TERM 4 WEEK 9 WEDNESDAY 3 RD DECEMBER 2014 FROM THE PRINCIPAL 1. This Week's Reflection - CHRISTMAS: PRESENTS US WITH THE UNEXPECTED In the Christmas song, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”, we find the following lines: “He knows when you’ve been sleeping, He knows when you’re awake, He knows if you’ve bad or good, goodness sake.” So be good for So, why is Santa Claus coming to you? Because you’ve been good; he’s been watching you and he’s coming, only if you have been good. It’s possible that some people might think that about God at Christmas. This would mean that God is like some Cosmic Santa Claus who watches us all the time, who knows everything we do – this is true – but, does He tell us to be good or He won’t give us anything? We’d all be in trouble if this was true. Because we are human and live with limitations, we have great difficulty in understanding Jesus at Christmas; God gave us Jesus even though we were not good. God does not reward us for being good, because God’s love for us is unconditional, it is unexpected love, it’s the love of a true father. The gift of Jesus at Christmas is difficult to understand, because God’s love for us is beyond our expectations. Also difficult to understand, is the manner in which God’s gift to us arrived. Jesus was born in the humblest of circumstances, in an animal shelter and placed in the animals’ feed box. But the real story of the first Christmas is not meant to meet our expectations or desires of what the Christmas story should be like. Jesus did not come to meet our expectations or desires; He came to meet our needs. Jesus came as He did, to make it clear that no one and no place was beneath His dignity. So much about Christmas is unexpected and it’s difficult to receive God’s gift to us, when we simply don’t deserve it. However, God wants us to receive eternal life through Jesus as a gift to us. An old mediaeval poem has this thought for us to ponder: “Though Christ a thousand times be born in Bethlehem, if He’s not born in you, your heart is still forlorn.” 2. Back to School Pack 2015 Attached with this newsletter, at the bottom of my section, is our annual "Back to School" pack. A full list of staff for 2015 is detailed in this pack, along with a host of other information which you will find useful for next year. Printed copies of this information are available at the school office. 3. Solar Panel Installation Over the Christmas holidays, a 30 Kw solar panel system will be installed. As well as this, all older style fluro lights will be changed over to LED lights. These two initiatives will cut our power bill in half. A loan has been taken our to fund this project, which will be paid back by the savings made, thus meaning no extra expense for our budget. 4. Working Bee - Beginning of Year Each year a "clean up the school" working bee is held to assist Glen Sharpe, our groundsman, in getting the school ready for the new year. This is a great morning to lend a hand and meet some new school families. This working bee will be held on Saturday 24th January from 7am until 11am. Morning Tea and a sausage sizzle will be provided for all those who attend. In particular we will be focusing on the Prep and playground areas. Please come along and help. 5. Parent Teacher Nights 2015 Dates for next year's Parent Teacher nights have now been set. They are all in week 2 of Term 1 on the following dates and times: Monday 2nd February 6:30pm Year 1 7:30pm Year 2 Tuesday 3rd February 6:30pm Year 3 7:30pm Year 4 Wednesday 4th February 6:30pm Year 5 7:30pm Year 6 All meetings will be held in the school library. 11. This Week 6. Free Dress Day Friday December This Friday will be a free dress day for the last day of term. Free dress day rules apply: School hats to be worn Closed in shoes Shirts must have sleeves No short shorts or short shirts No inappropriate working on clothes Wednesday 3rd Final Newsletter Thursday 4th Prep Excursion Year 4 Excursion Friday 5th 10:00am Morning Tea 11:00am Final School Liturgy 7. Friday 12pm Finish A reminder that school finishes this Friday at 12pm. All students will need to be collected at this time as there is no after school care available on this day. Parents are welcome to join us in the church at 11am for our final liturgy. Report Cards Sent home 12:00pm School Concludes for 2014 Mon 8th & Tues 9th Office open from 9:00am until 3:00pm Wednesday 10th School Closed 8. Year Book 2014 Just a reminder that all parents will now be presented with an Annual Year Book for 2014. In order to capture the special moments of the last week, the 2014 Year Book will not be published and made available until mid Term 1 2015. Special thanks to Alana LeMura and Jo Ward for all the work they are putting in to complete this year's edition. The cost of the Year Book is included in this year's school fess. For those families who are leaving us this year, a copy of the Year Book will be posted to your current address. If you are moving house please ensure the school has a copy of your new address so that you don't miss this edition. 