Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. Confessions: Sat. 4:30 pm or by appointment For Other Sacraments: Call the Parish Office: 785-562-3302 (Call six months in advance for Matrimony) THE ADVENT WREATH The circle of the advent wreath reminds us of God Himself, which has no beginning or end. The green of the wreath speaks of the hope that we have in God, the hope of eternal life. Candles symbolize the light of God coming into the world through the birth of His son. The four outer candles represent the period of waiting during the four Sundays of Advent. The traditional Advent wreath will have three purple candles, one pink candle and perhaps a white one in the center. Purple connotes the theme of repentance and fasting in preparation for the celebration of Christmas when the white candle will be lit. During Advent, the priest at Sunday Masses will wear purple vestments on the first, second and fourth Sundays of Advent. Purple reminds us that we are all sinners in need of God’s mercy and love, especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means “rejoice” in Latin. We rejoice in the promise of redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus. On that day, the priest wears pink vestments, and we light the pink candle on our wreath as a sign of our joy. It’s a good reminder that while joy fills our plans for Christmas gift-buying and gift-giving, the true joy of Christmas is welcoming God’s only Son into our world. The white of Christmas vestments is a sign of the purity of Christ, the sinless one. ©2014 by Creative Communications Reconciliation/Confession Schedule for Advent December 7th: Corning———3:00pm Axtell———–-3:00pm Wetmore——–7:00pm Onaga———–7:00pm December 14th: Kelly———–-3:00pm Baileyville—–-3:00pm Marysville—–-7:00pm December 21st: Seneca———-3:00pm Sabetha———7:00pm St. Benedict—-7:00pm Frankfort——-7:00pm Monday, Tuesday, 8:15 a.m. Wednesday, 7:15 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Thursday, 7:15 a.m. Friday, 8:15 a.m. Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 7:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Sun., Nov. 30th: December 1st: No Mass December 2nd: L/D members of the Charles Staab family December 3rd: +Gertrude Holle Cambridge: +James Joyce December 4th: +Gilbert Schmitz December 5th: +John “Jac” Cohorst December 6th: +Ferd Vering. +Tom, Tim & Mike Joyce & Taylor White December 7th: SS. Gregory & Malachy Parishioners +Marvin Utecht +Diego Velasquez +Mary Fuller Peterson No CCD classes No Confirmation class . Mon., Dec. 1st: Rosary at 1:00 p.m. Altar Society Christmas party/meeting at 7pm. Tues., Dec. 2nd: Rosary at 1:00 p.m. Adoration from 5:00 - 11:00pm Wed., Dec. 3rd: Rosary at 1:00 p.m. Coffee & rolls after 7:15 Mass RCIA classes at 7:00 p.m.in the Conf. Rm. Thurs., Dec. 4th: Rosary at 1:00 p.m. K. of C. meeting at 8:00 p.m. Adult Education Class this evening. Fri., Dec. 5th: Rosary at 1:00 p.m. Adoration after 8:15 Mass until 4pm Sat., Dec. 6th: Rosary at 1:00 p.m. PTO Candy/Cookie sale in Parish Hall Sun., Dec. 7th: PTO Candy/Cookie sale in Parish Hall CCD classes at 9:00am in school Confirmation Class from 6:10-7:30 in the Art Room Assemble & deliver shut in/military packages in Parish Hall after the 10:30 Mass. First Sunday of Advent November 30, 2014 We begin the celebration of the great season of Advent. One of the lessons of Advent that I have been reflecting on lately is the great patience of God. Thousands and thousands of years from the creation and fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden God prepared people for the birth of the one woman, Mary who would become the mother of his Son. We know some of the patience that God showed by reading and listening to the Old Testament Scriptures. I am sure that they only show the highlights of our sinfulness and God’s guidance and his patience. I am sure that there was much more sin than was ever recorded. This year in the Gospel of Mark we will hear of the many failures of the apostles and the other disciples of Jesus. Many of them probably were not written down either, maybe just for the conservation of words and space. We know some of our own failures as a Church since the time of Jesus as well as our own personal sinfulness. God has been so patient in letting us discover his will and then giving us the freedom to make choices for and against Him over and over. His patience is beyond our imagination. Humanity is like a perpetual teenager as we try discovering who we really are and what life really is about. God has been so patient with us, let us be patient with Him as we slowly unveil His person in our lives. We can only handle a little of God’s awesomeness a little at a time. Fr. Jim Non-perishable Food items for the Marysville Food Pantry are still being accepted. The Knights of Columbus will be collecting the non-perishable items .Please put them in the boxes in the back of church. Parrish Office: (785) 562-3302 