Please notify the church office at 979.823.8073, when you have news to share in the newsletter, or if you or someone you know is in the hospital, is scheduled for admission, or was recently hospitalized. When admitted, please list First Presbyterian Church, as your church affiliation. If you would like to be visited by one of our hospital visitors, please agree to be included on the Pastoral Care List. Your church family wants to minister to you whenever you are ill, especially when you are in the hospital, and they can only do this if you inform them of your needs. Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Bryan, TX Permit 160 11.18.2014 the chimes Sunday Mornings 9:00 Disciples Café (until 10:45) | 9:20 Church School * | 10:45 Worship *: Traditional & Contemporary * Child care provided RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 1100 Carter Creek Pkwy Bryan TX 77802-1129 Ph. 979.823.8073 Fax. 979.822.7063 [email protected] Church Office Hours M-F, 8:30am to 4:30pm Visit us on the web “Like” us on 11/28 11/30 11/30 12/01 12/03 12/04 12/04 12/05 12/07 12/07 12/07 12/08 Emma Wertz George Stuart Velma Burnett Cody Cravatt Brian Currie Leroy Schoenemann Janice Haverland Max Butler Ellen Nemec Bob Baker Don Spencer Margaret Anderson 12/08 12/10 12/10 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/14 12/16 12/16 12/17 12/17 Josh Wesp Ron Douglas Becky Jobling Shelley Espinoza Rachel Pratt Wayne Hayenga Ina Copus Lisa Akin Carol Dunham Eugene Voelkel Rusleen Maurice Madeline Hendler The deadline for the next issue of the newsletter, The Chimes (incl. the January 2015 calendar), is NOON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7. Submit content to: [email protected]. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Alice Beals Virginia Buttery Shirley Dill Sunshine & Roy Greer Mary Alice Hall Eva Nell Juliff Ted Burk Jason Morris Michael Muston Ryan Ratcliffe Curtis van Engel Joanna van Engel ♥ Delores Kremenak ♥ Janie Metzer ♥ Helen Nachlinger ♥ Charlotte Rogers ♥ Mary Ann & Milton Thompson ♥ Marjorie Wright Members & fRIENDS In the Military Scriptures in Sunday Worship NOVEMBER 30 TBA DECEMBER 7 Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-24a DECEMBER 14 Luke 1:39-56 50-year Members Honored Stewardship Update Those who have been members of our congregation for 50 years or more will be honored Sunday, November 23. Special recognition was given to ANNE BEAL and LARRY BEAL who join this special group. In 1964, Anne and Larry joined on October 25. Others who have been members for fifty or more years are: BECKY ALTER JoANN LANGFORD GEORGE BLAZEK BETTY MAHONEY ANNE BURKHART GEORGE McARTHUR JOSEPHINE CONAWAY RANNEY McDONALD JACK CURRIE BOOKMAN PETERS SHIRLEY DILL LOUISE PORTER MARY ALICE HALL LEON RUSSELL JOHN HALSELL MARTHA RUSSELL KEITH HALSELL LAURIE SCASTA BARBARA HAWKINS PEGGY SULLIVAN ESTER HUBACEK LILLIAN THOMPSON EVA NELL JULIFF BETTY TRANT DOROTHY LACKEY ROSE VAN ARSDEL “Thank you” to those of you who have already submitted your 2015 estimateof-giving card for the 2015 Annual Ministries Budget and/or card of intent for the HVAC Building Renovation Project. Estimates-of-giving may be turned in at any time at the church office, during the week, placed in an offering plate/basket on Sunday, or mailed to the church office. Questions may be addressed to Treasurer Rick Page or Pastors Ted or Marie. They will be more than happy to answer any questions. Remembering with Love and with Hope On WED, DEC 3, at 6:50pm join us in the Fellowship Hall as we celebrate, in a Service of Remembrance, loved ones lost to us or separated from us by death, estrangement, divorce, or other life circumstances. Through sharing in song, scripture, prayer, and a time of remembrance we provide caring support of one another as we journey through the holidays. The service is open to all who are facing the holidays without loved ones or know someone who is. December Newsletter Schedule There will be ONE issue of the newsletter (incl. the January 2015 calendar) in December. News items will include activities and events from December 18 through January 17, 2015. Congregational Meeting The Session has on its agenda for this Sunday (Nov 23) to call a congregational meeting on SUN, DEC 7, following worship to be held in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for the purpose of receiving and acting upon a report from the Nominating Committee for new classes of elders and Foundation trustees, and members-at-large of the 2015-16 Nominating Committee. (See insert in this issue for nominee introductions.) Nominations may be made from the floor provided those placing a name in nomination have obtained permission from the one being nominated. FPC Caroling Party Join in sharing the joy of the Christmas season with our place bound members as we gather to