Sacred Heart Partner Parishes of the Greensburg Diocese Most Rev. Lawrence E. Brandt, JCD, PhD, Bishop P.O. Box 328, 421 Main St. Youngstown, PA 15696 P.O. Box 80, 218 St. Cecilia Rd. Whitney, PA 15693 Phone: 724-537-7358 Fax: 724-537-6988 Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8 AM to 3 PM Websites: & ~ DIRECTORY ~ Pastor / Administrator Fr. Peter Augustine Pierjok, O.S.B. 724-423-3777, Ext. 17 e-mail: [email protected] Saint Cecilia Each Parish is a Pennsylvania Charitable Trust Phone: 724-423-3777 Fax: 724-423-3778 Office Hours: Mon.-Thur. 8:30 AM to 4 PM November 30, 2014 First Sunday of Advent Sacred Heart Secretary/Bookkeeper Evelyn Messmer, 724-537-7358, Ext. 10 e-mail: [email protected] (for church bulletin articles) St. Cecilia Secretary/Bookkeeper Grace Montagna, 724-423-3777, Ext. 10 e-mail: [email protected] Coordinator of Religious Education Bill Smith, 724-423-3777 e-mail: [email protected] Sacristan volunteers Pat Storer, Lu Knapczyk, Debbie DePalma Liturgical Musicians [organists] Cheri Yandrick, Regina Haas, and Mary S. Kornides Maintenance / Custodial Staff Alan Falkosky, Dorothy Henry, & Jim Johnston Our Regional Catholic Primary School Christ the Divine Teacher, Latrobe 724-539-1561— Mr. Kevin Frye, Principal Our Catholic Junior/Senior High Schools Greensburg Central Catholic 724-834-0310—Mr. Donald A. Teti, Principal St. Vincent de Paul Store: 724-537-0411 BAPTISMS: Call the pastor to schedule & prepare for Baptism. WEDDINGS: Couples must meet with the pastor at least twelve months in advance of the planned marriage date. REGISTRATION: Every family should be registered at either Sacred Heart or at St. Cecilia Parish [one or the other]. Of course you can go to Mass at either parish. Call the office to register or use the form on page 6 of this bulletin to initiate registration. While lighting the 1st candle of our Advent Wreath—anticipating Christmas—we pray: Stir up Your Might, O Lord, and come! Under Your shelter may we be graciously rescued from the dangers which threaten us due to our sins. By Your deliverance may we finally be saved. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. Weekly Mass Schedule, see page 2 CONFESSIONS: 1/2 hour before Mass, & other times by appointment ANNOINTING OF THE SICK: Call Father anytime day or night 724-423-3777, Ext. 17. Usual BULLETIN DEADLINE is Tuesday at Noon e-mail address for church bulletin articles: [email protected] PAGE 2 SACRED HEART & ST. CECILIA PARISHES LITURGY SCHEDULE SH = SACRED HEART CHURCH SC = ST. CECILIA CHURCH LORD’S DAY MASSES –First Sunday of Advent Saturday, November 29 4:00PM (SC) Monica Smith by family 6:00PM (SH) Julia Fedor by Jerry & Debbie McGraw Sunday, November 30 8:00AM (SC) 40th Anniversary Ken & Cami Miller by sons 10:30AM (SH) Edward Cyphert by Gary & Mary Ann Halula WEEKDAY MASSES Monday, December 1 8:00AM (SC) Rita Grace by Sue Musick Tuesday, December 2 8:00AM (SH) Helen Fajt by M/M Joseph Stepanic Wednesday, December 3 -St. Francis Xavier 8:00AM (SC) Matt Dixon by Tom & Helen Kissell Thursday, December 4 - St. John Damascene 8:00AM (SH) Agnes Whisdosh Shultz by Steve & Mary Viazanko Friday, December 5 8:00AM (SC) Bernice & Dorothy Hoover by Sue Musick Saturday, December 6 - St. Nicholas 8:00 AM (SH) Rita Reed by Jean & Ann McDowell LORD’S DAY MASSES –Second Sunday of Advent Saturday, December 6 4:00PM (SC) Michael Yandrick by family 6:00PM (SH) Sacred Heart & St. Cecilia Parishioners Sunday, December 7 8:00AM (SC) Emily Susan Slough by Ben & Florence Fajt 10:30AM (SH) Theresa & Andrew Peipock by Cathy Please Don’t Forget to Support SPIRITUALLY WITH YOUR PRAYERS & FINANCIALLY WITH YOUR MATERIAL RESOURCES Your Parish Family Every Week All Year Long, Even When You Are Away Just like your homes, Sacred Heart & St. Cecilia parishes are here incurring the expenses of being open and available for you and your family for Lord’s Day or weekday