Sacred Heart Church 260 High Street, Mount Holly, NJ 08060-1404 Telephone: 609-267-0209 • FAX: 609-267-9293 • Website: Office Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9:00am - 5:00pm (Closed for Lunch 12:00pm-1:00pm) Evening Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 6:00pm - 9:00pm • Sunday 8:30pm -1:00pm Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30am, 11:30am & 7:00pm Weekday: Mon.-Fri. 7:00am & 8:30am Saturday: 8:30am Confessions Saturday: 3:30pm - 4:00pm (Reconciliation Rooms are to the right of the Eucharistic Chapel) Parish Staff Pastor Deacons Rev. John P. Czahur ext. 308 Deacon Michael Auleta Deacon Jim Casa [email protected] Deacon John Hoefling Deacon Stan Orkis Deacon William Rowley Sacred Heart School 250High Street, Mount Holly, NJ 08060 Telephone: 609-267-1728 Email: [email protected] Website: Principal: Ms. Carla Chiarelli Admin. Assist.: Mrs. Colleen Martin ext. 316 Parish Secretary: Mrs. Michele O’Toole ext. 301 [email protected] Business Manager: Mrs. Deneen Thomas ext. 303 Cemetery Manager: Mrs. Paula Pietrow ext. 304 [email protected] Pastoral Administrator: Mrs. Marge McGinley ext. 306 [email protected] Asst. to Pastoral Admin.: Ms. Merry Marcellino ext. 305 [email protected] Parish Maintenance Mr. Jason D’Entremont ext. 319 [email protected] Sacred Heart Religious Education Telephone: 609-267-6319 Email: [email protected] Director of Rel. Ed: Mrs. Eileen Hoefling, D. Min. Coord. of Rel. Ed: Mrs. Jessica Donohue ext. 307 Office Hours: Mon-Thurs. 9am – 2pm Track I Class Times Grades 1st - 4th Tues. & Wed.: 5:00PM to 6:00PM Grades 5th - 6th Wednesday: 7:00PM to 8:00PM Grades 7th - 8th Tuesday: 7:00PM to 8:00PM NOVEMBER 22 – NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Parish Registration Our parish family warmly welcomes new members. Please register at your earliest convenience by stopping by the Parish House during the office hours. The Sacrament of Baptism We welcome new life into the Church through the sacramental sign of Baptism which is celebrated every Sunday of the month at 1:00pm with the exception of Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. We encourage parents who wish to have their child baptized to call the Parish Secretary, Michele O’Toole, at 609-702-1848 ext. 301 or stop in and pick up a Baptism packet. Once the Baptismal Preparation class is attended, the form completed and the Godparent Eligibility Certificates are turned in then a date for your child’s Baptism will be set. Baptismal Preparation Catholic Godparents are required to complete an Eligibility Certificate and have the certificates signed by the pastor of the parish where they are currently registered and practicing their faith. We offer a Baptismal Prep Class for parents as a way of preparing them for their child’s journey of faith. Classes are scheduled for the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm. Please contact the Parish Secretary to register. The Sacrament of Marriage Couples wishing to celebrate and consecrate their love in the Sacrament of Marriage are asked to call the Parish Secretary, Michele O’Toole at 609-702-1848 ext. 301. Arrangements are to be made with the Pastor a year in advance of the requested date. At least one person should be a registered member of the parish. All couples are required to attend preparation sessions. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Any Catholic who is seriously ill, advanced in age, or who feels the need for the comforting presence of the Church’s sacramental prayer life may be anointed. Please contact the Parish Office at 609-702-1848 ext. 301 during office hours. In the case of an emergency, please call and follow the instructions listed on our telephone message. Funerals In all cases, the family of the deceased parishioner should contact the funeral home directly. They will contact the Church to make further arrangements. For information regarding our Parish Cemetery, please call the Cemetery Office at 609-702-1848 ext 304 Care of the Sick, Homebound and Elderly: The sick, the homebound and the elderly are valued members of our parish. Please call the parish house at 609-267-0209 ext. 305 for a Bulletin Articles Sacramental