l a the c r e s c e n t a p r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h july 2011 volume 60, number 7 BENEFIT CONCERT FOR CHILDREN’S HUNGER FUND e the many ministries of Children’s Hunger Fund throughout the United States. In 2006, Future of Forestry (which got its name from the poem by C.S. Lewis) signed with Nashville-based Credential Recordings and has six album credits including the critically acclaimed Travel trilogy series. The concert at LCPC will be their only performance in Los Angeles County on their upcoming tour. Future of Forestry has many videos posted on YouTube and one of their songs is featured in a national commercial. Their style of music is eclectic and even incorporates elements of classical music. We are thrilled to have this talented and Christcentered band performing at our church for such a wonderful cause. Due to an extensive promotional effort by Children’s Hunger Fund and our church, we anticipate a large turnout for this one of a kind event that will rock the Crescenta Valley. For more information about the band, visit their website at: www.FutureofForestry.com, or contact Brent Kuszyk. And invite a friend. 2 pastor’s letter i d 3 deacons’ beacon Lee’s latest 4 Children’s ministries 5 calendar n s 6 Student ministries 9 faces of lcpc 10 SESSION REPORT 11 cfc heartbeat i LCPC will be sponsoring a benefit concert for Children’s Hunger Fund on Friday, July 15, at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary. We will be hosting the alternative Christian band “Future of Forestry” as well as the band “IAMWE.” The cost is $9 online at www.FutureofForestry. com or $11 at the door. All proceeds will go to support 12 worship schedule pastor’s Letter broaden the reach of your prayers, I invite you to use the following in your private devotions and maybe at your dinner table. Let’s remember those who have left everything to follow Jesus and who risk their lives every day because of their great love for him. Gracious God, you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to reconcile the world to yourself. We praise you for those you have sent to preach the gospel in places where your name is not known. We thank you especially for martyrs who have given their lives for you. Teach us, like them, to value the things of heaven above the things of this earth. Lord, we have millions of brothers and sisters around the world who are threatened today with imprisonment, torture and death. We pray for persecuted Christians in Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, East Africa, West Africa, Turkey, Kuwait, Brunei, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Bhutan, Burma and Cambodia. We pray for missionaries from this church family: Young and Bosun Oh working with refugees in the borderlands of Thailand; Man-Young and Jane Chang in Dhaka City, Bangladesh; Darren and Elisabeth Kennedy at Evangelical Seminary in Cairo, Egypt; Daniel Adams at Colby College in Maine and currently in Uganda; Nicky Spence in East Asia and Terri Hewitt in China. Wherever your disciples face persecution, protect them from harm. Surround them with your angels. Strengthen them so they can complete their race. Lord Jesus, we pray also for ourselves. We know that if we truly follow you, we, too, the CORNERSTONE CREW NEEDS YOU! will experience rejection. Teach us to suffer gladly knowing that we suffer for you. Use our suffering to advance your kingdom, and bring glory to yourself. Awaken your worldwide church to the plight of persecuted believers of all faiths. Give leaders in our nation the vision and determination to promote and protect religious freedom in all their circles of influence. We pray in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love and good cheer, Andy Wilson P.S. Also tying in nicely with the theme of world missions is the July 15 benefit concert for Children’s Hunger Fund. Bring a car load of friends to hear “Future of Forestry” and help them raise a ton of money for a stellar Christian charity. T H E Dear friends, In case you hadn’t noticed, recently God has been sending us mission workers from the front lines of ministry to remind us who we are and what we’re supposed to be doing as Christ’s Church. On May 29, Nicky Spence gave a moving account of her evangelistic work in East Asia where millions are hungry for God’s truth and hundreds are responding to the Gospel message every day. By the time you read this, Pat and Joan Krayer will have spoken at our first Summer Summit Seminar on the challenges and opportunities for the church in war-torn Afghanistan. The international missions theme continues on July 20 as my dear friends Darren and Elisabeth Kennedy describe what it was like to be in Cairo during the recent revolution, and what the future may hold for Christ’s Church in the new Egypt. The Kennedys are both faculty members of Evangelical Seminary, the largest school of its kind in the Arab world. Meanwhile, our friend Daniel Adams, the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship leader at Colby College, has been spending his summer coleading an InterVarsity trip to Uganda. His team is working to spread hope among orphans and former child soldiers. All of these courageous friends are raising our awareness of the plight of millions of Christians around the world who regularly experience depravation and persecution. They remind us of our calling to provide material support, but also to pray in a disciplined way for the Church’s missionaries and martyrs. It’s sometimes hard to offer those