Masses; for weddings; 1st Holy Communions; Baptisms, loved-ones’ funerals; or for youth, young adult & adult religious education and faith formation; and pastoral care of the sick & sorrowing. Thank you for remembering! SACRED HEART - Nov. 22 - 23 Budgeted Weekly Expenses $3,905 Parish Collections $ * ST. CECILIA - Nov. 22 - 23 Budgeted Weekly Expenses $3,795 Parish Collections $ * *NO COLLECTION NUMBERS available due to early Bulletin DEADLINE God’s Abundant Blessings & THANK YOU for always being generous in your WEEKLY PARISH SUPPORT! Please be sure to remember your parish—St. Cecilia or Sacred Heart—in your will. This assures your parish of continued financial strength into the future. CONGRATULATIONS!— OUR DEBTS ARE PAID OFF! WE ARE IN OUR 2ND YEAR OF MAKING MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS TO OUR PARISH FACILITIES The DLA [Diocese-wide Lenten Appeal] is our Maintenance & Improvement Campaigns A sacrificial gift from EACH HOUSEHOLD will make it possible to repair, maintain, & upgrade our parish facilities AND move our parishes into the future! We exceeded our diocese goals. So we now keep 100% of your DLA gifts HERE to help us reach our parish goals! THANK YOU for your support! PLEASE MAKE YOUR PLEDGE or ADD TO YOUR PLEDGE TODAY! Sacred Heart 2014 TOTAL GOAL—$72,000 Diocese portion—$25,369 Parish portion—$46,631 Received toward 2014 TOTAL GOAL—$56,897 Saint Cecilia 2014 TOTAL GOAL—$63,000 Diocese portion—$17,436 Parish portion—$45,564 Received toward 2014 TOTAL GOAL—$57,708 PAGE 3 November 30, 2014—First Sunday of Advent The Lord be with you! Dear people of Sacred Heart & St. Cecilia’s, YES, it is the 1st Sunday of Advent—the time to “Be watchful! Be alert!” [Mark 13:33-37], readying ourselves for the celebration of Christmas—the birthday of Jesus Our Lord. In the Gospel today, Jesus exhorts his disciples to keep awake. They are like the servants in Jesus’ parable, who take care of the home while the master is away [Matthew 13:34]. In other words, Jesus, in going away, is entrusting to His followers what is precious to Him—the Church Jesus established [His people] who are to care for and build-up God’s Kingdom on earth. How we keep awake and what it means to guard and care for what is precious to Jesus can be found in the Scripture passage [Mark 14:32-33] that talks about what Jesus does after His Last Supper with His disciples. Jesus led His disciples into the Garden of Gethsemane—leaves most of them at one place in the garden, and then Jesus takes Peter, James, and John to a spot further in AND confides with them that His sorrow is so great that it may itself cause His death. Jesus tells these three to “remain here and keep watch” [Mark 14:34]. They are to be Jesus’ support group, as shown by the fact the Jesus only goes a “little” way from them and comes back to them in between prayers. Because they keep falling asleep, Jesus admonishes them that prayer will give them the power to overcome their weakness [14:38]. Prayer energizes the spirit to combat the fatigue that is a part of our human existence. So, watching at all hours means providing support at all times to those entrusted to us. Prayer undergirds such rigorous support, as does the realization that the ones WE are called to care for are loved by Jesus as His own family. Surely Jesus does not mean that we are never to sleep, when he asks His disciples to “stay awake, be alert!” Our bodies, our minds, and our spirits need the rest of sleep. Jesus is saying that a real part of our life’s work is always to be in a state of readiness to welcome Him, the one who is to come to judge the living and the dead. Our faith reminds us that we are a people who await the Lord’s return, just as a parent is always waiting for a child to return home late at night. One traditional way of achieving a state of alertness has been the discipline of fasting. Another is attentive prayer. Let our prayer be: God, help each of us to be watchful, and alert— people waiting for Your son’s return! Fr. Peter Augustine, OSB Late November dates. . . 