Sponsorship Letter This is a form required to be a Godparent or Sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. To receive this form the following requirements must be met: -If married, be in a valid marriage according to the laws of the Catholic Church. -Be at least 16 years of age -Completed the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation -Be a registered, active participant of a Parish Articles for the Bulletin need to be submitted No Later than Friday to appear the next weekend (9 days prior). Articles can be emailed to [email protected] 512– Page 2 NOVEMBER 22 – NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE MASSES FOR THE WEEK November 24th– November 30rd MONDAY 7:00am Christie Hylton Req. By Anne Marie Hughes 8:30am Donna Christian Req. By Mr. & Mrs. Monell TUESDAY 7:00am Herman J. Redder Req. By the Redder Family 8:30am Dorothy Storer Req. By Stephen Norris WEDNESDAY 7:00am Sheila Gillespie Req. By Phil, Elaine, Camille, Seth, Colin, Jenn, Natus & Judah Ryan 8:30am Bud Stellwag, Sr. Req. By His Loving Family THURSDAY THANKSGIVING DAY 9:00am Margaret Farkas Req. By Alice & Al Farkas FRIDAY 7:00am Mary A . Alexander Req. By Bill & Yodi Langan 8:30am Joseph Laufer Req. By Jean & Bob Messina SATURDAY 8:30AM Barbara Morelli Req. By Shirley Sapp Tom Connor Req. By Mary Kay Buck & Family James J. Scacco, Sr. Req. By The Brown Family 4:30PM James Matarese Req. By Marge Eichenger SUNDAY 7:30am All the Deceased Religious of the Parish & The People of the Parish 9:30am Sandra B. Fowler Req. By Marge McGinley 11:30am Chester Sadowski Req. By Irene & Ed Besko 7:00pm Mary Kay & Dan Gallagher Req. By John & MaryPat Scordato The Devotional Candle in the Chapel of the Two Hearts Will Burn in Loving Memory of: James N. & Betty Juliana Eucharistic Adoration – Come and spend time in the quiet with Our Lord in the Chapel of the Two Hearts located in the Parish House. Our Chapel is open for you and Jesus to spend some time during the following hours: Monday through Friday 9AM to 8:30PM Saturday 9AM to noon. SUNDAY OFFERING Weekly 11/15 – 11/16 $ 19,776.63 Thank you for the faithful and generous support that you continue to give to our Church. Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 27th) Mass will be celebrated at 9:00AM The Parish Office and Chapel will be Closed Thursday November 27 And Friday November 28th 512– Page 3 NOVEMBER 22 – NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart, At this special time of the year when we pause to give thanks for the many blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon us, please know how truly grateful I am to all of you for your prayerful presence and faithful support of Sacred Heart Parish. On Thanksgiving Day you will be remembered in my prayers with sincere gratitude. How blessed we all are to belong to this wonderful community of faith. May you and your loved ones always experience the grace and peace of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your hearts and homes each day. God bless you all. Father John The Sacred Heart Parish Staff would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Please remember in your prayers: Sean Robert Miles, Frances Ogozalek, Barbara McCabe-Parker, Fred Zimmer, Toribia Cadavez, Patricia Parker, Norman Goldstein, Morgan Ackerman, Charles Juliana, Bertha Harris, Sabrina Kaiser, Wilma Peterson, Raymond Bishop, Walter Klarmann, Tom Polinski, Baby Joseph William Eades, Celeste Bunn, Patricia O’Connor, George Schneider, Catherine Byham, Marie Donahue, Jenny Hand, Margaret Brock, Christine, Mary Ellen Flynn, Peggy Stewart, Dylan Crespo, Sharon Carroll, Jane Ciletti, Annette Gullo, Frances Sinopoli, Teddy Smith William A. Andrews, Carmine Laraia, Arthur Netti, Doris Gallo, Rhiannon Schneider, Dick McCarron, Don Hartman, Mary Hartman, Clara Hynes, Daniel DeMaio, Liam Stellwag, Mark Cirillo, Frank Anton, Annmarie Laraia Bette, Michelle Schafle Reed, William Lawrence, Deacon John O’Donnell As a parish family we remember all who are struggling or suffering in mind, body, or spirit, especially those who have requested our prayers. Please pray for the men and women now serving in the military, especially the loved ones of our parishioners