2015 Marketing Guide Showcase your products and services to leading professionals in the building industry Build a customized marketing plan with this complete guide to BRAGB sponsorships, events and activities. Table of Contents Page Message from BRAGB’s CEO....................................3 BRAGB 2015 Wall Calendar.....................................4 Economic Forecast Event........................................5 Casino Night Event...................................................6 Annual Member Banquet.........................................7 Monthly Member Meetings......................................8 Member Showroom/Facility Events...........................9 Education Programs...............................................10 Annual Golf Tournament........................................11 Annual Ski / Snowboard Outing..............................12 PRISM Awards Gala................................................13 New Member Sponsor............................................14 Student Chapter Sponsorship.................................15 Fast Pitch Program.................................................16 Website Sponsorship..............................................17 If you have any questions, please contact Lorraine DeVaux Tel: 781-890-2101 Email: [email protected] www.bragb.org Website Directory Listings.......................................18 Sponsorship Checklist............................................19 BRAGB Strategic Partners........................................21 Sponsorship Order Form.........................................22 Page 2 Message from BRAGB’s CEO Let’s Make 2015 the Best Year Yet! Where would you like to take your marketing efforts in 2015? Are you looking to target home builders? Remodelers? Small business owners? Would you like to be present at large formal events such as the Economic Forecast Event or the PRISM Awards? Do you prefer to network in a more casual setting, such as our golf tournament or ski outing? We offer sponsorships to fit any budget! This Marketing Guide will serve as your road map on how to add value to your membership, build relationships, and generate recognition for your company in front of your industry peers. BRAGB provides members, sponsors, and partners an abundance of ways to achieve professional development and recognition. Lorraine DeVaux, CMP, MIRM, CSP Chief Executive Officer BRAGB The sheer number of events and opportunities we offer can be overwhelming, so we have produced this guide to help you plan your involvement for the coming year in advance. All opportunities featured are accompanied by descriptions to give you a better idea of what the event is all about and who will participate. The BRAGB Marketing Guide highlights the majority of events produced throughout the course of the year, but additional opportunities may be available as well. We encourage you to contact us for any additional information. Getting the most from your membership also means getting involved. We invite you to consider joining a committee or council that will lead you to that pivotal next step of building relationships and achieving potential leadership positions at the local, state and national levels. Look for more information on our website - www.bragb.org. We appreciate you looking to BRAGB as a partner in your marketing efforts. We hope that you look to the coming year with as much anticipation as we do! If you have questions regarding an opportunity published in this guide, please contact me at (781) 890-2101 or [email protected]. Look for EXCLUSIVE Sponsorships! Look for this symbol µ throughout this Marketing Guide for our Exclusive Sponsorships which are available to only one member per item. This level of sponsorship offers an even greater level of promotion and recognition. Page 3 BRAGB 2016 Wall Calendar Be among the first to sign up to be featured in BRAGB’s Inaugural Wall Calendar! This high-quality calendar will provide your company with month-long exposure on hundreds of walls throughout the greater Boston area and beyond! Each month of this 12x12” BRAGB calendar will feature one member project as the Feature/Showcase and one advertiser. DATE: Full-year wall calendar AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: 500-1000 industry professionals in the Greater Boston area Front Cover (exclusive) $750 q Will be seen by every recipient as they open the mailing envelope. Will also be used as the thumbnail image for online version. Same specifications as the Project of the Month below. Project of the Month (1 per month) $500* q One high-resolution (minimum 10x8” at 300 dpi) photo in horizontal (landscape) format, showcasing the member’s product/project. q High-resolution logo (preferably in vector format such as .AI or .EPS, however high resolution .JPG is acceptable.) q Contact Phone Number and website