VÉÜÑâá V{Ü|áà| ctÜ|á{ Rev. Msgr. Eugene S. Ostrowski, V.F. Pastor 1508 Warwood Avenue * Wheeling, WV 26003 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Parish Office (304) 277-2911 School Office (304) 277-1220 Parish Center (304) 277-3900 www.CorpusChris Wheeling.org Office@CorpusChris Wheeling.org Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of The Universe November 23, 2014 MASSES: Saturday: 5:30 PM Vigil Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM with a Children’s Liturgy of the Word Holy Day Masses: Please consult bulle n. Weekday Masses*: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30AM Wed. 11:00 AM during the school year * A funeral replaces a weekday Mass. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday at 4:30 PM and by individual appointment ANOINTING & VISITATION of the SICK: Call the Rectory any me to make arrangements. Please contact the Parish Office regarding any aged or sick who are confined. INITIATION/BAPTISMS: Rites of Ini a on of Adults and Bap sm of Children can be arranged by contac ng the pastor. Parents must complete a Bap sm Prepara on session prior to their child’s Bap sm. Call the office to make arrangements. MARRIAGE: Engaged couples should contact the pastor at least six months before the wedding date to arrange for pre-marriage prepara ons. NEW PARISHIONERS: We welcome all new members. Please register in person at the parish office or e-mail us at the above address. PARISH STAFF: 304-277-2911 Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Eugene S. Ostrowski, V.F. Deacon: Rev. Mr. Douglas Breiding Business Manager: Mrs. Kelly Clark Parish Secretary: Mrs. Cindy Becker Building & Maintenance: Mr. John Main Music Director: Mrs. Deborah Breiding “When The Son Of Man Comes In His Glory… He Will Sit Upon His Glorious Throne, And All The nations Will Be Assembled Before Him.” PARISH SCHOOL: GRADES PRESCHOOL –8 School Principal: Mr. Dick Taylor School Secretary: Ms. Trina Pissos 304-277-1220 PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: Grades K-8 Sunday Mornings Sept. through May 9:00AM-10:20AM In the School Cafeteria Director: Mrs. Cindy Becker 304-277-2911 BULLETIN DEADLINE: Announcements must be submi ed in wri ng or by e-mail to cindy@corpuschris wheeling.org by 3:00PM on Wednesday. S O O L J C ,K U N 23, 2014 exyÄxvà|ÉÇá ÉÇ à{x extw|Çzá Lord, when did we see you hungry? Do you allow the love of God to rule in your heart? Augus ne of Hippo said, “Essen ally, there are two kinds of people, because there are two kinds of love. One is holy, the other is selfish. One is subject to God; the other endeavors to equal Him.” Jesus came not only to fulfill the law, but to transform it through his uncondi onal love for us. The Lord Jesus proved his love for us by offering up his life for us on the cross as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. His death brings new life and freedom for us - freedom from fear, selfishness, and greed - and new life in the Holy Spirit who fills our hearts with the love of God (Romans 5:5). Do you allow God’s love to purify your heart, thoughts, and ac ons? Jesus' story about the separa on of goats and sheep must have unse led his audience. In arid lands goats and sheep o en grazed together during the day because green pasture was sparse. At nigh all, when the shepherd brought the sheep and goats to their place of rest, he separated them into two groups. Goats by temperament are aggressive, domineering, restless, and territorial. They bu heads with their horns whenever they think someone is intruding on their space. Goats came to symbolize evil and the expression "scapegoat" become a common expression for someone bearing blame or guilt for others. (See Levi cus 26:20-22 for a descrip on of the ritual expulsion of sin-bearing goat on the Day of Atonement.) Separa on is an inevitable consequence of judgement. The Day of Judgement will reveal who showed true compassion and mercy toward their neighbor. As