0 INFOTOPICS Issues & Media Monitoring from TDC No. 2 UK scientists challenge evidence of ETS/cancer association FOUR UK SCIENTISTS have challenged claims that there is an association between environmental tobacco smoke (EI'S) exposure and cancer. They say that epidemiological studies reporting the effect are flawed, that methods for detecting the effects of tobacco smoke in non-smokers are unreliable, and that the alleged levels of carcinogens in ETS are too low to cause cancer in any case . They conclude, therefore, that the "claim that ETS causes lung cancer . . . appears to be more a statement of belief, rather than a conclusion based on strict scientific objectivity" . The scientists' review was written in response to a recent paper which concluded that ETS exposure increases the risk of lung cancer and to a statement by British epidemiologist Richard Peto that "the proof that passive smoking causes lung cancer is not epidemiological. It comes from the nature of the carcinogens in tobacco smoke ." The scientists examined the limitations of the epidemiology of ETS as well as of the statistical technique oi meta-analysis, case-control studies, dosimetry and use of cotinine as a biomarker . In another review of ETS studies, Dutch scientists Van Barneveld et at. challenge the conclusion of the European Working Group on Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Lung Cancer that ETS is not a primary lung carcinogen. Page i8 Aushalian Fedtral Cotlrt nlies that resealnc councl'1 may take no f arther aCtion on ETS 1Epolt AN AUSTRALIAN Federal Court has ruled that the country's National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) may take no further action on the proposed regulatory recommendations and guidelines laid down in a controversial draft report into the claimed health effects of ETS exposure . The ruling follows a December decision by Federal Court Justice Paul Finn that the NHMRC failed to give genuine consideration to industry submissions, to provide procedural fairness to industry members or to consider relevant scientific evidence and submissions in drafting the report. The NHMRC was also ordered to pay the legal costs of the two companies that brought the lawsuit against the council, Rothmans and Phili Morris, and to the Tobacco Institute of Australia (7~fA) . http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf February 1997 Ca„adiangoventnieie!"' t~rvfth• on tobncc The gover pient has said that it would prooeed witb legit ledon severely reetrictin c igaretfe tp oneorship of sports and cultural events, despite representations by the tobacco indnetry. PnDe 8 The tobacco industryand ada ertising in the Eumpaan Union The tobacco indusfryand advertising in theEu.opean Union, a report by consultants KY.MG, conclqdea that tobacco adveitiaing'bane do not redubelhe conarmxption of tobaccoprodnets and tbat they have -zm---tnegaHve impacb on economies whene~ey th are pnt in platefrt ternte of lost employment, tncome and tax revenue . . Paya 32 Latest airline amok&r g- bans Trans Wo>!Id Airlines (TWA) has announced that it wlll ban smoWng oq all flights tnclading intemational rou4ei ~ of 1 Apol,; q,wlesair wfll ban 'smo mt tfs araiitrilHartttc rontes from 30 Mase]~, an~thAj;rfcan'Airwayshas announced a rmoldiigban on all it6' flights to the US and Australia . t Pages17,24& 31 Smoking ti•atea amo European .t~outh AEuropean poll of 100 youtlu .ged 16-24 years reports that half of fltose t arveyedsrtd they : smoked more ehan?A eigaret6cs a day. And despite a number of tobaecotattrol meabnxea, smoldng rates among'Peenclt 17 to 20year oida have ;apparently doubkd in 20 years. Paye 22 HongKongs latiae Council urges total tobaaco ad.xr~sb sb~g ~ g ban The Legislative Council of Honp Kong has reportedly passed a motion the government to impose a totalban on tobacco advertising. Pays28 No-smokinArnde relaxed {n MaJpysfa Due to pobffc pmte st the Milayeit Gbine t has relaxed the non-smwldng rule in sante aonea It hae aleobanped ander ~ge 18from ueing or poesesetng+ acaco prodaclp fa paP~ ~ Brand pr ~~ and cigarette trae Brand pre may~ play an important role in emoldng initiation and maintenance among adoleacenty according to reaearcheet ftom , universities in Texae,lrtdiana and Michigan ._ Page 25 OlOC 1987. 7Nb p,brGMdl Y oonpild eom p1,8l0 awcw .IdsAaAdna wMae nAMwieMaaiM Page f8 Editor's Letter edrarWAdaea: Tobaoao axrerrme8on cenae 2 nsaemeb cenhr xewerrdye aoea Dear Reader, At the end of last year, consultants KPMG published a major study on the tobacco industry and advertising in the European Union concluding, among other things, that advertising bans do not reduce consumption (page 32) . The argument that ad bans do reduce consumption, especially among young people, is one frequently used by governments to justify the introduction of stringent advertising legislation . eMad nve of/F DVW Tslephorb: a41 p)1818 tv 7788 Tekfac .4i (0)181889 702100 7033001427 Edbr CadWhe BroNne AalwntENtor, 0enkk Wft This month we feature a number of articles and studies that appear to contradict that claim, as well as others that support it . Despite severe advertising restrictions and other tough tobacco-control measures, smoking among young people has doubled in France in the past 20 years, according to a French tobacco-control group (page 22) ; additionally, a European survey of young people claims that more than 50% of people aged 16 to 24 smoke daily (page 22) . The role of parental influence - often cited as a major factor in a person's decision to smoke - is discussed in a US and UK study, respectively (pages 17 & 21) . A study by Robert Volk, et al . in the US suggests, however, that brand preference may play an important role in smoking initiation (page 10) . Are there any subjects you feel we're not covering adequately in Infotopics7 We appreciate your comments on our coverage, and look forward to hearing from you . BEOTOPJC3psaenb absbacta of sebcbd AubrmeeWThefhea been p ~orls avelleWeh TOC mekam ao ckim brlhe aawrecy of Ms bbrmseon aontai sd'n 80 atahac~ed ar8abs . The opi*ne a~ed en Mase oa8ahedh Yu aouroe aocunena TDO Mebomer my aMMditiona or aqysaeoro b 8`FOTOPlCB. 7DC Is abN b ob/ain dqAfaBonr meneonad'n MVFOTOPILS; h oerhln cgses 8are nryb. a mW ka ® Oaftm TOC,1aD7 Catharine Browne Editor February 1997 DTDC 1997 . TMs pubacatlon b oanpBeQ Irom pe08a aoumes an0 NwWd nof BseAbe reNrenoed adbd http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf YVFOTOPIC89 http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf 51733 5383 Table of Contents by Region Editor's Letter North America Canadian government to proceed with tobacco sponsorship restrictions The effect of negative information and regulation on returns of tobacco stocks and smoking trends Teenagers' recognition of Joe Camel caricature US cigarette consumption may be rising, despite attacks on industry Canadian tests report higher constituents levels than stated by manufacturers Judge dismisses claims in West Virginia Medicaid case "Third wave" of litigation against the tobacco industry more likely to succeed, says lawyer Clinton's tobacco advertising proposals and the Constitution Concerns about the long-term health and economfc future of the tobacco farmer Maternal smoking during pregnancy and childhood cancer Claimed effects of smoking on respiratory system may start during pregnancy, says study Nicotine and its effect on schizophrenia Lung cancer in non-smoking wives of smokers Parental smoking a"major factor" in onset of smoking among children TWA to ban smoking European Union UK scientists challenge evidence of ETS/cancer association Dutch report questions conclusions European scientists' report on ETS Bias in ETS studies can be two way, says UK statistician Peter Lee Effects of occasional exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on lung function in children French employee awarded damages for unfair dismissal for complaining about smoking Cambridge economist calls for more evidence on effectiveness of tobacco advertising bans Germans continue to oppose ban on tobacco advertising United Kingdom : Family life and smokm' qm adolescence BAT chief executive claimed to state that the company would consider settling damages claims by smokers 80% of Spanish smokers said to be aware of claims about tobacco and health Half of young Europeans said to smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day Danish insurance group offers "light" smokers same premiums as non-smokers New cigarette filter announced in Greece French railway fined for failing to enforce tobacco legislation Non-EU Europe Hungarian cabinet to consider legislation on advertising in non-electronic media Swissair to ban smoking on transatlantic routes Polish marketers establish country's first self-regulation council Austalasia Australian Federal Court rules that research council may take no further action on ETS report Cigarette sales licensing to be 'tar'-based under new South Australian bill Queensland to raise age for selling tobacco products to young peo le "Benefits" and "costs" of smoking from the Australian government's perspective 75% of top Australian firms reported to have introduced workplace smoking restrictions Claimed health benefits of quitting smoking for older smokers 1'age 3 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 yr 26 26 26 27 28 February 1997 OTDC 1H97. Thls publlcatbn fs arodrpik0 hora p1ANiC IAIFOTQf'JC86 saxoes and ahoW not ase6be relareeoed adMrd http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf East Asia Hong Kong's Legislative Council urges total tobacco advertising ban Minors in Malaysia banned from smoking or possessing tobacco products University of Hong Kong turns down donation from tobacco company Harsh penalties for violating tobacco legislation in South Korea Pressure for details of 'tar' and nicotine levels in cigarettes in Malaysia Africa South African Parliament unlikely to consider draft tobacco legislation this year South African Airways bans smoking on flights to US and Australia Smoking among pupils in Surkina Faso said to be determined by friends and advertising INFOTOPICS6 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 OTDCf997.ThlspuDWCaObnlsoortpASObGmpu6iC F6bWry1DS7 sourassandalauldnotlmal/be/erorsnuetladbo http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf ; Table of Contents by Issue Advertising & Promotion Teenagers' recognition of Joe Camel caricature Clinton's tobacco advertising proposals and the Constitution Cambridge economist calls for more evidence on effectiveness of tobacco advertising bans Germans continue to oppose ban on tobacco advertising Hungarian cabinet to consider legislation on advertising in non-electronic media Polish marketers establish country's first self-regulation council Hong Kong's Legislative Council urges total tobacco advertising ban Public Smoking/ETS TWA to ban smoking UK scientists challenge evidence of ETS/cancer association Dutch report questions conclusions of European scientists' report on ETS Bias in EfS studies can be two way, says UK statistician Peter Lee Effects of occasional exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on lung function in children Swissair to ban smoking on transatlantic mutes 75qo of top Australian firms reported to have introduced workplace smoking restrictions South African Airways bans smoking on flights to US and Australia Health Education/Public Health Maternal smoking during pregnancy and childhood cancer Claimed effects of smoking on respiratory system may start during pregnancy, says study Lung cancer in non-smoking wives of smokers Parental smoking a "major factor" in onset of smoking among children 80% of Spanish smokers said to be aware of claims about tobacco and health Claimed health benefits of quitting smoking for older smokers Smoking among pupils in Burkina Faso said to be determined by friends and advertising Legislation/Regulation Canadian government to proceed with tobacco sponsorship restrictions French railway fined for failing to enforce tobacco legislation Australian Federal Court rules that research council may take no further action on ETS report Minors in Malaysia banned from smoking or possessing tobacco products Harsh penalties for violating tobacco legislation in South Korea South African Parliament unlikely to consider draft tobacco legislation this year Legal Issues Judge dismisses claims in West Virginia Medicaid case 'Third wave" of litigation against the tobacco industry more likely to succeed, says lawyer French employee awarded damages for unfair dismissal for complaining about smoking BAT chief executive claimed to state that the company would consider settling damages claims by smokers Constituents Canadian tests report higher constituents levels than stated by manufacturers Nicotine and its effect on schizophrenia Cigarette sales licensing to be'tar'-based under new South Australian bill Pressure for details of 'tar' and nicotine levels in cigarettes in Malaysia Fe6ruary 1997 OTOC 1997 . TNs publkatlon b odqnBed hom pubpa soeraes and anarrd not pseMbe reesreoeee ord .d http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf ]'age 10 14 20 21 24 24 29 17 18 18 19 19 24 27 31 15 . 