30 No CCD, Sacr. Prep. Today [Thanksgiving Break] PARISH CALENDAR 1 Monday Night Rosary, 7PM, SC Church 1 NO Pastoral Council Mtg 2 NO Time-line Bible Study today 6 “Breakfast in Bethlehem”, 9AM, SC Hall 7 Repair & Replace collection, all Masses 7 CCD, Sacr. Prep Classes, 9-10:10AM, SC Hall 7 Young Adult/Adult Faith Study, 9-10:10AM, SC Hall 7 BINGO, SC Hall, doors open 12:45PM, Bingo at 2PM 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 9 Latrobe Health & Rehab Ctr. Mass, 3PM 9 Time-line Bible Study Group, 6:30PM, SC Hall 13 1st Penance & Reconciliation, 10 AM, SC, Church 14 CCD, Sacr. Prep Classes, 9-10:10AM, SC Hall 14 Young Adult/Adult Faith Study, 9-10:10AM, SC Hall 14 RAS Christmas Party, 1PM, Connare Ctr. 15 Monday Night Rosary, 7PM, SC Church 16 Time-line Bible Study Group, 6:30PM, SC Hall 21 No CCD or Sacr. Prep. 22 Monday Night Rosary, 7PM, SC Church 24-25 Children/Family Services collection, ALSO Parish Maintenance & Improvement collection / DLA 24 Christmas Eve Masses: 4PM [SC] and 6PM [SH]; also 10PM [SH] & Midnight [SC] CHRISTMAS EVE THERE WILL 30-MINUTES OF CHRISTMAS HYMNS BEFORE EACH MASS 25 Christmas Day Masses: 8AM [SH] and 10:30AM [SC] 28 No CCD / Sacr. Prep. or Ad Fontes 29 Monday Night Rosary, 7PM, SC, Church Sunday Morning & Tuesday Evening Faith Study for Young Adults & Adults We have just begun the 24-session Great Adventure Timeline Bible Study with Jeff Cavins giving the DVD lectures. We meet from 9-10:10AM on Sundays & Tuesdays from 6:30-8PM in St. Cecilia Hall, seminar room. For those needing a study binder, they are available for the discounted price of $25. Come and join in this study! PAGE 4 November 30, 2014—First Sunday of Advent LAY MINISTRY SCHEDULE for next week, Dec. 6 - 7 SH = SACRED HEART CHURCH MASS Sat., Dec. 6 4:00PM (SC) 6:00PM (SH) Sun., Dec. 7 8:00AM (SC) 10:30AM (SH) SC = ST. CECILIA CHURCH E.M.E.’S SERVERS LECTORS $ - COUNTERS USHERS D & T Cramer, Jn Kornides Peffer, Korzak Leachman Noel Moyher Stubbs Miller / Rabic Volunteer Volunteer J Stas, J & M Dunlap Smetanka, Bell, Johnston M & D Stas Storer D Stas Butina SACRED HEART PRAYER LIST Butina / Butina Volunteer Volunteer SAINT CECILIA PRAYER LIST Lu Ann Barkley, Dee Barnhart, Larry Barnhart, Christine Bombach, Ida Brehun, Karen Burkhart, Loretta Cargnel, William Charles, Graham Davis, Blake Doyle, Desiree Doyle, Don Eglhaut, Eugene Falbo, Joyce B. Gainey, Gordon L. Gladden, Judy Janusek, Margaret Kelly, Richard Carl Kintz, Kristi Knapczyk, Mary Kowatch, Mary Kontor, Ronna B. Layne, Betty Marshall, Amy McQuaide, Frank Miedel, Nathan Overly, Helen Palek, Janet Planinsek, Andrea Playso, Roseann Playso, Asa Reed, David Ridilla, Judith Ruffner, Mary Ann Seaman, Joan Sherback, Scott Smith, Chuck Stahl, Ann Tewes, Ethel Thomas. Pray for our shut-ins: Bob Reintgen, Elizabeth Zabkar. Jerry Brady, Chris Campbell, Megan Carroll, Barbara Dillon, Jackie Dixon, Robert Dunn, Joan Ewanits, Douglas Facemyer, Ron Fajt, Grace Gardner, Gordon C. Gladden, Eugene Hambersky, Pip Hoyle, Joe Kozak, Kasey Lanier, Virginia McCracken, Kelly McGuire, Mary Messmer, Teresa Patton, Nancy Scekeres, Marie Severa, Richard Severa, John & Mary Alice Smith, Mike Smith, Jeremiah Springer, Matthew Springer, Samantha Springer, Delores Stahl, Theresa Strayer, Mary Tandarich, Ethel Thomas, Ronald Thompson, Elizabeth Tirdil, Norman Verdun. NOTE: Names in these prayer lists can ONLY be added or deleted at the request of immediate family members—by contacting your parish office. RECENTLY BAPTIZED By her Baptism, Mia Elizabeth Grove, daughter of Mathew & Courtney Grove was welcomed into GOD’s family & St. Cecilia Parish family on November 2, 2014. Mia Marie Ellis, daughter of Michael & Kayla Ellis, by her Baptism was welcomed into GOD’s family & St. Cecilia