prayers. The world is a big place and the needs seem so overwhelming! If you’re looking for a way to MESSENGER la crescenta presbyterian church editor Mark Williams [email protected] ARt director Shawn Kelly [email protected] publisher Lois Brown messenger deadline thursday, july 15 9:00 AM sharp in the church office! Saturday mornings, anytime between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM 2 Messenger articles and corrections should be emailed to [email protected]. They can also be placed in the Messenger folder. Electronic versions (cd) are preferred. Materials submitted after the deadline will likely be omitted at the discretion of the editor. lee’s latest Summit has something for everyone! Each Wednesday night this summer there are three different opportunities to learn and have fun. All programs will meet from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM unless otherwise noted. Adult programs will meet in the Chapel. June 29 All-Church and Community BBQ, 6:00 PM at Dunsmore Park. Cost: $3 July 6 Kids – “Selfishness” with King George and the Ducky Youth – “Summer Kick-Off” from 6:00 PM8:00 PM Adults – Join Lee as he leads a discussion about Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins. July 13 VBS Week! No classes. July 20 Kids – “Peer Pressure” with Rack, Shack and Benny Youth – “Funky Bowling” from 6:00 PM 9:30 PM Adults – Darren and Elisabeth Kennedy will share their experiences as seminary professors at the Evangelical Seminary in Cairo, Egypt. July 27 Kids – “Courage” with Esther Youth – “Glow Stick Ultimate Frisbee” from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Adults – “Five Thresholds of Postmodern Evangelism.” A new paradigm for understanding personal evangelism and practical help in sharing your faith in everyday life with friends and colleagues. August 3rd Kids – “God’s Children” with A Snoodle’s Tale Youth – “Movie Night” and “Nacho Tower Building” from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Adults – “Music From the Movies: Who Wrote It?” Jim Brown, who covered the entertainment industry for 25 years with the Today Show on NBC, will talk about the composers behind the music of some of our favorite movies of the last 50 years. Tom Brown will assist on the piano as Jim reveals background stories that set the stage for the music of blockbuster films. Summer is special Summer is officially here. It seems the summer months are an especially busy time of year. Even though school is out for many, the calendar tends to fill up with lots of events. Yet there is a relaxed and casual atmosphere that no other season seems to offer. It makes me feel grateful for this season when we can come together on a summer’s evening with friends, extending our day by sitting outside, perhaps sharing a meal, or meeting at Memorial Park in La Canada listening to music on a Sunday evening which lots of LCPC folks do. During this special time of year when the warmth of the day offers us more time to enjoy the companionship of our friendships, let us appreciate summer’s gifts. We are blessed with peaceful evenings and their coolness, the casual gatherings of friends, children laughing with the pure pleasure that cool water provides, gardens bursting with colorful splendor, the night-blooming flowers scenting the air while the crickets play their own cheery music. As we enjoy these gifts through God’s grace, we feel grateful which in turn allows us to perceive God more clearly and to rejoice in His love. When we feel His love coming to us through our gratitude then we can also experience a letting go of our anxiety and feel a sense of security that surrounds us automatically. It goes hand in hand. Test it out yourself. Each day think of at least three things you are grateful for. With this positive juice running through you, it will begin to cancel out anxiety and will bring you closer to God. God’s Holy Spirit is the positive force in our life! And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow – not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in Deacons’ Beacon the sky above or in the earth below – indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39, New Living Translation) Did You Know? There’s help available for women battling cancer who are too ill to do their own housecleaning. Fighting cancer is difficult enough, but living with it is even tougher and that’s where the Cleaning for A Reason Foundation steps in. This nonprofit organization offers free professional housecleaning and maid services to improve the lives of women undergoing treatment for cancer - any type of cancer. Professional housecleaning and maid service companies all across the country are volunteering to be part of this worthy cause. If you or someone you know is in need of this service, visit their Website – www.cleaningforareason.org – and fill out the application. On the flip side, if you know of such a company, perhaps you could encourage them to become part of this program. I noticed our closest coverage is Burbank and Arcadia and, of course, the need is everywhere. God’s Grace to you and peace, Nancy Coler FOURTH OF JULY FUN IN LA CRESCENTA Are you looking for a good place to view the CVHS fireworks extravaganza but don’t want to fight all the parking and crowd issues that typically accompany a trip to the football field? Once again this year, our friends from First Baptist Church at La Crescenta (4441 La Crescenta Avenue) are inviting us to share their perfectly positioned parking lot for some spectacular 3 CVHS fireworks. They