Email: [email protected] Fax: (785) 562-4039 207 N. 14th St., Suite B, Marysville, KS 66508 Hours: Tues—Fri. 9 am—Noon & 1 pm—4pm Fr. James Shaughnessy, Pastor Rectory: (785) 562-2989 Email: frjames@stgregorychurch,org Sr. Eulalia Kloeker, Minister of Care (785) 353-2280 Mrs. Donna Fisher, Parish Secretary Mrs. Deb Brucker, IT Cord. & Bookkeeper Parish School: (785) 562-2831 Ms. Barbara Hawkins, Principal Mrs, Susan Dressman, School Secretary School of Religion: Youth Group: Mrs. Allyson Lauer, 799-3175 Mrs. Lori Haefele, 562-9214 Councils: Parish: Mr. Eric Stichternath, Pres. To Reserve: Parish Hall: Finance: Mr. Brandon Vering, Pres. Donna Fisher, 562-3302 School: Mr. Kevin O’Neil, Pres. Stewardship: Sandy Schmitz K of C Hall: Joe Peschel, 562-3161 Preliminary Offertory Collection Envelope & Plate $12,752.52 Received Since 7/1/14 $234,208.16 Candles $54.52 Mass Stipends $100.00 Campaign for Human Development $651.00 Christmas Flowers $402.00 ACH for Nov. 25th $1,645.00 *$10,500/wk. needed to pay the bills.* < Remember the Parish in your will or trust > Please pray for the repose of the soul of Hildegard J. Pearl sister of Ed and Francis Taphorn who died Sunday. Funeral services were Saturday at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in St. Mary’s ALTAR SOCIETY CHRISTMAS Party/meeting will be Monday, December 1st at 7:00 p.m. * Please bring a non-perishable food item for the food pantry. * A wrapped Christmas ornament * Your favorite dessert or snack. All women of the parish are Altar Society members. The Knights of Columbus will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, December 4th at 8:00 p.m. following the rosary at 7:30pm. CANDY/COOKIE SALE St. Gregory School is having their Annual Candy/Cookie Sale in the Parish Hall on December 6th from 9am-7pm and Sunday, December 7th from 8am-12pm . Come and stock up on all the homemade goodies and at the same time help St. Gregory School with this delicious fundraiser. ALL PARISH CHOIR PRACTICE: Wed. Dec. 10th at 5:30, Tues, Dec. 16th at 5:30, Thursday, December 18th at 5:30, Monday, December 22nd at 5:30 –Choir Christmas Party after. We will sing for Mass December 24th. Choir members please come at 4:00 or 4:15. The CHILDREN’S CHOIR and HELPERS will sing on Saturday, Dec. 20th at the 5:30 Mass. Pizza after, then caroling to shut-ins and Country Place. Please send a note to the office if there is a particular shut-in you would like to have them sing to. After caroling, the choir will go for dessert at Country Place at 7:30pm. Let us prepare the way for the Lord First Sunday of Advent RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) classes are every Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Conf. Rm. If you or anyone you know is interested in joining the church or possibly re-enter if they’ve been away a long time, please contact Fr. Jim or call the Parish Office.at 562-3302 The Youth Group will be taking orders for Krispie Kreme Donuts before and after the weekend masses December 6th and 7th and December 13th and 14th. FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS—Sunday, December 7th in Horton, Ks. Luminarias transforms 10 city blocks into 20 living, dramatic scenes of the life of Christ. The Bible times atmosphere is enhanced by 1400 glowing candles outlining the route from scene to scene. See flyer on bulletin board. November 30, 2014 No Youth Group on December 7th. Remember, we are taking orders for Krispie Kreme Donuts. Be sure to ask your family and friends. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! No CCD classes November 30th! CCD classes for grades K-12 are held every Sunday morning (unless posted otherwise in the bulletin) at 9:00 a.m. in St. Gregory School. Questions? Call Allyson Lauer 785-799-3175 No CONFIRMATION class this Sunday. the 30th . Their assignment for this week is to interview 3 adults ages 65 or over and ask what they do for weekly devotions. Do they go to Mass, pray the rosary or read anything spiritual? This holiday season, we are sending care packages to those St. Gregory’s parishioners who are shut-ins and or are members of the 18th Annual Worldwide Candle Lighting Vigil military serving abroad. We will assemble them on Sunday, th Sunday, December 14th.Everyone is invited to light a candle December 7 after 10:30 Mass in the Church Hall. Please in their home from7-8pm in memory of all children who have bring all donations to Donna at the Parish Office by rd died but are not forgotten. See bulletin board for more info. Wednesday, December 3 , leave in the box at the back of church, or drop off at the Hall that Sunday morning. Please The nest class will be December 4th. consider making a homemade treat for the care packages! Adult Religious Education sessions are Thursdays St. Gregory School students will hold an Advent Prayer in the school Art Room from 7-8:30 pm.. This proService on Monday, December the 1st at 8:15 a.m. Another gram shows