UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday November 18, 2014 Volume 61 Number 14 APTA’s Lifetime of Academic Distinction Award: Vukan Vuchic Annenberg Public Policy Center: Celebrating 20 Years To mark its 20th anniversary, the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania is opening a new area of study, the Science of Science Communication, to investigate how scientific evidence can be more effectively conveyed to the public. The new area will look at the failure to dispel public controversy over such issues as climate change, vaccinations and genetically modified organisms despite the presence of valid, compelling and widely accessible scientific evidence. “There’s a persistent gap between expert knowledge of scientific issues and public perception on myriad issues,” said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC). “Through empirical testing, we will examine ways to close this gap and separate the issues in communicating science from the evidence that is being presented.” She said APPC also will study such issues as the selfcorrecting nature of science and whether corrections and retractions contribute to a perception that the science itself is flawed. In addition, APPC announced that its awardwinning project, which has focused on political speech, has received funding from the Stanton Foundation to expand its mission to include monitoring the use and misuse of scientific evidence in partisan communications. The new area joins the other fields of study to which the Annenberg Public Policy Center is dedicated: political communication, health communication, adolescent risk, and media and the developing child. Building on the depth of Penn Dental Medicine’s research enterprise is a recent faculty recruit to the department of anatomy & cell biology—Songtao Shi. Dr. Shi, a highly respected researcher and educator, joined the School on November 4 as professor in the department of anatomy & cell biology and Songtao Shi chair of the department of anatomy & cell biology. Dr. Shi came to Penn Dental Medicine from the University of Southern California (USC) Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, where he has served as professor within the Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology since 2011. He first joined the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry in 2006 as assistant professor, advancing to tenured associate professor in 2008. Prior to joining the faculty at USC, he served as a principal investigator and clinical fellow for nine years at the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH. Dr. Shi earned both his DDS and MS at Peking University School of Stomatology and holds a PhD in craniofa- cial biology from USC. Clinically, Dr. Shi holds Dental Licensure in the State of California and has had experience working at the NIH Clinical Center and in private practice in California. Dr. Shi leads an accomplished research program that focuses on the characterization of human mesenchymal stem cells and the relationship between mesenchymal stem cells and orofacial diseases at the molecule and cellular levels. Along with his collaborators, his lab has isolated and identified several new populations of mesenchymal stem cells, including dental pulp stem cells, stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, periodontal ligament stem cells, stem cells from apical papilla and tendon stem/progenitor cells. These discoveries are enabling further investigations of these oral-tissue-derived stem cells and their use in tissue engineering, disease modeling and clinical treatment. Dr. Shi and his collaborators were the first to use mesenchymal stem cells to treat systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), periodontitis and regenerate pulp tissue in patients. Dr. Shi was recognized for his research activities with the 2013 IADR Distinguished Scientist Award for Pulp Biology & Regeneration. “Highly collaborative, Dr. Shi has extensive connections internationally, particularly in China,” says Dr. Denis Kinane, Morton Amsterdam Dean of Penn Dental Medicine. “He brings a passion for science and teaching that I know will contribute greatly to our research and educational efforts across disciplines.” Science Communication Builds on Past Projects The Science of Science Communication builds on past APPC work, including the dissemination of media guidelines for suicide coverage, which was undertaken in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institute of Mental Health and the Surgeon General. It builds as well on the Annenberg Health Communication wiki, a one-stop-shopping site that helps health communicators make better use of state-of-the-art social science. Both were funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The first study in this new area was published in September 2014 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study, conducted by Dr. Jamieson and APPC senior researcher Bruce W. Hardy, found it was possible to overcome the effects of selectively presented information in partisan media. The research focused on 465 self-identified conservatives who were presented with an online Fox News story about the extent of Arctic sea ice. The study, “Leveraging scientific credibility about Arctic sea ice trends in a polarized politi(continued on page 2) Chair of the Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology at Penn Dental Medicine: Songtao Shi ALMANAC November 18, 2014 Vukan R. Vuchic, UPS Foundation Professor Emeritus of Transportation Engineering in the department of electrical and systems engineering, has been awarded the first Lifetime of Academic Distinction Award by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) at its recent Annual Vukan Vuchic Meeting in Houston. This award is a special one-time honor given to a university professor who has had tremendous influence on the urban public transportation industry. During his 54-year career in transportation systems engineering and city planning, Dr. Vuchic introduced many new concepts and processes in urban and particularly public transit systems planning and operations, lifting them from practice into an applied science. He has worked on bridging the gap between academics working on theoretical models and public transit operators. Dr. Vuchic’s initial focus on public transit systems and highway traffic engineering has broadened to the role of intermodal transportation in creating livable cities, formulation of transport policies and planning of high-speed rail systems. Results of his research have been published in about 130 publications, 33 technical reports and five books. His Transit Trilogy books, which cover all aspects of public transit and urban transportation, have been translated into Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Serbian and Turkish. He has lectured at over 100 universities and worked as a consultant to mayors and transit agencies in New York, Washington, DC, San Francisco Bay Area, Naples, Istanbul and Moscow. Dr. Vuchic’s contributions to transit and livable cities have been greatly enhanced by dozens of alumni. Penn’s Transportation Systems Engineering Alumni Club (TSEAC) has members who are university professors, presidents of consulting firms, engineers in transit agencies and departments of transportation throughout the country as well as abroad. IN THIS ISSUE 2 3 5 6 7 8 Senate Nominating Committee; Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Relations, Development Honors & Other Things: PSOM Awards of Excellence CCTV Locations Penn Bookstore’s Benefits for Faculty & Staff; Financing Your Home; Safety Fair Winners; WOCAP Award Nominations; Volunteer Opps; One Step Ahead: Security & Privacy Tip Panel Discussion on Race Relations and Law Enforcement; Thanksgiving; Special Checks; Update; Penn’s Way; CrimeStats The State of University City 2014-2015 1 SENATE From the Senate Chair Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Relations, Development