also have plenty of restrooms and playground equipment for the little ones. Easy parking access both from Mary Street and Community Avenue, fun and games, and a quick exit are all available. Access to the parking lot will begin at 5:00 PM. Just let them know you’re with LCPC when you arrive. e e r d n l ’ i s r ies M h t b y s i n i Ashley y C Adamson It is easy for children’s programs to get lost in the midst of VBS enthusiasm. However, we have a few other important things going on in July that I don’t want families to miss out on. July is the month that 17 of our 4th-6th graders will be headed off to Alpine Summer Camp to worship Jesus in the great outdoors. This isn’t cabin camping – these kiddos live in tents for the week while learning about how to live for Christ! Please join me in praying for them from July 17-23. While the older kids are away, the rest of us will play. Friday, July 22, will be a beach day to follow up our beach-themed VBS. All families are invited to meet at the church at 10:00 AM and we will carpool to Huntington Beach for the day. I will provide snacks, but families are encouraged to bring their own bag lunches. If your child is able to swim and would like to come alone, please make sure to let me know ahead of time so I can ask enough volunteers to attend. We will be returning from the beach at 4:00 PM. RSVP to [email protected]. Lastly, this summer we are trying something new. Instead of having several small pool days we are having one, big, huge, Pool Party! On Tuesday, July 26th from 12PM-3PM there will be hot dogs, lemonade, cookies, pool games etc. All children are invited but if a child is unable to swim without some kind of floating device, parents are asked to stay. The location of the party has not yet been determined. Please feel free to contact Ashley with any questions (Ashley@ lcpc.net). As you can see, July is filled with opportunities for LCPC children to enjoy themselves, hopefully while growing in their relationship with Christ. However, we never want to forget the many people who don’t have the luxury of pool parties, camps or even food to fill their bellies. Did you know there are more than 163 million orphans worldwide? This summer LCPC is going to try and serve those children by providing them money for food. During the month of July, all children who come on Sunday mornings will be participating in Project Rice Bowl! Each child will receive a small clay bank shaped like a rice bowl. They are asked to fill it 4 up with change throughout the summer. On August 28, all children will be asked to bring their bowl in and together we will break them open and gather up all the money. That money will be sent to Rice Bowls – a Christian organization dedicated to providing food for orphanages in eight different countries including Haiti, South Africa, Nicaragua and India. I came across this organization while at a ministry conference and talked to one of the leaders there. It is a tangible, simple way for children to be involved and I hope everyone enjoys this new project. I know I am really excited about it. I look forward to all of the time I will be spending with the wonderful children of LCPC and hopefully a wealth of new children from our community during July. What a gift to be able to have fun with them while sharing the gospel and helping others! Kids Say the Darndest Things Ashley: “God can make big, wonderful changes. I mean, look at a caterpillar. God changes a caterpillar into what?” 4-Year-Old: “A butterfly.” Other 4-Year-Old: “But first it has to be a raccoon!” Ashley: “I think you mean it makes a cocoon.” student ministries Hi! My name is Faith Gonzales and I am so excited to be the Summer Youth Intern here at LCPC! I grew up in La Crescenta and have attended church here my whole life. Growing up I was an active member in the youth group and I have so many amazing memories from that time. Some of my fondest memories from youth group are my summers at Mount Hermon. Not only was it one of the most fun camps I have ever been to, but it was a great time for me to reconnect with God and to grow spiritually. Growing up, youth group played a very important role in my life. Not only did it help me grow in my relationship with God, but it provided me with a group of adults that I know cared about me and with a solid group of friends, many of whom I am still very close to today. I truly val- ued this and it helped shape me into the person I am today. I have always had a passion for working with the youth. Growing up I always admired my teachers and I decided at a young age that that is what I wanted to be when I grew up. I have been working towards that goal for most of my life. My junior year of high school I had the opportunity to begin working at the Center for Children and worked there until I graduated and I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to come back and work there every summer since. I attended college at the University of Redlands and graduated in May of 2010 with a degree in Liberal Studies. I moved home after graduation but continued my studies at Redlands’ School of Education to earn my Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. The commute was not fun, but it was good to be home and it provided me with the opportunity to get reconnected here at LCPC. My move home happened to coincide with the change of a new youth leader. I remembered my time in youth group and how I not only yet. Working with this young group of women has helped me grow in my faith and has also provided me