TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN VOL. 34 No. 5, MAY/JUNE 2002 Special Education Around the World 4 i 16 Sp9 cial Education in Israel ' _ a (hanges taking place inJewish special education are discussed from a legal and historical standpoint. Alec Peck Stan Scarpati Hedda Meadan Thomas P. Gumpel 22 A View from the North Special Education in Canada Current issues of concern inspecial education in(anada are ashrinking teacher population, fiscal restraint, and access to special education services inremote areas. 1), Earn CEUs by Reading TEC 5 ([C in conjunction with JournaLearning International offers readers the opportunity to eorn .20 (EUs per issue by reading and taking aquiz. 28 Special Education in South Korea Special education inSouth Korea interms of the current status and future directions are described and itisthe author's hope that exchanges of information will accelerate the development of special education in South Korea and other countries. Special Education in Mexico 8 Don DIworet Sheila Bennett One Community's Response The history of speciol education inMexico, the emergence of special education programs, and aschool for special education inNuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, are discussed. Terry L. Shepherd Diana Contreras Randel Brown I The profound changes inspecial education inCosta Rica are presented from creating primarily segregated services to developing innovative service models that promote the inclusion of students with disabilities. Laura M. Stough 40 Encouraging Social Skills Through Dance An Inclusion Program in Korea Ya-Shu Kang David Lovett Kathryn Ila-ing This peer-group dancing program demonstrates apractical educational approach for socially isolated children. Sang Bok Lee Jeongil Kim Sang Hoon Lee Hyo-Shin Lee TEC Author Guidelines can be found at our Web' site: http://www.cec.sped.org/bk/tecguideihtml 1l D CECJournaCOn-iiie X COUNCII FOR EXCIRTIONAL CIHILDREN ' CEC- I * -, Check out the CEC, Web 'siteto see sample iss c $TEC and EC: \ 2. i 34 Teaching Special Education in Costa Rica 12 Culture and Special Education in Taiwan Note New Address for Manuscript Submissi on Dr. Alec Peck; TEACHING Exceptional Children C Lynch School of Education, Campion 108 ,i Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3813 I Jiyeon Park Using a Learning Strategy in an Inclusive Classroom Two surveys are presented-one completed by directors of early childhood programs and one completed by parents of young children inearly intervention or early childhood programs who were receiving special educational services-with particular attention to the way traditional culture affetis special education services. I ; 0 i:i'! ~ i~i ;tsji 4LXlsAii4ittltrg: Of ofes 3 Ia ~~~~~~~ Special Educalion in Mexico One Communuity's Response Terry L. Shepherd Like many developing countries, Mexico has struggled to provide for the educational needs of children with disabilities. Economic instability has often forced a reduction in services to people with disabilities. Cultural values have also prevented families from requesting government support for children with disabilities. Many families in Mexico hold the traditional view of a person's disability as God's judgment on the family (Cieloha, 1986). With the strengtheninig economy of Mexico, however, educators have been able to pay more attentioni to the needs of children with disabilities. This article looks at the history of special education in Mexico, discusses the emergence of special education programs, and examines a school for special education in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. History of Special Education in Mexico The histor-y of special education in Mexico is similar to the history of special education in the United States. Like the United States, Mexico began efforts Educationalprograms for students with disabilities were expanded in 1962 when a school for children with learning disabilities was established in Cordoba, Vteracruz. 8 . * Diana Contreras to provide for the needs of people with disabilities long before special education laws came into being. One of the first schools established for people with disabilities in Mexico was la Escutela Nacional de Sordos, the National School of the Deaf (Cieloha, 1986; Garza, 1999). Established in 1867 under the direction of President Benito Juarez and the Minister of Justice and Public the Barreda, Gabino Education, National School of the Deaf included "Spanish reading and writing, catechism and religious principles, world and Mexican history, geography, natural history, arithmetic," and other vocational subjects that included gardening; sewing, embroidery, and knitting; and bookkeeping for "those who showed a particular aptitude" (Larroyo, 1983). In 1879, the National School for the Blind was established in Mexico. The National School for the Blind was created with a curricular focus and intent equivalent to the National School of the Deaf. In 1914, Dr. Jose de Jesus Gonzales founded a school for children with mental retardation in Leon, Guanajuato. the 1927, 1919 and Between Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico developed the first teacher education program geared toward working with children with disabilities (Cieloha, 1986). During the next 30 years, laws were created that provided for the services of children with mental retardation. Educational programs for students with disabilities were expanded in 1962 when a school for children with learn- * Randel Brown ing disabilities was established in Cordoba, Veracruz. These expansions continued until the programs were politically consolidated with the creation of the Direccion General de Educacion Especial in 1970 (Cieloha). Schools and specialized programs for people with disabilities continued to grow in number, yet many of these services were available only to students in Mexico City and other major population centers in Mexico. Although 31 states had administrative coordinators for special education by 1979, not all special education programs are of equal quality. Large gaps exist in the quality and quantity of services provided to people with disabilities. And not all people with disabilities are guaranteed appropriate educational services. During the past 6 years, cooperation between the Mexican Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education has increased. From this collaboration, Mexico has declared education as a right for all children and has shown dedication to improving the quality of education for all children including children with disabilities (Convention on the Rights of the Child [CRC], 1999; Garza, 1999). As in the United States, equity of access is a major component of special education in Mexico. Special Assistant to the Minister of Education Sofialeticia Moreales Garza (1999) has defined inclusive education "as the right of every child to be enrolled in basic schooling and to meet his or her.basic educational needs" (p. 4). As a result of i i i T 9 f COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CfHILDREN I - Assembly-line factories on the border between the United States and Mexico set up partnerships with local high schools and colleges to attractassembly-line workers, technicians, and engineers. I i i I i i including children with disabilities into the general education classrooms, the Ordinary School Support Service Units (USAERs) have been expanded; and the special education schools have been redesignated as Centro de Atencion Multiple (CAM), or Centers for Multiple Attention (CRC, 1999). The number of special education teaching positions has also increased. During the 1997-98 school year, the number of special education teaching positions increased nearly 200% (CRC). Of the 27 million children that attend school in Mexico, 10% have disabilities. The majority of these children have learning disabilities (FORUM, 1999). Currently, 140 children with disabilities have been incorporated in initial education, 1,043 in preschool, 4,155 in elementary schools, 213 in secondary education, and 15,044 in technical secondary education. USAERs are providing services to 105,660 children with special education needs and 6,124 children with some form of disability (CRC, 1999). The state of Tamaulipas is found in the northeastern part of Mexico. This Mexican state has 43 Centers for Multiple Attention. In Nuevo Laredo, a city of 600,000 situated on the Rio Grande, we examined one CAM. A CAM In Nuevo Laredo In 1984, the Secretarfa de Educacion Poblica (SEP) created the CAM in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, under the administration of the local education agency, Secretaria de Cultiura y Deporte (SECUDE). The school provides vocational training for students with a variety of disabilities, including mental retardation, deafness, cerebral palsy, The special education schools provide vocational training for students with a variety of disabilities. blindness, autism, and physical disabilities. The Center has an enrollment of 60 students, ages 14-24, who come from both elementary schools and schools who serve students with special needs. The objectives of the Center are to train people with disabilities, fully integrate them into society, and develop their abilities so that they are self-sufficient and productive, independent citizens. The Center employs a director, psychologist, social worker, special education teacher, and teachers for each of the five workshops: dressmaking/tailoring handicrafts (corte y confeccion), welding (soldadura), cooking (cocina), carpentry (carpenterna), and factory work or assembly plants (maquiladora). In the cooking workshop, for example, the students make breakfast and lunch for the students and staff. Interestingly, the focuses of these workshops are similar to the goals of Mexico's National School of the Deaf established in 1867. Between 12 and 15 students are enrolled in each workshop at a time. Placement in workshops is determined after the student has rotated througlh all five workshops and the school staff has ascertained a student's strengths, abilities, skills, and preferences. Students attend school from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. In conjunction with the vocational instruction that takes place in each workshop, TEACHING the special education teacher goes into each workshop daily to provide instruction in functional academic skills. In addition, students receive instruction in physical education once a week. Students may remain in this school and workshop setting for a maximum of 4 years. Although students from this school have been placed in a variety of employment situations throughout the city, the school's success story is the partnership they have developed with the local maquiladora industry. Maquiladoras are assembly plants that are located in Mexico along the border of the United States. CAM has successfully placed many students in these maquiladoras during the past 5 years. Currently CAM has 24 students working in 10 different maquiladoras in Nuevo Laredo. On the average, they send 5 or 6 students each year to the maquiladoras. In that time, only I CAM student has not been offered a contract after the 1-month trial period. CAM provides monthly supervision of their students for a 2-year period following placement in the maquilado- As in the United States, equity of access is a major component of special education in Mexico. EXCEPTI'ONAI CHitLDREN a MAY/JUNE 2002 *9 " M4 Discapacidad (CEIPED). 1- -; -! I I N.1 This microcompany, owned and run by the Secretary of Public Education, made items to sell to the maquiladoras, sucl as mops and aprons. Final ThotishE Students with disabilities are trained at the Center and integrated into society so they can be self-sufficient and productive, independent citizens. ra. Supervision is carried out by all school personnel, including the director, social worker, psychologist, special education teacher, and workshop teachers. When the maquiladoras started moving into the border area, they set up partnerships with local high schools an-d colleges to attract assembly-line workers, technicians, and engineers. CAM heard about this opportunity and sought to meet with the Human Resource departments at the different maquiladoras. School faculty and staff visited different assembly plants to see the procedures that would be required of their students. One exercise they found appropriate for some students' skills was putting nuts, bolts, and instruction sheets into bags for packaging with prefabricated furniture. To prepare their students adequately for possible placement at factories, CAM needed to accomplish several things. The objectives of tlhe Center are to First, the assembly (maqczila) workshop was created to begin to teach skills. CAM used material disposed of by the maquilas (e.g., cloth, wood, plastic bags, boxes, bolts, screws) to set up authentic learning opportunities in the workshops. Next, realizing the importance of community-based instruction and that students needed a "change of educational setting" (cambio de escenario educatiuo), teachers took students to the maquilas to learn and practice skills on the machines during the night shift when employees were not using the machines. Finally, teachers provided instruction in several adaptive slills areas, including self-care, social skills, communication, community use, and work. Examples of specific skills included proper hygiene, how to use public transportation to get to and from work, how to utilize a time clock, how to socialize with peers during break time, and how to respect authority. Much of the adaptive skills instruction took place in the workshop environment where the students made snacks and handicrafts train people witlh disabilities, fully integrate tlhem into society, and develop thLeir abilities so thiat they are self-sufficientt and to sell during break time at the maquiladoras. Students who were not able to acquire the skills necessary to be employed by businesses in the city due to the severity of their disability were productive, independent citizens. offered jobs at the Centro Empresorial para la integracion de Personal con 10 a COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN As in other countries, special education has emerged as an important issue in Mexico. The progression of special education procedures in Mexico is very similar to the progression in other countries. Like other countries, Mexico has developed an emphasis on including children with disabilities in the general education classrooms and within the community. This is evident through the expansion of the Ordinary School Support Service Units (USAERs) and the Centers for Multiple Attention (CRC, 1999). Students attending CAMs have opportunities to learn the necessary skills to procure employment and to become integrated into the conmmunity. Like many other countries, Mexico still has not fully embraced inclusion for all children with disabilities. Yet, successful inclusion is reliant on the attitude that all children can learn, and that all children can succeed. In Mexico, this attitude is prevalent, as exemplified by this cormmon Spanish axiom: i "El camino de la vida es facil, para unos, difcil para otros, pero posible para todos." "The path of life is easy for' some, difficult for others, but possible for all." Peferemcas Cieloha, C. D. (1986, April 16-20). Special education in t1he context of national developmenzt: The case of Mexico. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (ERIC Thte CAM used material disposed of by the factories (e.g., cloth, wood, plastic bags, boxes, bolls, screws) to set up authtentic learning opportunities in the worlkshops. Document Reproduction Service No. ED 271 916) Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).. (1999). Considerationof reports submitted by stateparties under article 44 of the convention: Mexico. United Nations: CRC/ FORUM. (1999, February 7-9). United States 2!_ * . . 'y f E-, ' - ~ ~ . and Mexican State Directors of Special Education: Information Exchiange Meeting (Final Report). Proceedings of a meeting A Guide ior Writiiiy in Educutiokc convened by Project FORUM at NASDSE: Sacramento, CA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 432 870) Garza, S. M. (1999, February 7-9). Special education in Mexico-A national view. In Bob Algozzine, Festus E. Obiakor, andJean N. EBoston and graduate stu,dents, practitioners, ;rant writers better professors, and S < 'r 3.'ve,' andmse ,es, find their true ' , voice," and undderstand the ins and outs of educatior i publishing. Includes ' ,., sections 0il over(coming the challenges .9 that face new wr riters; technology as a tool kit; expressiirig diverse, minority scholar voices; vI 7riting books, materials, and other pr ofessional products; becoming a successful grant proposal writer; working with editors of research jouirnals; and working with editors of practice-oriented journals. 1'998, 70 pages. ISBN 0-86586-319-9 United States and Mexican State Directors of Special Education: In formnation { Exchange (Final Report). Proceedings Meeting of a meeting convened by FORUM at NASDSE: Sacramento, - ~~~Project CA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 432 870) Larroyo, E (1983). Histotia Comparada de la Educaizn en Mexico. Mexico D.F.: Editorial Porrus, SA. Terry L. Shepherd, Assistant Professor; 0 7,, Diana Contreras (CEC Texas Federation), graduate student; and Randel Brown, Associate Professor, Department of Special Populations, Texas A&M International University, Laredo. Address correspondence to Terry L. Shepherd, Department of Special Populations, Texas A&M International University, S201 University Boulevard, Laredo, TX 78041-1900 (e-mail: [email protected]). e TEACHING Exceptional Children, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 8-11. Got the writing t mug? This encouraging and inspiring boDDk will help college ; $24.95/CEC Member #P5273 ... tW t a.i s $17.50 ljmrN. _ Bob Algozzine, Fred Spooner, &MeagajmKarvonen This short guide is an ninvaluable resource for graduate students and university facul; m< Y.ty-for anyone who rieeds to learn how to use APA style in writitng for academic publications. This book s ummarizes and simplifies the pletliora of information in the o t ,':PublicationManual o f the American Psychological Associat.,ion, Fifth Edition. The format of this book rriimics that of a ... .; .> . research article prepa red in APA style with * ieach section formatte d to illustrate APA 2002, 7,' pages. ISBN 0-86586-394-6 #P5469 ..$8.95/CEC MViambc ers $6.95 3 Photograph by Terry Shepherd. Copytight 2002 CEC. -"-~ CEC Conitiuiiig Education presents Web Seminar: Beliavior Intervention Planning October 10, 2002 Web Seminar: .4expectations. Preventing Problem Behoviors November 7, 2002 For more informaition ubout .,y -. - 1 Order Both How So Preparo a feseenic Airudce in APA style and Publish nd Florish and Save! these seminars or other CEC CoiiiinuuiDg Education events, pulease visit twww.ee.spetL.org/pul/ #P5470 . .$21, -.. a S $29.95/CEC Xlenfibe wrs $21.952- . X or (onttatd contedu@(ec.sped.org counciro, Exceptional E Children HII fl Council for Exceptional Children 1-I TEACHING ExCEPTIONAL CHILDREN u MAY/JUNE 2002 n 11 -i 1" I I Ya-Shlu Klang What are the characteristics and qualities of special education services in Taiwan? In this article, we provide summaries of two recent surveys conducted in Taiwan (Kang, 2001; Kang, Haring, & Lovett, 2001): •The first survey was a needs assessment completed by 134 directors of early childhood programs. eThe second survey was completed by 109 parents of young children (birth to 7 years old) in early intervention or early childhood programs who were receiving special educational services. We have presented the survey results within a historical context, with particular attention to the way traditional culture affects special education services. Hislarical OJaiS In Taiwan, people have viewed education with deep respect for centuries; however, this respect has not always carried over to the education of students with disabilities. Historically, China developed an educational system based on classical texts that were open to all, and advancement was based on the individual student's ability to pass lstandard examinations. Thus, without regard to a person's station in life or social status, a student could advance through his or her own efforts to iearn. The only major limitations were the i in Taiwan, people have viewed education withL deep respect for 3 centuries. 