SENATE: From the Senate Chair TO: Members of the Faculty Senate FROM: Claire Finkelstein, Chair SUBJECT: Senate Nominating Committee 1. In accordance with the requirements of the Faculty Senate Bylaws, notice is given to the Senate Membership of the Senate Executive Committee’s nine-member slate of nominees for the Nominating Committee for 2015. The Nominating Committee nominates candidates for election to the Offices of the Faculty Senate, to the At-Large and Assistant Professor positions on the Senate Executive Committee and to the Senate Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty and the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility. The nine nominees, all of whom have agreed to serve, are: • Karen Beckman (Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe Professor of the History of Art, School of Arts & Sciences) • Cristina Bicchieri (Sascha Jane Patterson Harvie Professor of Social Thought & Comparative Ethics, School of Arts & Sciences) • Emily Blumberg (Professor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine) • Joseph Cappella (Gerald R. Miller Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication) • A. T. Charlie Johnson (Professor of Physics, School of Arts & Sciences) • Charles W. Mooney (Charles A. Heimbold, Jr. Professor of Law, School of Law) • Melissa Wilde (Associate Professor of Sociology, School of Arts & Sciences) • Beth Winkelstein (Professor of Bioengineering, School of Engineering & Applied Science) • John Wolfe (Professor of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine) 2. Pursuant to the Bylaws, additional nominations may be submitted by petition containing at least 25 signed names and the signed approval of the candidate. All such petitions must be received by December 2, 2014. If no additional nominations are received, the slate nominated by the Executive Committee will be declared elected. If additional nominations are received, a mail ballot will be distributed to the Faculty Senate membership. Please forward any nominations by petition via intramural mail to the Faculty Senate, Box 9 College Hall/6303. Please forward any questions to Vicki Hewitt by email at [email protected] or by telephone at (215) 898-6943. Annenberg Public Policy Center: Celebrating 20 Years (continued from page 1) cal environment,” found that scientists can minimize the likelihood their message will be rejected by avoiding advocacy, relying on trusted sources and inviting the audience to understand the evidence that justifies the scientific conclusion. The Annenberg Public Policy Center was founded by Walter and Leonore Annenberg to generate “research that matters.” The Center hosted its inaugural event in April 1994, welcoming nearly 40 scholars and government officials from around the world to a two-day conference on the global drug problem. Since then it has informed public policy in civics and mental health, adolescent development and political communication. The Center’s work was instrumental in the creation of the Federal Communication Commission’s “three-hour rule,” mandating that stations broadcast at least three hours of educational children’s programs per week. APPC has worked to minimize teen smoking, reduce suicide and reduce teen pregnancy. In the aftermath of 9/11, the Center developed and distributed guidelines for media coverage of terrorism. project, founded in 2003, has served as a consumer advocate for voters, reducing the level of deception and confusion in politics and paving the way for others who monitor candidates’ political assertions. The policy center has, as well, contributed to the debate over campaign finance reform and studied civility in Congress. APPC also houses the Leonore Annenberg scholarship, fellowship and school funds, which have awarded more than $13 million to arts fellows, students and underserved schools. Current Projects Recent and current work by the policy center includes: • A series of studies published in Pediatrics that look at the increasing violence in movies, particu- 2 larly gun violence in movies aimed at youth. • The creation of the Civics Renewal Network, an alliance of 26 organizations dedicated to civics education, including the Library of Congress, the National Constitution Center, the National Archives and the US Courts, and the development of a massive open online course on the Constitution through Annenberg Classroom taught by Penn law professor Kermit Roosevelt. • The creation of a task force that studied the dysfunctional oversight of the Department of Homeland Security by Congress, and an ongoing effort to urge Congress to improve national security by streamlining its supervision of DHS. • The convening of a blue-ribbon group, including presidential campaign managers and debate coaches, to recommend ways to improve the presidential debate process for 2016. • A partnership with NBC News and the Wall Street Journal to conduct surveys of the electorate on issues involving Congress, the president and the judiciary. The 20th anniversary was marked by a luncheon last month and a three-day conference on the Science of Science Communication. The day also was celebrated with the 2014 Annenberg lecture at the Annenberg School for Communication, delivered by lawyer Floyd Abrams, one of the leading legal authorities on the First Amendment and the US Constitution, on “The First Amendment and Campaign Finance.” The policy center is based on the University of Pennsylvania campus in a four-story building designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Fumihiko Maki. It opened its doors in August 2009 (Almanac November 10, 2009). For more information on the Annenberg Public Policy Center, visit their website: http:// Follow APPC on Twitter (@APPCPenn) and on Facebook: Penn Dental Medicine (PDM) is continuing to build its Office of Development and Alumni Relations, welcoming Liz Ketterlinus to the new post of Senior Associate Dean of Development & Alumni Relations on October 20. In this new leadership role, Ms. Ketterlinus is Liz Ketterlinus responsible for the overall conceptualization, planning and execution of a coordinated program of private source fundraising, alumni relations and communications for Penn Dental Medicine, supervising a staff of six. Ms. Ketterlinus came to Penn Dental Medicine from the Rutgers Biomedical Health Science/Rutgers University Foundation, where she served as interim vice president. Over the past eight years, she was also the associate vice president of the Rutgers University Foundation and the vice president of the Foundation of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/New Jersey Health Foundation. Ms. Ketterlinus has also held leadership positions within development at Montgomery Hospital, Gwynedd-Mercy College, Drexel University and Georgetown University Medical Center. She holds a BS in development economics as well as an MA in Russian area studies: Soviet economics from Georgetown. “I am delighted to join the Penn Dental Medicine team at this time of transformation,” said Ms. Ketterlinus. “There is a wonderful legacy of philanthropy in place. Our department intends to build upon this to help PDM shape the future of dental education, research and care.” As part of the growth within the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Maren Gaughan has been named Associate Dean for Leadership Giving. In this new role, Ms. Gaughan, who has been with Maren Gaughan Penn Dental Medicine since 2010, is responsible for the creation and management of the leadership and major gift prospect pool at the school. To Report A Death Almanac appreciates being informed of the deaths of current and former faculty and staff members, students and other members of the University community. Call (215) 898-5274 or email almanac@ However, notices of alumni deaths should be directed to the Alumni Records Office at Room 517, Franklin Building, (215) 898-8136 or email record@ben. ALMANAC