16 16 17 22 28 31 9 23 25 29 30 31 12 13 20 21 12 16 26 30 A4FOTOWIC87 6ocial Costs Danish insurance group offers'7ight" smokers same premiums as non-smokers 'Benefits" and "costs" of smoking from the Australian government's perspective Smoking Trends The effect of negative information and regulation on returns of tobacco stocks and smoking trends US cigarette consumption may be rising, despite attacks on industry United Kingdom: Family life and smoking in adolescence Half of young Europeans said to smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day 10 11 21 22 Cigarette Technology New cigarette filter announced in Greece 23 Ethical Issues University of Hong Kong tums down donation from tobacco company 30 Agriculture Concerns about the long-term health and economic future of the tobacco farmer 14 Retailing Queensland to raise age for selling tobacco products to young people 26 Industry Action The tobacco industry and advertising in the European Union The budget doesn't add up : tax campaign in the UK Advertising campaign aims to raise smokers' awareness of their contribution to society 32 32 32 Organizations Spanish NGO launches campaign to teach young people discrimination about advertising messages Update on Consumers International 12 March 1997: UK No Smoking Day 33 33 34 Calendar of Notable Dates Worldwide INFOTOPICS a OTDC http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf 1997. T/YS puCtlcaEon is oa/pRed hom pa6Rc sources and sAaBdnot7nellDe relerenaed ordlso 35 . Fe6nary 1097 Canadian Fovernnient to proceed with tobacco sponsorshlp restrictions The Canadian government has said that it would proceed with legislation severely restricting cigarette sponsorship of sports and cultural events, despite "intense" lobbying by the tobacco industry. Health Minister David Dingwall made few concessions to the industry when introducing amendments to Bill C-71 on 18 February . The amendments phase-in restrictions over one year instead of making them effective this summer . Dingwall rejected suggestions by the tobacco industry and the Alliance for Sponsorship Freedom that major international events be exempted, and that restrictions be phased-in over three years . Dingwall had previously stated that he was open to reviewing the sponsorship provisions of Bill C-71 . Liberal MPs are said to be worried that the bill will provoke an angry reaction from voters if any big tobacco-sponsored events are cancelled, and had pressed for a phase-in for some events and outright exemption for international televised events such as auto races and tennis tournaments . Robert Parker, president of the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council, claims that the bill is "an outright advertising ban, disguised as something else". Central to the controversy over Bill C-71 is a provision limiting the visibility of tobacco promotions at sports events and festivals, and many cities claim they will lose these events if the bill is passed . In Parker's view, Bill C-71 "bans tobacco company event sponsorship by making both the event and its promotion commercially unworkable. It will cost millions of dollars in lost economic activity, the Grand Prix alone brings C$80 million (US$59 million) a year to the Montreal ec+onomy." Condemnation by health groups Before David Dingwall announced his amendments to Gn, national health groups in Canada had condemned the federal government's apparent willingness to weaken the bill. In a press release, the groups, which included the Canadian Cancer Society, expressed their concern that delays to the legislation could cause it to disappear altogether and that any concessions and delays will "provide increased access for this industry to another generation of kids" . The health groups claimed that moves for concessions to the industry were coming from tobacco-funded arts and sports events, including auto ' racfng . The health groups and physicians challenged the prime minister and the health minister not to be"bulBed" by the tobacco manufacturers . Press campaign warns against effects of proposed tobacco legislation Advertisements issued in the name of Canada's three tobacco manufacturers have been running in major Canadian dailies, asking the government to reconsider and amend Bill C-71 . The ads claim that the Canadian tobacco industry accepts and agrees with the idea of responsible regulations on tobacco advertising, but believes that Bill C-71 goes far beyond reasonable regulation . The first three advertise• ments are called "A message from the sponsor", "Regulation versus prohibition", and "Freedom of expression" . Two more ads are planned. U Canada Legisletion Kemedy, Matk Dirpwall vront buffgBt on tObeeee ade. The OBewe Cidien (20 February 1007) p. F10 Refererqe : 031756 VYOs, Terrertce . Tough tobacco bbbyshakes federal povsmmeM reaohre. The Oaaxa Riren (5 February 1997) p. D12 Reference: 03NM Puffery. Tora* San (5 February 1997) p . 10 Reference : 031099 Healtlt groupe agered over threat to tob®ceo lepisls6on. (Press relsase] Catsd'rrt CaraerSociery, ef aG (5 Februery 1997) 2 pp. Reference: 031700 Canade's tobaxo manufacturers (Fetxuary 1997) 3 ads Refereae : U15040 FeGruary 1997 OTDQ 1997 . TNs pabECatipi b cornpped 6aa pu6ic IfyFpTpPICg 9 aourm and aaadd nof ItreNee rerererwyd or du9d http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf Norfh America USA Health Scares Scheraga, Cad and John E. CaNee. The ndustry e8ecls of infonna6on and regula6on in the agarette market :1950-1065. Journal d Pudic PoNcyd MarkeArg (Faf 1996) 15 (2) pp.216226 Reference: 031599 The effect of negative information and regulation on returns of tobacco stocks and smoking trends In a recent report, Carl Scheraga and John Calfee examined the effect of negative information and regulation on returns of tobacco stocks and smoking trends. They did this by examining patterns of stock returns of major cigarette retailers during crucial events in the years between 1950 and 1965 . tended to affect the industry earlier than some may generally assume : fa 1950 and 1951 (when the "earliest The events analysed were "the cancer scare: 1950-54"; "'fear advertising' : 1953-54"; the 1960 Federal Trade Commission (FfC) ban on'tar' and nicotine advertising ; the 1962 report of the UK Royal College of Physicians and the 1964 US Surgeon General's report; and the FTC's proposal to require health wamings on cigarette packs. forces atnused in 1963 and 1954 by Scheraga and Calfee say their results suggest that "spontaneous infonnation shocks and competitive reactions (such as the cancer reports of 1950, which brought the'fear' advertising of 1953-54) hurt the industry while encouraging consumers to smoke less, whereas regulatory intervention served mainly to dampen these same effects". necessarily harm that industry - even More specifically, they conclude that new adverse health fnformation Institute in Washington, DC . C! reliable cancer reports were published") and in the wake of the 1962 UK Royal College of Physicians• report, rather than after the 1964 US Surgeon General's report. They further argue that "competitive the cancer reports tended to harm the Industry Qust as price wars and other more traditional forms of competition do) while arguably adding to consumer information about smokiltg". Scheraga and Calfee also make the point that "regulatory actions targeted at an industry do not when the interventionv have popular appeal and the fndustry is unpopular". Scheraga is assistant professor of business strategy and technology management at the School of Business aat Fairfield University [Connecticut]; John Calfee Is resident scholar at the American Enterprise Teenagers' recognition of Joe Camel caricature USA Brand Preference we9s, Melanie . Kds Imow Joe Camel, bul they follow Marboro Man. USA Today(31 January 1997) 2 pp . Reference: 031707 Vok, Roberl J. ef aL SmoVug and preference for brand of dgaretle among adolescents . Journal of Subsmnce Abuse (1998) 8 (3) pp . 347,'i59 Reference : A survey by USA Today suggests that 98% of teenagers recognize the Joe Camel cartoon character and 49% say the Camel ads make smoking more appealing . Slightly fewer recognized the Marlboro cowboy and 40% said Marlboro advertising made smoking more appealing . The survey claims, however, that more teenagers smoke Marlboro because the cowboy is seen as "rugged" and "cool", because of the brand's promotional goods and because many teenagers have been around parents who smoke Marlboro . Critics of tobacco advertising claim that teenagers choose Marlboro because it is seen as a"cooler', "more adult" brand . The survey results are illustrated by means of graphs, indude quotes from teenagers about their attitudes to smoking and provide information on claimed ad spending and ad agencies used by the tobacco companies, as well as key findings of the survey relating to the Camel, Marlbo%Kool, Benson & Hedges and Lucky Strike brands. Brand preference and cigarette use Brand preference may play an important role in smoking initiation and maintenance among adolescents, according to researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Purdue University and the University of Michigan . y' 031596 51733 5389 INFOTOPICS 10 OTDC 1897. 7Nfs pubsration Js oompaed Irom peAlc FiGWry 1997 sanoes and ahoWdnot NaeMbe rNeronad or clMd http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf The authors examined the association between having a preferred brand of cigarette and smoking in AfricanAmerican, Mexican American and White 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th graders [aged 11 to 171 in two counties of Indiana and Illinois, respectively . Cigarette use status was evaluated using two questions : "Have you ever smoked?" and "How much have you smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days?" Students were also asked : 'Do you think you will smoke cigarettes when you are older?" and "Do you prefer your brand of cigarette over all others?" The claim is that the results of the study suggested that the prevalence of having a preferred brand of cigarette increased with grade level, with more than 20% of the 11th graders [aged 16-17J reporting having a preference. Brand preference was said to be related to cigarette use in a dose-response fashion for all subgroups, with preference highest among African-American students who reportedly smoked at Last half a pack of cigarettes daily. The authors suggest that there is a strong association between having a brand preference and current daily cigarette use, whereas preference also was related to intention to smoke cigarettes when older . U US cigarette consumption may be risingr despite attacks on lndustry According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, despite a barrage of new claimed health discoveries and an unprecedented legal and regulatory war on the tobacco industry, cigarette consumption in the US held steady in 1996 and may even be increasing . The paper claims that one reason for this is that a new generation of smokers in their late teens and early 20s are embracing smoking as "hip" . The US Department of Agriculture reported that Americans bought 487 billion cigarettes in 1996, the same as the 1995 figure . That followed a long drop from a 1981 peak of 640 billion to 485 billion in 1993, after which the department's numbers started to increase. Reports of an increase in consumption were claimed to have stirred alarm among public-health advocates, after a year that brought new claims about smoking and health and the alleged "addictiveness" of nicotine . The federal government also proposed tough regulations aimed at curbing smoking by the young . The Wall Street Journal quotes some analysts as saying say that demographic patterns promise to help lift cigarette sales in the future, as the first generation of baby boomers' children reach adulthood. According to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which examined only data as recent as 1994, overall smoking rates in the US remained essentially flat that year. However, the smoking rate among 18 to 24 year-olds increased significantly, to 27.5% from 25.8% in 1993. USA Srtakkp Trends Hwany, Suein L Ciparepe qles steady as young flnd habit hip. The WaABtreef Joumal (30 January 1997) p. 8-14 Referenoe : 031674 The Wall Street Journal goes on to claim that cigarette makers s d tens of millions of dollars tivating a young market . It alleges that they stage bar parties and advertise lavish giveaway promotions requiring proof of purchase. Also, there seems to be a resurgence of smoking among young actors and actresses in films, which is said to be making smoking fashionable once again. l] ut . .~ J W W ~ W O February 1997 OTOC 1997 . TMS puDpcs6on ts conpDed from pi6tFC sources ard shoWd not fbelfbe relereiwred oreMsd http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf pJFOTGPJCS 11 . North America Canadian tests report higher constituents levels than stated by manufacturers Canada Constituents Testing Kerber, Ross . Do approved cigarette tests understate tar? The WaAS6eetJoumal (30 January 1997) pp . B-1, &14 Reference: According to a study by Labstat Inc ., of Kitchener, Ontario, smokers receive far higher doses of'tar', nicotine and carbon monoxide from cigarettes than tobacco companies disclose . The study was performed as part of a broader effort by officials in the US state of Massachusetts to force the disclosure of ingredients and the alleged health effects of tobacco 031675 products under the terms of a state ~ law passed last year . The 10 brands chosen were Camel Filters, Camel Lights, Camel Lights Menthol, Camel Ultra Lights, Carlton, Carlton Ultra, Marlboro, Marlboro Lights, Merit Filters 100s, and Merit Ultra Lights, some of the most popular brands in the state . produce more accurate ratings of nicotine intake but would merely produce higher ratings than those produced under the current FTC standards because of the more Intense settings used on the testing madtirtes . A press article suggests that ads for "light" and "low tat" brands might be imperDed by the Massachusetts study. Studies including a 1994 report by the National Cancer Institute maintain that the FTC should take account of what it claims is smokers' tendency to inhale more deeply and more frequently than the industry tests suggest and to cover the ventilation holes found in some cigarette filters with their lips and fingers. The study used methods reportedly meant to reflect smoking conditions that are more true to life than those used in the current tests approved by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and a table illustrates the findings of tests done on the brands by both the FTC and the Massachusetts study . While FTC officials have spent more The study claims that nicotine levels for the "average smoker" in most cases ranged from 46% to 98% higher than what they say are tobacco industry numbers . For example, the study reported Marlboro as having 25.9 mg of'tar', as opposed to the 16 mg declared in industry ratings . disclose additives and nicotine levels According to the article, tobacco companies argue that the tests do not than a year studying whether to propose new test, 'ng Procedures , some states are already acting. The results of the Massachusetts study ane to be released in a hearirtg designed to make rules under a MassaChusetts law that takes effect on 1 Julx" . Under that law, tobacco companfes must in their products to the state . In response, the manufacturers have sued to prevent the disclosures, arguing that they would yield trade secrets and that the states do not have the right to pre-empt federal laws and guide '~es O * f^fotapics January 1997 p. 9 Judge dismisses claims in West Virginia Medicaid caf#e USA Lawsuit West Yrginia rul'aig favors tobacco companies . Reuters (14 February 1997) Reference : A West Virginia judge has dismissed the essential claims of the state attomey-general's Medicaid lawsuit against tobacco companies, ruling