgrove Public School. The target date to begin classes at the schools remains January 5th, 2015. We will provide another update in approximately one month as we draw closer to moving into our new school. If you have any questions, I invite you to contact me at 306-659-7850 or via email at [email protected] DATES TO REMEMBER… Thursday, November 20th • PM Gr.7 & 8’s go to ACT Friday, November 21st • Due to technical difficulties progress reports will not go home with students today. They will be sent home on Tuesday. • Family Pizza Order forms due at Father Robinson Tuesday, November 25th • Progress Reports will be sent home with students today. • 9AM Christmas Buffet Lunch orders due at Father Robinson • 1:15PM Lockdown Practice at St. Volodymyr School Thursday, November 27th • 1:15PM Lockdown Practice at Father Robinson School Friday, November 28th • Family Bingo at Father Robinson School – Holy Family families are warmly invited. Holy Family School Color(s), Mascot and Logo Project We have been blessed with the opportunity to open our new school. The beginning of a school involves the building of new traditions and rituals that help form the school’s image. Thank you to those of you who have submitted ideas. A committee will review the entries this week. Conferences and Progress Reports Thank you to the students, parents and staff who engaged in our recent Three Way Conferences. Together we are more effective in maximizing learning outcomes for our students. Progress Reports will be sent home on Tuesday, November 25th. Preston Early Learning Centre (306-373-3535) Information was sent to families via email on Tuesday, November 4th. Please note: 1) The Before & After School Program at Holy Family School will commence with the opening of the school. Registration forms are currently being accepted for this program. Forms were emailed out and once completed can be returned to: [email protected] or mailed to Preston Early Learning, 1529 Preston Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7H 2V6. Preston Early Learning will accommodate all children that register for the program but please fill out your application and return ASAP so that we can staff the program accordingly. 2) Holy Family Preschool is currently operating out of Holy Family Cathedral which is located at: 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon, SK S7S 1H1. The preschool program will transfer to Holy Family School when it opens. We are currently accepting registrations for January 2015 so if you would like your child to attend, please fill out the forms that were emailed and return to: [email protected] or mail to Preston Early Learning, 1529 Preston Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7H 2V6. Registration forms will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Father Robinson News… Family Bingo Night – Friday, November 28th Doors open at 6:00 pm Bingo 7:00 – 9:00 pm We are looking for donations for prizes. Receipts for income tax purposes can be issued for monetary donations. Please contact Elizabeth Wareing at 306-373-5151 or Jacquie Dovell at 306-221-8473 to donate. THANK YOU!! Family Pizza order forms due Friday, November 21, 2014 Christmas Buffet – Friday, December 5th Buffet includes turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, cranberry sauce, cookie and a drink. Please hand in order forms by Tuesday, November 25th. Please send a reusable plastic plate and cutlery with your child for the buffet. Counting will be on Wednesday, November 26th at 9:00 am at the school. If you can help count, please come to the school and lend a hand. Any parent help is greatly appreciated! Playground News… CABARET for PLAY – A huge thank you to all who supported our cabaret! The evening was fun-filled and raised much needed funds to support our playground! Thanks to those who donated silent auction items and who came out to support this great event! Financial donations are still being accepted, please contact us through our web page at www.Holyfamilyplayground.ca or our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/HolyFamilyPlayground. AUNT KATHY’S HOMESTYLE PRODUCTS FUNDRAISER- Please see the note that is being sent home with your child. 1) Keep the stapled form as your “master copy” of orders, and hand in ONLY this order form by Dec 2nd. Total the amount of each item and write it on the MASTER copy. (You are welcome to copy this form and use it as individual order forms for those who order from you.) 2) Include your NAME and PHONE NUMBER on the master copy of the order form. 3) You are in charge of keeping track of who ordered what, picking up the order on December 11th at the Cathedral of the Holy Family and delivering the items to your customers. 