address q Brief company description (35-40 words maximum) q Any member may participate in this category if photo is appropriate for overall theme of calendar. Sponsor of the Month (1 per month) $250* q High-resolution logo (preferably in vector format such as .AI or .EPS, however high resolution .JPG is acceptable.) q Contact Phone Number and website Address q Brief company description (45-60 words maximum) q Any BRAGB member may participate in this category. Must be current BRAGB members in good standing and be able to provide the required items outlined below by the deadline provided. Spots will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Members may not request which other company or project is featured in their same month. In order to maintain the high quality of the Calendar, no lowresolution photographs or logos will be accepted. Mockups shown are for demonstration purposes only and layout is subject to change in the final calendar version. Page 4 Economic Forecast Event Annual member meetings provide an opportunity to target the entire membership, discuss industry concerns, garner new ideas and reconnect with colleagues. The Economic Forecast features a renowned market analyst and provides a glimpse into the strength of the building industry for the coming year. Often, additional presenters are included to provide updates on Government Affairs, NAHB happenings, and more. DATE: January 2015 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: 150 BRAGB Members and Non-Members Presenting Sponsor (exclusive) - $3,000 Event Sponsor (limit 2) - $1,000 q Table for ten (10) with preferred seating (if applicable) q Table for ten (10) (if applicable) q One company representative to sit at head table (if applicable) q 2-3 minute speaking opportunity during event q One 6’ tabletop in venue lobby q Logo on all promotional materials, signage and PowerPoint at event q One 6’ tabletop in venue lobby Tabletop Sponsor (limit 6) - $500 q Logo on all promotional materials, signage and PowerPoint at event q One 6’ tabletop in lobby of venue q BRAGB Membership for one year q Logo on all promotional materials, signage and PowerPoint at event Program Sponsor (limit 2) - $2,000 q Table for ten (10) with preferred seating (if applicable) q One company representative to sit at head table (if applicable) q One 6’ tabletop in venue lobby q Logo on all promotional materials, signage and PowerPoint at event q BRAGB Membership for one year Page 5 Casino Night Event BRAGB members work hard, and they like to play hard as well. This event is a chance to do both! Hosted at a member showroom, this event is a perfect mix of networking and entertainment. Guests are welcome to enjoy delicious foods and beverages, play all kinds of popular casino games, and meander throughout the showroom while networking with others. DATE: February 2015 ANTICIPATED ATTENDANCE: 75-150 BRAGB Members and Non-Members Jackpot Sponsor (exclusive) - $3,000 Royal Flush Sponsor (limit 4) - $1,000 q Logo on all promotional materials, signage at event q Logo on all promotional materials, signage at event q BRAGB Membership for one year q BRAGB Membership for one year q Six tickets to the event q Two tickets to the event High Roller Sponsor (limit 2) - $2,000 Table Sponsor - $500 q Logo on all promotional materials, signage at event q Logo on all promotional materials, table signage at event q BRAGB Membership for one year q Four tickets to the event Ante Up Sponsor - $250 q Logo on all promotional materials, signage at event Page 6 Annual Member Banquet BRAGB’s Annual Member Banquet is a well-attended event that is so much more than an membership dinner. We celebrate the accomplishments of outstanding members of the year, say goodbye to our outgoing President and other Board Members whose term is ending, and we welcome our incoming elected officers. This event provides members a perfect opportunity for networking with peers and Association leadership. DATE: November 2015 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: 175-200 BRAGB Members and Guests Presenting Sponsor (exclusive) - $3,000 Event Sponsor (limit 2) - $1,000 q Table for ten (10) with preferred seating (if applicable) q Table for ten (10) (if applicable) q One company representative to sit at head table (if applicable) q 2-3 minute speaking opportunity during luncheon q One 6’ tabletop in venue lobby q Logo on all promotional materials, signage and PowerPoint at event q One 6’ tabletop in venue lobby Tabletop Sponsor (limit 6) - $500 q Logo on all promotional materials, signage and PowerPoint at event q One 6’ tabletop in lobby of venue q BRAGB Membership for one year q Logo on all promotional materials, signage and PowerPoint at event Program Sponsor (limit 2) - $2,000 q Table for ten (10) with preferred seating (if applicable) q One company representative to sit at head table (if applicable) q One 6’ tabletop in venue lobby q Logo on all promotional materials, signage and PowerPoint at event q BRAGB Membership for one year Page 7 Monthly Member Meetings This monthly meeting is an informal gathering of members to hear about BRAGB news and happenings, to network with peers, to discuss topic areas of interest/concern, and relax among friends and colleagues. Preceded each month by a New Member Orientation (which is a separate sponsorship - see page 18 for more details). DATE: Third Wednesday of Each Month AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: 40-75 BRAGB Members, potential members and guests Presenting Sponsor (exclusive - one sponsor per month) - $500 q 2-3 minute speaking opportunity q Tabletop display at event q Guest tickets to event q Logo on all marketing collateral and advertising including BRAGB website and event calendar Page 8 Member Showroom/Facility Events BRAGB encourages members to host a gathering at their facility or showroom. This is a tremendous opportunity to introduce your products and services to a new audience right in your own setting. Networking events can be breakfasts, lunches, cocktail hours, open houses, or any number of other formats. Hosting is for BRAGB members only (non-members are welcome to host events, but must also enroll in membership). DATE: BRAGB offers a maximum of two networking events at Member facilities per month AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: 35-70 Industry Professionals, BRAGB Members and Non-Members Member Showroom/Facility Networking Event - $150* q Recognition on the BRAGB website q Recognition on e-mail invitations and reminders to members q Distribution of flyers at monthly meetings and networking events prior to your hosted event q An opportunity to present a brief overview (approximately five minutes) of the products and/or services you offer and display your marketing materials Non-Member Showroom/Facility Networking Event - $800* For those who are not current BRAGB members. This sponsorship includes a one-year BRAGB membership. q Recognition on the BRAGB website q Recognition on e-mail invitations and reminders to members q Distribution of flyers at monthly meetings and networking events prior to your hosted event q An opportunity to present a brief overview (approximately five minutes) of the products and/or services you offer and display your marketing materials *Event Sponsors agree to provide refreshments for all attendees appropriate for time of day of event (i.e., breakfast, hors d’oeuvres, etc.). BRAGB will construct a 1-page invitational flyer to your networking event, for print and online distribution. Sponsor is welcome to present an overview If the event venue and scope supports such a presentation. This will be at the discretion of BRAGB in conjunction with the event sponsor. Page 9 Education Programs BRAGB offers a variety of educational opportunities for members, non-members, industry professionals and the public at large, including Continuing Education Program for the Construction Supervisors License, Builders Licensing Preparation Course, code updates, workplace safety seminars and much more. DATE: Ongoing DATE: AVERAGE Year-round AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: Classes rangeBRAGB in size from 10 toand 100+Non-Members ATTENDANCE: 35-70 Industry Professionals, Members Builders Licensing Course Sponsor (Exclusive per course) - $400 The course runs for seven weeks, one night a week from 7 to 10 p.m. q 2-3 minute speaking opportunity to address attendees at start of seminar q Sponsor recognition in promotion for course, including website, social media and print advertising q Company logo displayed on signage at the event q 6’ tabletop display at the event, if desired Continuing Education Program Sponsor (Exclusive per course) - $400 Students earn 12 CEUs for the Construction Supervisors License. Program consists of two full days of courses. q 2-3 minute speaking opportunity to address attendees at start of seminar q Sponsor recognition in promotion for course, including website, social media and print advertising q Company logo displayed on signage at the event q 6’ tabletop display at the event, if desired Educational Program - Call for information BRAGB periodically offers educational seminars, courses, Breakfast with the Experts sessions, and lunch-and-learn programs. Contact us for information about sponsorship opportunities for any upcoming programs. Page 10 br 2015 L N F Annual Golf Tournament E GO T 2015 agb TO URNA M BRAGB’s annual golf tournament is one of our most popular social events. With more than 100 avid golfers, customers, friends, and volunteers participating, your sponsorship will be visible throughout the entire day of the event. Tournament is organized as a four-person scramble, with awards presented to the top