that two state agencies have no independent right to sue for personal injuries allegedly caused by smoking . Judge Irene Berger granted, in its entirety, the tobacco industry's motion to dismiss 11 of 14 counts in the West Virginia Medicaid suit . A motion to dismiss two of the remaining counts is scheduled to be heard later this month. O 031759 51733 5391 INFOTOPICS 12 OTDC 1997 . Thls pub/katlon /s oonpiNd Irom publk FiMrary 1097 soumes and slioufd not NssMbe ra/erenaed ordAVd http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf 'Third wave" of litigation against the tobacco industry more likely to succeed, says lawyer Writing in the'Legal issues in medicine' section of The Nem England Journal of Medicine, George J . Annas, a lawyer with a master's degree in public health, claims that we are seeing the "third wave" of tobacco litigation, and that these cases are much more likely to succeed than previous lawsuits because of the discovery of a vast array of "internal" documents that he says undercut the industry's own arguments . He adds that whereas previous cases have been "outgunned financially" by tobacco companies, third wave cases are being brought by teams of law firms and by state attorneys-general with the help of private lawyers . Annas explains that the first wave of tobacco litigation dates from the time medical research first demonstrated the alleged risks of cancer from smoking and continued until the early 1970s (1954 to 1973) . The second wave (1983-1992) began in the early 1980s and ended with the dropping of the Cipollone case . The third wave began with Castano ro . American Tobacco Co . in 1994, and includes lawsuits that claim the industry "imew" nicotine to be "addictive" . Annas also discusses reimbursement suits in which a number of US states and cities have sued tobacco companies on behalf of taxpayers to recover the share of Medicaid costs claimed to be attributed to so-called "smoking-related diseases" . Should one or more of these cases be successful, Annas suggests, the question of measuring damages may February 1997 OTDC http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf be difficult . The extent to which federal financial burdens and benefits should be factored into state-level judgments, or whether the federal government should itself be a party to these cases, remains to be determined . The author concludes his article by discussing the possibility of global settlements which follow the decision by the Liggett Group to settle with five states and pursue settlements with the other states . Another global-settlement proposal was floated last year by lawyer Richard Scruggs, who works with the Mississippi attomey-general'. USA LiGgation Arm, (isape J . Tobeceo fi'tgation as cancer prevention : dealing with 1hs devA. Ths Now Enqlend Joamaf of Meati'ciie (23 Jaeuery 1997) 398 (4) pp. 3d1-308 Reference : 081649 Annas claims that the acceptability of any global settlement will depend on the required goals in the so-called "tobacco wars" . He says that protecting individual choice while minimizing the alleged health hazards seems reasonable, as does putting tobacco under the jurisdiction of the Consumer Protection Agency . He concludes that the key to public health action on the tobacco front seems to lie in combining strategies to discourage children from smoking and in producing a "safer" and "less addictive" cigarette for those who cannot, or will not, "resist the temptation to smoke". A truly global settlement, he says, must transcend US boundaries and a US settlement should help set up worldwide standards for'tar' and nicotine . O * See Injotopics September/October 1996 pp . 11-12 1997. TNS pubNceBon is coapRSd han puNic AJFOTOPICS 13 sources and ahorAd nof ltrea be referenced or eNed North America USA Advertising Bans! Constrtutionality tddCay, Sandra E. et a/. The FDA's proposed rules regulating tobacco and underage smoldng and the eamierdal speech doctrine . Journal of PLtrfc PoGby andAfarke0ng(Fa119g5)15 (2) pp. 2g6-3ai Reference : 031600 Clinton's tobacco advertising proposals and the Constitution Sandra McKay ef aL, from Southeastern Louisiana University and Arizona State University, examined the tobacco advertising regulations proposed by US President Clinton in an attempt to determine if they meet certain criteria under the US Constitution . The Supreme Court traditionally has distinguished commercial speech from other speech and recognition that commercial speech has some constitutional protection dates back to 1975 . In 1980 the Supreme Court, in the case Central Hadaon and Elufrrc Corporatian v. Public Service Commission, set out four criteria to determine whether specific commercial speech comes within the protection of the First Amendment . The criteria are the following: • The speech being regulated must be lawful and cannot be misleading . ∎ The government must have a substantial interest in protecting the public . • The regulation must directly advance the government interest being asserted. USA Tobacoo Growing a The regulation cannot be more extensive than is necessary to serve the government interest. In their analysis, the authors suggest that the proposed regulation restricting the format of advertising to minors should withstand a constitutional challenge, as should the proposed restrictions on outdoor advertising . As regards the restrictions on advertisement content in print media and the bans on promotional items and brand sponsorshi p of events, the proposed rules move beyond previous adv restrictions, according to the au cs. The continuing erosion of First Amendment protection of commercial speech,theysa y,a tojustify the tobacco and adv~reertising industries' focusittg their lawsuits on the jurisdictional issues involved in this case . McKay d al. conclude that the Food and Drug Administration is attempting to capitalize on the Supreme Court's apparent desire to support governmental restrictions on currently perceived vices or threats to health, especially that of minoss .0 Concerns about the long-term health and economic future of the tobacco farmer Amid a backdrop of reportedly policy-maker resistance to tobacco declining American tobacco control. consumption and increasing In March 1995, Altman et al . American tobacco-com u rch Altrnan, David G. stal Tobacco ase interviewed 529 tobacco growers and ~~ and ~~~ : of foreign-grown tobacco and 417 allotment owners by telephone. oppalunities arM 6®rtiersm production facilities, diverse groups They were questioned on their Tobaoco Conhof (Autunn 19g6) such as elected public officials, health attitudes to, knowledge of, and .1g2-1f)8 professionals and growers have 5(3) pp experience with diversification and begun exploring together ways to attitudes towards an increase in the help the American tobacco farmer. Reference : 031657 federal excise tax on tobacco. Joossens, Luk . Dioersificatlon 's the luture fa many tobacco farmers. Totaaro Control (AuWmn 1996) 5 (3) pp.177-178 Reference : 031656 Researchers from the Bowman Gray School of Medicine [Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC) and the Center for Sustainable Systems [Berea, Kentucky] claim that diversification away from tobacco into other crops and the subsequent economic development it produces will decrease public and The results of the telephone survey suggested that half of the respon- N dents had done something to leam ~ about on-farm alternatives to tobacco, W had an interest in trying other on-farm ventures to supplement w tobacco income, and found W alternatives that were profitable . w lNFOTOPICS 14 OTDC 1997 . Tfds pubase0'en Is colrp/Nd ho/n pu6Nc Fabmlry 1997 souroes and ahaAd not MaaCae re/sranced ora'Nd http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf Younger farmers were reportedly more willing to be interested in or try alternative enterprise than older ones . Luk Joossena claims some tobacco farmers struggling with huge problems Structural and economic obstacles to diversification were noted by respondents (especially younger respondents), but 73% supported an increase in the federal excise tax on tobacco if the money was used to help farmers overcome these barriers . The Altman et ai . article was discussed in an editorial in Tobacco Control by Luk Joossens, of the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) . Joossens claims that while figures show that growing tobacco seems to have a promising future, in several parts of the world tobacco farmers are struggling with huge problems for different reasons . When respondents were asked whether they smoke cigarettes or use chewing tobacco every day, some days, or not at all, 22% reported smoking cigarettes and 22% reported using chewing tobacco "some days" or "every day" . Two out of three respondents (63%) thought that "smoking is harmful to people' . He briefly discusses these problems, which he says include non-competitive prices; low-quality tobacco and poor adaptation to varieties in commercial demand; a declining domestic tobacco market; overdependence on earnings from tobacco; and low-ttcomu provision for the small tobacco farmer . 0 Maternal smoking during pregnancy and childhood cancer US researchers Mark Kiebanoff and colleagues, from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, at the National Institutes of Health, conclude that maternal smoking during pregnancy was not associated with an increased risk of childhood cancer in their study population. The authors examined data on 54,795 live-bom children between 1959-1966 [of which 51 had cancer] for a cumulative incidence of cancer of 1 .1 per 1,000 by 96 months of age . Maternal smoking was determined at each prenatal visit; 52% of mothers reported smoking at one or more visits . By age eight years, cancer had reportedly occurred in 1 .4 per 1,000 children whose mothers had not smoked during pregnancy, compared with 0.9 per 1,000 children whose mothers had smoked . February7997 The results of the study suggested that there was no dose-response effect of smoking compared with not smoking . Klebanoff et aL conclude that childhood cancer is very different from cancer in adults . They say that epithelial tumours compriselhe majority of cancers In adults compared with a small minority of tumours in children of the age range studied. They state that as smoking is allegedly associated primarily with epithelial tumours in adults, it may not be biologically plausible to expect a positive association between in utero tobacco exposure and childhood cancer . USA Childhood Canosr lOebanoB, MarkA etaf Matemal amokFp durirp pfBpIlBfl6y alld Chlldhood oanoer. Mtsrkan .burns/ ot f:pfdemRttogy(1996)144 (11) pp.1028-1093 Refeence : 031618 They stress, however, that the relatively small number of cases in their study - 51 - precluded extensive examination of individual types of cancer. 0 OTDC1997.ThlspudPcatlealspompleCtrompuRrtc http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf .qVFOTPtQSfsourandl otIbeHmkrnadole * North America USA Respiratory Diseases Claimed effects of smoking on respiratory system may start during pregnancy, says study Jonathan Samet and Peter Lange claim that the alleged effects of smoking on the respiratory system begin to appear even earlier than thought, and possibly even start Samet, Jonathan M. and Peter Lange. Longitud'naI sludies ol active and pass'rve smoldng . American Journal of Respfratay and (;nDcal Care Medreiie (December 1996)154 (6) pp. 5257-S265 Reference : during pregnancy. "Passive smokm' g may continue to adversely affect lung growth as exPosure occurs throughout childhood and possibly during adulthood as well . Active cigarette smoking may also anpair lung growth during the teenage years . Thus, both passive and active smokinR durinp childhood may reduce the mawmum level of function aohieved at the completion of lung growth," the authors state . In their paper in the American Journal o Respiratory and Critfcal Care Medicine, Samet and Lange summarize and synthesize the evidence on active and'passive' smoking and respiratory health . U 031686 Nicotine and its effect on schizophrenia USA Sohaophrenia Neergaard, Lauran. Scientists link sch¢ophrenia gene, nico6ne . AP (2o January 1997) 2 pp . Reference : 031628 According to scientists Dr . Robert Freedman and colleagues of the Denver Veterans Affairs Medical Centre, nicotine appears to override, briefly, a brain defect characteristic of schizophrenia, providm' g patients with a few minutes of calm . It is reported that many schizophrenics are unable to filter out unnecessary sights, sounds and other stimuli, so they essentially suffer information overload . Freedman and colleagues claim that this trait is inherited and they linked a gene that appears responslble for schizophrenia to a brain receptor that helps filter information and which can be stimulated by nicotine. In their view, this could suggest that schizophrenics who smoke get enough nicotine to switch on this receptor for brief relief. Their reported finding may explain why many schizophrenics are said to chain smoke, according to the authors. However, Freedman and colleagues say they do not recommend that people take up smoking to try to coapbat their schlzophrenia because the effect literally tasts just a few minutes. Freedman et a! .'s study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Scfences. O Lung cancer in non-smoking wives of smokers USA Envimnmental Tobacco Smoke Study finds more evidence that nonsmoking women married to smokers have higher lung cancer death rates PR Newswie (20 January 1997) 2 pp. Reference : 031654 PR Newsmirerepo rts that a study by researchers at the American Cancer Society and Emory University suggests that never-smoking women married to smokers have about 20% higher lung cancer death rates than women married to never-smoking men . The results of the study, published in the journal Cancer Causes & Control, are claimed to be consistent with prior studies by the Favironmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other scientific groups, and contribute to the overall clauns that exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ET'8) from smoking spouses may adversely affect lung cancer risk in neversmoking women . The researchers analysed data from the American Cancer Societyrs Cancer Prevention Study II(CPSIq. The risk of lung cancer in 119,286 female and 18,549 male never-smokers married to smokers was compared to that In 7I,D00 female and 77,000 male never-smokers whose spouses did not smoke. The current study pertains lar$ely to lung cancer among never-saw women married to smoking men; too few never-smoking men were married to smokers and insuf6dertt information is available on their fiTS exposure outside the home to interpret the data on men in CPS-II, the authors state. O . 