FROM THE TOWER November/December 2014 Worship with Us! Sunday Worship 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Our choirs; youth, chancel, new song, bells, cherub, Masters’ Singers are wonderful additions to our worship offerings, and we thank all those who labour in those vineyards, enhancing our worship experiences. The Rev. Dr. Charles D. Bang, Senior Pastor A Word from the Pastor at All Saints I thought I would take the opportunity to address the congregation from this page to talk about the new worship schedule. As many of you know by now, we have decided to add a third worship opportunity to our Sunday morning schedule of services. Our tradition for as long as many can remember is to have two worship services at Gloria Dei, one beginning at 8:15 am and the other starting at 11:00 am. Over the past several months, there has been much discussion, in and out of committee, about the tenor and style of our worship services. Worship and music preferences are as different as those who attend our worship. Some prefer a more traditional worship setting, with liturgies that follow the order of one of the prescribed settings in the worship book of the church (our ELW). Some have come to appreciate a more “contemporary” feel to worship. Some would like to hear every hymn accompanied by the wonderful organ we have at Gloria Dei, others enjoy hearing the piano from time to time and others still, that style of music that our worship band offers, with guitar, drums, and other instruments. In an attempt to listen to and respond to those who have voiced their preferences for worship, we thought it best at this time to try to adjust our worship offerings so as to provide meaningful experiences for as many varied tastes and preferences as possible. It became apparent to us that two services could not adequately address all the different genres people have come to expect at Gloria Dei. Therefore, we thought it best to expand our worship opportunities to include traditional, “contemporary,” and the best of our tradition in whatever form it exists. So, starting on Sunday, November 2, All Saints’ Day, we will offer three worship services each Sunday. 8:00 am will be our most traditional worship, with organ music playing the starring role. Our hymnody will reflect the best and most familiar of our church’s tradition, and the liturgies contained therein will follow the sequenced order found in a majority of the church’s ELW resource book. Chancel choir, bells, cantor, and soloists will be the primary additions to our regular worship. 9:30 am we are calling our “New” worship. Our worship band will be the primary accompanying ensemble for this worship service, with a mix of organ, piano, band, and other instruments. Youth choirs, new song choir, cantor, and soloists will round out the musical offerings. The format for worship will be our familiar liturgical order, but we hope to introduce movement, drama, and percussion. We hope to introduce the congregation to an occasional Service of Healing, and other traditions from our Church’s vast store of rich worship resources. Children will remain in church until the Children’s Sermon and will be dismissed for Sunday School from the worship service. Adult education offerings will occur at this hour as the schedule permits. Our 11:00 am service will be a service of Holy Communion each week (as will 8:00 and 9:30). All of our choirs will present their offerings from time to time, and we will present the best of our tradition’s music with organ and piano, supplementing with special musicians (harp, brass, woodwind, etc.) when appropriate and according to season and festival needs. There will be a Word for the Children at each service after which the children will be dismissed for Sunday School. If my memory serves me well, there were over 670 acolytes from 92 churches represented. The pageantry of the procession was awesome, the vestments beautiful and the participants beamed with the type of pride that comes from the joy of serving. The procession was so long that it took six designated “processional hymns” for all the participants to process in! And, of course, the final processional hymn was “Siyahamba, We are Marching in the Light of God.” It was AMAZING! As always, we welcome congregational participation in any and all of these services and if you would like to be a lay reader, a communion assistant, an usher, a greeter, a sound technician, assist with Altar Guild or coffee, or be a part of the order of the Cross and Crown (acolytes and crucifers), please know that NONE of these are either age or gender specific, especially at our “New” service. So please contact the church office if you would like to be a willing servant in any of these capacities. The word acolyte comes from the Greek, meaning “one who follows.” Our acolytes follow the cross in our procession and receive the light from the torches to light the candles on our altar. Our lighted candles are a sign of the divine glory of the One who comes to dispel the dark shadows of evil and to make the whole universe radiant with the brightness of His eternal light. (Sophronius, seventh century) It brings to mind the words of our Lord, “I am the light for the world! Follow me, and you won’t be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life.” (John 8:12). It is our fervent hope and desire that the worship life of our congregation will be blessed and enhanced by these offerings. I remain Sincerely yours, Pastor Bang The Rev. Dr. Phyllis B. Milton, Associate Pastor Just like “acolytes,” those of us who are called by the name of Christian, are “ones who follow” after the cross of Christ. We live our lives in His Light of grace, mercy and love. And in turn, we share that same light with others as we live among God’s faithful people, and share together in the word of God and the Holy Supper; as we proclaim Christ through word and deed, care for others and the world God made, and work for justice and peace. I am sure these words sound familiar. They are just a few of the promises of the covenant that sponsors are entrusted to help the newly baptized to live into and as we grow in our faith; we as the baptized promise to continue. So in a literal sense, we have all been called to this ministry of service. We are all “acolytes,” marching, praying, dancing, and living in the light of God! Help Wanted! We are Living in the Light of God On Saturday, October 11, I attended the National Acolyte Festival at the Washington National Cathedral with “Cross and Crown” youth participants and several adults. The theme of the Festival was “We are marching, singing, serving, in the Light of God.” The theme is actually a South African hymn that became popular in North American churches in the 1990’s. In the Zulu language, the title is Siyahamba. The Festival was a celebration and affirmation of the commitment that so many adults, youth and children make when they volunteer to serve as acolytes in Christ’s Holy Church. Gloria Dei Lutheran School is in need of a bus driver. Requirements: CDL-Class B, Air Brake certified, at least 21 years of age, +5 driving record, experience preferred. If interested, call Gloria Dei, 851-6292, and speak to Michele Lewis or Linda Robinson. Mrs. Linda K. Robinson, Principal Gloria Dei Lutheran School What a busy first quarter we have had. Students and teachers have settled into their new routines, and it is amazing how well the Fox Hill Campus has accommodated our needs for the interim period as we wait for our Willow Oaks Campus to be completed. The cooperation and teamwork of parents, students, church members, and staff have certainly helped for a smoother transition. A special thanks to everyone for the support and coordination of efforts and resources. Progress is being made daily at our new site. Our three educational buildings have been moved and placed on the foundation. Our new computer lab is under factory construction, and the Pastoral Leadership Center has been demolished. As with any project, there can be unanticipated delays beyond our control – weather, acquisition of equipment, waiting period for inspections, coordination of services, etc. Although we were hoping our facility would be completed by the end of October, we will not meet that targeted date. The developer and contractor are evaluating the progress, and soon we will have a projected date. In the meantime, rest assured that our program will continue to thrive and all efforts are being given to make sure our students have a quality, enriched, educational experience. I would like to update you on some of the improvements, purchases, and projects we have or will be able to put in place as a result of our relocation, fundraising, planning, and budgetary efforts. A campus-wide computer network upgrade A campus-wide telephone upgrade Construction of a brand new computer lab facility New computer lab furnishings Revisions and updates to our preschool and twoyear-old program curriculum Replacement of many CD players for classrooms Additional white boards for classrooms Additional art supplies for art program Replacement lighting in hallway areas Purchase of printers for classrooms On line enrichment, reinforcement computer program for middle school students Playground structure will be ordered for Fox Hill playground Implementation of after school clubs – computer, art, drama, guitar lessons I would like to congratulate Eagle Scout Candidate, Miles Campbell, for a job well done on his Eagle Scout Project. Miles, a Gloria Dei Graduate, chose Gloria Dei Lutheran School for his service project. He was responsible for the renovation of the playground for our younger students. This included relocation of the fencing, new fencing, and barrier to accommodate a larger play area. Thank you Miles!!!! The children love the new play space. Also congratulations to our newly-elected Middle School Student Council officers and room representatives. President – Hannah Zollmann Vice President – Ashley Rogers Secretary – Reanne Baise Treasurer – Andrea Ducar Chaplain – Jordan Ballard 8th Grade Room Representative – Gbemi Easter 7th Grade Room Representative – Riley Hylton 6th Grade Room Representatives – Luke DeConcini and Jackson Smith As we move into the holiday season, may you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Enclosed in our Newsletter you will find the Christmas Program schedule for our students. Save the date and join us as our children share the Christmas story. God bless, Linda K. Robinson Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Science News Science activities for the prekindergarten (PK) and kindergarten (K) classes began the first week in September. The K classes come to the Science Lab every Tuesday, and the PK classes come to the Lab every other Thursday. There is some type of “hands-on” activity with each lesson. I have enjoyed presenting various topics to the children for discussion and exploration. We will learn about many exciting things in the world that God created for our enjoyment. In the PK classes, we began with the sun and our planet earth. Next, we discussed the water and the land on our planet, followed by plants that live on the land and creatures that live in the water. We will move on to birds, bees, reptiles, and mammals. The second semester begins with the construction of a plastic skeleton of our bodies, and then we will learn about our brain, heart, and lungs. We will explore all five senses before the year is over. In K, we began with live caterpillars, which transformed into butterflies in our classrooms, and then were released near a butterfly bush on campus. We observed up-close what once was a live octopus, and some of the children even touched it! We have experimented with magnifying glasses and gravity. We learned about the underground network of ant hills and participated in an “alligator rescue!” In the D letterbook we had the opportunity to view a variety of dinosaur books and even construct a model of a Triceratops. We planted pumpkin seeds as we discussed the life cycle of a pumpkin. We will continue to explore the many fascinating things that are a part of God’s marvelous creation as the year continues. Topics will correspond to the letterbooks that the children are completing in the classroom. Resource reports will be included in the report card envelope for each of the grading periods of the year. Be sure to look for the most recent activities there. Mrs. Fullen Science Teacher-PK & K Spanish This quarter all of the Gloria Dei classes including Spanish were located at the Fox Hill Campus, and the transition has been