12 n COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN e David Lovett individual's own intellect, discipline, and desire. For more than 25 centuries, the Chinese people have been guided by the teachings of Confucius in both their societal and personal development. The basic principle of Confucian philosophy is to develop the human personality to its fullest extent (Chen, Seitz, & Cheng, 1991). Confucius's teachings center on the development of proper relations among people by educating individuals on how to live moral, harmonious, and peaceful lives. The essence of Confucianism is to provide all people with an education that includes both basic knowledge and moral precepts. crrenait sgeck!l luccation In 1984, Taiwan mandated early childhood special education. Even though Taiwan's early childhood special education program has existed for well over 10 years, little research exists on the nature of early childhood special education services. Available research showed that because of lack of information and resources, most young children with severe disabilities remained at home and did not receive educational services (The Red Cross Society of China, R.O.C., 1990). Few young children with disabilities went to special preschools, hospitals, social welfare institutions, or organizations to receive available education or therapy (Wang, 1996). Disconnected educational, medical, and social programs, each providing separate services, may compound the problems of the child and the family (Wang, 1993). For example, doctors or Haring lathryn K therapists provide medical treatment or rehabilitation without coordination with educational services. Schools likewise offer educational programs without adequate attention to social or medical needs. Separate delivery systems operate under separate administrative structures in education, health, and social welfare; thus, it is difficult to establish an integrated approach. In 1997, a new special education law (Department of Education of the Republic of China, 1997) stipulated that all relevant departments of government develop regulations for active implementation of special services for preschool children. The purpose of this law was to ensure that by 2003 all young children with disabilities attend school I starting at the age of 3. Currently, most children who receive early childhood special education are 36 years of age. Medical care, rather than educational or therapeutic consultation, may be the only service families receive from professionals durihg the child's first 3 years (Wang, 1993). These medical or rehabilitation services to young children with more severe disabilities, are provided only on request of the parents. Most intervention programs are provided by private interest groups; only a few of them are govermnent supported (Wang, 1993). The Second National Prevalence Study conducted a study in 1992 illustrating the number of children with disabilities in Taiwan (National Taiwan Normal University, 1993). This survey identified a total of 75,562 school-age children with disabilities. This number represented 2.12 % of the 3,561,729 gen- II I *; ' eeral school-aged population. This figure, when compared to the percentage of the school-age population in the United States (8%-14% have disabilities), would indicate that only those with more severe disabilities are served in Taiwan. } 'i Until recently, special education programs were provided in the form of resource rooms, special classes, special schools, and institutions or centers for school-aged children with disabilities. Even though there are trends to integrate children with disabilities in the general education classrooms, most children with severe disabilities continue to be placed in institutions, centers, or special schools. All eligible schoolaged students with disabilities, regardless of their placements, can be provided with related services, such as special devices (e.g., hearing aids, wheelchairs), transportation, and financial assistance once their needs are identi- *1 Rfied. Recently, Taiwan has expanded special education services to children with |disabilities at both the preschool and I : 'I-. I -I senior high levels. High school special education primarily is provided in special schools for students with mental, visual, or auditory disabilities who need vocational training. Any student with disabilities who successfully completes the compulsory education program and passes the entrance exam given to peers without disabilities can continue advanced studies with special assistance. In the educational system, preschool education programs for all children ages 4-6 are under the administration of the Department of Education. There are few special education preschools for 4- to 6year-old children with disabilities. Most children with mild disabilities remain unidentified and are placed in general kindergartens or nursery schools without special assistance. Children with disabilities who need therapy or medical care can receive these services under the administration of the Health Department. Neurological or developmental diagnosis, medical treatment, follow-up service, or rehabilitation therapy, for example, are provided only when medical professionals refer the children or when parents request the services. Children with disabilities under age 4 or those with more severe conditions receive social welfare services under the auspices of the Department of Social Welfare. These children may be placed in public or private institutions or served in training centers. Social workers in the social welfare system mostly provide services to children with disabilities who are from poor families or to those who have been abused. The fragmentation of service delivery may be confusing to families and forces them to use much time and energy to work with professionals from different disciplines at different places and at different times. PeHsoneiL 99°/0 stated they could not provide services to certain children because of inadequate qualified personnel or lack of appropriate facilities. Although a variety of related services was provided, only 74% of children with disabilities had individualized education programs (IEPs). Finally, some confusion was presented in the identified training needs of staff; 98% of program providers expressed improvements were needed in teacher training, increased knowledge of disabilities, and appropriate teacher competencies. However, the same providers identified willingness, helpfulness, and a caring personality as the most important characteristics of a good teacher. Only 87% of these providers reported that holding a teach- Mea&rs AssezsueI61 The survey of preschool program directors conducted most recently (Kang et al., 2001) provides an illustration of what is available for young children with disabilities in Taiwan. Although 314 programs were identified, only 134 (43 %) responded; and of these 34 (25 %) indicated they did not serve children with disabilities. Perhaps most indicative of limitations in services, TEACHING The essence of Conficianisin is to provide all people Ivith an edlucation that incluides boti basic knowledge and moral precepts. EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN a MAY/JUNE 2002 a 13 side world. It may be considered to be a serious "loss of face" or "failure of the family" when an outsider or stranger discovers the offspring with disabilities. Percentage Need Traditionally, Chinese have thought that the actions of one's ancestors hold 43 Programs interested in providing special services the key to one's fortunes and that one's 99 Programs unable to serve certain children own actions will affect the fortunes of Children with disabilities who have individualized education one's descendants. If one gives birth to 74 programs an abnormal child, people think the Programs in need of improved teacher training, increased ancestors sinned. With this conception, knowledge of disabilities, or appropriate teacher competencies 98 many families have a tremendous sense of guilt (Chang, 1992). Therefore, parMost important considerations in teacher hire: willing, helpful, ents may be hesitant to share their diffi98 and caring personality culties with "the outsider," such as a 87 Teacher certification important requirement for hire family with a similar situation. A study of mother-child interactions children with disabilities because of ing certificate was an important hiring provided evidence that approximately their actual or potential poor academic qualification (see Table 1). half of the mothers of children with disperformance. These negative attitudes abilities had no knowledge about parent Tradhkneal Cvvlumd EXwects all regarding students with disabilities are support groups in the city where they Fonalies wuihl Youn1g ChidEren held by most of the Chinese public and lived; and only about 28 % of the mothwisll DisabsMiites perhaps even by the parents themselves ers actively participated in the monthly In Taiwan, limited resources and a frag(Chang, 1992; Wang, 1990). meetings of the parent groups (Wang, mented service delivery system comTo cope with stress and difficult t 1990). A more recent survey (Cheng & pounded with traditional beliefs and caregiving, parents, especially mothers, Page) compared the perceptions of love, child-rearing practices can cause parof children with disabilities usually first guilt, and anger between graduate stuents a great deal of frustration and stress seek support inside the family beforE dents in counseling (35 from the United in caring for their child with special turning to someone outside the family. States and 38 from Taiwan). The study needs. One study showed that Chinese Family members, including those in thE found significant differences between families in Taiwan experienced more extended family or close friends of thE the students on the emotions surroundstress than do U.S. families of excepfamily, are frequently the ones thaiL ing guilt. The Taiwanese group evaluattional children (Wu, Wang, & Retish, offer this "inside" support and comforiL ed feelings of guilt more negatively and 1987). The study also found that parto the family with a young child witl L more potently than did those from the ents of toddlers with Down syndrome disabilities. They usually offer theilr United States (Cheng & Page). Reage 12-31 months perceived less satissupport and help by sharing the frus searchers reached similar findings in the faction with their parenting and had tration and daily caregiving for th( Nihira, Webster, Tomiyasi, and OshLo more difficulty in reading their child's child with disabilities or for the othe: (1988) cross-cultural study, which cues than did parents of children withsiblings. Parents who experience les s reported that Japanese parents much out disabilities (Wang, 1990). The support from family members or clos less openly discussed their child's dismother typically bears most of the stress friends have more difficulty in adjust ability and had less knowledge about because of the traditional caregiving ing and handling the heavy caregivin, the child's health and educational needs role she plays in the Chinese family demands (Wang, 1993). than did U.S. parents. (Chang, 1992; Wang, 1985). Beliefs regarding fate in Chinese cul Because of recent changes in society High expectations and great emphature may prevent the family from seek arid in the structure and characteristics sis on the child's academic performance ing outside help, either from a famil of the Chinese family, we have found may result in negative attitudes toward experiencing similar problems or fron more diversity in family needs today. professionals who offer their assistancE Although many families still follow tra"Disabihity" or "handicap" in the chili ditional beliefs and family practices, with obvious disabilities may be accept Disconnected educational, others, particularly nuclear families in ed by the parents as manifestations c f urban areas, have adopted more modmedical, and social programs, their own wrongful deeds, either in thi s ern values and lifestyles. Urban families life or in the previous cycle of incarna eaclt providing separate services, experience stress and adjust to the crition. The sense of responsibility ani sis of having a child with disabilities may compound thie problems of guilt may compel them to shelter chi] differently than do more traditional dren with disabilities, as much as possi thte clhild and tlte family. families. These families may have less ble, from any interference from the out support from their extended families Table l. Tairan Personniel Heeds Assessmeni 14 n COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDI1EN I I I i I II I I I I iI I because of their physical separation. In the modern nuclear family, however, the father seems to share more child care with the mother in the early years of their child's life (Wang, 1993). In addition, these parents are more likely to seek outside support and resources when they are needed. , pewcep^tins Held by PizlX The 109 Taiwanese parents of young children with disabilities who responded to a recent survey demonstrated commonality with parents of young children with difficulties in every culture (Kang, 2001). Parents in Taiwan face many problems, with 80% expressing frustration accessing special services. The fact tlhat special education services are still in the initial stages of becoming universally available in Taiwan was evidenced by the fact that 77% of parents felt the quality of school personnel were a concern, but only 53 % were concerned with the quality of early childhood special education programs. Well over half of parents (64%) could not find appropriate recreational outlets and (63 %) had difficulties obtaining transportation for their children with disabilities. Given the above discussion of fate, it is notable that only 16% of parents felt they were somehow to blame for their child's disability. Overwhelmingly, parents (85 %) agreed with the statement that their children with disabilities should have the same educational opportunities as children who did not have disabilities (see Table 2). In the end, even with the typical concerns about their children's future, 87% of parents were able to accept and feel good about their children with disabilities. iFistti Though'iXs Services for young children with disabilities and their families have recently improved dramatically in Taiwan. Educational and related services are now, or soon will be, mandated for all these children; and more inclusive school programs continue to develop. A more coordinated service delivery system would better meet the needs of children with disabilities and their families. Within this enhanced and efficient system, personnel must have the expertise to work not only with families who possess more modern views of the world but also those that hold traditional Chinese values. tUeOammvtzas Chang, C. F. (1992). A child with Down's syndrome in the family (in Chinese). Sinorama, 17(12), 80-90. Chen, Y. H., Seitz, M. R., & Cheng, L. L. (1991). Special education. In D. C. Smith (Ed.), The Confucian continuum: Education modernization in Taiwan. New York: Praeger.* Cheng, H. P., &Page, R. C. (1995). A comparison of Chinese (in Taiwan) and American perspectives of love, guilt, and anger. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 17(2), 210-219. Department of Education of the Republic of China. (1997). Special education Zaw of the Republic of China (in Chinese). Taipei, Taiwan: Department of Education.* Kang, Y. A. (2001). The perceptions of Taiwanese parents,to their young children with disabilities. Unpublished dissertation, University of Oklahoma, Norman.* Kang, Y. A., Haring, K. A., &Lovett, D. L. (2001). A profile of early childhood education in Taiwan, Republic of China. Journal of Research in Special Education Needs, ](2) [online journal]. Available: http://www.nasen.uk.com/ejournal National Taiwan Normal University. (1993). The second national prevalence survey study on school-aged children with disabil- ities in Taiwan, R.O.C. (in Chinese). Taipei, Taiwan: Educational Research Council of Ministry of Education. Nihira, K., Webster, R., Tomiyasi, Y., & Oshio, C. (1988). Child-environment relationships: A cross-cultural study of educable mentally retarded children and their families. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 18, 327-341. The Red Cross Society of Chzina, R.O.C. (1990) (in Chinese). Taipei, Taiwan: Ministry of Interior. Wang, T. M. (1985). The difference of parentteacher viewpoints regarding the impact of a mentally retarded child on the family (in Chinese). Bulletin of Special Education, 1, 115-140. Wang, T. M. (1990). A study of parents' perceptions of parenting in Chinese families of children with and without Down syndrome. Bulletin of SpedalEducatiorT, 6, 151-162. Wang, T. M. (1993). Families in Asian cultures: Taiwan as a case example. In J. L. Paul, &R. J. Simeonsson (Eds.), Children with special needs (pp. 165-178). Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers.* Wang, T. M. (1996). Early intervention services for young children with intellectual handicaps in Taiwan: A needs assessment (in Chinese). Bulletin of Special Education, 14, 21-44. Wu, T. W., Wang, T. M., &Retish, P. (1987). The inter-impact of families and their handicapped child. Bulletin of Special Education, 3, 1-28. *Toorder the book marked by an asterisk C*), please call 24 hrs/365 days: 1-800-BOOKSNOW (266-5766) or (732) 728-1040; or visit them on the Web at http:// www.clicksmart .com/teaching/. Use VISA, MIC, AMEX, or Discover or send check or money order + $4.95 S&H ($2.50 each add'l item) to: Clicksmart, 400 Morris Avenue, Long Branch, NJ 07740; (732) 728-1040 or FAX (732) 7287080. Ya-Shu Kang (CEC International Member), Assistant Professor, Meihio Institute of Teclhnology, Ping-Tung, Taiwan. David Lovett (CEC Chapter #456), Associate Professor; and Kathryn Haring (CEC Chapter #874), Associate Professor, Department of EducationalPsychology, University of Oklahoma, Norman. Table 2. Thinan Pairent Perceptions Perception Percentage Difficulty obtaining services Preschool program quality concerns School-age program quality concerns Attribution of self-blame for disability 80 Report improved feelings and acceptance Support equal opportunities for children with disabilities 87 53 77 16 85 Address correspondence to David Lovett, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Oklalhoma, 820 Van Vleet Oval, Norman, OK 73019 (e-Tnail: [email protected]). TEACHING Exceptional Children, Vol. 34, No, 5, pp. 12-15. Copyright 2002 CEC. TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN u MAY/JUNE 2002 o 15 ~ C) P F- on o 11[]T, ,. Hedda Meadan Thomas P. Gumpel a What services does Israel provide for students with disabilities? * What is the legal definition of "students with disabilities"? * Is inclusion all option? * How are placement decisions made? a Wlhat clhanges are on the horizon? u 0 0 ~r CD o 3C. C.0 z -4 The foundation for answering questions and understanding Israeli special education is the Special Education Law of 1988 (SEL). The SEL marks a turning point in the provision of special education services to children and adolescents with special needs in Israel. The law was passed with wide multiparty support with hopes that it would create procedural certainty and would codify guidelines where none had previously existed (Gumpel, 2000). Examination of the legislative intent of the Israeli parliament (the unicameral l(nesset) reveals a basic conceptualization of disability among Israeli lawmakers at the time as it advocates for a segregationist and categorical perception of service provision (see box, "Complexities," for a description of the educational system in Israel). This article describes changes taldng place in Jewish special education (the focus is on the Jewish system, becduse non-Jewish special education: is Israel's Special Education Lawv was an attempt to create ' proceduralcertainty and codify guidelines for placement. 16 E COUNCIL FOR EXcEPTIONAL CHILDREN attempting to reach parity and match this system's resources and service provision model). 5,po::cr-V 111&e,sr":e T,Mr The Israeli SEL was legislated in 1988 and consists of five subsections: Definitions of Terms, Free Special Education, Diagnosis and Placement, Education in a Special Education Institution, and Miscellaneous. Before the law's passage, special education procedures were based on an informal and personal form of negotiation among the educational system, the child's family, and the Ministry of Education and Culture (Gumpel, 1996). In the United States, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 1997 Amendments (IDEA) is based on constitutional guarantees of equal protection and due process, as described by the U.S. Constitution. Unlike the United States, Israel has no formal constitution. Some of the functions of a constitution are filled by the Declaration of Establishment (1948), Basic Laws (special "constitutional" laws dealing with basic governmental issues and requiring a large majority of the Knesset to modify them), and Israeli citizenship laws. Because these laws are insufficient to ensure absolute educational access for all citizens (Gumpel, 1996), parent The Complexities of the Isrceli Education System 5 The State of Israel is a small country (20,770 square kilometers) with a prima, i, rily market-, industrial-, and service-oriented economy. (96.5%). The popula tion of more!thin 5.5 million is composed of 82% Jewish.and 18% Israeli lI Palestinians (Israeli Arabs) citizens, with- a high. literacy rate of 95% 'among those over the age:of 15 (Central Bureau of Statistics .Israel)`i .The Israeli educational system includes four primary directoratesJewish Secular., Jewish Religious. (Non-Jewish)'Israeli-Palestinian.' Independent (Jewish Ultra-Orthodox). Each -directorate.has both general'and special education divisions, each' with its. own bureaucratic machinery. ' AI-public education services in Israel are managed on a national'level, with' several. districts (Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Central, Northern' Haifa, 'Southern. -Each district is composed of all publicly funded schools;'and local superintendents manage each district. These officials have. responsibilityvfor the dayto-day functioning of all pedagogically related activities within each school (e.g., teacher hiring and firing, curricular issues, pedagogic focus): Such a system causes a proliferation of service-delivery systems with their concomitantly,high costs. ' ' .' _ , _ : . . '.r,W. ,3i, . groups,.through a series of legal challenges and legislative advocacy (see Gumpel, 1996), proposed the SEL in the early 1980s.' . ,., r:t .o; :t: Definitions The opening section of the law provides operational definitions and begins with the definition of "handicapped child" and "special education." These two definitions provide an interesting tautol-' ogy: the "handicapped child" is defined as "A person aged three to twenty-one, whose capacity for adaptive behaviors is limited, due to faulty physical, mental, psychological or behavioral development, and is in need of special education" (Special Education Law of 4358, 1988, p. 2930). On' the other hand, "special education" is defined as "methodological teaching, learning ahnd treatment granted by law to the handicapped child." (p. 2930). These circular definitions exemplify the confusion regarding exclusionary versus inclzusionary special services: For a child to be defined as "handicapped," he or she must be taught in a "special education" framework which is then defined as a framework provided only to children with handicaps (Gumpel, 2000). '.} :T .,.f f: : ,i^; ., .. 1 : .4 :t f . , .? 3 ; .L ;t .t , .t '{U :S .f, ,i) ,;wB7c, . . : -. .. _ T, I * :<t ', ,.s ' l', . si, . 