sing carols and distribute poinsettias. Come to the Patio on SUN, DEC 14, at 3:30pm for hot cocoa and gingerbread. At 4:00pm we’ll depart for the various locations to spread Christ’s love in song. Preaching Christ | Teaching Discipleship | Reaching Others First Presbyterian Church Bryan, Texas | A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) MINISTRYon the by Marie Mickey, Associate Pastor ([email protected]) Laurine Elkins-Marlow, Interim Director of Music ([email protected]) Brazos Church Pantry Update Christmas Brings Good Cheer Concert, October 19 Concerts on Carter Creek As of October 31, FPC has donated 1,030 lbs of food to the Pantry in 2014 and $7,013 through the operating budget and individual donations. Way to go, FPC family! The Pantry provides a vital service to thousands of family in the Brazos Valley. The holidays are coming which means more than ever your contributions are important. You can bring your donations throughout November and December and drop them off in the container in the Patio. The Prime Timers will have their annual Christmas celebration on THU, DEC 11, at 11:30am in the Library/ Parlor. Ham will be featured as the main dish. Bring your favorite side dish. The celebration will continue after lunch with our $5 gift exchange. Bring a friend and enjoy the gathering. A mid-week opportunity for physical and spiritual nourishment held monthly this fall.* DECEMBER 3 Dinner begins at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall. FEATURING: HAM, SCALLOPED AND SWEET POTATOES, GREEN BEANS, DESSERT Cost is $6.00 per person. Children under four eat FREE. Family max. is $20 00. Chefs Allyn & Judy Jordan are organizing the meal. RSVP by Sun, Nov 9, to [email protected] or 979.823.8073. Service of Remembrance follows the dinner at 6:50pm. (See front page article.) Children’s Church School Class Preschool Church School Class Sunday Mornings (9:20am to 10:20am) ELEMENTARY. Children (K-GR 4) meet in Room 13 with Beth Morris, Claire Schmidt. GR 5-6 meet in Room 10 with Amber Fattig. NOV 30 A Mighty God. Children explore the strength of God’s rule told by Isaiah and praise this mighty God. Isaiah 64:1-9 Sunday Mornings (9:20am to 10:20am) The class meets in Room 200 (in the Children’s Center Hallway).Teachers are Rachel Jordan & Kristin King. Clothing & Toy Drive FPC Boy Scout Troup 257 is collecting clothing (all sizes) and toys. The clothing will be donated to the SALVATION ARMY; the gently used toys will be donated to the TWIN CITY MISSION. A box is on the patio ready to receive your donations. This is a great time to clean out your closets and donate your items. HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP! Let others know about the concert, help clear the chancel area following worship on day of concert, provide a soup, set up for orchestra, greet, usher, for the reception ‒ provide finger foods or dessert, set up, serve, clean up, and, of course ‒ be there to hear the glorious sounds or lend your voice. Contact Nicole McKinley, [email protected] or 979.703.1425. For many years, the Concerts on Carter Creek has been partially funded by the First Presbyterian church of Bryan Foundation from interest earned quarterly from an endowment fund established by the John Otts Estate. Mr. Otts’ generosity has been a benefit to both the church and to music lovers through the community. For information on donating to the Foundation’s Concerts on Carter Creek Fund, please contact a Foundation Trustee through the church office, 979.823.8073. YOUng Adult News by Katherine Doehring, Young Adult Ministry Coordinator (910.520.5224, [email protected]) Growing Disciples by Kathryn Nachlinger, Director of Christian Education ([email protected], [email protected]) DEC 14 God’s Plan for Creation. Children hear of God’s promises and celebrate what kind of world this would be. Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Concerts on Carter Creek and The Foundation Wednesdays “Around the Table” DEC 7 Shepherd with a Mighty Arm. Children listen to Isaiah’s words about comforting God and acknowledge how they can accept and give thanks to such comfort. Isaiah 40:1-11 The MESSIAH SING ALONG is SUN, NOV 30, 5:00pm, in our sanctuary. You are invited to listen or join in chorus. Musical scores will be available for purchase at the concert. To practice ahead of time and learn your part, go to: Seeking a Church School Class? Each church school class has a focus for a few weeks, a semester or a full year. All are welcome to visit a class that you may be interested in. The classes all differ and all seek to understand more about our faith. A fall schedule can be found in the narthex, church office hallway, or Carter Creek Foyer. All are welcome! Children's Gift Making Workshop SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 10:00am to Noon Carter