with some amazingly fun times. We love doing things as a group and some of our adventures include seeing Never Say Never on the big screen (Lauren and I are both Justin Bieber fans now – haha), go-cart racing and bumper boating at Mountasia, and a spur of the moment trip to Disneyland where we met up with not only our small group, but also tons of LCPC junior highers – it was so much fun. I look forward to spending time and getting to know this amazing group of young women as we continue on our spiritual journeys and grow. Faith (left) with Lauren Gossett on the 2010 Wildlife Tour I had truly enjoyed working with the youth groups and in the hopes valued the youth leader, but also all of continuing to be as involved in the youth of the other adults who showed up groups as I could be, I applied for the summer weekly for us kids. I finally decided job as the Youth Intern. When Cam told me I that was something I should look got the job I was beyond ecstatic and could not into. I met Cam and offered to help wait to get started. Cam is so easy going and out with anything he needed. He open to different ideas that our meetings to plan asked if I could drive for In-N-Out this summer have been so much fun, and quite Formal and having never been to successful. We have an awesome summer lined one I eagerly said yes. One event was up. I am particularly looking forward to White all it took for me to decide that I Water Rafting, Funky Bowling, and Disneyland. wanted to be more involved in work- I am mostly excited to have the summer to focus ing with the youth groups. I began on all of the kids and get to know each one going to SHALOM and helping with better. This opportunity is such a blessing to me different youth group events, some and I cannot wait to see what His plans are. of my favorites being the High School Lock In Sincerely, and the Junior High Girls Sleepover. Working Faith with the youth group is so much fun and I enjoy it more and more as I get to know all of the students. They are so much fun and bring so much joy to my life. Hoping to get even more involved, and connect with group of girls on a deeper level, Lauren Gossett and I teamed up and became the 8th grade (soon to be 9th grade!) girls small group leaders. This has by far been one of the most rewarding experiences 6 VBS IS COMING! JULY 11-15 And now, what you have all been waiting for, the pinnacle of Children’s Ministries summer programming…the one…the only…(long pause)…V…B…S! Okay – so maybe that was overdramatic, but it’s that time of year for Children’s Ministries biggest outreach event – Vacation Bible School. From 9:00 AM to Noon, July 11-15, LCPC will be filled with hundreds of children laughing, screaming and, I pray, learning about the love of Christ (sorry, office staff, about the screaming!). Our theme this year is SonSurf Beach Bash and a bash it will be for children 4-years-old through 6th grade. Each day the kids will seek answers to important questions about their faith using crafts, Bible stories, drama, music, games and more. The questions for the week are: Who is Jesus? Why can I trust Jesus? Why do I need Jesus? How can Jesus help me when I mess up? What does Jesus want me to do? I am so excited for all of us involved in VBS together to seek the answers to these surprisingly profound questions. My prayer is that every child will leave this week of fun with a deeper desire to have a relationship with their Savior! I realize that for a 4-year-old that relationship may look like singing a song to God before bed. To a 6th grader it may look like keeping a prayer journal and learning the beauty of confessing before God. Whatever it looks like, please join me in praying that lives will be changed. It is not too late to sign up, so please do! Forms are in the church office and the cost is $30 per child. Of course, we wouldn’t be LCPC if we did not have a VBS extravaganza to compliment our week’s activities. So mark your calendars for our SonSurf Beach Bash Bonanza on Thursday, July 14, from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM. We will be having a delicious dinner, water slides, a Limbo contest, raffles and a time of music in the Sanctuary so that families can see what their children are learning. Your family and friends won’t want to miss it! The cost is only $5 per person and $20 for a family of four or more. On the off chance that you have read through this and still don’t feel excited about July, flip back to the Children’s Ministries page for more upcoming fun! CFC FAITH UPDATE by Ashley Adamson I am so excited to experience Vacation Bible School with so many CFC children this year! We are going to have a great time learning about Christ and enjoying the very SoCal appropriate beach theme. Throughout the month, I will also still be coming around for classroom visits and chapel time, during which we will continue reading some stories about Paul and learn about how God cares for us and gives us courage. As always, I am grateful for the opportunity to enjoy time with your children. WILDLIFE TOUR 2011 JULY 24-28 DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND Some things just get better with time like an old pair of shoes or a poem by Walt Whitman or…the LCPC WILDLIFE TOUR! That’s because the formula is almost impossible to improve upon: High Sierra trails + good friends + Haagen Dazs + pizza + a spacious, air-conditioned room + a comfortable mattress = EPIC ADVENTURE. We’re introducing a few innovations that should make our eleventh annual trek the best ever. All