EVERY SUNDAY Non-profit Org. US Postage Return Service Requested PAID Permit No. 257 Inside this issue: San Diego, CA Pastor’s Message 1 Birthdays 1 Calendar 4 Contacts 3 News & Events 2, 3 «Name» «Address» «City», «State» s ew N ber h m e t Dec er 15 r o mb ef e n i v l o d Dea iday, N Fr «Zip Code» MONDAY TUESDAY 10:00 Worship Service WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 AA 10:00 AM Knitting 10-Noon 2 Communion Sunday Seminar 8:45 AM Worship 10 AM Noon-2:00 Rehearsals 3 AA 11:30AM AA 5:30PM 4 Mary Martha Circle 11:30 at Bay Club Quarterdeck MOJO 7PM, Library 5 Alternative Worship 7PM, Library 6 Prayer 7AM 9:30 AM Lit., Library 6:30 PM Choir 7 AA 5:00 PM 8 AA 10:00 AM TalentToAmuse Theatre @ 7PM 9 Seminar 8:45 AM Worship 10 AM New Begin 11:30 AM KFC 9-1:00 Noon-2:00 Rehearsals TalentToAmuse 4PM 16 Seminar 8:45 AM Worship 10 AM KFC 9-Noon Noon—1:00 Rehearsals 10 AA 11:30AM AA 5:30PM 11 NB Group Leaders meet 7:00 PM in the library 12 Alternative Worship 7PM, Library 13 Prayer 7AM 9:30 AM Lit., Library 6:30 PM Choir 14 AA 5:00 PM 15 AA 10:00 AM 17 AA 11:30AM AA 5:30PM 18 Session 7PM, Library 19 Alternative Worship 7PM, Library 20 Prayer 7AM 9:30 AM Lit., Library 6:30 PM Choir 21 AA 5:00 PM 22 AA 10:00 AM 23 Seminar 8:45 Worship 10 KFC 9—1:00 Noon—2:00 Rehearsals 24 AA 11:30AM AA 5:30PM 25 26 Alternative Worship 7PM, Library 27 THANKSGIVING Prayer 7AM 9:30 AM Lit., Library 6:30 PM Choir 28 AA 5:00 PM Email Session Reports 30 Seminar 8:45 Worship 10 KFC 9—1:00 31 AA 11:30AM AA 5:30PM November Volume 10 Westminster News NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS PASTOR’S MESSAGE: “What’s the End Game?” Pat Shank 04 We have just one small group meeting left in our New Beginnings process— November 9. We have worked hard in our discussions as we have focused on ways of answering three major questions: Amanda Trompas 09 Paula Schmid 10 Carol Berridge 11 1. What can our congregation be best at given our context for ministry in this community? 2. What level of passion do we have for this ministry? and 3. What resources do we have to facilitate this ministry? Don Worley 17 Jerry Symanski 29 Kristin Hoadley 30 It’s important to review what will happen after the small group meetings have concluded in order that the whole congregation will know what to expect in terms of the decision-making process regarding future directions for Westminster. As soon as possible after November 9, the small group leadership team will meet to review the information revealed in each group’s discussions. They will evaluate that material to see if there is any growing sense of consensus among the groups, what conflict or resistance may have emerged, and what level of excitement/ worry there may be about the emerging possibilities. November Calendar SUNDAY 8:45 AM Adult Seminar Nonprofit Newsletter Published Monthly Westminster Presbyterian Church, San Diego www.westminstersd.org The leadership team will then design a process of decision-making based on the small groups’ discernment regarding future directions in mission for our church. The team will write a report with recommendations to be presented to session for its discussion, adoption, or revision (if necessary). After session’s review, a plan will be proposed at a congregational meeting for discussion and adoption. If the meeting reveals that further discernment processes are needed, we will proceed in that direction. If the plan is adopted by the congregation, session will follow up with design and implementation strategies to aid us in living into the decision. VOLUNTEER TO PROVIDE FLOWERS FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP We still need volunteers to provide fresh flowers for November 2 December 7 and 28 The flower chart is located on the wall in the foyer, please sign up this Sunday so that fresh flowers are included in our worship services. There remains for us a lot of work, prayer, and discernment of the Spirit’s guidance before we will be ready to make a decision about the shape our ministry will take in the future. Each person’s most considered and prayerful reflections will be needed. May we be able to feel God’s grace and to draw on our congregation’s historic boldness as we move ahead. WORSHIP IN NOVEMBER 29 AA 10:00 AM November 2 “Un-masking” Micah 3:5-12, Matthew 23:1-12 November 9 “Living Expectantly” Amos 5:18-24, Matthew 25:1-13 November 16 “The Whistle-blower” Matthew 25:14-30 November 23 “Fit for A King” Psalm 95:1-7a, Ephesians 1:15-23 November 30 “Restored” Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 CALENDAR OF NOVEMBER 2014 EVENTS Thanksgiving Proclamation Issued by President George Washington, at the request of Congress, on October 3, 1789 By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation. Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and—Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:” Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favor, able interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us. And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best. Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789. Geo. Washington WEDNESDAY EVENINGS at 7:00 PM ALTERNATIVE WORSHIP SERVICE Join us for Alternative Worship. Bring a snack to share, open mind and willingness to experiment with different ways of experiencing God through music, video clips, Bible study and discussion. Child Care Provided. MOM Annual Christmas Toy Drive Sunday October 12 - December 6 MOM needs unwrapped new toys for infants and children to 12 years of age. Please put your toy donations in the MOM basket in the sanctuary foyer. Contact Fred Gestra if you have any questions. Page 2 CALENDAR OF NOVEMBER 2014 EVENTS Playing at Westminster Theatre Talent To Amuse Presents BITTER BIERCE November 8th at 7:00 PM November 9th at 4:00 PM For tickets call: (619) 940-6813 Website: www.talenttoamuse.com/ Ambrose Bierce lived from 1842 to 1914. He was a pioneer in various genres of writing, fiercely opinionated in bitingly funny journalism and grimly realistic war stories. In addition to his journalistic work, his short stories are considered some of the best American literature. However he is best known for the biting social satire of his “Devil’s Dictionary,” written in 1911 and still quoted today. His writings are shaped by his life; he abandoned the wife he adored because he suspected her of infidelity. Both of his sons died early, one committed murder then suicide; the other, an alcoholic, froze to death. Bierce was at Shiloh during the Civil War, an experience that changed his life. Bierce disappeared without a trace while covering the war in Mexico. “Bitter Bierce,” is a 90 minute oneman play created by Mac Wellman. HELP Fund A New Sound System Purchase “Spokes on A Wheel” David Brauner is donating half the proceeds from this new CD toward a new church sound system. Purchases may be made in the Church Office; CDs are $10.00 and that results in a $5.00 contribution to our new sound system. Enjoy fantastic music and a great message while improving our Sunday sound system! You can visit David's website for more information; www.christianfaithmusic.com. Westminster News LAST NEW BEGINNINGS SESSION NOV. 9th Contact Information 11:30 AM in the theatre lobby Bring a dish to share As we embark on this last New Beginnings Session it’s time to get a good sense of how you see the future. Does our vision meet needs of our community? How can the things Westminster Presbyterian is best at serve this community? What strategies do we need to develop for moving forward? What are the reasons to support our strategy? What barriers must Westminster overcome to achieve our vision? Share your thoughts with your small group at this last session. 2014 VANGUARD FALL YOUTH SHOWS Murder at Brantley Manor & You Can’t Cancel Christmas: The Musical Saturday, December 6th, 4 PM Sunday, December 7th, 2 PM For more information or to purchase tickets call Westminster Theatre Box Office at: 619-224-6263 MOJO is the name for the Westminster men’s fellowship. This group meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Library. The teaching format encourages sharing and open conversation. Currently MOJO is studying and discussing Joan Chittister’s book, The Gift of Years. Beginning in December we will be watching a film version of the lives of Peter and Paul. If you enjoy lively and thoughtful dialogue, this group is for you. Pastor, Dr. Tony Wolfe 619-223-3193 Clerk, Marilyn Thoman 619-208-7872 Dir. Music, Pam Monroe 619-216-8679 Youth, Clark Lampard 858-292-4557 Treasurer, Robyn Owens 619-223-1307 Website, Shawn Sickler 619-223.3193 Office, Suzanne Carlson 619-223-3193 Vanguard, Cindy Ryan 619-223-4702 Vanguard Box Office 619-224-6263 Peace & Justice, Jean Willson 619-223-3193 Christian Education, Don Gullans 619-223-3193 Members, Carol Berridge 619-223-3193 Mission, Bill Hodgkiss 619-226-2799 Outreach, Todd Shinohara 619-223-3193 Worship, Don Worley 619-226-3193 Property, Jon Schmid 619-223-3193 Hospitality, JoAnn Landis 619-224-4985 Stewardship, Jerry Monroe 619-216-8180 Deacons, Tom Haine 619-223-3193 Preschool, Deb Batchman 619-224-7403 Prayer Shawl Knitters Westminster Presbyterian Preschool November Events: Preschool Closed for Veteran Day, Tuesday, November 11 Parent/Teacher Conferences, November 17-20 Thanksgiving Day Feasts, November 14 & 25 Preschool Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays, November 26-28 SUNDAYS @ 8:45 AM ADULT SEMINAR Pastor Tony Wolfe leads the early morning Sunday Adult Seminar. The class is working through the DVD series, Reformation Roots. During the month of November the group will begin a new study. All who are interested in exploring the word of God are welcome to participate in this study and discussion group. November 2014 MARY MARTHA CIRCLE Tuesday, November 4th 11:30 AM RSVP: Deb Mitchell at [email protected] Saturday, November 1 10:00 to Noon at Mary Harris’ home WPC Prayer Shawl knitters meet the first Saturday of each month to create shawls of comfort for those in need. Our Deacons pray over each shawl before it is given. Did you know that According to “Knitting & Crocheting Are Hot!” (February 2012), the number of women knitters in the U.S. ages 25–35 increased nearly 150% between 2002 and 2004? Time to Knit! Our Prayer Shawl Knitters will teach willing learners to knit. To learn more about how to participate in our Prayer Shawl Ministry Contact: [email protected] Page 3
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