November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Pastor: Rev. Paul Treacy Parochial Vicar: Rev. Michael Barsness Deacon: Larry Lawinger PARISH OFFICE 9100 93rd Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 Phone: (763) 425-2210 Email: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon-Wed: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Thur-Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Masses Saturday Evening—5:00 pm Sunday— Daily Masses Monday through Friday—8:00 am Holy Day Masses As announced CONFESSIONS Monday-Friday—7:30 am Saturday—3:30-4:15 pm Or call the parish office at (763) 4252210 to schedule an appointment. EDUCATION CENTER 9050 93rd Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55445-1406 School Office: (763) 425-3970 Email: [email protected] Principal: Kathleen O’Hara Know and celebrate our Catholic Faith, Love God and our neighbor, Serve as disciples of Jesus Christ. page 2 From the Pastor’s Desk PASTOR Rev. Paul Treacy Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 401 Email: f r pa u lt r e acy @s ai nt vdp .o r g PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Michael Barsness ( 763) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 4 02 Email: f r m ic h ae l bar s ne s s @s a i nt vdp .o rg DEACON Deacon Larry Lawinger ( 763) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 4 03 Email: dc n lar r y la wi n ge r @s a i nt vdp .o rg THANKSGIVING DAY MASS Mass will be celebrated at 9 am in the Church. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Thanksgiving Procession. PARISH OFFICE CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING The Parish Office will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, Nov. 27th and Friday, Nov. 28th. WANTED – RAFFLE ITEMS We are looking for new items for our raffle. Christmas items, gift baskets, gift cards, homemade gifts and cards, toys, and tickets to sporting events would be appreciated. Perhaps you have a home-based business (Pampered Chef, Thirty One Gifts, Tastefully Simple, etc.) and would like to donate an item. You can drop your donation in the office and pick up your charitable donations form. Donations will be accepted until November 30th. Contact Annette Schnabel at 763-506-0509 if you have questions. WANTED – USED BOOKS, PUZZLES, AND DVDS The Christmas Bazaar will be hosting a “Used Books, Puzzles, and DVDs” sale again this year. We are asking your help in making this a success. You may drop off donations in the church coat room in the box marked “Used Books.” Please no text books, encyclopedias, Readers Digest condensed books, or VHS tapes. Questions? Call Diane at 763-422-1832 or Mary at 507-360-4108. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR VOLUNTEER SIGN UP ADULT VOLLEYBALL SIGN UP THIS WEEKEND Sign up for this year's co-rec adult volleyball will be after all the Masses in the Gathering Space this weekend. We have sent out an e-mail reminder to last year's players. For over 23 years this has been a great way to meet fellow parishioners, get great exercise, and continue a wonderful tradition here at St. Vincent de Paul. All skill levels are welcome, ages 18 and over. The league is played on 2 courts in the school gym on Friday nights, generally from 6:30 to 9:30 pm, beginning in early January through April. In addition to signing up in person, you can sign up via e-mail or by phone, but we have an absolute FINAL deadline of Dec. 8th, so that we have time to finalize rosters. Contact Mike or Claudia Price at 763-425-4606, or best at [email protected], if you have any questions. The Christmas Bazaar Committee will be at a table in the Gathering Space – please stop by and volunteer for a shift or two for this year’s Bazaar, which will be held December 6-7. Sign up for the Christmas bazaar begins this weekend. You may sign up after Mass or go online at at any time that is convenient for you. After mass sign up is also available this weekend and next. PIES! PIES! PIES! The Christmas Bazaar Committee will be selling pies again this year. GET YOUR PIERRE PIES AND LEFSE THIS WEEKEND! Just in time for Thanksgiving and / or Christmas or whenever you want a delicious treat. We have made it convenient for you! Please join us for Coffee and Company in Regan Hall this Sunday after all