who are serving overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan: PFC Jimmy Graham, U.S.M.C. Capt. Travis Aiello, U.S.M.C. Keith A. Best, U.S.M.C. LCpl. Nigel Martin, U.S.M.C. Capt. Robert J. Boccio, U.S.A.F Michael Bakker, Isaac Paredez Major Scott J. Sill, Michael Tranchitella Douglas Schwenck, Army Reserve Richard DeLorge U.S.M.C Peter Liedman, Dorinia Dibuono Capt. James Rankin U.S.M.C LTC John Gourley, U.S. Army Nate Wiegnar, SSgt Daniel E. Naro, Sgt. Alison Lyport 2nd LT Lee Brent, U.S. Army Sgt. Stephanie Robertson, U.S. Army Sgt. Michael Rowley, U.S. Army 3 512– Page 4 NOVEMBER 22 – NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Baptisms We extend a warm welcome to our newly baptized. Kennedy Anne Granger Parker Bradley Dirvin May the Lord give His angels charge over you, to guide you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11 SERRA VOCATION PRAYER CHALICE Prayer for Vocations Lord our God, You established the Church as a sign of Your continuing presence in the world. We ask You to raise up faithful ministers to Your Church in the priesthood and religious life, so that the message of faith, justice and love contained in the Gospel may be brought into the hearts of all people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Archbishop John R. Quinn Thank you for praying for vocations. To learn more about the Vocation Prayer Chalice, please call Ann (609)-267-5836 or sign up by writing your name & phone number on the signup sheet located to the left of the Tabernacle in the Church Chapel. Solemnity of Christ the King On this last Sunday of the liturgical year, the Gospel of Matthew is our guiding text and we have a mixture of consoling social justice and chilling final judgment. The Son of Man will place the sheep on His right and the goats on His left. What is the determining factor for this separation? It is highlighted in the ministry to the hungry, thirsty, stranger, the naked, ill and imprisoned. The King’s response to the righteous who questioned when they saw the King in each of these circumstances contains the sum and substance of the Saint Vincent de Paul ministry: “Amen, I say to you whatsoever you did for the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” As we enter this Thanksgiving week, may we pause from our labors and remember in gratitude the Giver of all good gifts. May we never take for granted the gifts of health, family, talent and opportunity, and may we use them for the good of all people. The Pantry is in NEED of the following. Meals in a can, Macaroni & Cheese, Canned Vegetables, Can or Boxed Potatoes, Cereal, Tuna, Soups, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Canned Fruit & Jelly If you would like to make a monetary donation please make checks payable to: SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL 512– Page 5 NOVEMBER 22 – NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Our Book of Remembrance OUR BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE Remembering our loved ones who have joined our loving God in eternal rest is truly a gift of our faith. Beginning October 31st there will be a Book of Remembrance located in the Eucharistic Chapel in the Church (to the left of the Altar). Please write the names of your deceased loved ones in this book so we can remember them in our prayers and at all of our liturgies throughout the month of November. The gift of remembering and praying for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith is a wonderful part of our Catholic tradition. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BLOOD DRIVE CALLING ALL an angel during this season of giving.... The Sacred Heart Altar Rosary Society will once again sponsor an "Angel Tree". All gifts donated will be given to the St. Vincent DePaul Society to be used for their holiday giving. The tree will be put up in the church vestibule Saturday, November 22nd. Please place the gifts in the bag/boxes under the tree table, and take an ornament off of the tree for your family. Gifts should be for children ages 1 month through teens. Items of clothing, sensible toys, gift cards, etc. would be appreciated. If you wish to make a cash donation instead you may