November 18, 2014 Honors & Other Things Perelman School of Medicine Awards of Excellence Gerd A. Blobel, The Frank E. Weise III Professor of Pediatrics, is the winner of this year’s Stanley N. Cohen Biomedical Research Award, which recognizes a member of the Perelman School of Medicine faculty for a body of work with an emphasis on bioGerd Blobel medical research. His groundbreaking research, linking chromatin biology and chromosome structure to normal and malignant hematopoiesis, has potential clinical applications to the treatment of Sickle Cell Disease and other significant medical disorders. His proof of concept demonstration that chromatin looping can be manipulated to mitigate the devastating impact of Sickle Cell Disease is a testament to the importance of Dr. Blobel’s work. Equally impressive is his dedication to the development of young scientists, both in his research group and in the greater Penn community. Numerous graduate students who have been mentored by Dr. Blobel have gone on to successful scientific careers. He is one of the most sought after scientists at Penn by faculty and students alike as a teacher and scientific advisor. His colleagues consider him to be an innovative force in the competitive field of chromatin biology as his work is incisive and definitive and sets paradigms for others in the field. James M. Wilson, director of the gene therapy program, interim director of the Center for Orphan Disease Research and Therapy and a professor in the department of pathology & laboratory medicine, is the winner of this year’s William Osler Patient Oriented ReJames Wilson search Award. This award is granted to a member of the Perelman School of Medicine faculty for a body of work with an emphasis on clinical research. During his 21 year career at Penn, Dr. Wilson revolutionized the preclinical use of gene transfer as a biological tool in basic and translational research, which rapidly advanced the progress of clinical gene therapy. His discovery of novel adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotypes and demonstration of the ability of gene transfer vectors to provide remarkably high transduction efficiency and stability of expression, with little to no immunogenicity, has changed the field of clinical gene therapy. His most recent contribution is the discovery of an expanded family of AAVs from primates, including humans, and their development as gene therapy vectors. Of the AAV gene therapy trials submitted to the NIH’s Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee over the last two years, 75% of them involved vectors discovered by Dr. Wilson. Dr. Wilson is the epitome of a physicianALMANAC November 18, 2014 scientist who has transformed clinical research and the treatment of many diseases. Rachel M. Werner, associate professor of medicine and associate professor of health care management, is the winner of this year’s Samuel Martin Health Evaluation Sciences Award. This award is granted to a member of the Perelman School of Medicine faculty for a body of work with an emphasis on health services research. Dr. Werner is one of the few physician scientists in the Rachel Werner nation who is trained as an economist. Her research focuses on the use of quality measurement and incentives, such as public reporting and pay-for-performance, to improve health care quality. Her research has informed national health care policy surrounding the planning, implementation and use of these measures and incentives in health care. Because of her research, public reporting and pay-for-performance programs now undergo more rigorous evaluation and are more evidence-based. Dr. Werner routinely advises high-level officials in the Department of Health and Human Services regarding the ongoing implementation related to payment reform under the Affordable Care Act. Few investigators, at any career stage, can lay claim to such a profound and immediate impact on health policy. Ekaterina L. Grishchuk, assistant professor of physiology, is the winner of this year’s Michael S. Brown New Investigator Research Award, which recognizes emerging faculty investigators engaged in innovative discoveries. With a combination of cellular, molecular and biophysical approaches, Dr. Ekaterina Grishchuk Grishchuk has made outstanding contributions to the understanding of mechanisms that drive chromosomal motion during mitosis. Her work at Penn has focused on three themes. The first explores different molecular tethers that couple kinetochores to microtubules in the mitotic spindle and how these protein complexes allow the cell to use the energy released by microtubule depolymerization to drive chromosome motility. The second focus of her work incorporates single molecule approaches to investigate the kinetochore kinesin motor protein CENP-E. Finally, she has developed detailed quantitative models for kinetochore dynamics during mitosis. Her work in these areas has produced some of the most mechanistic modeling of kinetochore-microtubule interface. James L. Riley, research associate professor of microbiology is this year’s Lady Barbara Colyton Autoimmune Research Award. This award recognizes a Perelman School of Medicine faculty member who has been engaged in innovative discoveries and outstanding research in the area of James Riley autoimmune diseases. Dr. Riley’s basic and translational contributions to autoimmune disease research and therapies have established him as a leader in the field. He has developed an international reputation through his almost exclusive use of primary human T cells to unravel the connection between autoimmune disease and T regulatory cells. An important feature of Dr. Riley’s impact in autoimmune research is his tremendous collaborative approach and ability to translate results to the clinic. His work will lead to new modalities to treat patients with autoimmune disease. Victoria A. Miller, assistant professor of pediatrics, is the winner of this year’s Marjorie A. Bowman New Investigator Research Award, which recognizes a junior faculty member whose research has illuminated a fundamental clinical problem or improved the organization and delivery of health care. Dr. Miller’s research examines affective Victoria Miller and relational aspects of child, parent and family decision making. One focus of her work is independent selfmanagement of chronic illness, with an emphasis on the parent-child relationship as an important context in which decision making independence and competence develop. The second focus of Dr. Miller’s research is on informed consent and assent for medical research. She has developed two new measurement tools to assess aspects of decision making in these areas. The Decision Making Involvement Scale (DMIS) measures children’s involvement in decisions about chronic illness management, and the Decision Making Control Instrument (DMCI) assesses the voluntariness of parents making decisions for their seriously ill children. Dr. Miller is the director of research in the division of adolescent medicine at CHOP, associate editor of AJOB Empirical Bioethics and an editorial board member of the Journal of Pediatric Psychology. She has had continuous funding from NIH since 2007, as PI on K23, R01 and R21 grants. Dr. Miller has established herself as a nationally-recognized investigator who will continue to shape the direction of thought, investigation and clinical practice related to child, (continued on page 4) 3 Honors & Other Things (continued from page 3) David Asch Perelman School of Medicine Awards of Excellence Kevin Volpp parent and family decision making in pediatric medical settings. David A. Asch and Kevin G. Volpp are the joint recipients of this year’s Luigi Mastroianni, Jr., Clinical Innovator Award for their joint development of the Way to Health technology platform. This award recognizes a clinician who has pioneered the invention and development of new techniques, procedures and approaches which