Masses. Apple Pie $10.50 Strawberry/Rhubarb $ 8.50 Baked Pumpkin $ 8.50 Baked Pecan $10.50 Fruits of the Forest $10.50 French Silk $13.00 Lefse $ 3.50 page 3 Worship DIR E C TOR O F W OR S H IP Stephen Barnhart LITURGICAL ROLES Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 414 Email: st e p he n bar n har t @s a i nt vdp .o rg DIR E C TOR O F M US I C MUSICIANS Jacquie Okoh 9:00 am Julia Waletzko Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 416 Email: ja cq uie o ko h @s a i nt vdp .o r g 9:00 am Nick, Chris, and Josh Hadzima SERVERS 9:00 am Tom McMullen & Dawn Lewandowski LECTORS READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF NOV. 23, 2014: Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/1 Cor 15:20-26, 28/Mt 25:31-46 Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19/Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a/Lk 21:20-28 Friday: Rv 20:1-4, 11--21:2/Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36 Next Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7/1 Cor 1:3-9/Mk 13:33-37 PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION An invitation to Adoration in Jesus' own words: "You, My child, seek Me always in the Eucharist. It is there for you, for everyone. Don't be reticent. Come simply. Give thanks with joy in your heart. Love simply. Everything is so simple with Me." — from He and I, by Gabrielle Bossis Adorers are needed for: Sunday: 7 am, 2 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm, 11 pm Tuesday: 9 pm Wednesday: 12 am, 8 am, 2 pm Thursday: 8 am, 11 am, noon, 1 pm, 5 pm Friday: 3 pm, 4 pm, 9 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm Saturday: 3 pm, 10 pm Please call JoAnne Newman at 763-420-4089 to sign up for an hour or to be a sub. MASS INTENTIONS FOR NOV. 24—30, 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday F OR T HANKSGIVING D AY (N OV . 27): 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 8:00 am 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am † Mary Gardner † Tom Phenow † Betty Quinn † Jim & Marvel Aubart † Roman Schoeller † Daniel Ditter † Clifford Banks † Robert Kelly Parishioners 9:00 am Cathy Hadzima, Rebecca Keran, Clair Coughlin, Linda Berscheit, May Ellen Kubic, EUCHARISTIC Judy Randall, Tom Heltemes MINISTERS F OR S ATURDAY , N OV . 29 & S UNDAY , N OV . 30: 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Fr. Barsness Fr. Treacy Fr. Treacy Fr. Barsness 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Capistrant Family Laurie Murphy Devotion Children’s Choir 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Cristin Curwick, Kyleigh Olmstead, Grace Roskowiak Daniel Steeves, Kristina Reed Erica Cotter, Ryan & Allison McNamara Danny Newman, Hayden Lovelace, SERVERS Anja Thornton 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Lee Halbur & Paul Berendes Dan Sweeney & Dawn Lewandowski Mary Nelson & Skip Levesque Meaghen Newman & Don Waletzko PRESIDERS MUSICIANS LECTORS 5:00 pm Tom & Nancy Moorman, Sandy Wheeler, Ann Schlangen, Mark & Barb Curwick, James & Jen Vettel 7:30 am Donna Anderson, Carl & Donna Crimmins, Tom Hanson, Shirley Ostendorf, Linda Berscheit 9:00 am Jay & Judy Jacobi, Kevin Holthaus, Joel Salzer, Brad Rosch, Russ Nelson, Tom & Sue Gorecki 11:00 am Shirlann Biser, Lorena Carter, Jim Miller, Margaret Schauer, EUCHARISTIC Laura Zaldivar, MINISTERS Mary Jo Gagner, Judy Randall 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Jean Vorthems Linda Berscheit Joe Saunders Donna Nelson 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Jim & Betty Bartos Gary & Margaret Weber Pat Prasky & Evie Taylor Mary Pat & Rachel Smith WELCOME CENTER GIFT SHOP page 4 Formation & Education Chuck Pratt INSPIRING AND INFORMATIVE CATHOLIC CD’S Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 407 Email: c har le s pr at t @s ai nt vdp .o r g Still only $3 each! One of the titles is: “A Journey Through Advent”. P R E- S CH OO L F AI T H F OR MA T IO N C OOR . Get the most out of Advent by following along with Fr. Robert Barron’s insightful homilies as he unpacks the profound scripture readings for Advent and Christmas 2014. DIR E C TOR O F F AI T H F OR MA T IO N Kim Ordner Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 434 Email: k i mo r d ne r @s a i nt vdp .o r g EL E ME N T AR Y F A I TH F OR MA T IO N C OOR . Mary Ann Marschall Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 406 Email: m ar y a n n mar s ch al l @s a int vd p.o r g JR ./ S R . HI GH FA I TH F OR MA T IO N C OOR . Nichole Chang Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 436 Email: n ic ho le c ha ng @s a int v dp.o r g S CH O OL P R I NC IP AL Kathleen O’Hara Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 3 970 , e x t . 