call Joelle Wentz (267-0061) and arrangements will be made to pick up your donation and shopping will be done for a much needed item. The tree will be up until December 6th. We are once again calling all life savers for our annual holiday blood drive to be held on, Friday, November 28, 2014 in the Sacred Heart Auditorium from 10:00am - 3:00 pm. Our goal is to sign 75 lifesavers this drive. Please come out and support your community. A special call is sent out to all "Type O" donors. Sign up tables will be available before and after all masses. Please bring a friend along. We thank you for being an angel and making a wonderful Christmas for others. The members of the Altar Rosary Society wish your families a very blessed and loving Christmas. 512– Page 6 NOVEMBER 22 – NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE “Keep Christ in Christmas” The Knights of Columbus are selling “Keep Christ in Christmas” car magnets, lawn signs and “Keep Christ in Christmas” red and green wrist bands, which make great stocking stuffers for the kids. The sale will take place after all masses on November 22/23. The price is $5.00 for the car magnet and $6.00 for the lawn sign or you can purchase both for $10.00. Wrist bands are $3.00 each. All proceeds from this sale go to support the Knight’s church and community activities throughout the year. Have you ever thought about joining the Knights of Columbus? If you are a practicing Catholic gentleman who may have an interest in the Knights of Columbus please contact Grand Knight Bruce Sirak at [email protected] or feel free to stop any Knight to learn about who we are and what we do! Visit us on Facebook as we capture our activities and news. Go to, type: Knights-of-Columbus1179-Santa-Maria-Council HolyLand&RomeTour Escortedby MsgrSirianni*MsgrGervasio andRev.JuanPeirano Feb24March10,2015 forCompleteDetails GraycarTravel 800-214-6723 The Sacred Heart Altar Rosary Society is sponsoring a Wonderful Trip to AMERICAN MUSIC THEATER IN BEAUTIFUL LANCASTER COUNTY PA ON December 12, 2014 THE CHRISTMAS SHOW Cost: $95.00 includes Show, Lunch, Transportation, Light snacks on coach and Gratuities. Leaves and Returns to Lumberton Plaza Please Contact Terry Rensman of the Sacred Heart Altar Rosary Society at 609-284-2517 for more details. OUR PROMISE TO PROTECT The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors. If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know of someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via e-mail at [email protected] The Diocese of Trenton reports any allegations of sexual abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Anyone with an allegation is also encouraged to provide that information to local law enforcement authorities. 512– Page 7 NOVEMBER 22 – NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Mary Undoer of Knots Adult Group Revised December 2014 Schedule Of Activities 12-6-2014 (Saturday) - Gift Wrapping for the Ronald McDonald House at Deptford Mall we will be meeting promptly at 9:45 AM at JC Penny's lower court at the Deptford Mall. As a group, we'll go to the Ronald McDonald House gift wrapping station to wrap presents. Our shift is from 10 AM to Noon. Immediately following our day of service, we'll go to Seven Star Diner in Sewell for lunch and to discuss our service day. Please e-mail Rosanne at [email protected] to be included. 12-9-2014 (Tuesday) – Theology On Tap @ Lazy Lanigan’s, Sewell, NJwe will be participating in the Social Justice and the New Evangelization at the Church of the Holy Family, 226 Hurffville Road, Sewell, NJ 08080. The young adults will gather in the church by the entranceway and listen to a presentation by Dr. Jonathan Reyes. This event replaces Theology on Tap for December. If you plan to join us please e-mail Rosanne at [email protected] . 