teams. The day is capped off with a 19th Hole get-together followed by a buffet dinner, silent auction and more! DATE: June 2015 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: 100 Golfers + 25 Additional Dinner Participants Premier Event Sponsor (exclusive) $3,000 Hole-in-One Sponsor (exclusive) - $900 q Recognized as Premier Event Sponsor in all event collateral and marketing materials q Includes Insurance for $15,000 Hole-in-One prize q Logo and recognition on banner displayed at clubhouse and dinner event q Foursome for golf q 2-3 minute speaking opportunity at the dinner event Dinner Sponsor (exclusive) - $2,000 q Recognized as Dinner Sponsor in all event collateral and marketing materials q Logo and recognition on banner displayed at clubhouse and dinner event q Foursome for golf q Two company reps plus signage at hole 19th Hole Sponsor (exclusive) - $750 q Company name or logo on drink tickets and bar sign Longest Drive (limit 2) - $350 q Recognition on signage at event Closest to the Pin (exclusive) - $350 q Recognition on signage at event Individual Holes (no limit) - $250 Lunch Sponsor (exclusive) - $1,250 q One company representative and signage at hole q Recognized as Lunch Sponsor in all event collateral and marketing materials Reusable Sports Bottle (exclusive) - $500 q Logo and recognition on banner displayed at clubhouse q Company logo on reusable bottle given to all golfers q Twosome for golf Hat/Visor Sponsor (exclusive) - $1,000 q Company logo or name on hat or visor given to every attendee Page 11 Annual Ski / Snowboard Outing The BRAGB Ski and Snowboard Outing is one of the year’s most popular events. Attended by members, non-members and guests, this event is a fun and casual way to build relationships with other members, spend time with friends, engage in some healthy competition, and enjoy the fresh air. DATE: March 2015 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: 100 Skiers/Snowboarders + 25 Additional Dinner Participants Premier Event Sponsor (exclusive) $3,000 Slalom Sponsor (limit 6) - $1,000 q Recognized as Premier Event Sponsor in all event collateral and marketing materials q Four ski or snowboard passes q Logo and recognition on banner displayed at clubhouse and dinner event q Four ski or snowboard passes q Speaking opportunity at the dinner event Dinner Sponsor (exclusive) - $2,000 q Recognition on signage at event in all event collateral and marketing materials Downhill Sponsor (limit 6) - $500 q Two ski or snowboard passes q Recognition on signage at event in all event collateral and marketing materials q 2-3 minutes to speak at dinner q Two ski or snowboard passes q Recognition on signage at event and in all event collateral and marketing materials Lunch Sponsor (exclusive) - $1,250 q Recognized as Lunch Sponsor in all event collateral and marketing materials q Logo and recognition on banner displayed at event q Two ski or snowboard passes Page 12 PRISM Awards Gala BRAGB’s Flagship Event! The PRISM Awards recognize the finest projects and outstanding achievements of builders, developers, project owners, architects, land planners, marketing/advertising firms, interior designers, remodelers, and other professionals in the home building industry. The gala is a formal event at which the awards are presented in dozens of categories. This is a high-profile event which receives a great deal of press and promotion. DATE: October 2015 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: 350 Industry Professionals, BRAGB Members and Non-Members Presenting Sponsor (exclusive) - $10,000 Emerald Sponsor - $2,500 q One BRAGB Membership for one year q Logo in all marketing materials, press, website, event signage and social media as an Emerald sponsor q Logo in all marketing materials, press, website, event signage and social media as a Presenting Sponsor q On-stage acknowledgment by host/emcee q Quarter-page color advertisement in the Program Book given to all attendees q 2-3 minute speaking opportunity at Gala q 3 tickets to the Gala q Tabletop display at venue lobby q Full-page inside front cover advertisement in the Program Book given to all attendees Gold Sponsor - $1,500 q 8 tickets to the Gala q Logo in all marketing materials, press, website, event signage and social media as a Gold sponsor Platinum Sponsor (limit 2) - $7,500 q Business-card sized color advertisement in the Program Book given to all attendees q One BRAGB Membership for one year q 2 tickets to the Gala q Logo in all marketing materials, press, website, event signage and social media as a Platinum sponsor Category Sponsor (1 per category) - $500 q On-stage acknowledgment by host/emcee q Full-page color advertisement in the Program Book given to all attendees q Logo in all marketing materials, press, website, event signage and social media as a the exclusive sponsor per category q 6 tickets