S T . C H A R L E S ’...

GPS Coordinates 26° 08' 30.3" S and 28° 00' 09.34" E
35 Road No. 3
Victory Park
P O Box 44029
Linden 2104
011 - 782-5417/8
011 - 888-0004
E-mail Address:
[email protected]
St Charles Catholic Church Victory Park
Fr. James Ralston O.M.I.
[email protected]
Rev. Deacon Michael Harrington 082 924 8411
(H) 011 888 8494
[email protected]
Rev. Deacon Kevin Kilroe
082 295 6919
Rev. Deacon Paddy Maddison
082 879 9728
Sundays: 06:30, 08:00, 10:00, 14:00(Sotho/Zulu) & 17:30
Weekdays: 06:00, 08:00 & 17:30; Saturday 08:00 & 18:00
Public Holidays: 08:00
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: 10:00 – 11:00 & 16:30 – 18:00, or by appointment
The Divine Office:
Morning Prayer:
Monday to Saturday at 07:40
Evening Prayer:
Monday to Friday at 17:10
Eucharistic Adoration: Monday – Thursday: 16:00 – 21:00
Friday: 08:30 – 21:00
Solemnity of Christ the King - A – November 23, 2014.
New Missal – Page 430
Sunday, November 23
CWL Advent Candles will be on sale this weekend.
Pious List: Please fill in the forms and place in the envelope, together with
your donation and return as soon as possible. These lists will be placed on
the altar at all Masses.
Children’s Liturgy in the chapel during Mass on Saturday 18:00, Sunday
08:00 & 10:00. Contact Rita 011 888 5524. 2-5 year olds in the catechetical
centre during 08:00 & 10:00 Masses. Contact Nicola 082 821 0473.
Sunday 17:30 Mass – Children’s liturgy for children from 5-8 years old is
run by the De La Salle Holy Cross College Grade 7 pupils.
Life Teen - from 18:45 - 20:15 in the parish hall for all grade 8-11 pupils
will be in recess until January 2015. Enquiries, please contact Claire 079399-1300.
Monday, November 24
Memorial Service for deceased pupils, teachers, De La Salle Brothers and
Holy Cross Sisters will be held at the Memorial in the High School grounds
at 17:00 followed by Mass at 17:30 in the chapel. Refreshments in the
pavilion after Mass.
Tuesday, November 25
Senior Citizens, 70 years and older, are invited to the CWL Christmas
Luncheon Mass at 12 noon. Please RSVP to May on 083 450 7234 or
Glenda on 076 900 9292. Transport available.
Children’s Catechism – Classes at 15:30 for grades 1-7 will be in recess
until January 2015. Contact Belinda 011 478-0911.
Adult Catechism: R.C.I.A. (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
at 19:30. Contact the parish office 011 782-5417 or Gustavo 082 922 7155.
Family of God Community meet at 19:30 in the parish hall. Talk on
Contact Marieke 011 402-6400(w) or Heather 083 458 1008.
Wednesday, November 26
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul meets at 19:30. New members
welcome. Contact Paul 082 458 3554.
Grupo de Oracao de Nossa Senhora de Fatima.
Terço e Louvor das 19:30 no salao de de Catequese. Todos benvindos.
Thursday, November 27
Baptism Preparation from 19:30 to 20:30. A period of catechetical
instruction on baptism and parenting for members of the parish. Parents and
godparents are requested to attend. To arrange an interview appointment
please contact Fr. James Ralston during office hours.
Centring Prayer at15:00each Thursday at 12 Shaka Rd. Blackheath.
Contact Veronica 084 548 2445 or Michele 083 288 7395
Please support our Catholic press.
Please buy a Southern Cross at R7.00 per copy.
SAN SALVADOR Christmas puddings on sale after all Masses: large R95,
small R50, Diabetic R50
De La Salle Holy Cross Junior School Carol Service on November 27 at
18:30 in the church.
C.W.L. Christmas Market on Sunday November 30
after 08:00 and 10:00 Masses.
Celebration of Carols and Readings - Commemorating the Christmas
Truce 1914 on Monday December 15 at 18:30 in the Church.
Presented by: Russell Singers, the Johannesburg Bach Choir and Friends.
No entrance Fee –Collection for Frederick Place and Woodside Sanctuary.
St. Charles’ Care Group is offering prayers and/or meals and visits to
parishioners in need. We honour God in his mercy. Contact 0606145243
May the Lord’s healing hand be on the sick of the parish:
Maureen Robinson, Andrea Visnenza, Alexandra McDonald, Lyle Griffiths, Sarah
Paper, Anna Peter, Anna Martins, Charlotte Abraham, Ashwin Desaai, Alex Budevari,
Lyn Alport, Joan Gallimore, Veronica Redivo, Leonard Deysel, Gilbert MacDonald,
Kim McCusker, Jarryd Solomons, Petru Cook, Alessio de Souza, Lorraine David,
Ralph Gray, Bernadette Hulsenbeck, Angela Visnenzo, Eugene van Heerden, Lorraine
de Wet, Brett McDowell, Pam, Sergio Ventura, Godfrey Wessels, Laura Barone,
Ian Samson, Megan Spencer, Renzo Mottalini, Kathy van Wyk, Cynthia Megens,
Chad Martin, Annette de Oliveira, Pia Jacobitz, Sr. Adrian, Sr. Marie-Michelle, Frank
Robinson, Avril Aldridge, Steven Wessels, Anna Ferreira Pereira, Ruth Hards,
Maureen Standish, June Boyer, Stella Arnold, Manuel Nascimento, Doug & Lydia
Sargeant, Sheilah Poltera, Manuel Ponce, Glenis Kay, Lawrence Brittain, Caitlyn Hugo,
Nanette Giovagnoli, Connor Green, Isolda Saer, Jacquie Stroh,
and all the sick of the parish.
If family members are ill at home or in hospital please inform the
parish office as soon as possible and, once recovered, to take them
from the sick list.
May the Lord grant eternal rest to Isobel Diab.
Engaged Encounter is a requirement for all couples planning to marry.
Bookings: e-mail Ingeborg Parschau at [email protected] or fax
086 547 5346.
Marriage Encounter. Contact Andy & Bev Frazier Tel. 082 556 3880.
Retrouvaille: Marriage Help - e-mail [email protected] or call Ann and
Mike Diab 083 339 7692. Website www.HelpOurMarriage.com
Contacts in parish are Penny & Gino Zambetti 083 529 8638 sms or watsap.
Al-Anon: each Thursday 09:45 parish hall meeting room Tel. 086 125 2666.
Alateen meets on Saturday 09:30 Tel. 086 125 2666.
C.W.L. Crockery & Cutlery Hiring - contact Dee 083-395-9080.