9. Office Arrangements Over the Holidays The school office will remain open until 3:00pm on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th of December. The office will then be closed for the December holidays. It will reopen on Monday 19th January at 9:00am. School resumes on Wednesday 28th January 2015. 10. Staffing Update I am pleased to announce that Mrs Nicole Marsh has been appointed as our final classroom teacher. Nicole is an experienced teacher who will make a great contribution to our teaching team. Mr Simon Mahaffy has accepted a position this week with Brisbane Catholic Education in the Mission and Formation Office. Simon has worked at All Saints since 2010 and will be greatly missed. There will be an opportunity early next year to invite Simon to return so we can wish him well and thank him. Due to this late notice BCE has made a 12 month Acting APRE appointment for 2015. I am pleased to announce that Mr Craig Gibson has been appointed to this acting position. Craig is currently the APRE at St Joseph’s at Nundah. We welcome Craig to our community for 2015. January Monday 19th Wednesday 28th 9:00am Office reopens for 2015 8:40am School Resumes for 2015 12. Junior Swimming Carnival Thank you to all teachers and students for a successful Junior Swimming Carnival last week. A big thank you to Marc Hughes for organising and running the event. Marc created a wonderful morning for the students. Despite the rain, the carnival went very smoothly, thanks to Marc’s good work. Peter Pashen PRINCIPAL FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL KEEP YOUR FORK–There was a young woman who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and had been given three months to live. So as she was getting her things 'inorder', she contacted her pastor and had him come to her house to discuss certain aspects of her final wishes. She told him which songs she wanted sung at the service, what scriptures she would like read, and what outfit she wanted to be buried in. Everything was in order and the pastor was preparing to leave when the young woman suddenly remembered something very important to her. 'There's one more thing,' she said excitedly. 'What's that?' came the pastor's reply. 'This is very important,' the young woman continued. 'I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand.' The pastor stood looking at the young woman, not knowing quite what to say. 'That surprises you, doesn't it?' the young woman asked. 'Well, to be honest, I'm puzzled by the request,' said the pastor. The young woman explained. 'My grandmother once told me this story, and from there on out, I have always done so. I have also, always tried to pass along its message to those I love and those who are in need of encouragement. In all my years of attending church socials and potluck dinners, I always remember that when the dishes of the main course were being cleared, someone would inevitably lean over and say, 'Keep your fork'. It was my favorite part because I knew that something better was coming... like velvety chocolate cake or deep-dish apple pie. Something wonderful, and with substance! So, I just want people to see me there in that casket with a fork in my hand and I want them to wonder 'What's with the fork?' Then I want you to tell them: 'Keep your fork. The best is yet to come.' The pastor's eyes welled up with tears of joy as he hugged the young woman good-bye. So the next time you reach down for your fork, let it remind you ever so gently, that the best is yet to come. This is the last week of term, so keep your fork as by the end of the week there is several volunteers who missed out on a personal invite to the volunteers morning tea that was held a few weeks ago. Therefore, I would like to apologise if you missed out on a personal invitation. There was a general invite in the newsletter leading up to the morning tea, and I made every effort to ensure volunteers also received an invite, however some names were missed. In such a large school it is difficult to collate all names and the procedures used this year will be revised next year. Volunteers are held in incredibly high regard and we thank you all for the time that you give to help out in any capacity at school. Farewell This week marks the end of my second extended stint here at All Saints. I feel incredibly blessed to have had the opportunity to work with such beautiful people again. It feels like I never really left! My move to Hervey Bay will stop a third return – for now anyway and I am looking forward to the new adventure and the sea change. From Father Ron and the staff in the Parish Centre, to the Administration and Office staff, to the teaching staff, the groundsmen, the P and F and the students – I thank each and every one of you for making me feel like I was home. It has been an honour to work with you all and I hope that I