ELGHS DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, December 2, 2014 www.elgs.k12.wi.us TODAY, TUESDAY: NHS Mtg – Lunch (Room 414) FFA Giving Wreath Ornament Making – Lunch (AG Room) Boys’ Co-op Swimming @ West Bend East (AWAY) (6:00 pm) Boys’ BB @ Cedar Grove-Belgium (AWAY) (4:40 bus; 5:50 JV; 7:30 Varsity) Co-op Wrestling @ St. Lawrence Seminary (AWAY) (5:15 bus; 7:00 pm) WEDNESDAY: Student Council Mtg – Lunch (Room 402) THURSDAY: FCCLA Officers Mtg – Lunch (Room 403) Girls’ BB vs. Oostburg (HOME) (5:50 JV; 7:30 Varsity) (6:45 Pep Band) FRIDAY: All Staff Christmas Brunch (7:00 – 9:30 am)(Elem. Cafeteria) Freshmen Class Mtg – Lunch (Room 352) Wrestling Calendars and Money DUE Boys’ Co-op Swimming @ Oshkosh West Invite (AWAY) (6:00 pm) (combined w/ Plymouth) Boys’ BB vs. Kohler (HOME) (5:50 JV; 7:30 Varsity) (6:45 Pep Band) SATURDAY: Boys’ Co-op Swimming @ Plymouth Invite (AWAY) (Time TBD) (combined w/ Oshkosh West) Co-op Wrestling @ Kimberly (AWAY) (9:00 am) JV Girls’ BB vs. Kohler (HOME) (2:00 pm) SUNDAY: Football Banquet (Anchor Lanes)(6:00 dinner) ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION FFA MEMBERS!!! FRUIT AND CHEESE/SAUSAGE ORDERS WILL BE DELIVERED NEXT MONDAY, DECEMBER 8TH!!!! The PICK UP TIME WILL BE FROM 3:00 TO 4:00 ONLY!! Please make arrangements to pick up your orders in the AG. Room during this time. If you have any questions, please talk to Mrs. Beyer. Any FFA members wanting to help make ornaments for the CHRISTMAS GIVING WREATH should meet TODAY during LUNCH in the AG. room. BELL RINGERS NEEDED!! Any student that is interested in bell-ringing this holiday season should see the signup sheet in the office. This can count towards Community Service Hours. There are other open times available on the website: http://sheboyganwi.volunteerfirst.org. If you have any questions, please check out the website or with Mrs. Beyer. STUDENTS: If you would like to see a picture of you and your vehicle in the Yearbook on the “Students On The Move” page, contact one of the Yearbook staff or Mr. Yasko to set up a time. The most updated Kohl Fitness Center schedule has been posted. For a copy of the days and times the fitness center is open, please click on the Fitness Center link. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Brown at the high school. Reminder to FBLA MEMBERS to please pay your $11.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES in the office. SENIORS: Please turn in your SENIOR PICTURES and BABY PICTURES, as soon as possible!! You can email or give them to Hannah Jenny or Mr. Yasko. Senior Pictures were due to the Yearbook by Oct. 31st. Also, please remember to put your name on the back of your baby picture so it can be returned. FLOCK’ YOUR FRIEND’S LAWN TODAY! .... In exchange for a small donation of $20 to the ELGHS World Language Club, a surprise Pink Flamingo Flock will take roost in the lawn of a family member or friend for 48 hours! To place your “work order”, return a completed form along with your donation of $20 to the Elkhart LakeGlenbeulah High School office, Attn: Leslie Corbin. (forms are available both at the High school and Elementary/Middle schools or click the Pink Flamingo link to get yours TODAY!) (100% of the proceeds go the ELGHS World Language Club Costa Rica Spanish Language Immersion Trip – Summer 2015) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! UPCOMING DATES: - High School Choir & Band Winter Concert – Monday, Dec. 8th - ASVAB Test – Wednesday, Dec. 10th - Early Release – Wednesday, Dec. 10th - Elementary School (Grades 1st – 4th) Winter Concert – Thursday, Dec. 11th (Please pick up your poinsettia orders after the concert!) - Friday, Dec. 12th – High School students, please pick up your orders during/after the Girls’ Basketball game - Saturday, Dec. 13th – ACT Test BIRTHDAY WISHES!!! …… - -- - -- - -- - LUNCH MENU Monday – Friday: Bob & Scott’s Catering (a la Carte) (YES! Your Value Cards will work on Friday!) ~ ~ GUIDANCE