much as we might like to judge the parables, the parables, nonetheless, judge us. Jesus teaches us a very important lesson about loving our neighbor and taking responsibility for others. God will judge us not only for the wrong we have done but also for what we have failed to do. Now is the me of God’s mercy for seeking his help and grace to turn away from sin and to walk in his way of love. Ask the Lord Jesus to purify your heart that you may love as he loves and live charitably with all. This parable is similar to the parable about Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:19-31). The rich man let Lazarus die on his doorstep and was doomed to crave for drops of cold water he had not thought of giving to the poor man. When Mar n of Tours (316-397 AD), a young Roman soldier and seeker of the Chris an faith, met an unclothed man begging for alms in the freezing cold, he stopped and cut his coat in two and gave half to the stranger. That night he dreamt he saw the heavenly court with Jesus robed in a torn cloak. One of the angels present asked, "Master, why do you wear that ba ered cloak?" Jesus replied, "My servant Mar n gave it to me." Mar n's disciple and biographer Sulpicius Severus states that as a consequence of this vision "Mar n flew to be bap zed." God is gracious and merciful; his love compels us to treat others with mercy and kindness. When we do something for one of Christ's li le ones, we do it for Christ. Do you treat your neighbor with mercy and loving -kindness as Christ has treated you? "Lord Jesus, be the Master and Ruler of my heart. May your love rule in my heart that I may only think and act with charity towards all.” h p://www.rc.net/wcc/readings November 30, 2014 is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is a season in which we look ahead to Christ who has both come and is coming. It is a me when the words, "Come, Lord Jesus!" reverberate within the depths of our hearts, draw tears of joy from our eyes, and echo throughout the unfathomable reaches of the human soul as we wait in hope. It is a season in which a forward journey is begun in trus ng prepara on, pa ently listening in the quiet of the desert for the so breath of the Christ Child, whose tender magnificence unceasingly draws us with love into the mysterious life of God Incarnate. Confession helps us celebrate Christmas with joy. Receiving the Sacrament of Reconcilia on during Advent helps us to celebrate Christmas with purified and joyful hearts. The best Christmas present that we can give to Jesus is the gi of a purified forgiving and forgiven heart. Let’s pray for the grace to offer Jesus this gi this Christmas. The following Communal Penances are be offered at Wheeling Parishes: Corpus Chris Parish Monday, December 1, 7:00PM Our Lady of Peace Parish Wednesday, December 10, 7:00PM St. Michael Parish combined with St. Vincent DePaul Parish At St. Michael Church December 15, 7:00 PM Corpus Christi Mission Statement We, the Catholic Community of Corpus Christi, are called to continue the work and teachings set forth by Jesus Christ. We are committed: • • • • • To make the Eucharist the center of our lives by celebrating it joyfully and meaningfully as a community, To grow as an involved and loving community, To preserve church and family traditions, To provide a Catholic education and opportunities for spiritual growth to all age groups, To reach out to those in need. As a parish, we dedicate ourselves to live out our faith through service where each member shares with others the gifts and talents received from God. S O O L J C ,K U N 23, 2014 Parish Events & Community Activities SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Bap sm: Parents wishing to have their child bap zed must schedule and complete a prepara on session prior to scheduling their child’s Bap sm. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements. 