have served you well. May you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas and a happy and healthy 2015. Regards Christina better to come. I wish you all a safe, happy and holy Christmas and break. SPORTS NEWS FROM THE APRE Junior Swimming Carnival Uniforms A reminder that if your child is leaving All Saints or have grown out of their uniforms, the second hand uniform shop would appreciate you donating these items to them. Yr7 Graduation On Monday night we said our formal farewell to our Year 7 classes of 2014. It was a wonderful night of celebration and reflection and the students appeared to enjoy the whole experience. My sincere thanks go to Yvette Clark, Nicole Holding, Peta Neiland and Deb Maher who coordinated the evening. It was comforting to know that everything was in your capable hands and would run smoothly as a result. Everything was presented and organised beautifully. I would also like to thank Cindy Grey who spent many hours laminating the A4 photos of the students for both Year 6 and Year 7. Alana Le Mura and Chris Zander also deserve special mention for the time and effort they put in to ensuring things were prepared properly. Thank you to all the Year 6 parents who were able to volunteer to help on the night – it was greatly appreciated. End of Year Liturgy A reminder that our end of year liturgy will begin at 11am th on the 5 of December in the church. You are all most welcome to attend and help celebrate the end of another huge year. Volunteers Morning Tea It was brought to my attention last week that there were On Friday 28 November, we had the Year 1 and 2 students participate in the Junior Swimming Carnival at Albany Creek Leisure Centre. On what ended up being a rainy, windy day, the students are to be commended for their enthusiasm, sportsmanship and swimming ability – I was blown away by the standard of swimming I saw from the younger students! In an extremely close finish, Mackillop were the winners overall, finishing just 10 points clear of second place McAuley. Well done to all of the students involved – your persistence and excellent attitude made it a wonderful day! Thanks to Monique Salway and all the staff from Albany Creek Leisure Centre for use of the pool and supplying some excellent instructors on the day, as well as all the help you provided in setting up and packing up. A special thanks also to all the parents for coming down to support their children – it was great to see so many of you there! Thanks also to all the teachers and teacher aides, as well as Peter Pashen and Kelli Phillips, for doing a tremendous job in their assigned role. The Year 6 and 7 helpers were awesome as well – Anni, Hayden, Mabel, Chloe, Dominik and Annabel from Year 6, and Gabby, Taylah, Cooper, Sarah, Kasey and Jorja from Year 7 – they never stopped and were so encouraging and supportive of the younger students. I will certainly miss them next year! Final results: Mackillop – 668 points McAuley – 658 points Xavier – 610 points Mollison – 608 points Swimming Time Trials 2015 This is just a quick note to let you know about the swimming time trials for Years 3-6 in 2015 – at this stage, these will be held on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 January (Week 1, Term 1) at Albany Creek Leisure Centre. These trials are mainly for those students who are wanting to represent All Saints at the North District Swimming Carnival, or be selected in the Zone 6 Swimming Squad. They will also provide times for me to plan the Championship races at the All Saints Senior Swimming Carnival. I will provide more information on their first day back to school. JAPANESE NEWS The final weeks of Japanese involved all year levels playing games, trying out chopsticks using children’s games that Japanese children use to learn to hold chopsticks correctly, and dressing up. The Japanese Christmas card exchange program has been a great success and all Year 6 students and 3 Blue will receive their reciprocal Christmas card at the end of this week. It is a lovely feeling to get back a card from the person for whom you made one, especially when it comes all the way from Japan. Have a great holiday. LIBRARY NEWS LIBRARY BOOKS NOW OVERDUE All students should have returned their library books by now. Please encourage your child to look for their books and return them to the library. Sometimes books are found in desks or classroom libraries and just need to be brought back down to the library. Last week we sent home notes about missing books and their replacement costs. ALBANY CREEK COUNTRY CLUB ESTATE AWARDS 2015 Each year two students from the three schools in Albany Creek - All Saints Catholic School, Albany Hills State School and Albany Creek State School are chosen for their excellence in one of the key learning areas. Representatives from each of the schools gathered yesterday to present the annual Albany Creek Country Club Award. This year the focus was excellence in Music and Amy Strachan