Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 100 West Main Street, Du Quoin, IL 62832 & Immaculate Conception Church 533 W. 2nd North Street, Tamaroa, IL 62888 Pastor : Rev. Joseph Oganda Sacred Heart Church: 542-3423 Haffner Hall: 542-2285 Fax: 542-5061 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: JOIN US ON FACEBOOK Immaculate Conception Church: 496-5867 Hall Rental: 527-1251 HOLY MASS: See Mass Schedule Weekend: Sacred Heart: 5:00 PM Saturday-10:00 AM Sunday Immaculate Conception: 8:00 AM Sunday Daily & Holy Days: See Bulletin RECONCILIATION-See Mass Schedule or Anytime by Appointment BAPTISM: During or after weekend Masses by appointment. Must be a registered member and attend baptismal preparation session. MARRIAGE: At least six months prior notification to the pastor. THIRTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 23, 2014 Schedule and Intentions Sunday, November 23 THIRTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Catholic Campaign for Human Development Weekend 7:30-7:45 am Confessions –Immaculate Conception 8:00 am Mass-Immaculate Conception: Deceased Members of Altar Society of Immaculate Conception by Sharon Chapman 9:30 am Rosary - Sacred Heart 9:30-9:45 am Confessions-Sacred Heart 10:00 am Mass-Sacred Heart: Parish Family Jose Reyes & Marcela Cadelina by Banogon & Calderon Family Carol Bowlin by Sacred Heart Quilters 6:30 pm Community Thanksgiving Service - . St. John’s United Church of Christ Monday, November 24— Saint Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs 6:45 am Mass-Sacred Heart: Robert Emling by James & Joanna Emling 8:00 am Quilting in Haffner Hall 9:00 am Rosary at Fair View Tuesday, November 25—Weekday 8:00 am Mass-Immaculate Conception- John Davison by Diane & Craig Green 8:00 am Quilting in Haffner Hall Wednesday, November 26—Weekday No Adoration 5:30 pm— Mass Sacred Heart: German Sarana by Banogon & Calderon Family 6:30 pm No RCIA Thursday, November 27 –Weekday HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Office Closed 9:00 am Combined Thanksgiving Mass at Sacred Heart Friday, November 28 -Weekday Office Closed 8:00 am No Mass Saturday, November 29– Weekday 4:15-4:45 pm Confessions-Sacred Heart 5:00 pm Mass -Sacred Heart: JoAnn Jasecko by Bill Jasecko Sunday, November 30FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 7:30-7:45 pm Confessions –Immaculate Conception 8:00 am Mass-Immaculate Conception- Carol Bowlin by Ruth Beard Family 9:30 am Rosary - Sacred Heart 9:30-9:45 am Confessions-Sacred Heart 10:00 am Mass-Sacred Heart: Parish Family Charles Schimpf by Joyce Schimpf & Family Church Secretary-Sacred Heart: Kelly Paxton Church Secretary-Immaculate Conception: Lorraine Sharp Maintenance-Sacred Heart: Tony Kellerman SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 542-3423 - 17 N WALNUT ST-DU QUOIN, IL 62832 876050 Parish Council Presidents: Sacred Heart- Suzanne Majewski 496-5595 Immaculate Conception- Janet Harris 318-1649 Thirty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time LITURGICAL MINISTERS Sacred Heart Nursing Home Residents: Elmer Schafer, Marcia Stacey, Susan Farmer, Nila Martin, Irma Magnusson, Art Ray, Martha Rulevish. Jo Reidelberger, Liz Wilson, Mary Powless, Geraldine Kowzan, Betty Buerkle, Evelyn Bechlofft, Lynn Finn, Mary North, Jewell Numi. Sick: Josh Ritter, Carolyn Fronek, Arthur Adams, Eric Massey, Mike Szczeblewski, Paisley Decker, Travis Helsley, Steve Benson, Mike Woodside, Joe Wolfe, Susan Fulk, Pauline Olinger, Jonnie Olinger, Janet George. Names will remain in bulletin for 1 month. Military Personnel: Lt. Col Aaron S. Cowley, AFC Jordan Keller, MSgt. Thomas D. Sims, Sgt. Derek S. Sims, Sgt. Wesley Wright, PO3 John Kelley, SSgt. Patrick Kelley, PFC Jonathan Sims, SPC Mark Yanez, Air Force E3 Justin Decker, PFC Scott Clark, PV2 Jared Albers, Major Carly Sims, Major Cory Jones, SSgt. Caleb VanVoorhis, CPL Chase Porter. Sympathy is extended to Carol Derby and family on the loss of her mother Brenda Holland, who passed away Sunday, November 16th. There will be no Adoration on November 26th. Adoration will resume on December 3rd as scheduled. HAPPY THANKSGIVING USHERS for the Month of November: Saturday, 5:00 PM: Guy H. Alongi, Jeff Robinson, Jeremy Cornett, Tony Jones Sunday, 10:00 AM: Jim Derby, John Iffert, David Martin, Tim Cobin Thanksgiving Day Mass, November 27, 9:00 AM Gift Bearers: Spencer Family Servers: Henry Born & Andrew Derby Lector: Jenny Fronek Communion Ministers: Richard & Doris Rottschalk, Jenny Fronek Saturday Mass, November 29, 5:00 PM Gift Bearers: Jenny Fronek & Liz Woodside Servers: Audrey Poiter & Ethan Shepard Lector: Henry Born Extraordinary Ministers: Henry Born, Michael Krisfaluzy, Laura Porter, Margie Born( choir) Sunday Mass, November 30, 10:00 AM Gift Bearers: Angie & Avery Shively Servers: John & Gabby Alongi Lector: Ed Gast Extraordinary Ministers: Ed Gast, Marion Whitson, Joann Isom Wednesday Mass, December 3, 5:30 PM Servers: Henry Born & Tim Cobin Lector: Doris Rottschalk Extraordinary Ministers: Fr. Joseph, Richard & Doris Rottschalk Immaculate Conception Sunday Mass, November 30, 8:00 AM Extraordinary Ministers: Mary Nippe, Kathy Rulevish, Susan Heape Lector: Krista Piotrowski Ushers: Volunteers Sweet Treats: Sharon Chapman This years Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at St. John’s United Church of Christ, located at 20 S. Hickory St on Sunday, November 23, at 6:30 pm. Refreshments and Fellowship will follow. Everyone attending is asked to bring a nonperishable food item for the Du Quoin Food Pantry. The Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in the United States. CCHD grants improve education, support economic development, and help communities provide housing in low-income neighborhoods. Help us continue to defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Please give to the CCHD Collection. St Bruno School is teaming up with Schwan’s Care to raise funds for technology. From Oct. 19 thru Dec. 3, St. Bruno School will receive 20% of product and 40% of e-certificate sales. After Dec. 3, Schwan’s donates 5% of product sales. To order, visit or 855-870-7208 and use the Campaign ID 15197. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Epplin at 618-318-3555 or [email protected]. Respect Life Corner Homelessness – As the winter chill is now upon us, the concern for people who do not have a place to call home is more immediate than ever. There are many circumstances that can lead to people facing this crisis. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Facilities that can accommodate those in need, particularly families, are in short supply. Catholic Urban Programs (CUP) work to assist persons who are in need of basic services. CUP is in need of volunteers to help assist those in need. Consider helping those who are without a place to call home. Pray that they can find the help they need. November 23, 2014 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION NEWS & EVENTS Thanks to all the workers and those that donated prizes for the raffle at the Breakfast at Immaculate Conception on Sunday, November 16th. And also a special thanks to the Bill Harris family for donating the meat for the breakfast. Thanks again for a very successful event. Winner of the 50/50 prize of $86 was Sherry Robinson of Pinckneyville. SACRED HEART NEWS & EVENTS Parish Council Elections are coming up! Please find a nomination slip in the pews at church to be completed and returned in the collection basket by December 7th. Elections will follow. CDA Christmas Party on Mon., December 8th at 6pm for members, spouses and invited guests. Please make your reservations ($10 per person) with Margie Born by Nov. 30th. Menu includes: turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes/gravy, green beans, cranberry salad, hot rolls, desserts & drinks. We will also have a 50/50 raffle and optional donation boxes for food pantry, weekend warriors, missions, and Bibles for Life. REMINDER-Please have your raffle tickets and money turned into an officer by Nov. 30th. We are again collecting gifts for our Nursing Home residents for Christmas. There will be an Advent Giving Tree located in the vestibule at Sacred Heart with gift item suggestions to be purchased for the residents at Fair Acres Nursing Home and Du Quoin Nursing & Rehab Center. Money for gift certificates to use for the salon for hair styling or haircuts, lotions, Chap stick, Kleenex, etc. are some suggestions. All items will be gift wrapped and delivered to the residents by the PSR classes during Christmas time. Just select a name from the tree and bring back your items along with the gift tag and place under the tree. If you decide you would like to give a gift certificate or donate money, please make checks payable to Fair Acres or Du Quoin Nursing & Rehab Center and place in collection basket, drop off at rectory office or give to Gina Cushman or Barb Craft. Thank you for the continued support of our parish members who are nursing home residents. Dates to remember........ November 23 - Community Thanksgiving Service: St. John’s United Church of Christ at 6:30 pm. November 27 - Thanksgiving - Combined Mass at Sacred Heart at 9:00 am December 2 - “How to Prepare for Christmas (Advent)” Reflection: 5pm at Sacred Heart with Mass to follow at 6:00 pm. December 6 - Outside church decorating at Sacred Heart 9:00 am December 8 - The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Holy Day of Obligation; Mass at Sacred Heart 9:00 am & Immaculate Conception 5:30 pm December 9 - “How to Celebrate Christmas” Reflection: 5:00 pm at Sacred Heart with Mass to follow at 6:00 pm. December 16- “How to Witness the Joy of Christmas (Epiphany)” Reflection: 5:00 pm at Sacred Heart with Mass to follow at 6:00 pm. December 21 - Church decorating at Sacred Heart 1:00 pm - Immaculate Conception, immediately following mass. December 14 - Advent Penance Service at Sacred Heart 3:00 pm December 24 - Children’s Christmas Mass 6:00 pm at Sacred Heart Christmas Vigil Mass 8:00 pm at Immaculate Conception Midnight Mass 10:00 pm at Sacred Heart December 25 - Christmas Mass at Sacred Heart 9:00 am Christmas Mass at Immaculate Conception 10:30 am December 31 - Mary Mother of God Mass 5:30 pm at Sacred Heart January 1, 2015 Mary Mother of God Mass 9:00 am - Combined Mass at Immaculate Conception One act of thanksgiving, when things go wrong with us, is worth a thousand thanks when things are agreeable to our inclinations. - Saint John of Avila Weekly Collections Sacred Heart Church Envelopes …………………………… $3,478.00 Church Loose Collection ………………… …...$ 418.00 November 15th & 16th Immaculate Conception Church Envelopes……………………….........$332.00 Church Loose…………………………………..$ 74.00 Sweet Treats..................................................$ 27.00 Thank you for your generosity!
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