104 Email: k at h le e no har a @s ai nt vdp .o rg QUESTION OF THE WEEK Adult/Teen: What changes in lifestyle does today’s Gospel call you to? Child: When Jesus comes to judge us, what will he be looking for in our lives? RITE OF ACCEPTANCE/ WELCOMING Congratulations to the following, who today at the 11 am Mass make a public commitment to the RCIA process. Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens (unbaptized)— Douglas Anderson. Rite of Welcoming for those already baptized in other Christian denominations seeking full communion with the Catholic Church or adults who were baptized Catholic and are seeking to complete the Sacraments of Initiation — Tonia Gunderson, Bill Lenmark, Allen Magori, Steve Simenson. They already have been gathering for many weeks to pray and study/discuss the Catholic Faith. Please keep them, their sponsors, catechists and families in your prayers in the months ahead as they continue their faith journey. Please take some time today to discuss these questions or reflect on them in private prayer. —From Lectionary Link by Harcourt Publishers JOIN OUR TEAM! One Level 2 Faith Formation class is looking for a Co-catechist to help teach them, and many other Faith Formation classes are looking for paras (classroom assistants). You can help by becoming a Co-catechist or Para (Classroom Assistant). As you teach or assist, you will learn and grow in the Catholic faith as well. We provide training, materials, and support for you to fulfill your role. For more information, contact Mary Ann Marschall at 763425-2210, ext. 406, or [email protected]. Advent Adult Retreat “Untold Blessing: Three Paths to Holiness” Fr. Robert Barron (on DVD) paints a beautiful and mysterious image of what it takes to be a follower of “the One who is Jesus Christ.” The greatest calling for all of us is to be a saint. Our ultimate path to holiness is full of untold blessing. For men and women, Saturday, Dec. 13th from 9 AM to Noon, in the East Meeting Room, free will offering. Register at the Parish Office or contact Chuck Pratt at 763-425-2210 or [email protected]. If calling to register, please make certain to leave your phone number. Registration deadline is Dec. 10th. page 5 Formation & Education (continued) ADVENT BEGINS NEXT SUNDAY Check out the kiosk in the Gathering Space for some materials for children, families and adults to help prepare you spiritually for Christmas. Advent calendars, activity books and prayer aids are now available, but please only one item per household. Free—courtesy of our parish Faith Formation program PRE-BAPTISM SESSION Baptisms for infants and young children under the age of seven are on the first and third Sundays of each month at 12:30 pm. Parents are always encouraged to attend the PreBaptism Session, which is required if it has been five years or longer since last attended. The Pre-Baptism Session is held on the first Tuesday of every month from 7-8:30 pm, in the East Meeting Room. Our next session is on December 2nd. Registration is required for this session at the Parish Office (763-425-2210) and babysitting is not available. It is recommended that you attend the session before the birth of your child. Keep in mind that godparents must be practicing Catholics who are confirmed, one male and one female, and at least sixteen years of age. SCHOOL NEWS 2015-2016 ADMISSIONS APPLICATIONS We are currently accepting admission applications for kindergarteners for the 2015-2016 school year. There are openings in several other grades as well. Our school offers a nationally accredited K-8 program. Call the school office at 763-425-3970 for more information or to schedule a school tour. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2014 8:30 – 11:30 am at St. Vincent de Paul Come join us for a fun-filled morning! Enjoy a hot breakfast buffet Visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus Leave your wish list in the North Pole mailbox Create fun crafts with Santa’s helpers Shop in the Elves’ gift shop for Mom and Dad Cost: $10 per adult and $8.00 per child (3 and under free). Buy your tickets in the Education Center Office, after Masses on November 22-23, November 29-30 and December 67. page 6 Parish Life DIR E C TOR O F P AR IS H L IF E Molly Schorr Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 435 Email: mo l ly s c ho r r @s a i n t vdp .o r g VO LU N T E ER CO OR DI N A T O R Kathleen Pomerleau Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 408 Email: k at h le e npo me r le au @s a i nt vdp .o rg CO OR DI N A TOR O F YO U T H M I N IS TR Y Kelly Hayes Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 405 Email: ke lly h ay e s @s a int vdp .o r g CO MM U N IC A TI O NS C O OR D I NA T OR Molly Gewedik Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 107 Email: mo l ly ge we d i k@ s ai nt vdp .o r g MERRY CHRISTMAS! One of the best feelings you can experience this holiday season is knowing you helped someone else have a wonderful Christmas because of your generosity. Welcome to St. Vincent’s ‘GIVING TREE’ program, which is celebrating its 22nd year! Families who need help with Christmas this year have a doll placed on the trees…. If you take a doll off the GIVING TREE, please bring a gift back with the doll taped firmly to the wrapped present. PLEASE INCLUDE GIFT RECEIPTS!!!! Bring the wrapped present back to St. Vincent’s and place it under the GIVING TREE by Sunday, December 7th at NOON. Please buy the suggested gift or as close to it as possible! If for some reason you are not able to get the present listed, PLEASE return the doll to the church and hang it back on the GIVING TREE. If you do not care to go shopping, we will be glad to do the shopping for you! Just put your donation in an envelope marked, ‘The GIVING TREE’, and we will do the footwork for you. ALL PRESENTS must be brought back to the church and put under the GIVING TREE before Sunday, December 7th at NOON. We start to deliver the gifts at that time. If you are unable to bring them back, or have any questions, please call Laura & Matt Kenney at 763-416-9386. Thank you so much for your support. Have a great holiday season! SVDP HOLIDAY NIGHT OUT *Special Performance to Support SVDP* Thursday, December 4th at 6:00 PM at the Yellow Tree Theater in Osseo, MN $100/couple OR $50/solo (Price includes pre/post gathering drinks and appetizers, and your play ticket!) A LL MONEY RAISED WILL GO TOWARDS THE MORE THAN 1,400 STUDENTS WHO RECEIVE FAITH FORMATION IN OUR P ARISH . Come join us for the 2nd Annual Christmas Night Out, filled with laughter, joy, and friends! Hunting and/or ugly Christmas attire are encouraged SPACE IS LIMITED—— ORDER NOW!!! (Please send a check made out to SVDP to the school office in an envelope addressed to Sue White). Hope to see you all there—We guarantee a GREAT time!! THE SHOE COLLECTORS ARE AT IT AGAIN! We will be collecting shoes this weekend after all Masses. Any types of shoes—new, used, high heels, tennis shoes, flip flops, sports shoes, and anything that you can put on your foot are accepted in the collection! We are kindly asking for $1 per pair of shoes donated to help defer supply, shipping costs and support of our upcoming mission trip in March 2015. Thank you for your continuous support! If you have any questions, please contact Claire Baker at [email protected] or at 763-250-0555. NEW ONLINE CALENDAR! Wondering what room a Bible Study is in? Or when the basketball game is? Or when Youth Group is over? Or just are curious why there are cars in the parking lot? Check out our new online calendar! On our homepage, there is a “calendar” link or go to: Take a look! Facilities Calendar SUNDAY COFFEE 9:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm At all the Masses recently, we recognized our gifts as coming from God and committed to various areas of Stewardship. If you did not turn in your forms, please do so either in the Parish office, in the collection basket or by mailing them in. We want everyone to share their time, talent and treasure that will bless our parish. DON’T FORGET, YOU CAN SIGN UP ONLINE AT! Thank you for your consideration and thank you for making Stewardship a way of life at St. Vincent de Paul. BUSINESS MA NAGER Norm Olafson (763) 425-2210, ext. 411 Email: no r mo laf s o n @s ai nt vdp .o r g T HE DEADLINE FOR S UBMISSIONS FOR THE N OV . 