and Mitchell Symth were awarded the Albany Creek Country Club Estate Award for Excellence in Music. Congratulations to Amy and Mitchell for being shining lights in Music at All Saints. ALL SAINTS CHRISTMAS CAROLS All Saints Christmas Carols December 17 at 7pm It’s a great night of community singing and Christmas spirit. There is also a short play starring All Saints kids! Come and join us for a BBQ tea from 6pm. Merry Christmas! PARISH NEWS Magellan Stocking Drive This year the Magellan Group are collecting Christmas Stockings to the value of $5.00 for the Pine Rivers Neighbourhood Centre. Any donations would be much appreciated and can be given to the school office. Sacramental Programme 2015 A letter has gone home to all Year 2 families with information and key dates for the Sacramental Programme in 2015. The Sacramental Programme is for children in our parish who are seeking the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist (First Holy Communion). Children are eligible to be part of the programme from Year 3 (and older). The letter is also attached here for those families who have not received it. Any questions about next year's programme can be sent to [email protected] All Saints School Albany Creek BACK TO SCHOOL 2015 Dear Parents, To assist with your preparations for the beginning of our new school year in 2015, this information booklet has been produced. Other information about school procedures can be found on our school website. This Back to School handout contains much of the information you will need as you prepare for 2015 at All Saints School. Please keep it at hand during the next few months. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family the very best for your future here at All Saints School. Regards Peter Pashen PRINCIPAL Contact Details Website: www.allsaints.qld.edu.au Twitter: School email: [email protected] School Address: 4 Faheys Road East, Albany Creek 4035 School Phone No: 3325 6900 Absentee Phone No: 3325 6990 P&F & Tuckshop P&F meets second Tuesday of each month Tuckshop days are Wed, Thu, Fri Ordering can be done online: www.ouronlinecanteen.com.au Parish Details Parish Mass Times: Sat 6pm, Sun 7am, 9am, 5.30pm Parish Phone No: 3264 8283 @ AllSaintsALB CLASSES AND STAFF Prep Red Prep Blue Prep Green Prep Yellow Year 1 Red Year 1 Blue Year 1 Green Year 1 Yellow Year 2 Red Year 2 Blue Year 2 Green Year 2 Yellow Year 3 Red Year 3 Blue Year 3 Green Year 3 Yellow Year 4 Red Year 4 Blue Year 4 Green Year 4 Yellow Year 5 Red Year 5 Blue Year 5 Green Year 6 Red Year 6 Blue Year 6 Green Cathy Sorensen Assistant –Sharron McKeown Annie Donohoe Assistant – Megan Condon Fiona Fricotte Assistant – Susan Wall (Mon-Thur) Maureen Jones (Fri) Helen Wilcox Assistant – Chris McCaul (Mon-Thur) Trish Simpson (Fri) Christie Mackay (1st Wed, Thur, Fri) /Giovanna Durham (Mon, Tue, 2nd Wed) Bernie Fiechtner Rie Brennan Jan Hanley Ann-Louise Henrick Lisa Searle Mary Daniels Michelle Craven (Mon,Tue,Thur, 2nd Fri) /Sharon Mitchell (Wed, 1st Fri) Matthew Wright Kayla Eriksson (Semester 1) /Janelle London (Semester 2) Michelle Shea Kylie O’Shea (Mon,Tue,Thu,Fri) /Meleah Zealey (Wed) Nicole Marsh Sam Collier Monique Hickey (Mon-Thur) /Rachel Searle (Fri) Cameron Pickering Sarah Campbell Gabby Moore Stef Mitchell Kathryn Flood Erica Cosson Nick Meneguzzo LEADERSHIP AND SUPPORT STAFF Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Religious Education Financial Secretary School Secretaries Enrolments Secretary Music Coordinator & Class Music Teacher Music Tutor – Band Music Tutor – Strings Music Assistant Physical Education Teacher Creative Arts Teacher Drama Tutor Japanese Teacher Teacher Librarians and Curriculum Support Teachers Mr Peter Pashen Ms Kelli Phillips Mr Craig Gibson (Acting) Mrs Catherine Reynolds (Mon-Thur) Mrs Rebecca Agar (Fri) Mrs Rebecca Agar /Mrs Di Dryer and Mrs Alana LeMura Mrs Ann Young Mrs Ruth Skippen Mr Donald Smith Mrs Madeline Charles Sr Patricia McCormack Mr Marc Hughes Mrs Lisa Carter Mrs Jill Chesher Mrs Mary Davis Mrs Rachael Hill & Mrs Suellen Cotter Special Curriculum Projects Library Assistant Computer Technician Learning Support Coordinator Learning Support Teachers Guidance Counsellor WPHS Officer First Aid Officers School Officers Tuckshop Convenor Second Hand Uniform Shop Coordinator Groundsman Cleaners Mrs Julie Sullivan (Part Time) Mrs Lisa Hanley Mrs Jackie Knott Mrs Paula Robinson Mrs Emily Haardt (Full Time) Mrs Elizabeth Turner (Part Time) Dr MariaRosa Mallardo Mrs Alana LeMura Mrs Catherine Reynolds, Mrs Rebecca Agar, Mrs Ann Young Mrs Lyn Doust, Mrs Marie Gillham, Mrs Jenny Heskett, Mrs Michelle McMillan, Mrs Trish Simpson, Mrs Chris Zander, Mrs Maria Patullo, Mrs Alana LeMura, Mrs Frances Macdonald Mrs Amanda Lehane To be advised Mrs Rebecca Cameron Mr Glen Sharpe Mr Ken Roberts, Jani-King Australia SCHOOL OFFICE VACATION HOURS 2014 Monday 8th to Tuesday 9th Dec 9am - 3pm 2015 Monday 19th to Friday 23rd January 9am - 3pm 2015 Tuesday 27th January 8am - 4pm th th 2015 Wed 28 January to Fri 4 Dec 8am - 4pm (Office opens Monday to Friday during the year, but is closed School & Public Holidays) School Office Closed Thursday 11th December 2014 to Sunday 18th January 2015 SCHOOL ROUTINE FOR 2015 8.00am Supervision begins (no child should be at school before 8am unless supervised in a music or sport program) Children are to sit quietly in the tuckshop area from 8am to 8.20am. 8.20am Play bell – Children can play under supervision in the Junior play areas. 