change medical practice. Together, Drs. Asch and Volpp created a platform that incorporates principles from behavioral economics in interventions to improve patients’ health. The premise of the program is that most patients want to be better stewards of their health, but may need help along that path. The Way to Health program guides patients toward better compliance in their own care with regard to taking their statins, beta blockers and aspirin after a heart attack and provides support for those attempting to quit smoking; exercise more; lose weight; reach their blood sugar goals and use their CPAP machines. Drs. Asch and Volpp have blended clinical medicine with an understanding of human behavior and technology. In doing so, they have created a truly foundational change in health care, one that extends the reach of health delivery systems beyond their four walls and into patients’ lives. Daniel M. Feinberg, associate professor of clinical neurology and chief medical officer at Pennsylvania Hospital, is the winner of this year’s Alfred Stengel Health System Champion Award. This award is granted to a physician who has contributed significantly to the clinical integration of the Health System. Dr. Feinberg is an expert in patient safety, quality improvement Daniel Feinberg and medical informatics. He has been nominated in recognition of his impressive administrative performance as chief medical officer and for his ability to efficiently form and streamline risk reduction initiatives at Pennsylvania Hospital. His ability to incorporate the real world of hospital operations with the knowledge of how organizations function best and merge them to establish effective risk reduction initiatives across the system makes him the perfect recipient for this award. 4 L. Scott Levin, Paul B. Magnuson Professor of Bone and Joint Surgery, professor of orthopaedics and chair of the department of orthopaedic surgery and professor of surgery, division of plastic surgery, is the winner of this year’s I.S. Ravdin Master Clinician Award. This award recognizes an active clinician who is regarded by his colleagues as a Scott Levin masterful practitioner. Dr. Levin was instrumental in developing the Hand Transplant Program at Penn. In this leadership role, along with Dr. Abraham Shaked, he became one of the first surgeons in the United States to perform a successful bilateral hand transplant. In preparation for such an endeavor and medical accomplishment, he first needed to develop the Penn Human Tissue Laboratory, a state-of-the-art-facility where medical students, residents and attending physicians could perform advanced surgical training on fresh tissue. This facility was instrumental in training the surgical team and facilitating the coordination required for this first bilateral hand transplant. Dr. Levin is not only a highly accomplished orthopaedic surgeon, he is also a nationally recognized plastic surgeon and a role model for future master clinicians. Eliot N. Nierman, associate professor of clinical medicine, is the winner of this year’s Sylvan Eisman Outstanding Primary Care Physician Award. This award recognizes a Health System primary care physician who goes beyond the norm and exemplifies the Health System’s excellent care. Dr. Nierman’s colleagues often refer to him as an “old fashioned internist,” a doctor who is responsible for all asEliot Nierman pects of a patient’s care and well-being who often addresses a large number of problems during a single visit. Dr. Nierman sets the standard for availability and communication with his patients; he has the highest use of the myPennMedicine tool of anyone in the Health System, using it to communicate regularly with his patients. He also sets an example for students, residents and colleagues as an outspoken proponent of evidence based medicine. Known for being up on the current literature, he is always implementing the most up-to-date information and protocols, thus ensuring that his patients always receive the best possible care. He is a caring, hard-working and dedicated physician who is always striving to improve patient care. Lynn N. Schuchter, C. Willard Robinson Professor of Hematology-Oncology, professor of medicine and division chief of hematology-oncology, is the winner of this year’s Louis Duhring Outstanding Clinical Specialist Award. This award goes to a teaching and practicing physician in a Lynn Schuchter clinical or ancillary department who combined biomedical research with clinical insight and knowledge to provide leading-edge service and creative care to patients and colleagues. Dr. Schuchter is a national and international authority and advocate in the treatment of melanoma. While her academic career in clinical translational research is well documented, as are her string of major administrative accomplishments within the Division and Abramson Cancer Center, she clearly identifies her most important work as being a physician caring for patients with cancer. Dr. Schuchter’s unwavering attention to patients and their families is well known, and she is able to achieve a balance as a clinician, providing state-of-the-art treatment, an empathetic listener and someone who is always there for her patients and their families. Despite the severity of melanoma, she has brought hope and optimism to the lives of many; she serves as an enduring example of an outstanding clinical specialist. J. Richard Landis, professor and director of biostatistics in the department of biostatistics and epidemiology and in the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, is the recipient of this year’s Arthur Asbury Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award. This award recognizes a faculty member who has fostered the professional development of others by proRichard Landis viding inspiring and effective counsel and opportunities for achievement. Dr. Landis’s colleagues cited his unwavering commitment and ability to serve as an outstanding mentor to students and faculty colleagues, junior and senior, alike. He has also been effective in identifying opportunities for faculty to take on leadership roles in major research projects, advancing their own careers and professional development. Citing his extraordinary generosity and skill as a mentor, it is no coincidence that Dr. Landis recently won two other prestigious leadership awards. He was the first man to win the 2010 Penn FOCUS Award for the Advancement of Women in Medicine, and he was also granted the 2011 Marvin Zelen Leadership Award in Statistical Science from Harvard University. ALMANAC November 18, 2014 CCTV Locations The Division of Public Safety is committed to enhancing the quality of life for the campus community by integrating the best practices of public and private policing with state-of-the-art technology. A critical component of a comprehensive security plan using state-of-the-art technology is Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). As prescribed by the University Policy “Closed Circuit Television Monitoring and Recording of Public Areas for Safety and Security Purposes,” (Almanac April 13, 1999), the locations of all outside CCTV cameras monitored by Public Safety are to be published semi-annually in Almanac. The locations and descriptions of these cameras can also be found at the Division of Public Safety website, The following existing cameras meet those criteria: University of Pennsylvania Cameras 1. 4040 Chestnut St. (front) 2. 4040 Sansom St. (rear) 3. 41st & Chestnut Sts. 4. 40th & Locust Walk 5. 40th & Spruce Sts. 6. 41st & Spruce Sts. 7. 39th & Spruce Sts. 8. 39th & Walnut Sts. 9. 38th & Walnut Sts. 10. 38th & Spruce Sts. 11. Fels Center for Government 12. 36th & Walnut Sts. 13. 37th & Spruce Sts. 14. 36th & Spruce Sts. 15. 33rd St. & Smith Walk 16. 34th & Walnut Sts. 17. 100 Block of S. 37th St. 18. Steve Murray Way & Sansom Sts. 19. 37th & Walnut Sts. 20. SEAS Courtyard 21. Steve Murray Way & Chestnut St. 22. 