1: 4 ,,.., b , ,xt} ,J,l,,, '' 1't; 13 ,:,' - *} *b w"; The Goals of Special Education According to the law, special education in Israel has the following goals: To advance and develop the skills and abilities of the specialneeds -child, to correct and x enhance his or her physical, I mental, emotional, and behavioral functioning, to impart to him or' her knowledge, sldlls and habits, and to help him learn acceptable social behavior 'with the goal to facilitate his or hetr integration into society and employment circles. (Section ,B.2) This emphasis on integration is in stark contrast to the tautology described .in the Definitions section of the law. Critics claim that these diametrically opposing parts of the same law create legal and administrative ambiguity, enabling the Ministry of Education (MOE) to interpret as it sees fit. The,above banner was displayed at a joiit learninag festival for studesnts with and without special neetds. Diagnosis and Placement After a child experiences difficulty in school, is tested by a licensed school psychologist, and deemed eligible for special education services, he or she is referred to a local Placement Committee, which formally decides eligibility and placement. The Committee is composed of the following people: * A representative of the local education authority. o Two Ministry of Education supervisors. * * * * An educational psychologist. A pediatrician. A social worker. A representative of the National Special Education Parents' Organization (Section C). The law does not guarantee parental or the child's teachers' participation in the Placement Committee. The Committee decides where the child will be educated and gives "priority to placing the child in a recognized school that is not a special education school" (Section C.7b). The child with special needs, a parent, or a representative of a public organization is entitled to submit an appeal concerning a decision made by the Placement Committee within 21 days of the decision. The MOE appoints a seven-member Board of Appeal that can accept or overturn the Placement Committee decision (Section C). Special Education Procedures At the beginning of every school year, a multidisciplinary team at the special education institution develops an individualized education program (IEP) for each child. The IEP is defined as follows: A plan that describes the performance level of the specialneeds child at the time it is drawn up, the learning aims and objectives, the timetable for achieving these, the resources needed to achieve them, and the standards for measuring their attainment. (Section D.19c) The special education Placement Committee includes a social worker, a physician, a psychologist, and superuisors, but not the parents of the child. TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN u MAY/JUNE 2002 X 17 As opposed to the U.S. special education service-delivery model, parental consent is not required for IEP implementation. Further, no due process procedure is available'to ensure parental agreement or resolution of differences. crffsisxna d 19m According to Margalit (2001), the 1988 SEL legislation was a significant achievement that reflected the "conceptions of its time." We have three major criticisms of the original law. First, through the definition of disability, a child has special educational needs due to a "developmental impairment" that limits his or her adaptive behavior. The law's stated goal is "'to correct" the child's performance, with the assumption that the performance can, indeed, be corrected. We feel that this definition and goal are not in line with international standards of care in special education. Viewing disability from a deficit and medical model, rather than an educational model based on the analysis and reinforcement of strengths and abilities, may seriously affect the special education system's ability, to provide the best possible range of educational and habilitative services. Second, although the Placement Committee ostensibly gives priority to placement in nonspecial education and segregative schools, the SEL does not embrace inclusionary ideology. In fact, the stated ambiguity in the law toward inclusionary practices, along with 'no direct mention of the least restrictive environment (LRE), enables the MOE and Placement Committees to choose exclusionary special education placements. Third, the involvement of parents in their child's education is limited. The parents have no legal rights to attend the actual Placement Committee meetings or to take an active part in the decision-making process. This situation is coumnon in Israel, however, where there are no clear guarantees of due process (Gumpel, 1996). -The "kunAu0 SD tus afeegsc inXRzion in Ns=Aei According to the law, implementation should have been concluded at the beginning of the 1999 academic year. The master plan for implementation, however, was only ratified in the 1995 academic year. During the period of implementation, an emphasis was given to shiluv (Hebrew for mainstreaming or inclusion) of children with, special needs in general classrooms. Today children with special needs receive services in special education settings or in general education settings (see Figure 1). The structure of special education placement is changing as the Ministry of Education strives to limit the number of children being placed in segregated settings, through two maneuvers: e Not formally identifying them as children with special needs (and hence not bringing them before the Placement Committee, thereby circumventing the restrictive budgetary aspects of the law). i 1 X Establishing a series of decentralized resource centers in each community 18 s CoUNciL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN I 1. I 4 I .t. I Figure 1. Placement Procedures in Israel I A child has difficulties in the school setting and is tested by a psychologist. '4 The Placement Committee makes a decision about eligibility and placement. T I Special education setting. General education setting. The professional team in the special education setting provides special The:professional team in the LSRC (MATIA) provides special services. .~~m. .i.lY services.; Critics of Israel'sSpecial Education Law state that it views disability from a deficit and. medical model, rather than an educational model based on the analysis and reinforcement of strengths and abilities. it "Unidentified" children with special needs in general education settings. Note: MATIA (Local Support and Resource Centers or LSRCs) is the organizational and operational arm of the shiluv program (Director General's Circular 59(c), 1999). ii II I '3., I I I .- i I I I i I Local Support and Resource Centers (LSRCs) serve only stuidents in mild disability categories, function in a semiautonomous manner, and are able to allocate resources :1 *1 '1 4 accordingto specific local needs. Ii in the country. "MATIA" (Local Support and Resource Centers or LSRCs) is: the organizational and olperational arm of the shiluv program (Director General's Circular 59(c), 1999). These LSRCs currently serve only mild disability categories, function in a semi-autonomous manner, and are able to allocate resources according to specific local needs. LSRCs are changing the very nature of service provision in Israel: Special education teachers are no longer associated with specific schools, but rather with their LSRC. In this way, teachers and paramedical services are provided from within an itinerant consultative/ collaborative framework (Gumpel, 2000). ,' In the 1999 academic year, more than 35,000 students received special education servicesTin special education settings, and about 80,000 students received special education services thrdugh the LSRC in preschool and general education schools. Of the students in special education settings, 38.8 % had learning disabilities (LD), 25.7% had mrental retardation (MR, mild, moderate or severe/profound), and 7.5 % had behavioral disorder (BD). Figure 2 shows the special education populations in Israel (Ministry of Education, Department of Special Education, Israel). ' In 1999, the Minister of Education appointed a' public committee whose objective was to examine the implementation of the SEL. In July of 2000, the committee presented their findings, which were adopted by the Minister. According to Margalit (2001), the rec- i ommendations attempted to clarify the law's ambiguity and focused on the rights of students with special needs to learn together with their peers. The committee emphasized that special education does not relate to a place, but rather to a range of educational, didactic, and therapeutic procedures that are carried out in different settings. In addition, the c6mmittee addressed the right of special groups to amended priorities in the allocation of the resource for special education. The committee recommended that historically deprived social groups (e.g., Israeli-Palestinian, Bedouin) be given priority when resources are allocated and services are developed. The committee also recommended that cultural components that are unique to the cultural and national group should be considered when developing special education services. Additional Resource - -nformationon special educatiori 'in Israel, including the Special Education.Law in'EnAlish can be Ifound oft the Web site' of the State *of Israel'*Minister of Education, the' Special Education Departm http://www.education. ,ment: gov.il/special/english-ind.htm ;. 0zf undergone rapid changes. Today, we are seeing dynamic changes in the Department of Special Education in the MOE; and we have witnessed the development of a professionally rich and engaging work atmosphere. Special education in Israel, however, remains highly categorical and segregative and hence has a long way to go. Cehtral Bureau of Statistics, Israel. Retrieved It is an exciting, yet confusing, time to be involved in special education in Israel. From 1988 to 1998 and into the 21st century, the provision of special services to children with disabilities has July 23, 2001, from the Web site: http://www.cbs.gov.il/engindex.htm Director Generals Circular 59(c), 1999. Retrieved July 23, 2001, from the Department of Special Education Web Figure 2. Special Education Populations in Israel 4 5 = 7 6 - 8 g 10 z Note: Populations in special education settings only: LD = learning disabilities (38.8%); MR = mental retardation (25.7%); BD = behavioral disorders (7.5%); 4 = moderate, multiple mental disabilities (4.1%); 5 = borderline IQ (3.8%); 6 = developmental delay (3.7%); 7 = deafness (3%); 8 = cerebral palsy (3%); 9 = emotional disorders (2.7%); 10 = Autism (2.6%); 11 = other (5.1 %). TEACHING EXcEPTIONAL CHILDREN a MAY/JUNE 2002 u 19 site: http://www.education.govil/spe- cial/english_ind.htm Gumpel, T. (1996). Special education law in Israel. The Journal of Special Education, 29, 457-468. Gumpel, T. P. (2000). Special education in Israel. In C. R. Reynolds & E. FletcherJanzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Special Education (pp. 995-998). New York: Wiley.* Margalit, M. (2001). The committee for examining the implementation of the law of special education. MOFET 8, 7-10. Ministry of Education, Department of Special Education, Israel. Retrieved July 23, 2001, from the Web site: http://www.education.gov.il/special/english_ind.htin Special Education Law of 4358, 15.10.88 (1988). *To orderthe book marked by an asteHsk (*), please call 24 hrs/365 days: 1-800-BOOKSNOW (266-5766) or (732) 728-1040; or visit them on the Web at http:// www.clicksmart .com/teaching/. Use VISA, M/C, AMEX, or Discouer or send check or money order + $4.95 S&H ($2.50 each add'Z item) to: Clicksmart, 400 Morris Avenue, Long Branch, NJ 07740; (732) 728-1040 or FAX (732) 7287080. Hedda Meadan (CEC Chapter#51), Doctoral Candidate, SpeciaZ Education Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Thomas P. Gumpel (CEC International Member), Assistant Professor and Chair, Division of Special Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Address correspondence to Hedda Meadan, Special Education Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Chiampaign, 1310 South Sixth Street, Champaign, IL 61820 (e-mail: meadankatDuiuc.edu). i, Easy"to use and time-saving sofware e '- to:develop and.save protesslorQal, looking4ndividualzed ducationr Plans * ,User friendly data entr:y scre6ns O Easy navigation' - I rint preview and priht menus ,.; Reporting tools o- Notice and Consedt Formse 1 Bank of overi2,OOO,goals and benchmarkeGoal Prbjress Report. 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YOU m7akethe difjemrice. 1-800-328-2560 *www agsnet.com BFo I Don Dworet Sheila Bennett d w Nu C) 2 .Em 0C, u K 1 13 Special education in Canada-unlike that in the United States-is solely controlled by each of the 10 provinces and three territories. This variance in policy and practice has resulted in both similarities and differences in the ways students receive special education services across Canada: * Similarities include the use of individual education plans (IEPs), a collaborative approach to problem-solving, and an emphasis on inclusion. * Differences focus on special education teacher training requirements, definitions of exceptionalities, and funding models. This article describes special education in Canada and explores current issues of concern: a shrinking teacher population, fiscal restraint, and access to special education services in remote areas. k 11 6 z m >0 1 6 1i 2tz! 12.11 m u u Ontario plrovinicial policy mandates that integration shlould be the first chioice of classroom placementt and that ally segregatedplacement must be i accordance IVitlh thte parent's wishies. 0 22 n COUNCIL FOR ExcEPTIONAL CHILDREN 9009TegVS1,44PT iirAr fro7speclilles Canada is a country of approximately 31 million people spread out from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. Politically, it is divided into 10 provinces and three territories, with each jurisdiction having control ovet a number of governmental programs and policies. As we mentioned previously, this control extends to educational policies. Historically, special education in Canada began in the mid-1800s, with the emergence of specialized schools for students with visual impairments (Weber &Bennett, 1999). With a quickly growing population spread out over a huge geographic area, these centers, by necessity, were located in those areas with the largest populations. Over the next 150 years, an education system in Canada would emerge in the form of what is currently accepted as the norm, with the delivery of special education services being an integral part of the educational landscape. Probably because of the vast spaces involved in the country, a system emerged where control over educational policymaking rests with each province and territory. Unlike the United States, there is no federal Department of Education. The federal government, housed in Ottawa, Ontario, does not pass legislation mandating educational policy that must be adhered to by provinces or territories. The financing, curriculum, and delivery of special education programs and services, as well as all other aspects of providing a compulsory education program, come under the control of the provincial/territorial legislative assembly and may differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction (Winzer, 1996). In each province and territory, it is the Ministry or Department of Education that administers the Education Act for that province or territory. The head of the Ministry or Department is an elected member of the provincial/territorial parliament, appointed by the premier of that province or territory, and is known as the "Minister of Education." All provinces have locally elected school boards, which, though having some local educational autonomy, must adhere to the provinces' education acts, regulations, and the dictates of the Minister of Education. ; peTWq @.dUEZ1:X11,n lasrue-S B The Charter of Rights and Freedoms passed in 1982 ensures, under the constitution, that all citizens receive equal treatment under the law and that discrimination based on a handicapping condition is not permitted. Canadian provinces and territories have compulsory education laws, which allow for the inclusion of students with special needs. Each jurisdiction must ensure that all students receive a free and appropriate education (to use the wellworn U.S. terminology), with each province/territory delivering this education through its own department or ministry of education. The following sections describe what is usual practice in Canadian provinces and territories, concerning identification/assessment of students with exceptionalities, programs and placement offered, funding, and teacher education and certification. Identification Children with exceptionalities who require special education services and programs would be characterized as having needs in one or more of the following categories: physical, behavioral, learning disabled, speech and language, giftedness, autism spectrum disorder, developmental delays, or vision and hearing impairments. Although students who are identified as needing help share similar characteristics, what is quite different from province to province are the actual labels placed on students who do receive these programs and services. In Ontario, for example, educators use the following categories and subcategories of "exceptionalities": Intellectual (gifted, mild inteZZectual disability, developmental disability). Communication (autism, deaf and hard of hearing, language impairment,' speech impairment, learning disability). Physical (physical disabiZity, blind and low vision). 2 Behavioral. o Multiple. Compare this list with the policy of the Northwest Territories, which makes no mention of what constitutes an exceptionality. This jurisdiction focuses on the rights of all students to an inclusive education and support services that meet individual needs (Smith, Polloway, Patton, Dowdy, & Heath, 2001). No labeling of exceptionality is necessary for either placement or funding. There also exist individual differences in terms of labels, such as the absence of "traumatic brain injury" as a category of exceptionality in Ontario Canada'sSupreme Court ruled that decision makers must set out to determine thte best possible placement for the chiild and take into accouint the child's best interests and special needs. and the inclusion of this category in Newfoundland. It is possible that, although many of these definitions are similar, a child deemed to be "exceptionaZ" in one jurisdiction can then lose this label when moved to another jurisdiction. The process of identification is similar in most provinces/territories. A committee determines whether a student is in need of special education programs and services. Usually, a collaborative team, including the parents, carries out the identification of students with exceptionalities. In many jurisdictions where a variety of placements are available, a committee makes placement decisions, either at the school or local authority level. This committee is usually composed of regular and special education personnel, student services personnel, and principals/vice-principals. Parents are involved in the decision making and-in some jurisdictions, such as Ontariohave a legislated appeal process. The exact procedures for identifying students with exceptionalities vary from province to province. For example, in Ontario, Canada's largest province, accounting for approximately one-third of the total population of Canada (see Table 1, page 24), special education is governed by Regulation 181/98 passed In Ontario, students are identified as "e.xceptional" by an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) composed of at least three people. One of these committee members is usually the person at the school-board level responsible for either special education or a family of schools (referred to as a "Superintendent") or his or her designee. Normally, the classroom teacher begins the process of identification. The teacher refers the student to an In School Team (IST), where concerns are discussed. During the IST meeting, team members will suggest programming strategies for the teacher to use in the classroom. If the programming strategies provided by this team are ineffective, the team will refer the student to the IPRC for formal identification as exceptional. The Ontario regulation also identifies a process of appeal for parents who may be in disagreement with the decisions It is possible thtat, althouiglh many definitions are similair from province to province, a child deemed to be "exceptional" in onze jurisdiction can theni lose this label whien tmoveil to anolher jitrisdiction. under the Education Act. TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN a MAY/JUNE 2002 a 23 I tI I I I Table 1. Provincial and Territorial Practices in Educating Exceptionail Learners Population I Most appropriate placement 3,064,249 i I Individual Education Plan Inclusive education 4,095,934 Manitoba Individual Education Plan Philosophy in inclusion 1,150,034 New Brunswick Individual Education Plan Inclusive education 757,077 I Newfoundland & Labrador Individual Support Services Plan Regular classroom and continuum of services 533,761 I i Nova Scotia Individual Program Plan Regular instructional settings 942,691 Ontario Regular classroom first Individual Education Plan and Identification, Placement, and Review Committee Prince Edward Island Individual Education Plan Most enabling environment Quebec Individual Education Plan Integration, neighborhood schools 7,410,504 Saskatchewan Personal Program Plan Inclusive settings 1,015,783 Territory IEP or Equivalent Policy Northwest Territories Individual Education Plan Inclusive schooling 40,860 Nunavut Individual Education Plan (of NT) Inclusive schooling (of NT) 28,159 Yukon Individual Education Plan Inclusive philosophy 29,885 Province IEP or Equivalent Policy Alberta Individual Program Plan British Columbia I i i II II II 11,874,436 II 1,I I 138,514 I I Population i 1I .1 I Notes: IEP = individual education plan; NT = Northwest Territories i I iI Source: Adapted from Inclusion of Exceptional Learners in CanadianSchools, by N. L. Hutchinson, 2001, Toronto, Prentice Ii Hall. I reached. This appeal process, initially handled at the school-board level, can progress to a Ministry of Education Tribunal, in which case the decision is final. Newfoundland and Labrador, one of Canada's least populated provinces, has no legislation specific to special education, but has used a number of key governmental documents to develop a framework for the delivery of services based on a strong inclusive model. Parents; school personnel; and representatives from the Department of and Human Resources Health, Employment, Justice, and other relevant All across Canadaa, student programniningis centered ont individual prograrm planning. 