MUSIC DIPLOMAS Overseas Entry Form (2015) SECTION 1: ENTRY DETAILS General Notes Centre name: ___________________________________ 1. Please complete Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 clearly, in block capitals. Session (please circle): 2. This form may not be used for electric, bass, acoustic or jazz guitar exams; contact Registry of Guitar Tutors on +44 (0)1424 222222. Spring Summer Winter 3. This form may be used for music theatre diplomas. SECTION 2: CANDIDATE DETAILS Candidate ID [if entered previously]: _________________ Surname: ___________________________________ Forename(s): ___________________________________ Date of birth [DDMMYY] └┴┴┴┴┴┘ Gender [M / F] └─┘ Ethnicity [see chart on p.4] └┴┘ 4. There are no lower age limits for performing, thesis, theoretical or composition diplomas. Teaching diploma candidates must have attained the following ages by the date of entry: DipLCM 16 years; ALCM 17 years; LLCM 18 years. A copy of the birth certificate or other proof of age must be attached to the entry form. 5. Direct entry to LLCM and FLCM: Please contact LCM Examinations for the current fee for consideration for direct entry to these diplomas. Applications should be made to the Chief Examiner in Music at least FOUR WEEKS in advance of examination entry. (See guidelines in the syllabus.) Section 1: Entry Details 1. Please indicate your preferred exam centre. Details are available on our website, or from the LCM Examinations office. Section 2: Candidate Details 1. Please complete in full. All correspondence about the examination will be sent to this address. Specific needs [Y / N] 2. Date of birth and ethnicity details are for statistical purposes only, and are not passed on to the examiner. └─┘ Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Section 4: Examination Details 1. Please tick the appropriate examination, and indicate the instrument/subject if applicable. 2. On first entry, candidates may only enter for the complete diploma. Entry for selections of components is allowed only if the candidate is carrying forward marks achieved previously. Section 5: Entry Requirements ______________________________________ 1. Please ensure this section is completed, and proof of pre-requisites is attached where applicable. (Photocopies are preferable.) Tel (day): ______________________________________ 2. If retaking part of an exam and carrying forward previously achieved marks, a photocopy of the original report form must be attached. Tel (eve): ______________________________________ Submitting the Form Email: ______________________________________ Have any of these details changed since your previous entry? Circle if applicable: Name Address Tel (day) Tel (eve) Email 1. Send this form, with payment, to the representative of the chosen examination centre, to arrive on or before the closing date for entry. 2. If you have any specific needs, a letter giving details and requests for any special requirements (eg. enlarged sight reading), together with supporting documentation, must be attached. 3. Any timetabling requests (eg. ‘prefer mornings’ or ‘prefer weekdays’) must be made at the time of entry. LCM and representatives will take note of the information given; however, no guarantees can be made that all wishes will be met. SECTION 3: DECLARATION I agree to abide by the LCM Examinations Regulations, as detailed in the current syllabus. Signature: _____________________ Date: ____________ 4. Late entries will be accepted up to 7 days after the closing date with an additional Late Entry Fee. Entries received later than this cannot be accepted. 5. Teaching diplomas: The essay/dissertation, and DVD if submitted, must be submitted to the LCM Examinations office at the time of entry. SECTION 4: EXAMINATION DETAILS Diploma Type Performance EXCEPT Jazz and Music Theatre [Indicate instrument] Level Section(s) DipLCM (Standard) DipLCM (Recital) ALCM (Standard, Option 1) ALCM (Standard, Option 2) Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Performance & Viva only Essay only Complete Complete With Programme Notes carried forward Complete Performance only Programme Notes only Complete Performance only Programme Notes only Complete Presentation & Discussion only Complete Teaching, Presentation & Disc. only Essay, Presentation & Discussion only Presentation & Discussion only Essay only Complete Teaching, Presentation & Disc. only Dissertation, Presentation & Disc. only Presentation & Discussion only Dissertation only Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Performance only Programme Notes only Complete Complete Complete Complete With Essay/Arranging carried forward Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete ALCM (Recital, Option 1) ALCM (Recital, Option 2) LLCM (Standard) LLCM (Recital) FLCM Teaching DipLCM [Indicate instrument] ALCM LLCM Jazz Performance [Indicate instrument] Music Theatre Performance DipLCM ALCM LLCM FLCM DipLCM ALCM LLCM FLCM Church Music [Indicate principal instrument] Conducting Theoretical [Summer session only] DipLCM ALCM (Option 1) ALCM (Option 2) LLCM DipLCM ALCM LLCM FLCM DipMusLCM AMusLCM LMusLCM Thesis OR Composition ALCM LLCM [Indicate which] FLCM Professional Achievement [NB initial entry must be for the complete diploma] FLCM Paper 1 OR Paper 2 only [delete as applicable] Complete Paper 1 OR Paper 2 only [delete