40th & Walnut Sts. 23. 33rd & Chestnut Sts. 24. 36th & Sansom Sts. (Franklin Bldg.) 25. Bennett Hall (Overseeing Levine Bldg.) 26. 1920 Commons (Spruce 38 rooftop) 27. 33rd & Walnut Sts. 28. 42nd & Locust Sts. 29. 36th St. & Locust Walk 30. 38th St. & Hamilton Walk 31. 31st & Chestnut Sts. (Left Bank) 32. 31st & Walnut Sts. (Left Bank) 33. 43rd & Locust Sts. 34. Schattner, Coffee Shop area 35. Rave Cinema 36. 4119 Walnut St. 37. Franklin Field 38. 40th & Market Sts. 39. Levy Dental (loading dock) 40. Left Bank (loading dock) 41. 34th & Chestnut Sts. 42. 39th St. & Locust Walk 43. 38th St. & Locust Walk 44. 37th St. & Locust Walk 45. 38th & Sansom Sts. 46. Penn Tower Hotel (rooftop) 47. Jon M. Huntsman Hall (NE corner) 48. 34th & Spruce Sts. 49. WXPN/World Cafe, 31st & Walnut Sts. 50. WXPN/World Cafe, SW side (lower level) 51. Translational Research Labs, 31st St. 52. Translational Research Labs, 31st St. (upper level) 53. Translational Research Labs, 30th St. (lower level South) 54. Translational Research Labs, 30th St. (lower level North) 55. Levy Tennis Pavilion 56. Mod 7 (West) 57. Mod 7 (North) 58. Mod 7 (Southeast) 59. Hollenback (lower level rear parking) 60. Hollenback (rooftop) 61. 40th & Pine Sts. 62. 41st & Pine Sts. 63. 42nd & Pine Sts. 64. 38th & Chestnut Sts. 65. 38th & Market Sts. 66. 34th & Market Sts. 67. 36th & Market Sts. 68. 39th St. & Baltimore Ave. (Vet School-Hill Pavilion) 69. Stellar Chance, roof (rear) 70. Stellar Chance, roof (front) 71. Stellar Chance, loading dock 72. Blockley Hall, Roof ALMANAC November 18, 2014 73. BRB II, loading dock (exterior) 74. Osler Circle Courtyard 75. BRB II roof (rear) 76. BRB II roof (front) 77. CRB roof 78. CRB Bridge (main entrance hall) 79. CRB Stemmler Hall (main entrance) 80. Museum, loading dock (exterior) 81. Museum, 33rd Street (exterior) 82. Museum, Kress Entrance (exterior) 83. Museum, Kress Entrance (interior) 84. Museum, upper loading dock (exterior) 85. Warden Garden (Museum main entrance) 86. Stoner Courtyard (Museum lower courtyard) 87. 40th St. & Baltimore Ave. 88. 41st St. & Baltimore Ave. 89. 42nd St. & Baltimore Ave. 90. 43rd St. & Baltimore Ave. 91. College Green 92. Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall (Joe’s Café) 93. Tandem Accelerator 94. 40th & Chestnut Sts. 95. 40th & Ludlow Sts. 96. 39th & Ludlow Sts. 97. 36th & Chestnut Sts. 98. Weave Bridge Hollenback 99. Weave Bridge Bower 100. 46th & Chestnut Sts. 101. Irving & Preston Sts. 102. Van Pelt, Button 103. Van Pelt, Ben Statue 104. Ringe Squash Parking 105. Caster, rear entrance 106. Caster, bike rack 1 107. Caster, bike rack 2 108. GSE on Plaza 62 109. GSE Plaza 1 110. Palestra 1 111. Palestra 2 112. College Hall (exterior basement) 113. Harnwell 1 114. Harrison 1 115. Harrison 2 116. Psychology 1 117. Psychology 2 118. Psychology 3 119. Psychology 4 120. Steinberg Conference Center 121. Shattner, bike rack 122. Chemistry, bike rack 1 123. Chemistry, bike rack 2 124. Chemistry, bike rack 3 125. Chemistry, bike rack 4 126. Williams, bike rack 1 127. Williams, bike rack 2 128. Williams, bike rack 3 129. Houston/Wynn Commons 130. Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall (trolley) 131. Levy Tennis Transit Stop 132. Paley Bridge 133. Weave Bridge East 134. SLC roof rear 135. CRB Stemmler Bridge (interior) 136. Steller Chance (main entrance) 137. Richards (rear door) 138. John Morgan, Hamilton Walk 139. Weiss Info Commons 1 (rear door) 140. Weiss Info Commons 2 (front door) 141. English House (Law School bike rack) 142. Van Pelt Manor (bike rack) 143. Class of 1925 (bike rack) 144. VHUP camera (bike rack) 145. Pottruck, bike rack 1 146. Pottruck, bike rack 2 147. Lower College Green 148. Law School, Sansom St. 149. Singh Center for Nanotechnology, Courtyard 150. River Field 151. Blockley, bike rack 1 152. Blockley, bike rack 2 153. Blockley, bike rack 3 154. Blockley, bike rack 4 155. Blockley, bike rack 5 156. Blockley, bike rack 6 157. Blockley, bike rack 7 158. Blockley, bike rack 8 159. Hilton 1 160. Hilton 2 161. Hayden Hall East door 162. Hayden Hall West door 163. Shoemaker Green 164. Shoemaker Green 165. Shoemaker Green 1 166. Shoemaker Green 2 167. Shoemaker Green 3 168. Shoemaker Green 4 169. Shoemaker Green 5 170. Shoemaker Green 6 171. Garage 40 (rooftop) 172. Spruce Street Plaza 173. South Bank 174. Nano East loading dock 175. Nano nitrogen loading dock 176. Nano West loading dock 177. Nano roof Terrace South 178. Nano roof Terrace North 179. 37th & Locust Streets 180. Rodin, bike rack 181. Jerome Fisher Main Entrance 182. Public Safety Annex 2 183. Public Safety Annex 3 184. Public Safety Annex 4 185. Public Safety Annex 5 186. College Green 187. Van Pelt Library Mark Café 1 188. Van Pelt Library Mark Café 2 189. Meyerson, bike rack 1 190. Meyerson, bike rack 2 191. WEMBA loading dock 192. VHUP Secure Dog Walk 193. VHUP Dog Walk 194. Generational Bridge 1 195. Generational Bridge 2 196. South Bank Gate Penn Park 1. Penn Park Drive (entrance) 2. Parking Lot (SW Corner) 3. North bike rack (Field 2) 4. Parking Lot NE (Corner) 5. Lower 30th & Walnut Sts. 6. Walnut St. Bridge Upper 7. Walnut St. Bridge Pedestrian Walkway 8. Penn Park Field 1 (bike rack) 9. Penn Park Field 2 10. Penn Park Field 2 (bike rack) 11. Paley Bridge Entrance (walkway) 12. Penn Park (walkway to Paley Bridge) 13. Softball Stadium (bike rack 1) 14. Softball Stadium (Women’s Restroom) 15. Softball Stadium (Men’s Restroom) 16. Softball Stadium (bike rack 2) 17. Weave Bridge (Penn Park ramp) 18. Tennis Center (Field 4 Walkway) 19. Field 4 (South Street Bridge) 20. Ropes Course 21. NE corner (Field 2) 22. SW corner (Field 2) 23. Penn Park (North) 24. Penn Park Lower 30th & Walnut Sts. 25. Penn Park (Field 1) 26. Penn Park (Plaza) 27. Tennis Center (Field 4) 28. Ropes Course/Maintenance Bldgs. 29. Penn Park (Utility Shed) 30. Penn Park NE Corner 31. Penn Park Paley Bridge Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Cameras HUP Public Cameras 1. 34th St. Pedestrian Bridge 2. Spruce St. White Building courtyard 3. Spruce St. between 34th and 35th Sts. (facing west) 4. Spruce St. between 34th and 35th Sts. (facing east) 5. Spruce St. west fire tower door 6. Spruce St. Maloney entrance & morgue driveway 7. Rhoads Basement (dock ramp) 8. Rhoads 1st floor (patio) 9. Rhoads 1st floor (Hamilton Walk) 10. Rhoads/Stemmler bike rack 11. Hospital side of Penn Tower Bridge 12. Penn Tower/HUP Bridge/Civic Center 13. Emergency Department Driveway 1 14. Emergency Department Driveway 2 15. Emergency Department Driveway 3 16. Emergency Department Driveway 4 17. Ravdin Driveway (Civic Center Blvd.) 18. White Bldg. entrance (Spruce St.) 19. Dulles Bldg., bike racks (Spruce St.) 20. Gates Bldg., fire exit door (Spruce St.) 21. Maloney Bldg., Entrance (36th and Spruce Sts) 22. Rhodes loading dock ramp (36th and Spruce Sts.) 23. Morgue-Maloney ground (36th St.) 24. Miller Plaza (adjacent to Stemmler) 25. Health Science Drive–Perelman Parking garage entrance 26. Rhodes loading dock 1 27. Rhodes loading dock 2 Penn Tower 1. Penn Tower (front) 2. Penn Tower (lower near Motor Lobby) 3. Lobby Driveway (adjacent to Convention Ave.) 4. Lobby employee entrance (adjacent to Convention Ave.) 5. Entrance of garage (outside) 6. Entrance of garage (inside) 7. Oxygen tank on Convention Ave. 8. Lot 7 Entrance 9. Driveway (facing east) 10. Driveway (facing west) 11. Penn Tower dock 12. Penn Tower North ground entrance door 13. Walkway between Penn Tower and Museum Perelman and Smilow 1. Civic Center Blvd. at East Service Dr. 2. Perelman front door 3. Surface parking lot rear of Perelman 4. Perelman loading dock 5. East Service Drive at Health Science Drive Penn Presbyterian Medical Center 1. Powelton (dock) 2. Wright-Saunders (roof) 3. PHI (front entrance) 4. PHI (rear entrance) 5. Helipad 6. Powelton Lot 7. 3910 Lot 8. Powelton Street 9. Science Eye Institute (North door) 10. Mutch roof 11. Garage Mach (front) 12. Garage Mach (side) 13. CUPP Lobby (entrance) 14. 