very well orchestrated. It has been a great opportunity for the staff and the students to get to know each other. In general, the Spanish curriculum has remained the same this quarter, and the students are enjoying the adventure. The kindergarten students have been learning the Spanish alphabet with books, posters, worksheets, and songs. Some letters are pronounced differently or not at all in Spanish. For example, “ll” makes the “y” sound in English and “h” is not pronounced in Spanish. C is for Calabaza the Spanish word for pumpkin. Otoño (fall) is a good time of year to learn about calabazas. st th Each quarter the 1 - 5 grade students have Spanish words of the quarter to help them learn Spanish vocabulary. This quarter all of the students made flash cards to practice their vocabulary words. The first graders’ words for the quarter were the numbers, and the words of the quarter for the 2nd - 5th grade students were the colors. In addition to having a variety of worksheets, the 2nd and 3rd grade students used Twin Sisters’ Workbook and CD (a leader in children’s educational music) to learn Spanish numbers and colors. The fourth and fifth graders used Skinny Skits - Short and Simple Funny Skits for Beginning Spanish Speakers by Patti Lozano to help them learn their colors in Spanish. El Caballo No Es Azul (The Horse Is Not Blue) was one of the humorous plays that the students read aloud in class. The 1st-5th grade students were tested on their words and, in general, they did very well. The study of Hispanic culture and the geography of countries where Spanish is spoken is also an important element in the Spanish curriculum. Each elementary class concentrates on a particular country each quarter. The 1st quarter, the 1st graders studied Spain; the 2nd graders studied El Salvador; the 3rd graders studied Panama; the 4th graders studied Venezuela, and the 5th graders studied Argentina. Last summer, new full-sized flags of Argentina and Spain were purchased for the Gloria Dei students. I can’t wait to display these flags in the new Willow Oaks Campus! ¿Sabías…? (Did you know?) that the Spanish flag is red and yellow or that the Argentine flag is light blue and white and that the yellow sun in the center is called The Sol de Mayo (The Sun of May)? Spanish 1 is a high school level class at Gloria Dei, and I am very proud of all of the Middle School Students who have been working diligently to learn Spanish. This school year, the 6th and 7th grade students will attend the Hispanic Flamenco Ballet’s Latin American Carnival production. This show celebrates the culture and history of the Hispanic countries of Central and South America with song and dance. As the year progresses, all of the Spanish students will be learning more about Spanish language and culture, and I am fortunate to have the privilege of helping them to learn. As Thanksgiving approaches, may we all be thankful for God’s many gifts. Vaya con Dios (Go with God) Vanessa S. Vaught GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN SCHOOL Ways You Can Help!!!!!! Listed below are some easy ways you can help support Gloria Dei School. Please pass information to family and friends. Farm Fresh - 1 2 3 4 the Community Program – When you shop at Farm Fresh, save the cash register receipts that state your total sales and turn them in at our collection basket on the little table in the right corner as you enter the Atrium from the Tower. Farm Fresh will contribute a portion of the sales to our school for the purchase of books, audiovisual equipment, computer programs, etc. This also includes receipts for gas purchases. Campbell’s Labels for Education Program – When you buy Campbell’s products, save and send in the labels. Labels can be redeemed for needed school supplies. They may be placed in the basket on the little table in the right corner as you enter the Atrium from the Tower. General Mills Box Tops for Education – Buy General Mills products, cut out the “Box Tops for Education” coupons, and deposit them in the basket on the little table in the right corner as you enter the Atrium from the Tower. We receive 10¢ for each coupon. Target School Program – If you have a Target charge card, you can designate Gloria Dei as your sponsored school. Gloria Dei will receive a percentage of each sale. The Funding Factory – Gloria Dei participates in the Funding Factory Cartridge Recycling Program. These programs are FREE and easy, but will not work without your support. Simply donate your empty printer cartridges to Gloria Dei Lutheran School, and we will take it from there. We will recycle the cartridges through The Funding Factory to earn points which we can exchange for new technological and/or recreational equipment. Did you know that over 300 million printer cartridges were thrown away last year alone? Help us turn this waste into valuable school equipment. Donate your empty laser and inkjet printer cartridges by placing them on the counter behind the Information Desk. Capri Restaurant Night – The third Wednesday of each month is Gloria Dei night at Capri Restaurant, Willow Oaks Shopping Center. We will receive a percentage of the sales. When you pay at the register, you need to mention that you are from Gloria Dei. Chick-fil-A Night – The second Wednesday of each month is Gloria Dei Night at the Chick-fil-A on Coliseum Drive. Gloria Dei will receive a % of the sales for the evening from Gloria Dei patrons. Just turn in your sales receipt at the Gloria Dei table. Anna’s Pizza – Dine at the Anna’s in Buckroe Shopping Center on the first Wednesday of the month and a portion of the sales will be contributed to our school. When paying your bill, be sure to tell your server/cashier that you are with Gloria Dei. Gloria Dei Lutheran School Saturday, December 6 Beginning at 10:00 am Great time to Christmas Shop. Mention Gloria Dei School, and we receive a percentage of the sales. Thanks for your support!!!! School Carnival – Saturday, May 30, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. Save the date and come join the fun or volunteer to help. More information to come. Thanks for your help and support! Linda K. Robinson, Principal Interim Update: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, School, and Land Project With the successful start of our 2014-2015 school