Parish family on November 16, 2014. Let us recall JESUS’ words, “Let the children come to me do not hinder them; for it is to just such as these that the kingdom of GOD belongs!” YOUTH GROUP NEWS All 6-12th graders are INVITED to join the Sacred Heart & St. Cecilia Youth Group! There will be no December meeting. participating in the following activities: We will be 1. Breakfast in Bethlehem- Saturday December 6 at 9:00 AM. Youth group members are asked to arrive at 8:45 AM. There will be a planning meeting on Sunday evening November 30, 6:30-8PM at St. Cecilia Hall. Please plan on attending this meeting if you are planning to help with this event. We will also need help to set up on Friday, December 5 at 6:30PM at St. Cecilia Hall. Parents are welcome and appreciated. 2. Community Meal at Holy Family Church, LatrobeSaturday December 13 10:30AM - 12:45PM. Our next meeting will be January 4th at 6:30 PM. We will be planning for our shut ins and discussing ideas for a church social. See you there! POLICY EFFECTIVE MAY 15, 2011 HOW TO REQUEST MASSES Mass intentions to be offered during December 2014 and January 2015 are being accepted now. Mass intentions must be “requested by parishioners” or “for parishioners.” Requests “by parishioners” are always considered first. “Requests” for Masses to be offered are accepted about one & a half months at a time beginning the 1st of the month. To request a Mass to be offered the “$10 Mass Offering” must accompany the request. You may request a Mass: 1) By dropping an envelope with your request & offering (labeled Mass-secretary), in the collection basket; 2) By mailing your Mass request & offering; 3) In person at the parish office. (see the front of the bulletin for regular office hours.) Masses requested for specific dates by, “parishioner households” are limited to 3 “requested Mass dates” per calendar-year, 1 of these may be scheduled for a Saturday/Sunday per calendar-year. Father may accept additional requests to be scheduled at the discretion of the Mass secretary. Always include a phone number where you can be reached. Do you want a Mass offered on short notice? We might be able to help. Please call Evelyn TODAY at 724-537-7358. PAGE 5 November 30, 2014—First Sunday of Advent SAINT CECILIA MONTHLY The next St. Cecilia monthly BINGO is SUNDAY, Dec. 7th. Doors open at 12:45 PM. and Bingo starts at 2 PM. Refreshments will be available. PLAN TO BE THERE! SACRED HEART RAFFLE TICKETS December tickets are available for pickup after Masses at Sacred Heart Church or at Sacred Heart parish office during regular office hours. Extra December tickets are available for purchase. NEW ticket buyers: If you would like to reserve 2 or more tickets each month please stop in [or call] the parish office during regular office hours. SACRED HEART 200 CLUB The 31st weekly winner for 2014-2015 167, an open number REMINDER: The first of two $25 membership payments is due by December 5, 2014. Our YOUTH GROUP is sponsoring Breakfast in Bethlehem for children in grades K-5 on Saturday, December 6, 2014 from 9 – 11:30 a.m. in the St. Cecilia Church Hall. This wonderful morning includes faith and fun through a play enacted by our young adults, breakfast, and several craft opportunities including cookie decorating, a “marshmallow” nativity, popsicle stick angel ornaments, and a handprint manger. The children of St. Cecilia and Sacred Heart parishes are welcome to bring their friends. Registration forms are available beside the bulletins. If you have any questions or need more information, please call Cheri Yandrick at 724-423-6525 after 6 p.m. or email at [email protected]. Did you ever wish you could participate in a REAL Bible Study? NOW YOU CAN! On October 14th 6:30-8:30PM we began the 24-session DVD based Great Adventure TimeLine Bible Study featuring Jeff Cavins. Come & join in this study! We meet in the St. Cecilia Hall seminar room. ALSO, on each Sunday prior to Tuesday’s sessions we have a “preview session” from 9-10:10AM. The $44.95 study binder is being offered for $25. In a troubled marriage? Retrouvaille has helped 10's of thousands; it can help you. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on January 16, 2015 contact Retrouvaille at 412-277-3434 or e-mail [email protected]. More information is available at We have both Sacred Heart Church & St. Cecilia Church CHRISTMAS CARDS Card Sets are available for purchase this Saturday / Sunday, before & after all Masses. Each packet contains 20 cards for $20 and features 5 cards each of the 4 different scenes. We have unique St. Cecilia card sets and Sacred Heart card sets. SEE THE DISPAY IN THE CHURCH VESTIBULE. OR, you can also call your parish office during normal business hours and make arrangements to buy and pick up your Parish Christmas Cards. PAGE 6 November 30, 2014—First Sunday of Advent Join your November 2014 prayer intentions with those of the Holy Father— General: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Missionary: That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. THOSE WHO ARE HOME-BOUND OR HOSPITALIZED OR IN NURSING CARE If you or a loved-one is about to be or is already hospitalized OR checked in to a nursing care facility, be sure to contact your parish office so we are aware and can provide needed “pastoral care” [Sacraments and visits] in a timely manner. The grocery carts will be in the vestibules of Sacred Heart & St. Cecilia the next 2 Saturdays & Sundays, Nov. 29-30, & Dec. 6-7, for collection of non-perishable food items that will be distributed by the Westmoreland County Food Bank for both Thanksgiving & Christmas. Attention high school juniors & seniors: We need your help as a “teacher’s aide” in our Sunday CCD Religious Education classes held from 9-10:10AM. This is a great way to be a faith mentor to our younger students. THINKING ABOUT BEING A CATHOLIC? Our next Session of R.C.I.A. [Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults] for INQUIRERS will be Sunday, December 7, 2014, at 1PM in St. Cecilia rectory. If YOU want to know more about what Catholic Christians believe OR if you already feel you want to be a Catholic and want to know how to prepare for this important step in your life, come to these sessions for INQUIRERS. If you have questions NOW, please call 724-423-3777, ext. 17 and talk to Father Peter Augustine, OSB. Rosary Altar Society Pre-Christmas Party Our Pre-Christmas Luncheon will be Sunday. December 14, at 1:30 PM at Bishop Connare Center on Rt. 30. All ladies are welcome. It will be a festive time to get together, have a good meal. The menu is wedding soup, garden salad, chicken romano, baked cod, red potatoes, green beans almondine, and orange dreamsicle cake. The cost is $15 and the deadline for reservations and payment is December 8. Please sign the sheet in the vestibule of the churches. You can put cash or a check made out to "Sacred Heart Rosary Society" in an envelope with your Name and "Christmas Party" on the front. This can be dropped into the collection basket. All ladies of the parishes are welcome. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Please support our advertisers who sponsor our bulletin If you are interested or have questions, please phone Bill Smith at St. Cecilia’s parish office: 724-423-3777. STATE FARM Chris Beddick, Agent SACRED HEART/ST. CECILIA CHURCH MEMBERSHIP FORM NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________________ CITY:__________________________ STATE:________ ZIP:__________ PHONES:__________________ __________________ SELECT YOUR PARISH: St. Cecilia or Sacred Heart CHECK: New Registration Change of Address Moving out of Parish Want Envelopes Please drop Membership Form into offertory basket or mail to either parish office—addresses are on the front cover. The Partner Parishes of Sacred Heart & Saint Cecilia’s Schedule for Advent & Christmas Season 2014 [SH] = Sacred Heart Church [SC] = Saint Cecilia Church ______________________________________________________________________________________ November 22-23—Solemnity of Our Lord Christ the King Masses [regular Saturday/Sunday Mass Schedule] Saturday 4PM [SC] & 6PM [SH]; Sunday 8AM [SC], 10:30AM [SH] November 27—Thanksgiving Day Masses Thursday 8AM [SH] & 9:30AM [SC] November 29-30—1st Sunday of Advent Masses Saturday 4PM [SC] & 6PM [SH]; Sunday 8AM [SC], 10:30AM [SH] December 6-7—2nd Sunday of Advent [regular Saturday/Sunday Mass Schedule] Saturday 4PM [SC] & 6PM [SH]; Sunday 8AM [SC], 10:30AM [SH] December 8—Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Masses [A HOLYDAY OF MASS OBLIGATION ] Monday, 6AM [SH] & 8AM [SC], also 5:15PM [SH], & 7PM [SC] December 13-14—3rd Sunday of Advent [regular Saturday/Sunday Mass Schedule] Saturday 4PM [SC] & 6PM [SH]; Sunday 8AM [SC], 10:30AM [SH] December 15th—Combined ADVENT PENANCE CELEBRATION, 7-8PM for both parishes, at [SC] [our Pastor along with four other Confessors will be available to hear our Confessions] December 20-21—4th Sunday of Advent [regular Saturday/Sunday Mass Schedule] Saturday 4PM [SC] & 6PM [SH]; Sunday 8AM [SC], 10:30AM [SH] ********************************** December 24-25—Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Masses—NOTE BOTH MASS TIMES & LOCATIONS Wednesday, Dec. 24th Christmas Eve: 4PM [SC]; 6PM [SH]; also 10PM [SH]; 12Midnight [SC] ½ hour before all Christmas Eve Masses there will be 30 minutes of singing Christmas Hymns Thursday, Dec. 25th Christmas Day: 8AM [SH]; 10:30AM [SC] ********************************** December 27-28—Feast of the Holy Family [regular Saturday/Sunday Mass Schedule] Saturday 4PM [SC] & 6PM [SH]; Sunday 8AM [SC], 10:30AM [SH] December 31 / January 1—Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God [New Years Eve & Day] Masses PLEASE NOTE BOTH MASS TIMES & LOCATIONS FOR THIS FEAST DAY Wednesday., Dec. 31st, 4PM [SC]; 6PM [SH]; Thrs., Jan. 1st 8AM [SH]; 10:30AM [SC] January 3-4—The Epiphany of the Lord Masses [regular Saturday/Sunday Mass Schedule] Saturday 4PM [SC] & 6PM [SH]; Sunday 8AM [SC], 10:30AM [SH] January 10-11—The Baptism of the Lord [with this celebration, the Christmas Seasons ends] Saturday 4PM [SC] & 6PM [SH]; Sunday 8AM [SC], 10:30AM [SH] “Christmas is Christ’s Birthday” 11-30-2014 SACRED HEART/SAINT CECILIA CHURCH BULLETIN INSERT BRUCE A. MATTHEWS D.M.D., M.D.S ORTHODONTIST Welcoming New Patients at Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 RICHARD F. BOYLE, JR. Personal Injury, Estate Planning, Real Estate and Family Law 801 Ligonier Street, Latrobe 724-537-9036 • BRAKES • RADIAL RETREADS • RETREADS • EXHAUST SYSTEM • ALIGNMENT • SHOCK ABSORBERS North Huntingdon 836-4452 861-9111 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... • WE CUT ROTORS AND DRUMS • Rt. 981 Across from Latrobe Chevrolet - LATROBE - 724-539-8080 LAKEVIEW ANIMAL CLINIC Dr. Ronald J. Stas, V.M.D. 809 Monastery Dr. • Latrobe JOHN M. 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Unity Memorials (724) 539-9739 -- Serving The Community for Over 35 Years -- Granite & Bronze Memorials Cemetery Lettering 4399 Rt. 30, Latrobe Specialists for Aerospace, Automotive & Material Testing Fields 724-834-4006 3862 Route 30 Latrobe, PA 15650 Old RT. 30 724/537-3131 (724) 539-3611 P.O. BOX 388 FAX 724/537-3151 Fax (724) 539-7233 YOUNGSTOWN, PA 15696-0388 USA Web Site: Racer’s Restaurant Sunday Family Brunch - Full Buffet $15.95/Adult 4462 Route 982 Latrobe, PA $3.00 OFF WITH AD Children 10 & Under $.99 per Year 724-532-2400 724-539-7413 order online @ 2236 Lincoln Ave. Latrobe, PA 15650 *Free Delivery within 5 miles w w w. r a c e r s t a v e r n . c o m 874545 Sacred Heart/St Cecilia Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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