Creek Foyer and Fellowship Hall Children (K-6 GR) will make gifts for parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. Register your child or grandchild with Kathryn Nachlinger, [email protected] YOU†h Haps Lindsay Cooper, Interim Youth Ministry Coordinator (210.380.3385, [email protected]) Young Adults (18-35) Coming Up Thank you to ELEANOR & COLIN RYDER for hosting a wonderful game night. Much fun was had by all! WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY DEC 3, 10, 17 ‒ BIBLE STUDY. BIBLE STUDY Join us on WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at 7:30pm in the Parlor to explore the book of Mark. To get into the holiday spirit, we'll be going on our annual hayride through Santa's Wonderland on WED, DEC 10, in lieu of regular Bible Study. Meet at Katherine’s house, 2803 Amy Ct, College Station, at 6:30pm to carpool over. Tickets are $5.00, and be sure to bring extra money for food and other treats in Santa's Town. Please RSVP to Katherine by December 1st so that we purchase enough tickets in advance! THEOLOGY ON TAP A monthly opportunity to share ecumenical theological discussion on a wide range of topics! Thanks to all who came out for TOT this month on our night to host, sharing a little Reformed Theology with our ecumenical Christian friends! Next up . . . MON, DEC 1, 7:30pm. Benjamin Knox Wine Depot in College Station. EXAM CARE PACKAGES COLLEGE STUDENTS, pick up your exam care packages in the sanctuary narthex and Carter Creek Foyer. We are praying for you during finals! YOUTH FELLOWSHIP SUN, NOV 30. MESSIAH SING-ALONG. Youth are invited to attend and lend your voice in this concert held in our sanctuary at 5:00pm. SUN, DEC 7. CHRISTMAS PARADE. Meet at the Gathings’ home after the Christmas Parade to share a meal, play games, and have a short bible study. SUN, DEC 14. CHRISTMAS PARTY! The annual Youth Christmas Party will be Lindsay’s last day with the youth. Make sure you come and say goodbye! There will be lots of food and fun, and of course, the traditional white elephant gift exchange. Look for emails with details about these December ! Caring & Sharing The prayerful support and sympathy of the congregation are extended to: CADIE & TOM DAVISON following the death of Cadie’s sister-in-law, Rose Fitte, on November 10 in Groesbeck. ELI SWEED, our night custodian, following the death of his wife, Glenda, on November 13. MINISTRYon the by Marie Mickey, Associate Pastor ([email protected]) Laurine Elkins-Marlow, Interim Director of Music ([email protected]) Brazos Church Pantry Update Christmas Brings Good Cheer Concert, October 19 Concerts on Carter Creek As of October 31, FPC has donated 1,030 lbs of food to the Pantry in 2014 and $7,013 through the operating budget and individual donations. Way to go, FPC family! The Pantry provides a vital service to thousands of family in the Brazos Valley. The holidays are coming which means more than ever your contributions are important. You can bring your donations throughout November and December and drop them off in the container in the Patio. The Prime Timers will have their annual Christmas celebration on THU, DEC 11, at 11:30am in the Library/ Parlor. Ham will be featured as the main dish. Bring your favorite side dish. The celebration will continue after lunch with our $5 gift exchange. Bring a friend and enjoy the gathering. A mid-week opportunity for physical and spiritual nourishment held monthly this fall.* DECEMBER 3 Dinner begins at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall. FEATURING: HAM, SCALLOPED AND SWEET POTATOES, GREEN BEANS, DESSERT Cost is $6.00 per person. Children under four eat FREE. Family max. is $20 00. Chefs Allyn & Judy Jordan are organizing the meal. RSVP by Sun, Nov 9, to [email protected] or 979.823.8073. Service of Remembrance follows the dinner at 6:50pm. (See front page article.) Children’s Church School Class Preschool Church School Class Sunday Mornings (9:20am to 10:20am) ELEMENTARY. Children (K-GR 4) meet in Room 13 with Beth Morris, Claire Schmidt. GR 5-6 meet in Room 10 with Amber Fattig. NOV 30 A Mighty God. Children explore the strength of God’s rule told by Isaiah and praise this mighty God. Isaiah 64:1-9 Sunday Mornings (9:20am to 10:20am) The class meets in Room 200 (in the Children’s Center Hallway).Teachers are Rachel Jordan & Kristin King. Clothing & Toy Drive FPC Boy Scout Troup 257 is collecting clothing (all sizes) and toys. The clothing will be donated to the SALVATION ARMY; the gently used toys will be donated to the TWIN CITY MISSION. A box is on the patio ready to receive your donations. This is a great time to clean out your closets and donate your items. HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP! Let others know about the concert, help clear the chancel area following worship on day of concert, provide