51733 5395 aVFOTOPlCS 16 OTDC 1997. TNS puDliaae0n k COrtplkd avm publ/c Febmary 1997 souroes and shouM not aaMDe ret.rencvd or db0 http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf Parental smoking a "major factor" in onset of smoking among children In a study examining the relationship between smoking and anti-smoking practices of parents and the early onset of smoking among elementary school children, Christine Jackson, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Lisa Henriksen, from Rutgers University, claim that children are more likely to smoke when one or both parents are current smokers . The fact that some parents quit does not eradicate the possibility of parental modelling by children, they add . The authors further note that smoking parents who give dear anti-smoking messages to their children may well be able to influence the decision of their children to start smoking. The results of the authors' study suggest the following : s children's likelihood of early onset of smoking increases with level of exposure to parent smoking models; • if one or both parents are current smokers, children who have never tried smoking have asignificantly greater likelihood of intending to smoke, perceiving easy access to cigarettes, and being ambivalent about smoking; s"risk" rates for children of former smokers indicate that parents' quitting smoking does not eradicate the effects of parent modelling ; a children whose parents engage in anti-smoking socialization have significantly lower rates of smoking onset, even if parents are current smokers. USA Sntokilp tnlNaUon Jackson and Henriksan conclude that the cross-sectional design of the study limits the applicability of these findings to intervention planning . In addition, the ability to generalize from the findings may be limited because the sample was drawn from central North Carolina . Jedcson, Christine and Liea HenrRcsen . Do as I say. parental smakitp, antiemokinp soclaraetion and srnokkg orreal amap children. Addktft 8ehatdoras (January-Felxuary 1997) 22 (1) pp.107•114 Reference: 031668 Psychological and social factors significantly Influence smoking initiation Still on the subject of why people smoke, Unger tt al ., of the University of Southern California, examined the predictive value of a measure of susceptibility to smoking among schoolchildren. The authors contend that a number of psychological and social influences are useful predictors of the onset of smoking and claim that smokingby friends was a high predictor of smoking maintenance among young people . linger, Jenniler B. et a/. Iden6flcation of adolescents at risk for smoldnp hqiation : val~IdellOn of a measure of susoepGltlGly. Addwirve Behavfoars (January-Fetxuary 1007) 22 (1) pp . N1-91 Reference: 031888 They therefore suggest that measures should be instituted in school to ensure that those children who are most likely to start smoking should be identified and targeted for smoking intervention and prevention programmes . U TWA to ban smoking Trans World Airlines has announced that it will ban smoking on all flights, including international routes, beginning 1 April .'IWA says the move follows a successful trial of nonsmoking flights between the US and Britain, France and Germany . The airline joins a number of other carriers, including Delta Air l.ines and USAir Group, that have instituted system-wide smoke-free services. U USA AinxeR Kieft SCeet JotartaiFtpnpe (14-15 February 1887) p. 8 Reference : 031744 February 1997 01 DC re97. 7his pu6laetion Is cwmpard hom puWc aVFOTOPICS 17 sau.aos anu s7io~ not assilbe nvlemoced orc/WO http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf European Union United Kingdom Environmental Tot acoo Smoke Artnilage, AK et ai Environmental bbaoco smoke -'s it neaiy a canonogen? Medcal Sclsnoe Research (1997) 25 pp . 3•7 Reference : 031713 UK scientists challenge evidence of ETS/cancer association In a study published in Medirnl Science ed to pmde0ermined levels of Resmmh, four UK scientists challenge the evidence that there is an association between environmental tobaeco smoke (ECS) exposure and cancer. They say that certain epidemiological studies reporting an effect are "seriously flawethat methods for detecting the effects of tobacco smoke in nonsmokers are unreliable, and that the alleged levels of carcinooens in E15 are too low to cause cancer in any ca8e. They conclude, thernfore, that the "claim that ETS causes lung cancer . . . appears to be more a statement of belief, rather than a conclusiort based an strict scientific objectivity". The scientists' review was written in response to a mcent~raper Iaw and Hackshaw in the Bntrsh ' Bulletin, which concluded that ETS exposure increases the risk of lung cancer, and to a statement by Richard Peto in the New Scfent'st that'The proof that passive smo" causes lung cazuer is not epidemrologicaL It comes from the nature of the carcinogens In tobacco smoke." The scientists begin by discussing the limitations of the epidemuology of ETS. They claim that the epidemi .l.gical case against ETS is based primarily upon uncontrolled observadonal studies, yet the results are interpreted as if they were obtained from controlled experiments with non-smokers randomly selected from defined non-smoker populations and They then discuss the limitations of aretaawl ysts, daiming that the individual E1'S studies on lung cancer have $et>erally produced no statisbcally &gnificant overall rewlt Several studies have thendorebeen combined in an cat attem to form a definite coztelustwi metatheanlysic y achieve this it is subject to po6entially serious flaws whlch fine scientists discuss briefly. Amiitage d go on to look at problems with case-caattrol studiea that are adopted to avoid some of the problemsofm' t«p unrontrolled eptdemiologk lka dacondude that case-control method has beenwidetyappliedinepidemfology, . butnumemus incan4lstenaesbetween different studies of the same phenomena have kd to severe misgivings about the 6echnique . In their discussion on dosimetry, the . . scientists consider the use of cofhtitte as a biouwrker of Ef8 dose and its limitations.lltey then discuss metabolic carrsideratians relat ing to'the use of cotutirte asbiomlarkerartd environmental monittuittg data, and cottelude that the use of a st cotinine asssay as a measure cetta9ttly not valid . They finishostheir papa by discussing the scientific evldec to support the existenoe of thresholds for gettotoxk carci<togens irrluding dose-respottse curves and ttu carcinogenic prooess . 0 Dutch report questions conclusions of ETS report of European scientists Nefiterfands Environmental Tobacco Smoke Recently, the European Working Environmental ProteetionAttency Group on Environmental Tobacco (EPA) that environmental tobacco Smoke and Lung Cancer published a smoke does cause 1 cancez report on exposure to environmental Furlhermore, the wor ~ group fails Van Barneveld, et al. Passiel roken en bngkankerr een n'ieuw rapport in parspectief. Afed T'qsohr. Geneeskd(18 January 1997) pp .132•136 [Dubh] Reference : 031682 tobacco smoke and the risk of lung to present compe11~' ence that cancer*. The report concludes that the results of theepidemtological environmental tobacco smoke is not a studies in this field can be explained primary lung carcinogen . by bias or confounding, or that the association between environmental According to Dutch scientists Van tobacco smoke and lung cancer is Bameveld et al ., however, a critical biologically Implausible. Therefore, evaluation of the report indicates that we see no reason to modify the this conclusion is not justified. conclusion of the EPA that'passive' smoking causes lung cancer ." O They state that "results of recent epidemiolog'~c studies suppo rt the earlier conclusion of the US • Infotopics May 1996 p.17 INFOTOPICS 18 orUC 1997. n,rs pu6aaeaonls corplNd arom pqeac Febrt,ey 1997 sourcesandshouMnot7aosnbarekratoedadbd . I http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf I Bias in ETS studies can be two way, says UK statistician Peter Lee In a letter responding to an article by George Davey Smith and Andrew N . Phillips in the British Medical Journat called Passive smoking and health . Should we believe Philip Morris's experts?", Lee, an independent consultant in statistics and epidemiology in the UK, suggests that bias in reporting and bias in studies on environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) "is not something that can occur in only one direction". Lee contends that it is not only unreasonable to assail him personally in the scientific media because of his differing views on the science of ETS, but it is also unreasonable for Davey Smith and Phillips to ignore that there is strong evidence of misclassification and scientific bias in many of the studies that claim to demonstrate an association between ETS and lung cancer. Phillips wrongly criticize his work on bias due to misclassified smoking habits by ignoring the claim that spousal smoking inaccurately measures total exposure . They say that "associations between diet and lung cancer could be due to confounding by smoking" . But associations with diet are seen for many cancers, regardless of their relation to smoking, and studies of lung cancer have shown stmng associations in non-smokers, Lee adds . European Union UMted Kingdom Environmental Tobacco Smoke Lee, Pe1er N. Many dekns about'passhre' smokinp are inadequately ]usdfied . 8rfth A1e" .bumel(1 Felxuary 1987) 314 p. 371 Reference : 031676 Lee also claims that given their keen awareness of residual confounding, he finds it remarkable that the authors consider the association of cot death and maternal smoking to be due to EfS when other studies have reported that adjustment for numerous risk factors massively weakens the association . O In Lee's view, Davey Smith and * Infotopics November 1996 p . 20 Effects of occasional exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on lung function in children In a paper published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, researchers from the Lazio Epidemiologic Unit and the National Institute of Health [Rome, Italy] and the University of Massachusetts [USA] conclude that there is no threshold dose of ETS below which an effect will not occur . Their conclusion is based on an investigation into the effects of occasional exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) on lung function in 317 healthy non-smoking children and adolescents aged 12 to 15 years living at home with nonsmoking adults . The urinary cotinine/creatinine ratio (CCR) was taken as the biologic indicator of exposure, and children were classified according to CCR quartiles. The results suggested that lung function, as measured by standard tests, were lower in children with higher CCR values. The researchers report that the effects remained significant when possible confoun- ding by father's education and urinary creatinine levels had been taken into account, and when children whose parents' smoking status may have been misclassified were excluded. Corbo et atL caution that their findings must be interpreted in the light of the very high reported prevalence of smoking in Italy. In the entire sample of schoolchildren, 50% of fathers and 32% of mothers were claimed to smoke. Furthermore, at the time of the study, smoking was permitted in most public buildings . They claim that because background exposure of children to ETS seems to be associated withfunctionalchangesln the lung, further studies are needed to determine whether the association is causal. U February 1997 OTOC 1997. TMs puNCaEfonls oarrpYad eorn poplo sources and saou/d not aseUbe rohainrod or c4lad http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf Italy Envirorunental Tobacco SmokeOfdren Corbo, Gaseppe M. et af. Lug function in ehildren and adolesoeMS wilh oaasbnal e>Qoeure 1o enviionmenfal tobeoco snake . Mierican JoumaIa ftesp6atory and fXlbrxlCar~reA/edahe (September 1886)154 (3) pp. B *700 Reference : 01600 1NFOTOPItrS 19 ~ ~+~`~' 7 European Union France Workplace Petry, Mtoiie . Tabagisme passiN. 38.000 F d'indemnitds. !'Es1 Repuf loa'rr (28 January 1997) 1 p. [French) Reference: French employee awarded damages for unfair dismissal for complaining about smoking A female worker from Fl€ville, France, has reportedly been awarded Ffr 38,000 (USS6,725) in damages by a tribunal in Nancy after being unfairly dismissed for complaining about smoking in the workplace . As the only non-smoker at an automobile business, the administrative worker was dismissed in June 1995 after complaining she could not concentrate on her work because of tobacco smoke, in what was reportedly a poorly-ventilated area . 0 031696 Cambridge economist calls for more evidence on effectiveness of tobacco advertising bans European Union Advertising Bans Bate, Roger. The fularboro Man cant make you smoke . The Watl SOreefJoumalEumpe (15 January 1997) p. 6 Reference: 031610 Writing in The Wall Street Journal Europe and in the context of Belgium's announcement that tobacco advertising would be banned, Cambridge University economist Roger Bate suggests that proponents of such bans "should produce more than speculative evidence that fewer people would smoke as result of these measures" . He points out that in Norway and Finland, where tobacco advertising has been prohibited for many years, total smoking has either not changed or has increased . Whereas in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands where more advertising has been allowed, there has been some reduction in smoking . Bate discusses the book Adoertiaing and Markets, published by NTC in the UK`, which addresses why bans may be ineffectual or even counterproductive . He suggests that a ban would not reduce total demand, but would reduce the likelihood of consumers switching brands. He discusses the impact of advertisements such as the Joe Camel cartoon caricature on supposedly influencing children to smoke and suggests a number of other reasons why young people begin to smoke, such as peer pressure. The author cites an EU survey of 9,312 young people conducted in 1991 which suggested that peer pressure accounted for over 60% of the reasons given for smoking, while advertising accounted at most for 1 .5% . He suggests that young people are more attracted to smoking if It is considered taboo and that they are more influenced by real life images, such as their favourite sports stars smoking, than by advertisements . Bate also cites a KPMG study as claiming that a tobacco advertising ban in Belgium will cost the advertising network some US$70 million and 250 jobs . A ban could also lead to sports sponsorship losses estimated by KPMG to be in tens of millions of dollars . Bate concludes by suggesting that "the only way to be sure that the politicians in EU countries are serious about the health effects of tobacco would be when they remove the $1 .2 billion EU subsidy to tobacco production, and not if they bring in an advertising ban. For the moment tobacco advap~glegislation may be politically t, but it does not reduce smo "O • See lrrfotopica January 1997 p . 