year, you don’t have to look very far to notice there is a lot of activity. In November 2013, the Congregational Council formed a School and Day Care Vision Committee to explore recommendations for improving the operation of our school and day care. Over fifty individuals from the congregation, school, and day care worked in committees to develop the prioritized recommendations presented to Council in May 2014. Council has reviewed the recommendations, and has scheduled working sessions in November 2014 to fully explore and prepare a plan of implementation for all recommendations presented by the committee. Some Committee recommendations were programmatic and did not require funding, and some were scheduled in parallel with the move to leverage the down-time of the campus. Major activities to address the Vision Committee recommendations include: • Recommended HVAC upgrades • Campus/church-wide computer network upgrade • Campus/church-wide telephone upgrade • Deactivation of existing computer lab building to prepare for a new lab building • New computer lab furnishings • Implementation of a mobile laptop computer classroom at the Fox Hill Campus • Website upgrades • Updated staff handbook that included wider staff recommendation input • Revised leave policy • Reduced before and after school transportation cost • Revised multi-child transportation fee discounts • Revised two-year-old and preschool program skills assessments • Revised two-year-old and preschool program curriculum Additional actions not specifically recommended by the Committee, but deemed appropriate to enhance church, school, and childcare operations include: • Call to Dr. Phyllis Milton as Associate Pastor to continue with her school duties • Major kitchen renovation • Renovation of relocated church and school offices • Deactivation of the Pastoral Leadership Center, relocation to Fox Hill campus • Lighting upgrade in the Fellowship Hall • Luther Library furniture upgrades • Expansion of a Fellowship Hall storage area The following approved activities are in-progress: • Full relocation of the old Harris Creek campus to the new Willow Oaks campus • Move existing buildings • New entrance off Willow Oaks Boulevard with exit to Harris Creek Road • Relocation of the playground equipment • Many interior and exterior upgrades • New sound system in the Nave and Atrium areas • Eagle Scout projects: • Miles Campbell - two-year-old playground expansion & renovation project • Austin Honyoust - exterior renovation project (flagpoles, lighting, benches) We will continue to keep you updated as we progress with both the Harris Creek Land Project and the plan to address the Vision Committee recommendations. Our Land Sale and Development We have completed many of the stated goals of our major strategic undertaking that was begun over two years ago. The Land Development Project is well underway and like many construction projects, delays have occurred. A combination of City/bureaucratic, legal, weather and contractor situations and complications contributed to a slow start and interruptions to the process. However, now is a good time to reflect upon this project. Our accomplishments to date include: 1. First and foremost, the lowering of our overall debt service by $966,965, effectively paying off the debt incurred from the Rice Land purchase (with over $20,000 of additional debt paid down reducing the Atrium mortgage). 2. Successful sale of land assets deemed excess land (Pastor Leadership Center and surrounding land). This funded our first accomplishment as well as other needed improvements. 3. Successful application and approval for zoning changes and use permits from the City of Hampton for both the sale and the relocation of school buildings. 4. Relocation of the three school buildings on the Harris Creek campus. 5. Contracting for the improvements of the entire Harris Creek campus regarding overall presentation, parking, traffic circulation and landscaping. 6. Acquisition of a new Computer Lab building for the Harris Creek campus. 7. Continued planning and analysis of the remaining "Rice Land" tract for future uses. As of October 18, all three of our school buildings have been moved and have been situated on their new foundations. Utility connections and site work are well underway. The "lake" has been partially filled to allow for the construction of the new parking and roadway entrances and the curb cuts and sidewalks have been started with concrete poured in some areas. Security lighting, fencing, playground areas, extensive landscaping and many other aspects of the relocation should greatly enhance our Harris Creek campus. Our target date for completion is mid-November, but as we know weather is a big factor. While the delays have caused frustration and complications, we had anticipated this possibility, and we created various contingency plans that have served us well. Thanks to Church and School staff, all of the classes that were scheduled for the Harris Creek campus have been accommodated on the Fox Hill side using available space including the Atrium, Simeon Center, Luther Library and the Fellowship Hall. We are closer together and more compact, but everyone seems to be actually enjoying the temporary locations. We still are looking forward to our new location as we finish the Harris Creek campus improvements. Financially, we have met our goals of debt relief per our announced plans and approved budget. The pay down of our mortgage relieved us of a large burden and has allowed us to undertake other program improvements. With God’s help, along with assistance from countless members of our congregation, our staff, as well as our community, we are moving forward to make our Church, our School, and our Community a better place. We are planning another update in a January congregational meeting. Andi White, Music Director Ps. 96 1 Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Psalm 40 3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him. Isaiah 43:18-19 18 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” The Psalmist speaks of singing a new song to the Lord. Isaiah reminds us that God is constantly doing new things in our lives. He tells us not to dwell on the past, and to notice the new things God does. We are encouraged to sing to God a new song. As