24 n COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN agencies collaborate to identify children who may be considered exceptional. This identification can occur at one of the following three stages: * Early identification (from birth). Preschool (postbirth). * School age. e At each entry point, each case is appointed a manager who oversees and coordinates the development and monitoring of an Individual Support Services Plan for the child (Philpott & Nesbit, 2000). Assessment Throughout the provinces and territories of Canada, all assessment is conducted in a similar manner to that in schools boards throughout the United States. One major difference, however, is the involvement of noneducation personnel in the assessment process. Within the province of Alberta, concerns about assessment revolve around o The inability to find qualified personnel to perform required assessments. * The mismatch between formalized assessment and teaching strategies within the classroom. * The perception that assessment hot be merely for the purpose of identification to access funding. These concerns have prompted a provincial review of assessment (Alberta Learning, 2000). This review included in its recommendations that the province develop a model of assessment linked to programming and individualized plans-a model that prevents undue assessment while recognizing student growth, as well as a review of standards of I identification to more closely match them to the learning needs of students. I In contrast, Ontario, through recent changes to the special education funding process, requires students to have confirmation of their disability by a pediatrician, psychologist, social worker, or psychiatrist for one level of funding or confirmation of exceptionality by a medical practitioner or registered psychologist for a higher level of funding (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2001). Across Canada, there is no universal requirement for a "multidisciplinary team," but several provinces/territories use this model in the assessment and identification process. British Columbia, for example, suggests that specialized personnel should be available to support schools in the assessment process-but it is not a requirement for funding to be provided (Special Education Branch, British Columbia, 1995). Prsograimminig for Students with Exceptiortilities All across Canada, student programming is centered on individual program planning. Such plans have differing names: Individual Program Plan in Alberta (Alberta Learning, 2000). v Individual Support Services Plan in Newfoundland (Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Education, 2001). * Individual Education Plan in the Northwest Territories (Northwest Territories, Department of Education Culture and Employment, 2001). Despite these differences, each province and territory has adopted a set of procedures that allow teams and committees to develop programs for each child. In general, the process for individualized program development follows steps similar to those outlined by the Ministry of Education for the Northwest Territories, as follows: £ The collection of demographic data. g Statement of educational concerns. @ Educational assessment data. Description of the present program. @ Recommendations. * Review procedures. Ontario has developed a comprehensive plan for the development of the IEP in British ,Cciimbnibc' - . AnIEP wInthis'Canadian province,-an'IEP must include the-following items: .The,present levels:of educational performance of.the student. Thele'arning outcomes set':for that studeint for that school year where the learningoqitcornes are different.-from the learning outcomes set out in the applicable e'ducational program guide. -All the required,. adaptations to 'educational materials, and'instructional and assessment methQds. ; All the support,services to be provided. a: A description of :the place where the educational program is' to be provided The names'of all personnel Who vill be prbviding the educational program and-thesupport services for thel studeint during the school-year - The period of time and process for reviewof the IEP. -(Special Education Branch, British-Columbia, 1995, p.A7) 7 (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2000). This plan requires school personnel to develop an IEP based on assessment and evaluation and consultation with parents and any other professionals interacting with the student. (See box for what an IEP in the province of British Columbia must include.) Placernent In 1997 the Supreme Court of Canada, in a highly controversial case, Eaton vs. Eaton vs. Brant County Board of. Education: i..,'est interest of thte cbild" 1 In Ontario, after an IdentificAt ii Placerrent and Review committee (IPRC3 iidentifies,a child as exceptiofial, a parent has the right to :two levels of appeal. The first level ,called:an appeal board;" is relatiyely informal; the second level, "--a tribunal, is iconducted by. the:Ontario Ministry of Education. - - 'IPRC Ruing In this case, the-Eaton famijy,,having exh'austed these' two levels iof appeal brought their case to'the divisional court of Ontario.-The Eatons, parents of '12 year-old Emnily' a child with severe disabilities,' disagreed with the 'IPRC to place Emly in a special education classroom. The parents, preferring an inclusive gene'raleducation class placement, were ultimately successful in 'iaving their case heard by an Ontario divisional courtCourt and Couirt of Appeals Rulings. The Ontario Divisional Court existing decision to place Emily in a segregated setting: The with.tiw agreed case was then heard by the. Ontario Court* of Appeals, which overturned the *divisionai court's ruling. This decision, which became Ontario provincial poligy, stated thatintegration should bethe first'dhoice of classroom placement and that.any- segregated placemrent .must be in accordance with the parent's wishes. The sch6oo1board appealed the decision to the Supreme Court of Canada. A decision by this body would have national, rather than provincial, implication. - Divisional . Supreme. Court Rullig. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that placement decisions should take into account "the child's best interest and special needs"; in the case df Emily,the court decided that a segregated special education setitnig was the best interest. . This decision ensures thiit provinces and territories can provide the full menu of options or continuum of.services,-to meet the needs;of students with special neeas.Probably as a result.of the press surrounding this case-despite the Supreme Cpurt decision-placement committees inmost areas of the coun-try View: an inclusive setting as the preferred placement. TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN u MAY/JUNE 2002 u 25 Canada's Supremre Court Ruling on Plccemetit Decisions -The-Suprenme Court, which has rfurisdictioni-over each province.and- territocy, *wrote thafta special education (orinclusive general educatio'n) placement deci - ' sion does not-impose a burden or disadvantage'on a child wizhn the decision' makers * Set oit to determine the best'p,ossible placement for the child. - 0 Take into account the childs best inferests and special needs. * Provide,for ongoing assessment of the child's best interests so that changes to the child's needs can be reflected in placement. o Make the, decision from. a, subjective, child-centered perspective, one that ''-|attempts.to make .equality meaningful from the child's point of view as opposed to that. of the adults, in thle child s bife ("Special Education: 'ilo i Presumption," -1997). Brant County Board of Education (see box), ruled that teams and committees must decide on the placement of a student with special needs based on the "best interests of the child." The court added that there is no inherent basis for the belief that a regular education class is a more appropriate placement than special class placement. This decision, made at the federal level, overturned an Ontario Supreme Court decision, which had previously ruled in favor of regular class placement. (See box, page 26, for the details of the Supreme Court's ruling.) There is an emphasis throughout Canada's provinces and territories toward inclusion. For example, Ontario's Regulation 181/98 (part 4, sec- tion 17), stipulates that the IPRC shall decide to place an exceptional pupil in a regular classroom when such a placement meets the pupil's needs and is in accordance with parental preferences (Ontario Ministry of Education, 1998). In several provinces, such as Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and In A zlbiurs, n pa'ouincial rcticr (if assesamnent ilueiwi d i1 its 1iCC0onniwudefndiosls ttlfl 1tte pJrUovUICe dayeloPo ftdlcll ofI (isse,i¶Sue58 l (itkCeIt to pJrograluallgand fiJjdividalized ptians. 26 D COUNCIL FOR ExcEPTIONAL CHILDREN Nova Scotia, inclusion is the only option available. In other provinces-for example, Ontario, Alberta, and Quebec-various formats and placement options are available in many school districts (see Table 1). Even in those provinces/territories that offer a "continuum of services" or placement options, placement in the regular education classroom is usually the first priority. Funding For the most part, Canadian provinces and territories fund on a need basis. In some jurisdictions, such as Quebec and British Columbia, funding is based on both category and degree of severity of exceptionality. Individual boards of education apply to the Ministry or Department of Education (the term Ministry of Education is used in some provinces and the term Department of Education is used in others) for additional funds that may be required to offer educational services to students with special needs (Ministere de l'Education Quebec, 1999). In most cases, the school or team must develop an IEP that indicates the level of need and the level of educational service that must be provided to meet the child's need. In Ontario, the Ministry of Education regularly reviews IEPs to ensure that funding requests accurately reflect student need and that the amount of funds provided is appropriate for the need indicated. Teacher Education All teachers in Canada must be certified under a provincial/territorial governing body, either the Provincial Miiistry of Education or the College of Teaclhers (British Columbia or Ontario), which ensures that appropriate and adequate training has taken place. In every jurisdiction in Canada, teachers receive their regular teaching license befoi-e receiving any special education certification. It is most common for teacher education to consist of at least one university degree, with (depending on the province or territory) additional degrees or courses of qualification to achieve special education teacher certification. Within preservice teacher education there is a growing awareness of the need for specific training in the area of exceptionalities. This awareness is fueled in part by the increasingly inclusive nature of Canadian classrooms. Although many universities have offered courses at the preservice level, not all universities make them a requirement for coinpletion. Within each province (there are currently no teacher training programs in the territories), universities have considerable leeway in the delivery bf courses, provided they meet the expectation and requirements of the governing body. Here are some examples: The University of New Brunswick offers a certificate in special education for graduates who take additional courses in special education during their preservice training. The province of Newfoundland requires that all teachers who wish to teach special education specifically are required to complete an additional degree following their teacher training, specifically in the area of special education. In Ontario, though some universities offer mandatory preservice courses in special education, other universities allow this to be optional. To teach special education in this province, teachers must complete three core courses, along with three elective courses in special education, to attain a specialist certificate in special education, though they are permitted to teach in special education, having completed only one core course and one elective or two core courses. goss5rm- lra Cunnudluka giietic Across Canada, services in special education-despite provincial and territorial control over the educational systemshare many common features, such as the collaborative approach, the use of IEPs, and parental involvement in the process. Many challenges continue to concern those who strive to provide excellent programs and services to students who are exceptional. The geographic and ethnic diversity of Canada presents particular challenges in the delivery of .special education. Geographically, providing qualified teachers, as well as assessment personnel and support services such as occupational therapy, can be challenging. With shortages in larger areas, the waiting list for psychological assessment can be up to 6 months. Providing these services to northern and more remote areas can be difficult if not impossible. Ethnically, meeting the needs of Canada's diverse population, particularly its native communities and its ever-growing population of students who speak English as a second language, presents challenges such as finding valid assessment tools and instructional methods. : While attempting to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities, many provincial and territorial governments are faced with fiscal-restraint measures aimed at streamlining programs and services. These restraints exacerbate many challenges mentioned here. Along with this fiscal belt tightening is an increased demand for accountability on the part of school systems, schools, and individual teachers. As parents become more sophisticated consumers and as they demand more value for the dollar, people will examine education policies and practices in more and more detail. Nelvfonndland and Labrador have developed a framework for th1e delivery of services based on a strlong inclutsive model. Finally, amidst this backdrop of fiscal restraint, increasing demand for accountability, and the need to meet the ever-increasing diversity of the population, Canada, as in much of North America, is beginning to face a teacher shortage. Some provinces, like Ontario, are acutely feeling this shortage; some school boards are having difficulty filling regular education classroom positions and great difficulty finding qualified special education teachers. Despite these challenges, we believe that educators across Canada remain committed to providing excellent services to all students. For many years, school boards provided incentives for teachers and other professionals to provide services in remote areas. Faculties of education have worked on designing teacher education programs that attract and train people from remote areas who wish to return to their home communities to work. Faculties of education are responding to the demand for additional teachers by increasing enrollment and exploring ways of delivering courses via technology and other forms of distance education. School boards continue to find creative and effective ways to streamline services while maintaining excellent service and making parents partners in the education of their children. Overall, the provision of special education services in Canada remains a priority for parents and educators alike. Alberta Learning. (2000, November). Shaping the future for students with special needs: A review of special education in Alberta (Final Report). Edmonton: Author. Retrieved December 12, 2001, from http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/K_l2/spe cial/SpecialEdReview/ Hutchinson, N. L. (2001). Inclusion of exceptional learners in Canadian schools: A practical handbook for teachers. Toronto: Prentice Hall.* Ministere de l'Education Quebec. (1999). Adapting our schools to the needs of all students: Policy on special education. [Online]. Quebec City: Author. Newfoundland and Labrador, Department Education. Introduction. Retrieved December 12, 2001, from http://www. edu.gov.nf.ca/ issp/intro.htm Northwest Territories, Department of Education Culture and Employment. Educating All Our Children: Toward Implementation. Retrieved December 12, 2001, from http://www.learnnet.nt.ca/ ECE/ECSS/school /support/2/html/forward.htm Ontario Ministry of Education. (1998). Regulation 181/98. [Online]. Available: http://www.edu.gov.ca/eng/general/ele msec/speced/hilites.html Ontario Ministry of Education. (2000). Individual education plans standards for development, program planning and implementaiton. Toronto, Ontario: Author. Ontario Ministry of Education. (2001). Individual education plans standards for development, program planning and implementation 2000. Toronto: Queens Printer for Ontario. Philpott, D., &Nesbit, W. (2000). Legislative provisions for special education in Newfoundland and Labrador. Paper presented at annual Canadian Society for Studies in Education conference, Quebec City, Quebec. Srnith, T. E., Polloway, E. A., Patton, J. R., Dowdy, C. A., & Heath, N. L. (2001). Teaching students with special needs in inclusive settings. Toronto: Pearson Education. Special Education Branch, British Columbia Ministry of Education. (1995). Special education services: A manual of policies, procedures and guidelines. Victoria: Author. Special education: No presumption in favor on integration. (1997, March). EduLaw, The Education Law Reporter, 8(7), 49-50. Weber, K., &Bennett, S. (1999). Special education in Ontario Schools (4th ed.). Thornhill, Ontario: Highland Press. Winzer, M. (1996). Children with exceptionalities in Canadian classrooms (4th ed.). Scarborough, Ontario: Allyn &Bacon.* *7Torder the book marked by an asterisk (*), please call 24 hrs/365 days: 1-800-BOOKS-NOW (266-5766) or (732) 728-1040; orvisit them on the Web athttp:// www.clicksmart. com/teaching/. Use VISA, MJ/C, AMEX, or Discover or send check or money order + $4.95 S&H ($2.50 each add'litem) to: Clicksmart, 400 Morris Avenue, Long Branci, NJ 07740; (732) 728-1040 orFAX (732) 728-7080. Don Dworet (CEC Chapter #744), Associate Professor; and Sheila Bennett (CEC Chapter #744), Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Brock University. St. Catharine's, Ontario, Canada. Address correspondence to Don Dworet, Faculty of Education, Brock University, 500 Glenridge Avenue, St. Cotharine's, Ontario, Canada L2S 3A1 (e-mail: dworet@ ed.brockn.ca). TEACHING Exceptional Children, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 22-27. Copyright 2002 CEC. TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN R MAY/JUNE 2002 u 27 Jiyeoni Park Special education in South Korea has made great strides both in number and quality of programs for the past 25 years since the enactment of Special Education Promotion Act in 1977.; Few publications, however, provide updated portraits of special education in South Korea. This article presents the current status of special education in South lKorea in terms of legislation for special education, early intervention/early childhood special education, elementary and secondary education, and personnel preparation. It also discusses current issues with future directions in the special education of South Korea. G-eograrplic and Demnographic Perspecgives Korea, located on the northeastern section of the Asian continent and at the east of China and the west of Japan, has five thousand years of history and culture. About 69,450,000 Koreans live in c " ' 6 z t D~ > e S g E this country; among these, 47,275,000 people live in South Korea (Korea National Statistical Office; 2000). Because little is known about special education in North Korea, this article focuses only on special education in South Korea. In South Korea, people with disabilities are expected to (but not forced to) register at the local government office to allow federal and local governments to establish an efficient welfare system on the number of people with disbased u abilities and their disability conditions. According to the 6-tier system that categorizes the severity of disability condi28 C COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN It is estimated thtat thtere are about 1,449,000 people ivith disabilities (about 3% of thLe population) in South I(orea. tions into six groups, a tier number (between Tier 1 and Tier 6) is given to each registered person with disabilities by disability-diagnosis agencies. Tier 1 represents the most severe disability conditions; and the largest amount of benefits are given to the persons who belong to the Tier 1 group. As of 2000, the number of people with disabilities who were registered at local government was 972,087 (Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare, 2000). The number of registered people with disabilities, however, is far less than the real number of people with disabilities. This disparity results from several factors: parents' unwillingness to register their children with disabilities at an early age, limited definitions of disability categories, insufficient benefits even after getting registered, and a lack of announcement about the registration process. When unregistered people with disabilities are considered, it is estimated that there are about 1,449,000 people with disabilities (about 3 % of the population) in South Korea (Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare, 2000). Hiisftio3a PeNpecshes As an ancient Korean tradition, people with disabilities have been provided with care and assistance by the governments (e.g., Korea dynasty, Cho-Sun dynasty), as well as by their parents or neighbors, though no systemic education was offered to them until late 19th century. Christian missionaries from the United States and European countries tremendously contributed to the early development of special education. At the time, children with visual or hearing impairments were the primary recipients of special education. In 1894, Rossetta Sherwood Hall taught a girl with blindness, which was the first effort to provide special education for a child with disabilities. She also established the first special school for children with hearing impairments in 1909. Education for children with other disability conditions started in the 1960s when the first personnel preparation program for special education professionals was established at Han-Kuk Social Work University (later renamed as Taegu University) with several,special schools affiliated to the university. The most significant landmark iii the history of South Korea special education was the enactment of the 1977 Special Education Promotion Act, which mandated free special education and reiated services, such as physical therapy, speech therapy, and medical services, for children with disabilities (Seo, Oakland, Han, & Hu, 1992). Special education in South Korea has made great progress in the past 25 years. The legislation has been reautho- i I I ii ."