8.40am School begins 2.55pm School concludes 3.20pm All children should be collected by this time (Please phone if you are held up in traffic to alert the school that you are running late) TERM DATES FOR 2015 Term One Wed 28th January to Thursday 2nd April (10 weeks) (Fri 3rd April is Good Friday) Term Two Monday 20th April to Friday 26th June (10 weeks) (Mon 6th April Easter Mon) Term Three Monday 13th July to Friday 18th September (10 weeks) Term Four Tuesday 6th October to Friday 4th December (9 weeks) (Mon 5th Oct Labour Day) Pupil Free Day during Term 4: Monday 19th October 2015 BOOKLISTS Lists available from the school office. Booklist suppliers: Direct Stationery Suppliers, 151 Hamilton Road Wavell Heights. Ph. 3266 9224. UNIFORMS Supplier of uniforms (other than the winter tracksuit) - Weareco Uniform Shop, 41 Kirby Road Aspley (previously known as Y’s Clothing) Ph: 3253 3100 or 3263 5566. Supplier of winter tracksuit – Lowes Menswear, Shop 168 Westfield Shopping Town, Gympie Road, Chermside Ph: 3350 6460. SECOND HAND UNIFORMS Coordinator – Mrs Rebecca Cameron Available from the photocopier room of school office – please see office staff before going to this room. Other items that can be purchased at the 2nd Hand Uniform Shop; Swimming Bags $15 Sports Hats $18 Library Bags $10 (purchase from the library) Swimming Caps $2 OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE YMCA at Albany Creek State School Phone: 3264 4907 SCHOOL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS Girls Uniform FORMAL: • Green check, drop waist with box pleat in the skirt, bodice straight through with sleeves and collar with ribbon tie. At a minimum, dress length should be just above the knee. • Black leather shoes with plain white crew socks (above ankle height) – plain black shoes, leather upper with rubber soles will suffice for sports shoes as well as dress shoes (not canvas or basketball style). SPORTS: • Green wrap around skirt or midford knit short, with green and white polo shirt. • If the skirt is worn, short bike pants (black or dark green) must be worn underneath. • Shoes and socks as per formal uniform. • Plain, house coloured T-shirts should be worn to designated school events. Boys Uniform FORMAL: • Green check shirt (basic design with pocket trimmed). • Green rugger shorts • Black leather shoes with plain white crew socks (above ankle height) – plain black shoes, leather upper with rubber soles will suffice for sports shoes as well as dress shoes (not canvas or basketball style). SPORTS: • Green midford knit short with green and white polo shirt. • Shoes and socks as per formal uniform. • Plain, house coloured T-shirts should be worn to designated school events. Winter Uniform: • Bottle green V neck or zipper tracksuit jacket with school logo screen printed on left hand side. (This can be worn with the formal uniform and the sports uniform) • The All Saints Micro Fibre Zip Jacket (with printed logo) may only be worn with the sports uniform. • Optional items: Track suit pants, green tights (not stockings), scarf and gloves in school colours may be worn. Tracksuits pants are not permitted to be worn with the formal school dress. Prep Uniform: Prep students are required to wear the Prep uniform every day and they must wear black leather Velcro shoes. School Hat: The All Saints green hat with the school logo screen printed on the front panel must be worn each day. It is strongly recommended that the hat be embroidered with the child’s name/initials. Sports Hat: A double sided coloured bucket hat is available for students to purchase and wear. This hat is called the Sports Hat. It can be used for our own interhouse carnivals as well as interschool sports events. It is not to be worn for weekly PE lessons therefore this hat is not compulsory. It is available to purchase through the second hand uniform shop for $18. Hair: Students are to present themselves well groomed at all times. This shows pride in their own appearance and in their school uniform. Therefore: • Extreme hair styles are not permitted. These include Mohawks, rat tails, shaved or number one cuts and colouring of hair. • Hair is to be brushed or combed neatly when attending school. • Hair accessories must be school colours (bottle green, sports green, white or uniform check). Acceptable hair accessories are as follows: plain head band; plain scrunchie; ribbon; plain clips or hair bands that are school colours or blend