3910 Bldg. (entrance) 15. 3910 loading dock 5 Penn Bookstore’s Benefits for Faculty & Staff Get a 10% discount everyday; all Penn faculty and staff receive a 10% discount when they show their PennCards at the time of the purchase at the Penn Bookstore. This discount is ongoing throughout the year but with a small number of category limitations (such as textbooks, Nook and certain special orders). The Bookstore will continue other forms of appreciation throughout the year including its popular Sale-A-Bration, but this discount cannot be used with other coupons or discounts. Support for Penn Faculty Authors: To celebrate and promote Penn Faculty authors, the Penn Bookstore invites all faculty members to take advantage of the events area to hold a book signing. Through the store’s “Guest Author Series,” faculty authors will be highly publicized on campus and in the community. The Bookstore’s Penn Author’s section already contains a vast selection of faculty works, but faculty are encouraged to reach out to the Bookstore to discuss ways in which their work can be showcased. • For questions about stocking or displaying a book, please contact Christine Hibbard, book buyer at (215) 898-4343 or [email protected] • To develop custom events, lectures and discussions, please contact Lew Claps at [email protected] • For additional questions and support, contact Lew Claps, director at (215) 898-4880 or [email protected] Financing Your Home: Today Penn Home Ownership Services (PHOS) is hosting “Finance Your Home” today, November 18 from noon-1 p.m. at the Division of Public Safety’s Seminar Room at 4040 Chestnut Street. Attendees considering the purchase of a new home will learn about many financial options, including 203K financing and the difference between FHA, VA and conventional mortgages. Questions from the audiences are welcome and representatives from the PHOS staff and Santander, one of PHOS’s preferred lending partners, will be on hand to respond. Advance registration is required; go to or call (215) 898-7422. Attendees must present a valid Penn ID for admittance. Penn Safety Fair Raffle Winners The Office of Environmental Health and Radiation Safety (EHRS) and the Division of Public Safety (DPS) hosted the 5th Annual Penn Safety Fair in the Hill Pavilion of the School of Veterinary Medicine on October 30. Along with DPS and EHRS, a variety of vendors and several Penn offices that report to the Vice Provost for Research shared valuable information and asked the research community to “Dare to be AWARE” of safety. Thanks to all who contributed to the Safety Fair’s success and congratulations to the following winners of this year’s raffle: Hand Tie-dyed Lab Coats: Tianying Jiang, Cancer Center Ben Rhoades, Gastroenterology Mark Tigue, ULAR Shuwen Xu, Harrison Department of Surgical Research Other Winners: Rob Anderson, ULAR—$25 Gift Card Jian Cui, Cardiovascular Medicine—$25 Gift Card Tina Stanton, Pathobiology—$25 Gift Card Emma LeBlanc, Veterinary Medicine—Cleaner Science Soaps Amanda O’Hara, IACUC—Cleaner Science Soaps Winners can pick up their prizes at EHRS, 3160 Chestnut Street, Suite 400. Please contact EHRS at (215) 898-4453 for directions or questions. 2015 Summer Camps at Penn A listing of numerous summer camps and programs taking place on Penn’s campus will be published in a late January 2015 issue of Almanac. Those who are planning on holding camps at Penn are encouraged to notify Almanac to be included. 6 Women of Color Award Nominations The Penn community is invited to nominate students, staff, faculty and community members for the Annual Women of Color at Penn Awards. Visit html to submit applications to aarc@pobox. by December 5, 2014. For questions about the nomination application/process or more information about Women of Color at Penn events, call (215) 898-0104. Awards will be presented at the Women of Color Awards Luncheon on Friday, March 20, 2015 at the Sheraton Philadelphia University City Hotel. Volunteer Opportunities Dear Penn Community, Thank you so very much for your continued generosity. As a result, the Penn community has a huge impact during the holiday season on our surrounding community. We look forward to working with you again this year as we strive to make a difference in the lives of our many deserving neighbors. I look forward to working with you as we strive to be good neighbors. Thank you for all you do. —Isabel Sampson-Mapp, Associate Director, Netter Center for Community Partnerships Coat Drive: December 1-17: Does your gently used winter coat still have some serviceable miles on it? Warm coats in good condition, for both children and adults, are needed by a number of charitable organizations in the Philadelphia area. Penn Volunteers in Public Service in the Netter Center for Community Partnerships office is organizing a Winter Coat Drive. If you have a coat (or coats) to contribute to our drive, you are welcome to donate them at the Netter Center, 111 South 38th St., second floor. We do not have the facilities or funds to clean donated items. Freshly laundered (or recently cleaned) items are especially appreciated. Bring in your gently used coats to be donated to area shelters. Contact Isabel Mapp at (215) 898-2020 or send an email: [email protected]. edu for additional information and/or to make a donation. Another tip in a series provided by the Offices of Information Systems & Computing and Audit, Compliance & Privacy. Protecting Your Finances During This Year’s Holiday Shopping Season Growth of online purchases continues to outpace growth of sales at traditional “brick and mortar” outlets. The number of US buyers shopping online is expected to grow from over 157 million in 2013 to 180 million in 2017. Regardless of how you choose to shop this holiday season, being vigilant and following a few simple precautions can help protect your finances: • When shopping online, check for https:// or a locked padlock in your web browser to give you the assurance that you’re using a “secure server” site. • Use trusted computers and networks (e.g., ones you own and maintain) for online shopping. • When shopping in person, watch to see if credit cards are taken away from the counter and/or out of your sight when your purchases are being authorized. If you can’t see your card or the clerk, you don’t know if your card information is being written down surreptitiously. • Use credit cards instead of debit cards. The maximum liability for unauthorized charges on a credit card is $50. The liability for unauthorized use of a debit card can drain your bank account immediately, which can lead to bounced checks or missed payments. In addition, liability for unauthorized debit card purchases can be much higher than the $50 maximum on credit cards, depending upon when you report the loss. • Use credit cards instead of writing checks. Checks can easily be altered to change the payee and amount. If you do find yourself writing checks, use a pen with pigment-based rather than waterbased ink and either write the payee name yourself or ask that the store stamp be applied in your presence. A final caution in these times of heightened credit awareness: under Federal law, you are entitled to one free credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies per year. For the report to be truly free, without qualification, you must visit which is the official provider of free credit reports authorized by the Federal Trade Commission. For additional tips, see the One Step Ahead link on the Information Security website: Subscribe to Express Almanac Sign up to receive email notification when we post breaking news between issues. Send an email to [email protected] with “subscribe e-almanac <your full-name>” in the body of the message. —Ed. ALMANAC November 18, 2014 Update November AT PENN MUSIC 22Full Measure; gospel singing focusing on misconceptions of God; 7 p.m.; St. Mary’s Church, 3916 Locust Walk; tickets: $8/Locust Walk, $10/at door (Full Measure). TALKS 18 A Happy Guy in Distressed...From Pre-Med to JD to Distressed Investing; Steven Shapiro, GoldenTree Asset Management; 4:30 p.m.; rm. 240A, Silverman Hall (Institute for Law & Economics). 