18 INFOTOPlCS 20 07DC 1997 . TWS pqbNCadon b ompA'sd trom putMle feWrWy 1Y87 souroes and aAadd not kaell be rskranciM or aYed http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf Germans continue to oppose ban on tobacco advertising Germany's State Secretary for Health, Sabine Bergmann-Pohl, has said that her country's government is against a total ban on tobacco advertising . Bergmann-Pohl was responding to a question in parliament about a ban on tobacco advertising at a Formula One motor racing event in Germany . The state secretary was reported as saying that a tobacco advertising ban at the Nurburgnng race would make it impossible to hold the race there andpose serious economic problems for tfie Eifel region . She also said that if the tobacco ads were banned, the race would be moved to another location where ads were not banned and still be broadcast back to Germany via television. o European ~ Union Qstmsny Adrerbefnp Bans Kein Werbeverbot fitr Tabak am RinO. (ienerafAnzelpsr (30 January 1997) p . 26 tGannen) Reteranoe : 031705 United Kingdom : Family life and smoking in adolescence University of Aberdeen researchers Anthony Glendinning et al . claim that early experiences of family life would appear to be related to adolescent health and to adolescent health behaviours independently of the socio-economic circumstances of the family. More specifically, they allege that parents'smokin~, neighbourhood depnvation,family structure and family "bonding" had a significant effect on the likelihood of a youn person smo ' regularly, although family social c did not. In addition, they say their findings indicate that an unsupportive home environment with fewer controls (i.e . where parents were seen as neglectful) was related to an increase in smoking prevalence. O UnJtear Kin do.m JuveMk alendenning,Anlhony et at. FamNy Wfe uwl smoldng in adolesoenee, Socief Scknos andAfeditahs (1997) 44(1) pp. 9&101 031720 BAT chief executive claimed to state that the company would consider settling damages claims by smokers The chief executive of BAT Industries plc, Martin Broughton, has stated that the company would consider settling damar claims brought by people suffering from sotalled "smokingrelated illnesses" if doing so would end the growth of legal claims against the industry, the International Herald Tnbune claims . "Clearly there would have to be some kind of payment to somebody" if the industry can secure a settlement, Mr . Broughton said on the BBC's The Money Programme . They want a big payoff, and we want a peaceful life," he added. Three months ago Mr . Broughton said that a government-endorsed settlement of US liability claims would be a "common sense" approach. In late October 1996, Mr Broughton reportedly stated that he doubted an agreement could be reached because it would not be in the interests of plaintiffs or their lawyers . Mr. Broughton is not the first tobacco executive to raise the possibility of a settlement . Steven Goldstone, chief executive of RJR Nabisco Holdings Corp., said in March 1996 that the industry would consider a settlement "if the terms were right" . He said the industry would consider paym' ~for costs alle~edly associated wfth smoking mciuding charges such as state Medicare bills, in ex e for US government immunity for ' ility claims related to smoking. One analyst claims to be sceptical that a settlement could be arranged as so many different interest groups would have to be satisfied, namely : the plaintiffs; their lawyers; the industry; and Congress as well. However a settlement would be "a desirable outcome" for shareholders in tobacco companies, it is claimed. O British Tobeoco CEO to eonsider settlemeet ior fsdlity daans . fnlsrns6onaf HsraM Ttl'xas (11 Febugry 1997) p. 2 Reference : 031714 Editor's note : Despite the ht'gh profile of the interview, Mr. Broughton's comments did not announce any change of BAT company policy . He was quoted last October as saying that the company would consider any sensible settlement that was on offer, "it if were in the shareholders' interests, but so far none is on offer" . Feoruary 1997 OTDC 1997. 7Ms pubSceson Is oonpFed hom pebAo souraes an0 000 not 60 be retererwed ordi.d http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf UNted Kingdom Lhigetion MIFOTOPICS 21 p European 80% of Spanish smokers said to be aware of claims about tobacco and health Union Spain Risk Awareness Fumadaes conaendados . El PaEs (13 January 1997) p. 24 (saems+] Reference : 031613 According to a recent report prepared by the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumption, eight in every 10 smokers are aware of the claimed health hazards of smoking, while around 62% of smokers said that the "dangers" of smoking are too exaggerated . Nearly 34% of smokers . reported fhat they began smoking before the age of 14 . Approximately 55% of smokers further claimed they have tried to quit at least once . O Half of young Europeans said to smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day A European poll reports that half of the 1,600 youths aged 16-24 years surveyed said they smoked more than 20 cigarettes a day. The poll, conducted by the MTV pop music TV channel, also reported that 44% of young people surveyed in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK had used drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy or "speed". European Unlon/France Smoldng Trends Majendie, Paul. Young Europeans donY want EU to interfere - poll . Reuters (6 Febniary 1997] Reference: 031750 Smoking has reportedly doubled among young French in 20 years In France, despite continued rises in Campag e . Le Ligue contre le the cost of cigarettes, warnings on cancer pirate une mention I6gale . cigarette packs, and the introduction C.B. Mews (10 February 1997) of the anti-smoking Evin Law in 1991, 1 p . (French] 60"/" of French people between 18 and 20 years of age smoke cigarettes, Reference: 031746 which is about double the rate in 1977. In response, the French Anti-Cancer League planned from 10 February to 1S February to conduct a poster campaign in all cities throughout France with more than 100,000 inhabitants. The campaign warns of the claimed dangers of smoking and turns around one of France's health warnings to say: "Stopping smoking seriously harms cancer ." The poster shows a red match ("healthy lung' ) beside a black burnt match ("diseased lun On 14 February, the busiest travel day of the year, the cam paign was carried out in 31 French railway stations, with 300,000 pencils in the form of matches distributed free with an information brochure . On 31 May, World No Tobacco Day, 100 departmental committees of the League will sponsor activity at local level . O Danish insurance group offers "light" smokers same ' premiums as non-smokers A Danish insurance company, PFA have not previously been heavy Pension, reportedly has decided that smokers . . people who smoke about five Both ICraeftens Bekaempelse [the Anti cigarettes a day will get the same Cancer Association] and Dansk conditions for their life insurance as Kraeftforskningsfond [Danish Cancer non-smokers . Denmark Insurance Premiums Selskab giver reg6i rabat 61 rygere. Berigslce Tiderde (13 January 1997) p. 4 (DerisNEnglish translation] Reference : Research Foundation] have 031625 The company had earlier decided to welcomed PFA's initiative, although charge higher premiums to smokers . a Cancer Association official has However, the company said that stated that he does not know any there is no proof that "light" smokers method that can detect whether a' run more "health risks" than person has smoked any further back non-smokers and customers who than two months . PFA has stated that only smoke a little will be charged the it will verify customers' smoking same rates as non-smokers, if they status by a urine test, if the sum insured is more than DKr2 million (US$312A00) . o INFOTOPICS 22 OTDC http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf 1997. 7Nis pdiNeeaOn Is eonplbd GOm prblk faWyay 1s87 awrces anQ shaid not Awll be mlarenoed or d/ed n .~ J w w N m ~ New cigarette filter announced in Greece Three Greek university professors, Professor loannia Stavridis, Professor George Delikonstantinos and Professor Stephanos Geroulanos, have announced a new cigarette filter that they claim will make smoking "less harmful". The discovery was announced at a press conference organized by the Greek Cooperative Tobacco Industry SA - SEKAP, the first cigarette producer in the world to introduce the'bio-fIlter' in its products . The inventors of the filter say the "bio-filter" resembles conventional cigarette filters in appearance, but its innovative design screens out what they claim are "short-lived carcinogens'thatthey say ordinary filters do not. They also claim their filter reduces allegedly harmful substances by 70% . The basic component of the "bio-filtet' is haemoglobin (the body's oxygen-carrier). The professors claim the biological filter is especially important in protecting 'passive smokere . Tests with volunteers suggest that smoke exhaled from a cigarette with a biological filter is 40 times "less toxic" with respect to quantity of oxygen, free radicals and noxious nitrogen oxides . O European Union Greece Ffts Afhens NeN5Ap6ncy (22 Janaay t1t98) 2 pp. Reference : 031693 French railway fined for failing to enforce tobacco legislation A civil court has ruled that the state legislation at Lyon station and that it owned railway company, SNCF, has must pay Fr20,000 (USS3,3f10) to two failed to enforce tobacco-control anti-tobacco groups . O France PoIb Snaldng French txackdorm on amoldnp in puWia'Bd&6 Abdicel,bumel (1 Februery 1997) 816 p. 324 Referera : February 1997 OTOC 1897. 7Ne puDMCBNp17f oompikd hom piaWo aowces and slwuM not kaeflbe rehnnoee a dPSd http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf 031681 MIFOTOPlCB 23 71 Non-EU Europe Hungary Advertising Hungary du to permit tobacco, alcahd, drug ads. Relders (16,lanuary 1997) 1 p . Reference : 031660 Hungarian cabinet to consider leslation on advertising in non-electronic me fa The Hungarian cabinet will reportedly considerpropo5ed legislation that would allow dnig, alcohol and tobacco ads in the non-electronic media, government spokesman Elemer Kiss said . Prescription drugs could only be promoted through literature directed at doctors, while non-prescription drugs could be adverhsed to the general public, the statement added . The bill would not apply to the broadcast media, which is regulated by the 1995 Media Law, Kiss added . would be applied to outdoor and printed press ads that allegedly promote alcohol and tobacco use. The media law bans tobacco, but not alcohol advertising . The proposed law would bar certain forms of 'hidden' advertising as well as ads that violate public morals, Kiss said . Health activist grou ps iast year told Reuters they were lobbying against all fonns of alFohol and tobacco advertisu' tg but were facing an uphill battle as aTCohol and tobacco taxes A statement distributed at the news conference also listed guns, ammunition and explosives as goods that could not be advertised . The statement said that strict limits generated 59billion forint state revenues in 1995. Kiss said the proposal would soon be submitted to ParGament . 0 Swissair to ban smoking on transatlantic routes Swissair will ban smokin g on its United States already bans smoking Switzerland transatlantic routes from 30 March on all domestic flights . Airlines Swissair to ban smolting on transatlantic 6ights . Reuters (8 Fetruary 1997) 1 p. because of complaints from a A recent airline indus surve growing number of non-smoker clients, a company spokesman said . ropa~s ~~t two of b yiness seng rs favoured a total smoking Jean-Claude Donzel told the Swiss ab n on all intemational routes and news agency ATS at the weekend that another 11% wanted it banned on the decision was also in line with a most flights . The Europeans are the smoking ban to be imposed on most " ro-smokin g" among the Reference : 031745 transatlantic routes by Swissair's world s business travellers, with three partners - Delta Air Lines, nearly 25% o~smg any further Austrian Airlines and Sabena . The curbs, accordutg to the survey of . 1,000 business Fassen$ers conducted by the International Atr Transport Association. 0 Polish marketers establish country's first self-regulat>ton council Poland Advertising Madden, Nomtandy. Polands marketers attempt to be Sieir own watd dog . Adwrtisk9 Age lntemaGOna1(Supplement) (February 1997) p.18 Reference: 031747 Poland's marketing community has established the country's first self-regulation counc'J, the Polish Advertising Committee Initiative (PACI). The organizers of PACi say their industry-wide effort calls for members - including marketets, agencies and the media - to adhere to a code of ethics that guarantees honestY, truth and morality in advertising . But PACi also reportedly admit that the move is partly an effort to counter increasing government interest in Polish advertising practices. The Initiative should relieve some of the government pressure for legislation on advertising because there would be a self-regulating body that has the legal status to lobby for the rights of advertisers, according to a press article . PACI maintains that it is important to demonstrate to the government that the industry Is going to be responsible toward the community it works in and to have a single voice to advise the government on things like standards in advertising. 