OFFICE NOTES & COLLEGE/MILITARY VISITS ATTENTION SENIORS & JUNIORS! Would you like to credit and have some fun snorkeling in the Florida Keys? Then come and check out the upcoming informational session at UW-Fond du Lac! High school juniors and seniors can earn 3 college credits over the summer while snorkeling in the Florida Keys (July 15 - 21, 2015) or researching leatherback sea turtles in Costa Rica (May 27 – June 4, 2015). There is an info session TOMORROW NIGHT, Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in Room S-112, at UW-Fond du Lac. All seniors and juniors and their parents are welcome to come to the info session. More information can be found at: http://fdl.uwc.edu/community/continuing-ed/travel. FIRST® ROBOTICS COMPETITION – WHAT KIND OF ROBOT WILL YOU BUILD? Ever wanted to learn how to design, program, and build a full size robot? Ever wanted to learn Computer Aided Design? Or, have you ever wanted to come up with a marketing campaign and help to build a brand? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, and if you’re willing to commute to the Kiel High School, then we have the robotics team for you. The Lakeshore FIRST® Robotics Program, and Kiel High School have teamed up to start a FIRST Robotics Team that will be comprised of students from Kiel High School, Elkhart Lake High School, New Holstein High School, and homeschooled students from throughout the area. On January 3rd, 2015, we will receive the challenge via NASA Webcast for the 2015 season, and teams from around the world will have just 6 weeks to build a robot to complete that challenge. But you’re not alone, many professional engineers and teachers will be at your side to teach you the skills that you need to build a competitive robot. And if our team wins the Rookie All Star Award, then we’re headed to the world championship in St. Louis! To find out more and to join the new area robotics team, please attend the informational open house from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Thursday, December 4th at Kiel High School. It will be complete with several captains from area robotics teams (so that you can ask questions of students your own age), who will also be driving two robots playing last year’s game - Aerial Assist. We hope to see you on December 4th for a spot on this team that is so new we haven’t even named it yet. For more information on FIRST® please go to www.usfirst.org and for any questions, please see Mr. Ostermann, Mrs. Bunyea, or Mr. Brown. Students interested in taking the ASVAB TEST, should sign up on the Guidance Office door. The test will be held here on Dec. 10th. The ASVAB is a FREE test administered to students 16 years or older who are either interested in the military or who are uncertain about their future and want to take a test to discover more about careers that be fit for them. Please see Mrs. Bunyea for more information or just sign up and she will seek you out. Deadline to sign up is Wednesday, Dec. 10th. ATTENTION STUDENTS AGE 16 OR OLDER --- The Elkhart Lake Lions Club is searching for Lions International Youth Exchange participants. Two students, age 16 to 20, have the opportunity to see the world, or at least more of it. Please see Mrs. Bunyea, as soon as possible, to learn more about spending 2-4 weeks in a country of your choice. You would spend one to two weeks with a Lions Club family and up to two weeks at a Lions Club International Club with other teens from around the world. The Lions Club helps to pay for ½ the airfare (up to $700) and basic foods and housing are provided, so take advantage of this rare travel opportunity. Again, see Mrs. Bunyea, as soon as possible, if this sounds interesting to you. Names need to be submitted by Dec. 12th to move forward on opportunity, so talk to her now! SENIORS – Mrs. Bunyea has updated the collective scholarship list on her blog so please be sure to check out that list as soon as possible. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to apply for free money! JUNIORS AND SENIORS: Mrs. Bunyea is working on making sure that all students have a finalized 2nd semester schedule. Please check your Skyward account to view your Semester 2 schedule and see her in the next 2 weeks during your study hall if you do not have a full schedule. UPCOMING COLLEGE/MILITARY REPS: Please plan to come see the rep during their scheduled time here. Please talk to your teacher(s) ahead of time to let them know you will be missing class that day to see the rep! (forms to get out of class are located in the Guidance and high school offices) U.S. MARINES REP – TODAY @ LUNCH U.S. ARMY REP – TOMORROW, Wednesday, Dec. 3rd (Lunch) LAKESHORE TECHNICAL COLLEGE (LTC) – Monday, Dec. 8th (1:00 – 3:00) UW-OSHKOSH – Wednesday, Dec. 10th (8:44 am) - -- -- - - -- -- - ATHLETICS - GO RESORTERS! FOOTBALL BANQUET FORMS ARE DUE TO THE OFFICE TODAY! Payment of $15.00 per person will be collected at the banquet. GOOD LUCK to Andrés and the BOYS’ CO-OP SWIM TEAM as they travel to West Bend East TONIGHT and take on the Suns. The first race is at 6:00 pm! GOOD LUCK to the BOYS’ CO-OP WRESTLING TEAM as they travel to Mt. Calvary TONIGHT and take on the Hilltoppers of St. Lawrence Seminary High School for the first wrestling meet of the season! The bus will leave from the Middle School at 5:15 and the first match starts at 7:00 pm. GOOD LUCK to the BOYS’ BASKETBALL TEAMS as they travel to Cedar Grove-Belgium TONIGHT and take on the Rockets. The bus leaves at 4:40 pm; the J.V. game starts at 5:50; and the Varsity game will follow at 7:30. The H.S. WRESTLING TEAM is currently selling their FUNDRAISING CALENDARS through Dec 5th. For $15 you will have 57 chances to win great prizes such as $75 cash, Road America tickets, free pizza for 1 year from Anchor Lanes, and many more GREAT gift certificates and cash prizes. Please see a H.S. Wrestler to purchase your calendars or contact Coach Ward before the calendars are sold out. Thank you for supporting the wrestlers! ATTENTION ALL WINTER ATHLETES… THERE ARE STILL MANY ATHLETES WITH OUTSTANDING FEES AND UNRETURNED PAPERWORK!! All winter sports have now started – please make sure all athletic fees and paperwork are taken care of ASAP!! The TRAINER will be here TOMORROW (Wednesday) at Lunch. If you need to see her, please stop by the office. The SOFTBALL TEAM is currently selling INSULATED ELGHS TUMBLERS for $15.00 each. They make great stock stuffers! Get yours from your favorite softball player today! - -- -- - - -- -- - Holiday Fundraiser for Nick Schad – A classmate, teammate, & friend….. Nick Shad, a freshman at Kiel High School, is currently diagnosed with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia. There have been many complications since his diagnosis and he is currently hospitalized at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin-ICU. To show support for Nick and his family, McDonald’s in Kiel is donating 100% of all sales received during the fundraiser to the Schad family. In addition, a quilt, generously donated by the New Holstein Chapter, Daughters of Isabella, will be raffled off at the event. Where: McDonald’s, 1135 Service Road, Kiel; When: Saturday, December 6th, 2014; Time: 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM; Come join us as we all remain NickStrong! ~~~~ 2014 ELKHART LAKE GLENBEULAH EDUCATION FOUNDATION ANNUAL ORNAMENT SALE ON SALE NOW!! The 2014 Christmas ornament is now available for purchase at either the High School or Elementary/Middle School offices. Make a donation in the name of an individual or family in the amount of $20 and receive a boxed ornament that you can give to acknowledge the donation – or just purchase one for yourself! For an order form, please see click on the following link (2014 Annual Ornament) – forms will also be sent home with your student’s report card. Thank you for supporting the ELGEF!
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