304-277-2911 NO ADULT SCRIPTURE SESSION THIS WEEK Due to the upcoming holiday schedule Scripture Sessions will not resume un l Wednesday, January 7, 2015, at 7:00PM. “The Life & Le ers of St. Paul” will be the new topic. Today, November 23, 2014 Knights of Columbus Donut Social a er 10:30AM Mass in the School Cafeteria. Everyone welcome! The Members Mee ng for November 26 is cancelled due to the Thanksgiving holiday. ♦ PREMEMBER TO BUY YOUR GROCERY STORE SCRIP WHEN MAKING YOUR SHOPPING LIST FOR “GOBBLER TOM” AND ALL THE FIXINGS! lease take advantage of SCRIP when planning your shopping. SCRIP can be purchased Mondays from 8:15AM — 9:00AM and Fridays from 2:30PM — 3:30PM in the school cafeteria. You can also purchase SCRIP a er all masses on the week-end. Special Orders or large orders must be received by Monday @ 10:00AM to assure delivery by Friday. ♦ Wednesday November 26: Noon dismissal—Thanksgiving holiday begins No school Thursday, November 27 & Friday, November 28. ♦ Market Day: paper orders due to the school by November 25,2014, on-line orders due no later than November 29, 2014 11:00PM. Pick up date: December 5, 2014 3:00—3:30PM ♦ The 8th Grade class is sponsoring their Annual Poinse a Sale. Orders are due December 8, 2014. Delivery will be December 12 in the a ernoon. Order forms available in back of church, in the school or church office. Proceeds go towards the 8th grade class trip to Washington, DC in May. ♦ Breakfast with Santa: Saturday, December 13, 2014 9:00AM-11:00AM in the school cafeteria. $5.00 per person includes breakfast, photo frame cra , picture with Santa, gi from Santa and special reindeer treat. No Cantor Prac ce Thursday, November 27, 2014 Happy Thanksgiving PREP NEWS: Sunday, November 23, 2014 9:00AM-10:15AM Advent Family Gathering for children and their families. Advent Reflec ons, Prayers, Cra s, and Ideas to make and take and share. Great fellowship! NO CLASS: Sunday, November 30,2014 Thanksgiving Break The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, November 27 & Friday, November 28, 2014 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Seniors Day — Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Noon — 3:00PM in the Parish Center Bring your favorite card or board game, and a bag lunch. Enjoy an a ernoon of fun and Wish Tree Project Christmas 2014 The Wish Tree is now in the back of church with tags lis ng “wished for” and needed items for children of all ages. If you take a tag from the tree please purchase the indicated item(s), return the items unwrapped, with the tag securely a ached. Items need to be returned to the school or parish office by Friday, December 10, 2014. See back page for addi onal details. Super Bowl Board squares are available $50 each. . Contact Tom Fauls ck 304- 277-5255. S O O L J C ,K Monday, November 24, 2014 Rv 14: 1-3. 4b-5; Ps 24: 1b-4b, 5-6; Lk 21: 1-4 Tuesday, November 25, 2014 Rv 14: 14-19; Ps 96: 10-13; Lk 21: 5-11 Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Rv 15: 1-4; Ps 98: 1. 2-3b, 7-9; Lk 21: 12-19 Thursday, November 27, 2014 Sir 50: 22-24; 1 Cor 1: 3-9; Lk 17: 11-19 Friday, November 28, 2014 Rv 20: 1-4,11 – 21: 2; Ps 84: 3-6a, 8a; Lk 21: 29-33 Saturday, November 29, 2014 Rv 22: 1-7; Ps 95: 1-7b; Lk 21: 34-36 Sunday, November 30, 2014 Is 63: 16b-17,19b; 64: 2-7; Ps 80: 2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1: 3-9; Mk 13: 33-37 Last Week’s Collec ons November 16, 2014 Offertory Collec on: $ 5,342.00 Debt Reduc on: $ 224.00 Total $ 5,566.00 St. Vincent DePaul Society $ 60.00 Thank you for your generosity! Today’s Second Collec on will be the Collec on for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organiza ons that help people help themselves. Your contribu on will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Please give to the CCHD Collec on. Entered into Eternal Life: Janet Richardson Truax June 12, 1947- November 19, 2014 Wife of Terence Truax, Sr. Sister of Arlene (Howard) Shidock Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Weekly Sanctuary Candle An