0 INFOTOPICS 24 07DC 1997 . This puaacatlon /g eonpibd bqn pubqo FlMNry 1&67 soufCBS ard ahOWd IIOf 60 Ge reM/alaed or dPad http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf Australian Federal Court rules that research council may take no further action on ETS report An Australian Federal Court has handed down formal orders restraining the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHIvERC) from taking further action on the proposed regulatory recommendations and guidelines laid down in a controversial draft report, The health effects oJpassive smoking•. The NHMRC was also ordered to pay the legal costs of the two companies that brought the lawsuit against the council, Rothmans of Pall Mall (Australia) Ltd . and Philip Morris (Australia) Limited, as well as of the Tobacco Institute of Australia (ITA) . The tobacco companies called for the NHMRC to disband the working party that prepared the report, and investigate how it went so far beyond the legal requirements governing the drafting of the report . In December, Federal Court Justice Paul Finn upheld tobacco industry complaints, ruling the NHMRC failed to give genuine consideration to industry submissions, to provide procedural fairness to industry members or to consider relevant scientific evidence and submissions•' . He said the council ignored studies suggesting that workplace exposure to 'passive' smoking was associated with no overall increased risk of lung cancer. Adrian Lucchese, general manager of the Tobacco Institute of Australia, said that the 'passive' smoking taskforce in New South Wales and Western Australia should carefully consider the implications of the judgment and orders . .NHIvIRC chairman Professor Richard Smallwood said that Justice Finn had rejected claims by the tobacco lobby for the report to be discarded and its science and reasoning still stood . But he conceded that the NHMRC was feaWy 1997 oroQ http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf reviewing its consultation procedures. The Australian Medical Association (AMA) national president, Keith Woollard, claimed the court's decision reinforced the original view there was no problem with the scientific merit of the NHMRC's findings . He claimed the ruling was a legal decision not a medical decision, and had been critical of NHMRC procedures based on the interpretation of the legislation under which it operated. Smokescreen . 'Passive Srnoking' and Public Policy Smokescreen. 'Passive Smoking' and Public Policy ts a revised version of a paper submitted to the NHMRC by Canadian academic John Luik and written at the request of the Tobacco Institute of Australia . Luik's pa is a response to The health ef fects o passive smoking and is divided into two sections. In the first, Lulk explains his claim that the NHIvERC report is an instance of either bad science or corrupt science. In the second section he examines the consequences of the use of such instances of bad or corrupt science on the public policy process. Aastnfia Etrvironmental Tobaoco Smoke Tobaao companies dawn v"over NHMRC. MP (24 Janoary 1897) 2 pp . Reference : 031680 Luk John. Smotraeaeen. Y'asshe Smokiy' and Pubtic Poficy. kretilute oi Public Altairs. (Juy 1aes) X pp. Reference : 031761 He concludes the following. "in the final analysis it is diff3cult indeed to find anything substantial in the [NEMRRCJ Report which would tend to mitigate the conclusion that It is an instance of flawed science and flawed public policy produced by authors who fail to appreciate the difference between the objectivity of scientific analysis and advice, and the xhetoric and partisanship of advocacy. Consequently its only usefulness in the public policy process is as an example of how not to produce legitimate, democratic public policy ." 0 • Infotopics December 1995 p . 19 '• Injotopics January 1997 p . 21 1997. nuspubNafoniscornpNeatrmnpu6lc avFOroPtCB ss sowoes and ahouW not tfaepde mlerenced or pbd R Australasia Cigarette sales licensing to be'tal'-based under new South Australian bill Australia Tar Levels Cigarette sales icensing to be ter-based under new bit. AAP (4 February 1g97)1 p . Reference : 031710 The 'tar' content of cigarettes will be the basis of a new three-tiered system of tobacco licensing in South Australia under draft legislation to be introduced into Parliament. The Tobacco Products Regulation B:Tl would mean tighter controls on the advertising and promotion of tobacco with the aim of clamping down on the sale of cigarettes to minors. Under the existing Tobacco Products Licensing Act, the licence fee for tobacco merchants was based on 100% of the value of the product sold irrespective of its'tar' content . Under the proposed new ttvee-tiered licensing structure, the fee rate would be 100% for'tar' content of less than 5 mg, increasing to 102% for'taf content of 5 mg to under 10 mg and to 105% for that of 10 mg and above . According to South Australia's treasurer, with no fee increase proposed for low'tar' content products, the proposed licensing structure should ertcourage consumers to switch to Iower'tar' brands. Moreover, a person selling tobacco wouid have to hotd a tobacco merchant's licence which, under current arrangements, is voluntary . The bill also specifies certain bases upon which a licence could be suspended or cancelled . O Queensland to raise age for selling tobacco products to young people Australia Sales to Minors Legislation Doctors say tough anfrsmoking bill is long overdue. AAP (11 Febnrary 1997) 1 p . Reference : 031743 Queensland's health minister, Mike Horan, has announced plans to introduce legislation by July 1997 that would make it illegal to sell or supply tobacco products to children aged under 18 . The Tobacco Products (Prevention of Supply to Children) Bill will also introduce penalties of between AUSS1,000 and AUS$5,000 (US$775 and US$3,876) for retailers who sell tobacco to children. In a statement, Mr. Horan ciaimed that so-called "smoking-related illness" and treabnents cost Queensland's public health system about AUS$80 million (USS62 million) a Australia 'Social Costs' Doran, Christopher M . etaL A oost-benefrt analysis of Ihe aV1;n1gB5f110kRr.8govem flle(It perepectne.Aus6aC andNew lealarid Journat ol Pu6fc HeaUn (1996) 20 (6) pp. 607-611 Reference : 031652 Sweet, Melissa. Tax collectors hooked on smdkhg. Sydley Afan'ng Herald (17 January 1997) 1 p. Relerence: 031621 INFOTC1PrCS 26 year. Medical Associations welcomed the decision to raise the legal smoking age from 16 to 18 and claimed the legislation was long overdue . The Australian Medical Association Queensland (AMAQ) said that a recent report by the Australian Council on Smoking and Health (ACOSH) rated the Queensland Government as having the worst record of any state or territory government on smoking and health . The new legislation will replace the 1905 Act covering the sale of cigarettes to chlldren U "Benefits" and "costs" of smoking from the Australian government's perspective Christopher Doran et a1 ., from the to smoking and comparing it with New South Wales (NSW) Cancer tobacco taxes paid by smokers . Council Education Research Program The study estimated that 28.4% of the and the University of Newcastle, Australian population over 18 compared the "benefits" and "costs" of smokes . The costs allegedly cigarette smoking from the associated with smoking were government's perspective during a categorized into private and external one-year period . This was undertaken costs. Private costs are those incurred by estimating, among other things, directly by the smoker, or incurred by the publicly-financed health care others but reflected in the price paid expenditure supposedly attributable by the smoker. r OTDC http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf 1997. Th18 puoacatloo b cwnprad 6pm pu6AC FetraUery 1997 sowoes ardsloutl nor rtreBbe rsNreived oraVso The external costs of smoking are those borne by people other than the smoker and include claimed costs of EfS and of public health care . The following so-called "costs" were included in the study : a the costs of medical treatment in temu of hospital care, medical care, pharmaceutical care, allied professional care and nursing home care ; . eamings loss in terms of absenteeism because of illness ; f ovemment of just under AUS$417 or every smoker aged 18 and over in 1989-90, according to Doran tt af . The researchers claim that if the government were serious about addressing tte smoking as a primary healobjective, its efforts would portray this . They also claim that the results of their analys1s suggest that the objective of raising revenue from smoking is more of a priority than reducing smoking rates . NSW Minister for Health attacked on tobacco-control record ∎ the cost of premature death is included only in part as the government is claimed to lose only what the smoker would have contributed (taxable income) ; * the value of foregone resources is included in terms of revenue spent by the government in the form of tobacco assistance and tobaccocontrol campaigns. The authors estimated that in 1989-90 an average smoker "cost" the government AUS$203 .57 (US$157.81), while "benefits" received totalled an average of AUS$620 .56 (US$481 .05) in the same year. Taking benefits from costs resulted in a net benefit to the The publication of the Doran report coincided with an attack by anti-smoking campaigners on the tobacco-control record of the NSW Minister for Health, Dr . Refshauge, and his department. The Nout-Smokers' Movement claimed that Dr . Refshauge and the NSW Department of Health were not committed to tobacco control, with documents obtained under Freedom of Information legislation suggestmtitge that the mirtister had o eredrd Quit cam aign budget for last year be halved to AUS5500,OOO USS387 .600) . Dr . Refshauge's spokesman claimed that funding had been "redire .cted" from tobacco-control advertising to "direct action programmes". O 75% of top Australian firms reported to have introduced workplace smoking restrictions A survey published in the Drug and Alcohol Review reports that, of rhe top 600 firms in Australia, more than three-quarters have introduced workp ce restrictions on smoking and alcohol consumption in a bid to "protect" their employees' health, as well as to protect their companies from expensive lawsuits . Professor Robyn Richmond et al . conclude that it is likely that the number of companies adopting such policies will increase having "accepted the harmful effects of smoking in the workplace". They reported that 77% of the companies surveyed had some sort of smoking policy-46"/" totally banned smoking at work and 31% had designated areas where employees were allowed to smoke . The remaining 23% of companies had no policy on smoking. Most companies said they had February 1997 OTDC introduced restrictions on smo1 d'rig out of concerns for the "health and comforN of workers, but some of the firms surveyed cited1ega1 reasons for havm' gmtroduced smoking restrictions. The study also suggested that government organizations and large businesses were more likely to ban smoking at work than non-govemment and small organizations with fewer tkwt 100 employees. The findings of the study, which began in 1991, also suggest an increase in the number of businesses that ban smoking . Earlier research conducted by the National Heart Foundation reported that 56% of NSW and 71% of South Australian compa[ues had smoking restrictions. A 1993 stud suggested that about one-third ofy Victorian businesses with partial bans on tobacco use were moving towards smoke-free workplaees . r 1997 . TNepobYaBon ls cyapied horn puWc souroea and sraWU not 1treMbe iderenced or died http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf Wo#leae SmokinD Hidanen, Be6nda. Smolanp in the workplace acoepted as dying habit . WesbndAtraEaBan (18Januery 1987)1 p. Reference : 031623 WakefieW, Melanie et al Trends in prevalence and eorsptenos of woAcplece analdnp bans among kidoa wwkeie in South Austrafia. Tobacav (kn6of (Autumn 1988) 5 (3) pp. 204-208 Retefence: 0318% M/AOroPYQS 27 K 44,y Australasia Acceptance of workplace smoking bans in South Australia The rate of acceptance of workplace smoking bans was the subject of another survey undertaken by researchers from the South Australian Health Commission, South Australian Smoking and Health Project and the Department of Human Movement Sdence, at Ikakin University .'Ihe survey sought to compare the reported prevalence and acceptance of bans on smoking in a sample of South Australian workplaces. The sample consisted of adults who indicated they were employed mairJy indoors for the years 1989 (875 respondents),1991(1/472),1992 (1,288) and 1994 (1,273) . The sample measured percentage reporting total bans on smoking at work, compliance with bans all or nearly all the time; and preference for total bans at work . The results of the study suggest that the ~ercentage of indoor workers sublecbed to a total ban on smoking at work inaeased from 32% in 1989 to 62%in 1994 and preference for a total ban increased during the same period from 26% to 52%. Reported compliance with restrictions and bans was said to be very bigh . In 199q,16% of workers had no nstrictions on ~~t w but only~ preferred this ment. 7he researchers conclude that there have been ' t gains in "proEecting" ~~workers from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke at work . They claim ttwt furthei efforts to encourage and support the continued introduction of total bans will need to facus eslly upon ' smaller workplacesm workplaces that have not yet Introduced restrictions on smo)dng'heed to be aware that they areln a diminishing minor9ty". Thereseardurs claim that inthe event tlutsuchemp1oyecs weretoface litiga8on on ETS tssues, this could be part of a case to demonstrate employers o~t~ aw~are thaL in the vast malodty of cases, a totalban ts claimed to be the most effective way to protect the health of their staff. 