4) Cheque or cash is accepted. Cheques made out to Holy Family Playground *This fundraiser receives a return of 40-75% of sales going to our playground which is amazing! Thanks for your continued support! NEXT MEETING - Wednesday, Nov. 26th @ St. Volodymyr library 7pm. New members very welcome! “Come Spend Time with Family” Sunday Mass Times 9AM, 11:30AM & 6:30PM 123 Nelson Road Office Hours: 9AM – 4:30PM Monday thru Friday Phone: 306-659-5800 www.holyfamilycathedral.ca Enchanted Forest Are you participating in the BHP Billiton Walk through the Enchanted Forest on Friday, November 21st? If so, please feel free to park in the parking lot of the Cathedral of the Holy Family. After your walk through the Enchanted Forest, please come inside to warm up by the fireplace while enjoying a hot beverage and goodies prepared by our Catholic Women’s League. There is NO CHARGE for parking or for hospitality – it’s all on us! Community News… Volleyball: Girls – Dynamo Club Volleyball tryout for teams in each of the following categories: 13U (born in 2002 and later), 14U (born in 2001 and later) and 15U (born in 2000 and later) will be held at the Henk Reys Soccer Centre in Lawson on December 4th and/or December 11th from 5-6:30PM. Cost for the try-out is $20. You only have to attend one of the dates. Club volleyball season runs from January until the end of April. Register to attend at www.volleyballsaskatoon.ca or contact Heather at 306-249-6566 for more information. Musical: St Joseph High School presents “Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare. Show times: November 19th, 20th and 21st 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $10 Adults, $5 Students. Rush Seating. The award winning Saskatoon Children’s Choir (SCC), under the direction of Artistic Director Phoebe Voigts, will be joined by a number of professional brass, string and percussion players from Saskatoon for its annual Christmas concert “Sing Choirs of Angels.” The annual concert takes place on Friday, November 28 and Saturday, November 29, 2014 at 7:30 PM at Knox United Church in Saskatoon, and will feature the angelic voices of 130 choristers, accompanied by pianist Michelle Aalders. On the program classical and contemporary choral music, as well as the choir’s stunning renditions of traditional seasonal favourites. Tickets for the concert are available at McNally Robinson Booksellers, and at the door. Reserved seating $25, rush seating $15. Bigger than T. rex – the hunt for the largest predatory dinosaur. The Saskatchewan Geological Society is hosting a free public lecture about the re-discovery of the spinosaurus. It happens Tuesday, Dec. 2, from 7:308:30 pm in the Battlefords Room at the Delta Bessborough Hotel. Come hear Dr. Nizar Ibrahim of the University of Chicago who was involved in the discovery, which was featured on the cover of October’s issue of National Geographic magazine and has been featured on the PBS program NOVA. More information is available online by Googling Saskatchewan Geological Open House 2014. Women’s Wellness Day - Theme: Holy Health and Healing, Saturday, November 22, 2014. This Women’s Wellness Day will give you food for your mind, rest for your body and encouragement for your soul so you can experience health, healing and abundant life. Through Holy Yoga, a unique prayer form honoring Jesus, we will use calming breath, contemplative meditation and gentle, relaxing stretches with options to fit every body. Listen to inspiring stories on women’s spiritual and health issues and connect with other women in discussion, prayer and fun. In the evening there will be a banquet to socialize with entertainment. The day begins at 8:30 am and ends at 7:00 pm. Register online to: queenshouse.org. Your leader will be Diane Waldbillig, a mother of 4 and grandmother of 7 who is very active in her church. She is a Master Holy Yoga instructor who recently completed a certification in Holy Yoga Therapy, learning how to teach yoga to people with health challenges. “Is Our Community Safe? What Can I Do About It?” He's been assaulted and she's been in jail. Hear their stories of hope and listen to Police Chief Clive Weighill's challenge: "Let's get to the root cause of crime!" Wednesday, December 10, 7:00 - 9:00 pm St. Anne Parish Hall, 217 Lenore Drive Saskatoon. Everyone is encouraged to come. Free will offering. The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Support