a composer and creator, I have looked for, listened to, and longed for innovation and inspiration for songs never sung before, never heard of before, new, and interesting. Baptized and raised in the church from infancy, I am very familiar with traditional hymns and traditional church music. I also look for new things. I ask of each new thing, how will this help us to love God more? How will we love each other more with this change? Are we remaining true to Biblical worship? Are we focused on the only Audience of our worship, God, who alone is worthy of praise? These are the criteria I use in determining what will be used in worship. Many churches around the country are using visitor-friendly styles of music that leave people with an upbeat feeling when they worship. I caught the upbeat bug in Utah, where much is done out there to be musically inclusive to the greater culture in which we find ourselves. Do we cling to the styles of the past in order to be comforted and to keep our church distinct and separate from the greater culture? Or do we include some of the styles that are already in the greater culture in order to transform the culture to hear the message of love and acceptance offered to all in Jesus’ name? Some changes that will happen in our music program due to the new service include: Chancel Choir and Adult Handbells will rotate between the 8:00 AM service and the 11:00 AM services. The Master’s Singers will rotate between the 9:30 AM and the 11:00 AM services. Youth Choir and Youth Handbells will serve at the 9:30 AM service. Worship Band will be at the 9:30 AM service. New Song Choir will rotate between the 9:30 AM and the 11:00 AM services. Children’s Choirs and handbells will be at the 11:00 AM service. I pray the worship of our loving God will become more and more an act of sacrifice and devotion, as we grow more and more into His likeness. Soli Deo Gloria, Andi WELCA - Women of the ELCA At Gloria Dei all women of college age and older are a part of Women of the ELCA. WELCA is an avenue to shared growth in spiritual development, women centered Bible study, engagement in social ministry and social justice, and nurturing friendships rooted in our Christian faith. We also like having a good time while we do good stuff! Please feel free to get involved in any way your schedule will allow; there are no formal memberships or meetings. WELCA Book Group: will meet on Monday evening, November 3, at 7:00, at the home of Renee May. The book this month is The Prayer Box by Lisa Wingate. Call or e-mail Renee at 848-5787 or [email protected] to let her know you are planning to attend. Her address is: 759 Charthouse Circle, Hampton. You will need to call her when you get to the gate so that she may let you in to her neighborhood. If you need a ride, call or e-mail Debby Bang, 757-915-6995, [email protected] Holiday Fair Trade Market Sundays: November 16, 23, 30 December 7, 14 Upcoming Dates: Women of the ELCA of Gloria Dei November 24, 6:30-8:30, Simeon Center Introduction to Drawing with art instructor, Debby Bang. WELCA Lunch Bunch: Saturday, December 13, at noon Women of the ELCA of Gloria Dei Monday, December 15, Simeon Center Making Chrismons, with the Gloria Dei Designing Women Council Corner Many topics were covered in the September and October Council meetings. New Worship Opportunities – On September 21, Pastor Bang called a special session of Council to propose an additional worship service. The initial details of time and general format were discussed and supported by Council. Pastor will work with the staff to determine the details of each service. Pastoral – o Council agreed with Pastor to hold one service the Sunday after Christmas, December 28, 10am. o Pastor Bang proposed an updated wedding fee schedule, which was supported by Council. o For Pastor Bang’s Mutual Ministry Committee, Derry Mace will replace Rita Foringer. For Pastor Milton’s initial Mutual Ministry Committee, Council approved Dianne Congrove, Leonard Mayo, and Pam Hess. Our sincere appreciation to those supporting this important ministry. Gloria Dei Lutheran School – Ernie noted that the school did a tremendous job with the location transition and opening of the school. Pastor expressed accolades to Linda for a job well done by her and the school teachers and staff in their efforts to ensure that the school is up and running well. Linda Robinson attended the Council meeting, and the use of fundraising monies that would be acceptable to the parents was discussed. Recent changes in the security procedures were discussed to support the congregation and school staff to ensure the security of the children. Harris Creek Land Project – With the current timeline, it was suggested that a report to the Congregation in January 2015 should provide sufficient time to finalize the financials to present. Synod – Council welcomed Wyatt Gretka for a synopsis of the youth events at the 2014 Synod Assembly. Wyatt asked that Council consider sending the max number of youth to Synod next year. The Synod’s malaria campaign was successful, and Pastor Delaney has been a tremendous leader for the youth. Congratulations to Wyatt, elected for the third year…this year as Vice President! 50th Anniversary – The Committees are making progress, and the dinner location has been approved. Worship – Jason stated that the Ushers/Communion Servers Breakfast was held at Embassy Suites, and a great time was had by all. The evaluation and timeline of a new sound system continues. Care – Rita noted that celebration of new babies will be added to the Diaconate duties. Christian Ed – Alison highlighted a successful Rally Day with 36 registered children, additional children who will be registering, and a wonderful lesson plan for the semester selected by Pam Hess. Community – Aaron reported $690 raised at this year’s Fish Fry (which will be placed in the church’s Memorial Fund to defray the cost of a new tent in 10-15 years when this one needs replaced), 206 cans of tuna, and $70 in the fish bowl. Special thanks from the Council to Mike Riley and his team. Sunrise House – Garth announced the Daybreakers’ Bible Study will meet at Sunrise House on Nov 4, Men’s Bible Study will meet there on Nov 11, and there will be an Open House in January. School Vision – Work continues to move forward