n o i t c u A F C U U 4 e s i 201 d a r a P d an l s I e u g o l a Cat UUCFSanc t uar y Sat ur day,Mar c h8,2014 5: 45-10 p. m. Ti c ket s :$12 i n advanc e, $15 att hedoor Chi l dc arei savai l abl e! 2014 UUCF AUCTION On Auction Night Island Paradise Attire for the evening is your choice of Island Comfortable. Come as a Parrothead, pull out your favorite beach attire, your grass skirt or come in jeans and flip-flops. What you wear doesn’t matter, just come ready to have fun and bid to win! Contents The Online Auction………………………….... On Auction Night………………………………… Schedule of Events……………………………… Auction Tips………………………………………… General Auction Rules………………………... Silent Auction Rules…………………………….. Live Auction Rules……………………………….. Paying for Winnings…………………………….. Chance Raffles……………………………………. 1st Timers’ Drawing….…………………………. Auction Leaders…………………………………… Auction Bidder Tracking Sheet…………….. Auction Event Calendar 2014/2015 ……. Business Donor’s List…………………………… List of Donors…………………………....………… Description of Items for Auction..………… Quick Print Index of Auction Items…….. 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 9 10 17 59 The Online Auction Whether you want to get a jumpstart on your auction bidding, or you can't make it to Auction Night at UUCF, you can participate in the Annual Auction by bidding online. The Online Auction, similar to eBay, opens on Wednesday, February 26. At that time, you will receive an email with all the information you need. The Online Auction will close sometime Thursday night, March 6, or early Friday morning, March 7. Watch for the closing email and your last chance to place those online bids. Everything that has been donated to the Annual Auction will be included in the Online Auction, with the exception of raffle items. You can win some donations by having the highest bid online. However, some items can only be won during the Island Paradise Auction on March 8 at UUCF. The highest active and winning bids at the close of the Online Auction will be transferred to the bid sheets on Auction Night. Check-in will begin in the Music Room. Please enter through the outside Music Room door and follow the signs. There will be tables for those who have preregistered and for those who still need to register. Either way, the Check-In team will have your Auction Night bidder number and bid stickers all ready for you. Pre-register for faster check-in! This is one of the liveliest events of the year. Expect fantastic food, premium wine and Tiki Bar drinks as well as noise, crowds around the bid cards, friendly competition and great conversations interrupted by mad dashes to the bid cards as the Floor Managers count down the final seconds of the Silent Auction Sections. Schedule of Events 5:45 p.m. Doors Open for Registration; House Band Performs! 6 p.m. Silent Auction Sections OPEN for Bidding! 7:15 p.m. Silent Auction Section 1: CLOSES! 7:50 p.m. Silent Auction Section 2: CLOSES! 7:50 p.m. Announcements; UU4ix Quartet Performs! 8 p.m. Announcements; First Timer’s Drawing, Raffle Drawings, and 50/50 Drawing! 8:15 p.m. Live Auction Begins! 9:15 p.m. Live Auction Ends! 9 p.m. Pay and Pickup area opens to collect your winning items. 10:15 p.m. Cashiers and Pick-up Closes. Page 1 Auction Tips Bid to win. Bid more than the bidder before you. Bid increments are pre-determined and printed on the bid sheets. The bid sheets are pre-printed to reflect increasing bid amounts. You simply place your bidder number beside the next higher bid. You can also place your bidder sticker on the “Guaranteed Price” (like a Buy-It-Now Price) and win the item immediately. Online bids may still be in play for various items, so bid to win and keep checking your bids. Use your bid # stickers to place your bids. If you run out of stickers, write in your bid number on the bid sheet next to the pre-printed bid increment you are picking. Be a bidding leader and increase the bidding by a large margin to beat out the competition. For events with multiple spaces or seats, be among the first bidders at the higher price to be a winner. HAVE FUN!! General Rules 1. All sales are final. There will be no exchanges or refunds on items by donors or UUCF except where specified or if the donor is unable to fulfill his or her obligation as described. 2. Values for the items being auctioned are based on the donors’ estimates and are not warranted by the Auction Team or UUCF for tax purposes. The Auction Team will provide donors a list of the items donated but will not assign a value for tax purposes. Donors must establish the value of their donation for tax purposes. 3. Unless otherwise specified, all auction items and services must be used within one year from the date of the auction. 4. Unless otherwise specified, dates and times of the auction item(s) purchased are to be arranged at the mutual convenience of the donor and buyer. The buyer is responsible for the coordination of delivery of items. 5. Tangible items may be retrieved from the Silent Auction Section 1 area when you leave at the end of the evening. All tangible items must be removed from the premises by Sunday, March 16, 2014, at 1 p.m. Items may not be removed until the winner has paid and received a receipt for their purchases. 6. By his or her purchase, the buyer waves any claim of liability against the donor of the item. 7. Under IRS guidelines, only the amount paid that exceeds the donor value is considered to be a charitable contribution. Please consult your tax adviser. Silent Auction Rules 1. There are two silent auction sections designated by a color and correlating numbering system. The color and number coding systems are designed to help you easily find your desired items. 2. Each item in the silent auction has a bid card attached to a table or wall. To place a bid, stick one of your bid stickers next to the preprinted amount on the bid card. 3. Each new bid must be for the next higher predetermined bid increment on the bid card. You may skip over a bid increment and go higher if you want to increase the amount you are bidding. Bids will be disqualified if they are less than the minimum bid or the minimum raise is not in the pre-printed increment. 4. When bidding on events with multiple spaces, numerous bidders may bid the same amount. Bidders should place their stickers across the row from left to right. Should their bid become the winning bid amount, the winners are determined by starting with the bidder who bid first, determined by the sticker in the left-most position. 5. Only an auction official may nullify a bid; the closing bid(s) highlighted by the auction official constitutes the winning bid(s). 6. Under no circumstances may a bid card be removed from the bidding table or wall, except by an auction official. Page 2 Live Auction Rules 1. The live auction will begin at 8:15 p.m. and will continue until all items have been auctioned. 2. Items may or may not be sold in the order shown in the catalog. The auctioneer may combine or change the order of items at his discretion. 3. Bidders will be acknowledged by the auctioneer. The auctioneer has sole final discretion in all matters related to the bidding on the live auction items, including acknowledging the high bidder. 4. Have a great time! Paying For Winnings Please pay for your auction winnings after the close of the Live Auction. The cashier table will open at 9 p.m. on Auction Night. Payment can also be made on March 9, 15 or 16, after services, in the Commons. Cashiers will be waiting for you in the Commons area. You may also pick up your tangible items and gift certificates Auction Night in the Commons. Please don’t collect tangible items until you have your payment receipt. Cash and checks are preferred but you may also use a credit card for your payment.* *Although credit cards are accepted, UUCF is charged a handling fee for each transaction. This reduces the amount of your payment that UUCF receives. Chance Raffles This year you will have the opportunity to win five (5) Chance Raffle prizes. Buy tickets from our raffle ticket sellers. Tickets are $1/ticket and 6 tickets for $5. Place one side of each ticket into the Raffle Ticket Bucket of your choice. They will be located at the front of the Sanctuary. Each bucket will be marked with the prize you could win. Before the live auction begins, our emcees will draw the lucky tickets. Here’s a preview of the five (5) prizes: **Raffle 1 - $50 Fire and Ice Gift Card. **Raffle 2 – Reston Town Center Lunch Date – 2 Gift Certificates: Two Bow Tie Cinema Gift Passes and one $25 Panera Bread Gift Certificate. **Raffle 3 - Tyson’s Center Lunch Date – 2 Gift Certificates: one $25 AMC Movie Theater Gift Card and one $25 Olive Garden Gift Card. **Raffle 4 – Mystery Restaurant #1 in McLean: $25 Gift Certificate **Raffle 5 – Mystery Restaurant #2 in McLean: $50 Gift Certificate There will also be a 50/50 Drawing for a cash prize based on the size of the pot. Tickets for this drawing will be a different color from those for the other raffles. You can also buy the 50/50 tickets from our raffle ticket sellers. Tickets are $10 each. All prizes were donated by local businesses. You MUST be present to win. 1st Timers’ Drawing For those of you who indicated on your registration form that this is your first auction, you have been automatically entered in a drawing for two (2) gift certificates: one $25 Amazon Gift Card and one $50 Whole Foods Gift Card. Our Parish Minister, Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, will draw the lucky ticket for this prize at the beginning of the live auction. You MUST be present to win. We're glad you joined us at this year's auction! Page 3 2014 Auction Leaders A BIG THANK YOU to these members who volunteered to lead preparations for this year’s auction. The Auction Team AUCTION CO-CHAIRS Karen Liggett & David McWilliams VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS Peg Hillman & Brooke Lancaster FINANCE COMMITTEE LEADS Tom Finnell & Jennifer Yi BAR MANAGER Bob Stemetzki COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLICITY Christine Stencel, Suzanne Leonard & Sarah Creel DONATION COORDINATOR Paul Riddle DONATIONS CHECK-IN LEAD Katy O’Grady CHILDCARE COORDINATORS Emily Ordun & Amy Kegley DATABASE MANAGER Mark Waser DATA ENTRY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Liz Kidd FLOOR MANAGERS Pamela Johnson & Liz Silva SILENT AUCTION LEADS Michael Liggett & Ruth McWilliams DECORATIONS TEAM LEAD Judith Keith CATALOG Wendy Astell FOOD TEAM LEADS Leslie Beard & Marilynn Schuyler REGISTRATION Meredith Carr WEBMASTER Mary Lareau BUSINESS OUTREACH Peg Hillman, Tom Hillman & Amy Porter PRIMO VINO Dave Lareau AUCTION PHOTOGRAPHER Mary Lareau MUSIC The UUCF House Band & The UU4ix Quartet AUDIO & VIDEO TEAM LEADS Bill Ades & Aaron Levine We extend a special thanks to the UUCF Staff for their support. The auction could not happen without you! Page 4 2014 Auction Bidder Tracking Sheet This sheet is to help you keep track of those items you absolutely must win. (Please print additional copies of this sheet as necessary.) Auction Section (Silent 1 or 2/ Live ) Catalog # Item Name Donor Date (if applicable) Minimum Bid My Highest Bid My Notes Page 5 Calendar of Events 2014/2015 (Events subject to change) Please note: Auction events are highlighted. March 2014 March 8 – Auction Night March 15 – Rupert Boyd Classical Guitarist Concert (#601 – Int’l Conservatory of Music) March 15 – Parents Night In (Cards Against Humanity) (#900 - Hochberg) March 17 – March Madness Brackets (#901 - 9:15 6th & 7th Grade RE Class) March 21 – National Press Club Tour & Tacos (#2002 - Evans) March 22 – Cards Against Humanity Night (#902 - Miller & Schuyler) March 29 – Euro-Games: For Adults Who Like To Think (#904 - Andrea) March 29 – Youth Performing Arts March 29 – Circle Dinner April 2014 April 4 – Vespers April 4 – All-Natural Spa Party (#701 - Revival HomeMade Beauty) April 5 – Stroll & Stop in the Woods (#1200 - Andrea) April 5 – Professional Photographer - Improve Your Photos (#800 - Tetro) April 5 – Scrumptious Soup Sampler Supper (#1000 – Clark/Kaminski/Ives/Hillman) April 6 – New Dominions Concert April 11 – ‘By Request’ Music by Mark & Sarah (#602 – Brehm/Rasmussen/Bennett/Vogel/Jebian) April 12 – 20- FFX Spring Break April 13 – ‘Not Just Gravity but Gravitas’ Tour of the Universe (#1201 – Poje & Leyko) April 19 – Passover Seder Dinner April 19 –Golden Garden Genies (Worm Composting) (#1402 - Poje) April 20 – Easter April 26 – Earth Day Festival Coffee House April 26 – Circle Dinner April 26 –Brunch and Bridge (#905 - Keener) April 26 –A Science, Reason & Religion Ashram (Indian Dinner) (#1003 - Poje) April 26 – Introduction to Qigong (Chi Gung) (#708 - Riley) April 26 – Lovely Ladies Luncheon (#1001 - Kennedy) April 26 – New Orleans Badass Dinner Party! (#1004 - Peterson) April 26 – Victorian Afternoon Tea (#1002 - Branting) April 27 – Mosaic Harmony Concert May 2014 May 3 – Yard Sale May 3 – My First Miyazaki (#500 - Kidd) May 3 – Beer Tasting (#1005 - Wyman) May 3 – Dinner Party w/VA State Delegate Keam (#1006 - Porter) Page 6 May 3 – Volunteer Recognition May 4 – Sssssmokin! (#1007 - Nelson) May 9 – Vespers May 10 – Second Saturday – Benefit Concert – Chorale May 10 – Bird Watching & Picnic Lunch (#1202 - Ades) May 10 – Nature Hike Along Difficult Run Stream (#1203 - Saunders) May 10 – Tai Chi Chih for Health, Energy, Serenity (#715 - Riley) May 17 – Vienna Choral Society May 17 – “Diplomacy” Game Day (#906 - Miller) May 17 - Spanish Tapas Bar Dinner – Wine and Bites (#1008 – Snyder/Leon) May 22-25 – Boston Coming of Age Trip May 24 – SCUBA Tune Up Class (#801 - Kenny) May 26 – Memorial Day May 31 – 3 Mile Run/Walk in Reston, followed by Brunch (#700 – Liggett/Anderson) June 2014 June 1 – Japanese Tea Ceremony & Dinner (#1069 – Horton-Ludwig/Ludwig) June 6 – Vespers June 7 - Spaghetti Dinner with UUCF Board of Directors (#1010) June 8 – Afternoon Tea in the Garden (#1011 - Moyer) June 8 – Schubertiade Musical Gathering (#603 – Schuyler & Miller) June 8 – Annual Meeting June 14 – Second Saturday Social June 21 – MS/HS Camping Trip June 21 – Centreville Preschool Fun Day Party (#501 - Leonard) June 25-29 – General Assembly July 2014 July 12 – Bridge and Dessert (#910 - Gallimore) July 12 – Family Tubing Event (#505 – The Massadoah Partnership) July 13 – Celebrate with Dumplings (#1013 - Genieser) July 20-26 – SUUSI August 2014 August 2 –An Evening of Top-Shelf Cocktails (#1014 - Stencel) August 9 – Streets of Paris Brunch (#1015 - Nelson) August 9 – Snyder Annual BBQ Pool Party (#1016) August 16 – 3D Deck Party (#1017 - Hatfield) August 16 – Beer-tasting in Honor of Bennington Battle Day (#1018 - Riddle) August 17 – Indian Market Week in Santa Fe, NM (#2017 - Fuller) August 30-September 1 – Fall Retreat September 2014 September 1 – Labor Day September 6-7 – Ingathering Weekend September 6 – Ingathering Picnic Page 7 September 6 – Brazilian Dinner (#1100 – Navarro & Fleischer) September 13 – Tiki Tacky Party(#1101 - Bennett) September 20 – Indian Dinner –Silk Road (#1102 – MacFarlane/Andress/McMillen/Walters) September 20 – An Evening of Storytelling (#1103 – Adams/Smrekar) September 26 – Austrian Dinner (#1105 - Walker) September 26 – I LOVE This Wine! (#1104 - Nelson) September 26 – Chef Ed’s Cooking Lessons: The Middle East (#802 - Groark) September 27 – Bubbly with the Board of Directors (#1106 - Caires) September 27 – Game of Games Night (#911 - Myles) September 27 – Shenandoah Valley Nature Hike & BBQ Dinner (#1204 – Freeman/Helm) October 2014 October 3 – Vespers October 4 – Ping-Pong and Dessert (#912 - Anderson & Rooney) October 3-5 – Adult Retreat October 11 – Second Saturday Social October 18 – VA is for Lovers – Wine Tasting at the Jensens (#1107) October 19 – Greek Dinner – YASOU! (#1108 – Zoller/Keith) October 13 – Columbus Day November 2014 November 2 – INOVA Blood Drive November 7 – Vespers November 8 – Second Saturday Social November 15 – Desert Island Discs – An Evening of Shared Music (#605 - Astell) November 15 – Diner Bourguignon – A Rare Dining Experience (#1109 - Lareau) November 27 – Thanksgiving November 29 – Return of the Golden Ticket! (#2016 – Lareau/Nelson) December 2014 December 5 – Vespers December 5 – December Weekend in Williamsburg (#2001 - Berman) December 13 – Second Saturday Social December 24 – Christmas Eve Services December 25 – Christmas Day January 2015 January 1 – New Year’s Day January 2 – Vespers January 10 – Second Saturday Social January 17 – Creative Spirit – Art Lesson with a Professional Artist (#806 - MacFarlane) January 17 – Ladies Who Lunch with Mary Lareau – 6th Annual Event (#1110) Page 8 Please support these wonderful businesses that have provided generous support for 2014 UUCF Auction Night. James Allen Contracting* The Wine Cabinet My Local Home Brew Shop Viva Tysons Magazine Ken Foley Custom Homes* All the Buzz (Linda Barrett) Amphora Bakery Assagi Ostoria Astoria Laser Clinic Atlantis Casino Resort Spa Beloved Yoga Bluemont Vineyard Bow Tie Cinemas Reston 11 The Cake Fairy © (Sharon Johnson)* Cantina D' Italia Restaurant Carol "Safari Bingo" Collins* Celine Maurais* Cinema Arts Theatre Cox Farms (Aaron & Maria Cox-Leow)* Doncaster (Robin Finnell)* Edge Energy (Jody Solell)* Edible Arrangements, Vienna El Tio Tex-Mex Grill Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spas Fire & Ice Foster’s Grille Giant Great Harvest Bread Company International Conservatory of Music Jasmine Café at Lake Anne Jim Tetro* Katherine Riddle* LifeForce (Paula Lubreski)* Mark Vogel* Marsha Giusti* Massage Envy, Vienna Dr. Patricia A. Morgan, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.* My Local Home Brew Shop 1-800-GOT-JUNK (Rick Galliher)* Pie Gourmet Revival HomeMade Beauty (Brooke Lancaster)* Safeway Sarah Jebian* Stephen A. Gold Legal Services, Ltd., PC* SweetpCreations on Facebook (Precious Crabtree)* The Swiss Bakery Uniquities Yarn Shop Virginia Stained Glass Whole Foods Page 9 2014 Auction Island Paradise Donor Name 1-800-Got-Junk? 11:15 4s & 5s RE class 2nd Sunday Covenant Group 4:15 OWL RE Class 9:15 2nd Grade RE Moral Tales 9:15 2s&3s RE Class 9:15 3rd Grade RE Class 9:15 4&5s RE Class 9:15 4th Grade RE Class 9:15 6th & 7th Grade RE Class 9:15 First Grade RE Class A Adam Davidson Albert Nekimken All the Buzz Amphora Restaurant Andrea Andrea Updegrove Andrew, Susan, and Rob Creekmore Ann Marie & John Cunningham Arlene Wilder Atlantis Casino Resort Spa Autumn Yates B B Costello & E Mays Barb Brehm & Karen Rasmussen Barbara Harding Beloved Yoga Bice Family Bill & Martha Ades Bill Ades Bluemont Vineyard Bob & Meredith Carr Bob and Joelle Rudney Bob and Joy Hatfield List of Donors Item # Item Name 1301 100 101 511 104 518 509 1814 305 901 510 1207 814 1305 1500 1800 807 604 709 904 1200 411 909 1205 809 2011 515 322 319 312 602 807 713 106 1202 1728 1729 1727 2006 1818 707 1812 1809 1017 Junk Removal Basket of Spring Chocolate Basket "Despicable Me" Movie Basket Golden Rule Basket Ultimate Baby Basket Craft & Creativity Basket Original Abstract Painting Everything Chocolate Basket March Madness Brackets Family Fun Basket Harley Ride Private Presentation of SR&R Program 1 Hour Business Marketing Consultation Amphora $50 Gift Certificate "Dolphins at Rainbow Reef" Figurine German Language Hour Cuica - Brazilian Friction Drum Kayak (Well-Loved, Must Be Picked-Up) Euro-Games for Adults Stroll & Stop in the Woods Food Lover's Accessory Basket Fun & Games Basket An Afternoon on Sycamore Island Introduction to Pilates Mat Three Night Stay at Atlantis in Reno, NV Set of 12 Homemade Hair Bows Your Daily Bread...Well Almost The Trouble with Truffles Homemade...Almost Organic Granola By Request: Music by Sarah & Mark German Language Hour One Month Unlimited Yoga Pass Spa in a Basket Bird Watching & Picnic Lunch Squirrel-Buster Peanut Bird Feeder Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeder Squirrel Buster Plus Bird Feeder Wine Tasting & Guided Tour for 12 Rose Bouquet Prints Handmade Wooden Carved Chalice Navajo Sand Painting Framed Prints of Indian Dancers 3D Deck Party Page 10 2014 Auction Island Paradise Bob McCarthy Bobbi Jo & Jeff Snyder Bow Tie Cinemas Reston II Brandon Dunn Bruno & Joanna Walker C Candace & Hadrian Katz Cantina D' Italia Carol "Safari Bingo" Collins Carol Calvert Celine Maurais Chris & Rob Sanders Chris Kenny Christine & Mark Stencel Christy Clarke Choi Claire Davis Cox Farms (Aaron & Maria Cox-Leow) Craig & Susan Bennett Craig Clark, Linda Clark, Bob Kaminski, Catherine Ives, Tom Hillman, Peggy D Dale Daucher, P.E. Dave Anderson & Nancy Rooney Dave Laureau & Ted Nelson David & Marlo Nash David & Mary Lareau David Saunders Deborah Freeman & Roger Helm Deborah Kennedy Diana Tycer-Bice Dr. Patricia A. Morgan, Ph. D., L.C.S.W. E Ed Groark Edge Energy (Jody Solell) Edible Arrangements, Vienna Elaine Keener Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spas Eric & Liz Anderson List of Donors 808 1008 1016 Raffle 1723 318 1105 108 1501 507 1610 1609 1605 2005 903 801 1014 310 1703 1714 414 1734 508 602 1101 1000 Golf with Old Duffer Spanish Tapas Bar Dinner - Wine & Bites The Snyder Annual BBQ Pool Party Two Movie Passes Pair of Brown Ceramic Lamps Starbucks Coffee Gift Set Austrian Dinner Visit to China in a Basket 20% Discount Coupon Comedy Gram from Safari Bingo Sequined Pants Sequined Jacket Green Evening Jacket Professionally-Created Formal Garment Cribbage SCUBA Tune-Up Class An