19 La Scomparsa: The Disappearance of Italy; Blaise Tobia, Drexel; 5:30 p.m.; rm. 543, Williams Hall (Italian Studies). 20 The Décor of an Opera Built Yesterday: SaintPetersburg’s River Panorama; Basile Baudez, University of Paris-Sorbonne; 6:15 p.m.; rm. B3, Meyerson Hall; register: (PennIUR). 24 Oral Vaccination for AIDS Prevention in Rhesus Macaques; Anna Aldovini, Harvard; 3 p.m.; Class of ’62 Room, John Morgan Bldg. (Penn Center for AIDS Research). AT PENN Deadlines The November AT PENN calendar is online at The deadline for the January AT PENN calendar is Tuesday, December 2. Info. is on the sponsoring department’s website; sponsors are in parentheses. For locations, call (215) 898-5000 or see Campaign for Community: Panel Discussion on Race Relations and Law Enforcement On Wednesday, November 19, there will be a panel discussion on Race Relations and Law Enforcement; it will be held in the Hall of Flags, Houston Hall. Beginning at 7:30 p.m. with light fare and camaraderie and the program at 8 p.m. The participants include Reverend William Gipson, associate vice provost for equity and access, VPUL, who will give the introduction, and moderator Dr. Herman Beavers, graduate and undergraduate chair, department of Africana studies. Panelists are Maureen S. Rush, vice president for public safety, superintendent of Penn Police; Reverend Charles L. Howard, University chaplain; Miriam Archibong, L’16, secretary, Black Graduate and Professional Student Assembly; and Denzel Cummings, C’15, Planning and Facilitating co-chair, UMOJA. Thanksgiving Break Special Checks: November 26-30 Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: Thanksgiving Break 2014 (5 p.m. Wednesday, November 26, 2014, through 7 p.m. Sunday, November 30, 2014) is approaching quickly. Traditionally, this is a time of lower occupancy and greater opportunity for crime. Therefore, we need to be more safety and security conscious. In order to reduce the opportunity for crime (criminal mischief, burglaries, etc.), the Division of Public Safety is again offering to conduct Special Checks of Residential Properties during the timeframe from 5 p.m. Wednesday, November 26 to 7 p.m. Sunday, November 30. Students, faculty and staff who live within the following geographical boundaries—Schuylkill River to 43rd Street and Baltimore Avenue to Market Street—may list their residence with the Penn Police Department for Special Checks during the period it will be vacant. Penn Police officers will periodically check the exterior of the property for signs of criminal activity or security breaches. If any are discovered, the officers will take appropriate action with subsequent notification to the listed occupant. If you would like to list your residence for Special Checks during Thanksgiving Break, you may do so via the web or in person. Visit to register for your Special Property Check. Additionally, to register in person, pick up an application at the Penn Police Headquarters, 4040 Chestnut Street. You need to complete and return the application prior to vacating the premise. Wishing you a safe and happy Thanksgiving break. —Maureen S. Rush, Vice President for Public Safety and Superintendent of Penn Police The University of Pennsylvania Police Department Community Crime Report About the Crime Report: Below are all Crimes Against Persons and Crimes Against Society from the campus report for November 3-9, 2014. Also reported were 17 Crimes Against Property (13 thefts, 1 auto theft, 1 fraud, 1 narcotics and 1 other offense). Full reports are available at: Prior weeks’ reports are also online. —Eds. This summary is prepared by the Division of Public Safety and includes all criminal incidents reported and made known to the University Police Department between the dates of November 3-9, 2014. The University Police actively patrol from Market Street to Baltimore Avenue and from the Schuylkill River to 43rd Street in conjunction with the Philadelphia Police. In this effort to provide you with a thorough and accurate report on public safety concerns, we hope that your increased awareness will lessen the opportunity for crime. For any concerns or suggestions regarding this report, please call the Division of Public Safety at (215) 898-4482. 11/04/14 11:30 a.m. 3700 Spruce St Complainant struck by unknown male 11/05/14 10:00 p.m. 3400 Spruce St Complainant threatened by male 11/06/14 11:24 a.m. 1 S 33rd St Confidential sex offense 11/07/14 8:02 a.m. 3609 Chestnut St Staff members threatened by known male 11/09/14 1:48 a.m. 4002 Market St Complainant struck in face 18th District Report Below are the Crimes Against Persons from the 18th District: 7 incidents with 3 arrests (4 assaults and 3 aggravated assaults) were reported between November 3-9, 2014 by the 18th District covering the Schuylkill River to 49th Street & Market Street to Woodland Avenue. 11/03/14 11/03/14 11/03/14 11/04/14 11/04/14 11/06/14 11/09/14 8:00 p.m. 8:02 p.m. 8:02 p.m. 11:37 a.m. 7:52 p.m. 2:54 p.m. 2:52 a.m. 49th St & Baltimore Ave 3420 Walnut St 3420 Walnut St 37th & Spruce Sts 49th & Locust Sts 506 S 42nd St 4002 Market St ALMANAC November 18, 2014 Aggravated Assault Aggravated Assault/Arrest Aggravated Assault/Arrest Assault Assault Assault/Arrest Assault Penn’s Way 2015 Raffle Week 6 Winners Penn Ice Rink; Morris Arboretum; Bon Appétit @ Penn Dining: Fun Pack: Admission to Arboretum, Ice Rink, Meal @ Retail Dining— Andrea Nurse, Wharton Penn Business Services: Penn-Branded Apparel—Natalie Negro, HUP Corporate D’Angelo’s: Gift Certificate—Brynden Williams, Pennsylvania Hospital Penn Business Services: Palestra Wood Bottle Opener—Leanne Wilkofsky, HUP The Sixers: Signed photo, cap and shirt— Ryan Rutkowski, HUP The Sixers: Signed photo, cap and shirt— Linda Whistleman, FRES * Prizes valued at over $100 will be subject to local, state & federal incomes taxes. See for more information about the Penn’s Way campaign. Almanac On-the-Go: RSS Feeds Almanac provides links to select stories each week there is an issue. Visit Almanac’s website, almanac for instructions on how to subscribe to the Almanac RSS Feed. 3910 Chestnut Street, 2nd floor Philadelphia, PA 19104-3111 Phone: (215) 898-5274 or 5275 FAX: (215) 898-9137 Email: [email protected] URL: The University of Pennsylvania’s journal of record, opinion and news is published Tuesdays during the academic year, and as needed during summer and holiday breaks. Its electronic editions on the Internet (accessible through the Penn website) include HTML, Acrobat and mobile versions of the print edition, and interim information may be posted in electronic-only form. Guidelines for readers and contributors are available on request and online. EDITOR Marguerite F. Miller ASSOCIATE EDITOR Natalie Woulard ASSISTANT EDITOR Victoria Fiengo STUDENT ASSISTANTS Isabela Alvarez, Gina Badillo, Irina Bit-Babik, Joselyn Calderon, Sue Jia ALMANAC ADVISORY BOARD: For the Faculty Senate, Martin Pring (chair), Sunday Akintoye, Al Filreis, Carolyn Marvin, Cary Mazer, Tess Wilkinson-Ryan. For the Administration, Stephen MacCarthy. For the Staff Assemblies, Nancy McCue, PPSA; Ijanaya Sanders, WPPSA; Jon Shaw, Librarians Assembly. The University of Pennsylvania values diversity and seeks talented students, faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds. The University of Pennsylvania does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status or any other legally protected class status in the administration of its admissions, financial aid, educational or athletic programs, or other University-administered programs or in its employment practices. Questions or complaints regarding this policy should be directed to Sam Starks, Executive Director of the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Programs, Sansom Place East, 3600 Chestnut Street, Suite 228, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6106; or (215) 898-6993 (Voice). 