0 Claimed health benefits of quitting smoking for older smokers Australia Researchers from the South Australian Health Commission, cessation Adelaide, the South Australian Smoking and Health Project, Adelaide and the Department of Wakefield, Melanie etaL Smoking Human Movement Science, at Deakin t ehaviours and beliefs of older University, Melbourne, compared Australians . Ausfralan and New smoking behaviour and beliefs about Zealand Jaurnal of Pu6fo Heekh smo ' cessation among older (1996) 20 (6) pp. 6031i06 people (aged 60 years and over) with their younger counterparts using data Reference: 031651 from a South Australian representative population sample . Almost a third of smokers aged 60 The sample yielded 3,019 respondents of which 653 were aged 60 years or over. The reported prevalence of smoking amongpeople Reference: 031620 aged 60 and over was 13S%. Within the subgroup of older people, smoking prevalence was said to be 10% among those aged 70 years and over. Among those aged 60 years and over, smoking prevalence was significantly lower am females than among males (18 .1% , according to the authors . Fifty-two per cent believed there was a "safe" kwel of consumption of tobacco, com pared with 30% of younger smokers .llu survey involved more than 3,000 South Australians of all ages, with 133% of N6con, Sherriil . Okier smokere ignorant ataut sirdarg dsks. A4P(17January 199 1 p. and older reportedly believed they were immune to the health damage alleged to be caused by smoking, compared with 8% of smokers aged younger than 60 . Sixty per cent of older smokers were said to have a low awareness of the alleged health hazards to themselves, w hile 57% did not know the health risks aUegedly associated with EfS exposure and 53% believed they had not suffered any ill-healtb caused by tobacco. the ap ra'c'tpants aged over 60 being smo7cers . ~n The research team called on govern- w ments to tailor tobacco-control i, campaigns to olderpeople, saying N their findings revealed a market not A yet fully tapped by education m programmes . 0 INFOTOPlCS 28 O7DC http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf 1997 . TWspuD/ictlbnls oomp8etl aornptblk FaWuey 1997 swrces and ahouM not aseMbe reMsnced ordYd Hong Kong's Legislative Council urges total tobacco advertising ban The Legislative Council of Hong Kong has reportedly passed a motion, tabled by independent legislator and medical profession representative Leong Chehung, urging the government to impose a total ban on tobacco advertising . An amendment encouraging the government to designate more non-smoking areas and to increase resources for tobacco-control education instead of banning all tobacco adverts was defeated . of six people every minute" . He claimed that in Hong Kong, smoking was responsible for 19% of deaths . Particularly concerned with teenage smokers, Leong suggested that the government ban direct and 'indirect' tobacco advertising, as lifestyle adverti" is claimed to have a particular impact on youngsters . Those opposing the motion allege that enhancing tobacco-control H Bangs lepco cads for hA ben on srtqke ada 'pre fbng6ag Stendeaf (16 Janusry 1997) 1p. ploference: 031663 education would be more effective than banning ads. The Newspaper Leong quoted a 1995 warning by the World Health Organization that "smoking is emerging as the world's largest single preventable cause of illness and death, killing an average Society of Hong Kong said a total ban on tobacco advertising would be unnecessary, ineffective and a serious threat to freedom of speech . 0 Minors in Malaysia banned from smoking or possessing tobacco products In Malaysia, teenagers under 18 years will be prohibited from smoking, chewing and possessing tobacco products in public and private places nationwide, under an amendment to the Tobacco Product Control Regulations 1993 . Minors, including foreigners found violating the regulations will have to pay a fine of between Riv150 (US$20) to RM1,000 (US$400) . The existing regulation only prohibits teenagers purchasing tobacco Me the amendment will enagers from acco products. No-smoking rule relaxed In the area of public smoking restrictions, the Malaysian Cabinet has relaxed the non-smoking rule in some zones as a result of public protest . Open stadiums under the sports complexes categories, air-conditioned restaurants, non air-conditioned private meeting halls and public transport terminals are allowed a maximum of 30% of the total area as smoking zones . Pubs, discos, nightclubs, karaoke lounges and casinos will be exempted from the non-smoking zone ruling . The enforcement of the regulation will be carried out by about 1,500 Health Ministry and local authorities Fe6roary 1987 ornc http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf officials and it is hoped that this number will be doubled. The Education Ministry will determine the f urisdiction of teachers in enforcing the regulation for schools and institutions of higher learning . In a study conducted by the ministry on smoking among 4,347 ouths aged between 13 and 25,885 ofywhom were from Dadah Rehabilitation Centres, dose to 99% of the centre's inmates were smokers compared with 34% of youths not In such centres. The study also suggested that for youths not in rehabilitaton centres who tried smo about 16% were between 13 and 1 years, 23% between 17 and 21 years and 26% between 22 and 25 years . Heavy smoking was reported in 20% of teenagers between 22 and 25 years, 22% for those between 26 and 30 years and 5% for those between 13 and 16 years. Malaysia Juverib Smokiip Lim Wendy. 6lnors banned from smWditg, po6sessiup tobaooo products. Bushsss rmas (6 Februery 1897) 2 pp . Reference: 031704 In a similar study conducted among Form Five students in Penang, the smoking rate was said to be f24%. The prevalence rates among current smokers are reportedly 25 .1% and 0.6% in boys and girls, respectively . A study in Kelantan claimedto show that among 224 students, the smoking prevalence rate was 44.2%. Of this, 31 .8% had reportedly started smoking in primary school . U 1997. mThis paDBason b cwrtoAed aan pubYc sowces and aMufOnot aeNf De raterenced or dEW INFOrot7cs 29 East Asia University of Hong Kong turns down donation from tobacco company The University of Hong Kong has apparendy decided to turn down the Hong Kong Sponsorship o eff r of a substantial donation from a tobacco company which was alle&edly made on the condition that it be given Mayw, Susan Hong Kong publicrecoq~ution . The move comes in lM' h ms down tobaao the wake of the decision by other maney~h Medlcal Joumal universities, inclu ' Cambridge [UKJ (18 January 1997) 314 p .169 and Shanghai [China~to accept tobacco sponsorship . Reference : 031615 Professor Judith 1Nackay, director of the Asian Consultaluy on Tobacco Control, praised the move, while Nicholas Day, a Cambridge Urdvelsiiy professor who opposed acceptance of the sponsorstup, c7auned that Hong Kong Univelsity's deasion may have been related to a recent scandal tn the, city involving a tobacco company loyee who has been accnssed of . and corruption for allegedly to influence government tion on tobacco and advertising S'1r R~ rchazd Doll, profeasor of epidemiology at the University of dxtord, claimed thatby sponsoring academic posts and researdy tobacco companies are tryag to reach students and that thev wouldrotbother~doing this If they E,d not believe f asedt sales. O Harsh penalties for violating tobacco legislation in South Korea South Korea Advertising cigarettes outside cigarette AdvertisingNending Machines outlets in South Korea now carries a . maximum prison term of one year and ayena1ty of up to five million won (t)S$6,000). The rule took effect on 1 Cigarette ads on exteria of stores January 1997 . banned . Korea Tmes (5 January 1997) 1 p. Reference: 031614 As from I July 1997, people who install agarette vending machines in locales other than ihose allowed by law will face a maximum tine of 50QoDD wear (US$600). Locations for vending machines will be restricted to enterfainment spots and other places to which people aged 19 years or older may heve legal access, for example, Inside retail stores or in the smoking areas of public places . Cigarette ads on si8nboards, posbers and stickers on the exterior of stores have been strictly controlled since the beginning of 1997 as thegrace period for the erwchnent of the PubHc ieAtis Promotion Lsw expired on 31 December 1996 . Also outlawed are indoor ads claimed tobe dispiayed for purposesof befng seen frqmoutside ; cigarette ads that do not include lWth waminga ; ads that use women or mino¢s as model .s; and ads that are presented "in illustrated or written form" . 0 Pressure for details of'tar' and nicotine levels in cigarettes in Malaysia Malaysia Cons6luents Disclosure PunlshoUnen, G . Cigarettes may be required to have bwer'tar and nicotine . The Sun (16 December 1996) 1 p. Reference : 031619 Malaysia's health minister, Datuk Chua Malaysuut Tobacco Manufacturers Jul Meng . has proposed that cigarette and local tobacco companies that manufacturers 'u~form smokers of abide by the law in temu of the levels of'tae and nicotine In their pemrisslble levels of 'taf and cigarettes. He pointed out that the nicotine . ceiling for constituent levels is much Earlier, Chua had said that his ministry lower in Britain and other European was looMn~ into the Control countries than in Malaysia, where it is of Tobaccoltegulm to allow 20mg for'tar' and 1 .5mg for nicotine. private seetor empIoyees to enforce He also said that the smuggling of rursmoking zones Up to,October 1996, foreign cigarettes such aslfie some 3,b18 fuus were issued, 212 Indonesian kretek, which is claimed to offenders charged in court and have a high chemical content, is of RM1o8,320 (USy13,328) in fines concern to the Confederation of collected . O INFOTOPICS 30 OTDC 1997. Thia pubpicafk+n Is aonpAed hom pudfe FebroNy 1887 sommes and ahuuM nor asd/be i .Arrenc+eaordled . http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf South African Parliament unlikely to consider draft tobacco legislation this year Draft legislation that prohibits a a prohibition on the sale of tobacco advertising and the use of cigarettes to people younger than trade names in sponsorship will 18 ; probably not be considered by the • a total ban on cigarettes with a'tar' South African Parliament this year. content of more than 15 mg Although the Department of Health initially, later dropping to 12 mg; has already compiled a draft bill, discussions are still going onwith • smokefree public transport and stakeholders, according to Sello smoking rooms at workplaces ; Ramasala of the health authority. "A final bill has not yet been drawn up. I ∎ a prohtbition on the use of trade doubt whether it will be submitted in names to promote educational, Parliament this year . If so, it would sporting or cultural organizations, only be at the last session in October", activities or events. Ramasala stated . South Africa AdvertisFg Leyieletion Kantoor, Eb. Nuwe wet oor tabak etaan oor . Die Burper (29Janudry 1897) 1 p. [Afrikaans/Enplish transla6on] Reference : 031679 Tobacco companies would, however, The proposals include : still be able to sponsor such events . O South African Airways bans smoking on flights to US and Australia South African Airway (SAA) has announced a smoking ban on all its flights to the US and Australia . The airline recently banned smoking on some flights to Britain and on Boeing 737 flights to all destinations in Africa. SAA says that the demand for non-smoldng seats on the US and Australian routes has increased dramatically and is in line with international trends . However, for those travelling to the Far Eact, Europe and other destinations, smoking seats will still be available, although in fewer numbers . O South Africa Axorak gAA exExbs smdap ban. Sunday 7tmes(28 January 1997) p. 2 Relerenoe : 031695 Smoking among pupils in Burkina Faso said to be determined by fnends and advertising In a study on smoking among secondary school pupils based on data from 12 of Burkina Faso's 30 Provinces, Sondo et al., of the Department of Public Health, report that the prevalence of smoking was 13.6%, average consumption was five Burklna Faso Youth Snwldnp cigarettes per day and that the average age for stating smoking was 13 .4 years. The authors claim that the determinants of smoking were either the influence of friends and/or advertising. U RevuedesMafad•ies RespYabW (OAOber 1096) 13(5) pp. 4g}497 [Frenchj Reference : February 1997 OTDC http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf 0315" 1997. 71Ys pubrcaaai Is oorrtppaW bom puA6c AJAOTOP4CS 31 sou.ces and saoulerat aseif be retereneed ordfed . The tobacco industry and advertising in the European Union Industry Action European Union Advertising 7he robaaco ndusdyand adoerts'ng 'rr the European Union. KPMG (November 1996) 54 pp, Reference: IB5q22 7he tobacco industry and advertising in the European Union is a paper commissioned from consultants KPMG to assist the tobacco industry in replying to the European Commission's Green Paper on Commercial Communications in the Internal Market. The KPMG paper concludes that advertising bans on tobaccoproducts do not reduce the consumption of tobacco products and that advertising bans have significant negative impacts on economies where they exist in terms of lost employment, income and tax revenue . The first part of the paper provides quantitative and qualitetive arguments about the claimed relationship between advertising bans and consumption. The second part considers the impact of tobacco advertising bans through a series of case studies . The first four case studies present evidence from Greece, the Netherlands Spain, and the UK, where studies have been conducted on the economic importance of the tobacco industry and related adv The next case study considers the impact of the Evin Law in France, which banned tobacco advertising in 1991 . The final casee . study shows the importance of tobacco advertising for cultural events, and draws evidence from the EU in general and from theUK in particular. l] The budget doesn't add up: tax campaign in the UK United Kingdom The UK government's commitment to Taxation re ar increases in duty on ciganattes Adveitisement : The Budget doesnY add up. 7otaaoo Afiance SpeoFatorMagazine (25 January 1997)1 p. le3 the Tobacco AlBance to produce an advertisement showing that the tobacco and alcohol trades are both big earners for the UK government . But because of high tax differentials between the UK and Europe, both are growth markets for smugglers. The advertisement consists of two Reference: IA4032 blackboazds illustrating the amount of duty per year on tobacco and alcohol, the losses to smuggling and the resulting balance . The mathematics illustrate that alcohol Etafy TaxaGodEconomic Impact While the problem for tobacco and alcohol is the same, the solutions are different - a 15p per pack tax Increase on tobacco and a 26p per bottle tax cut on alcohol. The Tobacco Alliance claims that tobacco smuyutlers don't~' ut cheat tax payas,~~ueaten the tivel~ood of honest retailers, and suggests a tax cut forthetobaccotradeaswasdonefor thealcotwlsectar.O Advertising campaign aims to raise smokers' awareness of their contribution to society 1Cempa~ ; CDIT(January Reference : IA7049 La tdlera def ta6aooo in fbmb : impa/to sodo-econamioo e aspefti di pofts fiscak. Nomisma (November 1998) 54 pp . (ItafiaNEngtsh translation) Reference: Ip2p69 MFOTOPICS smuggling loses the Exchequer Q10 million ([JSS342 million) ayear and . tobacco smuggln; f560 mfllion a year (M13 nilhon). 