The week ahead Friday 21 November 2014 WEEKLY UPDATE 34 DIARY DATES – Week 7 CRICKET – Mr Lincoln Doull Friday 21 November 9.00 Athletic Sports Day* see note over page 12.15 Picnic lunch at school 2.30 Prize-giving Saturday 22 November 1.15 Choir perform in Village Dress Whites*see note Sunday 23 November 7.00 Chapel at Hereworth – Choir to attend* see note Monday 24 November 8.45 Yr 6 & 8 Options Program 8.45 Yr 7 Growing Leaders 10.00 Yr 5 leave for Camp Tuesday 25 November 9.30 Yr 7 Growing Leaders Yr 6 & 8 Options Yr 5 Camp Wednesday 26 November 3.00 Yr 7 Growing Leaders Yr 6 & 8 Options Yr 5 return from Camp Thursday 27 November 3.15 House Tennis Round 1 Saturday 29 November 9.30 Old Boys’ Summer Sports Day* see notice over page FORTHCOMING EVENTS Monday 1 December 1.00 Choir perform at Probus Wednesday 3 December 9.00 Yrs 5 & 6 Speech Finals Thursday 4 December 10.30 Yrs 7 & 8 Speech Finals 1.00 Yrs 1 – 4 Christmas Production for the School Friday 5 December 10.30 Yr 8 Next Top Model Saturday 6 December 9.30 1st XI v Waihi Pai Sunday 7 December 6.00 Community Carol Service Monday 8 December 10.30 Hereworth “Funman” Thursday 11 December 2.45 Volunteers Morning Teas 5.15 Yr 8 Leavers’ Dinner Friday 12 December 11.30 School Carol Service Saturday 13 December 9.30 Hereworth Prizegiving DATE TEAM AGAINST FIELD Fri 21 Sat 22 Sat 22 Sat 22 Sat 22 Sat 22 Sat 22 TBC TBC Sat 22 Sat 22 Sat 22 Sat 22 BOYS Hwth Kasper 1st XI 2nd XI HwthScrimgeour Hwth Tremain Stags A Stags B Stags C Stags D Hwth Small Hwth Doull Hwth Heinrich Hwth Manning TO REPORT BYE HL Nth Int 2nd XI Tamatea Int Hwth Tremain Hwth Scrimgeour Taradale Primary Clive Stags D -later in wk Stags C-later in wk Maraekakaho BYE Hwth Manning Hwth Heinrich ½ HOUR BEFORE GAME TIME Hereworth 1 Taradale Park 2 Hereworth 6 Hereworth 6 Taradale Park 1 Hereworth 4 TBC TBC Hereworth 3 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 Hereworth 2 Hereworth 2 GAME TIME 9.00 9.00 9.00 TENNIS – Mr Sam Chatfield – Club Tennis Only DATE Sat 22 Only boys NOT playing at a local tennis club VENUE TIME Hereworth Courts 8.30-9.30 SOFTBALL – Mrs Tracey Kinloch-Jones DATE TEAM Sat 22 NO GAME AGAINST VENUE GAME TIME VENUE Report front school TIME 8.30-10.00 MULTI SPORT – Mr Matt Webb DATE Sat 22 SPORTS NOTICES Cricket Coaches 1st XI 2nd XI Hwth Scrimgeour Hwth Tremain Stags A Stags B Stags C Stags D Hwth Small Hwth Doull Hwth Heinrich Hwth Manning Hwth Kasper Mr Ian Scott Mr Neil McCorkell Mr Carl Scrimgeour Mrs Angela Tremain Mr Scott Jensen Mr Ross Scrymgeour Mrs Kate Field Mr Toby Cole Mrs Megs Small Mr Lincoln Doull Miss Cecile Heinrich Mr Josh Manning Mrs Paula Kasper Uniform Reminder Boys report to Sports Ground in Hereworth Uniform (cricket or tennis whites, softball kit or sorts uniform. All boys must have a hat and ideally water bottle and sun-screen. CHOIR/MUSIC NOTICES Celebration of the Arts tonight! St James' Chapel choir, barbershop chorus, orchestra and selected boys. Dress whites. Be at school 5.15pm or if remaining at school make sure you have your dress whites with you. Boys will be offered a substantial afternoon tea. St. James' Chapel Choir this Saturday 22 Nov for Havelock North Village Fiesta Assemble by the fountain 1.00pm for a 1.15pm start. Concert finishes 1.45pm. Dress Whites please. I can take any boarders down to the village and return them if necessary. Chapel on Sunday 23 Nov - compulsory attendance for the choir. 6.15 practice for 7.00pm start in chapel. OTHER SCHOOL NOTICES Junior School Noticeboard Friday 5 December - Junior School Production. Costumes to school by Monday 1st December. Athletics Day – boys should come to school in their house polos, shorts, sneakers, hats and a DRINK bottle. PLEASE put sun block on in the morning. Parents are invited to bring a picnic lunch and the boys will join them. They will be dismissed at lunch time and can either go home, stay for a picnic lunch or stay and watch. Athletics Sports Day – Friday 21 November Events start at 9.00am and there will be a lunch break at approx. 