a big picture of our Catholic faith usone will be held on the 15th of December. Everyone is ing video and reflection. The first ten sessions are a reflection invited to attend this service. on the Creed. The second ten sessions are on the sacraments and moral life. All are encouraged to attend. Fr. Jim Envelopes for Poinsettias orders for Christmas are in your boxed envelopes. If you Bible study will not be held Sun., Nov. 30th. Nest Bible study would like to donate a flower this year in will Be Dec. 7th at 3pm in St. John’s Convent in Hanover. memory of a loved one, just fill out the infor- Please read Exodus 19-40. Discussion of these chapter will mation on the card, put your donation in and drop it in the be followed by a video presentation by Bible teacher Jeff collection basket or mail it to the Parish office. A donation Cavins. Everyone welcome! of $25.00 is suggested. Order blanks are also on the table in the back of church. Please pray for all those listed below who have Dec. 1st: Dec. 2nd: Dec. 3rd: Dec. 4th: Dec. 5th: Dec. 6th: Dec. 7th: Dec. 1st: Dec. 2nd: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chelsea Baker Arleta Martin, Martha Meier Matthew Lauer, Lauren White Clare Smith, Sarah Wecker Dolores Mohn Don Kramer Libby Brinegar, Abigail McAnerney, Jean Ann Wilson ANNIVERSARIES Dave & Gerry Schwarz Loren & Marjorie Gugenhaun Doug & Janel Novotny Tom & Carol Sandmann asked for our prayers: Stacy Ring Allen, Susie Appel, Tracy Crome, Liz Arth, Jean Benton, Bob Husa, Sharon Sloan, Mallory LeSage, Helen Vering, Gary Marquardt, Juanita Lyhane, Jim Neville, Evelyn Anderson Maurice Wassenberg, Mary Jane Foley, Rachel Marquardt, Gene Slupianek, David Detweiler, Donita Cohorst, Betty Melcher, Mike Watters, Nancy Loch Keating, Janel Weigel, Alex Herrman, John Schmidt, Phyllis Baker, David Welday, Steven Appel, Phyllis Schmitz, Rick Ham, Winnie Nietfeld, Lenora Bartek, Lane Rieth, Barry Baer, Connie Ackerman, Pat Breeding, Ed Luppin, Karen Palazzola and Janel Zanker. To add a name to the prayer chain, call Cathy Utecht at 562-5234 or Margaret Huffman at 562-3826. To add your name here, call the office at 562-3302. Junior, Missy, Petite & Women Fashions Mens Apparel Marysville, KS Mon.-Fri. 8-8 Sat. 8-5 Sun. 12:30-5 785-562-2484 Nordhus Motor Marysville, KS FARM BUREAU FINANCIAL SERVICES (785) 562-2383 785-562-2136 Marvin Kramer Kenneth Sells GATOR’S World Class Manufacturing Locally owned and operated by Gator & Sherry Gaydusek Always looking for Quality Employees SUBWAY Blue Rapids, KS 66411 785-562-5381 www.landoll.com 785-363-7288 AAP/EOE HOMETOWN FOODS Price Auto Supply Greg & Debbie Price Marysville, Kansas 785-562-3326 Sedlacek Construction Flower Shop 785-562-5518 Troy Sedlacek 785-629-0125 New Construction Remodeling • Addition Seamless Guttering • Concrete LINDA’S INSURANCE AGENCY Independent Financial and Insurance Solutions Specializing in Multi-peril and Crop Hail Insurance Agent/Owner Linda Schmitz RYAN SMITH, RFC® 1507 Broadway, Marysville, KS Phone (785) 619-6135 [email protected] Jeff Sandstrom Realtor -Auctioneer Jane Sandstrom Realtor - Associate Marysville, KS 66508 785-562-3788 Ph. 785-562-5304 712 Broadway, Marysville, KS www.marshallcountyrealty.com 785-562-2466 www.krameroil.com Custom Picture Framing Cards, Gifts & Collectibles Religious Items 785-562-3919 Financial Life Planner 709 Broadway • Marysville, KS 66508 785-713-1521 Robert and Regina McAnerney Home, KS 785-799-3132 www.cornerstonegranitememorials.com 785-562-5334 785-562-2333 www.ubankonline.com 12th Street Liquor 785-562-9994 Fine Wines, Spirits & Ice Cold Beer 200 N. 12th Street Marysville, KS 66508 Financial strategies. One-on-one advice. 910 Broadway Marysville, KS 66508 785-562-5533 Member SIPC www.edwardjones.com Donald Prell Realty & Auction Marysville, KS (785) 799-3787 Cell (785) 562-6787 FARM, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL BOSS MOTORS, Inc. Kate Manley, AAMS® Financial Advisor Cedar Creek & Cherokee by Forest River MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING email: [email protected] 800 Center 800 Broadway 785-562-2186 Marysville, Kansas www.csbmarysville.com 823 Broadway Marysville, KS 66508 Marysville 553 Pony Express Hwy. Marysville, KS 66508 785-562-2346 or 800-253-1407 Marysville, KS 66508 Lewis Seed & Fertilizer Home City Grain 785-799-3321 208 Second St. 800-332-0026 Home, KS 66438 ADAM B. BRUNA, FIC FIELD AGENT KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Life & Disability Insurance Retirement Annuities Long Term Care 2506 Sunset Drive • Belleville, Kansas 66935 Phone: 785-527-9047 • [email protected] 1152 Pony Express Hwy. Marysville, KS 66508 785-562-2377 www.kanequip.com SCHROLLER COLLISION CENTER 24 Hour Wrecker Service 785-562-3546 Marysville, Kansas “When you roller, Send for Schroller” 1155 Pony Express Hyw. 36 · Marysville, KS 785-562-5588 [email protected]
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