participants will engage in some of the greatest hiking in North America. Newcomers will explore many of the classic trails of the spectacular Eastern Sierra. And Wildlife Tour veterans will be able to choose among five allnew adventures. The Wildlife Tour is not a backpacking trip, nor is it a car tour. It’s an opportunity to sample four different hikes in four different wilderness zones, and to eat a hot meal and sleep in a comfortable motel each night. Three to four hiking options ranging from moderately easy to strenuous are offered each day, most of them in the Sierra Nevada high country. We also take time each day to sing, pray, study the Bible and hang together. The trip is open to anyone going into ninth grade or older, including college students and adults. Families may sign up together (age limits are flexible when a parent participates). The registration deadline is Sunday, July 17, or when the group size reaches 27. You can pick up a trip brochure at LCPC, call the church office, (818) 249-6137, and ask Nancy Thomas to mail you one, or download the information from: www.lcpc.net. 7 Join Us for Lunch! Tuesday, July 26 LCPC JOINS KIDS HOPE USA This past June LCPC became a KIDS HOPE USA church! That means we are now part of an amazing network of churches all over the coun- try who are reaching out to the growing numbers of at-risk children and their families in local elementary schools. KIDS HOPE USA believes that one of the solutions to our nation’s education challenge lies in the power of a child-mentor relationship, working in concert with teachers. By the time you read this article I will have been trained by KIDS HOPE USA to implement a partnership between LCPC and the La Crescenta Elementary School right around the corner. As the director, I will be recruiting volunteers from LCPC and training them to be mentors, using the excellent resources of an organization that now supports some 650 partnerships between schools and churches in 31 states. Who are the at-risk children? These are children from La Crescenta Elementary with low self-esteem who have difficulty learning because of poverty, unstable families and a host of other social and emotional issues. Who are the mentors? Anyone at LCPC between 17 and 80 years old who can faithfully commit one hour a week to one child for one school year. Mentoring can involve homework coaching, remedial drills, reading books, playing games, and more. Most importantly, mentors provide a caring, I-believe-in-you, relationship with their kids that grow over time with consistency. Who are the prayer partners? Anyone at LCPC who commits to praying for a specific child -mentor relationship faithfully throughout the year. This October we hope to begin our mentoring with some 5-10 mentors who will have received some four hours of training including supplies and resources from KIDS HOPE USA. I will be working with Principal Kimberly Bishop and her teachers in matching mentors with students. We will be working between 2:30 PM 3:30 PM – one hour, one day (TBA) during the week. This summer I will be recruiting mentors, prayer partners, and two substitute mentors. If you are interested in participating in this exciting program, please fill out an application in the LCPC office and put it in the KIDS HOPE USA box. I will be in touch about the training. Please contact Mary Wilson (818) 957-4741, or [email protected] if you have questions. A principal of Central Elementary in Traverse City, Michigan recently offered this assessment of the KIDS HOPE USA program at her school: “If I were offered $100,000 worth of teaching materials or the love that you have brought into our school with the Kids Hope USA Program, I would choose KIDS HOPE USA. The love that these volunteers have shared with our students – I have never seen anything like it! Thank you!” LCPC has made a commitment to love some children in our neighborhood. We know that in God’s economy, when we give ourselves away, we are blessed. I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord will do in the lives of these children and their mentors. Mary Wilson DODGER NIGHT WITH LCPC - JULY 29 Get ready to play ball! LCPC invites you to another of our annual Dodger Nights on Friday, July 29. Although some are calling this a “character building year,” we know it will be a great game as the Dodgers take on the Arizona Diamondbacks. We have tickets in the Lower Reserve section on the third base side, and pricing will be reasonable (around $15/ticket). Bring the whole family and be prepared to stay after the game for a fabulous music-synched fireworks 8 display. Limited transportation will be available for $3 (basically covers gas and parking). We will leave from the LCPC parking lot at 6:00 PM for the stadium. See Mark Williams or stop by the church office for tickets. The Milbrodts It’s interesting how God brings people together. You’ll see “FATEMTG” on Tim Milbrodt’s license plate. That’s plate-speak for fate meeting. It signifies how he and Kerry met – camping with mutual friends in Yosemite in July 1992. Kerry says, “I don’t know if it is true, but some of our friends like to tell us it was a set-up and by Christmas Eve that same year Tim proposed and I said yes.” At the time Tim and Kerry met, Kerry was a long-time member of First Presbyterian Church in Hollywood and performed with one of the handbell choirs there. She also played at weddings and other events. Kerry says, “I even met a young, but still tall, Tom Brown there and played next to him many times.” Tim and Kerry were