-.. 'i-. * Responsibilities The most representative law for special education is the Special Education Promotion Act. This legislation was first enacted in 1977; its main content included (a) free education for children with disabilities in compulsory education agencies (at the time, only elementary education was compulsory), and (b) support for private schools that enrolled children with disabilities. In 1987 and in 1990, the Act was reauthorized to ensure free education for students with disabilities who attend kindergarten and high school. As the field expanded and showed advances both in quantity and quality, more comprehensive legislation was called for. Legislation was needed that reflected the needs of various stakeholders, such as students with disabilities and their parents and professionals in special education and related fields. As a result, the law was thoroughly amended in 1994 and then partially modified or extended in 1997 and in 2000. Since 1994, South Korea has passed three reauthorizations of the law, with the following major changes: c Terms and their definitions are changed. J rized several times since then to ensure pmore comprehensive and organized educational services for students with disabilities. Seo et al. (1992) provided a comprehensive overview about special education in South Korea, including brief history, prevalence of people with disabilities, service delivery of special education, personnel preparation, problems, and future trends. Few publications have offered an update about special education in South Korea, though great changes in the field have taken place in the past 10 years. These changes include the following: * An increase in the number of students with disabilities who receive special education, as well as in the number of special schools and special education classes. @ Reauthorizations of legislation. * An increase in the number and type of personnel preparation programs. * Increasing public awareness and acceptance of disability. TEACHING of the federal and local governments in promotion of special education are specified. * Procedures for diagnosis and assessment to decide whether a child is qualified for special education or not ,are specified. * Parents (guardians) are provided with a chance to express their opinions regarding diagnosis, assessment, and decision of qualification. * Principals at all schools are required (a) not to refuse the application of a student with a disability for the reason of his or her disability and (b) not to refuse the entrance of students with disabilities to the school for the reason of disability when that student successfully passes the entrance exam and review. * Principals at all schools are required to provide appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities, based on the type and severity of the disability, when they take entrance exams or attend schools. * Contents and procedures of inclusive education, individualized education, therapeutic education, vocational education, and career education are elaborated. * Principals in each school are required to plan and implement parent (guardian) education when necessary or when the parents (guardians) ask for education. S Procedures are specified for appeal when students with disabilities or their parents object to the assessment and placement of their children. EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN a MAY/JUNE 2002 a 29 Though not directly related to special education, there are some other laws that may affect students with disabilities in South Korea in terms of education, health, employment, and accessibility (see box, "Representative Legislation for Individuals with Disabilities in South Korea"). Eady Esnteruention/@Ea1y C1ildhood Special Education The Special Education Promotion Act, described in the previous section, specifies that young children who are enrolled in kindergarten from 3 to 5 years of age receive special education services for free (the term "kindergarten" often represents both kindergarten and preschool in South Korea). Because the number of schools that offer early childhood special education programs is very limited, however, only a few children with disabilities in;the age range are receiving special education services either at kindergarten classes in special schools or at general kindergartens. In 2000, about 1,456 children with disabilities were educated in special school kindergartens, 259 children were in special education classes in general kindergartens, and 30 children were fully included in general kindergartens (Korea Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, 2000). The children who were not in those kindergarten programs were educated in various types of private agencies, including private preschools and kindergartens, clinics, early intervention centers, hospitals, and community welfare centers, where tuition is expensive. Only 16% of children with disabilities who qualify for early childhood special education are receiving special education whether in ThLe large number of elementary and secondary students who receive special education (about 53,000) representsrapid progress in tlte special educationprogram of Soutlh Korea. 30 ! COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN / Represeltative Legislation for Individuals with Disabilities in South KCorea 1. Special EduLcation Promotion Act (1977, 1987, 1990, 1994, 1997, 2000): Free appropriate education for students with special needs. 2. Rehabilitation Act (also called 'Disability Welfare Law") (1989, 1997, 1999): Definition of "individual with a disability," the responsibilities of government and local agencies for welfare of people with disabilities, disability registration, financial support, support for development and dissemination of assistive technology devices. 3. Employment PromotionAct for the Disabled (1990, 1995, 2000): Vocational rehabilitation, quota system for people with disabilities. 4. The Disabled, The Aged, and The Pregnant Convenience Promotion Act (1997, 1999): Accessibility to facilities, equipment and devices, and information in the community. 5. Child Welfare Act (1981, 1997, 2000): Healthy pregnancy and delivery, child protection from abuse and neglect, child health and safety, guardianship. 6. Mental Health Law (1995, 1997, 2000): Appropriate treatment and rehabilitative assistance for persons with mental health problems, right of patients with mental illness placed in hospitals and institutions. kindergarten classes in special schools, general kindergartens, or in private agencies. The rest (84%) attend no educational program, which is one of the urgent issues in special education in South Korea. Elenentary and Secondary Education For all school-aged children in South Korea, elementary education has been free and compulsory since 1953; and middle school education (seventh to ninth grade in the U.S. system) has been free and compulsory since 1985. It is estimated that about 2.11 % of schoolaged children have disabilities in South Korea. The number of students with disabilities who receive special education under elementary and secondary education system is about 52,987 (Korea Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, 2000). Among them, 22,740 students are educated in 129 special schools, 26,368 students are educated in 3,746 special education classes located in general schools, and 3,879 students are fully included in general classrooms with support from special education teachers. The large number of elementary and secondary students who receive special education represents rapid progress in the special education program of South Korea, considering that there were only 38 special schools and one special education class in the early 1970s. Also, this trend reflects the will of the government to incorporate children with disabilities in inclusive educational environments. Student with disabilities who are eligible for special education services are provided with individualized education that meets his or her individual needs, based on their individualized education programs (IEPs). The IEP, established for each student before the beginning of the academic year, includes current achievement level, goals and objectives, starting and ending date, instructional strategies, and procedures to evaluate progress. Table 1 shows the number of special schools and the students with disabilities served in those schools since 1962; Figure 1 shows the composition of students in special schools by disability type and by school level as of 2000. ' Table 2 shows the number of special education classes in general schools and the number of students with disabilities in those settings since 1971; Figure 2 shows the composition of special education classes by school level as of 2000. Though the number of special schools and special education classes, as well as number of children with disabilities served in those settings, increased tremendously in the 1990s (as shown in Tables 1 and 2), quite a few 'kdble I N'Mumbr,er of Special Schools ira Soe0l, K(orea Si;ce X962 Schools and Students 1962 1972 10 1,343 No. of special schools No. of students in the schoolsa 1982 65 10,679 38 5,188 1990 2000 102 19,947 129 24,196 aThis number includes the number of 3- to 5-year-old children in kindergarten classrooms located in special schools. Source: Adapted from 2000 Congress Annual Report on Special Education, by Korea Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, 2000, Korea. Figure 1. Conmposition a; Students in Special Schools by Disability Category and by School Level in 2000 (N = 22,740) emoUonal . , 158117% pIhysical .1 . - _- 5is%al - 1225 15% . - heading 2039 19% ' I _ I I - . - I - TUhlbe2, 'lutiiher ! I... I mental realauion 15033/ se% a; Zpa.ciai Educationi Classrooiits Locli;ed in bGcnesci Ssgool5 iLs aoui1l i(orea shite 197 I 1980 , Classrooms and Students 1971 ' No. of classrooms No. of studentsa 1 30 355 6,045 1990 3181 29,989 2000 3802 26,627 aThis number includes the number of 3- to 5-year-old children in kindergarten classrooms located in special schools. Source: Adapted from 2000 Congress Annual Report on Special Education, by Korea Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, 2000, Korea. Figure 2. Conipositiont of Students in Special Education Classes by School Level in 2006 (M 26,368) students with disabilities receive no special education services. There are several reasons for nonattendance: (a) children staying at home because of severe disability conditions, (b) parents putting off children's entrance to elementary schools until their children show more progress, and (c) children with mild disabilities being included in general classrooms with no support. Pezsonneu@ irepatlsion Eighteen universities in South Korea offer various types of preservice training programs that prepare special education professionals, including spsecial educators at early childhood, elementary, and secondary level; physical therapists; oc6upational therapists; speech-language pathologists; special physical education teachers; and vocational education teachers. Each year, about 737 graduates from these universities begin their careers as certified professionals in special education and related services. Those who want to work at public schools have to take a national qualification exam for special education teachers, even after being certified. Table 3 summarizes specific information about personnel preparation programs in South Korea. Though curricula vary across the programs in the 18 universities, during the 4-year college education period, most programs provide introductions to each disability category and courses on teaching strategies for children with various disability conditions. Various field experiences include observations, volunteer work, and class assistance in the real classroom settings. These field experiences are required during the coursework; and a full-time practicum for one month should be completed in vocational 891 /3* high 50121/26% ~ tsi ?_-}r \ 6012126,. - -. 10276145% 1s* -' *-',~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5781125% elementary , Source: Adapted from 2000 Congress Annual Report on Special Education, by Korea Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, 2000, Korea. Administrative support is needed to enable general schools to provide appropriateservices to the students with disabilities who are included in the general classroom. TEACHING EXCEPTiONAL CHILDREN u MAY/JUNE 2002 u 31 Tnhle 3. Personnel Preparation Uni'ersifies in SoSihli Korea No. of Graduates/Year University Majors Established in the University Kangnam University Gongju University Nazareth University Special education Special education Early childhood special education, rehabilitative technology, human rehabilitation Special education Early childhood special education, elementary special education, secondary special education, therapeutic special education, vocational rehabilitation Special education Special education Early childhood special education, special education Early childhood special education Special physical education Special education Special education Special education Special education Special physical education Vocational rehabilitation Physical therapy, speech therapy Rehabilitation Dankuk University Taegu University Pusan University Sunchunhyang University Woosuk University Yesu University Yongin University Ewha University Chosun University Changwon University Chunan University Hankuk Sports University Catholic University Taebul University Hansin University Total 40 80 66 40 142 20 30 80 30 12 60 30 20 30 9 12 24 12 737 Source: Adapted from 2000 Congress Annual Report on Special Education, by Korea Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, 2000, Korea. the last year of training. In addition, students are required to take some core courses in general education, such as educational psychology, philosophy and history of education, and human development. Fuhkre Prospects Though special education in South Korea has achieved substantial development in recent years, there are still many tasks to work on. First, though the increase in the number of special schools or special education classes has been a major standard to determine the success of special education promotion, the focus of attention from now on should move to providing appropriate education in the least restrictive environment (Yoon, 1999). If we are to realize this goal, more financial and administrative support is needed to enable general schools to provide appropriate 32 ni COUNCIL FOR EXCEFPTIONAL CHILDREN services to the students with disabilities who are included in the general classroom. For example, in a least restrictive environment, special education teachers would provide consultation to classroom teachers and would help classroom teachers develop learning materials based on each child's needs. Second, in early intervention/early childhood special education for young children with disabilities in South Korea, three issues beg for attention: * The need for early intervention for children from birth through 2 years old, excluded up to now. * The need to adapt disability categories based on the individual characteristics of younger children with disabilities (e.g., in current categories, learning disabilities are included and at-risk conditions are excluded). * The need for compulsory education for children ages 3 to 5 in early childhood education programs, including those that provide for the needs of children with disabilities and those at risk (Lee, 2000). Future policy should expand educational opportunities so that all children with disabilities from birth to age 5 can receive free, appropriate, and compulsory education. Also, future researchers should develop and validate procedures for diagnosis and assessment that match characteristics of young children with disabilities, rather than depending on traditional procedures ahd instruments developed for older students. Third, in terms of personnel preparation, preservice students should be prepared for their new roles in the inclusive settings as inclusion facilitators or 'as consultants for general education teachers. That is, preservice students should 's4wIe 4. t uswurv s foat MbAre f rin0 t2irl Abouh Speciai Educatioii in l utaw& fuvea6le ind Ehglisti) Note . Title and:Web Address (URL) The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (http://wwwmoe.go.kr/eng_26/) The Ministry of Health and Welfare [http://www.mohw.go.kr/english/intro8.html) SAMYOOK Rehabilitation Center (http://www. samyook.org/english/introduction/index.php3) e Introduction to education system of Korea, including special education Special,Education Promotion Act in English @ Introduction to social welfare services for people with disabilities * Introduction to the medical, educational, and rehabilitation services that the center provides for children with physical disabilities Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled a Introduction to the vocational training and career-development (http://www.kepad.or.kr/englishl/kcepad.htm) services that the agency provides Department of Special Education, EWHA University (http://www.ewha.ac.kr/ewhaeng/af/under/ad5.htm) * Introduction to the department * Curriculum for preservice training Korea Institute for Special Education (http://www.kise.or.kr/ldsel/english.html) * Introduction to the research and dissemination activities that this national institute on special education has conducted study special education, based on their prerequisite knowledge and understanding about the general education system and its curricula. In addition, there has not been any systemic effort to train in South Korea, lparaprofessionals whereas the needs for having paraprofessionals both in special schools and general schools are increasing and the benefits from having them in classrooms seem quite apparent. Efficient use of paraprofessionals is expected to facilitate inclusion of students with disabilities in general classes and to reduce the excessive workloads of special educators in special schools or special education classes. This article represents a condensed report on the current status of special education in South Korea. For more information about special education in South Korea, see Table 4 for an introduction to several Internet resources that have related information in English and Korean. Despite a multitude of issues and challenges, special education in South Korea has the potential for further enhancement. Special education has made significant progress in South Korea in recent years; the government has shown resolute efforts and has made investment for special education; and emerging social movements are advocating for the rights of people with disabilities. I believe that collaborations among South Korea and other countries-exchanges of information, sharing of expertise, or joint efforts for common issues-will accelerate the development of special education in South Korea and other countries. I 'hope this article paves the way for such collaborations. Symposium on Tasks in Special Education 'for the 21st Century. Seoul, Korea: Korea Society for Special Education. Jiyeon Park (CEC Clapter #665), Full-time Lecturer, Ewha University, DaeHyunDong 111, Seoul, Korea. Address cor-espondence to the author at Ewha University, Department of Special Education, DaeHyunDong 11-1, Seoul, Korea 120-750 (e-mail: jiyeonsped@ yahoo.co.kr). TEACHING Exceptional Children, No. 5, pp. 28-33. Vhol.34, Copyright 2002 CEC, levei'ences Korea Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development. (2000). 2000 Congress annual report on special education [Online]. Korea: Ministry of Education and Human Resources. Available: http://www.moe.go.kr Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare. (2000). Number of registeredpersons wvith disabilities [Online]. Available: http://www. mohw.go.kr Korea National Statistical Office. (2000). Pbpulation in Korea [Online]. Available: http://www.nso.go.kr Lee, S. (2000). Policy issues in early intervention/early childhood special education. ThkSuGyoYukHakYeonGu [Journal of Special Education], 35(2), 115-145 Seo, G., Oakland, T., Han, H-S., & Hu, S. (1992). Special education in South Korea. Exceptional Children, 5S, 213-218. Yoon, J. (1999). Tasks in special education policy. Paper presented at 1999 Academic Solano County Office of Education - Physical Therapist. 183 days per year, S hours per day. Salary range: $51,735.72$66,068.32 per year. Requires current license from the Board of Medical Quality Assurance. Knowledge of physical therapy techniques and objectives of treatment for physically disabled children. Ability to plan, organize, and conduct a physical therapy program for severely disabled children. Ability to work with students, parents, teachers, and other agencies. Prefer one year supervised experience providing physical therapy for children with severe physical disabilities. Apply to Solano County Office of Education, 5100 Business Center Drive, Fairfield, CA; Phone: 707/399-4440. Position open until filled. EOE. TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN u MAY/JUNE 2002 u 33 C) 0 N C-7-n mp- (ZaHn t- - 1'e 0 0 rli ( "C"a -71 .- Of -)Zg ,_ J,.j N (Dn on -" n o'-c Laura M. Stough d C-, 0D 0 0 0; z 0 H Costa Rica has one of the most accessible and progressive public education systems in Latin America, and special education services have been available to students with disabilities since 1940. Approximately 70,000 students in the public education system receive some type of special education service. A little over one-fourth of these students receive services within special education classrooms or schools, while the remaining students receive educational services or modifications within the general education setting. In the past decade, special education in Costa Rica has seen profound changes-from creating primarily segregated services to developing innovative service models that promote the inclusion of students with disabilities. This article describes those changes and takes a look at current challenges in this small country. Geographic and DecMOgraphic Perspectives Costa Rica, located in Central America, is renowned for its tropical forests, lack '0 0.2 WI U CC Teachers are highly regarded in Costa Rica society; in rural towvns, they are often thte rnost educated people in the community. 