with the School Vision plan. Garth announced emails have been sent to Council members to include the 15-year goal plan, ministry site profile, and goals for the future of Gloria Dei. The strategy session will be held on Nov 1. Pastor commended Garth on his work, and Garth asked everyone to bring their ideas from the vision committee. Constitution – The number of Trustees was discussed, and a Constitutional amendment was approved by Council for presentation to the Congregation. Eagle Projects – Council extends their gratitude to Miles Campbell for a job well done on his Eagle project to expand and enhance the 2-year-olds’ playground for the school. Austin Honyoust’s Eagle project has begun; he will be installing two flag poles and industrial lighting along the walkway from the main door to the parking lot. He also refinished the three benches on our grounds. Peace from Your Council Carolyn, Ernie, Keri, Lynn, Rita, Jason, Aaron, Garth, Alison and Pastor Bang Annual Homeless Coat Drive As you may remember, last winter I collected coats for the homeless. Well, we have already had people asking for coats and clothing for the winter. We need coats, sweaters, sweatshirts, back packs, and belts that you may have to give. We need mostly men’s clothing, but we will take anything. I will have a drop box in the Atrium starting Sunday, November 2, and will be collecting all month. We will distribute these items on December 6 when we pass out lunches in Phoebus. Thank you for your help!!! Andrew Sutherland Senior High Youth Activities J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Friday, November 7 7:00 p.m. – midnight – Lazer Rush in Newport News. $22 unlimited play. Come join us for some pleasant company, conversation, and the delight of a satisfying meal. Please call Joan Hudgins, 851-3532, by the Monday evening prior to the luncheon date if you cannot attend. Sunday, November 16 12:30 p.m. – Simeon Center Christmas Tree Sales Meeting for all those attending the youth retreats. The Senior High will have a cookout and Talent Show following this meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Show off your talents! Friday, December 5 6:00 p.m. – Hanging of the Greens Stocking stuffers for the Salvation Army in the Luther Library after dinner. Sunday, December 21 Christmas Caroling – the congregation is invited. We will end at Pastor and Mrs. Bang’s home. Junior Youth Group Activities Sunday, November 16 Christmas Tree Sales Meeting – 12:30 p.m. in the Simeon Center Mandatory Lost & Found Meeting – 1:00 p.m. in the Simeon Center – pizza will be served. November 21 – 23 Lost & Found Retreat Sunday, December 14 Bowling at Sparetimes Leave 12:30 p.m., return at 4:00 p.m. More information to follow. Sunday, December 21 Christmas Caroling; leaving at 6:00 p.m. November December 5 19 3 17 Olive Garden Red Lobster Olive Garden Longhorn Community Thanksgiving Worship Tuesday, November 25, 7:00 p.m. Community Presbyterian Church 400 Fox Hill Road 50th Anniversary Fund Greetings from the 50th Anniversary Planning Committee! Beginning with offering envelopes in January 2015, and continuing throughout the year, you’ll notice envelopes labelled “50th Anniversary Fund.” Proceeds from these offering envelopes will be used to help defray costs for 50th Anniversary events like the Celebration Dinner in November 2015. Any excesses from offering envelopes will be combined with proceeds from other anniversary fundraising activities, and will be put toward funding both designated Gloria Dei projects and external contributions to the greater Synod/ELCA. More information to follow. Of course, you’re always welcome to make a contribution to the Anniversary Fund at any time by contacting the church office. But we thank you in advance for considering making a contribution to the 50th Anniversary Fund through your offerings. Sock Hop Scheduled! Newsletter Deadline for January/February Remember, we are publishing a bimonthly newsletter. The deadline for the next issue is Monday, December 15, to [email protected]. Thank you! SAVE THE DATE! The first big event for Gloria Dei's 50th Anniversary Celebration is the 50's Sock Hop! Mark your calendar for the evening of Saturday, February 28, 2015. The sock hop will feature a live band, dancing, food, photo booth, and more! Tickets go on sale Sunday, January 4. Watch for the poster in the Atrium! For more information, contact Kevin Morse (757-288-0268) or Sandy Dunn (757-262-8247). Mutual Ministry Committee Update New Member Schedule We have entered into our third year with Pastor Bang. This quarter, we are in the performance review period. This year, we are requesting the leaders of the congregation to complete an evaluation form. We will gather the information and report back to Pastor Bang in November. If you are interested in knowing more about Gloria Dei and its mission and ministry, you are cordially invited to Also, with this anniversary year, it is time for a change of members on our committee. We would like to thank Rita Foringer for her time and dedication to this committee for the last two years. Her willingness to listen to and relay the messages of our congregation have been of great value to our group. We would like to announce and welcome Derry Mace to the group. We feel he will be a great addition to our team. Please feel free to contact any member with questions, concerns, or comments that you would like relayed back to our leadership. We are available anytime! Jenny Sutherland, phone #757-851-4641 email [email protected] Joe Morrison, phone#757-868-4635 email [email protected] Derry Mace, phone #757-826-5435 Thanks be to God!! Your Mutual Ministry Committee, Jenny Sutherland, Joe Morrison & Derry Mace Merry Christmas to all from the Gloria Dei Church and School Staffs! Wine & Cheese Tuesday, November 4, 6:30 p.m., in the Luther Library Q&A Session Sunday, November 16, 9:30 a.m., in the Simeon Center Reception of New Members will be Sunday, November 23, at 9:30 a.m. in the Koinonia Atrium. Any questions or to RSVP, please call the church office, 851-2838, or speak with Pastor Bang. Birthdays 17 November 1 Josh Rice, Yvonne Roberts, Eli Roos 2 Megan Gretka, Jennifer Howell 5 Ryan Curtis, Fred Phillips 6 Heide Hackworth, Tom Nance, Matthew Zorumski 7 Eddie Freeman, Dan Singer, Vel Slusar, Kenny