married the next fall at Hollywood Presbyterian and her handbell choir played “Trumpet Voluntaries” as she walked down the aisle. Tim was born in Canton, Ohio, but was raised in Michigan. He completed his education at Grand Valley State University and moved to California with friends in 1980. He has lived in the Glendale/La Crescenta area ever since. Kerry was born in Washington state and lived in Hawaii as a “Navy brat” before moving to California. She graduated from Hoover High School and attended Glendale College, Pasadena City College and a few others just because she likes to learn things. Kerry moved to La Crescenta in 1983 and loves living here. Tim worked as a paralegal for a large law firm in Los Angeles for more than 28 years, but when the company moved to Century City, the commute became too much. He relocated to a law firm in downtown Los Angeles. Kerry says, “He is much more relaxed now.” Kerry is a travel counselor and just celebrated 30 years in the same office of American Express Travel in Pasadena. She says she is “still happily making travel dreams come true.” They have two daughters, Georgie and Sarah, both of whom like to swim and read. When Georgie was born, Kerry says they knew they wanted to belong to a church closer to home so they transferred their membership to LCPC. Georgie will be a senior at Crescenta Valley High School in the fall. She went on her first mission trip to the Dominican Republic during spring break. Georgie says the trip was “so lifechanging” that she wants her Mom to go with her next year. The Milbrodts’ younger daughter Sarah will be an 8th grader at Rosemont Middle School in the fall and is enjoying her life as a “middle schooler.” Sarah also went on her first mission trip on spring break to Arizona. Sarah says, “It was awesome!” She wants her Dad to go next year so he can help cook. Georgie is thinking about college and the family is beginning the process of researching and visiting several campuses. Kerry says, “Where did the time go? Sarah is already thinking about where she wants to go, so anyone who has attended Point Loma Nazarene University, Azusa Pacific University, or Westmont College is welcome to offer advice.” Tim and Kerry have attended LCPC for 15 years. Kerry is an Elder and Tim served for several years as an Elder and the moderator of the Center For Children Committee. He has been a member of the Cathedral Choir and the Praise Team since it began. Tim also likes to barbeque. You may have seen him flipping burgers at some of our church barbeques. The Milbrodts like “the caring, loving family feeling represented by all ages,” and the teaching of the Bible at our church. Kerry says, “They have become deeply enmeshed in the life of this congregation and are so blessed to be here!” As a family, they enjoy traveling to Hawaii which is their favorite tourist destination, visiting family in Michigan, or stopping in Palm Springs or Arizona where Kerry says, “the pools are cool and the golfing hot!” In their spare time, Kerry enjoys reading and traveling. Tim is an avid golfer and scored his first hole-in-one in February. He scored a second hole-in-one the same month! Maybe there was something “fateful” about that. Summertime Music and Fellowship - In the Park July 3: Smooth Jazz July 10: Tribute to Elvis July 17: Big Band July 24: Classic Rock July 31: Classic Country August 7: Tribute to Neil Diamond August 14: Light Rock August 21: Zydeco (followed by Movie in the Park featuring “Tangled”) August 28: Soca & Reggae Music Come spend a relaxing Sunday evening with friends, family, and neighbors with Music in the Park from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Memorial Park, just down Foothill Blvd. in La Canada. Each evening features a live concert with a different style of great music each week. Look for other members of La Crescenta Presbyterian Church when you arrive. Come early and bring a picnic dinner. Check the Sunday worship bulletin for more information or contact Diana Given. 9 The Church Mouse July is one of my favorite months! The kids are joyful because school is out, people are relaxed from vacations, and the church is hopping with action! I can’t wait for the Sanctuary to be packed with enthusiastic, singing children at VBS! It’s not too late to sign up – in fact kids can still sign up on the first day! Tell every 4-year-old through 6th grader you know to come to the best VBS in town – SonSurf Beach Bash from July 11 to 15. There are some equally exciting activities for the non-children around here this month. You can experience white water rafting down the American River with Cam, or trek through the high sierras on the Wildlife Tour with Andy. I did hear an important tip – make sure Andy gives you the correct keys to the church van, or you may be stranded in high altitudes for an extended period of time… Jim Sedgwick would LOVE for you men to come build a house with him in Tijuana July 8 to 10. He told me a little secret – he always takes a Sharpie with him and writes a prayer for the new family in an inconspicuous place (that will be covered by a roof or drywall). This year, he is going to let us all in on this special touch by having a 2 x 4 available for us to write our prayers to the family! Housewarming gifts for the family are going to be accepted again this year too – watch for the sign up poster in the Narthex. The Mission Mexico benefit concert raised $1,200 for the materials to build the house. A special thank you goes to the Hayhurst family and Marion Kuszyk – and their