34 a COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN of a national army, and democratic stability in one of the most volatile and economically depressed regions in the world. This country also has one of the most accessible and progressive public education systems in Latin America, resulting in an estimated literacy rate of over 95% (United Nations, 2000), as well as the most highly regarded public university in Central America (Biesanz, Biesanz, & Biesanz, 1999; Lara, 1995). Special education has been part of the public education system since 1940, when a small school for students with mental retardation was established near the capital city of San Jose. EducaIsion in Costa Ricca Educational services in Costa Rica are centralized, meaning that policies, stan- dards, and curriculum are established by the Ministry of Public Education in San Jose and are the same throughout the country. Currently, the public school system serves more than 915,000 students, 23 % of the national population, and employs approximately 44,300 teachers (G6lcher Beirtue, 2001). Attendance at the elementary level is 100%, but at the high school level the attendance rate lags significantly behind, at less than 56% of the high school-aged population. Kindergarten is widely available, and early childhood education programs that provide free meals are available in larger towns. As in the United States, the school schedule reflects Costa Ricans' heritage as an agrarian society. The school year Table 1. Number of Students Receiving Mnstructional Modifications int 2000 Type of Modification Preschool Access only Nonsignificant Significant 816 2,668 315 Total students receiving modifications Elementary High School 6,965 45,979 2,597 1,239 10,901 181 Total 9,020 59,548 3,093 71,661 Source: G.Monge Chavarria (2001). Ministry of Public Education, Department of Special Education. : * consists of 200 days that begin in February and continue through most of December, when the coffee harvest begins, but the schedule is heavily peppered with holidays and teacher conference days. Most schools begin their instructional day at 7 a.m. Classes at the elementary level end at 11:00 or 11:30, which allows time for students in rural areas to make sometimes long journeys on foot to and from their homes. High schools are usually located in larger towns, where transportation is more available, and classes continue until 3 or 4 p.m. * : Students usually attend kindergarten, then 6 years of elementary school, followed by 5 years of high school: There is no middle school. At the elementary level, students study Spanish, mathematics, social studies, and science, as well as religion, art, and music, and, in most schools, computer skills and English. High school consists of 3 years of general studies, which is then followed by one of three types of emphases: academic, technical, or agricultural. Following graduation, students from academic high schools typically attend postsecondary educational programs and students from the other areas enter the work force. Teachers are highly regarded in Costa Rica society; in rural towns, they are often the most educated people in the community. Children, especially at the elementary level, revere their teachers; and teachers play an important role in children's lives (DeRosier &Kupersmidt, In Costa Rica, spocial education services h1avo been availablo to students with disabilities since 1940. 1991). Teachers also serve an important cultural role in that they organize most of the public parades, plays, and musical performances in recognition of holidays and religious events. As a profession, teaching is poorly paid and highly feminized, although male teachers are more common at the secondary level. S-fiuclure of Special rducaian According to the national Director of Special Education (Monge Chavarrfa, 2001), approximately 7.9% of the students in the public education system receive some type of special education service. A little over one-fourth of these students receive services within special education classrooms or schools, Table 2. Educational Statistics a anCosta Rica Total number of students in public education Students receiving special services Estimated total number of people with disabilities Number of advocacy and support agencies Number of students that repeat first grade Number of students that repeat grades at the secondary level Literacy rate of adults over age 15 Mean years of schooling Male Female Percentage of national budget spent on education Public school expenditure as % of gross national product 915,384 70,745 400,000 114 9,157 17,971 95% 5.6 5.8 22.8% 5.4% whereas the remaining students receive educational services or modifications within the general education setting. There are currently 530 special education classrooms located in primary schools throughout the country and 69 classrooms at the high school level (Monge Chavarria, 2001). At the primary level, most of these classrooms are resource rooms that address the needs of students with mild learning disabilities. At the secondary level, classrooms primarily focus on prevocational skills and most of these students, if they continue their education, do so at vocational or agricultural high schools. As in the United States, most students receiving special education services are labeled as having a mild disability, such as emotional disturbance, speech impairment, learning disability, or attention-deficit disorder. Approximately 10% of the students are catego- Stuidents ivho receive special services are classified as receiving modifications of one of three different types: access level services, nonsignificant modifications, and significant modifications. TEACHING EXcEPTIONAL CHILDREN vi MAY/JUNE 2002 u 35 rized under low-incidence categories, such as autism, mental retardation, auditory impairments, visual impairments, or multiple disabilities. Most students with low-incidence disabilities receive services within segregated special education classrooms or schools, whereas students with less severe dis-, abilities usually receive educational modifications within the general education setting. Students are not, however, differentially placed in special education settings according to their categorical diagnosis. For the past several years, the Ministry of Education has used levels of modification to determine educational service delivery. Students who receive special services are classified as receiving modifications of one of three different types: access level services, nonsignificant modifications, and significanit modifications, as follows: e Access-level services refer to modifications needed by the students to access the curriculum. These include environmental adaptations that students with motor or sensory impairments require to access instruction or to mobilize in the educational setting-for example, ramps, assistance bars, Braille, and sign language. Access-level services are considered forms of instructional compensation in that they do not affect the educational program's expectations of a student's academic performance. Nonsignificant modifications involve modification of didactic methods, but do not affect the level of academic placement expected of a student. Nonsignificant modifications usually Tlhe phlilosophy of tlhe Costa Rica Department of Special Education is that "all students are different; thte only common denominatoris tlheir diversity, and in this sense, a State that treats with equality its citizens, should also treat with equality its studenits." 36 a COUNCIL rOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN Igualdad de Oportunidades para las consist of modifications of didactic Personas con Discapacidad, 1996) has presentations, instructional materials, legislated nondiscriminatoiy access to or particular lessons taught as part of employment, health, construction, the general curriculum. transportation, communication, recre* Significant modifications include ation, arts, and sports, as well as to content and structure changes to the education, and enacted a wide-ranging of the curriculum. These changes revision of discriminatory language and may require changes in the objectives regulations throughout the legal code. that are taught as part of the general Title 11 Article 17, of the Equal in as well as educational program, Opportunity Law specifies that educachanges in teaching methodology and tional centers must make the necessary in the evaluation of the objectives adaptations and provide assistive servthat are implemented. The use of sigso that people with disabilities ices difclearly nificant modifications also an appropriate education. These receive of terms in students these ferentiates assistive services may include what is expected academically of •Specialized human resources. these students (Ministry of Public * Curricular modifications. Education, 1992). * Evaluation. students Approximately 80% of the * Methods. modificareceive education in special * Didactic resources, such as Braille, tions that are access-level or nonsignifi,audiotapes, Costa Rica sign language. cant in nature; and the classroom Modifications to the environmental * teacher is responsible for their design infrastructure. Beirtue, (G6lcher and implementation Article 18 of the Law stresses that 2001). Significant modifications are despecial education should be equal in veloped by special education teachers quality to that received by students who or by regionally based Itinerant Teams receive general education services and teams that, together with campus-based take place during the same hours as and input from the classroom teacher, general education services. Though it design appropriate instruction for studid not legislate the closing of special dents with severe disabilities. The sysEqual the schools, education tem of using levels of modification stuthat mandated Law Opportunity of principle reflects the philosophical dents be placed in the least restrictive the Department of Special Education environment and that special educators that "all students are different; the only facilitate the integration of children with common denominator is their diversity, disabilities into general education with and in this sense, a State that treats schools and classrooms. treat also should equality its citizens, with equality its students" (Monge Special Edu;cations Teacher Chavarria, 2000, p. 7). By focusing on Training in Costa Rica the identification of the modifications There are currently four highly regarded that will allow a student to access the public universities and more than 40 curriculum, rather than defining the stuprivate universities of varying quality in dent's disability, this approach affirms Costa Rica that, together, enroll more that all children have the right to an than 70,000 students (Helmuth, 2000). equitable education. Education is a popular major in univerSpecial Education Lev in Costa sities, and special education teacher Rica training programs can be easily found in universities in the Central Valley. Special Public special education services have education programs are less common, been legislated in Costa Rica since 1957 however, in rural areas of the country, when it was recognized that "special where trained personnel are most needapproof use education consists of the ed and long-standing special education priate pedagogical techniques and mateteacher shortages persist. rials" (Ley Fundamental de Educacidn, Both the Fundamental Law (1957) Article 28, 1957). More recently, the the Equal Opportunity Law (1996) and de 7600 (Ley Equal Opportunity Law '1' I i I I f I ¶1 I1 i ! I I i I t I I I rec a edt whi slic 19( Co cat tei Iel( go foi ba in at tli of (IE Ec ti, ci Idi R tl* i It ?tr i it 0 d Wable 3. Exci-rpts froum Costa uica Title I, Article 1 Title II, Article 14 Title II, Article 17 Title II, Article 18 lte Equal Opportuimiy Law (1 092) of It is declared in the public interest to integrate the development of the population with disabilities in conditions that are equal in quality, opportunity, rights, and as are those of the rest of the habitants. The State shall guarantee the opportunity to access education to individuals, regardless of their disability, from early stimulation up to higher education. Centers of education shall provide the necessary adaptations and procure the required assistive services so that the educational rights of individuals are assured. Persons with special educational needs should receive their education in the General Education System, with the required assistive services. Students that cannot have their needs satisfied in general education classrooms, shall receive appropriate services that guarantee their development and well-being, including those that are provided in special education schools. The education of persons with disabilities should be equal in quality, be provided during the same hours, preferentially in the educational setting closest to their home, and be based in the norms and expectations that guide the general educational system. I - recognized the importance of teacher education and stipulated that teachers who instruct students with disabilities should receive special training. Until 1962, however, when the University of Costa Rica opened its first special education program in mental retardation, teachers who wished to receive a bachelor's degree in special education had to go to Europe, Chile, or the United States for training (Marnn Arias, 2000). Other bachelor's programs in deafness, cominunication disorders, and learning disabilities were created in the 1970s, but the University of Costa Rica did not offer the first Master's degree until 1983 (Marin Arias; Ministry of Public Education, 1993). Requirements for teacher certification vary, depending on the area of specialization; however, a bachelor's degree is not required to teach in Costa Rica, and most special educators obtain their certificate and a technical (tecnico) degree after 3 years, rather than pursuing a bachelor's degree. Many teachertraining programs for general educators include at least one course that focuses on the characteristics of children with disabilities, while special education pro- grams usually include 2 years of specialized courses. Few special educators receive postgraduate degrees in special education, and those that do are quickly promoted into administrative positions rather than remaining in the classroom. Inservice training and workshops are common in school districts, but they rarely focus on special education issues or techniques. Toachinig Rkoes 2XISegSo Costa Rica attempts to provide a range of instructional programming for students with disabilities and special educators work in many different educational settings. The 23 special education schools in Costa Rica represent the most segregated educational setting and provide services to students with mental retardation, deafness, auditory impairments, visual impairments, or multiple disabilities (Monge Chavarria, 2001). Most students with significant modifications receive services either in special education schools or in self-contained classrooms. Special education schools, however, are now restricted by the Equal Opportunity Law to provide serv- ices only to children with severe disabilities. Special education classrooms are similarly restricted to students who require significant modifications. There are currently more than 600 special education classrooms throughout the country and these classrooms primarily serve students cross-categorically with moderate to severe disabilities (Monge Chavarria, 2001), most commonly, students with mental retardation or other types of cognitive impairments. The Ministry of Education, however, recognizes that students with auditory impairments or who are deaf may need services that necessitate a separate program and many students who are deaf also attend self-contained classrooms (Monge Chavarrfa, 2001). : Under the Equal Opportunities. Law, students who require nonsignificant modifications are placed in general education settings (Marin Arias, 2000), and most special educators work in general education schools or classrooms. As occurs in other countries, consulting teachers typically assist general education teachers in making modifications and instructional materials for students with special education needs within the general education classroom. Consulting teachers were first used to integrate children with cerebral palsy into general education classrooms in the early 1980s (Marin Arias), but the widespread use of the consulting model with students with other types of disabilities is relatively new in Costa Rica. The Ministry of Education began to expand the use of consulting teachers in general education classrooms during the 1990s as part of the movement to make Approximately 80% of the students in special education receive modifications that are access-level or nonsignificanzt in nature; and the classroom teacher is responsible for thLeir design and implementation. TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN u MAY/JUNE 2002 u 37 special education more inclusive (Stough, 2000). Some of these teachers also travel itinerantly in rural areas of the country. As of 1998, there were 50 itinerant consulting teachers in Costa Rica (Marin Arias, 2000). Costa Rican special educators face a particular challenge when they consult with general educators, because many general education teachers are less willing to assist students with learning difficulties than they are those students who have a greater possibility of academiic success (Rodriquez & Tollefson, 1987). In general, however, Costa Rican educators are highly collaborative and accept the presence of other professionals in their classrooms, thus creating opportunities for the consulting teacher to model appropriate instruction of students with learning difficulties. Resource rooms are designed to provide pullout services to students with learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, or speech impairments at the elementary school level. Teachers in resource rooms typically provide enrichment and remedial instruction, particularly in the areas of mathematics and reading. Schools must have a student population of 400 or more, however, for the Ministry of Education to create a resource room. As a result, most resource classrooms have been established in the more densely populated Central Valley. In 1985, the Ministry of Education recognized that students in the early grades of elementary school were being held back repeatedly, sometimes as many as three or four times in first grade. The priority of special education became to lower the number of children repeating grades and to develop servic- Under tlhe Equal Opportunities Lawv, students ivlto require nonsignificantmodifications are placed ill general education settings; and most special educators work in general education schlools or classrooms. 38 n COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN es for students who were at risk for failure in elementary school settings (Stough & Aguirre-Roy, 1997). In response to this initiative, classes for students with learning disabilities were created by the Ministry of Education through the recargo (extra load) model. Teachers who were hired to work recargo held their regular classes in the morning and then received supplemental salary for instructing students with learning disabilities during additional hours in the afternoon. This model was economically frugal in that it did not necessitate hiring new teachers, only a salary supplement for the hours that teachers worked. It also did not require that students be pulled from their general education classes because the instruction was added to, not as a replacement for, that provided in the regular classroom. Recargo teachers, however, were usually not university-trained teachers; rather, they received workshops and inservice training through the Ministry of Education. The model allowed for rapid expansion of the program, and by 1994 there were more than 600 recargo classrooms functioning across the country (Stough & Aguirre-Roy, 1997). The development of special education programs at the high school level has lagged substantially behind those at the elementary school level; there are only 69 programs countrywide at the secondary level. Programming and modification are more challenging at the secondary level, in part because the Costa Rican secondary system is more complex, containing many different subjects, as well as three types of specialization that follow the first 3 years of high school. In addition, students with disabilities drop out at a higher rate than do their peers: Less than 20% of students who receive special education services at the elementary level go on to participate in secondary programs. Cur'eniS Cha;lInges in Specil lducaGion Current challenges in the field of special education in Costa Rica echo those in many other countries, particularly developing countries. Adequate and stable funding for educational programs is essential. Until the mid-1970s, funding for education remained above 30% of the national budget but has decreased over the past two decades to hover barely above 20%. In addition, though university funding has remained constant, primary and secondary school budgets have diminished, even while the student population is increasing (Helmuth, 2000). Decreased developmental aid from the United States and the devaluation of the Costa Rica currency (the colon) have sporadically caused depressions in the economy that particularly affect the lower class, which affects school attendance. Funkhouser (1999) has, found that a large drop in high school attendance levels in Costa Rica accompanies declining economic conditions, and these conditions similarly affect students with disabilities and their families. Most students, when asked to give a reason for stopping their studies, identify either economic problems or the need to work as the reason (Molina Molina, 1992). Despite the shortage of qualified special educators, these teachers earn no more than do general educators, nor are there subsidized training programs that would increase the numbers of teachers entering the field. Villareal (1989) found overwhelming agreement among teachers, teacher educators, and administrators that increasing teacher salaries was the primary action that would improved special education in Costa Rica. Teacher salaries, however, have not kept up with inflation over the past 15 years; and there has been considerable attrition in the number of experienced teachers who remain in the field. Thus, a chronic shortage of professionally trained and experienced special educators continues to be the primary difficulty in ensuring the appropriate education of students with disabilities in Costa Rica. As noted previously, it is difficult to provide appropriate education services to a small segment of the population, such as students with disabilities, when that population is dispersed and geographically isolated (Conzalez-Vega & Cespedes, 1993; Stough, 1990; Stough & Aguirre-Roy, 1997). The majority of the Costa Rican population lives in the cen- i. 1, r 1; i 41 'i, I i . ,, i, I ., i ; ,I I ") .1 1 c ter of the country, which allows for specialized classrooms and trained teachers there, but the rural areas are proportionately more isolated. In addition, teachers with advanced training qualify for the more desirable teaching positions in urban areas, creating a drain of educated teachers into the more urbanized Central Valley, exacerbating the need for professionals in rural areas (Stough, 1990). The field of special education in Costa Rica has undergone a substantial paradigmatic change from creating primanrly segregated services to developing innovative service models that promote the inclusion: of students with disabilities. Both general and special education teachers have an increasingly more optimistic view of the learning potential of students with disabilities. In addition, despite considerable economic limitations, the Ministry of Education has been able to significantly expand special education services over the last two decades, while attempting to distribute a limited pool of educators with special education expertise. An exciting new initiative is the development of the National Resource Center, which will focus on the inservice training and support of special educators, as well as train general educators to make instructional .modifications and provide support for parents of students with disabilities. By continuing to make education a national priority, Costa Rica will .j ;,' . similarly improve the education of students with disabilities, who are already p,art of an increasingly equitable public egdubation system. . .. , . ' - 1. S 4 .,. .; .' '-2t .' t .