30 TH B ULLETIN HAS PASSED . T HE DEADLINE FOR THE DEC . 7 TH BULLETIN WILL BE M ONDAY , D EC . 1 ST AT N OON . NOVEMBER 20, 2014 (WEEK 20) Current $21,231.85 Year-to-Date $700,386.52 $20,439.50 $72.72 $41,744.07 $900.32 $701,286.84 $305.00 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24 8:00 am Thanksgiving Prayer Service/Gym 7:00 pm Grief Group/W Mtg Rm 7:00 pm Resound Choir Rehearsal/Sanctuary TUESDA 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Y , NOVEMBER 25 First Reconciliation/E Mtg Rm & Sanctuary KC Rosary/Cry Room KC Meeting/W Mtg Rm Bell Choir Rehearsal/Sanctuary Back WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 6:15 pm Freedom Choir Rehearsal/Church 7:30 pm Devotion Choir Rehearsal/Church FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 PARISH OFFICE AND SCHOOL CLOSED SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 3:30 pm Confessions/Chapel ONLINE GIVING We are excited to announce that we now provide Online Giving — a convenient and safe way to make one-time or recurring offertory contributions. Getting started is easy — just visit and click the Online Giving link. When you participate, your gift will be securely transferred directly into St. Vincent de Paul’s bank account. All with a click of a button. No need to find the envelope and write a check on Sunday – it is all done for you! Registering is easy! Go to Click on “Online Giving Link” Click on “Create New Account” $477.00 $782.00 , NOVEMBER 23 & COMPANY IN REGAN HALL Sunday Pre-school/Education Ctr Jr. & Sr. High Faith Formation/Edu Ctr Jr. & Sr. High Faith Formation/Edu Ctr Grade 8 Wolf Ridge Field Trip Info Mtg/ E Mtg Rm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 THANKSGIVING DAY PARISH OFFICE AND SCHOOL CLOSED 9:00 am Thanksgiving Day Mass Finance & Admin. Sunday General Collection Automatic Withdrawal & Online Giving Children/Youth Total Support Major Repair & Replacement Fund-Collection Automatic Withdrawal & Online Giving Total Support for Major Repair Fund page 7b $16,679.25 Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of St. Vincent de Paul! Your contributions fund ministries and help us to Know, Love and Serve the Lord in our community. When you sign up for online giving, you are providing a predictable income for our Parish. page 8 Parish Life (continued from page 6) FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN YOUTH MINISTRY WE WANT YOU TO JOIN US AT YOUTH GROUP! Our schedule for the month of December has changed because of Christmas. We will pack food on: Grades 9-12 Grades 7-8 come to LIFENight come to EDGE Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm in the East Meeting Room in the East Meeting Room Tuesday morning, December 9 from 9:30 to 11:30 AM Friday evening, December 12 from 6:00 to 7:30 PM The food you pack will keep a child someplace in the world alive for another day! Amazing thought! Give a kid a meal for Christmas. Come join our teams, meet new friends, have a good time and feel good about your volunteer efforts. We are in need of new volunteers all the time. FMSC is located at 401 93rd Ave NW, Coon Rapids just off of 610 across the river. Contact Duane Crosland at 763-441 -8683 or at [email protected]. KC Rosary: There is a rosary prayed every Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the cry room, led by the Knights of Columbus. Plan to attend whenever you can. OUR PARISH GIFT SHOP NOW ACCEPTS CREDIT CARDS! Start your Christmas shopping here! MEN'S & WOMEN'S RETREATS FOR SR. HIGH STUDENTS: Men's and women's only retreats provide us a unique opportunity to talk about chastity, leadership, accountability, discipleship, and friendship in a targeted way for "just the girls" and "just the guys." During the weekend we will hear talks, discuss, pray, relax, play football, spend time outdoors, dance, play, talk, and grow closer to others and God. For the women - with just the girls. For the guys - with just the guys. Men’s & Women’s retreat will be held on Friday January 23rd- Saturday, January 24th. Registration coming soon. UPCOMING JR. HIGH EVENTS: Faith & Fitness: Join us once a month for a fun social event! Faith & Fitness is a program that runs in conjunction with EDGE. Come play games, be active, and spend time with friends. On Faith & Fitness nights EDGE will be from 5:00-7:00 pm. Upcoming night: December 3rd Stop in and shop before or after Mass to see all our inspirational merchandise. Girls Group: A group for current 8th grade girls. Spend time with other young ladies in discussion, prayer, and social time. We will cover everything from body image and social media, to gossip and relationships. We have jewelry, medals, prayer booklets, saint statues, crucifixes, pictures, and much more. This group will meet from 3-4 pm on these upcoming dates: Nov. 24th and Dec. 8th. Please consider donating one hour per month of your time to work in the gift shop. Call Pam at 763-424-3485. CHILDREN’S STEWARDSHIP Here are a few of the “offerings” from the children’s envelopes received last Sunday: Ella—washing tables in my classroom and lunchroom Edward—ate all my breakfast Lily—I helped do my parent’s chores Diego—cleaned brother’s room Caroline—unload dishwasher Tyler—I complimented a restaurant on their food NATIONAL MARCH FOR LIFE: JAN. 20-25, 2015 T UESDAY , J ANUARY 20 S UNDAY , J ANUARY 25 W ASHINGTON D.C. Registration is now open for the annual pilgrimage to the National March for Life. The fee of $370 covers: Bus transportation to D.C. and tip; hotel; 7 meals; visiting D.C. landmarks; SFLA conference; National March for Life. (Pilgrims are responsible for up to 8 meals, mostly during the bus trip.) Group leaders and individuals can find more details at, including registration information. page 9 Parish Life (continued from page 8) FIRST SATURDAY SERIES AT THE CATHEDRAL January 3, 2015: The First Saturday Mornings of Recollection at the Cathedral of Saint Paul are mini-retreats in accord with Our Lady’s instruction at Fatima, designed to foster greater devotion, understanding, and living out of the Gospel of Christ in the world. 1. Mary, the Model Disciple 8:00 ..........Mass 8:30 ..........Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (light refreshments are served in Hayden Hall on the lower level) 9:10 ..........Rosary (led by the Mothers of Priests of the Archdiocese) 9:30 ..........First Conference 10:00 ........Private Prayers, Confession and Adoration 11:00 ........Second Conference 11:45 ........Benediction Sister Mary Juliana, O.P., Principal of St. Croix Catholic School in Stillwater, MN 2. Surrender to the Holy Spirit February 7, 2015: Mother Mary Clare, ACJ, Superior General of the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus, New Ulm, MN 1. Transforming the Temporal Order 2. Living for Heaven March 7, 2015: Dr. Denis McNamara, Assistant Director and Faculty Member, Liturgical Institute, Mundelein Seminary / University of Saint Mary of the Lake 1. Church Architecture: Sacrament of the New Heaven and the New Earth 2. Pillars of the Church: Decoration, Ornament and the Wedding Feast of the Lamb December 6, 2014: May 2, 2015: Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Sarah Christmeyer, Co-Developer and Author, Great Adventure Bible Study from Ascension Press 1. Advent Longing 1. Facing Trials: Trusting God 2. Living for Heaven 2. Accepting Trials: Grounds for Joy! Outreach DIR . O F P AS T OR AL & S O CI AL O U TR EA C H Okey Anyanwu Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 417 Email: o ke y @s ai nt vdp .o r g P AS TOR AL M I NIS T ER Margaret Schauer Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 , e x t . 410 Email: m ar gar e t s c ha ue r @s a i nt vdp .o rg PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS: Danny Kroll, Darlene Gross, Darlene Loeffler, Mary Setzler, Veronica Smude, Bob Burks, Cole McDonough, Sylvia Ditter, Alfred Smith, Jerien Okoh-Tisch, Ryan Lyndfors, Kathleen Bluhm, Mitchell Swirtz, and Paul Costabilo. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Please pray for our parishioner † Barbara Balma. Please also pray for our parishioner † Eleanor Newman. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. PRAYER REQUEST LINE CONTACT PEOPLE DAILY — 8 AM TO 9 PM: Jackie McDonough at (763) 425-7297 EVENINGS, WEEKENDS: Anna Duffy at (763) 323-8018
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