friends – for sharing their amazing musical talent with our church. The Women’s Retreat was an inspiring weekend for more than 50 women in our church. The committee deserves a big thank you for all the hard work and planning that went in to making it a success. Motivated by the message of one of the speakers, a small group is going to be studying the book, Boundaries. If you are interested, contact Susan Cox. The Student Ministries “No-Talent Talent Show” raised close to $900 for Bola Moyo. It was a fun-filled night with some very “interesting” acts. I wouldn’t recommend asking Sarah Milbrodt or Nicole Marks to help you apply your make-up, or Bradley Fernandez and Austin Hammer to give you dance lessons. Music Celebration Sunday was a beautiful medley of all the different choirs at LCPC. Who knew that so many people around here could speak foreign languages? I loved listening to all the different choirs, but could someone please get Tim Milbrodt a step stool? I may be short, but it’s as if there is a phantom tenor up there on the top row. How about Glen Passmore and Lois Brown both participating in the LCPC music program for 39 years? Now that’s dedication! We had lots of graduations in the LCPC family last month! Wyatt Given graduated from Cal State LA and didn’t even realize that he was graduating cum laude until the day before. Apparently he was so busy studying for finals that he overlooked a little e-mail about this high honor! Speaking of the Given family, Doug was doing a little genealogy research and discovered that through great, great grandmothers in Germany, Diana is related to Jan Mauk. This really is one big happy family around here! At a recent CV PTSA meeting, Lynley Fernandez helped install both her mom Ashley and Pat Chambers as officers of the board by making them wear water polo swim caps. Now that is a fashionable look for summer! Lynley is a very proud and strong member of the CV water polo team, but don’t get near her in a pool. She will take you down….Patrick Schwing was the man of the day when both the dishwasher and the refrigerator broke down within hours of each other in the scullery. He mopped the overflow water and emptied the fridge with lightning speed. Thank goodness both are back in working order because we have a lot of mouths to feed around here, and piles of dishes! Have you met the new CFC cook yet? Juliet Zadoorian is a wonderful addition to the CFC staff and is working hard to get the kitchen back into shape after not having a full-time cook for several months. Stop by and introduced yourself to her and, if you’re lucky, she might offer you some leftovers! A rotary-dial telephone was donated to CFC recently and a 5th grade girl had no idea what it was. After a demonstration on how to dial it, she made a call to the CFC office. Her first question was, “What kind of ring tones does this get?” Bet those kids don’t know what a typewriter or record player is either. Boy do I feel old….See you next month! T R O P E R N O I S S E S d/or diss were approved an The following item n meeting: Sessio cussed at the May 23 omer’s Committee proposal to - Approved Newc e visitors ay brunch to welcom host a monthly Sund ches will be held at church brun to the church. The . es m ho ren’s member’s concert for the Child fit ne be a ed ov pr - Ap ncert will iday, July 15. The co Hunger Fund on Fr nds “Future of Forestry” and n ba feature the Christia . “Sum“IAMWE” Education summer t ul Ad e th ed ov pr - Ap mitmit” classes. m the Property Com fro m ite n io at rm fo tion - In rt the Fireside renova sta to ng ni an pl e tee: We ar ree weeks. should take about th after VBS is over. It eet in July but will hold its anSession will not m gust 1. joint meeting on Au nual Session-Deacon In Christ, Sheri Gray Clerk of Session 10 CFC Heartbeat Director’s Corner Welcome! We have many new families that have joined our CFC family this July. We want to extend a very warm welcome to you all and hope that you will quickly feel like a part of our community. My office hours are usually 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM each day and Helen Tuna is here in the afternoon. Please feel free to stop by anytime to say hello, discuss something, or give or get advice. We have a video lending library in the office – just take what you would like and return it when you are done. I also have a small lending library of parenting books. This newsletter will be given to you each month. After reading the CFC page, we invite you to read the entire newsletter to see what other programs, worship and children’s activities are being offered at La Crescenta Presbyterian Church. You are welcome to come to any event at the church. We have a long history of extraordinary children, youth and family ministries. We would love to have you join us. Pat Developmental Kindergarten We still have room in our Developmental Kindergarten classes for this fall. This class is designed to give children a year of Kindergarten curriculum in a structured but relaxed atmosphere. A small class will allow individual instruction. Please consider this especially if your children have late fall birthdays. Let your family and friends know as well. Looking Ahead, Way Ahead! This year (2011) the cutoff birth date for Kindergarten entrance is December 2. In 2012 it will be November 1, in 2013 it will be October 1, and then in 2014 it will be September 1 and remain at that date. This means that children may need a year more of preschool than you thought. In addition, beginning August 2012, Glendale