a soup, set up for orchestra, greet, usher, for the reception ‒ provide finger foods or dessert, set up, serve, clean up, and, of course ‒ be there to hear the glorious sounds or lend your voice. Contact Nicole McKinley, [email protected] or 979.703.1425. For many years, the Concerts on Carter Creek has been partially funded by the First Presbyterian church of Bryan Foundation from interest earned quarterly from an endowment fund established by the John Otts Estate. Mr. Otts’ generosity has been a benefit to both the church and to music lovers through the community. For information on donating to the Foundation’s Concerts on Carter Creek Fund, please contact a Foundation Trustee through the church office, 979.823.8073. YOUng Adult News by Katherine Doehring, Young Adult Ministry Coordinator (910.520.5224, [email protected]) Growing Disciples by Kathryn Nachlinger, Director of Christian Education ([email protected], [email protected]) DEC 14 God’s Plan for Creation. Children hear of God’s promises and celebrate what kind of world this would be. Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Concerts on Carter Creek and The Foundation Wednesdays “Around the Table” DEC 7 Shepherd with a Mighty Arm. Children listen to Isaiah’s words about comforting God and acknowledge how they can accept and give thanks to such comfort. Isaiah 40:1-11 The MESSIAH SING ALONG is SUN, NOV 30, 5:00pm, in our sanctuary. You are invited to listen or join in chorus. Musical scores will be available for purchase at the concert. To practice ahead of time and learn your part, go to: Seeking a Church School Class? Each church school class has a focus for a few weeks, a semester or a full year. All are welcome to visit a class that you may be interested in. The classes all differ and all seek to understand more about our faith. A fall schedule can be found in the narthex, church office hallway, or Carter Creek Foyer. All are welcome! Children's Gift Making Workshop SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 10:00am to Noon Carter Creek Foyer and Fellowship Hall Children (K-6 GR) will make gifts for parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. Register your child or grandchild with Kathryn Nachlinger, [email protected] YOU†h Haps Lindsay Cooper, Interim Youth Ministry Coordinator (210.380.3385, [email protected]) Young Adults (18-35) Coming Up Thank you to ELEANOR & COLIN RYDER for hosting a wonderful game night. Much fun was had by all! WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY DEC 3, 10, 17 ‒ BIBLE STUDY. BIBLE STUDY Join us on WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at 7:30pm in the Parlor to explore the book of Mark. To get into the holiday spirit, we'll be going on our annual hayride through Santa's Wonderland on WED, DEC 10, in lieu of regular Bible Study. Meet at Katherine’s house, 2803 Amy Ct, College Station, at 6:30pm to carpool over. Tickets are $5.00, and be sure to bring extra money for food and other treats in Santa's Town. Please RSVP to Katherine by December 1st so that we purchase enough tickets in advance! THEOLOGY ON TAP A monthly opportunity to share ecumenical theological discussion on a wide range of topics! Thanks to all who came out for TOT this month on our night to host, sharing a little Reformed Theology with our ecumenical Christian friends! Next up . . . MON, DEC 1, 7:30pm. Benjamin Knox Wine Depot in College Station. EXAM CARE PACKAGES COLLEGE STUDENTS, pick up your exam care packages in the sanctuary narthex and Carter Creek Foyer. We are praying for you during finals! YOUTH FELLOWSHIP SUN, NOV 30. MESSIAH SING-ALONG. Youth are invited to attend and lend your voice in this concert held in our sanctuary at 5:00pm. SUN, DEC 7. CHRISTMAS PARADE. Meet at the Gathings’ home after the Christmas Parade to share a meal, play games, and have a short bible study. SUN, DEC 14. CHRISTMAS PARTY! The annual Youth Christmas Party will be Lindsay’s last day with the youth. Make sure you come and say goodbye! There will be lots of food and fun, and of course, the traditional white elephant gift exchange. Look for emails with details about these December ! Caring & Sharing The prayerful support and sympathy of the congregation are extended to: CADIE & TOM DAVISON following the death of Cadie’s sister-in-law, Rose Fitte, on November 10 in Groesbeck. ELI SWEED, our night custodian, following the death of his wife, Glenda, on November 13. Please notify the church office at 979.823.8073, when you have news to share in the newsletter, or if you or someone you know is in the hospital, is scheduled for admission, or was recently hospitalized. When admitted, please list First Presbyterian Church, as your church affiliation. If you would like to be visited by one of our hospital visitors, please agree to be included on the Pastoral Care List. Your church family wants to minister to you whenever you are ill, especially when you are in the hospital, and they can only do this if you inform them of your needs. Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Bryan, TX Permit 160 11.18.2014 the chimes Sunday Mornings 9:00 Disciples Café (until 10:45) | 9:20 Church School * | 10:45 Worship *: Traditional & Contemporary * Child care provided RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 1100 Carter Creek Pkwy Bryan TX 77802-1129 Ph. 979.823.8073 Fax. 979.822.7063 [email protected] Church Office Hours M-F, 8:30am to 4:30pm Visit us on the web “Like” us on 11/28 11/30 11/30 12/01 12/03 12/04 12/04 12/05 12/07 12/07 12/07 12/08 Emma Wertz George Stuart Velma Burnett Cody Cravatt Brian Currie Leroy Schoenemann Janice Haverland Max Butler Ellen Nemec Bob Baker Don Spencer Margaret Anderson 12/08 12/10 12/10 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/14 12/16 12/16 12/17 12/17 Josh Wesp Ron Douglas Becky Jobling Shelley Espinoza Rachel Pratt Wayne Hayenga Ina Copus Lisa Akin Carol Dunham Eugene Voelkel Rusleen Maurice Madeline Hendler The deadline for the next issue of the newsletter, The Chimes (incl. the January 2015 calendar), is NOON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7. Submit content to: [email protected]. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Alice Beals Virginia Buttery Shirley Dill Sunshine & Roy Greer Mary Alice Hall Eva Nell Juliff Ted Burk Jason Morris Michael Muston Ryan Ratcliffe Curtis van Engel Joanna van Engel ♥ Delores Kremenak ♥ Janie Metzer ♥ Helen Nachlinger ♥ Charlotte Rogers ♥ Mary Ann & Milton Thompson ♥ Marjorie Wright Members & fRIENDS In the Military Scriptures in Sunday Worship NOVEMBER 30 TBA DECEMBER 7 Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-24a DECEMBER 14 Luke 1:39-56 50-year Members Honored Stewardship Update Those who have been members of our congregation for 50 years or more will be honored Sunday, November 23. Special recognition was given to ANNE BEAL and LARRY BEAL who join this special group. In 1964, Anne and Larry joined on October 25. Others who have been members for fifty or more years are: BECKY ALTER JoANN LANGFORD GEORGE BLAZEK BETTY MAHONEY ANNE BURKHART GEORGE McARTHUR JOSEPHINE CONAWAY RANNEY McDONALD JACK CURRIE BOOKMAN PETERS SHIRLEY DILL LOUISE PORTER MARY ALICE HALL LEON RUSSELL JOHN HALSELL MARTHA RUSSELL KEITH HALSELL LAURIE SCASTA BARBARA HAWKINS PEGGY SULLIVAN ESTER HUBACEK LILLIAN THOMPSON EVA NELL JULIFF BETTY TRANT DOROTHY LACKEY ROSE VAN ARSDEL “Thank you” to those of you who have already submitted your 2015 estimateof-giving card for the 2015 Annual Ministries Budget and/or card of intent for the HVAC Building Renovation Project. Estimates-of-giving may be turned in at any time at the church office, during the week, placed in an offering plate/basket on Sunday, or mailed to the church office. Questions may be addressed to Treasurer Rick Page or Pastors Ted or Marie. They will be more than happy to answer any questions. Remembering with Love and with Hope On WED, DEC 3, at 6:50pm join us in the Fellowship Hall as we celebrate, in a Service of Remembrance, loved ones lost to us or separated from us by death, estrangement, divorce, or other life circumstances. Through sharing in song, scripture, prayer, and a time of remembrance we provide caring support of one another as we journey through the holidays. The service is open to all who are facing the holidays without loved ones or know someone who is. December Newsletter Schedule There will be ONE issue of the newsletter (incl. the January 2015 calendar) in December. News items will include activities and events from December 18 through January 17, 2015. Congregational Meeting The Session has on its agenda for this Sunday (Nov 23) to call a congregational meeting on SUN, DEC 7, following worship to be held in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for the purpose of receiving and acting upon a report from the Nominating Committee for new classes of elders and Foundation trustees, and members-at-large of the 2015-16 Nominating Committee. (See insert in this issue for nominee introductions.) Nominations may be made from the floor provided those placing a name in nomination have obtained permission from the one being nominated. FPC Caroling Party Join in sharing the joy of the Christmas season with our place bound members as we gather to sing carols and distribute poinsettias. Come to the Patio on SUN, DEC 14, at 3:30pm for hot cocoa and gingerbread. At 4:00pm we’ll depart for the various locations to spread Christ’s love in song. Preaching Christ | Teaching Discipleship | Reaching Others First Presbyterian Church Bryan, Texas | A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
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