Evening of Top-Shelf Cocktails Home-Made Quiche Delivered to You African Animals Night Light Display Plant Handmade Dinosaur Coffee Mug Herbs In A Teacup Guest Towels Cox Farms Fall Festival Family Fun Pack By Request: Music by Sarah & Mark Tiki Taki Party II Scrumptious Soup Sampler Supper 1304 912 2016 301 303 1109 1203 1204 1001 311 1302 802 2018 1403 1400 1401 304 905 717 2009 Making Your Home Handicapped Accessible Ping-Pong & Dessert Return of the Golden Ticket! Blueberry Breakfast Basket Delicious, Hearty Chili Supper Delivered Dinner Bourguignon Nature Hike along Difficult Run Stream Shenandoah Valley Nature Hike & BBQ Dinner Lovely Ladies Luncheon Homemade Gluten-Free Birthday Cake Life Coaching by Dr. Patricia A. Morgan Chef Ed’s Cooking Lessons: The Middle East The Dinner-Party-of-the-Year is at YOUR House Solar Site Assessment for Solar Panel $100 Off a $400 Energy Audit Comprehensive Home Energy Audits Edible Arrangements $50 Gift Certificate Brunch & Bridge Warm Cream Manicure Dinner at the Wine Kitchen in Leesburg Page 11 2014 Auction Island Paradise Eve Stevens F Fire & Ice Foster's Grille Furman Riley G Gail Kulisch Gary & Patty Evans Giant Grace Meininger Great Harvest Bread Co./Herndon H Hal Fuller Helen Pfalzer Henry Zoller & Judith Keith I International Conservatory of Music J James Allen Contracting Janet & Michael Sifers Janet Dwire & Francine York Janice & John Holmblad Jasmine Cafe at Lake Anne Jean & Bruce Wyman Jennifer Caires Jerry Poje 700 302 Raffle 1502 1503 708 715 1721 2002 Raffle Raffle 321 320 309 2017 504 1603 1612 1108 601 1012 1206 2007 1504 1005 1106 1402 1003 Jerry Poje & Marie Ann Leyko Jim & Amy Porter 1201 404 1006 Jim Tetro Jo Anne Gild 800 1706 1608 2015 1725 1813 1815 514 813 316 906 902 315 Joan & Jim Hood JoAnn Spevacek Joe Pfalzer Joe Trimarchi Johanna Turaj John & Jackson Miller John Miller & Marilynn Schuyler Judy Gallimore List of Donors 3 Mile Run/Walk in Reston Followed by Brunch Decadent Italian Cream Cake Fire and Ice $50 Gift Card Foster's Grille Family Discount Package #1 Foster's Grille Family Discount Package #2 Introduction to Qigong (Chi Gung) Tai Chi Chih for Health, Energy, Serenity Matching Pair of Torchiere Floor Lamps National Press Club Tour & Tacos $25 Olive Garden Gift Card $25 AMC Gift Card Brkfst: Pumpkin Muffins w/ ChocChips Brkfst: Corn Bread Muffins Great Harvest Bread for 12 Months Indian Market Week in Santa Fe Babysitting Service Exotic Hand-Beaded Earrings & Necklace Sterling Silver Earrings & Brooch Greek Dinner - YASOU! Rupert Boyd - Classical Guitarist in Concert Business Sponsorship One Taco, Two Taco, Three -- Dinner Cinema Arts Theatre Gift Card Lasagne Dinner for 8 Delivered to Your Home Jasmine Cafe - 3 Course Dinner for Two Beer Tasting Bubbly with the Board of Directors Golden Garden Genies (Worm Composting) Indian Dinner - A Science, Reason & Religion Ashram Science, Reason & Religion’s Tour of the Christmas Tree Cloth Dinner Napkins (Set of 8) Dinner Party w/ Virginia State Delegate Mark Keam Professional Photographer - Improve Your Antique Typewriter Purple Sequin Coach Evening Clutch Bag Google Chromebook Pixel Laptop President Clinton Photo & Autographed Cap Oil Painting of Two Couples Dancing Pencil Portrait of President Clinton - Framed Math Tutoring (One Hour) for Grades 5-10 2 Hrs of Computer Technical Support Wizardry Quarterly Treats "Diplomacy" Game Day "Cards Against Humanity" Night Pies as You Please Page 12 2014 Auction Island Paradise K Karen & Michael Liggett, Liz & Eric Karen Adkins-Hastings Katherine Riddle Kathy & Ian Hochberg Ken Foley Custom Homes Kim Condas Kit & Paula Lueder Kristin Moyer Kurt & Carol Jensen L Lars and Connie Genieser Laureen Branting Leigh Geiger Lola Quintela Luciana Navarro & David Fleischer Lydia Lewis M Maeve Nash Mark Vogel Marsha Giusti Mary Frances Kordick Mary Lareau Massage Envy Vienna Matthew Reider Michael Liggett & Karen Liggett Mike Finkle & Pam Gannon Miranda Schuyler & John Miller Mitch & Michelle Dekoven myLocal HomeBrew Shop N Natasha Peterson Neal Chandra Nigel & Wendy Astell P Paul & Katherine Riddle Paul Riddle 910 700 1604 606 900 1300 203 202 1700 1719 420 2013 1708 804 1011 2004 1107 1013 1002 405 517 908 513 1704 1100 300 317 602 609 1726 434 1110 200 308 712 810 307 2010 603 907 402 1004 805 605 1018 913 List of Donors Bridge & Dessert 3 Mile Run/Walk in Reston Followed by Brunch Ghanaian Glass Necklace Flute Lessons with Katherine Riddle Parents' Night In (Cards Against Humanity) Handyman Services by Ken Foley Stamp Carving Kit & Book Paper Making Kits "Wheely" Cute Wall Hanging Levenger Wooden Lap Desk Seal-a-Meal & Meal Trays Bethany Beach House for a Week Basket of Fresh-Cut Spring Flowers Climbing Your Family Tree Afternoon Tea in the Garden Virginia Winery Tour Virginia Is for Wine Lovers - Wine Tasting Celebrate with Dumplings Victorian Afternoon Tea Cookie Cutters for Every Occasion Thomas the Tank Engine Extravaganza! Family Games Fun Pack Lego Four Ways! Alpaca Blanket Brazilian Dinner "Cheeseburger in Paradise" Hand-Made Cake Scrumptious Chocolate Chip Cookies By Request: Music by Sarah & Mark Piano Lesson with Marsha Giusti South African Serengeti Egg Blue & White Porcelain Chinese Fruit Bowl Ladies Who Lunch - Sixth Annual Event Afternoon of Beading Gluten-Free Layer Cakes (Two) Murad Facial at Massage Envy Put My OCD to Good Use Gluten Free Artisan Bread Rehoboth Beach, DE Condo - 3 Days Schubertiade Musical Gathering Family Game Night Brewer's Best Deluxe Equipment Kit $250 Sponsorship New Orleans Badass Dinner Party! Computer, Home Wi-Fi, Smartphone Help Desert Island Discs: Evening of Music Beer-Tasting - Bennington Battle Day Squash (the Game, Not the Vegetable) Page 13 2014 Auction Island Paradise Paula Lubreski Peggy & Tom Hillman Petinaux Family Pie Gourmet Precious Crabtree R Ralph & Janine Greenwood Randy Adams & Mary Jo Smrekar Raymon & Gisela Leon Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig & John B. Rev. Mary Katherine Morn Revival HomeMade Beauty Robb & Liz Kidd Robin Finnell Roger Helm Ron & Marsha Giusti Ruben & Christine Cintron 1303 706 704 705 711 314 1600 107 412 2003 1103 1008 703 1009 2014 701 500 1811 425 1702 1602 1611 710 1801 1810 1707 503 502 1816 1817 1717 1713 1733 1722 424 1709 1712 1715 1730 1732 423 1711 421 408 1710 413 426 List of Donors LifeForce Coaching Sessions (Six) Flaming Chalice Room Accent - Small Flaming Chalice Room Accent - Large Flaming Chalice Room Accent - Medium Massage (Customized One-Hr in Ashburn) One Large Dinner or Dessert Pie A Touch of Class Necklace Tea Time Basket Food Processor (14 Cup) Hamilton Beach Samsung Wall Mountable Speaker System An Evening of Storytelling Spanish Tapas Bar Dinner - Wine & Bites Choose a Sermon Topic for Rev. Laura Japanese Tea Ceremony & Dinner Your Choice of a Sermon Topic All Natural Spa Party My First Miyazaki National Geo Women of Vision Exhibit Book Turquoise Glass Sauce Plates 12 Things to Make... Alarm Clock Doncaster Silver & Crystal Necklace Stella & Dot Mixed Media Necklace L'Occitane Shower Gel & Hand Cream Antique Little Tern Print Imperial Palace - St. Petersburg (Print) Avian Estates - Hand-Made Bird House Baby's Ceramic Mug Set Baby Cup Sterling Silver Oneida Print by Charles Lee - 3 Violinists Print by Le Kinff - Woman Hand-thrown Pottery Bowl Hand-carved Wooden Cattails Wrought Iron Wall Candle Holder Miniature Tabletop Picture Frame Special Collection Wine Stopper Brass Candlesticks Cut Glass Tabletop Picture Frame Hand-Made Large Birdhouse Tea Light Chrome Candle Holder Woodstock Wind Chimes Solid Surface Placemats - Set of 4 Crystal Lamp Chain Pull Silver Centerpiece Flower & Candle Bowl Crystal Wine Stoppers by Waterford Brass Candlesticks - Set of 3 Hand-Crocheted Round Table Cloth Waterford Crystal Cake Knife Page 14 2014 Auction Island Paradise Ruth & David McWilliams 430 417 422 429 428 1606 432 431 433 109 103 105 506 516 1720 1718 110 1701 1731 418 403 1614 1607 1613 1601 600 608 607 415 S Safeway Sarah Jebian Scott, Shirley & Mary Santulli Shari MacFarlane 416 2008 Raffle Raffle 602 1705 409 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 806 List of Donors Woven Table Runner Linen Table Cover - Hand Embroidered Silver Salad Serving Utensils Handmade Welcome Doll from Puerto Rico Handmade Kitchen Doll from Puerto Rico Native American Belt Buckle Napkin Rings Sterling Silver (6) Silver Bread Basket Cut Glass Candle Holder Whovian's Doctor Who Basket Christmas in March Goodie Basket Small Christmas in March Basket Child's Wooden Cow Puzzle Space Shuttle Model Live, Love, Laugh LED Candle Set Lenox Candy or Soap Tray w/ Handmade Soaps Wine Lovers Accessory Basket 'Admiral Fitzroy' Storm Glass Barometer Wooden Photo Chest with Picture Storage Recipe Notebook Ceramic Americana Plate and Cup Set Turkish Scarf with Scarf Slide (Lavender & Necklace, Earrings, & Bracelet Set Turkish Fine Cotton Scarf & Scarf Slide Copper Earrings 30 Years on Ventura Highway - America (CD & DVD) Mozart CD - 'Musical Masterpieces" Jimmy Buffett Treasure Chest Handmade Hanging Ceramic Wine Tile 'Chardonnay' Handmade Hanging Ceramic Wine Tile 'Merlot' Adult Beginner Guitar Package $25 Gift Card for Amazon $25 Panera Gift Card By Request: Music by Sarah Jebian & Mark Antique Ironstone Pitcher English Bone China Teacups and Saucers Brighten A Corner: Original Painting - Chalice I Brighten A Corner: Original Painting - Chalice II Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice III Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice IV Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice V Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice VI Celebrating Your Creative Spirit: An Art Lesson with a Professional Artist Page 15 2014 Auction Island Paradise Shari MacFarlane, Don Andress, Renee & Tom McMillen, Anne Walters Sharon Henderson Shawn Miller Stan Richards Stephen A. Gold Steve Myles Su Davis Sue Berman Suzanne & John Leonard T Ted & Linnea Nelson The Cake Fairy© (Sharon Johnson) The Massadoah Partnership The Swiss Bakery The Wine Cabinet Tom & Karen Grycewicz U Uniquities Yarn Shop UU4ix UUCF Board of Directors V Various Local Vendors Virginia Stained Glass Viva Tysons Magazine/Linda Barrett W Whole Foods Women's Spirit Council Z Zeena Zeidberg 1102 201 419 803 812 2012 1306 811 911 512 716 401 2001 501 1007 1015 1104 313 505 306 1724 406 1716 407 204 610 1010 102 1802 Raffle Raffle 702 Raffle 714 400 410 427 List of Donors A Delectable Stop on the Silk Road: Indian Dinner Bag O'Yarn Royal Albert China Christmas Tree Mugs Camera Lessons Urban Archery for Northern Virginia Deer Flying Visit to Virginia Air Museum One Hour of Legal Services by Steve Gold Tap Your Artistic Talent with Steve Myles Game of Games Night Hand-Knit Small Girl's Kimono Sweater UUCF Nametags Embroidered on Canvas Breadmaker Machine December Weekend in Williamsburg Centreville Preschool Fun Day Ssssmmmokin! Streets of Paris Brunch I LOVE This Wine! Let Them Eat Cake Family Tubing Event Freshly Baked Loaf of Bread for 6 Months The Wine Cabinet Wine & Beer Tasting Pair of Crystal Candle Holders Crystal Bowl Hand-Thrown Pottery Bowl Crystal Candy Dish Uniquities Yarn Shop $25 Gift Certificate Private Musical Concert by UU4ix Quartet Spaghetti Dinner with the UUCF Board Chocolate Lovers Gift Basket Art Glass Panel El Tio Tex-Mex Grill $25 Gift Certificate Assagi Ostoria $50 Gift Certificate Astoria Laser Clinic & Med Spa $125 GC $50 Whole Foods Gift Card Ritual of Your Choice Blue Ceramic Bowl Fluted Metal Platter White China Tea Set - 3 Piece Page 16 100 Basket of Spring Quantity: 1 Each child in the 11:15 4s & 5s RE class will paint a custom flower pot that will be a wonderful reminder of the childlike qualities of spring and will bring a touch of whimsy to any garden or porch. Seeds & other assorted gardening goodies also will be included in the basket. Donor: 11:15 4s & 5s RE class 101 Chocolate Basket A plethora of tasty chocolaty items including sweets, coffee, and wine. Donor: 2nd Sunday Covenant Group Quantity: 1 102 Chocolate Lovers Gift Basket Quantity: 1 A cornu-cocoa-pia of chocolate delights...3 lbs of various milk and dark, European and American chocolates, Ghirardelli Chocolate Supreme brownie mix, The Little Black Book of Chocolate (with recipes), and DVD of the movie "Chocolate" starring Juliette Binoche, Johnny Depp and Judi Dench. Donor: Various Local Vendors 103 Christmas in March Goodie Basket Quantity: 1 Be ready for the holidays! This basket is full of holiday treasures and includes a whimsical Santa figure; two mugs, with all the trimmings for hot chocolate or for tea. This full basket also includes a holiday throw, a festive serving plate, pinecones and an ornament or two. All of this is packed into a cheery basket for easy carrying. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 104 Golden Rule Basket Quantity: 1 In 9:15 2nd Grade RE Moral Tales, we gathered all the things we would like to have in an auction basket. This is our version of "do unto others". That is - treat others as ourselves or friends. Donor: 9:15 2nd Grade RE Moral Tales 105 Small Christmas in March Basket Quantity: 1 The perfect hostess gift for the holidays - do your shopping early! This lovely little basket comes with a set of matching kitchen towel and pot holders, decorated with a cheery snowman, a bag of German chocolates, and a candle in a glass jar, with a holiday theme. Add the snowman tree ornament and you're all set for those wintery days! Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 106 Spa in a Basket Quantity: 1 Wrap yourself in relaxing comfort with this spicy warm vanilla-scented spa bamboo basket filled with gels, lotions and bath salts for a little luxury at home. Donor: Bice Family 107 Tea Time Basket Quantity: 1 Complete tea time basket with Oxford English teapot, tea, and James Madison tea brick, plus a glass teapot with green flower tea; all on a teapot-embroidered towel in a basket. Donor: Ralph & Janine Greenwood 108 Visit to China in a Basket Quantity: 1 Take a day trip to China while enjoying this straw basket filled with cultural and food items from China, including books (in English), small artifacts, chopsticks and packaged food. Donor: Candace & Hadrian Katz 109 Whovian's Doctor Who Basket Quantity: 1 Doctor Who???? This is the perfect set of gifts for fans of the world's longest running television show. This basket contains a TARDIS Cookie Jar, complete with lights and sound effects when the lid closes; 'Who-ology' - a book of all things Dr. Who through Christmas 2012, and finally, a size large, brand new 'Keep Calm - Don't Regenerate' t-shirt. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 110 Wine Lovers Accessory Basket Quantity: 1 All you need except the wine! This lovely little basket contains two wine stoppers (one is Murano glass; the other a whimsical brown bear), a wine-themed glass trivet, and a handy wine information book, useful whether you know everything about wines or are just starting out! Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 200 Afternoon of Beading Quantity: 4 Have you accumulated a cache of beads but have no time for jewelry-making projects? There's nothing better than making new friends while you make something beautiful. Bring your beads and tools. Mary has tools, wire, clasps, earring wires, and extra beads to help you complete your project. We will set a date agreed on by all participants. NOTE: This is an adult event. Donor: Mary Lareau 201 Bag O'Yarn Quantity: 1 Bag with artisanal yarn from small producers and other unusual yarns. Neutral yarns perfect for dying. Wool, alpaca, llama, linen, mohair, etc. Donor: Sharon Henderson 202 Paper Making Kits Quantity: 1 If you want to make paper making a family event, this item is for you! Two brand new kits (so no fighting over whose turn it is), plus three sweet paper casting molds. But did you know you need a blender dedicated to paper making? Guess what--this comes with a used, fully functional blender. Let the pulp making and paper casting begin! Donor: Kim Condas 203 Stamp Carving Kit & Book Quantity: 1 Let your imagination and your hands fly with a stamp-carving kit (from Stampin' Up!) and a copy of mixed media artist Julie Fei-Fan Balzer' newest book, "Carve, Stamp, Play." Julie will guide you in carving stamps to use on cards, journals, and fabric. Donor: Kim Condas 204 Uniquities Yarn Shop $25 Gift Certificate Quantity: 1 $25 gift certificate for Uniquities Yarn Shop in Vienna. Can be applied to merchandise or crochet, spinning, and knitting classes. Uniquities carries yarn from over 50 vendors, as well as spinning wheels, drum carders, bobbins, and the most extensive knitting needle inventory in the area! http://uniquitiesyarnshop.com/ Donor: Uniquities Yarn Shop 300 "Cheeseburger in Paradise" Hand-Made Cake Quantity: 2 Delight your family and friends with a 10" delicious homemade cake that looks like a cheeseburger! Two cakes will be available for separate bids to take home the night of the auction. Donor: Lydia Lewis 301 Blueberry Breakfast Basket Quantity: 1 After a busy night of bidding, treat yourself to an easy breakfast the next morning. You'll leave the Auction with a basket of a dozen home-baked blueberry muffins, hot chocolate mix, tea bags and fresh fruit. Donor: David & Marlo Nash 302 Decadent Italian Cream Cake Quantity: 1 An extravagant and delicious cake baked by our ministerial intern, Eve Stevens! Order for a birthday, anniversary or get together of any kind. Just give two weeks advanced notice and I'll bake it for you. The cut off date for ordering the cake is August 10th, 2014. Donor: Eve Stevens 303 Delicious, Hearty Chili Supper Delivered to You Quantity: 1 An award-winning pot of Oklahoma Prairie chili; a cozy dinner for as many as 8. The chili can be made with meat or can be vegetarian. The meal includes the chili fixin's of your choice. The delivery date coordinated at your convenience. Donor: David & Marlo Nash 304 Edible Arrangements $50 Gift Certificate Quantity: $50 Gift Certificate to Edible Arrangements, Vienna. For details, see http://www.ediblearrangements.com/. Donor: Edible Arrangements, Vienna 1 305 Everything Chocolate Basket Quantity: 1 4th Graders are experts on chocolate and they have put together Everything Chocolate: truffles and a chocolate bar from Godiva, a Belgian Pound Plus Extravaganza and chocolate-covered pretzels from Trader Joe's, Sno-Caps, chocolate cookie thins, dark chocolate cake mix, chocolate brownie mix, chocolate peppermint cookie mix, and more! Donor: 9:15 4th Grade RE Class 306 Freshly Baked Loaf of Bread for 6 Months Quantity: 1 One loaf of fresh bread per month for 6 months beginning March 2014 to be picked up at The Swiss Bakery locations in Springfield or Burke. See the bread menu at http://www.theswissbakery.com/Fresh-Baked-Artisan-EuropeanBreads.html. Donor: The Swiss Bakery 307 Gluten Free Artisan Bread Quantity: 2 Are you new to the Gluten Free diet? Do you miss bread? Are there so many recipes out there that you don't know where to start and everything you've tried is bad? Well, this bread is DELICIOUS! Even people who aren't restricted to GF love it and arm wrestle each other for the last piece! Two one-pound loaves made and delivered at your convenience. Two days notice preferred. Bread is soy, dairy, nut, gluten, and egg free, but is made in a home that uses all of the above. Will share the recipe and point you to more. Donor: Michael Liggett & Karen Liggett 308 Gluten-Free Layer Cakes (Two) - Delivered to You Quantity: 1 Mary will bake two moist and delicious gluten-free layer cakes for you. You choose your favorite variety - carrot, chocolate, yellow, white, coconut, etc. You can request both cakes at one time or on two separate dates. Just arrange the dates and times two weeks in advance and Mary will bring the cake(s) to your home. Donor: Mary Lareau 309 Great Harvest Bread Company Bread for 12 Months Quantity: 1 This bread-lover's dream basket includes a gift certificate for a free loaf of bread every month for a year, plus one fresh loaf of Honey Whole Wheat bread, one package of delicious granola and six cookies ready to eat - yummm! See http://www.greatharvest.com/. Donor: Great Harvest Bread Co./Herndon 310 Home-Made Quiche Delivered to You Quantity: 6 Homemade quiche prepared and delivered. Winners may request favorite additions of vegetables with bacon, ham or vegetarian. Examples: zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, jalapeños, etc. Quiche to be delivered at date TBD with winner. Request 2 week notice. Will bring a lorraine and mexican for samples. Donor: Christy Clarke Choi 311 Homemade Gluten-Free Birthday Cake Quantity: 2 Made from scratch and delivered to your home on your Birthday. Moist and delicious, but gluten-free (additional allergy needs, like dairy, soy and nuts can also be accommodated.) Choose from chocolate, classic yellow, or carrot cake with butter cream or cream cheese frosting. Delicious! Donor: Diana Tycer-Bice 312 Homemade...Almost Organic Granola Quantity: 1 Available on Auction Night. A 2-3 quart container of homemade granola. Made with organic oats, pecans, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, coconut and agave syrup. Dried cherries and craisins are added for color and sweetness. Donor: B Costello & E Mays 313 Let Them Eat Cake Quantity: 1 Enjoy a custom-designed cake from The Cake Fairy for your special occasion -- birthday, anniversary, baby shower, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc. Select a traditional design or let The Cake Fairy help you choose something whimsical. Cake will serve 12-16 people. 