Unified School district will start to move its first day of school up a week and again the following year. This means by August 2013 the start date would be August 12, 2013. This will be a big change as families plan and anticipate their future. Water Play, Sunscreen and Clothing We have lots of fun at the CFC during the summer. We take our water play very seriously. This means your child will be getting wet a great deal of the time. Please be sure to have extra clothing, water shoes and sunscreen. We want the children to be comfortable and safe. Vacation Bible School All children attending the CFC this summer in a three-year-old class or older will be participating in Vacation Bible School (VBS) during the week of July 11-15. Children in the Day Camp will go to the sanctuary at 9:00 AM and meet with church and community kids for singing and skits. Then they will go to grade level classrooms where CFC and church members will lead a wonderful program of stories, crafts, outside activities and more until Noon. Our threeand four-year-olds and Kindergarten classes will remain with their CFC classes, but join me in the sanctuary with other classes at 9:30 AM and then return to their classes were CFC teachers will lead them through the VBS curriculum. This is a fun and fast-paced week. If you have siblings or friends that would like to sign up for VBS they may do so in the office. It is important that your child be here by 8:45 AM so that they will not be overwhelmed by the crowd. Parking will be very difficult from 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM all week. Plan to arrive before or after that time. On Thursday evening we will all have dinner together and have lots of fun activities to do as a family. It is a great night and we hope you will join us. 11 Independence Day Celebration Once again we will have our annual Independence Day Parade on July 1st. At 11:00 AM all our classrooms, infants – 6th grade, will leave for a walk around the sidewalk of the 2900 block of Montrose. This is a grand affair. The kids dress up and we make lots of noise. You are welcome to come join us and then stay for a BBQ. We will be closed on Monday, July 4. Have a great holiday. Summer Day Camp Remember that you must come to the office by Tuesday each week to sign up for the next week. There is a late fee if changes are made after Tuesday. We need to be able to plan staff, transportation and purchase tickets. Please remember that you need to look at the weekly schedule to be sure that your children are here on time, with the right supplies and lunch to participate in all activities. Church Staff Andy Wilson Lee Cook Cam Hackett Ashley Adamson Tom Brown Brent Kuszyk Chuck Andrew Nancy Thomas Jinny Praun Pat Murphy Chambers Helen Tuma Mike Randis Teri Reid Pastor [email protected] Director of Spiritual Formation [email protected] Director of Student Ministries [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Director of Music/Organist [email protected] Director of Communications [email protected] Director of Finance [email protected] La Crescenta Presbyterian Church 2902 Montrose Avenue La Crescenta, Ca 91214–3891 www.lcpc.net Return Service Requested (818) 249–6137 non-profit org. u.s. postage Paid glendale, ca permit no. 1701 d daterial mate Office Manager [email protected] Accounts Payable Administrator [email protected] Director, Center For Children [email protected] Assistant Director Treasurer Office Administrator Worship Schedule for july NEW SONG WORSHIP (CONTEMPORARY), SUNDAYS AT 9:15 AM SERVICE OF PRAISE (TRADITIONAL), SUNDAYS AT 11:00 Am Last year at this time we were tearing up the Chancel in the Sanctuary in anticipation of a remodel. Today we’re focusing on introducing music and other unique worship elements that will inspire ever-greater love for God. Worship in July begins with prayers for our nation and a two-part series of messages from Lee Cook. Andy Wilson’s sermon on July 17 explores a set of questions that haunt many people: How can I discern God’s call in my life? Does God use “worldly” careers to fulfill his eternal purposes? What can I do to make sure the work I do each day is purposeful and fulfilling? Our special guests on July 24 are extraordinary teachers and preachers who have an amazing story to tell. Drs. Darren and Elisabeth Kennedy are faculty members at Evangelical Seminary in Cairo, Egypt. They will offer an insider’s perspective on the challenges of sharing the love of Jesus in the heart of the Arab world. Both are graduates of Princeton University (B.A.), Princeton Seminary (M.Div.) and the University of Edinburgh (Ph.D.). You’ll be amazed by their youthful passion and deep love for the Lord. On the fifth Sunday, Ashley Adamson will offer the message and we will end the 9:15 AM service with baptisms in the Courtyard. (No, we won’t just be sprinkling.) Please call the church office or speak with a staff member or Elder if you would like to schedule a baptism for you or your child on July 31. Bring a friend to worship! Introduce someone who doesn’t have a church family to your church family. july 3 – independence Sunday july 24 Message by Lee Cook, “Independence Day” Message by Darren and Elisabeth Kennedy, Professors at Evangelical Seminary, Cairo, Egypt July 10 July 31 Message by Lee Cook, “A Church That Makes a Difference” Message by Ashley Adamson Baptisms at end of 9:15 AM service in the Courtyard! July 17 Message by Andy Wilson, “When God Calls” Songs and Images from VBS 12
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