Network of Saskatchewan offers individuals living with FASD, their family members and larger support teams one-on-one support to clarify an individual’s shortterm goals and determine a plan to reach these goals. FASD is a range of disabilities that can occur in children, youth, and adults cognitive abilities when alcohol is consumed during pregnancy. It is a lifelong, brain-based, and often invisible disability. Individuals living with FASD experience primary disabilities that affect their sensory processing, behaviour and physical growth. Individuals and families interested in accessing services from the Family Support Program can call the toll-free line - 1-866-673-3276 - and ask to speak with the Family Support Program Supervisor. Professionals interested in referring clients to the Program are encouraged to contact the Network’s FSP Supervisor with the individual: [email protected] What is head lice? • head lice is common in school age children • head lice is not a disease and lice do not spread disease • anyone can get head lice - it has nothing to do with personal cleanliness • the entire life cycle of head lice occurs on the human head • head lice do not usually survive off the human head for longer than 36 hours • lice is spread by direct head to head contact, or by sharing combs, brushes or headgear • eggs that are more than 1 cm (one-half inch) away from the scalp are dead or have hatched What are the signs of head lice? • constant itching of the scalp • when checking for lice, look for the eggs on the hair strand, close to the scalp - they are small, oval and brown or white • the eggs are glued firmly to the hair and cannot be easily removed • head lice are not easy to see -they are tan coloured, small, wingless insects which are about the size of a sesame seed • they live only on the human head and do not fly or jump from person to person How do you prevent getting head lice? • teach children not to share combs, brushes or headgear • remind children to store outer clothing away from other children’s clothing • braid or tie back long hair • treat lice and nits promptly with recommended products according to package instructions “Schools Win Twice” 2014 Raffle Winners Ticket # Sold At Winner Prize # 1 - Disneyworld Florida Vacation #102830 Bishop Mahoney Sharon Snodgrass Saskatoon, SK Prize # 2 - Disneyland California Vacation #003031 Bishop Klein Mar Day Saskatoon, SK Prize # 3 - John Deere 827E Snowblower #107016 Board Office Rachel Ng Saskatoon, SK Prize # 4 - Apple iPadAir 4 W-Fi #005856 Bishop Pocock Molly Nichol Saskatoon, SK Prize # 5 - Big Green Egg #097904 Holy Cross Michelle Hughes Saskatoon, SK Prize # 6 - Boston Acsoutics Home Theatre #099327 St Joseph Francois Gaudet Bellevue, SK Prize # 7 - Specialized Hardrock Bike #064744 St. John Shayla Lange Martensville, SK Prize # 8 - Specialized Hardrock Bike #048375 St Dominic (S) Sara Alton Saskatoon, SK Prize # 9 - Sony Home Theatre #105218 Cardinal Leger Melissa McMahon Saskatoon, SK Prize # 10 – Samsung 43” Plasma TV #035591 Pope John Paul II Jim Eisenkrein Saskatoon, SK Prize # 11 – Bang & Olufsen H6 Headphones #016332 Cardinal Leger Terry Ullman Saskatoon, SK Prize # 12 – Samsung 32” LCD TV #013826 Cardinal Leger Teresa Broedor Assiniboia, SK Prize # 13 –Sony Camcorder #095361 Saskatoon French Kerstin Katzschke Saskatoon, SK Prize # 14 – GoPro HD Hero 3 Camera #037166 St. Angela Martine Sansoucey Saskatoon, SK Prize # 15 – Pizza, Pasta or Wings for a year (1/mon) #016130 Cardinal Leger Brittany Durocher Ile-a-la-crosse, SK Prize # 16 – Pizza, Pasta or Wings for a year (1/mon) #091911 Sister O’Brien A. Evjen Saskatoon, SK Prize # 17 – Harmon Kardon Wireless Sound Sticks #089917 St. Volodymyr Darlene Driol Saskatoon, SK Prize # 18 – Harmon Kardon Wireless Sound Sticks #019612 Father Robinson Joshua Sanden Craik, SK Prize # 19 – Cineplex Entertainment Card #061312 St. Maria Goretti Colleen Wolfe Saskatoon, SK Prize # 20 – Cineplex Entertainment Card #047921 St. Dominic (S) Alekcia Berg Saskatoon, SK Prize # 21 – BOSE On Ear Headphones #095230 Saskatoon French Luc Durette Saskatoon, SK Prize # 22 – BOSE On Ear Headphones #053510 St. Gabriel (B) Hailey Metz Biggar, SK Prize # 23 – Nikon Digital Camera #078643 St. Matthew Richie Stanviloff Saskatoon, SK Prize # 24 – Nikon Digital Camera #095475 Saskatoon French Dushmanthi Jayasinghe Saskatoon, SK Prize # 25 – Kobo Arc 7 eReader #031261 Mother Teresa Betty Vilar Saskatoon, SK Prize # 26 – Kobo Arc 7 eReader #076695 St. Matthew Andrew Karam Saskatoon, SK
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