12-14-2014 (Sunday) – “Living Nativity” at Fellowship Community Church, Mount Laurel, NJ we will meet by the front doors of Mount Laurel Community Church at 6:30 PM to see the Living Nativity. This event is amazing as The Bible comes to life through the talented parishioners playing the Biblical characters. This activity is free and family friendly! If you plan to join us, please e-mail Rosanne at [email protected]. (Snow Day- 12-21-2014 at 6:30 PM)– 12-21-2014 at 6:30 PM) 12-17-2014 (Wednesday) – *** SAVE THE DATE Our religion night presentation will take place at the Franciscan House of Prayer (Mother Mary Joseph Center of Hospitality,) 1215 Kresson Road in Cherry Hill 08003, on Wednesday evening, 12-17-2014. We'll gather at 6:45 PM at the center. Come listen to a dynamic speaker discuss the Immaculate Conception of Mary until 9 PM. If you plan on joining us for our very first faith night, please e-mail Rosanne at [email protected] to be included in the headcount. 12- 29-2014 (Monday) - Bowling Night at Pinsetter’s, Merchantville, NJ we will be meeting at Pinsetter's in Merchantville, NJ for a night out of bowling. We'll meet on the benches across from the bowling alley counter at 7:30 PM. The fee for bowling and shoe rental is an incredible low $2.00 each. In addition to the discounted bowling prices, Pinsetter's also offers drink specials, hot dogs, and burger sliders at discounted prices. Please email Rosanne at [email protected] to be included in the head-count. Breakfast with Santa December 6, 2014 9:00 to 11:00 am Sacred Heart Auditorium Come get into the holiday spirit with breakfast, crafts, face painting and a visit with Santa Claus! $7.00 per person *** Santa LOVES Cookies! *** *Please help us welcome Santa by donating a baked good for our sweet table* Sponsored by: Sacred Heart PTA Please Make Checks Payable to Sacred Heart PTA. Send your payments to Kris Guerra c/o Katie Guerra- Kindergarten by December 5, 2014 Name:_____________________________ # of people attending: _____X $7.00 =_________ amount enclosed If donating a baked good, please tell us what you plan to Bring:_________________________ 512– Page 8 NOVEMBER 22 – NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Living the Good News Today “So that God may be all in all.” While I was serving in the Air Force as an aircraft maintenance and logistics officer. I quickly learned at my first assignment that officers were given numerous additional duties beyond what we learned in our technical training. One of my favorite additional duties throughout my career was to serve as the squadron safety officer. Working on the flight line, maintenance and operations personnel were exposed to many industrial hazards. The need for compliance with technical directives was critical to prevent loss of lives and government equipment. Besides the safety awareness training that each squadron promoted, our Quality Assurance activity also monitored the safety compliance of personnel. Through regular message traffic that came through the chain of command, we learned of safety incidents that had occurred throughout the military and the causes, so that we could take corrective action to prevent similar occurrences. I cannot think of any unit that ever wanted to be the originator of one of those messages! After all, how does one explain an aircraft mishap, a fire, missed time at work due to hospitalization after failing to wear protective equipment, or cutting corners to get a job done and omitting key steps? Even after I transitioned into full-time civilian employment, I truly appreciated the fact that most safety programs failed when individuals started to develop complacency with their surroundings, their abilities, and the equipment with which they were working. Even in our daily non-military lives, we are exposed to the threats of complacency: disregard for warning signs; failure to install/maintain smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; ignoring doctor’s orders for risky health behaviors; leaving young children unattended in parked vehicles; and many other similar scenarios. So, what is required to have that sense of awareness and motivation to be vigilant and prepared? This weekend, we celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King. What do the words “king” and “kingdom” mean to us? All of us have studied American history, so we know that the colonies were once subject to the king of England. Today, the queen of England occupies a traditional, but ceremonial role. From the secular standpoint, Americans have not had a king since the Declaration of Independence