to the Gala q Color logo in the Program Book given to all attendees Diamond Sponsor - $5,000 Silver Sponsor - $250 q Logo in all marketing materials, press, website, event signage and social media as a Diamond sponsor q Name in all marketing materials, press, website, event signage and social media as a Bronze sponsor q Half-page color advertisement in the Program Book given to all attendees q Company name in Program Book given to attendees q 4 tickets to the Gala Page 13 New Member Sponsor Be the first company that welcomes every new BRAGB member! Your logo will go on the welcome packet which is given to every new BRAGB member upon enrollment. Also available is the opportunity to present at the New Member Orientation held prior to the monthly BRAGB meetings. This is a high-profile sponsorship which will allow you to create a memory point with new members as the first fellow member to greet them. DATE: Third Wednesday of every month AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: Varies: new BRAGB members who join the month prior Welcome to BRAGB Presenting Sponsor (exclusive for 1-year) $5,000 q One BRAGB membership for one year q Opportunity for a 2-3 minute introduction of your company at the New Member Orientation held prior to the monthly member meetings q Opportunity to include a 1-page flyer about your organization in each new member welcome packet q Recognition on signage at the New Member Orientation (monthly, prior to the member meeting) q Recognition on welcome packet sent to every new member q Recognition on the BRAGB website Welcome to BRAGB Sponsor(limit 6) $2,500 q Recognition on signage at the New Member Orientation q Recognition in welcome packet sent to every new member q Recognition on the BRAGB website Page 14 Student Chapter Sponsorship BRAGB’s Student Chapter works to mentor high school and college students interested in pursuing careers in the building industry. Students have the opportunity to compete against other Chapters nationwide at the International Builders Show. In addition to being a great community benefit for your organization, this sponsorship would expose your company’s products and services to the future professionals in this industry. DATE: Ongoing AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: varies, depending on the number of students in the chapter Student Chapter Presenting Sponsor (exclusive) $3,500 q Includes one BRAGB membership for one year q Opportunity for a 2-minute introduction of your company at Student chapter meetings q Recognition on signage at student chapter meetings and in all marketing materials q Recognition on the BRAGB website q Recognition as the Student Chapter Presenting Sponsor should the chapter participate in the National Competition Student Chapter Sponsor (limit 6) $1,500 q Recognition on signage at student chapter meetings and in all marketing materials q Recognition as a student chapter sponsor should the chapter participate in the National Competition q Recognition on the BRAGB website Page 15 Fast Pitch Fast Pitch Program The Fast Pitch Program gets its inspiration from the concept of speed dating. 10-12 Associate Members/Vendors will have stations around the room, and every few minutes, 10-12 builders will rotate stations. In the world of cold calling and awkward introductions, this event is a refreshing opportunity for a vendor, supplier, or other Associate Member to have one-on-one face time with up to 12 builders. For the Builder Member, this is a wonderful (free) opportunity to learn about new products and services in an organized, timely fashion. DATE: April 2015 at Metropolitan Cabinets & Countertops - Norwood, MA DATE: AVERAGE Year-round AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: Classes range in 10-12 size from 10 to 100+ ATTENDANCE: 10-12 Associate Members and Builder/Remodeler Members This event is for MEMBERS only, so non-members must join the Association to participate. Once we have 12 commitments, we will start a wait-list for the next event. Those that don’t pay for their slots by the deadline established will be replaced by those on the wait list in the order they committed. Associate Member (vendor, supplier, service provider, etc.) - $750 q Limited to a maximum of 12 Associates on a first-come, first-served basis q Only one Associate per service line (ie, one lumber supplier, one window vendor, one financial institution, etc.)