7 The University City District recently released its annual report of the State of University City. Below are excerpts of the report. Visit to view the PDF of the report or for hard copies of the State of University City 2014-2015 report, visit the UCD office at 3940 Chestnut Street or email [email protected] The State of University City 2014-2015 Matt Bergheiser, Executive Director, University City District Sharing three data points to tell the story of a place doesn’t seem to do justice to a neighborhood of international cuisine, eclectic retail, cultural vibrancy and intellectual energy. But numbers present powerful narratives, never more so than three leading indicators of the untiring growth and vitality of University City. The first number is easy—number one. There are 27 regional real estate submarkets and University City has the highest office occupancy rate of all of them, an astounding 96%. From venture-backed startups to clinical practices to international headquarters, University City real estate is brimming with the underpinnings of a diverse, dynamic economy—local in footprint, global in reach and impact. The second number, 82, is extraordinary. Through this past summer, 82% of all office construction in the entire region was happening, amazingly, within University City—on just 0.02% of the region’s office market land mass. The concentration of neighborhood building activity was evident in a year filled with construction cranes in the University City sky and excitement on the ground for a place that has grown exponentially as a regional economic powerhouse. The final number is 9.99 million. Over five years, 9.99 million square feet of real estate projects have been developed in our neighborhood. That’s a $4.5 billion investment, and when you consider our 73,000 jobs and $1 billion of R&D spending, it’s clear that the intensity and acceleration of economic activity here is virtually unrivaled across the country. With offices and retail spaces filling promptly with sought-after tenants; civic infrastructure that attracts masses to walkable streets, public spaces, bike paths and transit; and a developing eastern edge that stitches together Philadelphia’s central business core like never before, University City is a neighborhood where quality of life, quality of talent and quality of place unite to create a virtuous cycle of growth, innovation, opportunity and possibility. Real Estate Development and Planning University City continues to experience unprecedented growth and development. To go along with the yearly increase in major new residential development, 2014 saw significant new office projects, including the construction of 3737 Market by the University City Science Center and groundbreaking on the FMC Tower by Brandywine Realty Trust. Although rapid transformation and continual growth have characterized University City’s real estate sector for the past several years, it’s clear that there is still plenty of room to grow. Thirty-two new development projects were recently advanced or completed, representing 6.9 million square feet of new office, research, residential, academic and medical facilities in addition to nearly 2.2 acres of public space. What follows is a summary of the projects continuing to transform University City’s skyline. Economic Vitality Business in University City continued its yearly growth, with an influx of independent and established stores and restaurants finding record success in the area. 2014 saw another increase in retail occupancy rates and pedestrian counts, and the trend is projected to continue as new commercial and residential buildings near completion and break ground at a dizzying pace. University City’s cultural scene remains robust as well, as the arts are thriving in the neighborhood. UCD aided the exposure and reach of local businesses with signature events such as University City Dining Days, the Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll and the 40th Street Summer Series. Businesses see University City as a prime destination for storefronts because of the mix of customers in the college students, large employers, 8 commuters and full-time residents who occupy the area. Businesses that have found success in other parts of the city, such as Federal Donuts, Joe Coffee, Shake Shack and Hip City Veg are selecting University City as a logical location for expansion. New ventures such as The Farmacy, Carina Tea & Waffles and Wishbone have chosen University City as the best location to start their businesses. Owners of businesses like coZara and The Fat Ham have expanded their operations and opened different concepts in University City. Nationally recognized chefs like Jose Garces and Bobby Flay have found success here and are now joined by restaurateur Rick Bayless, who chose the University City neighborhood when expanding his restaurant empire. Local community leaders are working hard to meet retail demands, too. When a survey of residents living in Spruce Hill reported that members of the community were in need of a garden center, Greensgrow Farms opened its Greensgrow West outpost. When residents cited a need for art supplies, Plaza Artist Materials & Picture Framing opened shortly thereafter. Business in University City is booming and there is more expansion and opportunity on the way. Center of Innovation University City is the area’s leader in science and medical resources. Discoveries coming from the region bring billions of dollars to the economy. From small companies working out of shared spaces to major leaders in scientific breakthroughs, University City is setting the pace for innovation. The Brookings Institution, the nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC, pointed to University City in a report on the rise of innovation districts. Brookings defines innovation districts as “Geographic areas where leading-edge anchor institutions and companies cluster and connect with start-ups, business incubators and accelerators. They are also physically compact, transit-accessible and technically-wired and offer mixed-use housing, office and retail.” According to the report, “The rise of innovation districts aligns with the disruptive dynamics of our era and represents a clear path forward for cities and metropolitan areas... The result: a step toward building a stronger, more sustainable and more inclusive economy in the early decades of this young century.” The rest of the country is taking notice of how University City is setting the standard as the center of innovation in the region, both now and into the future. Public Space Philadelphia has seen a renaissance in urban design and placemaking, and University City is at the forefront of this movement. Partnerships between public, private, nonprofit and community organizations have allowed for unique presentations at our public spaces. There are a few examples of UCD projects that have brought people together through inspired urban design and community events. Demographics University City remains a desirable destination for students, families and young professionals. Employment rates are strong, the population grows each year and the neighborhood is one of the most diverse in the city. About University City District University City District (UCD) was founded in 1997 by a partnership of world-renowned anchor institutions, small businesses and residents to improve economic vitality and quality of life. Our primary mission is community revitalization. We work within a place-based, data-driven framework to invest in world-class public spaces, address crime and public safety, bring life to commercial corridors, connect low-income residents to careers and promote job growth and innovation. ALMANAC November 18, 2014
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