2 available. Donated by: Sharon Johnson, The Cake Fairy. Available: Redeem by November 1, 2014. Requires three weeks' notice. Donor: The Cake Fairy© (Sharon Johnson) 314 One Large Dinner or Dessert Pie from the Pie Gourmet Quantity: 2 Pie Gourmet, Ltd. gift certificate for the cost of a large pie. For pickup in Vienna on Maple Ave. For a wide variety of scrumptious pies, both dessert and dinner, see the menu at https://www.piegourmet.com/. Donor: Pie Gourmet 315 Pies as You Please Quantity: 1 I will make three 9" pies for you at mutually agreed upon dates. You have a choice of apple, lemon meringue, pumpkin, pecan, banana cream, or strawberry (in season). You can get two or three for the same date as long as they are the same flavor. Donor: Judy Gallimore 316 Quarterly Treats Quantity: 2 Yummy treats for each quarter! Q1: Banana muffins - pick up at the auction Q2: Coconut Chocoroons - are they cookies or are they candy? Q3: Lemon Cookies Q4: Spiced Walnuts - great for the holidays! Donor: Johanna Turaj 317 Scrumptious Chocolate Chip Cookies Quantity: 1 Two dozen large, yummy cookies that you can take home with you the night of the Auction. Be sure to beat out other bidders for these gems. You won't be sorry! Donor: Maeve Nash 318 Starbucks Coffee Gift Set Quantity: 1 Perk up your mornings with this mix of six bags of Starbucks coffees! Komodo Dragon Blend - Full-bodied and bold. Dark Roast. Caffe Verona - Well-balanced. Dark Roast. Low acidity. Casi Cielo - Elegant, floral, cocoa finish. Limited availability. Decafe Pike Place Roast - Smooth and rich. Medium Roast. Guatemala Antigua - Layers of unfolding flavor. Medium Roast. Veranda Blend - Light-bodied and mellow. Blonde Roast. Donor: Brandon Dunn 319 The Trouble with Truffles Quantity: The only trouble with these truffles is not eating them all in one sitting. The winner will get 2 dozen chocolate truffles, made to order: dark or milk; flavored or not. 2 weeks’ notice please. Donor: B Costello & E Mays 1 320 Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Corn Bread Muffins Quantity: One dozen yummy Corn Bread Muffins. I “cheat” and use Trader Joe’s mix- as it is better than my homemade. Donor: Grace Meininger 1 321 Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Pumpkin Muffins w/ Chocolate Chips Quantity: One dozen yummy pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips. I “cheat” and use Trader Joe’s mix- as it is good. Donor: Grace Meininger 1 322 Your Daily Bread...Well Almost Quantity: 1 Look forward to delivered, homemade sweet or savory breads every other month for a year for a total of six breads. Types and delivery times are negotiable. Possibilities are: pumpkin, zucchini, coffee cake, carrot, harvest cheddar or maybe something else. Donor: B Costello & E Mays 400 Blue Ceramic Bowl Quantity: 1 Ceramic bowl, 8.5 inches in diameter, 3.5 inches deep. Pale blue with dark blue design. Perfect as serving or fruit bowl. Attractive to display as decoration. Donor: Zeena Zeidberg 401 Breadmaker Machine Quantity: 1 Enjoy the aroma and taste of homemade bread! This 1-yr old HomeBaker brand breadmaker makes 1.5 or 2.0 lbs loaves of bread or dinner rolls. Donor: Sue Berman 402 Brewer's Best Deluxe Equipment Kit Quantity: 1 Complete 2-stage beer-making equipment kit PLUS a $50 gift card toward your first set of ingredients. Kit includes: * 6.5 gallon “Ale Pail” primary fermenter w/grommeted lid & airlock * 6.5 gallon “Ale Pail” bottling bucket w/spigot * Easy Clean cleanser (no-rinse sanitizer) * Basic siphon and bottling setup * Hydrometer and strip thermometer * Bottle brush and Twin Lever bottle capper * 5 gallon P.E.T. Better Bottle secondary fermenter w/bung * Lab thermometer and brew paddle * Fermtech Auto Siphon Donor: myLocal HomeBrew Shop 403 Ceramic Americana Plate and Cup Set Quantity: 1 Four generous mugs and accompanying plates are perfect for serving desserts and coffee or for using as a decorative accent in your home. The plates and mugs are printed with one of four words: 'Friends', 'Family', 'Freedom' and 'Forever' and appropriate picture for each word. Background is yellow, with a blue border. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 404 Christmas Tree Cloth Dinner Napkins (Set of 8) One set of 8 cloth dinner napkins that fold into (flat) Christmas tree shapes. Donor: Jim & Amy Porter Quantity: 1 405 Cookie Cutters for Every Occasion Quantity: 1 Over 70 cookie cutters including alphabet letters, geometric shapes, animals, a gingerbread girl, transportation, sports, and Christmas, Halloween, Easter & even St. Patrick's Day shapes. Made of safe, easy-grip, plastic for young bakers. Donor: Leigh Geiger 406 Crystal Bowl 9" crystal bowl made in Japan Donor: Tom & Karen Grycewicz Quantity: 1 407 Crystal Candy Dish Egg-shaped crystal candy dish with lid Donor: Tom & Karen Grycewicz Quantity: 1 408 Crystal Wine Stoppers by Waterford Quantity: 1 For the wine lover who wants to put some dazzle on that opened bottle of wine. Set of 2 Marquis Waterford Crystal wine stoppers. Beautifully crafted and never used. Still in the original box. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 409 English Bone China Teacups and Saucers Quantity: Set of 14 collectible bone china teacups, with saucers, made in England circa late 1950's. 14 different patterns. Donor: Scott, Shirley & Mary Santulli 1 410 Fluted Metal Platter Fluted metal platter; peacock design; 11.5" in diameter. Donor: Zeena Zeidberg 1 Quantity: 411 Food Lover's Accessory Basket Quantity: 1 Great mix of colorful accessories for your kitchen, including a ceramic woven bowl, a ceramic miniature loaf pan, book "How to be a Better Foodie", and a ceramic salt and pepper shaker. Just the set to brighten up your kitchen. Donor: Andrea Updegrove 412 Food Processor (14 Cup) Hamilton Beach Slices, chops, shreds, grates, purees, and kneads. Brand new. Donor: Randy Adams & Mary Jo Smrekar Quantity: 1 413 Hand-Crocheted Round Table Cloth Quantity: 1 This finely crocheted, round table cloth measures 64" (5' 4") in diameter and would be the perfect addition for a round antique dining table. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 414 Handmade Dinosaur Coffee Mug Quantity: Handmade coffee mug from Museum, Bozeman, MT. Cream color with dinosaurs in pink tones. Donor: Claire Davis 1 415 Handmade Hanging Ceramic Wine Tile 'Chardonnay' Quantity: 1 Decorate your wine 'cave' with this beautiful hanging ceramic wine tile, with green grapes and the word 'Chardonnay' prominently displayed. Background is neutral beige, and the tile has a 'crackle' finish, with a rustic feel. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 416 Handmade Hanging Ceramic Wine Tile 'Merlot' Quantity: 1 Decorate your wine 'cave' with this beautiful hanging ceramic wine tile, with green grapes and the word 'Merlot' prominently displayed. Background is neutral beige, and the tile has a 'crackle' finish, with a rustic feel. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 417 Linen Table Cover - Hand Embroidered Quantity: 1 Delicate, 15" square fine linen cloth, perfect for your table top or night stand. Hand-embroidered tulips. Never used. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 418 Recipe Notebook Quantity: 1 Store your special recipes in this blank recipe notebook so they're preserved forever. Filling this notebook will create a treasure of recipes and memories. The book is spiral bound, with hard cover, protecting it from unexpected kitchen spills, while allowing the book to open flat for easy access to your recipes. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 419 Royal Albert China Christmas Tree Mugs (Pair) Quantity: Next Christmas enjoy this pair of Holiday Classic Collection mugs from Royal Albert China with a Christmas Tree design. Set of 2. Donor: Sharon Henderson 1 420 Seal-a-Meal & Meal Trays Quantity: 1 Want to keep your foods fresh? Split your CostCo buys into real-people sizes? This machine is what you need! Lightly used, in perfect condition (new ones sell on Amazon for $49.99), and I've thrown in some bags to get you started. Donor: Kim Condas 421 Silver Centerpiece Flower & Candle Bowl Quantity: 1 Silver bowl holds flowers in its center. Three curved legs hold the bowl and are capped with a candle holder, making this a special centerpiece. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 422 Silver Salad Serving Utensils Quantity: Beautiful, clean lines define this two piece set of salad servers each 12" long in polished silver. New in box. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1 423 Solid Surface Placemats - Set of 4 Quantity: 1 Enjoy these Jason-brand place mats with an Italian design on your table or as accent pieces under serving dishes, vases, or candles. Solid surface and easily cleaned. Still boxed, never used. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 424 Special Collection Wine Stopper Quantity: 1 From the Connoisseur's Collection, use this elegant wine stopper to seal your favorite wine. New and in the box. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 425 Turquoise Glass Sauce Plates One set of 2 Turquoise glass plates with indentations for sauce or sushi. Donor: Robin Finnell Quantity: 1 426 Waterford Crystal Cake Knife Quantity: 1 Here's the elegant item you need to cut that special birthday or wedding cake. The Waterford crystal handle and shining silvery blade will complement any occasion. (Never used, new in box) Like items sell at Macy's for $150! Put this aside for a spring/summer wedding gift. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 427 White China Tea Set - 3 Piece Quantity: 1 This white china tea set - includes tea pot, hot water pot, and sugar bowl - also has 3 wooden trivets to put hot pots on. Donor: Zeena Zeidberg 428 Wooden Handmade Kitchen Doll from Puerto Rico Quantity: 1 Hand-painted and cloth-dressed wooden doll designed to sit on your counter or table top with dangling legs and bright colors and holding a sign that says "Kitchen" along with a basket of fruit. Hand-crafted in Puerto Rico. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 429 Wooden Handmade Welcome Doll from Puerto Rico Quantity: 1 Hand-painted and cloth-dressed wooden doll, designed to sit on your counter or table top, with dangling legs and bright colors and holding a sign that says "Welcome". Hand-crafted in Puerto Rico. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 430 Woven Table Runner Quantity: 1 Richly colored in deep reds and greens, this woven table runner, at 65" (5', 5") long, can grace your dining room table or look equally striking as an accent runner on a bureau or sideboard. (New, never used) Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 431 Silver Bread Basket Quantity: Smooth interwoven lines in silver make this bowl with its fine cloth insert a lovely addition to any table setting. Never used. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1 432 Napkin Rings Sterling Silver (6) Quantity: 1 Never used, this set of six sterling silver napkin rings would make a beautiful addition to your formal dinner settings. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 433 Cut Glass Candle Holder Quantity: 1 Single cut glass candle holder. Low profile with clean lines makes this ideal for the center of your intimate dinner setting. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 434 Blue & White Porcelain Chinese Export Pattern Fruit Bowl Quantity: 1 Elegant large fruit bowl, fine quality Ming dynasty design blue and white oriental decorative porcelains in the simple, beautiful vine and flower design, with an exceptional ice crackle glaze. Authentically detailed reproduction, with a quality unmatched among Japanese and Chinese porcelains available in the USA. This is definitely a show off piece. It looks like something from a museum or Veranda magazine. Not good around an active dog or kids who might tip it over. It’s imported and it came packaged like it came from Asia. 14" diameter by 2" high. Stand is included. Elegant and unique gift idea or beautiful home décor accent. Donor: Mary Frances Kordick 500 My First Miyazaki Quantity: 8 Heard of the amazing Japanese animation director Hayao Miyazaki and wondered what all the fuss was about? Join us for two of his kid-friendly classics "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Spirited Away." We'll take a break between showings for an Asian-themed dinner. Great for ages 6 to 100! Saturday, May 3, 2014 Donor: Robb & Liz Kidd Date: 5/3/2014 501 Centreville Preschool Fun Day Quantity: 30 Join us for an extremely fun family event focused on the younger set (although all ages are welcome). Come frolic throughout our entire preschool building and grounds. Rice tables, bounce house, bubbles, dress-up clothes, toys and games, Play-Doh, a big playground, face painting, and free food! Only $25 per family. Up to 30 families. Saturday, June 21, 2014 from 10am to 2pm. Donor: Suzanne & John Leonard Date: 6/21/2014 502 Baby Cup Sterling Silver Oneida Quantity: 1 Lovely sterling silver baby's drinking cup with snap on lid for baby to drink without spilling. Never used; make a great gift for that newborn you know. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 503 Baby's Ceramic Mug Set Quantity: Charming set of 2 ceramic children's mugs - one with a bear, one with a boat (never used) Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1 504 Babysitting Service Quantity: 2 Red Cross-certified babysitter will provide up to four (4) hours of babysitting. Helen is 13 years old, and her mom, Sue Pfalzer, will help. Date TBD with Auction Winner. Offering two separate dates for two winners. Donor: Helen Pfalzer 505 Family Tubing Event Quantity: 6 Get your family away from the boob tube and into an inner tube! Join us at Massadoah, an old farmhouse on 200 beautiful acres adjacent the North Fork of the Shenandoah River in Woodstock, Virginia, for an afternoon of fun. Less than 90 minutes from UUCF, it truly feels a world away. There are so many options for fun: tubing, swimming, hiking, fishing, exploring, outdoor games -- tetherball, bocce ball, badminton, volleyball -- and more. You and your family can decide the pace of the afternoon. We'll provide lunch and build a campfire for making s'mores! It's a great way to unplug, tune in, and create memories with other UUCF families! Saturday, July 12, 2014 from noon-5pm (rain date: July 13th) Open for 6 families. (Your bid is for one of the six family slots) Donor: The Massadoah Partnership Date: 7/12/2014 506 Child's Wooden Cow Puzzle Quantity: 1 Fun for small people or those who remember life on the farm! This two-toned wooden cow is made of six large puzzle pieces and can stand or lay flat. It is smoothly finished and can be either a decorative accent or a child's puzzle game. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 507 Comedy Gram from Safari Bingo Quantity: 1 Cheer up, roast or congratulate a child or an adult with a comedy visit from Safari Bingo. Includes lots of balloons and 20 minutes of fun for all ages! As a bonus, she brings a live hedgehog and does a magic trick with him. The total value may be used toward any other show by Safari Bingo! www.partyco-op.com Expires in one year 3/8/15. Restrictions: within 45 mins of Gainesville, VA. Non-rush hour time. Donor: Carol "Safari Bingo" Collins 508 Cox Farms Fall Festival Family Fun Pack Quantity: 1 A perfect day at Cox Farms Fall Festival 2014! Includes admission for 4 (valid any day of 2014 Fall Festival), one pizza at Cox's Kitchen, and a large bag of our famous kettle corn, PLUS an exclusive VIP Parking Pass; park right by the entrance and your admission wristbands will be there waiting for you! Dates to be published. Donor: Cox Farms (Aaron & Maria Cox-Leow) 509 Craft & Creativity Basket Quantity: 1 The 3rd Grade 9:15 RE class has gathered a variety of craft items in one convenient basket! Basket will provide hours of fun and creativity for your family. Indispensable for those rainy days when the kids are stuck inside looking for something to do. Donor: 9:15 3rd Grade RE Class 510 Family Fun Basket Quantity: A basket filled with movies, games and snacks to make a great family fun night. Donor: 9:15 First Grade RE Class 1 511 "Despicable Me" Family Night Movie Basket Quantity: 1 Basket includes DVDs, popcorn, candy. For a fun, family-friendly night at home."Despicable Me" basket with both movies 1 & 2 , Minion plushies, a movie poster and candy and popcorn. Donor: 4:15 OWL RE Class 512 Hand-Knit Small Girl's Kimono Sweater Warm and cozy pink (with a touch of lilac) hand-knit kimono-style sweater Donor: Su Davis Quantity: 1 513 Lego Four Ways! Quantity: 1 This mega-collection includes a Lego-storage box and provides something to satisfy all of your Lego interests: Creative Play: 700 Lego blocks of all sizes, shapes and colors, 11 vehicles, 20 traffic signs & 50 people from many different occupations with a building mat Amazing Spider-Man Set: 275 pieces and build a mega-magnetic Spider-man with directions for creating a very cool plane and all-terrain vehicle from the tiles. Lego Basketball: Basketball court with balls, a hoop, Lego-men and the tiles you need to set up the game Klutz Lego book and Lego pieces with instructions for creating a parachute machine, candy machine, field goal kicker, coat hanger daredevil, balloon-powered rocket car and much more. Donor: Leigh Geiger 514 Math Tutoring (One Hour) for Grades 5-10 Quantity: 3 One hour of math tutoring from a current middle school math teacher with 25 years of experience. I have taught math to students aged 12 to 42 and 6th grade math to Pre-Calculus, and have taught in two foreign countries and three U.S. states. . I am a math nerd who loves to make math understandable to the lay person!! Three separate hours of tutoring are being offered - each bid is for one hour. Donor: Joe Pfalzer 515 Set of 12 Homemade Hair Bows Quantity: 1 Do you know a little girl who loves to wear bows in her hair? Surprise her with this collection of felt and cloth hair bows! The set includes a variety of colors, styles and sizes, on two or more different types of clips, all made by hand. Donor: Autumn Yates 516 Space Shuttle Model Quantity: 1 Have you dreamed of being an astronaut? Take home this table-top replica of the NASA Space Shuttle and you're on your way! The shuttle and stand are molded of hard plastic. The shuttle sits atop the external tanks and is pointed skyward, as if ready for launch. On the base, the NASA logo is proudly displayed. Stands 12" tall. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 517 Thomas the Tank Engine Extravaganza! Quantity: 1 This is the ultimate gift for a true Thomas fan - it includes over 70 pieces of track including "wacky track", intersections, swivel track as well as straight and curved track to add to your collection to build some very cool systems. But there's much more including: 5-car Roundhouse, Cranky the Crane, Barrel Loader, Track Switcher, Engine Sheds (2), Covered & Open Bridges, Buildings, Signs, People, 5 battery-operated trains, 10 manual trains & vehicles. And most importantly, a suitcase to store all of the trains and a rolling storage cart with a lid which will hold all of this and more! Donor: Leigh Geiger 518 Ultimate Baby Basket Quantity: 1 The families with children in the 2s&3s RE class all brought in new or gently used baby items. We have blankets, baby dinnerware, binkies, books (for new parents and for babies), and much much more! Our "basket" is even a great sized baby bath tub! Donor: 9:15 2s&3s RE Class 600 30 Years on Ventura Highway - America (CD and DVD set) Quantity: 1 Immerse yourself in the the music of America, one of the biggest groups of the 1970s. This package includes a 3 CD set, with booklet, covering music from America's 30 years together, and a recent concert DVD. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 601 Rupert Boyd - Classical Guitarist in Concert Quantity: 1 Two tickets (reserved seats) to Rupert Boyd Concert, 8pm, Westmoreland Congregational Church, 1 Westmoreland Circle, Bethesda, MD 20816. Australian guitarist Rupert Boyd is acclaimed as one of the most talented guitarists of his generation. He has been described by The Washington Post as “truly evocative”, and by Classical Guitar Magazine as “a player who deserves to be heard.” Boyd performs selections by Dowland, Bach, Granados, Mozart, Sor and more. For more info on the concert see http://www.marlowguitar.org Donor: International Conservatory of Music Date: 3/15/2014 602 By Request: Music by Sarah Jebian & Mark Vogel Quantity: 10 Come enjoy the swinging sounds of Sarah Jebian and Mark Vogel as they take your requests for the best music of any genre. Relish light snacks and libations as you savor the ambience of a New York nightclub. This will be a hopping' place tonight! Friday, April 11th, 2014, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm. There will be 40 places auctioned to join this fabulous event! -- "An event not to be missed. Sarah and Mark perform together for the last time at UUCF. I wouldn't miss it." -Donna Brewer Donor: Barb Brehm & Karen Rasmussen, Craig & Susan Bennett, Mark Vogel, Sarah Jebian Date: 4/11/2014 603 Schubertiade Musical Gathering Quantity: 6 A schubertiade was an informal gathering of musicians in Vienna (Austria) originally devoted to playing compositions of Schubert. Come join us in our home in Vienna (Virginia) to perform some music of your choice. It need not be by Schubert, although we will try to include some music of his. We will provide a piano, a 1/4 size bass, and light refreshments. You will need to bring any other instrument you would like to play. If we run out of prepared compositions, we will break out the Karaoke machine. Sunday, June 8th 1:30 - 3:30 pm in the home of Marilyn Schuyler and John Miller. Donor: Miranda Schuyler & John Miller Date: 6/8/2014 604 Cuica - Brazilian Friction Drum Quantity: 1 Brazilian friction drum. Aluminum, leather, internal bamboo shaft. Pronounced "kuweeca". Traditionally a samba music instrument, but used in the music of artists such as Paul Simon, Bruno Mars, and Miles Davis. This one is 40 years old, but has not been used, so it's in excellent condition. Donor: Andrea 605 2nd Annual Desert Island Discs: An Evening of Shared Music Quantity: 6 Do you enjoy sharing your favorite music with friends? Nigel is hosting this evening based on the longest-running BBC radio show, Desert Island Discs. Broadcast from 1942 to the present, guests choose pieces of music, a book & a luxury item they would take if they were castaway on a desert island. We're inviting 6 castaways to each bring 10-15 minutes of music (any genre) to our home - we'll play everyone's music selections and discuss them. Wendy will serve us quiche, salad, a scrumptious home-made dessert, and beer/wine to remind us that luckily our desert island has a fully-stocked kitchen. Saturday, November 15th at 6:00 pm. Donor: Nigel & Wendy Astell Date: 11/15/2014 606 Flute Lessons with Katherine Riddle Quantity: 1 Do you need help with a solo or your band music? Lessons for an aspiring young flutist or adult wanting to polish up their playing. Conservatory graduate and orchestral player to teach three 30-minute lessons for beginner through advanced. Donor: Katherine Riddle 607 Jimmy Buffett Treasure Chest Quantity: 1 Head to the Islands and lose yourself in the world of Jimmy Buffett as the ultimate 'parrot head'. This wood and leather 'treasure chest' comes with four of Jimmy's amazing books, 3 CDs, 1 DVD and a Jimmy Buffett 'Cheeseburger in Paradise' T-shirt from the Margaritaville store in Jamaica (size Large - brand new). Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 608 Mozart CD - 'Musical Masterpieces" Quantity: Immerse yourself in the wonder and music that is the genius of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This brand new CD includes 11 of his best music pieces, including 'The Marriage of Figaro', Eine Kleine Nachtmusik' and 'Requiem'. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1 609 Piano Lesson with Marsha Giusti Quantity: 2 Have you ever wanted to play the piano? Come for a 45 minute lesson and leave playing some music! It's never too late -- Ages 5 - 105. And it is fun! Two separate lessons are on offer. Donor: Marsha Giusti 610 Private Musical Concert by UU4ix Quartet Quantity: 2 Enjoy the wonder of 4 voices creating perfect a cappella entertainment at your home or local event. The UU4ix quartet will sing up to 30 minutes of its wide variety of barbershop, show tunes, and an eclectic range of classic and pop tunes to tap your toes and put a smile on your face. Comprised of 4 members of UUCF's own singers (Rob Barnovsky, Mathew Taylor, Rob Creekmore, and Evan Keely), this quartet is a lot of fun for young and young-at-heart alike. So, if you like Beach to Beatles or Barbershop to Ballads, you'll enjoy this trip down a musical Memory Lane. Show date to be set between buyers and quartet. Must be take place within 1 year of auction date. Two separate concerts available. Donor: UU4ix 700 3 Mile Run/Walk on Reston Paths Followed by Brunch Quantity: 20 We will gather at the Liggett's house, then run or walk on the famed and beautiful Reston Paths, out our front door. This is a (very hilly) marked out and back route, so when you get tired, just turn around and go back. Run at your own pace, fast, slow or walk. Families welcome. Children who do not wish to run/walk may stay at the house, supervised by one of us or by paid babysitters. Return from an energizing run to a delicious brunch of egg casseroles, fruit, muffins, breads, tea, coffee, milk and juice. (Please enter number of adults in your party. Price is $10 per adult.) Saturday, May 31, 2014, 8:00 AM. Donor: Karen & Michael Liggett, Liz & Eric Anderson Date: 5/31/2014 701 All Natural Spa Party Quantity: 9 Learn how to use regular kitchen ingredients to revive your skin. You will mix, stir, mash, and whisk your way through a full facial as we make scrubs, toners, and masks. End with creating your own scented lotion. Each participant will take home their creations to use again and again. Join us for a beautifully fun time! Held in the Chapel at UUCF, 7:00-9:30pm, Friday, April 4th, 2014. Donor: Revival HomeMade Beauty Date: 4/4/2014 702 Astoria Laser Clinic & Med Spa $125 Gift Certificate Quantity: 2 Spoil your face and body with treatments from Astoria Laser Clinic & Med Spa. Laser treatments, body sculpting, face tightening, injections and more. Provided compliments of Viva Tysons Magazine. See www.astorialaserclinic.com for more details on services available. Two separate certificates available for bid. Donor: Viva Tysons Magazine/Linda Barrett 703 Choose a Sermon Topic for Rev. Laura Quantity: 1 Here's your chance to choose a topic for one of Rev. Laura's sermons. Laura will treat you to lunch to explore your topic and we'll schedule the sermon on a mutually agreeable date. Look forward to hearing what's on your mind! Donor: Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig 704 Flaming Chalice Room Accent - Large Quantity: 1 Invite an unique flaming chalice into your home or workplace. 12 inch glass bowl filled with river stones. Metallic glass votive softens the candle's glow. Water may be added. Use as a component of your spiritual practice or as an interior decoration. Donor: Peggy & Tom Hillman 705 Flaming Chalice Room Accent - Medium Quantity: 1 Invite an unique flaming chalice into your home or workplace. 5"h, 5"w, 11"L cream ceramic container partially filled with river stones. Metallic glass votive softens the candle's glow. Use as a component of your spiritual practice or as an interior decoration. Donor: Peggy & Tom Hillman 706 Flaming Chalice Room Accent - Small Quantity: 1 Invite an unique flaming chalice into your home or workplace. 5" h, 4 1/2" diameter glass container filled with river stones. Brown metal "nest" candle holder. Use as a component of your spiritual practice or as an interior decoration. Donor: Peggy & Tom Hillman 707 Handmade Wooden Carved Chalice Wooden carved 12" round chalice from Sign of the Spirit Donor: Bob & Meredith Carr Quantity: 1 708 Introduction to Qigong (Chi Gung) Quantity: 10 This is an introduction to Qigong exercises designed to improve one’s postural alignment and body function, increase energy, flexibility and muscle tone based on the Chinese conception of internal energy flow called Chi. Led by Furman Riley, accredited teacher of both Tai Chi Chih and Qigong with over 17 years’ experience in each discipline. Saturday, April 26, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Rooms 3 & 4, UUCF Program Building. Light snacks provided mid-way through workshop. Donor: Furman Riley Date: 4/26/2014 709 Kayak (Well-Loved, Must Be Picked-Up) Quantity: 1 Old edition of the Perception Sierra recreational kayak. Perfect for paddling down the Shenandoah River, even through minor rapids. For beginners and intermediate paddlers. Huge cockpit allowed me to take along a small dog or child on flatwater. Tracks well for a recreational kayak, nimble in eddies and tight spots. Easy to handle, stable. About 40 lbs and 11 feet. Well used, full of scratches, but functions like new. Will not be at the auction - picture only. Buyer must pick up from donor after auction. Donor: Andrea 710 L'Occitane Shower Gel & Hand Cream Quantity: 1 The Pivoine Flora Shower Gel transforms into a light foam in contact with water. The shower gel gently cleanses the body, while respecting the natural hydration of the skin’s epidermis. The Pivoine Flora Hand Cream glides on and is absorbed rapidly, providing the hands with the nourishment and protection of shea butter. Both peony-scented with extract from the Drôme region of southern France. Donor: Robin Finnell 711 Massage (Customized One-Hr in Ashburn) Quantity: 1 A gift certificate for use with Antoinette Ayoub, a Massage Therapist in Ashburn who is highly recommended by the donor. The certificate is good for a 1-hour session, which will be customized to your needs. Antoinette does relaxation, deep tissue, and sports massage, so it can be one or more of those types of massage. Antoinette is sweet, warm, and professional. Donor: Petinaux Family 712 Murad Facial at Massage Envy, Vienna Quantity: 2 Choose from one of four Murad skin facials (Environmental Shield Vitamin C, or Clarifying Enzyme Acne, or AntiAging, or Sensitive Skin) redeemable at Massage Envy, 126-A Branch Road, Vienna. Expires 5/1/14. See www.massageenvy.com for more details on these facials. Two separate facials available. Donor: Massage Envy Vienna 713 One Month Unlimited Yoga Pass - Beloved Yoga Studio Quantity: 1 One month unlimited yoga pass for Beloved Yoga located at 12001 Sunrise Valley Rd., Reston. Must be activated within one year. Extensive class schedule available at www.belovedyoga.com. Donor: Beloved Yoga 714 Ritual of Your Choice Quantity: 2 Let the Women's Spirit Council create a one-of-a-kind ritual for exactly what you need! A house blessing? A new baby coming? Need more positive energy? A healing ceremony? A new venture or path? Whatever it is, we can do it! Date TBD by Auction Winner. Two separate rituals are available. Donor: Women's Spirit Council 715 Tai Chi Chih for Health, Energy, Serenity Quantity: 10 This is an introduction to Tai Chi Chih, an abbreviated series of simple movements that are easy for all ages to learn and do for a gentle, yet powerful centering experience. Regular practice can increase one’s serenity, stamina, flexibility and balance. Led by Furman Riley, accredited teacher of both Tai Chi Chih and Qigong with over 17 years experience in each discipline. Saturday, May 10, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Rooms 3 & 4, UUCF Program Building. Light snacks provided mid-way workshop. Donor: Furman Riley Date: 5/10/2014 716 UUCF Nametags Embroidered on Canvas Quantity: 10 Have you secretly envied others wearing these striking personalized embroidered nametags? Well, now you too can be the proud owner of your own - hand cross-stitched with your name and date of membership at UUCF. In colors of your choice too! Donor: Su Davis 717 Warm Cream Manicure at Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa Warm Cream Manicure provided by Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa in Reston, VA Donor: Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spas Quantity: 1 800 Professional Photographer - Pick My Brains - Improve Your Photos Quantity: 10 Spend four hours with Jim Tetro to learn more about photography. Ask him anything about photography, your camera, f-stops, shutter speeds, depth of field, action photography, etc. Jim has been a professional architectural photographer for 20 years; see http://www.jimtetro.com/Artist.asp?ArtistID=4285&Akey=2C782EMS. The bid amount is per person. Saturday, April 5. Donor: Jim Tetro Date: 4/5/2014 801 SCUBA Tune-Up Class Quantity: 4 For previously certified divers who would like to get back in the water and scuba dive! We'll review important knowledge in the classroom, and get in the pool to practice critical skills under water. When we're done, you'll be ready to get back into the swing of things -- just as you were when you first learned to dive. A certification of completion will be provided for your records. Saturday, May 24, 2014, but date is negotiable. Donor: Chris Kenny Date: 5/24/2014 802 Chef Ed’s Cooking Lessons: The Middle East Quantity: 8 Chef Ed returns with more of his practical and entertaining cooking lessons, this year turning to the Middle East. This is the classic Mediterranean diet: simple and healthy and delicious. Together, we’ll explore the history and ingredients of this ancient cuisine. In this full evening at the Sanctuary, you’ll help prepare a multi-course meal that teaches you cornerstone ingredients and techniques of this cuisine. You will enjoy your meal in a candlelit setting with friends and will go home with new ideas and recipes to explore on your own. 16 spaces are being auctioned for this event. Donor: Ed Groark Date: 9/26/2014 803 Camera Lessons Quantity: 1 Three 1-hour lessons in learning to use your digital or film (still) camera (not part of a smartphone - separate camera only). Must bring your manual. Expires 6 months after auction date. Donor: Sharon Henderson 804 Climbing Your Family Tree Quantity: 1 Interested in climbing your family tree? Wonder what resources you can find on the Internet? Spend two hours with Kristin Moyer, amateur genealogist, at her computer, seeing what can be found on Ancestry.com, Fold3, Family Search, and other sites. Enjoy sleuthing! Donor: Kristin Moyer 805 Computer, Home Wi-Fi and/or Smartphone Help Quantity: 1 Help for two hours with set-up or using a Windows PC, smart phone, or home Wi-Fi network. Support for beginnerlevel user. Arrange a mutually convenient date and hour in late afternoon, evening, or weekend. Donor: Neal Chandra 806 Celebrating Your Creative Spirit: An Art Lesson with a Professional Artist Quantity: 6 Whatever happened to painting freely like a child? Visit a professional artist's studio to let go of all your preconceived ideas of art making. All materials provided. Saturday, January 17, 2015 (3 - 5 pm) at my home studio. Donor: Shari MacFarlane Date: 1/17/2015 807 German Language Hour Quantity: 4 German conversation, vocabulary expansion, clarification of a lexical or grammatical conundrum, translation, company in watching a movie without subtitles, or hermeneutical interpretation with Barbara and Andrea. One hour at a mutually agreed time this spring. Offered 4 times. Donor: Andrea, Barbara Harding 808 Golf with Old Duffer Quantity: 3 Round of golf (18 holes) for 3 winning bidders with a senior golfer at Oak Marr's 9-hole course. The foursome (Bob and the 3 winners) will pick a date(s) and the host will schedule tee time(s). The foursome may decide to play 18 holes in 1 day or 9 holes each on 2 separate days. Donor: Bob McCarthy 809 Introduction to Pilates Mat Quantity: 2 Do you have a gym membership but are hesitant to take a class simply because you don't know what to expect? Or perhaps you're just curious and want to find out what the fuss is all about? Well then, this one-hour private session will teach you the basics: breathing, fundamentals, and basic Pilates movements. And because this is a session just for you, modifications to accommodate any injuries and/or challenges can be addressed. Arlene is a certified Pilates instructor through The PhysicalMind Institute with 10 years of teaching experience. She is accustomed to teaching in a gym environment in which most classes are multilevel. Donor: Arlene Wilder 810 Put My OCD to Good Use Quantity: 3 As an avid watcher of "Clean House" and active OCD sufferer, I actually enjoy organizing, cleaning, and sorting closets, garages, and spare rooms. We'll have an initial consultation, some design ideas, and a full 8-hour workday of cleaning and sorting. Donor: Matthew Reider 811 Tap Your Artistic Talent with Steve Myles Quantity: 1 Bring out your inner artist with four one-hour drawing lessons with Steve Myles, local artist. Learn the basics of stilllife drawing, portraiture, or landscape in charcoal or graphite. Lessons can be at my house or yours. Donor: Steve Myles 812 Urban Archery for Northern Virginia Deer Quantity: 5 This half-day workshop will cover what you need to know to become a successful deer bow hunter in Northern Virginia. Topics will include permits, finding land to hunt, where to practice, hunting from tree stands and blinds, and processing and preparation of food. Afternoon will end with a venison meal. Date to be determined in Spring 2014. Donor: Shawn Miller 813 Two Hours (or so) of Computer Technical Support Wizardry Quantity: 1 Windows Got You Down ? Singing the Desktop / Laptop Blues ? Internet = InterNOT ? Bid here for a professional Windows 7, Vista, XP onsite technical support session with a UUCF member proficient in repairs, installs, upgrades, cleanups, speedups, moves, transfers, syncs, backups, clone images, archives, security, file and print sharing, wireless, mobile devices, peripherals, music, pictures, email, Internet, and training. Parts and supplies not included. Donor: Joe Trimarchi 814 Private Presentation of Science, Reason & Religion Program by Albert Nekimken Quantity: 5 RE-CREATE THE EXPERIENCE: Over the course of the past few seasons of Sunday afternoon programs sponsored by UUCF's Science, Reason & Religion group, schedule conflicts prevented many people from attending highly-regarded presentations that they regretted having missed. Now is your chance to arrange for a private evening in either your home or mine, to experience one (or more) of Albert Nekimken's presentations (as described below). Each evening's presentation will provide for an exciting evening of SS&R-proven scintillating ideas! If scheduled at my home, a maximum of eight people may attend; if at your McMansion, attendance is unlimited. Choose from one of the following topics: Scientific Gospel Music; The Concept of the Afterlife Under the Lens of Science, Reason & Religion; The Edge of Science; The Sublime at the Intersection of Art, Science and Unitarian Universalism. Five separate presentations offered to 5 separate bidders. Dates to be mutually agreed with winners. Donor: Albert Nekimken 900 Parents' Night In (Cards Against Humanity) Quantity: 8 Join us for "a party game for horrible people." Have a sitter put the kids to bed and join us for Cards Against Humanity--it's the NC-17 version of Apples to Apples! Experience the best appetizers, beer and boxed wine Trader Joe's has to offer and enjoy the companionship of other religiously liberal horrible people. Hosted at the Hochberg house, Saturday, March 15, 2014, 8pm-11pm. Donor: Kathy & Ian Hochberg Date: 3/15/2014 901 March Madness Brackets Quantity: 100 Selection Sunday, when the bracket is unveiled, is March 16. [by 7:00 pm at [email protected]] 1. Fill out and turn in bracket by Monday, March 17th at 7:00pm 2. Watch March Madness 3. You will win a $50 Wizards Gift Pack by having the most points of all brackets. 