with the hair. For safety reasons and to minimise the spread of head lice: • Hair below collar length for both boys and girls must be tied back at all times. • Hair that falls across the face or eyes must be tied or clipped back at all times. Jewellery: • Jewellery is not an accepted part of the uniform. Only a chain with a religious medal or cross may be worn inside the shirt or dress. • Plain gold or silver (studs or sleepers only) may be worn in both ears, one earring in each ear. • Children may also wear a signet ring. • Plain digital or analogue watches may be worn. Make Up: • Make – Up, including nail polish is not permitted. Year 6 Leadership Shirt: • This is offered to Year 6 students to purchase and wear on Sports days. School Bag: • The green All Saints School Bag with logo is to be used for the duration of schooling at All Saints. It is strongly recommended that the bag be embroidered with the child’s name/initials. It is compulsory to have this bag. Swimming Cap: Brisbane Catholic Education’s position on students entering a pool and pool spas for swimming lessons or activities in that ALL students are to wear a swimming cap at all times whilst they are in the water. SCHOOL FEES AND LEVIES 2015 School fees and levies are set each year after consultation and approval from the School Board and Parish Finance Council. The 2015 School Fees and Levies are as follows; Please note all figures represent the annual payment figure. Tuition (1Child) $1240 Tuition (Family -2 or more children) $1900 Capital Levy (per Family) compulsory $580 P & F Federation Levy (per Family) $100 Archdiocesan Futures Fund Levy (per Family) $31 Art, Craft & Paper Levy (per Child Yrs P-6) $100 Phys Ed Levy (per Child Yrs P-6) $130 Excursion Levy (per Child Yrs P-6) $70 Computer Levy (per Child Yrs P-6) $110 Prep Resource Levy (paid on acceptance) $175 Maths Levy (per Child Yr 1-6) $20 Student Diaries (per Child Yrs 3&4 only) $7 Each year the Year 5 and 6 students go on school camp. Year 5 in early August and Year 6 to Canberra in October. Based on this year’s figures the cost of Year 5 camp is approximately $250 each. The Canberra trip will cost approximately $1000 and is paid in instalments over the preceding 4 terms, first payment being term 4 the previous year and 3 payments in Term 1, 2 & 3 of the year of the Canberra trip. Children who participate in the Music Program pay tuition and hire of the instrument per term. The cost is around $110 for tuition and $75 for the hire of the instrument or $135 for the hire of a Saxophone. Children in the Music program also have a camp in June which normally the cost is $90. Book lists for Year 1 to Year 6 generally go home before the September holidays and have to be returned along with payment in the middle of October. The average price is $150.00. Special Considerations Families at All Saints have always been very supportive of the school financially and it is an expectation that all families will pay the school fees each year. From time to time, however, circumstances may mean that families find themselves in financial difficulty due to retrenchments, illness, disabilities or the like. Parents who experience difficulty in paying fees must arrange a meeting with the Principal to discuss a concession on fees. Failure to discuss payment difficulties with the Principal or nonpayment of fees may result in matters being referred to a debt collection agency. Please note that if you had a remission this year, you will need to apply for one again. If we make remission arrangements early in the year, our budgeting can be organised effectively for the year. If you can pay the fees for the year by Friday 27th February, you will receive a 2.5% discount. Fees Payment Accounts are sent out per term. You can pay monthly, weekly or fortnightly if you prefer. Just see Cathy Reynolds or Ann Young to organise this schedule. BPay facility is also available for your convenience. Direct Debiting – The Easy Way! This is available to you through the Archdiocesan Development Fund (our bank and mortgagor). If you want to take the hassle out of remembering to pay your fees, they can be deducted from your nominated account in ten monthly instalments (February to November). You may also have deductions taken out fortnightly or quarterly. Forms are available from the school office. On the form please don’t fill in ‘School Reference No.’. We’ll do that when you send it in. The ‘Amount’ is your annual Fees and Levies Account (including music) divided by 10 if you pay monthly, 20 if you choose to pay fortnightly and 4 if you are paying quarterly instalments. Please return this form to the school office by WEDNESDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2015 and ensure you read the Service Agreement on the back of the Direct Debit Request form. Please note all cancellations or alterations must be done through the school office. DRIVE THROUGH MAP
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