offering can now be made in memory of a deceased loved one. The Sanctuary Candle is the candle in the red and gold candle stand that is adjacent to the Tabernacle, which remains lit at all mes. Call or stop in the church office for more details, 304-277-2911. U N 23, 2014 10:30AM Monday, November 24 Funeral Mass for Janet Truax 8:30AM Tuesday, November 25 Mary Stopski 11:00AM Wednesday, November 26 Leona Thalman 9:00AM Thursday, November 27 For All Parishioners 8:30AM Friday, November 28 Louis Vidoni (B) 5:30PM Saturday, November 29 Mark Rohrig (B) & Frances Rohrig (A) 8:00AM Sunday, November 30 Anna Ledergerber 10:30AM Sunday, November 30 For All Parishioners Special Prayer Intentions Sarah Czapp, Irma DeCrease, Abby McGowan, Rudy Medovic, CJ Reinacher, Margie Quinn, Richard Rinschler, Norma Roth, Joseph Wavra, and John Vdovjak ♦ for our women and men and their families who serve in our military ♦ and all of those who are confined to home and nursing homes and on our prayer chain. Due to privacy concerns we cannot publish names of sick and/or hospitalized without the permission of the individual or their immediate family. To have someone placed on the prayer list please call the parish office. Names are leŌ on the list for 4 weeks unless we are otherwise noƟfied by the family. The Sanctuary Candle is burning this week in loving memory of: Bill Burke, Sr. Father Laurence Wrenn, who at mes celebrated Liturgy here at Corpus Chris in Monsignor Gene’s absence, has returned to his homeland of Ireland. If you would like to send him a card or le er, his address is: Father Laurence Wrenn 22 Monastery Close Templemore Rd. Thurles, County Tipperary, Ireland S O O L J Thursday, November 27, 201Altar S 9:00AM Mass Thanksgiving Smay,Austin Mills,Alexis Mills,Domenic C ,K Euch M McCormick,T. Downing,A. DePaulis,Joe Saturday, November 29, 201Altar S Euch M 5:30PM Mass Johnson,Kieron Pascoli,Sheila Loughery,ScottieMiller,L. Ernest,Patrick Whipkey,Mark N U Hosp Smay,C. Dailer,Tom Dailer,David Lector 1 Smay ,J. Lector 2 Dailer,Peggy Hosp Lector 1 Lector 2 Kowalik,EugeneProvenzano,F. Johnson,T. Kowalik,Walter Custer,D. Blatt,Connie Sunday, November 30, 2014 Altar S 8:00AM Mass needs filled Euch M Hosp Lector 1 McKitrick,Sarah Polsinelli,D. White,D. McGlumphy,JackiePolsinelli,A. Blake,Marla Monteleone,Teri Glatz,David Sunday, November 30, 2014 Altar S 10:30AM Mass Calvert,I. Calvert,A. Children's Liturgy Gadd, L C. Pangilinan Euch M Calvert,M. Edge,J. Edge,T. Lector 2 Wagner,Bill 23, 2014 Musician Breiding,D. Cantor Heagy, P. Musician Breiding,D. Cantor Evans,Rae Musician Breiding,D. Cantor Kime, Bernadette Hosp Lector 1 Lector 2 Musician Cantor Baker,S. Granato,Amy Gadd, E. Bailey,Sue Gadd,Lisa Graebe,Mary Jo If you are unable to fulfill your ministry please Pavlic,S. find a replacement minister. It is very important to have all posi ons filled! November 24 — November 28 Domenic Mills & Sco e Loughery 18th Street Volunteers November 29, 2014 Grove Calvert Kate Curran Jim & Jackie McGlumphy A en on Lectors: The 2015 Workbook for Lectors are available to pick up in the Church Sacristy. Lectors please make sure you stop by and pick up your copy. THE MASS INTENTION BOOK FOR 2015 IS NOW OPEN ! You may s ll make requests for Mass Inten ons for 2015, dates are s ll available! S pend payment must be made when the mass and/or candle is scheduled. Please mail your requests with payment to the Parish Office or stop in to schedule. No phone requests please! DECEMBER HAPPENINGS @ St. Joseph Retreat Center 137 Mount St. Joseph Road, Wheeling, West Virginia. DAN SCHUTTE: CONCERT AND WORKSHOP Experience an evening of song, prayer, and reflec on with Dan Schu e. Come meet, listen, pray, and learn from a composer who has shaped so much of the music used in Catholic liturgies over the past 30 -plus years. Dan Schu e’s meless composi ons include: Here I Am Lord; City of God; Sing a New Song; You Are Near; and many others. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience an in mate gathering with this well-known and loved composer. Limited sea ng is available. Co-Sponsored by the St. Joseph Retreat Center and the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, the following events will take place over a twoday weekend: The concert will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, December 5, 2014, in the Mount St. Joseph Chapel, 137 Mount St. Joseph Road in Wheeling, West Virginia. The cost is $15 for early registra on by November 24 and $20 at the door. Dan will also present a special workshop on Saturday, December 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. also in the Mount St. Joseph Chapel. The cost is $20 for individuals and $15 per parish choir members (minimum of 5 people per parish). All are welcome to a end both events! For more informa on and to purchase ckets, please contact Anna Marie Troiani at 304-232-8160, extension 112, or email [email protected]. S O O L J C ,K U N 23, 2014 Thanksgiving Table Prayer O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to us. Thank you for the blessings of the food we eat and especially for this feast today. Thank you for our home and family and friends, especially for the presence of those gathered here. Thank you for our health, our work and our play. Please send help to those who are hungry, alone, sick and suffering war and violence. Open our hearts to your love. We ask your blessing through Christ your son. Amen. Advent begins next Sunday! What are the key first steps to enter into Advent? We can all slow down. We can all breathe more deeply. We can all begin to trust that this will be a blessed me. Then, when we let ourselves be who we are, and hear the Scriptures, we can begin to quietly pray, “Come, Lord, Jesus.” We might expand that prayer, in quiet moments of our days ahead, “Come into my life. I trust you don’t mind if it is s ll messy. I believe you love me, because I need your love. I don’t fear you can’t find the way to my heart. Come and fill me with peace and the love only you can give.” Some of us will want to open our hands on our laps or hold up our arms in the privacy of our rooms and say out loud, “Come, Lord, Jesus, come into this house, into my family, into our struggles. Come and heal us, and give us join again. Come and unite us and let us experience, each in our own way, a bit of the joy you are offering me now.” And, before a single decora on goes up, we have prepared for Christmas’ message with the founda on of faith, with the mystery of Advent’s gi . God wants to be with us. Advent is le ng God’s will be done in our hearts and in our everyday lives. Resources for Entering Advent well: The “Praying Advent” website offers many helpful resources for individuals and families who want some help to begin the season of Advent and move through it well. There are a great variety of pages which will address the issues almost anyone is facing. In common sense language the site helps us pray through Advent as we may never have done before. In addi on, there is a Daily Prayer for each day of Advent, based upon the Collects of the New Roman Missal. Just Google “Praying Advent” to find the site on the Creighton U. Online Ministries web site. Altar Servers Richard Rinschler Hospitality Ministry Tracy Robson RCIA Linda Rinschler Knights of Columbus William Wagner St. Vincent de Paul Ebbie Schuetz Youth Ministry Trina Pissos Ladies Guild Jackie McGlumphy 304-277-2807 304-905-0588 304-277-2807 304-336-7177 304-277-3693 304-277-1220 304-277–5142 Good Neighbor Georgia Rudol 304-277-3961 PTG Mike Howard 304– 277-1220 Finance Council David Glatz 304-277-4668 School Café. Rental Tom & Peggy Dailer 304-277-2707 Athle c Director Kevin Heller, Jr. 304-277-4082 CCGS Boosters Ed Boudreau 304-277-2475 PTG ONE STOP SHOP & COOKIE SALE Join us in the Parish Center Saturday, December 13, 2014 9:00 — 1:00 Save your time and energy by purchasing your cookies at the PTG Cookie Sale! (Come