12.15pm. Parents & Supporters are invited to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy with your son in the School Grounds. The Kitchen will provide a lunch for those boys not having a picnic. Prize-giving will be at approximately 2.30pm. The programme is available on the website and a hard copy will be available at the gate. After-School Sport - Mon 24 & Wed 26 November Due to a large number of school programmes being run next week involving staff and coaches, there will be NO sports team practices for years 5 - 8 however boys will stay at school until 4.00pm undergoing alternative activities. Parking No No’s! – please do NOT park or leave your car outside the Headmasters Residence or the Boarding House (the areas are marked no parking in yellow) Old Boys’ Sports Day – Attached to the memo is an invitation to our parent community to come along and enjoy the Old Boys’ Sports Day. This is a day that has been on the Hereworth calendar for many many years and is hosted by the Hereworth Old Boys’ Association (HOBA). Cricket and tennis matches between our current boys and Old Boys are played throughout the day and everyone is welcome to come along and watch. Guaranteed to have a few laughs. You are also invited to enjoy the BBQ which is held at the end of the day. We look forward to seeing you there. Holy Communion Chapel Service – Sunday 23 Nov Bishop Andrew is coming for our Holy Communion Service at 7.00pm. Everybody is welcome to come forward to receive bread and wine if already baptised or otherwise for a blessing. SCHOOL NOTICES CONT. Uniform Shop Stock Take - Please note that the uniform shop will NOT be open on the last week of term due to a stocktake. The last day for purchasing items in the shop this term will therefore be Wednesday 3rd December 2014. tThe uniform sale days for January 2015 are Monday 26th January 9am - 1pm and Tuesday 27th January 9am - 11am. If you want to have items of second hand uniform available for purchase in the sale, please drop into the school in the first week of the holidays for processing. Any items dropped off after this time will not be guaranteed to be processed in time. If you have any questions then please email [email protected]. Any offers of help on those days would also be gratefully received. Instrumental & Speech Tuition Forms for 2015 Have you returned the Information Sheets and Reply Slips for learning a Musical Instrument/Voice Tuition/Speech? Wanted by Mrs Webster– Used Rifle Shells – Metal, any size and plenty of them for an artistic project. Private Cricket Coaching Available for 1 on 1 sessions or small group (x 3 max). Will Hilton is an E.C.B Level 1 Coach and current overseas player for Havelock North Cricket Club. To arrange a coaching time, contact the Hereworth Director of Sport [email protected] FXWORKSHOP Holiday Film school Finale with Mrs Webster & Paris Webster. Year 6-8 Students 15th, 16th, 17th December - Three days of fantastic mayhem and madness within the tight controls of Mrs Webster and her re-known FX Workshop Film School, assisted by Paris Webster, recent graduate of NZ Film and Television School. Priority give to Y 7-8. Hours 8.45am to 3.00pm. Cost $180.00 Expressions of interest to [email protected] or [email protected]. by Friday 5th December. Old Boys 4WD Trek Fundraiser - 6-8 March 2015 – SPOTS ARE FULL. The HPA still NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR THIS HUGE UNDERTAKING. Please contact Jackie Black on 027 411-9091 or 874-7899 or [email protected] OTHER SCHOOL/COMMUNITY NOTICES The Village Street Carnival - 22 November at 10:00am Havelock North Village, Hastings, New Zealand. The Ranfurly Shield will be on display outside Tremains Real Estate Office between 10.00am and 2.00pm Karamu Golf Club Sunday 23 November at Karamu Golf Club, State Hwy 2, Hastings. Barry Hunt 027 465-9307. 