4. Winner(s) will be notified after the championship game on April 7th. $5 cost per bracket. Bracket sheet included for sign-up. Donor: 9:15 6th & 7th Grade RE Class Date: 3/17/2014 902 "Cards Against Humanity" Night Quantity: 6 Are you a horrible person? Well, we are, or at least John is (he's a Republican). If you are unaware of it, Cards Against Humanity is based upon the game Apples to Apples, except that it is R-rated (and occasionally X-) and extremely politically incorrect. It is certainly in bad taste, and often inconsistent with a strict view of our Unitarian values. However, we were introduced to it at SUUSI by other UU's, and stayed up until three in the morning, often hyperventilating. Of course, there will be adult beverages served to lubricate the loss of verbal inhibition. Warning... if you are easily offended, either on your behalf or others, this is probably not the best item on which you should bid. Saturday, March 22, 7:30-10 pm Donor: John Miller & Marilynn Schuyler Date: 3/22/2014 903 Cribbage Quantity: 2 Looking to learn how to play cribbage or already know how and would like to get together to play? This may be the 'event' for you. For one or two new or experienced persons. Donor: Chris & Rob Sanders 904 Euro-Games for Adults Quantity: 10 Exercise your neurons (spatial, strategic, psychosocial, sneaky, competitive, and any others you can muster) playing a different kind of board game. Euro-games are attractive, interactive, invite friendly competition, and require concentration and planning. They are not at all like Parcheesi and Monopoly! Games can be played by 2 to 5 players, so we may have more than one game going at one time. We will have a selection of easy to moderately complex games. For a description of Euro games, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German-style_board_game and http://www.boardgamegeek.com/, or google “german games” and “designer games”. Saturday, March 29, 2014, 1-4 pm at UUCF. Donor: Andrea Date: 3/29/2014 905 Brunch & Bridge Quantity: 7 On Saturday, April 26th, come to my house for brunch at 11:30 a.m. after which we will play bridge until ???. There will be prizes, china, crystal and silver - the works - and a lot of fun. Donor: Elaine Keener Date: 4/26/2014 906 "Diplomacy" Game Day Quantity: 6 Jackson recently learned this classic game in his seventh grade PAWS program, one that John had not played in twenty years. If you know the game, it needs no description, and if the date fits, you will certainly bid, because when else would you get to play? If you do not know the game, think of Risk with seven equally strong countries, except the moves are simultaneous and there are no dice. On the other hand, you will have fifteen minute intervals between moves to negotiate and plan with your fellow players. If you survive, these games can take a while, hence the time frame. We will have lunch and snacks available; however, any Diplomacy player worth his salt will just grab and munch rather than miss a chance to scheme. Saturday, May 17, 10 AM - 4PM. Donor: John & Jackson Miller Date: 5/17/2014 907 Family Game Night Quantity: 2 Come join us for dinner and a late afternoon/evening of family-friendly games. Fun for children of all ages (particularly those old enough to read and participate on their own). This offering is for TWO families. Each bid is for one family. Date TBD. Donor: Mitch & Michelle Dekoven 908 Family Games Fun Pack Quantity: 1 Great for family vacations with travel games for all ages - including: Cranium Cadoo - ages 7 & up, Pictionary, 6 Decks of Cards, Travel Domino sets, Alix My Travel Game, Travel Chess Set, Travel Dart Game (safe, magnetic darts), Old Maid Card Game Donor: Leigh Geiger 909 Fun & Games Basket Quantity: 1 A basket full of fun and family-friendly games, donated by the Creekmores in honor of UUCF's YAC /Youth Adult Committee, and all of their hard work this year. Donor: Andrew, Susan, and Rob Creekmore 910 Bridge & Dessert Quantity: 11 This will be a casual evening of non-competitive bridge with a break for a choice of desserts. Nibbles and nonalcoholic beverages included. Location: my home in Oakton. Saturday, July 12th, 1:00pm. Donor: Judy Gallimore Date: 7/12/2014 911 Game of Games Night Quantity: 18 Sharpen your wits for a rousing night of team Jeopardy, Charades and Taboo at the Myles’ house. We will provide appetizers, libations, a light dinner and desserts to get your friendly competitive juices flowing. There is room for eighteen (18) contestants. Date: Saturday, September 27, 2014 at 6:30pm. Donor: Steve Myles Date: 9/27/2014 912 Ping-Pong & Dessert Quantity: 8 If you like ping-pong or you just want to join the “Ping Pong Peanut Gallery”, this event is for you! Dave and Nancy will host a casual evening with pick-up ping-pong games (singles and/or doubles), conversation, beverages, and dessert. Saturday, October 4, 2014 Saturday, October 4, 7:00 PM Donor: Dave Anderson & Nancy Rooney Date: 10/4/2014 913 Squash (the Game, Not the Vegetable) Quantity: 2 Let's play an hour of squash at the Aubrey Moore Rec Center. If you've never played, I'll teach you this fast-paced game (akin to racquetball) and provide the equipment. It's easy to learn and provides a great workout. Donor: Paul Riddle 1000 Scrumptious Soup Sampler Supper Quantity: Warm your heart and soul while dining on a variety of scrumptious soups. Salad, bread and dessert included. Saturday, April 5, 2014 Donor: Craig Clark, Linda Clark, Bob Kaminski, Catherine Ives, Tom Hillman, Peggy Hillman Date: 4/5/2014 12 1001 Lovely Ladies Luncheon Quantity: 9 In the 1950s, my mother-in-law and her three best friends deemed themselves "The Lovelies." Over the years, the Lovelies' highlight was a luncheon downtown, wearing their best dresses, hats and gloves, leaving their 17 children at home. The 2014 Lovelies' Luncheon is waiting for you! We'll gather at my home for a 1950’s-themed event, on china, with silver. Dessert will feature the vintage tea-cup collection my mother-in-law started for me. And we'll take a group photo of the new version of the Lovelies. Appropriate attire is requested. (I can provide hats and gloved if needed.) Saturday, April 26, 2014. Donor: Deborah Kennedy Date: 4/26/2014 1002 Victorian Afternoon Tea Quantity: 10 You are graciously invited to afternoon tea. Please arrive around 2:30pm. We'll have Grandmother's tea cups and linens. There will be finger sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam, and family treats. Of course there will an assortment of tea. Saturday, April 26, 2014. Donor: Laureen Branting Date: 4/26/2014 1003 Indian Dinner - Gratitude & Compassion: A Science, Reason and Religion Ashram Quantity: 6 Immerse yourself in the spicy, rich, complex flavors of India. Join us for a vegetarian dinner of appetizers, rice, complex curries, breads, chutneys, pickles and dessert. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages provided. We’ll share thoughts, experiences and wisdom on how to bring greater gratitude and compassion into our lives. Festivities are set for the evening of Saturday, April 26, starting at 6:30 PM at Marie Ann Leyko and Jerry Poje’s Vienna home. Donor: Jerry Poje Date: 4/26/2014 1004 New Orleans Badass Dinner Party! Quantity: 8 Who Dat coming to party? It's back -- Our New Orleans dinner party featuring mouth-watering dishes including Ambrosia and Gumbo, Nola drinks on the deck, and music by Louis Armstrong and the Brassaholics, Have a taste of what's good and Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler! Saturday, April 26, 2014. Donor: Natasha Peterson Date: 4/26/2014 1005 Beer Tasting Quantity: 8 Consider yourself a beer connoisseur? Test your knowledge of local and imported beers or come to learn! We will supply heavy appetizers and plenty of beers to taste in a casual and fun environment. (Vienna, VA) Saturday, May 3, 2014. Donor: Jean & Bruce Wyman Date: 5/3/2014 1006 Dinner Party with Virginia State Delegate Mark Keam Quantity: 6 Join us for dinner with Mark Keam (Delegate for Virginia's 35th District) and his wife Alex. Dinner will be at the home of Jim & Amy Porter on the evening of Saturday May 3, 2014. Donor: Jim & Amy Porter Date: 5/3/2014 1007 Ssssmmmokin! Quantity: 8 Now we're talkin'! Fire and smoke. Wild, alder-smoked salmon from the Pacific Northwest. Made-from-scratch smoky chicken & corn chowder. And to top it all off, some of the best smoked turkey you've ever had. Period. We're starting the organic, free-range turkey the day before...brine and herbs for 12-24 hours. Then, the turkey spends all day in the smoker over apple wood and mesquite, steamed and basted constantly to be mouthwateringly moist. And Ted will be prepared with beverage pairings to boot. Can you hear the low-down, smoky blues? Join us at 6:30pm for a great evening. Sunday, May 4, 2014. Donor: Ted & Linnea Nelson Date: 5/4/2014 1008 Spanish Tapas Bar Dinner - Wine & Bites Quantity: 8 Come join our tapas bar for a delightful evening of delicious Spanish tapas and wine. We'll pair traditional, homemade, freshly prepared tapas with wines from Catalonia (Cava), Galicia (Albarino), Rioja and Jerez (Sherry). Hosted by the Leons and the Snyders at the Snyders. Saturday, May 17, 2014. Donor: Bobbi Jo & Jeff Snyder, Raymon & Gisela Leon Date: 5/17/2014 1009 Japanese Tea Ceremony & Dinner Quantity: 4 Rev. Laura's husband John lived in Okinawa, Japan for 7 years and practices traditional Japanese arts. We'll welcome four UUCFers to our home for a simple Okinawan meal, followed by a tea ceremony in the Urasenke style. You'll get to taste the delicious, bracing thick green tea used in the tea ceremony, enjoy the beautiful bowls and implements that John has collected, and learn about the philosophy behind this practice of moving meditation. Sunday, June 1, 2014. **Note if bidding supports it on auction night, donors may add a second event for an additional four people on a different night. Donor: Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig & John B. Ludwig Date: 6/1/2014 1010 Spaghetti Dinner with the UUCF Board of Directors Quantity: 10 Come out for dinner with the Board on a beautiful summer evening. We'll sit on the patio and enjoy the evening together. The waterfall will be trickling down the hill and if it's not too warm, you can jump in the hot tub. Family friendly, bring your children. Saturday, June 7, 2014. Donor: UUCF Board of Directors Date: 6/7/2014 1011 Afternoon Tea in the Garden Quantity: 4 A gracious afternoon tea in the garden, weather permitting, under the shade of a willow oak, listening to the gentle sounds of a waterfall. Traditional sandwiches, scones, and sweets will be served with the tea. Relax, sip, savor. Ladies, you are invited to wear your prettiest summer dresses and hats. Think Downton Abbey. Sunday, June 8th, at two o'clock. Donor: Kristin Moyer Date: 6/8/2014 1012 One Taco, Two Taco, Three -- Dinner Quantity: 4 Join us for a family-friendly evening of tacos, margaritas and fun, served on our large screened porch, weatherpermitting. Each slot is for one family. Date TBD. Donor: Janet & Michael Sifers 1013 Celebrate with Dumplings Quantity: 8 Dumplings are the traditional Chinese festival food. It is a whole meal wrapped in one--complete with proteins, vegetables, and starch. It is low fat, healthy, and delicious. Bring your family to learn to make dumplings and enjoy the fruit of your labor. (Note: Stuffing will contain pork.) Sunday, July 13, 2014 Donor: Lars and Connie Genieser Date: 7/13/2014 1014 An Evening of Top-Shelf Cocktails Quantity: 6 From vodka to gin and rye to rum, the world of cocktails offers something for everyone. Come join us for a spirited evening to sip a favorite standard, like a dry martini or classic Manhattan, or try something different, like a Monkey's Gland or Goat's Delight. We'll enjoy heavy appetizers as we trade tales of favorite watering holes, most memorable drinks, and the cocktail-fueled adventures (or misadventures) we've enjoyed. This isn't any rail drinks happy hour; we're breaking out the top-shelf bottles, so bid high to be among the 6 lucky people to enjoy this spirited evening. Saturday, August 2, 2014. Donor: Christine & Mark Stencel Date: 8/2/2014 1015 Streets of Paris Brunch Quantity: 10 Aaahh, Paris. Sleep in, wander out to your favorite cafe mid-morning for coffee and a pastry. The Eiffel Tower in the distance. We don't have the Eiffel Tower, but you can sleep in and join us at 11 am for a fabulous brunch! We'll greet you at the door with champagne and begin with Grand Marnier crepes. There will be Eggs Florentine, fresh pastries made with butter, preserves, fresh fruit, and wonderful fresh-roasted and ground coffee. And, of course, chocolate! Come join us! Saturday, August 9, 2014 Donor: Ted & Linnea Nelson Date: 8/9/2014 1016 The Snyder Annual BBQ Pool Party Join us for a casual poolside BBQ (smoked meats) and fun in the pool. Donor: Bobbi Jo & Jeff Snyder Date: 8/9/2014 Quantity: 20 1017 3D Deck Party Quantity: 10 Dinner - delectable summer salads and piquant Bar-B-Q Drinks - eclectic selection of amber liquids, iced tea, wines, sodas Discussion - scintillating repartee on news of the day/week/month/eons on our Deck. Bring your appetites whet your whistles - slake your thirst - enjoy old & new friends in relaxing, low-key setting. Saturday, August 16, 2014. Donor: Bob and Joy Hatfield Date: 8/16/2014 1018 Beer-Tasting in Honor of Bennington Battle Day Quantity: 8 Come try a variety of beers, along with plenty of "better than bar" food, as we celebrate the Battle of Bennington (Vermont), the real turning point of the American Revolutionary War. Paul will explain the history as he learned it as a child in Bennington. We'll honor the winners (and commiserate over the losers) of that world-changing event with beers from the US (including Vermont), Great Britain, and Germany (there were Hessian mercenaries on the losing side). Saturday, August 16 at 6 PM. Donor: Paul & Katherine Riddle Date: 8/16/2014 1100 Brazilian Dinner Quantity: 6 Come experience a traditional Brazilian meal with salad, Picanha (Top Sirloin), Rice and Beans seasoned exactly the way it is done in Brazil. For dessert, we'll offer passion fruit mousse and Brazilian expresso. The dinner will be prepared by Luciana and David, both Brazilians born in Brasília, Brazil's capital. We have offered many Brazilian dinners to friends and neighbors and made many of them fall in love with the Brazilian gastronomy. And it's been a hit for 3 years running at the Bull Run (Manassas) UU auction. Saturday, September 6, 2014. Donor: Luciana Navarro & David Fleischer Date: 9/6/2014 1101 Tiki Tacky Party Quantity: 7 Bennett’s second annual retro night of tropical fun. Wear your Hawaiian shirt or a coconut bra and grass skirt and enjoy an array of tempting island fare. Prepare to be dazzled by the lost art of exotic cocktail making by Trader Natalie, our personal bartender (and daughter). Her specialties include Mai Tai’s and Blood of the Kapu Tiki, all made with real fruit juices and specialty rums. Come find out how many foods can actually be served on a stick. Play Tiki Trivia and win fabulous, Tacky, er…..Tiki prizes!! Saturday, September 13, 2014. 14 spaces will be auctioned for the event. Donor: Craig & Susan Bennett Date: 9/13/2014 1102 A Delectable Stop on the Silk Road: Indian Dinner Quantity: 6 A home-cooked, multi-course dinner consisting of vegetarian and meat dishes inspired by our Indian cookbook. Children are welcome and will be provided playmates. Saturday, September 20, 2014 - 5:30-9:30 pm Bid only for adult places at the table. Donor: Shari MacFarlane, Don Andress, Renee & Tom McMillen, Anne Walters Date: 9/20/2014 1103 An Evening of Storytelling Quantity: 8 Join us in our home for hors d'oeuvres and dinner served beginning at 6:30 p.m. A sharing of our stories will follow. Stories can either be a personal story (remember they don't have to be true, just interesting), a traditional folktale from the U.S. or anywhere else in the world, or a tale you like that you will read to the other guests. Logistical details to follow. This event is on Saturday, September 20, 2014. Donor: Randy Adams & Mary Jo Smrekar Date: 9/20/2014 1104 I LOVE This Wine! Quantity: 30 Join us for a great evening of wine, stories, and a bit of friendly competition. We'll provide gourmet cheeses and other finger foods, as well as plenty of bottled waters. You (or you and your partner each, if you prefer) bring a bottle of your favorite wine for everyone to taste. Here's the only catch: the wine must be $15 or less per bottle. You write up a few notes on what makes this wine special and leave it by the bottle. No one knows who brought each wine, but everyone gets to vote for their 5 favorite wines of the evening. The people who brought the winning red and the winning white will each take home a great bottle from Ted's cellar. But we all get to try some wines that others recommend -- I LOVE this wine! Friday, September 26, 2014 Donor: Ted & Linnea Nelson Date: 9/26/2014 1105 Austrian Dinner Quantity: Enjoy a traditional, four-course Austrian dinner for six, including wine and schnapps. Vegetarian options are available. Saturday, September 26, 2014. Donor: Bruno & Joanna Walker Date: 9/26/2014 6 1106 Bubbly with the Board of Directors “Come quickly, I am tasting stars.” – Dom Perignon 12 Quantity: You are cordially invited to join UUCF’s Board of Directors for an evening of “tasting stars.” Sample sparkling wines, bubbly cocktails, light bites and effervescent non-alcoholic libations. Please note, this is an adults-only gathering. Saturday, September 27, 2014 at the Caires' home. Donor: Jennifer Caires Date: 9/27/2014 1107 Virginia Is for Wine Lovers - Wine Tasting at the Jensens Quantity: 8 October is Drink Local Wine month. Here is your chance to sample many of Virginia's finest wines and you don't have to go any farther than Centreville. Kurt and Carol Jensen have been traveling the Commonwealth for years now and blogging about it at http://wineaboutvirginia.blogspot.com. We will open our stores to let you experience some of the best we have found. We will present comparative tastings and light fare at a relaxing sit-down event. Saturday, October 18, 2014. Donor: Kurt & Carol Jensen Date: 10/18/2014 1108 Greek Dinner - YASOU! Quantity: 6 Enjoy a wonderful & tasty multi-course Greek dinner with us at our home. We’ll have authentic Greek food appetizers, main course, side dishes, dessert, and more! Apolayste ena thaymasio ellhniko geyma me mas! Sunday, October 19, 2014. Donor: Henry Zoller & Judith Keith Date: 10/19/2014 1109 Dinner Bourguignon - A Rare Dining Experience Quantity: 8 Burgundian country food is delicious and comforting on a chilly fall evening. Join Dave and Mary Lareau for some of their favorite traditional, exceptional dishes and superb wine pairings from the Burgundy region of France. NOTE: Meat, seafood and gluten will be served during this meal. Saturday, November 15, 2014. Donor: David & Mary Lareau Date: 11/15/2014 1110 Ladies Who Lunch with Mary Lareau - Sixth Annual Event Quantity: 7 Mary's switching things up a little this year. Instead of tea, scones and finger sandwiches, she's serving luncheon to a cozy group of interesting UUCF women. Join us! Saturday, January 17, 2015. Donor: Mary Lareau Date: 1/17/2015 1200 Stroll & Stop in the Woods Quantity: 6 Leisurely walk through a wooded natural area near the Potomac, with lots of stops to look and listen for who and what might be around. Who knows what we'll find? Unstructured setting. Muddy paths, stream crossings, rocky and brushy shortcuts are likely. For any age. Children must be supervised by parent/guardian. Meet at 8 am in Reston to carpool, return whenever we decide, no later than noon. Saturday, April 5, 2014. Donor: Andrea Date: 4/5/2014 Science, Reason & Religion’s “Not just Gravity, but Gravitas” Quantity: 10 Tour of the Universe Join Nobel Laureate, Astrophysicist John C. Mather as he guides us through NASA’s Goddard Space Center, including an intimate view of the clean room where the James Webb telescope is being birthed. We’ll also check out Goddard’s Visitor Center with its stunning exhibits describing space exploration programs using interactive displays, satellite models, and rocket-flight hardware. Bring your oldest and deepest questions. Family friendly, but bidding is per person. Suggested donation a gram of dark matter per person. Tour date: Sunday, April 13, 2014 starting at noon at the Goddard Center in Beltsville, MD and lasting for 2.5 hours. Carpooling will be negotiated. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/visitor/home/faq.html#.UvPyg0JdVFJ http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2006/mather-bio.html Donor: Jerry Poje & Marie Ann Leyko Date: 4/13/2014 1201 1202 Bird Watching & Picnic Lunch Quantity: 6 Walk with an experienced birder to learn about the birds around Lake Accotink in Springfield. Then stop for a picnic lunch in the park. Bring binoculars if possible. Rescheduled in case of rain. Saturday, May 10, 2014, from 10am-1pm. Donor: Bill & Martha Ades Date: 5/10/2014 1203 Nature Hike along Difficult Run Stream Quantity: 12 A 2-hour leisurely hike along Difficult Run stream starting from Hunter Mill Road. We might see some wildlife (e.g., deer, fox, beaver, great blue heron, pileated woodpecker, etc.) and hear about the history (e.g., old mill sites and still existing mill race, activity during the Civil War) along this historic stretch of Difficult Run. Saturday, May 12, 2014. Donor: David Saunders Date: 5/10/2014 1204 Shenandoah Valley Nature Hike & BBQ Dinner Quantity: 6 Take in the Fall colors with a scenic hike in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. After all that exercise, you can rest and rejuvenate at our cabin nestled in the trees. Relax in front of the fire with tasty appetizers and then enjoy a hearty BBQ dinner. You’ve earned it! Saturday, September 27, 2014. Donor: Deborah Freeman & Roger Helm Date: 9/27/2014 1205 An Afternoon on Sycamore Island Quantity: 1 Enjoy canoeing and swimming in an idyllic, natural setting near Washington DC. Look for eagles nesting across the river. Savor a gourmet picnic. Your party of six will be guests at the Sycamore Island Club, which Washingtonian Magazine has dubbed the area's "hardest club to join". Date TBD Spring - Fall 2014. Donor: Ann Marie & John Cunningham 1206 Cinema Arts Theatre Gift Card Quantity: $50 gift card to Cinema Arts Theatre (movie), Fair City Mall in Fairfax VA www.cinemaartstheatre.com Donor: Janet Dwire & Francine York 1 1207 Harley Ride Quantity: 5 Jump on the back of my Harley and tell me where you want to go within 50 miles of UUCF! Maybe a glass of wine in Middleburg? Drop off and pick up from work or school? Or a cruise around the sweet back roads of northern Virginia! I'm offering 5 individual rides on days to be mutually agreed. Donor: Adam Davidson 1300 Handyman Services by Ken Foley Custom Homes Quantity: 4 Win four hours of Handyman Services at your home by Ken Foley - local homebuilder, remodeler, and master carpenter with over 40 years of experience. Ken holds a VA Class "A" Contractors License. Time to be mutually agreed and must be before Dec 31, 2014, if possible. Four offers of 4 hours each are available to different bidders. Donor: Ken Foley Custom Homes 1301 Junk Removal Quantity: 1 Let us take the load off you! We come in and clear out your junk! You point to whatever you want removed and we do all the loading and work! Removal of one load (up to 15 cubic yards) of junk. Please schedule appointment through UUCF member Rick Galliher, not through the 800 number or website. Northern Virgina area only. Donor: 1-800-Got-Junk? 1302 Life Coaching by Dr. Patricia A. Morgan, Ph. D., L.C.S.W. Quantity: 1 Get focused on your "bucket list". Become inspired by four one-hour life coaching sessions, beginning with a lifebalance assessment. Learn how you can complete one goal on your "bucket list" within a more balanced life. See my website for more information: www.adultfamilycareer.com. Donor: Dr. Patricia A. Morgan, Ph. D., L.C.S.W. 1303 LifeForce Coaching Sessions (Six) by Paula Lubreski Quantity: 1 As a certified coach, I am excited to offer six sessions of tailored coaching for a woman in a leadership position looking to reignite her spirit. LifeForce coaching is based on the principles of authentic and value-based leadership. I invite you to join me on this guided adventure to increasing your energy and focus as you lead others to new heights. Donor: Paula Lubreski 1304 Making Your Home Handicapped Accessible Quantity: 3 Will offer my education and experience, in your home, to make your home handicapped accessible. Dale is an engineer who will go through your home with you and provide you a plan to make your home safe for handicapped and aging family members. Date to be mutually agreed. Three separate offerings are available for bid. Donor: Dale Daucher, P.E. 1305 One Hour Business Marketing Consultation by All the Buzz Quantity: 2 Need more sales? Need marketing help but don't know whom to ask? Here's your opportunity to ask your questions to a full-time Sales & Marketing Consultant and former Director of Marketing. Whether you have a small business or a larger company, or are just starting out on your own, you will get great new ideas and tactics designed to create buzz about your business. Two separate one-hour consultations are being provided by Linda Barrett, All the Buzz. www.allthebuzz.net. Donor: All the Buzz 1306 One Hour of Legal Services by Steve Gold Quantity: 3 One-hour consultation with an experienced attorney in the areas of wills, trusts, domestic relations, or business law. Steve is offering a one-hour session to three different bidders. Donor: Stephen A. Gold 1400 $100 Off a $400 Energy Audit Quantity: 5 Get a comprehensive Energy Audit for $100 off. Make a donation to UUCF and pay the rest of the cost to Edge Energy. 