* q 7-minute one-on-one face time with 10-12 Builders/Remodelers q 6’ table top for displays, giveaways, handouts, samples, brochures, etc. q Company logo displayed on all marketing materials for the event and signage at the event Associate Non-Member (vendor, supplier, service provider, etc.) - $1,300 q Includes all of the Associate Member benefits q One BRAGB membership for one year (at a discounted price of $550) Builder/Remodeler Member - FREE q In less than two hours, learn about 10-12 new products and services in a fast-paced, timely structure q Refreshments provided (breakfast, lunch, or hors d’oeuvres, TBD based on date of event) Page 16 Website Sponsorship The BRAGB website receives nearly 8,000 visits each month! Members, industry professionals and the general public alike all turn to the Member Directory to find the products and services they use to get the job done each day. For enhanced exposure, there are a variety of advertising options available, from premium banners to budget-friendly featured listings. All website advertising, sponsorship and enhancements are available to BRAGB members only. DATE: Ongoing AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: nearly 8,000 unique visitors each month LEADERBOARD - 960 pixels wide x 90 pixels high (Run of site, top of all pages, all sections) Month-to-Month $300 Three months $870 (3 months @ $290) Six months $1,680 (6 months @ $280) Nine months $2,430 (9 months @ $270) Twelve months $3,120 (12 months @ $260) Includes monthly analytics report RECTANGLE - 300 pixels wide x 250 pixels high (Run of site, top of all pages, all sections) Month-to-Month $150 Three months $435 (3 months @ $145) Six months $810 (6 months @ $135) Nine months $1,170 (9 months @ $130) Twelve months $1,500 (12 months @ $125) Includes monthly analytics report Member-to-Member Benefit Opportunity to extend a members-only special or incentive. Month-to-Month $75 Three months $210 (3 months @ $70) Six months $390 (6 months @ $65) Nine months $540 (9 months @ $60) Twelve months $660 (12 months @ $55) Page 17 Website Directory Listings The BRAGB website receives nearly 8,000 visits each month! Members, industry professionals and the general public alike all turn to the Member Directory to find the products and services they use to get the job done each day. For enhanced exposure, there are a variety of advertising options available, from premium banners to budget-friendly featured listings. All website advertising, sponsorship and enhancements are available to BRAGB members only. DATE: Ongoing AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: 8,000 unique visitors each month All member listings (Directory Listing Level 1) include company name, address, phone number and website. Enhance your listing to further explain your products and services and make your company stand out. The fees listed below are one-time fees. Listings will remain with the settings chosen for as long as the membership remains active. Enhanced Listing (Level 2) - $50 Enhanced Listing (Level 5) - $150 q Company name, address, phone number and website address qCompany name, address, phone number and website address q Main contact person’s name and email address q “BRAGB Member Since” information qMain contact person’s name and email address q“BRAGB Member Since” information qCompany Logo Enhanced Listing (Level 3) - $75 qCompany name, address, phone number and website address qShort company description qLong company description qSocial Media icons and direct links qMain contact person’s name and email address qOpportunity to add coupons q“BRAGB Member Since” information qLocation map qCompany Logo qPhoto on Directory page qShort company description qCustomize background color, header color and font size q Company Details page (customizable web page for additional company information, photos, and more) Enhanced Listing (Level 4) - $125 qCompany name, address, phone number and website address qMain contact person’s name and email address q“BRAGB Member Since” information qCompany Logo qShort company description qLong company description qSocial Media icons and direct links Page 18 Sponsorship Checklist To register for any of the programs/opportunities in this Marketing Guide, check off the options that interest you, and return this form to BRAGB. Some sponsorships are limited; number in parenthesis denotes number of sponsorships available. First-come, first-served. Visit event pages for complete sponsor descriptions. This form may be used to make all of your sponsorship selections for the year in advance. Or you may copy it to use over and over throughout the year. In order to receive benefits listed, all event sponsorships must be paid in full prior to the scheduled event. Exclusive sponsorships require a 50% deposit, and require 60 days notice for cancellation. Please allow 48 hours for BRAGB staff to confirm availability of limited sponsorships. All dates/sponsorships printed in this guide are subject to availability and change. Visit www.bragb.org/about-bragb/sponsorship.html. Pg. 4 Member Showroom/Facility Events Pg. 9 q Front Cover.............................(exclusive)................ $750 q Host an Event (member)......................................... $150 q Project of the Month................