5 11 year olds is 9.00 to 10.30am & 12+ is 10.30am to 12.00pm Puketapu & Districts Familly Christmas Pageant Sunday December 14th at 5.00pm. Bring your own rug and picnic, a sausage sizzle and raffle will be held - for further info call Jo 8743757 or Fi 8443807 St Luke’s Holiday Care – 26 to 30 Jan 2015. 8.00am to 4.30pm. $35 per day. Please contact Browyn Waktins Te Mata Rd Havelock North 4157 Hawke’s Bay Ph +64 6 877 8138 [email protected] BOYS FOR PRAISE WEEK ENDING 14 NOVEMBER 2014 8KJ Ollie Clayton Frank Lochore Superb young man who is consistently reliable and using his initiative throughout the week in 8KJ Recognised for using some of those very strong leadership skills.Keep up the strong finish 8SC All Year 8 triple jumpers (Sorry) Outstanding effort learning the triple Jump. The athletics specialist who taught them was absolutely “ blown away” by your ability to listen and learn quite a difficult task and your enthusiasm was incredible. MW Angus Dykes and James Ashby George Brougham For courage and focus in delivering their performances in the choir camp X Factor. James Cairns For his outstanding effort preparing for and sitting exams and, subsequently, some very impressive results. For his continued application and increased independence in all academic areas. He has made some significant progress! 7KF Felix Lawson For an exceptional social sciences exam result in terms of the quality of content and fluency of writing. 7CS Flynn Kittow Harry Lowry For his exceptional attitude to assessment and some very impressive results. For an impressive piece of writing during assessment. He is quite the writer when he puts ‘pencil to paper’. 7NM Fergus CardwellDray and Charlie Williams For excellent exam results and overall academic performance. 6PK James Porima Oscar Train James McLanachan Has a ‘can-do’ attitude in all areas of school life Always willing to assist - such a neat attribute! Motivated to complete all of his set work to the best of his ability 6AT Lawrence Burke Ben Hansen An incredibly hard working fully focussed young man across all curriculum areas. A boy who sets goals for himself and then sets about working toward them. A great improvement in his maths. 5IS Angus Dykes Adam Gardner William Kersjes Bright young men who work hard to improve their learning and are willing to go the extra mile to do so 4SJ William Moroney Sebastian Baylis Great work researching and presenting a book creator presentation on vertebrates and invertebrates. 2/3MS Sam Greensmith Henry Hayden Smart For his terrific attitude towards improving his academic performance in literacy and maths. For his all-round impressive approach to progressing his personal literacy and maths knowledge. 1SC Harry Eivers For his determination when rehearsing for his ‘solo’ in the Junior Production TECH Ben Gibbs Outstanding Tank clock that shows great use of mixed materials with the use of the wire. Fortitude and attitude in the face of extenuating circumstances with no hands so to speak. Mature and responsible chef. Undertaking on his own, the entire prep and cook of a meal James Harvey James Cairns ART Sean Lee Charlie Hansen PERF ARTS Orlando Norman St. James’ Chapel Choir A great outcome in his Tamure - snapper fish oil pastel project. The result of focus and consistency. A great Freaky Fish!! Complete with rotten tooth. Great enthusiasm, rhythm and sense of beat in folk dancing Thank you for your hard work, perseverance and sense of fun on camp Prefects Maclan Wright For being extremely well focused and well-mannered at choir camp Te Mata Rd Havelock North 4157 Hawke’s Bay Ph +64 6 877 8138 [email protected] Award
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