5 Available. Contact Jody Solell for more information. Donor: Edge Energy 1401 Comprehensive Home Energy Audits Quantity: 3 EDGE Energy is offering three comprehensive HOME ENERGY AUDITS, each valued at $400! There is an interesting secret in the energy audit world: every house leaks. And every house can benefit from upgrading insulation, windows, HVAC systems, lighting, and appliances. The Energy Audit will show you the most cost-effective measures for reducing the electrical/gas/water consumption of the entire building. Suggested upgrades will have your return on investment (ROI) calculated by DOE-approved BEACON Home Energy Advisor software. Specifically target energy efficiency upgrades and weatherization services that have a simple payback of (10) years or less (10% ROI). Correct any combustion safety failures as specified by BPI (Building Performance Institute) Technical Standards for the Building Analyst Professional Combustion Safety Action Level Table. Maintain proper ventilation requirements and health and safety standards before and after Weatherization, as specified by the BPI Technical Standards. Note: You don't need the coupon being offered in the other Edge Energy auction item if you win this full Home Energy Audit. Please schedule with Jody Solell by April 15, 2014. Donor: Edge Energy 1402 Golden Garden Genies (Worm Composting) Quantity: 20 Lusting for the biggest pumpkin in the neighborhood? Giant Dahlias? Tomatoes to die for? Turn food scraps into garden gold soil. Become a Master Bioneer. We’ll supply the materials and training and the magical genie annelids (Eisenia spp.). Within weeks, you’ll be harvesting a rich biodynamic harvest of golden castings. $20 per unit and training on Saturday, April 19 at 10 AM. Donor: Jerry Poje Date: 4/19/2014 1403 Solar Site Assessment for Solar Panel Feasibility Quantity: 3 If you're seriously considering installing solar panels on your home, which normally costs $20,000 - $40,000, you should first get a Solar Site Assessment to determine if your house is a good fit for solar panels. Do you get enough sunlight to make it feasible? Find out by winning an assessment (value is $110). Three are being offered. Donor: Edge Energy 1500 Amphora Restaurant & Bakery $50 Gift Certificate Quantity: 1 $50 Gift Certificate for Amphora Restaurant & Bakery in Vienna and Herndon. Visit this family-friendly restaurant serving a wide range of food and European-style pastry. www.amphoragroup.com Donor: Amphora Restaurant 1501 Cantina D'Italia (Herndon) 20% Discount Coupon Quantity: 1 Family owned and operated Italian restaurant located in Herndon is offering a 20% discount coupon for a party of four (4) or less, valid until March 8, 2015 (no other restrictions). See http://www.cantinaditalia.com/. Donor: Cantina D' Italia 1502 Foster's Grille Family Discount Package #1 Quantity: 1 $10 Gift Certificate PLUS BOGO (buy one, get one free) adult meal, PLUS 1 free kids meal. In other words, with this package of vouchers, you pay for 1 adult meal (you can use the certificate for that) and also get 2 free meals (1 adult and 1 child). See the menu at http://www.fostersgrille.com/ Donor: Foster's Grille 1503 Foster's Grille Family Discount Package #2 Quantity: Two BOGO (buy one, get one free) adult meals, PLUS 2 free kids meals. In other words, with this package of vouchers, you pay for 2 adult meals and also get 4 free meals (2 adults and 2 children). See the menu at http://www.fostersgrille.com/. Donor: Foster's Grille 1 1504 Jasmine Cafe - 3 Course Dinner for Two Quantity: 1 Includes, for each diner, one starter, main course and dessert. Beverage, tax and gratuity not included. This donation expires on 07/08/14. Jasmine Café in Reston offers contemporary American cuisine with a twist. Chef Eduardo is passionate about discovering new foods and new techniques, so that there is always something interesting and new on the menu. Our cozy Reston bistro is the perfect place to dine with friends, chat with Chef Eduardo, and experience one of Northern Virginia's most charming areas - Lake Anne Plaza. Browse menus here: http://www.jasminecafeatlakeanne.com/#!menus Donor: Jasmine Cafe at Lake Anne 1600 A Touch of Class Necklace Quantity: A handmade necklace designed with a variety of beads and sterling silver. A Touch of Class is a one-of-a-kind creation! Artist also does commissioned work. Check out sweetpcreations on Facebook! Donor: Precious Crabtree 1 1601 Copper Earrings Quantity: 1 Make a fabulous fashion statement with these gorgeous copper and silver metallic hanging earrings. The copper is in rectangles with a wave design, highlighted by silver metallic thin wire that dangles freely in the middle of each earring. The silver metallic posts hang extra long in the back so there's no danger of losing these lovely pieces. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1602 Doncaster Silver & Crystal Necklace Quantity: 1 Doncaster necklace made of multi-shaped crystal drops on a wide Rhodium-plated chain. It is 18" inches long with a 3" extension. Made in the USA Donor: Robin Finnell 1603 Exotic Hand-Beaded Earrings & Necklace Lovely earthtone hand-made beaded necklace and matching pair of pierced earrings Donor: Henry Zoller & Judith Keith Quantity: 1 1604 Ghanaian Glass Necklace Quantity: 1 Necklace of brass and recycled glass made by women in Ghana to support education for impoverished Ghanaian children though the Sub-Saharan Education Project, a non-profit founded by former UUCF RE student, Sara (AdkinsHastings) Allegra, daughter of members Karen Adkins-Hastings and Furman Riley. Donor: Karen Adkins-Hastings 1605 Green Evening Jacket Green Jacket with decoration - Size L Donor: Carol Calvert Quantity: 1 1606 Native American Belt Buckle Quantity: 1 Hand-made Native American belt buckle from the store Albuquerque East. Beautiful fan design with turquoise, silver, and other stones (still boxed, never worn). Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1607 Necklace, Earrings, & Bracelet Set Quantity: 1 This earring, bracelet, and necklace costume-jewelry set is fun and perfect for that summer outfit at the beach. The colors are translucent cut crystal with an accent of turquoise greens and gold metallic. The necklace features five graduated squares, set with gold metallic chain; the stretch bracelet has three squares; and the earrings are one square each. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1608 Purple Sequin Coach Evening Clutch Bag Quantity: Purple sequin Coach clutch bag. Fits under your arm. Detachable strap included. Never used. Donor: Jo Anne Gild 1 1609 Sequined Jacket Black Sequined Jacket - Size XL Donor: Carol Calvert Quantity: 1 1610 Sequined Pants Black Sequined Pants - Size XL Donor: Carol Calvert Quantity: 1 1611 Stella & Dot Mixed Media Necklace Quantity: 1 This delicate necklace with a mix of glass pearls, faceted hematite beads, pave balls, channel set CZ stones, and our signature rhodium-plated clover alternating on a rhodium-plated chain, can be worn long or short for any occasion. Short strand measures approximately 35.5" in length. Long strand measures approximately 40" in length. Lobster clasp closure. Lead & nickel safe. Donor: Robin Finnell 1612 Sterling Silver Earrings & Brooch Quantity: 1 Beautiful handmade contemporary style pair of pierced earrings and matching brooch that will complement any outfit with their swirling pattern. Donor: Henry Zoller & Judith Keith 1613 Turkish Fine Cotton Scarf & Scarf Slide Quantity: 1 The lovely cotton scarf, purchased in Turkey, is hand embroidered around the edge in a distinctive green and red pattern. The scarf is white, with a red, green, and lavender flower pattern. Complementing the scarf is a unique scarf slide, from Harpers Ferry WV, which can be used with any scarf to create a unique style of necklace. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1614 Turkish Scarf with Scarf Slide (Lavender & Green) Quantity: 1 This lovely cotton scarf, purchased in Turkey, is hand embroidered around the edge in a distinctive purple and white pattern. The scarf is white, with delicate lavender flowers and leaves. Complementing the scarf is a unique scarf slide, from Harpers Ferry WV, which can be used with any scarf to create a unique style of necklace. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1700 "Wheely" Cute Wall Hanging Quantity: 1 This brand-new, sweet, tag-shaped wooden wall hanging reads, "Welcome, we are wheely, wheely glad you are here!". Hospitable, pun-loving bicyclists, you want this! Donor: Kim Condas 1701 'Admiral Fitzroy' Storm Glass Barometer Quantity: 1 The Storm Glass Barometer is a copy of one created in the mid-1800s, named for Admiral Robert Fitzroy, who accompanied Charles Darwin's expedition. He designed this 'better' storm glass and it comes with a lovely wooden stand and clear directions for how to forecast the weather. Be ready for the next snow event! Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1702 12 Things to Make Besides Money Alarm Clock Quantity: 1 On our 12 Things to Make Besides Money Alarm Clock, instead of numbers, you'll see reminders of the important things in life. The second hand is a small leaf that floats around the clock as it counts the seconds. Made in the USA. Donor: Robin Finnell 1703 African Animals Night Light Quantity: 1 Hand-made night-light of cream-colored porcelain. Measures 3" x 4", decorated with an African design of elephants and a giraffe. Donor: Claire Davis 1704 Alpaca Blanket Quantity: Beautiful 100% Alpaca blanket made in Peru. Soft, light, and warm. Lovely blue, brown, and cream colors complement any decor. Dimensions are 5' x 6'. Donor: Lola Quintela 1 1705 Antique Ironstone Pitcher Antique White Ironstone Pitcher with lid; 10 inches tall. Donor: Scott, Shirley & Mary Santulli 1 Quantity: 1706 Antique Typewriter Quantity: 1 Portable Underwood from about 1923, taken to the South Pacific during the 1920's by my stepfather, who joined the Navy at age 17. He was born in 1906. Donor: Jo Anne Gild 1707 Avian Estates - Hand-Made Bird House Quantity: 3 Do you dream of feathering your nest in an Avian Estates home? Now is your chance! Using only the best recycled materials, we will build your next new home to order. Collaborate with the architect to select color schemes, curtains, and a myriad of other details. Home will be ready for move-in this Spring! Donor: Ron & Marsha Giusti 1708 Basket of Fresh-Cut Spring Flowers by Kristin Moyer Quantity: 1 A small charming basket filled with spring flowers and symbols of the season, designed for your dinner table or other table in your home. Created by Kristin Moyer, one of the flower designers at UUCF. Present it to a loved one or enjoy it yourself. To be collected at church on a mutually agreeable date in April or May. Donor: Kristin Moyer 1709 Brass Candlesticks Lovely set of 2 solid-brass candlesticks in a unique swirling design. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron Quantity: 1 1710 Brass Candlesticks - Set of 3 Quantity: 1 Lovely set of three brass candlesticks based on a design in the Shelburne Museum in Deerfield, Mass, part of the American Museum Brass Collection by Baldwin based on original designs from the early 19th century (boxed, sealed and never used). Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1711 Crystal Lamp Chain Pull Quantity: 1 Add a touch of charm and elegance to your lamp or ceiling fan chain with this finely shaped crystal pull. (Never used) Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1712 Cut Glass Tabletop Picture Frame Quantity: 1 Clear, sculpted Mikasa glass picture frame. Great item for holding that really special 8"x10" photo that you always wanted to display. Still boxed, never used. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1713 Decorative Wooden Cattails, Hand-carved & Painted Quantity: 1 Four hand-painted, wooden cattails. Two are yellow, one is red, and one is green; they're each 3' tall. Make a bold, colorful primitive arts & crafts statement with these unique items, in their large glass display vase. (New; never used) Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1714 Display Plant Small dried plant arrangement in basket Donor: Claire Davis Quantity: 1 1715 Hand-Made Large Birdhouse Quantity: 1 Large, durable two-storied birdhouse with 4 holes and perches, hand-made with metal rood (new, never used). Perfect for that large family of neighborhood songbirds who need extra room for their growing flock. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1716 Hand-Thrown Pottery Bowl Handmade pottery bowl, glazed in a mixture of browns and blues. Donor: Tom & Karen Grycewicz Quantity: 1 1717 Hand-thrown Pottery Bowl Quantity: 1 Hand-made pottery bowl decorated with two fish in shades of rose and blue. Nice size and depth for serving seafood pastas or holding those sea shells you've collected. This item has never been used. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1718 Lenox Candy or Soap Tray with Handmade Local Soaps Quantity: 1 Elegant, cream Lenox porcelain tray, with gold rim and cutouts along the sides. This item also includes two bars of locally produced, handmade soaps (Pumpkin Spice and Oatmeal Goats Milk) from the Rockin' Lizard Soap Company. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1719 Levenger Wooden Lap Desk Quantity: 1 This lovely, lightly-used Levenger portable lap desk is just what you need for your laptop or tablet, or even for your pen and stationery! And when it's not in use, it rests upright in its own stand. Clever and useful--how very UU! Donor: Kim Condas 1720 Live, Love, Laugh LED Candle Set Quantity: 1 Set of 3 LED candles of varying heights, with black tray, decorative stones, & ‘Live’, ‘Love’, or ‘Laugh’ printed on the side in black lettering. Beautiful ambience, with a gentle reminder to enjoy each day with life, love, & laughter. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1721 Matching Pair of Torchiere Floor Lamps Quantity: 1 Matching pair of 70" (5' 10") Decorator Torchiere Floor Lamps. Unique styling reflects soft light for a pleasant feel for a living room, den, or study. Donor: Gail Kulisch 1722 Miniature Tabletop Hand-Painted Picture Frame Quantity: 1 Wonderfully charming hand-painted miniature white frame. Hand-painted roses and ivy surround this small frame that is perfect for a 2"x3" photo on your desk or bedside table. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1723 Pair of Brown Ceramic Lamps Quantity: Pair of brown ceramic lamps; they come with light-brown shades and use 3-way light bulbs. Donor: Brandon Dunn 1 1724 Pair of Crystal Candle Holders Set of 2 crystal candle/votive holders Donor: Tom & Karen Grycewicz 1 Quantity: 1725 President Clinton Photo & Autographed Cap Quantity: 1 Framed photo of President Clinton about to attend a function at the Dover (Delaware) Air Depot. Plus a billed cap; autographed by President Clinton. Donor: JoAnn Spevacek 1726 South African Serengeti Egg Quantity: 1 A faux-marble decorative egg on tripod with gold-colored legs. Composite, Acacia. Table top accessory. Stunning reminder of the Serengeti plains as a magnificent African sunset silhouettes the African elephant, lion, rhinoceros, cheetah, and wildebeest walking across the Savannah almost in harmony. Impressive in size and shape, this centerpiece makes a vibrant room accent. It's 8" high and 4" in diameter. Donor: Mary Frances Kordick 1727 Squirrel Buster Plus Bird Feeder Quantity: 1 Choose among three excellent Brome squirrel-resistant bird feeders. The Squirrel Buster Plus is our favorite of them all -- holds lots of seed, works like magic, and has a lifetime warranty against squirrel damage. This squirrel-proof feeder features weight-sensitive inner spring mechanism to eliminate seed theft and squirrel tampering. Adjustablelength perches and cardinal ring attract variety. Dishwasher-safe parts allow easy sterilization. Use the latest technology to stay one step ahead of pesky squirrels. This feeder's weight-sensitive spring mechanism closes feed ports when squirrels attempt to eat, and it is located inside the feeder so squirrels can't tamper with it. Built-to-last UV-stabilized polycarbonate, powder-coated aluminum, and stainless steel. Top-filling design includes hanger. Easy assembly. Holds 3 quarts mixed seed or sunflower seed. 7" dia x 22" high Donor: Bill Ades 1728 Squirrel-Buster Peanut Bird Feeder Quantity: 1 The Squirrel Buster Peanut Bird Feeder provides specialized feeding opportunities for woodpeckers and blue jays, and is also appreciated by tufted titmice, Carolina wrens, chickadees, and others. Squirrel proof. Holds 3/4 quarts of shelled peanuts or wild bird food nuggets. Weight adjustable to help control unwanted birds. Chew proof. Woodpecker friendly. Easy to dismantle for filling and cleaning. Feeder tube is dishwasher safe. 2-year hassle-free warranty. - See more at: http://bromebirdcare.com/products/peanut/#sthash.wgM2rqPB.dpuf Donor: Bill Ades 1729 Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeder Quantity: 1 The Squirrel Buster Standard is the younger sibling of the Squirrel Buster Plus -- smaller and lower cost but just as effective! Patented squirrel-proof design. Weight-adjustable closing mechanism. Proven Seed Saver Technology. Patented Seed Tube. Ventilation system. Chew proof, rust proof, RoxResin seed tray. Unlimited Customer Care. Donor: Bill Ades 1730 Tea Light Chrome Candle Holder Quantity: 1 The clean curving lines of chrome of this candle holder support 7 votive or tea light candles that will make a great centerpiece for any occasion. Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1731 Wooden Photo Chest with Picture Storage Quantity: 1 A lovely keepsake for those who treasure photographs. This wooden chest, with front opening doors (and slots for photos in the doors!), has individual pull-out photograph albums, holding a total of 240 photos in a decorative, easyto-access style suitable for any decor. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1732 Woodstock Wind Chimes Quantity: 1 Signature Collection wind chimes with crystal-accented clapper. Produced by the Woodstock company, which is famous for high-quality tuned chimes, the aluminum rods on these will withstand the elements and fill your air with music. (New with tags still attached) Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1733 Wrought Iron Wall Candle Holder Quantity: 1 Artisan-crafted black wrought iron wall-hanging swirling design candle holders for 4 votive candles. (New; still in box) Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1734 Herbs In A Teacup Guest Towels Quantity: 1 This charming pair of guest towels is embroidered with herbs in a teacup by designer Mary Lake-Thompson. Each 14" x 22". White linen/cotton. Elegant for your guest bath, to decorate your tea table or line a bread basket. Donor: Claire Davis 1800 "Dolphins at Rainbow Reef" Porcelain Figurine Quantity: 1 Lenox hand-painted figurine entitled "Dolphins at Rainbow Reef". Bonded porcelain. Measures approx. 6 1/2" X 4 1/2" Donor: Andrea 1801 Antique Little Tern Print Quantity: 1 Matted 10"x14" print of a Little Tern in all life phases from the journal Ornithologia Neerlandica. Guaranteed to be over 100 years old. Donor: Roger Helm 1802 Art Glass Panel Decorative clear textured art glass panel measures 10.5" x 8.5" from Virginia Stained Glass Donor: Virginia Stained Glass Quantity: 1 1803 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting - Chalice I Quantity: An original 8" x 8" chalice painting by Shari MacFarlane One in a series of six individual paintings, all being sold separately. Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1 1804 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting - Chalice II Quantity: An original 8" x 8" chalice painting by Shari MacFarlane One in a series of six individual paintings, all being sold separately. Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1 1805 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice III Quantity: An original 8" x 8" chalice painting by Shari MacFarlane One in a series of six individual paintings, all being sold separately. Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1 1806 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice IV Quantity: An original 8" x 8" chalice painting by Shari MacFarlane One in a series of six individual paintings, all being sold separately. Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1 1807 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice V Quantity: An original 8" x 8" chalice painting by Shari MacFarlane One in a series of six individual paintings, all being sold separately. Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1 1808 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice VI Quantity: An original 8" x 8" chalice painting by Shari MacFarlane One in a series of six individual paintings, all being sold separately. Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1 1809 Framed Prints of Indian Dancers Quantity: 1 Beautiful set of three framed prints of Indian (Asian) dancers on green fabric. One is 12" x 12" and the other two are 12" x 14". Donor: Bob and Joelle Rudney 1810 Imperial Palace - St. Petersburg (Print) Quantity: 1 Watercolor painting of room in Imperial Palace in the vicinity of St. Petersburg from the XVIII and XIX centuries (8"x 10" Matted Print) Donor: Roger Helm 1811 National Geographic Women of Vision Exhibit Book Quantity: 1 This book contains all the pictures on display at the current National Geographic Society exhibit - Women of Vision. The exhibit is on the works of female photographers who have documented the subjects for National Geographic articles. The first female photographer, who has been with National Geographic for 35 years and has traveled to 65 countries, has autographed the book. http://wovexhibition.org/ Donor: Robin Finnell 1812 Navajo Sand Painting Charming Navajo sand painting in light wood frame, 9 inches x 15 inches. Donor: Bob and Joelle Rudney Quantity: 1813 Oil Painting of Two Couples Dancing Quantity: This oil painting of two couples dancing on a colorful lit dance floor measures 58" x 32". Painted by Joan Barch, owner of the Red Caboose Gallery in Vienna. Donor: JoAnn Spevacek 1 1 1814 Original Abstract Painting - by 4&5 yr olds Quantity: 1 This is an original abstract painting, 24"x36" on canvas, made by a fun-loving and amazing group of 4&5 year olds in our Sunday 9:15am RE class. The names of all contributors are recorded on the back for posterity - these kids are going to change the world someday! Donor: 9:15 4&5s RE Class 1815 Pencil Portrait of President Clinton - Framed Picture Quantity: 1 Black and White Pencil Portrait of President Clinton. Framed Picture by Mike Smith, local portrait artist. Size is 11" x 13". Artist web site: michaelangeloportraits.com. Donor: JoAnn Spevacek 1816 Print by Charles Lee - Three Women Violinists Quantity: 1 Small colorful print of three woman playing the violin. Bright and modern in design, the print measures 7" x 9 3/8". Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1817 Print by Le Kinff - Woman Bold modern design and colors. Overall print measures 32" x 27". Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron Quantity: 1 1818 Rose Bouquet Prints Quantity: Two framed prints featuring Victorian-style rose bouquets. Gold frame with lavender mountings. Donor: Bob & Meredith Carr 1 2001 December Weekend in Williamsburg Quantity: Stay at Governor's Green Resort near Colonial Williamsburg for the weekend of December 5th to 7th, 2014. 1 You will have the use of a 2-bedroom Deluxe Condo sleeping 6, with full kitchen. The resort has an indoor pool, hot tub, spa, exercise room and billiard room. Colonial Williamsburg is a 10 min (2.4 mi) drive away and premium outlet shopping is also close by. This is "Illumination Weekend" in Colonial Williamsburg: a celebration to kick off the Christmas Season with caroling and fireworks. Go to wyndhamvacationresorts.com and pick "explore our resorts", then "all resorts", and finally "Wyndham Governor's Green" for more information and photos. Donor: Sue Berman Date: 12/5/2014 2002 National Press Club Tour & Tacos Quantity: 4 The National Press Club, a private club for journalists and communications professionals, has been a Washington institution for more than a century. It's the "place where news happens". No photography is allowed in the club so come see unique historical items and enjoy drinks and a taco dinner in the Reliable Source Pub. Perched atop the National Press Building within sight of the White House and just down Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol, the National Press Club is the traditional meeting place in Washington for newsmakers and journalists. Founded more than a century ago as a haven for Washington reporters to relax, enjoy a drink and play cards, it is now the world’s leading professional organization for journalists. Friday, March 21, 2014. This unique offering is being bid only once for 4 people, So invite your friends to join you for a once-in-a-lifetime entre to this private club! Donor: Gary & Patty Evans Date: 3/21/2014 2003 Samsung Wall Mountable Speaker System Quantity: 1 Listen to high-quality sound with this Samsung Wall Mountable Speaker System with Wireless Subwoofer. A simple way to add dynamic, full-bodied sound that far surpasses what your flat-panel TV's tiny speakers can achieve. Compatible with both new and older TVs, can be placed on a TV stand or cabinet, or mounted on your wall using the included brackets for an unseen look. Wireless design means you can place subwoofer anywhere in your room. You don't need a receiver or amplifier — this sound bar has built-in amplification to power its six drivers for spacious, lifelike audio. With a stream-lined look, the Samsung HTWS1G Crystal Surround AirTrack uses a sleek soundbar and wireless subwoofer to blast 260W total audio and virtual surround sound into your room while maintaining a low profile. It's a no-hassle way to enjoy a richer experience with all your favorite shows, movies, and video games. Plug & play. Includes soundbar, wireless subwoofer, wall-mount bracket, and user manual. 260W total audio, 2.1 channel audio, Virtual surround sound, Three-mode DSP, Dolby Digital, dts decoders, digital, optical & analog audio input, Measures approximately 39-3/8"W x 4-5/8"H x 1-3/4"D Donor: Randy Adams & Mary Jo Smrekar 2004 Virginia Winery Tour Quantity: 2 Kurt & Carol Jensen have been out on the Virginia wine trail for several years now and blogging about it at http://wineaboutvirginia.blogspot.com, and know the best places to visit. We would love to have you share our passion. We will pick you up and take you to at least 2 of our favorite wineries. We will pay your tasting fees, and treat you to lunch. (Any other wine purchases are your responsibility.) Date to be arranged after purchase. This event is for one couple or an individual, and is being offered twice. Donor: Kurt & Carol Jensen 2005 Professionally-Created Formal Garment Quantity: 1 Professional seamstress will create for you a personal, one-of-a-kind formal or semi-formal garment for that upcoming big event. It could be a dress or gown for a lady or a vest and tie for a gentleman. This offering includes consultation, shopping help to select the fabric (bidders buys the fabric), design, sewing and personalized fitting of the final garment. Seamstress will also provide all the peripheral items such as thread, elastic, interfacing, etc., and as a bonus, will pay up to $50 toward the bidder's fabric purchase. Offer must be used by December 2014 and the designer needs a minimum of one month to complete the garment. Donor: Celine Maurais 2006 Bluemont Vineyard Wine Tasting & Guided Tour for 12 Quantity: 1 Bluemont Vineyard invites you to an extrordinary venue where you will enjoy great wines and breathtaking views of Loudon Valley in a private party with your group of up to twelve people. The Winery is located at 951 feet above sea level and has views of the Reston and Tyson skylines. Our Elevation Package includes the following: * Enjoy a seated tasting conducted by a knowledgeable wine professional. (must be 21) * Learn about our wine making process on a private guided tour of our winery. * A selection of our light fare offerings will be provided to your party. * Each of your guests will receive Bluemont Vineyard "True Blue" loyalty discounts for the day (15%). * Treasure one of our souvenir glasses to remember your experience. Donor: Bluemont Vineyard 2007 Lasagne Dinner for 8 Delivered to Your Home Quantity: 2 Lasagne dinner with all the trimmings, including salad, salad dressing, homemade bread, and garlic butter, topped off with 2 bottles of red wine. This feast will feed 8 people. Delivered to your house, so all you need to do is welcome your guests to the table. Date TBD in coordination with auction winners. Two complete dinners are available - be one of the lucky winners and host a fabulous dinner party without lifting a finger in the kitchen! Donor: Janice & John Holmblad 2008 Adult Beginner Guitar Package Quantity: Designed for the adult who always wanted to learn guitar; this exceptional package is for the beginner and has everything you need. 1 Your winning bid includes an Epiphone acoustic guitar in excellent condition with new strings, a padded gig bag for carrying your guitar, a superb book to speed you in your learning and five one-hour introductory lessons to be conducted between now and Dec 2014 at a time to be mutually arranged. Lessons will focus on basics like tuning and caring for your guitar as well as teaching you a number of standard chords. If you always wanted to play along with old-time rock & roll and folk music, this package will get you there. Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 2009 Dinner at the Wine Kitchen in Leesburg Quantity: 2 We'll pick you up, bring you to lovely, historic Leesburg for a dinner out at the Wine Kitchen, and then return you home - allowing you to fully enjoy the restaurant's excellent wine list! WK is our favorite local spot, and we'd love to introduce you to it! Date TBD with the winners. (Two separate dinners for 2 people each) "Our WK evening with the Andersons was delightful. The wine list first rate, the food was exceptional, and the company was terrific!" ~ Kurt & Carol Jensen "Oh, what a night! Late April back in '12, what a very special time for us, oh what a chef, what a night! As I recall it ended much too soon, the food & wine were superb, the owner & chef joined us for a chat & of course the company was first class." ~ Wendy & Nigel Astell Donor: Eric & Liz Anderson 2010 Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Condo - 3 Days Quantity: Three days and nights in condo in Rehoboth Beach, DE: (Three hours drive from UUCF.) 1 Cozy one bedroom furnished condo, ground level. King bed, queen sofa bed, 1 1/2 baths, furnished kitchen, laundry, cable TVs, patio on pond, swimming pool. Short distance from Rehoboth Beach & ocean. Please use within 2014 calendar year. Donor: Mike Finkle & Pam Gannon 2011 Three Night Stay at Atlantis Casino Resort Spa in Reno, NV Quantity: 1 Atlantis is a AAA Four Diamond-rated luxurious resort destination located in the heart of Reno, yet minutes from 50 outstanding golf courses and within one hour of 18 beautiful ski resorts. This certificate is for a three night stay in a Tower Guest Room, and is valid Sunday through Friday in March and April, and Sunday through Thursday from May through September this year. It expires Sep 30, 2014. It is not valid on holidays, conventions, or special event periods, including Jul 29- Aug 3. Excludes the Concierge Tower. Atlantis Resort offers luxuriously appointed rooms with modern technology and 24-hr room service, the choice of 10 award-winning restaurants and cafes on-site, a world-class spa and salon with both indoor and outdoor pools, and 61,000 sq ft of casino action, including a 24-hr smoke-free poker room, over 40 table games, sports book, and over 1,400 slots and video poker machines. You can see more about the property at www.atlantiscasino.com Donor: Atlantis Casino Resort Spa 2012 Flying Visit to Virginia Air Museum Quantity: 1 Up to 3 persons FLY via light plane from Leesburg airport to Richmond to visit the Virginia Air Museum. Lunch included. Date and time TBD with winner. The Virginia Aviation Museum features the spectacular SR-71 Blackbird; 38 historic, vintage aircraft; reproductions of the Wright brothers’ kite, gliders and famous 1903 Flyer; and the Virginia Aviation Hall of Fame. Knowledgeable and friendly volunteers share the history of the planes including the luxurious 1938 Vultee V1-A Special once owned by William Randolph Hearst. Find out about Virginia’s legendary Admiral Richard E. Byrd as you examine Stars and Stripes, the first American research plane to fly over Antarctica. See a rare World War I SPAD VII in mint condition, as well as the plane Charles Lindbergh really wanted to fly across the Atlantic! Walk around a Navy A4C Skyhawk or Virginia Army National Guard UH-1V Huey. A previous winner says: “Flying in a jumbo jet just can’t convey the soaring feeling you experience in a small private plane. Stan is a wonderful pilot with lore & stories to share. It was an extraordinary experience.” Donor: Stan Richards 2013 Bethany Beach House for a Week Quantity: 1 Escape to a private, relaxed vacation retreat in Bethany Beach, Delaware. One mile from the beach. Two bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. Sleeps four in beds, plus two in the sleeper sofa. For details, see http://www.vacationrentals.com/vacation-rentals/34766.html. Please note: An adult must be present for the week. Please leave it clean and put back the way it was. Available: March 1 - May 20, 2014, except April 16-20. Donor: Kit & Paula Lueder 2014 Your Choice of a Sermon Topic Quantity: 1 Mary Katherine will treat you to lunch and speak on a topic of choice at an agreed upon Sunday service. Donor: Rev. Mary Katherine Morn 2015 Google Chromebook Pixel Laptop Quantity: 1 Nearly-new Chromebook PIxel with Wi-Fi and Verizon LTE. This is a top-of-the-line Chromebook laptop with ultrahigh-resolution 13" display that's equivalent to the Mac Retina display. It retails for about $1,600. Note that Chromebooks only run apps through the Chrome browser; you cannot download programs. If this doesn't click with you, this may not be the machine for you. It's great for email and anything on the web and it's outstanding for movies and music. But it's not the right machine if you need to run Photoshop, Quickbooks, or other professional-grade programs. Beautiful metal case, battery life of five hours or better. This particular specimen is a lightly-used review copy, with very few miles on the clock. Donor: Joan & Jim Hood 2016 Return of the Golden Ticket! Quantity: 1 You've heard about the collections. You may even have tasted some of the wine. Tonight is your chance to win the Golden Ticket. It will allow you to explore the cellars in person, and to walk away with some of the finest wines you will ever find. Dave Lareau and Ted Nelson are opening their wine cellars to one lucky winner and three friends for one special night. The winner gets to select ANY three different bottles of wine from each of these extensive collections. You'll end the evening at Ted and Linnea's house, sampling the artisan cheeses and wines that Ted and Dave will pull from their cellars for you and your friends. Saturday, November 29, 2014 Donor: Dave Laureau & Ted Nelson Date: 11/29/2014 2017 Indian Market Week in Santa Fe Quantity: 1 "Me casa es su casa", for the glorious week of the 93rd annual Indian Market in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This spectacular festival brings over 175,000 people to Santa Fe every August with its unique, exciting and inspiring events. From families with young children to avid art collectors, Santa Fe Indian Market attracts international visitors from all walks of life. For many visitors, this is a rare opportunity to meet the artists and learn about contemporary Indian arts and cultures. Most events are free and open to the public. Stay in my fully furnished, fully equipped three bedroom, two bath home Two bedrooms have full size beds. The third contains two bunk beds. From my house you can drive to the historic Santa Fe Plaza in less than 5 minutes, to the Santa Fe Opera in 15 minutes, and to the alpine hiking trails of the Sangre de Cristo mountains in half an hour. Let this vacation be an experience of a lifetime! This offer is available only to members and friends of UUCF and their families. Date of Event: August 17 - 23, 2014 Donor: Hal Fuller Date: 8/17/2014 2018 The Dinner-Party-of-the-Year is at YOUR House This Year Quantity: Returning to the auction for a second year, the team of chef Ed Groark and wine master Dave Lareau return to present a sumptuous and entertaining dinner party at YOUR house for eight to ten persons. 1 Ed and Dave will create a special menu with you in mind. They will pair a fabulous wine from Dave’s legendary cellar with Ed’s meticulously prepared food for five different courses. Their collaboration promises to deliver an evening of sensual delights you won’t soon forget. Donor: Ed Groark 2014 UUCF Auction Island Paradise - March 8, 2014 Quick Print Index of Donations Item # Item Name & Donor Baskets of Treasures 100 Basket of Spring, Quantity: 1, Donor: 11:15 4s & 5s RE class 101 Chocolate Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: 2nd Sunday Covenant Group 102 Chocolate Lovers Gift Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Various Local Vendors 103 Christmas in March Goodie Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 104 Golden Rule Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: 9:15 2nd Grade RE Moral Tales 105 Small Christmas in March Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 106 Spa in a Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Bice Family 107 Tea Time Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ralph & Janine Greenwood 108 Visit to China in a Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Candace & Hadrian Katz 109 Whovian's Doctor Who Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 110 Wine Lovers Accessory Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams Creative Endeavors 200 Afternoon of Beading, Quantity: 4, Donor: Mary Lareau 201 Bag O'Yarn, Quantity: 1, Donor: Sharon Henderson 202 Paper Making Kits, Quantity: 1, Donor: Kim Condas 203 Stamp Carving Kit & Book, Quantity: 1, Donor: Kim Condas 204 Uniquities Yarn Shop $25 Gift Certificate, Quantity: 1, Donor: Uniquities Yarn Shop Delicious Offerings 300 "Cheeseburger in Paradise" Hand-Made Cake, Quantity: 2, Donor: Lydia Lewis 301 Blueberry Breakfast Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: David & Marlo Nash 302 Decadent Italian Cream Cake , Quantity: 1, Donor: Eve Stevens 303 Delicious, Hearty Chili Supper Delivered to You, Quantity: 1, Donor: David & Marlo Nash 304 Edible Arrangements $50 Gift Certificate, Quantity: 1, Donor: Edible Arrangements, Vienna 305 Everything Chocolate Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: 9:15 4th Grade RE Class 306 Freshly Baked Loaf of Bread for 6 Months, Quantity: 1, Donor: The Swiss Bakery 307 Gluten Free Artisan Bread, Quantity: 2, Donor: Michael Liggett & Karen Liggett 308 Gluten-Free Layer Cakes (Two) - Delivered to You, Quantity: 1, Donor: Mary Lareau 309 Great Harvest Bread Company Bread for 12 Months, Quantity: 1, Donor: Great Harvest Bread Co./Herndon 310 Home-Made Quiche Delivered to You, Quantity: 6, Donor: Christy Clarke Choi 311 Homemade Gluten-Free Birthday Cake, Quantity: 2, Donor: Diana Tycer-Bice 312 Homemade...Almost Organic Granola, Quantity: 1, Donor: B Costello & E Mays 313 Let Them Eat Cake, Quantity: 1, Donor: The Cake Fairy© (Sharon Johnson) 314 One Large Dinner or Dessert Pie from the Pie Gourmet, Quantity: 2, Donor: Pie Gourmet 315 Pies as You Please, Quantity: 1, Donor: Judy Gallimore 316 Quarterly Treats, Quantity: 2, Donor: Johanna Turaj 317 Scrumptious Chocolate Chip Cookies, Quantity: 1, Donor: Maeve Nash 318 Starbucks Coffee Gift Set, Quantity: 1, Donor: Brandon Dunn 319 The Trouble with Truffles, Quantity: 1, Donor: B Costello & E Mays 320 Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Corn Bread Muffins, Quantity: 1, Donor: Grace Meininger 321 Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Pumpkin Muffins w/ Chocolate Chips, Quantity: 1, Donor: Grace Meininger Page 59 322 Your Daily Bread...Well Almost, Quantity: 1, Donor: B Costello & E Mays For the Kitchen, Table & Bar 400 Blue Ceramic Bowl, Quantity: 1, Donor: Zeena Zeidberg 401 Breadmaker Machine, Quantity: 1, Donor: Sue Berman 402 Brewer's Best Deluxe Equipment Kit, Quantity: 1, Donor: myLocal HomeBrew Shop 403 