(limit 12)................. $500 q Host an Event (non-member - incl. membership).... $800 BRAGB Wall Calendar q Sponsor of the Month..............(limit 12)................. $250 Education Programs Economic Forecast Event Pg. 10 Pg. 5 q BLC Course Sponsor...... (exclusive - 1/course)........ $400 q Presenting Sponsor.................(exclusive)............. $3,000 q CEU Course Sponsor..... (exclusive - 1/course)........ $400 q Program Sponsor......................(limit 2)............... $2,000 q Event Sponsor..........................(limit 2)............... $1,000 Golf Tournament Pg. 11 q Tabletop Sponsor.....................(limit 6).................. $500 q Premier Event Sponsor...........(exclusive)............. $3,000 q Dinner Sponsor.......................(exclusive)............. $2,000 Casino Night Event Pg. 6 q Lunch Sponsor........................(exclusive)............. $1,250 q Jackpot Sponsor.....................(exclusive)............. $3,000 q Hat/Visor Sponsor...................(exclusive)............. $1,000 q High Roller Sponsor .................(limit 2)............... $2,000 q Royal Flush Sponsor.................(limit 4)............... $1,000 q Table Sponsor......................................................... $500 q Media Sponsor.......................(exclusive)............... SOLD q Hole-in-One Sponsor..............(exclusive)............... SOLD q 19th Hole Sponsor...................(exclusive)................ $750 q Ante Up Sponsor.................................................... $250 q Sports Bottle Sponsor.............(exclusive)................ $500 Annual Member Banquet q Longest Drive Sponsor.............(limit 2).................. $350 Pg. 7 q Presenting Sponsor.................(exclusive)............. $3,000 q Program Sponsor......................(limit 2)............... $2,000 q Event Sponsor..........................(limit 2)............... $1,000 q Closest to the Pin....................(exclusive)................ $350 q Individual Hole Sponsor..........(no limit)................. $250 Ski/Snowboard Outing Pg. 12 q Tabletop Sponsor.....................(6 limit).................. $500 q Premier Event Sponsor...........(exclusive)............. $3,000 Monthly Member Meetings q Lunch Sponsor........................(exclusive)............. $1,250 Pg. 8 q Presenting Sponsor........ (exclusive - 1/month)........ $750 Items with this symbol include a one-year BRAGB membership TOTAL THIS COLUMN $ q Dinner Sponsor.......................(exclusive)............. $2,000 q Slalom Sponsor.........................(limit 6).................. $500 q Downhill Sponsor......................(limit 6).................. $500 TOTAL THIS COLUMN $ Sponsorship Checklist PRISM Awards Gala Pg. 13 Website Sponsorships Pg. 17 q Presenting Sponsor ................(exclusive)........... $10,000 q Leaderboard - one month...................................... $300 q Platinum Sponsor......................(limit 2)............... $7,500 q Leaderboard - three months................................... $870 q Diamond Sponsor....................(no limit).............. $5,000 q Leaderboard - six months.................................... $1,680 q Emerald Sponsor.....................(no limit).............. $2,500 q Leaderboard - nine months................................. $2,430 q Gold Sponsor ..........................(no limit).............. $1,500 q Leaderboard - twelve months.............................. $3,120 q Category Sponsor........(exclusive per category)..... $500 q Rectangle - one month........................................... $150 q Silver Sponsor .........................(no limit)................. $250 q Rectangle - three months....................................... $435 New Member Sponsor q Rectangle - six months............................................ $810 Pg. 14 q Rectangle - nine months...................................... $1,170 q Presenting Sponsor.................(exclusive)............. $5,000 q Rectangle - twelve months.................................. $1,500 q Welcome Sponsor................... (limit 6)............... $2,500 q Member-to-Member benefit - one month................ $75 Student Chapter Sponsor q Member-to-Member benefit - three months.......... $210 Pg. 15 q Presenting Sponsor.................(exclusive)............. $3,500 q Student Chapter Sponsor.........(limit 6)............... $1,300 Fast Pitch Event Pg. 16 q Associate Member...................(limit 12)................. $750 q Associate Non-Member...........(limit 12).............. $1,300 q Member-to-Member benefit - six months.............. $390 q Member-to-Member benefit - nine months........... $540 q Member-to-Member benefit - twelve months........ $660 Website Directory Listings Pg. 18 q Enhanced Listing - Level 2........................................ $50 q Enhanced Listing - Level 3........................................ $75 q Enhanced Listing - Level 4...................................... $125 Items with this symbol include a one-year BRAGB membership TOTAL THIS COLUMN $ q Enhanced Listing - Level 5...................................... $150 TOTAL THIS COLUMN $ Total 2015 Sponsorship Commitment: $_____________ Do your sponsorships & advertising total more than $7,500? Then you qualify as a 2015 BRAGB Strategic Partner! Companies that spend a total of $7,500 or more on sponsorships and advertising during 2015 will receive special value-added bonuses—free! See page 21 for additional information. BRAGB Strategic Partners Total 2015 Sponsorship Commitment: $_____________ Do your sponsorships & advertising total more than $7,500? Then you qualify as a 2015 BRAGB Strategic Partner! Companies that spend a total of $7,500 or more on sponsorships and advertising during 2015 will receive special valueadded bonuses—free! Pinnacle Partner Platinum Partner Diamond Partner ü Logo on BRAGB tote bags given at events throughout the year ü Logo on banner at all BRAGB events throughout the year ü Logo on banner at all BRAGB events throughout the year ü Logo on banner at all BRAGB events throughout the year ü Logo displayed prominently on BRAGB’s Website ü Logo displayed prominently on BRAGB’s Website ü Logo displayed prominently on BRAGB’s Website ü Your logo displayed on all e-blasts sent from BRAGB ü Your logo displayed on all e-blasts sent from BRAGB ü Logo displayed on all e-blasts sent from BRAGB ü Recognition at the Economic Forecast Dinner, Mid-Year Breakfast, and Annual Meeting ü Recognition at the Economic Forecast Dinner, Mid-Year Breakfast, and Annual Meeting ü Free upgraded listing (Level 5) on BRAGB’s Website ü Free upgraded listing (Level 5) on BRAGB’s Website ü Half-page color ad in the Program Book distributed to all attendees at the 2015 PRISM Gala ü Quarter-page color ad in the Program Book distributed to all attendees at the 2015 PRISM Gala ü Eight event tickets to use at BRAGB events throughout the year (limit of two tickets per event) ü Six event tickets to use at BRAGB events throughout the year (limit of two tickets per event) Down payment of $5,000 must be received by Jan. 31, 2015.Remainder to be paid in monthly installments of $500 for 10 months (Feb-Nov). Down payment of $3,750 must be received by Jan. 31, 2015.Remainder to be paid in monthly installments of $375 for 10 months (Feb-Nov). $15,000 in sponsorships ü Recognition at the Economic Forecast Dinner, Mid-Year Breakfast, and Annual Meeting ü Free upgraded listing (Level 5) on BRAGB’s Website ü Full-page color ad in the Program Book distributed to all attendees at the 2015 PRISM Gala ü Ten event tickets to use at BRAGB events throughout the year (limit of two tickets per event) Down payment of $7,500 must be received by Jan. 31, 2015.Remainder to be paid in monthly installments of $750 for 10 months (Feb-Nov). $10,000 in sponsorships $7,500 in sponsorships If you have any questions, please contact Lorraine DeVaux at Builders and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston 240 Bear Hill Road, Suite 203 Waltham, MA 02451 Tel: 781-890-2101 Fax: 781-890-2396 Email: [email protected] Page 21 Sponsorship Order Form Total 2015 Commitment $ Include one-year membership dues* :.....................................................................................$_______________ Grand Total $_______________ Total Sponsorships (from the previous pages).............................................................................. _______________ *Enroll in BRAGB or renew your membership now all in one easy payment. Dues increase from $625 to $650 starting Jan. 1, 2015. Note that some sponsorships already include BRAGB dues, so be sure to review the items carefully -- or contact us for clarification). Existing memberships will be extended for an additional 12 month period, based on existing renewal date. Are you a new or existing BRAGB member? New**_____ Existing_____ Unsure_____ Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Position/Title: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: ___________________________ Zip: ________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________ Fax: _____________________________ Cell: ________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Web Site: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ **New members may be required to complete an official BRAGB Membership application. We will contact you when we receive this form if we need additional information. Return the Sponsorship checklist and this page, along with any required deposits, to: Builders and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston 240 Bear Hill Road, Suite 203 Waltham, MA 02451 Tel: 781-890-2101 Fax: 781-890-2396 Email: [email protected]
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