was signed, so who remembers how to be subject to someone else? For those who belong to God’s kingdom, though, Pope Francis has frequently reminded the faithful that the Church is comprised of pilgrims on a journey—a way toward eternal life. How often do we pause and check on our complacency about who we are, how we are living our faith, and what the kingdom of God means to us? Jesus gave us the perfect question to ask ourselves: “… when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to Your needs?” If we allow ourselves to become too complacent, we might miss Christ right before our eyes! The 25th chapter of the Gospel of Saint Matthew has three compelling lessons for us to heed: 1. Be prepared (like the five wise virgins in the parable who had oil in their lamps when the bridegroom appeared); 2. Make your spiritual wealth (talents) grow by using them for Christian presence and witness in our world; 3. Love your neighbor: feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; welcome the stranger; clothe the naked; and visit those who are sick or in prison. To the complacent people of His time, Jesus shared the parable of the Good Samaritan so that they might know who their neighbor is. We must pay attention each day to see and hear those who are in need, where we will find the face of Christ. Our parish has many opportunities for ministry that reach out to people as Jesus described in the Gospel. For example, we have extraordinary ministers of Communion who visit the hospital, local nursing home, and the homebound. Our parish supports the Diocese of Trenton’s jail and prison ministry by visiting men and women in our diocese who are incarcerated. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society members distribute the food that is collected to feed the hungry in our area. On other levels, Catholic Relief Services and Catholic Charities engage large networks of committed Catholics to respond to the needs of millions of people in the world who are hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless, ill, and imprisoned. These agencies have e-mail newsletters and connect via social media, making their appeals personal, telling the stories of people with names and faces who are our brothers and sisters in faith. Will we respond? Christ is our only King, and His reign lasts forever, making us aware that God is all in all. We can avoid complacency by listening to the words of Jesus: “Whatever you did for one of the least brothers of Mine, you did for Me.” Teresa S. Redder, OFS 512– Page 9 NOVEMBER 22 – NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE UPCOMING EVENTS WEEKLY PLANNER SUNDAY November 23rd KOC Keep Christ in Christmas Sale RCIA Adults 10:00am LIB Music Practice 6:30pm Church SUNDAY November 30th MONDAY November 24th Cub Scouts 5:00pm PHMR Basketball 6:30pm Gym TUESDAY November 25th No Religious Education Classes Children’s Choir 6:00pm Church Knights Basketball 7:30pm Gym SVDP Meeting 7:00pm SVDP Center Legion of Mary 7:00pm PHCR WEDNESDAY November 26th No Religious Education Classes OLPH Prayer Group 7:15pm Chapel THURSDAY November 27th Music Practice 6:30pm Church MONDAY December 1st Cub Scouts 5:00pm PHMR Basketball 6:30pm Gym TUESDAY December 2nd Religious Education Classes Children’s Choir 6:00pm Church Basketball 6:30pm Gym SVDP Meeting 7:00pm SVDP Center Legion of Mary 7:00pm PHCR WEDNESDAY December 3rd Religious Education Classes Basketball 6:30pm Gym OLPH Prayer Group 7:15pm Chapel Baptism Prep. Class 7:30pm Church Thanksgiving Day Mass 9:00am Parish Office and Chapel Closed FRIDAY November 28th Parish Office and Chapel Closed Knights of Columbus Blood Drive 10:00am to 3:00pm Aud th SATURDAY November 29 Basketball 8:30am Gym Mass Music Practice 3:30pm Basketball Teams attending 4:30pm Mass then gathering in the Auditorium THURSDAY December 4th RCIA Children 5:00pm Mass Practice 7:00pm Church Boy Scouts 7:00pm PHMR Adults Choir 7:30pm Church AOH Meeting 7:30pm PHCR FRIDAY December 5th SATURDAY December 6th St. Nicholas’ Feast Day PTA Breakfast with Santa 8:00 to 11am AUD Mass Music Practice 3:30pm 512– Page 10 Miller Ford Lincoln Mercury Miller Subaru Miller Truck Leasing Miller Auto Leasing Wholesale Dealers