§ \ ; Biesanz, M. H., Biesanz, R., &Biesanz, K.Z. 1 (1999). The Ticos: Culture and social change in Costa Rica. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. DeRosier, M. E., &Kupersmidt, J. B. (1991). Costa Rican children's perceptions of their Developmental networks. social t Psychology, 27, 656-662. 2 . , . Funkhouser, E. (1999). Cyclical economic conditions and school attendance in Costa Rica. Economics of Education Review, 18, 31-50. Gonzalez-Vega, C., &C6spedes, V.H. (1993). A World Bank comparative study. In' S. Rottenberg (Ed.), The political economy of poverty, equity, and growth. Costa Rica and Uruguay. New York: Oxford University Press. G61cher Beirtue, R. (2001, February 5). Docentes acaparan atenci6n [Teachers monopolize attention]. La Naci6n. Rodriquez, R., & Tollefson, N. (1987). Consequences of Costa Rican teachers' failures. student for attributions Instructional Science, 16, 381-387. Stough, L. M. (1990). Special education and from teacher training in the third world: Costa Rican and Honduran rural education pro- G61cher Beirtue, R. (2001, February 26). grams. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, Austin, TX. Stough, L. M. (2000). Special education in Costa Rica. In C. R. Reynolds & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Special Education (2nd ed., pp. 471-473). New York: J. Wiley &Sons. Stough, L. M., &Aguirre-Roy, A. R. (1997). Learning disabilities in Costa Rica: Challenges for an "army of teachers." Retrieved July 26, http://www. nacion.co.cr 2001, Docentes claman por capacitaci6n [Teachers clamor for training]. La Naci6n. from 2001, 26, July Retrieved http://www.nacion.co.cr Helmuth, C. (2000). Culture and customs of Costa Rica. Westport, CT: Greenwood.* Lara, S., with Barry, T., & Simonson, P. (1995). Inside Costa Rica. Albuquerque, NM: Interhemispheric Resource Center Ley 7600 de Igualdad de Oportunidades para las Personas con Discapacidad [Equal Opportunity Law for Persons with Disabilities]. (1996). San Jose, Costa Rica: Investigaciones Juridicas. Ley Fundamental de Educaci6n de Costa Rica, Capitulo IV, Artfculos 27, 28, y 29 [Fundamental Law of Education of Costa Rica, Chapter IV, Articles 27, 28, and 29]. (1957). C6digode Educaci6n (Chac6n Jinesta, Oscar, Ed. 1969). San Jose, costa Rica: Imprenta 'Trejos Hnos. Marin Arias, M. G. (2000). Atenci6n del nino Journal of Leaming Disabilities, 30, 566571. United Nations: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. (2000). Statistical yearbook for Latin America and the Catibbean. Santiago, Chile: United Nations: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. Villareal, B. (1989). An analysis of the special education services for children and youth in Costa Rica. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of San Diego, CA. excepcional [TreatTnent of the exceptional child]. San Jose, Costa Rica: Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia. Ministry of Public Education. (1992). Estructura, principios, normas y procedimientos de la educaci6n especial en Costa Rica [Structure, principles, norms, and procedures of special education in Costa Rica]. San Jose, Costa Rica: Ministry of Public of Special Department Education, Education. Ministry of Public Education. (1993). La edu- caci6n especial en Costa Rica [Special education in Costa Rica]. Paper presented at the Hemispheric Conference on Disability: Washington, DC. Molina Molina, M. L. (1992). Los problemas de la infancia en Costa Rica y los servicios sociales infantiles [Problems in childhood in Costa Rica and childhood social services]. San Jos,, Costa Rica: Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia. Monge Chavarria, G. (2000). In M6dulo de inducci6n pam funcionarios de Equipos Itinerantes Regionales de Educaci6n Especial [Training manual for members of Regional Itinerant Special Education Teams]. San Jos6, Costa Rica: Ministry of Public Education, Department of Special Education. Monge Chavarria, G. (2001, July). La atenci6n a los estudiantes con necesidades educativas asociada a discapacidad ['reatment of students with educational needs associated with disability]. San Jose, Costa Rica: Ministry of Public Education, Department of Special Education. *To order the book marked by an asterisk (*), please call 24 hrs/365 days: 1-800-BOOKSNOW (266-5766) or (732) 728-1040; or visit them on the Web at http://www.clicksmart. com/teachingl. Use VISA, M/C, AMEX, or Discover or send check or money order + $4.95 S&H ($2.50 each add'l item) to: Clicksmart, 400 MorTis Avenue, Long Branch, NJ 07740; (732) 728-1040 or FAX (732) 7287080. Laura M. Stough, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University, College Station. The authorgreatly appreciates the assistance that she received from Gerardo Monge Chavarria, Director of the Special Education Department in Costa Rica, and from his staff in writing tlhis article. Address correspondence to the author at Department of Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University, MS 4225, College Station, TX 77843 (e-mail: [email protected]). TEACHING Exceptional Children, V7ol. 34, No. 5, pp. 34-39. Copyright 2002 CEC. TEACHING EXCEPT[ONAL CHILDREN a MAY/JUNE 2002 , 39 ii, WEh25k Firp A n Inclusion Program i Sang Bok Lee Jin d U C0 0 u z was 5 years old. He was diagnosed as having reacttive attachment disorder. He showed several maladaptive behaviors, such as grabbing and chewing others' hair. He also displayed destructive behavior toward small animals, showed pushing and tantrum behavior when touched or hugged, enjoyed watching the rolling wheels of toy cars as a solitary behavior. He was usually alone at school, displaying out-of-seat behavior and running around in class. At home, he usually stayed around his mother, whom he loved to play with. F~ ong was 6 years old. He 0 ~was diagnosed as having O developmental delay. He showed inappropriate response behaviors, such as shouting, hitting, and ignoring/no response. He also displayed temper tantrums and laughing alone. 0 04 Z0 0Z 0~ C0 U2 zr. u Alany educators hlave found peer mediation effective in teachling acadermtic, communication, and social skills to children lvlho, display iialadaptive behtavior. 40 n COUNCIL FOR EXcEPTIONAL CHILDREN s Jeongil Kim He was usually alone at school, as well as at home. He displayed inappropriate classroom behaviors including out-of-seat behavior and running around, shouting, hitting friends, and banging a table. yong was 6 years old. He ltwas diagnosed as having H . attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. He showed pushing, kicking, and biting when his classmates tried interacting with him. He was noncompliant to the adults, being out-of-seat, talking out in class, and climbing the desk in class. However, he loved talking to and nagging his parents at home. How would you work with children like these three active boys to encourage more appropriate, socially accepted behavior? What kinds of programs might help curb destructive behavior and promote positive, appropriate behavior? (see box, "What Does the Literature Say?"). "Poin' ghe Hahey Pofrey" Two American teachers in a Korean school used their expertise with song and dance to teach social skills to an inclusive group of kdndergartners. The group included the three boys mentioned here, as well as seven children 0 Sang Hoon Lee e Hyo-Shin Lee without disabilities who volunteered for the project; the program was a type of peer mediation (see box, "Method and Results"). Brief Description of Progran The program used dance, to the rhythm of English songs designed for young children. The two songs, the "Hokey Pokey" and "Put Your Finger in the Air," were designed to teach young children a body image. The dance program was followed by free-play time in an enriched naturalistic environment to give children opportunities of generalization. The songs were taught in English class to try to give all participants equality in verbal communication and to attempt to prevent withdrawal by some children who experienced language delays (Holzberger, 2001). Because social isolation may cause intentional exclusion, developing effective programs for giving children a naturalistic environment for using social skills is an urgent issue. In addition, social isolation from early childhood could be indirectly linked to school bullying, physical or psychological harassment, and abuse as children grow (Ahmad & Smith, 1994; Batsche & Knoff, 1994; Olweus, 1993; Smith & Sharp, 1994). :4 W' ciaD's the Literature Say About Social SIills interventions? Many edu,cators and reseaichers have-examined coping- stfategies-to promote! -social interaction for ,socia llyVisolated chOildren isolated-frompeers at school).: Social interactions with peers are intimately related to the potential occurrence. -'of various ypes of pr'blei aicbeha:viorthat affect children's overall life. Social 9-. isolation can.irfluence children's interpe'rsbnal,skills, sodcial cothpetence ,,self-' --esteem, and cognitive development. ,xResearchers. have_dev'eloped interventions, for socially isolated children, as 77'' weli:as foir children withidisabilitie ,to improve their social 'and communica-. aging appropriate response behavior-s and i itiating 'tion s',kills, including enc social interactions. Many educators have found ipeer mediation effective -in', 7teaching .acadermic, communicatidon,. and social skills to children who display maladap'tive ,behaviors (Diamond,= 2001, Mervis, 1998) :Peer m,ediation also helps'cthildren without disabilities understand other people and their life situaV' 'tions, including children' who display difficult or.maladaptive, behavior (Diamond, 2001; Diamond:& Carpenter, 2000). One. promising approach to improve social-skills in naturalistic. inclusive. environnie,its iSinclusive peergroup programs Educatrs'have used su-ch pro-- i' grams as social skill building programs for both children and adolescents with cdisabilitiess (Farmer & Cadwallader,' 2000; Grubbs &Niemifeyer, 2000; Kohlieret. .bal.'2001) Researchers have also-reported'dancing and-movement (Elliot,.7999 Parish-Plass &-Lufi; 1997i Sch'wartz, 1989) to be effective:iin the follow ing '' De'creasing isolation. Ihcreasing communication skills , o Decreasing'bodily,tension.Reducing chron icpain. = - : Increasing verbalizatio'n '- Purpose of Study This study had the following purposes. First, it was to discover whether the peer-group dance program in the English class increased the appropriateresponse behavior of the socially isolated children. Second, it was to find out if the behavior change could be maintained when the intervention was with'drawn for 2 weeks. :General Summary of Results This study examined the effects of the peer-group dancing program for helping socially isolated children increase their appropriate behaviors and decrease Wle urgentljy need to develop effective programs for giving children a naturalistic environment for uising social skills. - ', L- inappropriate response behaviors. As the program was implemented, all the children showed behaiior change in both appropriate response behaviors and inappropriate response behaviors, though the level of change was different in each child (see Figures 1 and 2). Also, the behavior change of two children out of three was maintained for 5 weeks after the program was withdrawn. The other child showed a slow ascending trend in his inappropriate behaviors after the program was faded. The findings suggest that such a procedure would be a valuable adjunct to a social-skills program for children with disabilities, as well as socially isolated children at school. Such a program may be a cost-effective way to encourage social skills and widen the range of activities for children in any educational settings. UnAill Mi0ts i xj Although the peer-group dance program seems to have been successful in increasing appropriate response behavTEACHING iors and reducing inappropriate behaviors, we need to address several limitations. First, observations did not rule out the possibility that the positive behavior changes may have resulted siinply from learning to work with others in a group, not necessarily from the dancing and singing. The second limitation was that it is not clear which aspect of the program was responsible for changes in the children's behaviors. Several factors may be responsible for the change. Natural reinforcement during free play after the structured dancing group may also have influenced the children's behavior. The toys in the free-play room may have been an influential factor and helped to Ilssen the frequency of inappropriate behaviors and increase appropriate response behaviors. agilplecfi<ats Ci? pFeulooe an5S The peer-group dancing program may be an invaluable resource for schoolchildren who have difficulty in being with peers in a general education subject class, such as reading, writing, or math. It may be particularly useful when teachers need the voluntary participation of classmates to be peers for socially isolated children. Considering the lack of opportunity for socially isolated children to be fully included in the peer group at school, this approach may be promising as a way to provide socialization for children, not only in school but in other community-based programs like religious education for young children. This study raises several issues for further research: Ways to promote a school-based natural peer-group activity or any other cooperative programs in a A peer-group dancingprogram may be a cost-cifective way to encourage social skills and wviden the range of anitivities for children in any educationalsettings. EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN a MAY/JUNE 2002 u 41 .Method,and Results of 'Dance-Study Participants.Three kindergarten boys with disabilities attending an in;lusive class and reported by-their.teachiers as showing social isolation at school participated in the study.'A brief :functional behavioral anaiysis ,ith direct observation determined that the boys' .social isolation was mainly caused. bytheir maladaptive behaviors. .Seveh:children without disabilities, whose age were 5 to-7 years (thiee'girls and four boys), volunteered as peer-group memberbs in the study. Table 2, page 43, presents each "target" child's chafacteristics. A pediatric psychiatry hospital provided the disability diagnoses for the children. Two American teachers worked with the children in the dancing program. One of the two'had experience in woridng with children-in Africa for 1 year, and.the other had no experience in working with children. Settings. The.settings included two adjacent robons the 'dance room arid the free-play room. Video-cameras were installed in both rooms. A TV-monifor was installed in a separate monitoring room. Children-did not know that all their activities M. both settings wereo'nitored on video. Each 15-minute interval was announced by ringing a bell. ' Target Behaviors and DataCollecting. Two ciasses of behaviors were selected as dependant variables. One group was "inappropriate response behaviors.'- The other dependant variable was "appropriate response behavior" All the patterns of response behaviors wVere under the conditiofi-that:there was no aggressiveness andin contextually appropriate situations. All the activities during free play were recorded oni-ia videotape, and it was reviewed for data collection in three conditions: baseline, the dancing program; and maintenance. Data were collected by recording the frequency of behavior occurrence for inappropriate behaviors and the percentage of behavior occurrence to the opportunities for appropriate response behaviors. Two 15-biriute observations werd used for.data recording. A 15'minute o,bservation was for recording data of inappropriate behaviors and the other one was for-appropriate resjonsebehaviors. (Note:For more iniformation about the design of the study; correspond with the authors.) ' ' Peer-Group DancingPrograin.After a baseline conditionwith teacher-training sessions, the teachers implemented the peer-, group dancing program using songs and speech The program focused on dancing and touching peers to the words of a -song, which consisted of simple rhythmical movement of arms, legs, hands, and so forth. In the dance ioom, the songs were suhg in turns by the teachers, and then the children imitated the dance. The two songs; "Hokey Pokey" and "Put Your Finger in the Air," inv6lvedtouching and other gesturesk After.15 minutes of-dancing time, all the studeAts were asked to move to a free-play-loom for 20 minutes; In.the-free-play room, childreh playedwith toys right after the dancing program. Every child was encouraged not to'leave the.free-play room. Maintenance. No reinforcement or feedback was delivered to the children.in this condition. All the dancing program procedures wvere withdrawn, and the children were:giveri 30 minutes of free-play time. Data in the maintenance condition were collected every 3 days for-2 -weeks by the two data recorders: Results. Figures 1 and 2 represent the frequency that each child'.s inappropriate behaviors (Figure 1) and appropriate response behaviors (Figure 2) occurred in each session. All the.cliildren showed decreased frequency of the inapprbpriate behaviors as the program was introduced and increased appropriate behaviors as the program went on.' -In sum, the peer-group dancing program-seemed to decrease inappropriate behaviors and increase appropriate-respofise behavior for.all three children. . . This programn represents a practicaleducationial approach for socially isolated children anzd onie ithat could be a promising methtod for other school-based social skills programs. classroom should be studied to develop a more concrete socialacceptance program and curriculum. * Procedures to enhance generalized effects across group programs warrant more attention. * Studies should be conducted on the effects on peers as they participate in of inclusion on the part of typically developing children. The peer-group dancing program represents a practical educational approach for socially isolated children and one that could be a promising method for other school-based social skills programs. a peer-group dancing program or cooperative tasks, such as effects on Refeieei academic achievement, self-esteem Ahmad, Y., &SiDitl, P.K. (1994). Bullying in andyattitude i towd e s schools aiid the issue of sex differences. In and atttude toward socilly isolated J. Archer (Ed.), Male violence. London: peers. Routledge. * Studies are needed on the participatBatsche, G. M. & Knoff, H. M. (1994). ing children's emotional development Bullies and their victims: Uiiderstandiiig a for expanding a positive recognition pervasive problem in the scliools. Sclool Psychology Reuiew, 23(2), 165-174. (ERIC 42 r COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN Child Jin PEP CA 5.10 4.2 VAS PLS Inappropriat'e Behaviors SA 3.5 SQ34 3.3 Out-of-seat and ?running around, grabbing/chewing others. lhair, playing alone. 1 - "tn I Oong 6.1., I . .4.1 ' 5.3 Hyong . 6.8 . .: . ; I . i~ . . SA 3.8 SQ 49. 3.8 Out-of-seat and running around, shouting, hitting, table-banging, temper tantrum, playing albne. SA 5.2 SQ 69 4.4 Climbing the desk in class, talking out in class, out-Qf-seat, pushing/kicking/biting, noncompliant ,I.: ~~~~~~~~~ i Note. CA .chronological age, PEP =' psychoeducationalprofile; -VAS Scale;'SA,- sbcial age;.SQ- Visjure social quotient. . lrequency of , - nppiatez Vinelan'd'Adaptive Scale; PLS .- '. &Pigjur Jin Jin B,iw Jnt ndO 10 Preschool Language - P3arcesn-ge o AprapAufioe p Iesporv7se Seiuciviors Beaseline so Itlerventim M'aintenance 70 Maintenance 60 .50 410 8- 302010- 1 1 3 5 7 9011 3 1517 19 2123 2s27 293133 35 Oong 3 5 3 15 17 7 9 11 7 9 *t9 1113 15 17192123 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Oong 4.+ 60- Hyong 3: 4 -4 * 1 3 5 7 C @'**++ 1 35 , 1 25 27 94,3 3 292731 9 11 13 1517 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3335 Hyong 10 ~ ~ esson 90 6 30 20- 1337 0~ 911315171921232527 29333335 1 35 9 11 1319 l17 159 Z 23IS27 2231 31 Sessions Sessions TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN L MAY/JUNE 2002 i 43 Document Reproduction Service No. ED 490 574) Diamond, K. E. (2001). Relationships among young children's ideas, emotional understanding, and social contact with classmates with disabilities. Topics in Early Kohler, F. W., Anthony, L.J., Steighner, S. A., & Hoyson, M. (2001). Teaching social interaction skills in the integrated preschool: An examination of naturalistic tactics. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 21(2), 93-105. Childhood Special Education, 21(2), 104- Mervis, B. A. (1998)..The use of peer-pairing in schools to improve socialization. Clhild 113. Diamond, K. E., &Carpenter, C. (2000). The influence of inclusive preschool programs on children's sensitivity to the needs of &Adolescent Social Work Journal, 15, 467- 477. Olweus, D. (1993). Bullying at school: What others. Journal of Early Intervention, 23, wve know and what we can do. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. 81-91. Elliot, R. (1999). Child problems and treat- Parish-Plass, J., &Lufi, D. (1997). Combining physical activity with a behavioral approach in the treatment of young boys with disruptive behavior disorders. Small Group Researclz, 28, 357-370. Schwartz, V. (1989). Dance dynamics: A ment. Sage Family Studies Abstracts, 21(1), 60. Farmer, T. W., &Cadwallader, T. W. (2000). Social interactions and peer support for problem behavior Preventing School Failure, 44(3), 105-109. 1 Grubbs, P. R., & Niemeyer, J. A. (2000). Promoting reciprocal social interactions in inclusive classrooms for young children. dance for all people. Jourmal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 60(9), 49-94. Smith, P. K., &Sharp, S. (1994). School bul- Infants and Young Children, 11(3), 9-18. lying: Insights and perspectives. London: Holzberger, S. (2001). Examining the social behavior of children with language impairment. ASHA Leader, 6(6), 13-15. Routledge. Sang Bok Lee (CEC Intemational Mentber). Professor, Early Cliildhood Special Education Departnment; and Jeongil Kim (CEC International MemTber), Researcher, Special Education and Rehabilitation Research Center, Taegu University, Neriri, Kyungsan, Kyungbuk, lKorea. Sang lloon Lee (CEC International Member), Professor, Department of Social Science, Catholic University of Korea, Yokgok, Wonnmi, Puchun, Kyungki-do, Korea. Hyo-Shin Lee, Professor; Department of Early Childhood Special Education, Taegu University, Neriri, Kyungsan, K(yungbuk, Korea. Address correspondence to Jeongil Kim, Researclzer, Special Education and Rehabilitation Science Research Institute, Taegu University, Kyungsan, Kyongbuk, K(orea (ROK) 712-714 (e-mail: sblee@biho. taegu.ac.kr). TEACHING Exceptiotial Children, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 40-44. Copyright 2002 CEC. Strugging with, BAs, B1Po, end s The I.D.E.A. requires you to include behavior' intervention planning within the IEP. To comply, you need a system for reporting, summarizing, tracking behavioral problems and determining objectives for alternate behaviors. 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YOUmake the difference. 1-800-328-2560 @wN"v.agsnet.com HD05 m ~~~~~ffl~ ffl The Success of a Model Pronram Shernavaz Vakil * X , = 5 c > O z In India, theJ.familyslargely responsiblef6r ' members .wih .disbiitis i..'With:'.tXte in!crease of woieh in thiiwork f&rce n .with.fwrjointffam'i,ly systems in the .urban areas, -many parents ,are concerned about.th'eir' abihlty to take care:of their .chjildrn 'with; disabiitie Also j parents have fewf`opportunities .to advocat'e .fo'r their children:^ Meeetings 'are often '-lififi cult t6. 6-ranize and arei attended:i'In response to tlioqe needs, the.Nationai'Institute for the Mentally Handica'ppe'd' organized the first, national meeting of the registered parent associations? in 1990 (Misra, 2000). As this article points out, in India, few provisions have historically been made for students with disabilities. The responsibility of caring for children with moderate to severe and profound disabilities generally has been left to parents and the few institutions managed by voluntary organizations. These organizations often do not meet the demand. Only in the past decade: has the Indian government enacted legisla- Only in the past decade has thte Indian government enacted legislation that has empowered chlildren with disabilities and their families. 46 m COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN e Evonn Welton tion that has empowered children with disabilities and their families. This legislation has also provided for training of personnel working with children with disabilities. This article gives an overview of special education legislation in India and focuses on the success of one school in meeting the needs of students with moderate to severe and profound mental retardation through an integrated approach. Leg&sElrilson In 1992, India enacted its first piece of legislation related to special education: the Rehabilitation Council of India Act. The major purpose of the Rehabilitation Council of India Act was to mandate minimum standards of education for professionals working with individuals with disabilities (http://www.rehabcouncil.org/aboutus.htm). The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act was initiated in 1995 and implemented in 1998. This comprehensive, breakthrough legislation provides for education and economic rehabilitation. This legislation stipulates that the government and local authorities ensure that every child under the age of 18 has a right to a free education. It further emphasizes the need for an environment and services that are conducive to learning. The economic rehabilitation section under the act stipulates that certain posts in various government departments and in the public sector be identified, and a per- e Radhilke Kalana centage of them be reserved for people with disabilities (Chauhan, 1998). In 1999, The National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act was passed. The focus of this act was to einsure the welfare of people with autism,; cerebral palsy, mental retardationi, and multiple disabilities on a national level (Cardoza, 2000). Readers might find it helpful to coinpare these three acts and their purposes with two pieces of U.S. legislation passed in the 1970s. Section'.504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) was the first attempt at a national civil rights law for people with disabilities. In 1975, The Education for All Handicapped Children's Act (Public Law 94-142) was. passed. This law enabled all children, no matter how severe the disability, access to a public educatioii that was free and appropriate (Smith, 2001). EducvaMgan POU Z' 4fter'independence in 1947, India mhn2 dated its Universal Education for. All policy, making education, free and com' pulsory for all children age 6-14 years (Saini, 2000). In 'an effort to serve a mobile and vast population with imited resources, however, children with disabilities were not addressed. In the United .States, children with disabilities are eligible to attend public school and receive free appropriate services. Recent U.S. trends focus on various inclusive settings where children belong to the general classroom and spend the '. i I whole or part of their day there. In India, despite The Persons w ith Disabilities Act (1995), most of the se: ices seem to be provided to childi ren with disabilities through private or ncongovernment organizations, where I-he family has to pay a fee or depend on charity. Only,a small percentage of clhildren are integrated into general edu cation public schools that are governed by the Department of Education. Priv ate schools are often not an option becaiise they piovide an intense academic curriculum, which is not adapted to meet the needs of, students with disabilil:ies (Misra, 2000). The Ministry of Welfare, with as sistance from the Department of Heal [th, Labor .and Employment, is responsi ble for special education schools. Appr roximately 681 of them serve children vsvith mental retardation. Nongovernm ent organizations serving children with disabilities exceed the number of goveernrhent schools and receive 90% of the funds earmarked for children with disabilities (Misra, 2000). Lack of appropriately trained persor mnel has been one of the many constraint s in providing services for children with dis;abilities in 'India. Training progr ams -were isolated,with little or no collab oration. There were no standard syllabi and little uniformity in the teaching curr icu' lum at various institutions. The Rehabilitation Council of IIidia was developed under the Ministryy of Social Justice and Empowerment to promote the training of personnel/prc ifessionals worldng with people with disabilities. The following are include d in its objectives: The regulation of training policies and programs in the field of rehabilitat tion, a Standardization of courses to en sure that,all programs, whether attac:hed to a university or not, meet the nninimum qualifications for working, with people with disabilities. * Research and collaboration Nith organizations providing direct seiTvice to people with disabilities. The Rehabilitation Council mainttains uniformity through continuous mon itor- ! ing and evaluation of the various programs (http://www.rebcouncil.org/). Fuwiily lssues cand hivolveerrent Each country has its own religious, economic, and cultural differences that shape its attitude toward people with disabilities. In India, I many parents believe that their children with disabilities are a gift-or a punishment-from God (Misra, 2000). Because of the low literacy rate, inaccessibility to informa'ion, and poor medical care, the treatment of children with disabilities and their families is a concern that may be based on misinformation. In coping with children with disabilities, parents face many challenges: the child's behavior problems, lack of acceptance by extended family members and friends, and financial constraints. Families also report the lack of information, lack of empathy, and incorrect recommendations by their doctors and the medical profession (Peshawaria et al., 1998). In India, the family is largely responsible for its members with disabilities. With the increase of women in the work force and with fewer joint'family systems in the urban areas, many parents are concerned about their ability to take care of their children with disabilities. Also, parents have few opportunities to advocate for their children.' Meetings are often difficult to organize and are poorly attended. In response to those needs, the National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped organized the first national meeting of the registered parent associations in 1990 (Misra, 2000). Most of the services for children with disabilities in India involve establishing special schools and providing grants to special schools run by nongovernment organizations (Chauhan, 1998). Though' India has passed legislation to meet the needs of students with disabilities, these services have still not been provided to people with moderate to profound mental retardation. Public schools run by the government do not meet their needs. The few children that are integrated into the public schools primarily demonstrate sensory or physical disabilities (Misra, 2000). People with moderTEACHING ate, to profound mental retardation are still largely served by private organizations. ,The S.P.S. Sadhana School is one model private program that shows how initiative, dedication, and careful planning by professionals and parents can meet the needs of this population. There are currently 36 qualified staff members and 40 volunteers in the school serving 114 students with moderate to profound mental retardation. The program has involved parents and has become one of the few model schools for providing services to children and young people with mental retardation. Purpose , According to Khanna (1996), the S.P.J. Sadhana School for children with moderate to profound retardation is located at Sophia College, Bombay, India. As a private school, it cannot depend on the government for funds. Driven by the belief that the young adult with mental retardation can be a productive and contributing member of society, the main purpose of the S.P.J. Sadhana School is to educate and train young people with mental retardation for future integration into the mainstream economy. Curriculum The approach is a work-related curriculum where the main emphasis is integration into society and economic productivity to the maximum extent possible. The S.P.S. Sadhana School has made considerable efforts to contact organizations and seek community placements for their students. To ensure student success, staff members conduct follow-ups to monitor student progress. Because most families The S.P.S. SadhanaSchool is one model private program that shows how initiative, dedication, and careful planningby professionals and parents can meet the needs of this population. EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN u MAY/JUNE 2002 a 47 will be responsible for their children throughout their lifetime, staff make efforts to ensure that these children can contribute to the family at home by performing simple tasks and gaining a certain level of independence. This has resulted in the development of courses that are an extension of the prevocational and vocational training offered at the school level. The school staff members believe that success begins with early intervention; thus, children begin school at S years of age. During their years in school, they progress through three major stages, as follows: Table 1. 6curses Offered at the Voea¶lional Let-el .~~ Course ' - Creative Arts and Crafts .. . In India, despite The Persons with DisabilitiesAct (1995), most of the services seem to be provided to children with disabilities throughprivate or nongovernment organizations. 48 n COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN . .. ; , s . at work .ndependent' J . . .. .. , . - . ;. i - * Social commu* ., . . , . . . . ... .. . - ! ti .. \ I I , , a ' . .. i nication skills Adaptive skills at work i Independent living skills . Recreation ' Preparing fast foods a Nutrition, Servihg' e Catering Health and ygiene e , * Social commu:'nication skills e Adaptive,skdlls7 at work Independent living skills Recreation 0 Functional math Handimg df-. :mhoney and accounts ,. Language Simple typing . . . Learned. living skills Recreation Work efficiently. ' and effectivelyn.an office setting. ; .; , . t I . : i - Special Skills . . Office;Skiils e Vocational stage: The school selects chil- Learned Sociai commu-r Arts ahd crafts nication skills Tailoring Adaptive skills e Embroidery d ' To be able to make food in large quantities so that they can '.'meet bulk orders: of commonly eaten foods. . and social skills. dren for one of the three vocational courses: creative arts and crafts, fast food and catering, and office skills. These courses are offered after a careful analysis of the Indian market needs and the capabilities of the students in the school (see Table 1). The S.P.S. Sadhana School has, through a lot of research and trial and error among teachers in the classroom, developed effective teaching strategies and educational technology to teach the complex skills needed at the vocational training stage. Appropriate use of computers and machines are included as an important part of the program. Additional services such as speech, physical, and occupational therapy are also provided. ,. handmade stationery, tailoring, gift items, and other, such items. * Prevocational stage: Learning sldlls needed to facilitate learning at the vocational stage. Students learn functional academics, including concepts of time, money, functional reading, and daily living skills. . ing, painting, 'embroidery, iFast.Foodj Catering ~ ~~~~~~ . --! Core Skills . Offers students trainirig in screenand stencil print- • Basic stage: Learning simple adaptive . Aim ... i XXeroxing. g j . . . -i i I , . Answering telephonle calls Working on ec the-computer ' . Workshop Approach The school has created two cooperative business enterprises, or workshop employment opportunities, with donations and parent involvement. The purpose of these workshops is to include children who are unable to find employment in the community with an opportunity to be productive. Artistic goods created with the assistance of personnel are sold to the public. Every student in the program has an integrated vocational training program, which is individualized and which seeks to empower the student (see Figure 1). The combination of a functional approach with an emphasis on appropriate behavior allows teachers the freedom and flexibility to respond to the needs of the individual. Throughout the program, staff members include instruction in the competency skills essential for integration into society (see Table 2). Behavioral Interventions BehaviorInterventionz Plans. Most stu- dents at the school demonstrate appropriate social behavior as a result of intensive behavior intervention programs. The counselor at the school provides a plan, which provides for rewards and consequences. For extreme inappropriate behaviors, children are removed from the classroom to consult with the counselor. This may result in the child being given a time out in a padded enclosure until the behavior subsides. To ensure consistency, behavior intervention plans are implemented . * -t C-a Jndvi4. ;.- * .,i.ty - - - eSrociet Mairket e Demands -1. 'Individir'al abilities anda ........Efficiency and effeci -, .. , aili.~- i6,Exeta-n Capalities ; ;eelStudent I - Market .)e...ands - ,i il The main purpose of the S.P.J. SadhanaSclhool is to educate and train youing people with mental retardationfor future integration into the mainstream economy. potential developed ;; ~.through training tiveness demanded on the job Remuneration for.the job Expectations .. Approp iate adaptive . behavior India is still in its early stages. We hope the information presented here and the "model" school program can help in the country's efforts to enable young adults with moderate and profound disabilities to be as productive and independent as possible. !.;,_., ................ r_ -:_! -I.:. Ttable 2. Competency Skills lnlecgrated into thae Program ;D Basic Skills - *sListening * Speaking ' * Functional literacy Thinldng Skills 2 ti P ii a i * Makifig decisions *M5aldng choices * Generalizing * Thinking creatively. * Solving problems *,Reasoning Personal Qualiti'es = - * Khanna, R. (1996). An innovative vocational training program for the mentally challenged. Bombay, India: David Printing Press. Integrityy I Legalissues. www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/prdl/otlir/zOoap/ 002/zOOapOO209.htm Sociability Self-mAanagement by all personnel. Aware that generalization of sldlls to various settings has to be taught to children with moderate to profound mental retardation, field trips are organized. Though most of the field trips are for one day, children have been taken on field trips that have been overnight or longer. Facing Autism and Integrating Communication in the Environment (FACE). By adapting some features of effective behavior interventions, the school has created an innovative program for students with autism. The purpose of FACE is to provide an integrated approach that allows for immediate intervention of problems. In this strategy, inappropriate behaviors are immedi- - Chauhan, R. S. (1998). Legislative support for education and economic rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in India. Asia and Pacific Journal on Disability. Retrieved May 7, 2001, from http:// *Individualresponsibility Self-esteem * Cardoza, L. (2000). The National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act. Update on Legal Issues: Autism in India. Retrieved May 7, 2001, from http://www.autislii-inidia.org/ Misra, A. (2000). Special education in India: Current status and future directions. The Journal of International Special Needs behaviors and communication strategies that are effective. This appiroach has also Education, 3, 6-11. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. Rehabilitation Council of India. Retrieved May 7, 2001, from http://vvw.rehab- been found to increa se appropriate ication skills i behaviors and communi lcation skills in Peshawaria, R., Menon, D. K(., Ganguly, R., Roy, S., Rajam Pillay, P. R. S., &Gupta, S. ately replaced with app ropriate children with other seve re disabilities. Ecological Inventory. As students approach graduation, staff members perform an ecological in ventory of their force. Students placements in the work :force. Students are given a brief perio d of internship during which they are observed so that the transition process is smooth. council.org/aboutus.htm (1998). A study of facilitators and inhibitors that affect coping in parents of children with mental retardation in India. Asia and Pacific Joumnal on Disability. Retrieved May 7, 2001, fronm http://www. dinf.ne.jp/doc/prdl/othr/zOOap/002/zOOa poo209.htm Saini, A. (2000). Literacy and empowerment: An Indian scenario. Childhood Education Infancy t1hrouighi Adolescence. 76, 381-389. Smith, D. D. (2001). Introduction to special Unlike the United StateDs, where every child is entitled to a free appropriate public education, speci.al education in TEACHING edncation: Teachinlg in an age of opportallity (4th ed.). Needhaiin Heights, MA: Allyn &Bacon.* EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN j MAY/JUNE 2002 a 49 (CEC Chapter #190), Assistant Professor; and Evonn Welton, Assistant Professor, Curricular and Instructional Studies, The University of Akron, Ohio. Radhike Khanna, Vice Principal, S.R S Sadhana School for the Developmentally Handicapped, Bombay, Maharashtra,IndiaShernavaz Vakil *To order the book marked by an asterisk (*), please call 24 hrs/365 days: 1-800-BOOICSNOW (266-5766) or (732) 728-1040; or visit them on the Web at http://www.clicksmart. com/teaching/. Use VISA, M/C, AMFX, or Discover or send check or money order + $4.95 S&H ($2.50 each add'l item) to: Clicksniart, 400 Morris Avenue, Long Branch, NJ 07740; (732) 728-1040 or FAX (732) 7287080. 50 n COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN Address correspondence to Shernavaz Vakil, Curricularand InstructionalStudies, 28 Zook Hall, The University of Akron, Buchtel Avenue, Akron, OH 44325 (e-mail: svakilEuakron.edu). TEACHING Exceptional Childreni, Vol.' 34, No. 5, pp. 48-50. I Copyright 2002 CEC. t COPYRIGHT INFORMATION TITLE: Special Education Around the World SOURCE: Teaching Exceptional Children 34 no5 My/Je 2002 WN: 0212100442001 The magazine publisher is the copyright holder of this article and it is reproduced with permission. Further reproduction of this article in violation of the copyright is prohibited. To contact the publisher: http://www.cec.sped.org/. Copyright 1982-2002 The H.W. Wilson Company. All rights reserved.
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