Sutherland, Barry Zorumski 8 Jerry Burks, Isabella Epps, Rebecca Grossman, Bo Lomax 9 Megan Canny 10 Jennifer Price 11 Ellie Congrove, Sara Keyser, Laura Ann Madott, Austin Whitney, Jerry Woodlief 12 Thomas Dadez, Alexander Gore, Bob Hess, John Matthews, Pam Tracey 13 Joanne Aheimer, Bob Hudgins, Eric Johnson 14 Matthew Cousins 15 Nancy Davis, Bill Green, EV Robertson 16 Alexis Harris 18 Jessica Singer 19 Donna Vanorsdale 20 Cota Berry, Julia Dickseski, Dawn Olson 21 Prescott Wheeler 22 Pastor Bang, Ruth Grimes, Grey Hansen, Bill Monroe 23 Jonah Hutchison, Allison Mault, Vicki Venable 24 Tex Rathkamp 25 Walt Engelund, Kieran Phillips, Kellie Wendel 27 Stephen Hodge 28 Brittany Neuharth 29 Julie Hutchison, Marilyn Luter 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 December 1 Amy Etheridge, Joy Hough, Tracy King, Jenny Sutherland, Gwenyth Wheeler 2 Gregory Gore, Gabriel Hutchison, Kim Wheeler 3 Hannah Kjelvik, Shae Kleinschmidt 4 Dean Grimm 5 Jeff Hunsberger, Jim Stewart, Crystal Via 6 Cassie Berry, Michael Gill, Erin Kleinschmidt, Ann Myers 7 Becky Barnhart 8 Kevin Bryant, Ed Kleinschmidt, Josh Lowman 9 Sara Alligood, Jim Cunnison, Breanna Nixon 10 Jack Adams, Zachary Bryant, William Karlson 11 Alian Astorino, Ginny McCreery, Keegan St. Laurent, Mikaila Whitney 12 Kim Quinn 13 Harvey Burks, Nancy Monroe, Jared Williams, Alan Zorumski 14 Fred Bradley, Krista Hester 15 Fred Bound, Jr., Tyler French 16 Brian Mason, Jesse Scheib, Zach Scherrer Cheyenne Berry, Miranda Venable, Kristen Wallis-Thomas Vivian Griese Pam Hess, Tom Hooks, Kathy Ofsdahl LaRue Dickinson Marshall Kjelvik, Shoe Shoemaker Ed Mault William Grimes, Samantha Jones Zachary Alberg, Reverie Rowlett, Gabriel Storms Chloe Krause, Elyse Roos Leann Coleman, Barbara Hite, Kayla Kernan Paul Garcia, Craig Staton, Jenna Turner Scott Astorino, Luci Gartrell Laura Engelund, Shawnae Lacy, Chip Lomax Anniversaries November 3 JP and Amanda Gill 4 Steve and Pam Robnett Michael and Shannon Sexton 5 Kevin and Kristy Fyfe 6 Richard and Laura Fox 8 Pastor Art and Dale Pedersen Mark and Jennifer Tunstall 9 Kyle and Kristen Leckrone 10 Matthew and Brynne Peterson Bill and Mitzi Siefers 12 Kevin and Jennifer Bryant 15 Dan and Ginny McCreery 21 Bob and Nancy Haberman 23 Richard and Jennifer Howell 24 Martin and Holly Sunderland Michael and Christine Hunnicutt 28 Paul and Judy St. Pierre 29 Ross and Kim Miller 30 Leon and Sara Alligood December 4 Gordon and Michelle Robertson 5 Joe and Mary Capone 18 Bob and Joan Hudgins Bob and Vivian Reynolds 20 Matthew and Katrina Krause 21 Russell and Virginia Lyeth Don and Marti Grenier 22 James and Yvonne Roberts 23 Brown and Rowena Cornwell 27 Glenn and Sandy Taylor Pastor Charlie and Debby Bang 28 Keith and Mary Jane Leckrone 31 Buzz and Anita Hamilton Theo and Christy Gardner THIS NEWSLETTER guides you through Gloria Dei’s preparation for and celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The church season is called Advent, which means “coming.” Advent is a four-week period of preparation for the Nativity—Jesus Christ’s birth. It is a season marked by joyful anticipation and hope. HANGING OF THE GREENS is a time for the Gloria Dei congregation to decorate for the Advent and Christmas seasons. Dinner is served by the men of the congregation on Friday, December 5, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Decorating and caroling follow with crafts and activities for children. A nursery is provided. During Hanging of the Greens, the Junior and Senior High Youth will meet in the Luther Library to stuff stockings for young children for the Salvation Army. FESTIVAL OF CAROLS AND LIGHTS on Sunday, December 7, at 7:00 p.m. is a worship service to anticipate the celebration of our Savior’s birth. This service includes carols, lessons, and special music by our choirs and bell ringers. The lighting of our Chrismon tree is a highlight of the evening. A nursery is provided. CHRISTMAS TREES will once again be sold by the Gloria Dei youth groups to help defray the cost of the Virginia Synod youth retreats. If your family purchases a live tree, please consider us! THE VIRGINIA CHORAL SOCIETY will present a concert entitled, “The Glory of Christmas,” which will be held on Sunday, December 14, at 3:00 p.m. in the Nave. General admission for this event is $18. SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM will be presented Sunday, December 14, at the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Come and share in this telling of the Savior’s birth. This is a traditional service with Holy Communion. For those who do not wish to attend the Christmas Program, Pastor Bang will have a sermon at the 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. services. CHRISTMAS CAROLING, sponsored by the Senior High Youth, begins at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 21. Carolers will travel by Gloria Dei bus. We will end at Pastor and Debby Bang’s home. All are welcome to join in the singing. FATHER AND SON BREAKFAST will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Christmas Eve, December 24, at the Elks’ Lodge, 99 Tide Mill Lane, in Hampton. This annual event is sponsored by the Men’s Breakfast Bible Study. The full breakfast buffet will cost $7.50 for adults and is free for boys under 5 years old and under. The Christmas season, beginning with Christmas Eve, is the occasion for telling the story of Christ’s birth. This joyful season lasts for 12 days. OUR CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE FOR YOUNG FAMILIES is at 5:00 p.m. This service is intended for families with Preschool through Kindergarten age children. The worship includes familiar Christmas carols and music by our SonShine Choir. This is a 45-minute service and includes a family Christmas blessing. A nursery is provided. OUR EARLY CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT COMMUNION begins at 7:00 p.m. This service is for families and those who desire an early evening service. It includes the festive sounds of carols with special music by our Youth Choir and Youth Ringers. A nursery is provided. OUR FESTIVAL CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION is at 11:00 p.m. Prelude music begins at 10:30 p.m. The Chancel Choir and Adult Ringers will provide special music. There is no nursery. EPIPHANY SERVICE will be Tuesday, January 6, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. Preceding this service, we will have a potluck supper at 6:00 p.m. (bring your favorite dish to share) and the last of your Christmas cookies. Come for a fun evening, which will end with taking down our Christmas decorations. MERRY CHRISTMAS! ~~CHRISTMAS TREE SALES~~ Tree sales begin Saturday, November 29, 2014 MON.