early the cookies may run out!) Five Dozen for $20.00 One Stop Shop has tables available for vendors and crafters. Tables are $15. For more information contact: Trina Pissos 304-277-1220 or 304-639-6104 Have a cup of coffee as you choose your cookies! Check out the One Stop Shop for some great Christmas gifts! Some vendors include: Thirty-One, Tastefully Simple, Usborne Books, Origami Owl, Gold Canyon Candles and other crafters. O Come All Ye Faithful To the Ladies Guild CHRISTMAS PARTY! Enjoy Fine Food and Wonderful Conversation With fellow ladies of the parish. Turkey and Ham Dinner With all the “fixins” Sunday, December 14th, 2014 In the Parish Center at 2:00 $5 Gift Exchange White Elephant Raffle 50/50 Raffle Paid-up Membership — Free Non-Members — $10 Tickets will be sold after Mass in the back of Church (Nov. 8 – Nov. 30), can be purchased in the Parish Office or call Becky Gentle 304-905-8046 to make a reservation. Reservation Deadline is December 4th. Eighth Grade Poinse a Sale The 8th grade class is once again sponsoring the poinse a sale to support their Washington, DC class trip in May. All orders need to be turned in by Monday, December 8, 2014. Orders will be delivered to the school and will be ready for pick-up on Friday, December 12, 3:00-5:00. Order forms are available in the back of church, in the parish and school offices. Poinse a prices range from $7.00 - $30.00. Fresh pine wreaths, centerpieces and grave blankets are available to order also. Corpus Chris School will be selling Enjoy® Coupon Books again this year to benefit the general fund. Books are priced at $40 and will be on sale from October 6, 2014, through January 7, 2015. For more informa on, please contact Kelly at the Parish Office at (304) 277-2911. Friends of Corpus Chris : During the past 16 Christmas seasons, you have helped us bring the joy of Christmas to needy children in our community by par cipa ng in our Wish Tree Project. Last year we wrapped and delivered more than 200 gi s through the generous spirit of our school and parish community. Your generosity has helped make many Christmas wishes come true! Today we begin our 17th year with the Wish Tree Project 2014. The tree has been placed in the back of church with tags lis ng wished for and needed items for boys and girls. Please help by taking a tag, purchasing the item(s) and returning them by December 10. Items may be dropped off at the school or the parish office, (unwrapped please) and with the tag a ached. We will sort , wrap and deliver the gi s in me for Christmas. Please help make a child’s Christmas come true. Your generosity will enable us to touch the lives of others by providing them with a few special Christmas surprises. If for some reason you are unable to purchase the item, please call the number on the tag and let us know as soon as possible. Thank you ~ Sue Smith ~ The Wish Tree Project Coordinator Suppor ng our Local Community Assaros’ Garage LLC “Where 1 Call Since 1965 Does it All!” ASE Cer fied Master Technician Towing Automotive & Commercial Truck Repair LOU ASSARO TONY L. ASSARO 2200 WARWOOD AVE. WHEELING, WV 26003 Triveri Aluminum & Vinyl Inc. ROHRIG HEAVY EQUIPMENT 2222 Warwood Ave, Wheeling, WV 26003 304-277-2850 www.triverialuminum.com Saving Energy-Saving Money - Serving The Tri State Area Since 1959 Maintenance LLC Wheeling, WV Robert & Joseph Rohrig– Parishioners 304-277-3400 FAHEY INSURANCE AGENCY G. Michael Fahey, Agent 304-242-8840 1203 Mount DeChantal Rd. Wheeling, WV 26003 Na onwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies Na onwide Mutual Insurance Company Home Office: One Na onwide Plaza, Columbus, OH 43215-2220. THIS SPACE COULD BE RESERVED FOR YOUR BUSINESS AD! We are currently taking ad subscrip ons for the Corpus Chris Parish Bulle n. Please contact the Parish Office 304-277-2911 or e-mail cindy @corpuschris wheeling.org for affordable price quotes and informa on!
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