32 The Centre for Documentation and Information on Tobacco (CDIT) in Italy has just launched a press advertising campaign that aims to raise smokers' awareness of their contribution to society. The first two advertisements concern taxation and note, among other things, that the Italian smoker paid some 13,600 billion lira (US$fl.16 billion) in tax in 1996 . The two advertisements ran from 29 January until mid-February in major daily newspapers and as a 4-p ag e insert in the monthly magazine7i Mondo. The campaign is supported by an informatwn pack containing copies of the ads, a booklet on taxation, a study called in English The foEwa.» chain in Italy, and four issues leaflets . The tobacco chain In italy looks at the different elements of the tobacco sector In Italy, including growing, distrlbu h'c~ and retailing and discucses tFie sedor's impact on the emramy. It also uses an econometric analysis model to formulate hypothetical case histories of the possible effects on the economy and employment of various trends In the toLbacco sector. U OTOC1997.TN8putMleaaonlSCOnpaedavmpu6lk FeMnary1897 sources and etioWd rat fYetlbe reterenoed adlsd http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf Spanish NGO launches campaign to teach young people discrimination about advertising messages The Spanish non-govemmental organization Acci6n Familiar [Family Action], in collaboration with the European Union, has launched the campaign El reto de ta libertad [The network of freedom] to teach young people between the ages of 11 and 13 to discern between reality and advertising messages, which a newspaper claims are "very often deceptive". According to the organization, the Organizations Briefing adoption of certain practices such as smoking drinking alcohol and taking drugs is influenced by advertising . The eampaign will constst of a 38 minute video and a guide for parents and teachers which will be distributed in public and private schools, through communications media, to families and to centres that fight against drug use. The fnitiative will also aim to prevent drug use by minors. O Spain Juuenie Snaldng llna campaba juvertil entidroga ensefie a ser orAicos con fs publicidad . EI Pafs (14 January 1997) p. 20 [Spanish] Refererqe: 031617 Update on Consumers International Consumers International opened its Regional Office for Africa (CI-ROAF) in Zimbabwe in 1994 to work more closely with the embryonic but fast-expanding African consumer movement. It is represented by about 100 consumer organizations, spread over 42 of the 56 African countries. The movement focuses on poverty eradication and sustainable development through the empowerment of consumers . At present, more than half of the African consumers' organizations are less than four years old, small, weak, severely financially under-resourced and run by volunteers working part time. In the last few years, ROAF has concentrated on establishing communication links between NGOs for information exchange and education as a key to improving the effectiveness of the movement . ROAF's team of legal experts has also drafted a Model Law on Consumer Protection in Africa . Last December, Consumers International announced that CI-ROAF had been awarded a grant from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a three-year project to build an effective consumer movement in Africa . The grant will be used to "tum the African consumer movement into a force to be reckoned with" . Recently ROAF appointed a new director, Tadesse Gessesse from Ethiopia, to replace Josh Gwitera, who passed away earlier in 1996 . Gessesse was previously general secretary of the African Network for Development and has worked as programme manager for the United Nations. Zimbabwe Cansmners Intematlonel Who's who at G . Cortsuinera M9smaGer/8/KdHeti (Deoember 1996) p.11-12 Reference: NG081683 Web site for Consumers International Consumers International's web site - the first worldwide web site dedicated to linking consumer organizations around the world - was launched on 6 November. The web site - www.consumersinternational .org - will provide information on Consumers International's publications, campaigns and members. Users will also be able to link to the web sltes of member consumer organizations around the world, including those in Australia, Canada, Japan, Sweden and the United Kingdom. New dintolor for ROAF. Consunera M(eawfions/ INodd Conswner(Deoetnber 19%) 223 p.16 Reference: NG031684 The fulure is here • CI kunches twm website. Canawners BtMmatansf Katfskt (December 1986) p. 2 Reference : NG031701 Initially, the web site has been set up as a resource for consumer organizations, joumalists and anyone interested in consumer issues such as food, trade, the environment and health. Users will be able to look up Consumers International's briefing papers and reports on such topics as environmental labelling, toxic chemicals, the World Trade Organization and genetic engineering . 0' February 1997 OTOC 1987. T1Y8pubNaatlonb pompYetlhoolpu6la aYFOTOPICB 33 souross and ahould rat ateAbs re/erencsd or dred . http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf Organizations Briefing It also will offer an international directory of member consumer organizations, Consumers International's 1995 annual report and, most recent CI newsletters from around the world. Although English will be the main language, some items will appear in Spanish, French and Russian as well . Eventually, Consumers International hopes to develop an on-site news service that will report on activities of consumer organizations around the world and enable them to exchange ideas, information and useful advice an various consumer concerns . O 12 March 1997 : UK No Smoking Day United Kingdom No Smoking Day Send it Packing will be the theme of the 14th UK National No Smoking Day, which is to be held on 12 March . No Smddng Day. t#aaNirm P/us(September 1996)1 p. Reference: 031749 The event, which was first started by the National Society of Non-Smokers in March 1976, has taken place with a different theme every year since . Past years' themes have been Put a Not in it in 1996, Kick it in 1994, Breathtaking in 1993 and Kiss it Goodbye in 1992 . The aim of the event is to encourage and assist smokers who want to quit, to make people aware of the campaign, and to involve as many individuals and organizations as possible in smoking cessation and education in order to help achieve local and national health targets . No Smoking Day is now a registered charity, funded and run by an fNFOTOPICS 34 alliance of health promotion, charitable and professional bodies including the Health Education Authori and Action on Smoking and Health. Every year the campaign office sends out campaign packs consisting of ideas for activities, publicity, images and games, as well as facts and figures about smoking to local organizers in order to assist the setting up of local events and activities. It has been reported that 82% of smokers were awareaf kat year's No Smoking Day, and that almost two million smokers took part . In addition, reports have suggested that more than 40,000 people stop smoking for good on No Smoking Day. O OTOO1997.TNapuWkaBpntsCOrrpaWtrompu6tlc Ftpnury1y97 sourses and BAouM not asell be reASronoed ordbd http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf CALENDAR OF NOTABLE DATES WORLDWIDE Awe&yea Rt.k: Science , 18-21 1997 Boston 23 - 27 6th B ienn i nl S ympos ium on Aaxasment and Manaaenteet Conference on the Arbitration of 21 March New York Intellectuel Propeny Disputes 20-23 Inuxnatimnel Conference : The Role New Yo'k nffnw, Fmrign Inw•stmen; and Pteveulim'97:14fh Annud National US PrevcnB.e Medicine Meeting Atl.nta 8t h InlernNioo.l Conference on Parts 23-27 12'th National CsncerCongnmoi Belek,Anlsilye, ntthe 7hslddt AeocLtlon rnr 7Lrke,y Can cer Reie.nrh .nd Control D1-25 Bre . thingin Paradise : Conference on Ae1lmu .nd Cbsodc Alnnys Disease SlidainaMr Deve(qwnent in Centra7 23 Asia Drug Rd.ted Oovemment of Estonia pesents stonia budget 4-6 Cm4eence on Safety & Health at WaAc London 6-7 BkooW IatereYlmd MeeWy Ak:andsis . Vlelihd. 23-25 7-S 7-12 8th Itiexneriwd Cue p nnte Conference of the Asia Soeiety : Moving to the MankC Steiaining Refinn.r in India andAeia 2nd International f-~aum of 201h 31 Hpeinn An AACR Spedd Con&'atce in Calm.ao 14th Naliarol UK No Smoking Parli amenlsy 27 4th Anniversary of the 13-16 27-29 71h Se1m110e Meetlee dtlx St- Lou6 Society fer HeYthote Epldemldop dAmeska Head and Indurcelan fucal yeaends )ndnnesia May Genttd Election • • 24 Semisr a C.era Fte.mllne Aksaedsiy F.ppe asd Cn .tsnl in ute MNdk Bst Pmalarnnr Cee„i • AWW 4161nleralae.l Cenps a waddugbaa Flatian Election l.i6ai. Mel.y,;, Paudm6d B1ec4en Zaire • wotiminop an CaoQCemdf Pseg .esess In Arab Camdrie . Umted Kingdom Meday.7ffi .ees 1.Yft9tlse CeKelesoc 1997 • Gatnd 7 WaddHeetlhDsy olobsl • Pdi.n ma Mary Blestiaa Indooesia 7-9 Isdaer Fa.4eemea Y7: SeRakg Ilw S/latfooitr fer flsENa Hdtlmae 2-5 10BtAneoelSdeeflBeMeef ling Riode Jdeao Brmmds d16e Bssapesr Azoodsdls. Bsr C. .ovFAue.tlenCE1CE) the Fr1A Ca®dl, in o onjun edan EleOim fJbe.in 1! Fs1er.IN[ilveswsfn Fifih .q fe.e C.yis M He.a.tl .e Cssdlolsp & 109t Aswd Isssi.aCwpeolaf Cad A . .nirB6eaw amuftAhmwnmw 9-12 W a.3 Ordaente (wpdaed by United Kingdom April BAnkadMedfd.e 13-19 Yemen Ch4.go Confesmce on Rosmtoet, Blind. Card b. . .cuhr Dbene In Wemen: ProrraNan and Deuorisn Dq : Send It )'ant4t4 13-14 Election Neck Service of Heliopolis Hospital ew Delhi 7th Annud Cancer Updete (ngmstmer smkmwn) 27 Honolula S9o Paolo Clinical and Basic Rcsctach un Head and Neck Cancer Sm`esy & e ~ Reswdr eask and ClbNaa! ATM+aJdneut Cancer 12 NewOrle.ns OncWogy dthe Risk Ase omment .ud PoIk7AssodMloe -B Hann 21stAnnuslMcetlngdlhe Amerlpm Society af Preveatlve 24-26 Wahi nglon , DC Minotities, the Medically Undelxrved & Cancer 3-5 Conlireu d Molavir Medicine Berlin W®Oado6raNOOs) 16.15 14 14m Na/lrl Ne8lssakloj Day uwlea 1istoom IS Nlgeeic bkadeipd FJeetlat Nigeria 16-19 Imeae.uw .l Pldutrie RerynYmy OonLaeaee SYdney 16-19 MeetlsKdmsAmtea.CdeFe AosMm, Cdifada Iltsssen}HenElb, Fevutyatd RiodeJ.roho 1b16 PMar. 15-16 laodm 6TUS BB16AmsWMea 11 dme AmeAe.* A melYls. d Cm~ - SlhInevMfu.iCon6eenceco , 21-22 3-25 Bropesn CaMames eo Bespk.Wry Failve Qamniroeedthe Wh.W Heahh Aane6ly 5-7 In LulisASele Bsuelun. 5-14 WHp -lMpwesidNedO A.mHJ• 6me .. [meebumj 461 .1erss.tlaad S1e*asiam r Msilli le Rlsk FnRm in CNsreY.rDYar . UICC WaslB.F ae Cane' B .ms Ahv F/aatlas/trMeieY&adea. A oduet S.fely Reseanch Meetlng a[ Ihe EU ComeB ef Agin lture Ida®IMeeWtgdlbeBeaiaW tknev . SmDk{. We6ts ., DC . EELLS http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf 5 Rdareb 4d1h alt * -Slr"tealar rhr 18-19 DabBn Cass.er dCaMW s p 16-29 BI6 Wa9d Caefaveeaa LK ofac nv7 nYivobificolm, 1+~'•wn'~+I~P+i~ ..s., .•t,d+u+er+n.paenf.~ .+~+t.sa.I • DMdNeMiswt.bes>omm.ul esd ese.y x awe erst Mcd)'toaw ver, i o.es.4dlakdLMld Ope - May 9-16 (continued) 56N Amafcan Callepe of Florida • Ocivpatioad and RnvlronmenW Medidne (ACOEM) Ommpatianal Health Confertnar 12-13 14-16 15-19 6-21 17-20 7-22 1-5 UICC Sympostun an FamgW Cancer and PAevenlian Molecular Epidemlology : ANaw SnWegr Towa.d Cancer Conbof Ko6e, Japan Meeting of the Amesian Lmg AmadNbn San Francisco 41st ICAA International 6ntitWe and the July Paris • 5th UNESCO Wodd Confaencc on Education Osb 1-7 British Heart Week United Kingdan 6-9 Annual Confetence of ttte Ha1 Vax , Canada Envinnment 3rd European Confeence on Rehabilitation and Drug Policy - Europe Against Drug Abuse Brusselc AmeAon Sndel7 of anleal Oncalagy Cmftxence 2nd Intena6nnal Cnnnference on Bui Wings Meeting of Ihe EU Council of Agriculture MeetEog dfhe Amerk.o ifiot.dc Sadety June Canadian Public Health 2-6 27rd Annual Aleahnl Epidendology Sympodttro Rey15).vBt 5-11 391h Annual Meeting nf fhe Loedon Rema,ch (BACR) 9-IO Meeting of the EU Council of Ig-22 3LdCunfen :nceoftheCuMn AssocWionofOtgnuc AgricWtnte: Feeding dr tYatid an Francisco 12-14 Aonual MeNing atthe Sodety Am.er 12-17 aitv 12-17 SJ1 .lvm/lmd Ga .n a Raaal 044 lldlaa Cuba 1}lg 17-20 an Fs.eai .eo 62i Ell llends of State and Go .etnmen[ SumMt Amnextdam Sumrtdt of the Dutch Coalition for Anmabm 3rd AemW SdenflBr NasbNRe 0 31 Oe menall'Jectlm IaawlK/wa.taNa Mwata. Englnneing Snlutians Air QuaMty Ftabktm 25-30 IImC,mertlAstmWyafthe European Union dNatmoken Rao.d. 26 101111 Seatd lalers.tloml CAmncer SJmpadmt SenW to Indoor R.tdgh, North CasuYtu August ovamaau of Dmnmk pcatnt+ enmadt btdget New Riak FromRec The 1917 A .aul M6Mifta tftse S edey SaacYhnl® 7he N.tla:tfsnh 7JtdAtrdMae ftg efl6e Aot.f te 8adet y at C7n1rY OxeMp (ASCO) 21RCaapsaftlteWtlr Dee.Q, aFaticeCl.eaa, Itay 291IJuly 1stIwtasetN®IManting an Vnt.r 29 Jt'o5Jd7 Uh fetve W eeY Ceefamea an MaMted Pse.mfl.nCa.dld .p -- 30htae 2ndldmmidtalMxttqon - .36 aYem Ad.aavYttseKwwladge 4t Caeee Meapmm t Att{ttn Oovemmm of ANrd paen6 /Sepbmba yndgat Findand • Tdpd Maanw -3Jnl7. here 30 Jatw ECOBOC SuhnaNve Sevlott mCwdbloq One.a 2SJdy Ami. 4•.w.l SifiS ££LES 11.7:711v UNwISFw.iWy! . AgendaAgainst Tederwo http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/blt90d00/pdf .7TI)C J997-Ifdrr•dll~tan 8 en .yNedfwa puWfdrl,araeirdd.ealdaa6t~t4'4aefwaattdereOM 91m Casta®ce atde Inee+afla .al SadeRt hr Fi.h.nmeaal sprkmislsq 10-15 BIItWasNCayesa.l.mg Camr (1elen.fl me d AwrlJrkefltel6eSladF a( Dublm ImgC..ar-IASLq 17-22 eed HenNh W IM/Rna4m Mfa.h, at IlenRhCeaMveL UderJfara 71 b.ntr Fiar 1FwY 21-23 • SaieV .f Stn No eY Ontalsq ®ey, France Baefib otOeatpaHnrl Sa&q 2g-.'M California farR(tltA.abde-®mnpe wWt ApptleMla in Ca .ar Re.evm Puaoprat C.ao4amm on Cons sad International Conference on Na4itlon .nd C.nour Canfar.eee af t6e Sodey for RaterW an NioNlee .d lkwlap®ata is IY .YIYha 2&JO 16-19 a Ditfetmt Euope Wflhue Potmu: S1¢pmfiag JtealltryAgrh+d/me .bhtg uf ttte Awaric.n 91.nfekSndsyJAmei® 1.®gArnlaBe Kingnon, Canada Ednanntan, Canada farEpWmdobgial Raeasdt 7b6aeee 0-21 Wodd Confen:nce on Bteast Canar Luxembourg Agriculture Dependencies IndenrAfrQudft SletpasttmCwnnf PYOAiees Ans.nd Ma Werld 13-17 British Society of C.nar on the Ptevcntion and 7tafmad of Ig Asead .(lun : Jarraling iw JJevhhr tlte Shepbtg of Publla Patiey 3sdRegbWAllirisCaafasee . whellh Wt,N®thla far Y.M .IrY Crtete SedeYn 17d1 1tMls wpid C4epes d 1he inaeatlanai CaEBhw af.r W leawl3o .dAkiatto R Dn[Depadmte(fLTA) 24-2! 1flhd.prKlMfiratta .. Sedd7 ary- dm 0 26J9 111ae1YtBdtheAmnUa .C~ Soddy Sh.aager, Npwq bAm.bt Se.Nk
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