—FRI. 5-8 p.m.; SAT. 9a.m.-9p.m.; SUN. 1-5 p.m. — Sponsored by the Gloria Dei Youth Groups— ALL proceeds support three Synod Youth Retreats! It is the goal of the Salvation Army that every child receive a stocking. The Salvation Army in Hampton seeks to fill over 7,000 stockings for children in the Virginia Peninsula Area this Christmas. They ask our group to fill the stockings with items appropriate for gender and age (newborn – 13) with the exception of food. November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 2 8, 9:30 & 11 AMWORSHIP 9:30 & 11AMSunday School All Saints Day 3 7 PMWELCA Book Group 4 8 AM-Daybreakers Bible Study at Sunrise House 10 AM-Fellowship Bible Study 4 PM-ExAdCom 6:30 PM-Worship Band 6 4:15 PM-The Master’s Singers 6 PM-Memorial Service 7 7 PM-Sr. HighYouth Lazer Rush 9 8, 9:30 & 11 AMWORSHIP 9:30 & 11AMSunday School 2 PM-Needlework Ministries 10 13 4:15 PM-The Master’s Singers 6 PM-Adult Ringers 7 PM-New Song Choir 7:45 PM-Chancel Choir 14 15 12-4 PMCouncil Working Session 16 8, 9:30 & 11 AMWORSHIP 9:30 & 11AMSunday School 12:30 PM-Youth Christmas Tree Sales Meeting 1 PM-Lost & Found Meeting; Sr. High Cookout and Talent Show 17 11 7 AM-Men’s Bible Study Breakfast at Sunrise House 10 AM-Fellowship Bible Study 5PM- Council Meeting 6:30 PM-Worship Band Church Office Closed 18 8 AM-Daybreakers Bible Study 10 AM-Fellowship Bible Study 6:30 PM-Worship Band 5 12:30 PM-JOY Fellowship at Olive Garden 5:30 PM-Youth Dinner 6 PM-Youth Choir 6:30 PM-Midweek Bible Study 6:45-Grades 5 & 6 Bible Study 7:30 PM-Confirmation; Sr. High Discipleship Group 12 3:30 PM-Son Shine Choir 5:30 PM-Youth Dinner 6 PM-Youth Choir 6:30 PM-Midweek Bible Study 6:45-Grades 5 & 6 Bible Study 7:30 PM-Confirmation; Sr. High Discipleship Group 20 4:15 PM-The Master’s Singers 6 PM-Adult Ringers 7 PM-New Song Choir 7:45 PM-Chancel Choir 21 Lost & Found Retreat 22 Lost & Found Retreat 23 8, 9:30 & 11 AMWORSHIP 9:30 & 11AMSunday School Lost & Found Retreat 24 6:30 PMWELCA Drawing with Debby 19 12:30 PM-JOY Fellowship at Red Lobster 3:30 PM-Son Shine Choir 4:15 PM-Jubilate Ringers 5:30 PM-Youth Dinner 6 PM-Youth Choir 6:30 PM-Midweek Bible Study 6:45-Grades 5 & 6 Bible Study 7:30 PM-Confirmation; Sr.High Discipleship Group 26 3:30 PM-Son Shine Choir 4:15 PM-Jubilate Ringers 6:30 PM-Midweek Bible Study 27 28 29 30 8, 9:30 & 11 AMWORSHIP 9:30 & 11AMSunday School 25 7 AM-Men’s Bible Study Breakfast 10 AM-Fellowship Bible Study 6:30 PM-Worship Band 7 PM-Community Thanksgiving Worship Church Office Closed Sat 1 8AM-NoonCouncil Working Session 8 December 2014 Sun Mon 1 7 8, 9:30 & 11 AMWORSHIP 9:30 & 11AMSunday School 7 PM-Carols & Lights 8 14 8, 9:30 & 11 AMWORSHIP 9:30 & 11AMSunday School 12:30 PM-Jr. Youth Bowling 2 PM-Needlework Ministries 3 PM-Virginia Choral Society 21 8, 9:30 & 11 AMWORSHIP 9:30 & 11AMSunday School 6 PM-Christmas Caroling 15 6:30 PMWELCA 28 10:00 AMWORSHIP 29 22 Tue 2 8 AM-Daybreakers Bible Study 10 AM-Fellowship Bible Study 4 PM-ExAdCom 6:30 PM-Worship Band 9 7 AM-Men’s Bible Study Breakfast 10 AM-Fellowship Bible Study 4 PM-Luther Ringers 5 PM- Council Meeting 6:30 PM-Worship Band 16 8 AM-Daybreakers Bible Study 10 AM-Fellowship Bible Study 6:30 PM-Worship Band 23 8 AM-Men’s Christmas Eve Breakfast 6:30 PM-Worship Band Wed 3 12:30 PM-JOY Fellowship at Olive Garden 3:30 PM-Son Shine Choir 4:15 PM-Jubilate Ringers 5:30 PM-Youth Dinner 6 PM-Youth Choir 6:30 PM-Midweek Bible Study 6:45-Grades 5 & 6 Bible Study 7:30 PM-Confirmation; Sr. High Discipleship Group 10 3:30 PM-Son Shine Choir 4:15 PM-Jubilate Ringers 5:30 PM-Youth Dinner 6 PM-Youth Choir 6:30 PM-Midweek Bible Study 6:45-Grades 5 & 6 Bible Study 7:30 PM-Confirmation; Sr. High Discipleship Group 17 12:30 PM-JOY Fellowship at Longhorn 3:30 PM-Son Shine Choir 4:15 PM-Jubilate Ringers 6:30 PM-Midweek Bible Study Thu 4 4:15 PM-The Master’s Singers 6 PM-Adult Ringers 7 PM-New Song Choir 7:45 PM-Chancel Choir Fri 5 6 PMHanging of the Greens 11 4:15 PM-The Master’s Singers 6 PM-Adult Ringers 7 PM-New Song Choir 7:45 PM-Chancel Choir 12 18 4:15 PM-The Master’s Singers 6 PM-Adult Ringers 7 PM-New Song Choir 7:45 PM-Chancel Choir 19 20 24 5, 7, & 11 - WORSHIP 25 26 27 Church Office Closed 30 10 AM-Fellowship Bible Study 6:30 PM-Worship Band 31 Church Office Closed Sat 6 10:30 AMCarols & Lights Rehearsal 10 AMBarnes and Noble Day 13 NoonWELCA Lunch Bunch 4 PM-Mault/ Leckrone Wedding Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 250 Fox Hill Road, Hampton, Virginia 23669-1793 Telephone (757)851-2838 FAX (757)850-3935 e-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday Sunrise House: (757) 896-0800; Gloria Dei is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Hampton, Virginia Permit NO. 216 Dated Material Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Worship Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED The Christmas season, beginning with Christmas Eve, is the occasion for telling the story of Christ’s birth. This joyful season lasts for 12 days. OUR CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE FOR YOUNG FAMILIES is at 5:00 p.m. This service is intended for families with Preschool through Kindergarten age children. The worship includes familiar Christmas carols and music by our SonShine Choir. This is a 45-minute service and includes a family Christmas blessing. A nursery is provided. OUR EARLY CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT COMMUNION begins at 7:00 p.m. This service is for families and those who desire an early evening service. It includes the festive sounds of carols with special music by our Youth Choir and Youth Ringers. A nursery is provided. OUR FESTIVAL CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION is at 11:00 p.m. Prelude music begins at 10:30 p.m. The Chancel Choir and Adult Ringers will provide special music. There is no nursery.
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