as applicable] Complete Re-submission Complete Re-submission Complete Re-submission Complete LATE FEE [for entries submitted up to 7 days after the closing date] TOTAL SUBMITTED Tick Instrument Fee SECTION 5: ENTRY REQUIREMENTS [COMPLETE THE RELEVANT SECTION AND ATTACH DOCUMENTATION] Diplomas in Performance (except Jazz and Music Theatre), Diplomas in Church Music DipLCM in Performance. Candidates must hold Grade 5 Theory. I enclose proof of: Grade 5 Theory pass (or alternative; see syllabus for details) ALCM in Performance: Option 1 (Standard or Recital). Candidates must hold Grade 5 Theory. I enclose proof of: Grade 5 Theory pass (or alternative; see syllabus for details) Enter any marks to be carried forward from a previous attempt at ALCM (Recital, Option 1): Component: ______________________________ Mark: ____________________ Registration No: ____________________ ALCM in Performance: Option 2 (Standard or Recital). Candidates must hold DipMusLCM (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ LLCM in Performance. Candidates must hold ALCM in Performance / Teaching in the same subject (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ Enter any marks to be carried forward from a previous attempt: Component: ______________________________ Mark: ____________________ Registration No: ____________________ FLCM in Performance. Candidates must hold LLCM in Performance / Teaching in the same subject (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ Registration number for any section of FLCM in Performance already completed: ____________________ Diplomas in Teaching DipLCM in Teaching. Candidates must hold Grade 5 Theory (Music Theatre: Grade 8 in the same subject). I enclose proof of: Date of birth AND Grade 5 Theory pass (or alternative; see syllabus for details) ALCM in Teaching. Candidates must hold Grade 5 Theory (Music Theatre: Grade 8 in the same subject). I enclose proof of: Date of birth AND Grade 5 Theory pass (or alternative; see syllabus for details) Enter any marks to be carried forward from a previous attempt: Component: ______________________________ Mark: ____________________ Registration No: ____________________ LLCM in Teaching. Candidates must hold ALCM in Performance / Teaching in the same subject (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Date of birth AND Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite: __________________________ Enter any marks to be carried forward from a previous attempt: Component: ______________________________ Mark: ____________________ Registration No: ____________________ Diplomas in Music Theatre Performance DipLCM in Performance. There are no pre-requisites. ALCM in Performance. Candidates must hold DipLCM in Music Theatre Performance or Teaching (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ LLCM in Performance. Candidates must hold ALCM in Music Theatre Performance or Teaching (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ FLCM in Performance. Candidates must hold LLCM in Music Theatre Performance or Teaching (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ Diplomas in Jazz Performance, Diplomas in Conducting DipLCM & ALCM in Jazz Performance, DipLCM & ALCM in Conducting. Candidates must hold Grade 5 Theory. I enclose proof of: Grade 5 Theory pass (or alternative; see syllabus for details) LLCM in Jazz Performance, LLCM in Conducting. Candidates must hold ALCM in the same subject (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ FLCM in Jazz Performance, FLCM in Conducting. Candidates must hold LLCM in the same subject (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ Theoretical Diplomas DipMusLCM, AMusLCM. There are no pre-requisites. LMusLCM. Candidates must hold AMusLCM or ALCM in Composition (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ Diplomas in Composition, Diplomas by Thesis ALCM in Composition, ALCM by Thesis. There are no pre-requisites. LLCM in Composition, LLCM by Thesis. Candidates must hold ALCM in the same subject or AMusLCM (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ FLCM in Composition, FLCM by Thesis. Candidates must hold LLCM in the same subject or LMusLCM (or an approved alternative). I enclose proof of: Pre-requisite qualification. Please state pre-requisite qualification: __________________________________ 2015 Diploma Written Examinations SPRING Saturday 13 June SUMMER 10am - 1pm [DipMusLCM, AMusLCM Paper 1] 2pm - 5pm [AMusLCM Paper 2, LMusLCM Paper 2] WINTER LCM Examinations University of West London St Mary’s Road Ealing London W5 5RF tel: +44 (0)20 8231 2364 email: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------Regional Representative Office, Asia Pacific and India: Lui Events Pte Ltd 57 Mohd Sultan Road, #03-05 Sultan-Link, The Tokyo Suite Singapore 238997 tel: 65 6622 5868 fax: 65 6622 5867 email: [email protected] Ethnic Origin Classifications White 01 02 03 British Irish Other white background Mixed 04 05 06 07 White and black Caribbean White and black African White and Asian Other mixed background Asian or Asian British 08 09 10 11 Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Other Asian background Black or Black British 12 13 14 Caribbean African Other black background Chinese or Other Ethnic Group 15 16 Chinese Other 17 Prefer not to say
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