in Key Blanks, Locks, Padlocks, Door Checks, Safes, & Alarm-Burglar & Fire Byer Lock Shop REGISTERED LOCKSMITHS • SAFE EXPERTS 92-96 Washington Street Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 609-267-6022 • 609-267-6002 Fax 609-267-3550 Route 38, Mt. Holly 609.261.7836 609-267-1787 Auto - Home - Life Business 20% OFF Floral Design Fresh Flowers 40 High St. • Mount Holly, NJ 08060 of $30 or more with this ad 609-261-3866 John and Molly’s FINE FOOD & SPIRITS Fresh Seafood • Charboiled Steaks • Large Selection of Sautes • Daily Specials 10% OFF - SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT Age 60 & Over • M-F: 11am-4pm • Dining Room Only 1291 Woodlane Rd., Eastampton, NJ 08060 • 609-702-1701 • BROADWAY COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE CENTER Family Psychiatric/Mental Health Primary Care for Adults & Children Dr. Patrick Ervilus, PhD, PMHNP-BC, FNP-C Dr. Homer Nelson, MD • Civil Surgeon • Immigrant Physicals 100 High St. • Suite 304 • Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 (609) 261-9300 • (856) 365-1707 Office Hours: M-F • Evening Hours Available • By Appt. Only JOIN US FOR BREAKFAST OPEN 7 AM 609-267-3400 • • Rt. 38, Mt. Holly Breakfast • Lunch Dinner Pizza • Takeout 609-518-9159 2 Madison Ave., Mt. 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NJ LIC. #4426 Family Owned and Operated - Our Family Serving Your Family - Our Tradition Law & Mediation Offices of Karen P. Sampson, Esquire LLC South Jersey Rowing Club HOME HELPERS In-Home Companion Care Housekeeping • Laundry Meal Prep. Personal Care • Transportation In Home Monitoring High School Aged Athletes Wanted Emergency Diocese Member Wills, Estate Administration LEARN TO ROW Family Law, Real Estate Try something new and exciting 505 S Lenola Rd Moorestown 856-439-0068 Parishioner Landscape Design, Installation & Maintenance Hardscaping • Landscape Lighting Pool & Pond Installations Irrigation Installations & Maintenance Call now for a Free Estimate Visit us at 609-298-4175 856-461-1601 Wilson Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning 609-261-1230 Email: [email protected] The Finest Personal & Commercial Svc. Perinchief Chapels 28 High St. • Mt. Holly 609-267-0399 Alison Perinchief Reinhard NJ Master Plumbers License # 6274 NJ Contractor License # 13VH01576000 609-702-7222 Free Estimates = Same Day Pricing 10% OFF Manager, N.J. Lic.No. 5038 Matthew R. Gaskill Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4663 ~ Parishioner 438 High St.• Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 * *valid on retail purchases only; excluding sale items; not to be combined with any other offer CUSTOM FLORAL DESIGN FOR ALL OCCASIONS INCLUDING WEDDINGS & FUNERALS Landscape Plants • Perennials Annuals • Mulch & Soil J.S. Braddock Agency Insurance DELIVERY AVAILABLE OPEN 7 DAYS 1562 Rt. 38, Lumberton, NJ Since 1923 WED - SAT. Pasta Nite (4pm - 9pm) Brick Oven Pizza (Noon - 9pm) Sunday Brunch (9am - 2pm) Outdoor Cafe & Lunch Daily Highway Tire, Inc. • Tires • Brakes • Alignment • State Inspection • Tune Ups • Oil Changes 1661 Rt. 38, Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 Phone: 609.267.5300 • Towing: 609.685.5664 22 N.Main St. Medford, NJ 08055 Call Today for a Free Quote! 609-654-5800 609-265-1270 1700 Columbus Rd. Burlington, NJ 08016 609-386-0579 Per Table 10% discount w/coupon SH We Provide All Types of Insurance to Meet Your Needs. (Not to be combined & not for custom made cakes) TECHNICIANS GENTLE & AFFORDABLE DENTISTRY OFFER BOTOX & DERMAL FILLER • CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! • Emergencies Treated Promptly • Evening Hours Available • Gentle Conservative Treatment • Nitrous Oxide for Patient Comfort Ella Kerzhner, D.M.D. New Patients Welcome • Most Insurances Accepted • Senior Citizen Discount 811 Woodlane Rd. • Westampton, NJ • (609) 267-1038 • CEMETERY MEMORIALS The Perennial Garden Quality Plants 1347 Monmouth Rd. Eastampton Twp. 609-267-1969 (609) 386-0013 521 Washington Avenue Burlington, NJ 08016 The Smile Center 176 Madison Avenue Mount Holly, NJ 609-267-2396 23659 Columbus Road • Suite 1 Columbus, NJ 609-298-5800 211 W. 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