Ceramic Americana Plate and Cup Set, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 404 Christmas Tree Cloth Dinner Napkins (Set of 8), Quantity: 1, Donor: Jim & Amy Porter 405 Cookie Cutters for Every Occasion , Quantity: 1, Donor: Leigh Geiger 406 Crystal Bowl, Quantity: 1, Donor: Tom & Karen Grycewicz 407 Crystal Candy Dish, Quantity: 1, Donor: Tom & Karen Grycewicz 408 Crystal Wine Stoppers by Waterford, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 409 English Bone China Teacups and Saucers, Quantity: 1, Donor: Scott, Shirley & Mary Santulli 410 Fluted Metal Platter, Quantity: 1, Donor: Zeena Zeidberg 411 Food Lover's Accessory Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Andrea Updegrove 412 Food Processor (14 Cup) Hamilton Beach, Quantity: 1, Donor: Randy Adams & Mary Jo Smrekar 413 Hand-Crocheted Round Table Cloth, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 414 Handmade Dinosaur Coffee Mug, Quantity: 1, Donor: Claire Davis 415 Handmade Hanging Ceramic Wine Tile 'Chardonnay', Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 416 Handmade Hanging Ceramic Wine Tile 'Merlot', Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 417 Linen Table Cover - Hand Embroidered, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 418 Recipe Notebook, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 419 Royal Albert China Christmas Tree Mugs (Pair), Quantity: 1, Donor: Sharon Henderson 420 Seal-a-Meal & Meal Trays, Quantity: 1, Donor: Kim Condas 421 Silver Centerpiece Flower & Candle Bowl, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 422 Silver Salad Serving Utensils, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 423 Solid Surface Placemats - Set of 4, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 424 Special Collection Wine Stopper, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 425 Turquoise Glass Sauce Plates, Quantity: 1, Donor: Robin Finnell 426 Waterford Crystal Cake Knife, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 427 White China Tea Set - 3 Piece, Quantity: 1, Donor: Zeena Zeidberg 428 Wooden Handmade Kitchen Doll from Puerto Rico, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 429 Wooden Handmade Welcome Doll from Puerto Rico, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 430 Woven Table Runner , Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 431 Silver Bread Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 432 Napkin Rings Sterling Silver (6), Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 433 Cut Glass Candle Holder, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 434 Blue & White Porcelain Chinese Export Pattern Fruit Bowl, Quantity: 1, Donor: Mary Frances Kordick Family Friendly Finds 500 My First Miyazaki, Quantity: 8, Donor: Robb & Liz Kidd 501 Centreville Preschool Fun Day, Quantity: 30, Donor: Suzanne & John Leonard 502 Baby Cup Sterling Silver Oneida, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 503 Baby's Ceramic Mug Set, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 504 Babysitting Service, Quantity: 2, Donor: Helen Pfalzer 505 Family Tubing Event, Quantity: 6, Donor: The Massadoah Partnership 506 Child's Wooden Cow Puzzle, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 507 Comedy Gram from Safari Bingo, Quantity: 1, Donor: Carol "Safari Bingo" Collins Page 60 508 Cox Farms Fall Festival Family Fun Pack , Quantity: 1, Donor: Cox Farms (Aaron & Maria Cox-Leow) 509 Craft & Creativity Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: 9:15 3rd Grade RE Class 510 Family Fun Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: 9:15 First Grade RE Class 511 "Despicable Me" Family Night Movie Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: 4:15 OWL RE Class 512 Hand-Knit Small Girl's Kimono Sweater, Quantity: 1, Donor: Su Davis 513 Lego Four Ways!, Quantity: 1, Donor: Leigh Geiger 514 Math Tutoring (One Hour) for Grades 5-10, Quantity: 3, Donor: Joe Pfalzer 515 Set of 12 Homemade Hair Bows, Quantity: 1, Donor: Autumn Yates 516 Space Shuttle Model, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 517 Thomas the Tank Engine Extravaganza!, Quantity: 1, Donor: Leigh Geiger 518 Ultimate Baby Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: 9:15 2s&3s RE Class Musical Expressions 600 30 Years on Ventura Highway - America (CD and DVD set), Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 601 Rupert Boyd - Classical Guitarist in Concert, Quantity: 1, Donor: International Conservatory of Music 602 By Request: Music by Sarah Jebian & Mark Vogel, Quantity: 10, Donor: Barb Brehm & Karen Rasmussen, Craig & Susan Bennett, Mark Vogel, Sarah Jebian 603 Schubertiade Musical Gathering, Quantity: 6, Donor: Miranda Schuyler & John Miller 604 Cuica - Brazilian Friction Drum, Quantity: 1, Donor: Andrea 605 2nd Annual Desert Island Discs: An Evening of Shared Music, Quantity: 6, Donor: Nigel & Wendy Astell 606 Flute Lessons with Katherine Riddle, Quantity: 1, Donor: Katherine Riddle 607 Jimmy Buffett Treasure Chest, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 608 Mozart CD - 'Musical Masterpieces", Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 609 Piano Lesson with Marsha Giusti, Quantity: 2, Donor: Marsha Giusti 610 Private Musical Concert by UU4ix Quartet, Quantity: 2, Donor: UU4ix Spirit, Mind and Body 700 3 Mile Run/Walk on Reston Paths & Brunch, Quantity: 20, Donor: Karen & Michael Liggett, Liz & Eric Anderson 701 All Natural Spa Party, Quantity: 9, Donor: Revival HomeMade Beauty 702 Astoria Laser Clinic & Med Spa $125 Gift Certificate, Quantity: 2, Donor: Viva Tysons Magazine/Linda Barrett 703 Choose a Sermon Topic for Rev. Laura, Quantity: 1, Donor: Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig 704 Flaming Chalice Room Accent - Large, Quantity: 1, Donor: Peggy & Tom Hillman 705 Flaming Chalice Room Accent - Medium, Quantity: 1, Donor: Peggy & Tom Hillman 706 Flaming Chalice Room Accent - Small, Quantity: 1, Donor: Peggy & Tom Hillman 707 Handmade Wooden Carved Chalice, Quantity: 1, Donor: Bob & Meredith Carr 708 Introduction to Qigong (Chi Gung), Quantity: 10, Donor: Furman Riley 709 Kayak (Well-Loved, Must Be Picked-Up), Quantity: 1, Donor: Andrea 710 L'Occitane Shower Gel & Hand Cream, Quantity: 1, Donor: Robin Finnell 711 Massage (Customized One-Hr in Ashburn), Quantity: 1, Donor: Petinaux Family 712 Murad Facial at Massage Envy, Vienna, Quantity: 2, Donor: Massage Envy Vienna 713 One Month Unlimited Yoga Pass - Beloved Yoga Studio, Quantity: 1, Donor: Beloved Yoga 714 Ritual of Your Choice, Quantity: 2, Donor: Women's Spirit Council 715 Tai Chi Chih for Health, Energy, Serenity, Quantity: 10, Donor: Furman Riley 716 UUCF Nametags Embroidered on Canvas, Quantity: 10, Donor: Su Davis 717 Warm Cream Manicure at Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa, Quantity: 1, Donor: Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spas Learn From the Masters 800 Professional Photographer - Pick My Brains - Improve Your Photos, Quantity: 10, Donor: Jim Tetro 801 SCUBA Tune-Up Class , Quantity: 4, Donor: Chris Kenny Page 61 802 Chef Ed’s Cooking Lessons: The Middle East, Quantity: 8, Donor: Ed Groark 803 Camera Lessons, Quantity: 1, Donor: Sharon Henderson 804 Climbing Your Family Tree, Quantity: 1, Donor: Kristin Moyer 805 Computer, Home Wi-Fi and/or Smartphone Help, Quantity: 1, Donor: Neal Chandra 806 Celebrating Your Creative Spirit: An Art Lesson with a Professional Artist, Quantity: 6, Donor: Shari MacFarlane 807 German Language Hour, Quantity: 4, Donor: Andrea, Barbara Harding 808 Golf with Old Duffer, Quantity: 3, Donor: Bob McCarthy 809 Introduction to Pilates Mat, Quantity: 2, Donor: Arlene Wilder 810 Put My OCD to Good Use, Quantity: 3, Donor: Matthew Reider 811 Tap Your Artistic Talent with Steve Myles, Quantity: 1, Donor: Steve Myles 812 Urban Archery for Northern Virginia Deer, Quantity: 5, Donor: Shawn Miller 813 Two Hours (or so) of Computer Technical Support Wizardry, Quantity: 1, Donor: Joe Trimarchi 814 Private Presentation of Science, Reason & Religion Program by A. Nekimken, Quantity: 5, Donor: Albert Nekimken Playing Games 900 Parents' Night In (Cards Against Humanity), Quantity: 8, Donor: Kathy & Ian Hochberg 901 March Madness Brackets, Quantity: 100, Donor: 9:15 6th & 7th Grade RE Class 902 "Cards Against Humanity" Night, Quantity: 6, Donor: John Miller & Marilynn Schuyler 903 Cribbage, Quantity: 2, Donor: Chris & Rob Sanders 904 Euro-Games for Adults, Quantity: 10, Donor: Andrea 905 Brunch & Bridge, Quantity: 7, Donor: Elaine Keener 906 "Diplomacy" Game Day, Quantity: 6, Donor: John & Jackson Miller 907 Family Game Night, Quantity: 2, Donor: Mitch & Michelle Dekoven 908 Family Games Fun Pack, Quantity: 1, Donor: Leigh Geiger 909 Fun & Games Basket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Andrew, Susan, and Rob Creekmore 910 Bridge & Dessert, Quantity: 11, Donor: Judy Gallimore 911 Game of Games Night, Quantity: 18, Donor: Steve Myles 912 Ping-Pong & Dessert, Quantity: 8, Donor: Dave Anderson & Nancy Rooney 913 Squash (the Game, Not the Vegetable), Quantity: 2, Donor: Paul Riddle Eat, Drink & Be Merry I 1000 Scrumptious Soup Sampler Supper, Quantity: 12, Donor: Craig Clark, Linda Clark, Bob Kaminski, Catherine Ives, Tom Hillman, Peggy Hillman 1001 Lovely Ladies Luncheon, Quantity: 9, Donor: Deborah Kennedy 1002 Victorian Afternoon Tea, Quantity: 10, Donor: Laureen Branting 1003 Indian Dinner - Gratitude & Compassion: A Science, Reason and Religion Ashram, Quantity: 6, Donor: Jerry Poje 1004 New Orleans Badass Dinner Party!, Quantity: 8, Donor: Natasha Peterson 1005 Beer Tasting, Quantity: 8, Donor: Jean & Bruce Wyman 1006 Dinner Party with Virginia State Delegate Mark Keam, Quantity: 6, Donor: Jim & Amy Porter 1007 Ssssmmmokin!, Quantity: 8, Donor: Ted & Linnea Nelson 1008 Spanish Tapas Bar Dinner - Wine & Bites, Quantity: 8, Donor: Bobbi Jo & Jeff Snyder, Raymon & Gisela Leon 1009 Japanese Tea Ceremony & Dinner, Quantity: 4, Donor: Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig & John B. Ludwig 1010 Spaghetti Dinner with the UUCF Board of Directors, Quantity: 10, Donor: UUCF Board of Directors 1011 Afternoon Tea in the Garden, Quantity: 4, Donor: Kristin Moyer 1012 One Taco, Two Taco, Three -- Dinner, Quantity: 4, Donor: Janet & Michael Sifers 1013 Celebrate with Dumplings, Quantity: 8, Donor: Lars and Connie Genieser 1014 An Evening of Top-Shelf Cocktails, Quantity: 6, Donor: Christine & Mark Stencel 1015 Streets of Paris Brunch, Quantity: 10, Donor: Ted & Linnea Nelson Page 62 1016 The Snyder Annual BBQ Pool Party, Quantity: 20, Donor: Bobbi Jo & Jeff Snyder 1017 3D Deck Party, Quantity: 10, Donor: Bob and Joy Hatfield 1018 Beer-Tasting in Honor of Bennington Battle Day, Quantity: 8, Donor: Paul & Katherine Riddle Eat, Drink & Be Merry II 1100 Brazilian Dinner, Quantity: 6, Donor: Luciana Navarro & David Fleischer 1101 Tiki Tacky Party, Quantity: 7, Donor: Craig & Susan Bennett 1102 A Delectable Stop on the Silk Road: Indian Dinner, Quantity: 6, Donor: Shari MacFarlane, Don Andress, Renee & Tom McMillen, Anne Walters 1103 An Evening of Storytelling, Quantity: 8, Donor: Randy Adams & Mary Jo Smrekar 1104 I LOVE This Wine!, Quantity: 30, Donor: Ted & Linnea Nelson 1105 Austrian Dinner, Quantity: 6, Donor: Bruno & Joanna Walker 1106 Bubbly with the Board of Directors, Quantity: 12, Donor: Jennifer Caires 1107 Virginia Is for Wine Lovers - Wine Tasting at the Jensens, Quantity: 8, Donor: Kurt & Carol Jensen 1108 Greek Dinner - YASOU!, Quantity: 6, Donor: Henry Zoller & Judith Keith 1109 Dinner Bourguignon - A Rare Dining Experience, Quantity: 8, Donor: David & Mary Lareau 1110 Ladies Who Lunch with Mary Lareau - Sixth Annual Event, Quantity: 7, Donor: Mary Lareau Days Out 1200 Stroll & Stop in the Woods, Quantity: 6, Donor: Andrea 1201 Science, Reason & Religion’s “Not just Gravity, but Gravitas” Tour of the Universe, Quantity: 10, Donor: Jerry Poje & Marie Ann Leyko 1202 Bird Watching & Picnic Lunch, Quantity: 6, Donor: Bill & Martha Ades 1203 Nature Hike along Difficult Run Stream, Quantity: 12, Donor: David Saunders 1204 Shenandoah Valley Nature Hike & BBQ Dinner, Quantity: 6, Donor: Deborah Freeman & Roger Helm 1205 An Afternoon on Sycamore Island, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ann Marie & John Cunningham 1206 Cinema Arts Theatre Gift Card, Quantity: 1, Donor: Janet Dwire & Francine York 1207 Harley Ride, Quantity: 5, Donor: Adam Davidson Professional Services 1300 Handyman Services by Ken Foley Custom Homes, Quantity: 4, Donor: Ken Foley Custom Homes 1301 Junk Removal, Quantity: 1, Donor: 1-800-Got-Junk? 1302 Life Coaching by Dr. Patricia A. Morgan, Ph. D., L.C.S.W., Quantity: 1, Donor: Dr. Patricia A. Morgan, Ph. D., L.C.S.W. 1303 LifeForce Coaching Sessions (Six) by Paula Lubreski, Quantity: 1, Donor: Paula Lubreski 1304 Making Your Home Handicapped Accessible, Quantity: 3, Donor: Dale Daucher, P.E. 1305 One Hour Business Marketing Consultation by All the Buzz, Quantity: 2, Donor: All the Buzz 1306 One Hour of Legal Services by Steve Gold, Quantity: 3, Donor: Stephen A. Gold Go Green 1400 $100 Off a $400 Energy Audit, Quantity: 5, Donor: Edge Energy 1401 Comprehensive Home Energy Audits, Quantity: 3, Donor: Edge Energy 1402 Golden Garden Genies (Worm Composting), Quantity: 20, Donor: Jerry Poje 1403 Solar Site Assessment for Solar Panel Feasibility, Quantity: 3, Donor: Edge Energy Restaurant Gift Certificates 1500 Amphora Restaurant & Bakery $50 Gift Certificate, Quantity: 1, Donor: Amphora Restaurant 1501 Cantina D'Italia (Herndon) 20% Discount Coupon, Quantity: 1, Donor: Cantina D' Italia 1502 Foster's Grille Family Discount Package #1, Quantity: 1, Donor: Foster's Grille 1503 Foster's Grille Family Discount Package #2, Quantity: 1, Donor: Foster's Grille 1504 Jasmine Cafe - 3 Course Dinner for Two, Quantity: 1, Donor: Jasmine Cafe at Lake Anne Page 63 Jewelry and Fine Fashion 1600 A Touch of Class Necklace, Quantity: 1, Donor: Precious Crabtree 1601 Copper Earrings, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1602 Doncaster Silver & Crystal Necklace, Quantity: 1, Donor: Robin Finnell 1603 Exotic Hand-Beaded Earrings & Necklace, Quantity: 1, Donor: Henry Zoller & Judith Keith 1604 Ghanaian Glass Necklace, Quantity: 1, Donor: Karen Adkins-Hastings 1605 Green Evening Jacket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Carol Calvert 1606 Native American Belt Buckle, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1607 Necklace, Earrings, & Bracelet Set, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1608 Purple Sequin Coach Evening Clutch Bag, Quantity: 1, Donor: Jo Anne Gild 1609 Sequined Jacket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Carol Calvert 1610 Sequined Pants, Quantity: 1, Donor: Carol Calvert 1611 Stella & Dot Mixed Media Necklace, Quantity: 1, Donor: Robin Finnell 1612 Sterling Silver Earrings & Brooch, Quantity: 1, Donor: Henry Zoller & Judith Keith 1613 Turkish Fine Cotton Scarf & Scarf Slide, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1614 Turkish Scarf with Scarf Slide (Lavender & Green), Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams For the Home 1700 "Wheely" Cute Wall Hanging, Quantity: 1, Donor: Kim Condas 1701 'Admiral Fitzroy' Storm Glass Barometer, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1702 12 Things to Make Besides Money Alarm Clock, Quantity: 1, Donor: Robin Finnell 1703 African Animals Night Light, Quantity: 1, Donor: Claire Davis 1704 Alpaca Blanket, Quantity: 1, Donor: Lola Quintela 1705 Antique Ironstone Pitcher , Quantity: 1, Donor: Scott, Shirley & Mary Santulli 1706 Antique Typewriter, Quantity: 1, Donor: Jo Anne Gild 1707 Avian Estates - Hand-Made Bird House, Quantity: 3, Donor: Ron & Marsha Giusti 1708 Basket of Fresh-Cut Spring Flowers by Kristin Moyer, Quantity: 1, Donor: Kristin Moyer 1709 Brass Candlesticks, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1710 Brass Candlesticks - Set of 3, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1711 Crystal Lamp Chain Pull, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1712 Cut Glass Tabletop Picture Frame, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1713 Decorative Wooden Cattails, Hand-carved & Painted, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1714 Display Plant, Quantity: 1, Donor: Claire Davis 1715 Hand-Made Large Birdhouse, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1716 Hand-Thrown Pottery Bowl, Quantity: 1, Donor: Tom & Karen Grycewicz 1717 Hand-thrown Pottery Bowl, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1718 Lenox Candy or Soap Tray with Handmade Local Soaps, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1719 Levenger Wooden Lap Desk, Quantity: 1, Donor: Kim Condas 1720 Live, Love, Laugh LED Candle Set, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1721 Matching Pair of Torchiere Floor Lamps, Quantity: 1, Donor: Gail Kulisch 1722 Miniature Tabletop Hand-Painted Picture Frame, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1723 Pair of Brown Ceramic Lamps, Quantity: 1, Donor: Brandon Dunn 1724 Pair of Crystal Candle Holders, Quantity: 1, Donor: Tom & Karen Grycewicz 1725 President Clinton Photo & Autographed Cap, Quantity: 1, Donor: JoAnn Spevacek 1726 South African Serengeti Egg, Quantity: 1, Donor: Mary Frances Kordick 1727 Squirrel Buster Plus Bird Feeder, Quantity: 1, Donor: Bill Ades 1728 Squirrel-Buster Peanut Bird Feeder, Quantity: 1, Donor: Bill Ades Page 64 1729 Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeder, Quantity: 1, Donor: Bill Ades 1730 Tea Light Chrome Candle Holder, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1731 Wooden Photo Chest with Picture Storage, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 1732 Woodstock Wind Chimes, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1733 Wrought Iron Wall Candle Holder, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1734 Herbs In A Teacup Guest Towels, Quantity: 1, Donor: Claire Davis Fine Art 1800 "Dolphins at Rainbow Reef" Porcelain Figurine, Quantity: 1, Donor: Andrea 1801 Antique Little Tern Print, Quantity: 1, Donor: Roger Helm 1802 Art Glass Panel, Quantity: 1, Donor: Virginia Stained Glass 1803 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting - Chalice I, Quantity: 1, Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1804 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting - Chalice II, Quantity: 1, Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1805 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice III, Quantity: 1, Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1806 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice IV, Quantity: 1, Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1807 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice V, Quantity: 1, Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1808 Brighten A Corner: Original Painting- Chalice VI, Quantity: 1, Donor: Shari MacFarlane 1809 Framed Prints of Indian Dancers, Quantity: 1, Donor: Bob and Joelle Rudney 1810 Imperial Palace - St. Petersburg (Print), Quantity: 1, Donor: Roger Helm 1811 National Geographic Women of Vision Exhibit Book, Quantity: 1, Donor: Robin Finnell 1812 Navajo Sand Painting, Quantity: 1, Donor: Bob and Joelle Rudney 1813 Oil Painting of Two Couples Dancing, Quantity: 1, Donor: JoAnn Spevacek 1814 Original Abstract Painting - by 4&5 yr olds, Quantity: 1, Donor: 9:15 4&5s RE Class 1815 Pencil Portrait of President Clinton - Framed Picture, Quantity: 1, Donor: JoAnn Spevacek 1816 Print by Charles Lee - Three Women Violinists, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1817 Print by Le Kinff - Woman, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruben & Christine Cintron 1818 Rose Bouquet Prints, Quantity: 1, Donor: Bob & Meredith Carr Live Auction 2001 December Weekend in Williamsburg, Quantity: 1, Donor: Sue Berman 2002 National Press Club Tour & Tacos, Quantity: 4, Donor: Gary & Patty Evans 2003 Samsung Wall Mountable Speaker System, Quantity: 1, Donor: Randy Adams & Mary Jo Smrekar 2004 Virginia Winery Tour, Quantity: 2, Donor: Kurt & Carol Jensen 2005 Professionally-Created Formal Garment, Quantity: 1, Donor: Celine Maurais 2006 Bluemont Vineyard Wine Tasting & Guided Tour for 12, Quantity: 1, Donor: Bluemont Vineyard 2007 Lasagne Dinner for 8 Delivered to Your Home, Quantity: 2, Donor: Janice & John Holmblad 2008 Adult Beginner Guitar Package, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ruth & David McWilliams 2009 Dinner at the Wine Kitchen in Leesburg, Quantity: 2, Donor: Eric & Liz Anderson 2010 Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Condo - 3 Days, Quantity: 1, Donor: Mike Finkle & Pam Gannon 2011 Three Night Stay at Atlantis Casino Resort Spa in Reno, NV , Quantity: 1, Donor: Atlantis Casino Resort Spa 2012 Flying Visit to Virginia Air Museum, Quantity: 1, Donor: Stan Richards 2013 Bethany Beach House for a Week, Quantity: 1, Donor: Kit & Paula Lueder 2014 Your Choice of a Sermon Topic, Quantity: 1, Donor: Rev. Mary Katherine Morn 2015 Google Chromebook Pixel Laptop, Quantity: 1, Donor: Joan & Jim Hood 2016 Return of the Golden Ticket!, Quantity: 1, Donor: Dave Laureau & Ted Nelson 2017 Indian Market Week in Santa Fe, Quantity: 1, Donor: Hal Fuller 2018 The Dinner-Party-of-the-Year is at YOUR House This Year, Quantity: 1, Donor: Ed Groark Page 65
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