If you do not have a church home, we invite you to join our First United Methodist Family! Sunday Worship Services* Traditional 8:25 am & 10:55 am New Creation 9:45 am - Chapel Sunday School* 9:45 am Music Ministries Kids Music & Bible Club—Wednesdays 4:30 pm Instrumental Ensemble - Wednesdays 6:00 pm Chancel Choir - Wednesdays 7:00 pm* Handbell Choir - Thursdays 6:30 pm (September through June) Children’s Church* During 10:55 am service FUMPers Preschool Program Weekday mornings Christian Education Opportunities Sundays 9:45 am* Wednesdays 6:15 pm* Youth Ministry Youth HQ - Sundays 11:00 am & 5:00 pm Praise Team - Wednesday 4:30 pm Sunday, November 30, 2014 First Sunday in Advent 419 N.E. First Street, Gainesville, Florida 32601 352-372-8523 www.fumcgnv.org 10:55 am (September through May - 373-0108) Young Adult Fellowship G.A.P Graduates and Professionals Small Group - Sundays 9:45 am *Nursery provided in Epworth Hall The members of the Church are its ministers. They are assisted by the following Support Team. Rev. Sara McKinley, Senior Pastor [email protected] 372-8523 ext. 27 (Cell: 954-873-7825) Pastor David Averill, Associate Pastor Youth and Young Adult Ministries [email protected] 372-8523 ext. 14 (Cell: 706-414-9002) Julie Cole, Church Administrator [email protected] 372-8523, ext. 18 Robert W. “B.J.” Jackson, Director of Music Ministries [email protected] 372-8523 ext. 20 (Cell: 352-222-6744) Amy C. Watson, Director Children and Preschool Ministries [email protected] 373-0108 (Direct Line to FUMPers) Sarah Kelly, Youth Intern Cell: (772) 563-3558 Lorraine Amick, Organist [email protected] Lynn Sandefur-Gardner, Choral Accompanist [email protected] Jenny Eckenrode Director of Children’s Choir & Celebration Ringers [email protected] Lenora Rousseau New Creation Worship Leader [email protected] Alesia Averill, Office Assistant 352-372-8523 ext. 11 [email protected] Monique Roberg, Head Nursery Attendant Wendy Callaha, Church Cook (352) 283-2997 Tony Taylor, Custodian [email protected] Rev. Dr. Ken Carter Florida Area Bishop Rev. Sue Haupert-Johnson North Central Florida District Superintendent A DEFIBRILLATOR IS LOCATED ON THE 1ST FLOOR & WEST WALL OF EPWORTH HALL. Our Hearts, Our Minds, and our Doors are open to all. We are the People of The Unit ed Methodist Chur ch Celebration of Worship AFFIRMATION OF FAITH No. 885 (red hymnal) The Nursery, located in Epworth Hall, is available for all morning activities for children birth - 4 years old. Out of respect for our worship, please silence all electronic devices prior to the service. Sound system hearing aids are available from the ushers upon request. Please stand as you are able. Announcements (Please complete Connection Card and place in offering plate.) Mission Box United Methodist Children’s Home PRELUDE “En ist ein Ros’ entsprugen ” Robert Jackson Jim Nation Lorraine Amick Johannes Brahams FUMC Acolytes LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH - CANDLE OF HOPE (see insert) MIENEKE PSALM 80 pgs. 801-802 (red hymnal) with sung response 1 Robert Jackson RECEIVING GOD’S TITHE AND OUR OFFERINGS (unison) Rev. Averill Our Heavenly Father, we worship you. You are the God who does awesome deeds that we did not expect! You have come down from on high, sending your precious Son Jesus to make your presence tangible. You work wonders for those who wait for you. Thank you for sending your Spirit to work in our life. Give us patience as we wait for the revealing of your glorious kingdom. May the gifts and offerings we present today serve your purposes as we await your coming in glory. Come soon, Lord Jesus! Amen. OFFERTORY ANTHEM “Every Valley” Jim & Dorothy Nation ~ written by Christine Sine, and posted on Godspace. http://godspace.wordpress.com/2011/11/21/a-prayer-for-the-first-sunday-of-advent-2011/ “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus” GLORIA PATRI No. 70 (red hymnal) (based on Isaiah 64, from www.gbod.org) CALL TO WORSHIP (Please stand as you are able and read responsively.) Robert Jackson Leader: The coming of our Lord is near, and we wait in joyful expectation. People: Draw close, Lord Jesus Christ, shed your light on all that is filled with darkness. Leader: The coming of our Lord is near, And we wait with hope filled hearts, People: Draw close, God’s beloved son, Teach us the wonder of your all-embracing love. Leader: The coming of our Lord is near, and we wait for God’s redeeming presence; draw close, Savior of all creation. People: Our hearts ache for justice, our minds long for holiness, our spirits seek for unity. Leader: The coming of our Lord is near, and we wait for the fulfillment of God’s promises. People: Draw close, reconciler and transformer of all things. Renew our world, restore your peace, display your righteousness. Leader: The coming of our Lord is near, and we wait for God’s light to shine over all the earth. People: Draw close, pain bearer, life giver, love sharer, Shine through us, in us, around us, shine for the world to see. Leader: The coming of our Lord is near, and we wait attentive to the signs of his coming. All: Draw close, Lord Jesus Christ, God beyond imagining, fully God yet truly human, draw close. Amen. HYMN No. 196 (red hymnal) Robert Jackson HYFRYDOL Chancel Choir Joseph Martin DOXOLOGY No. 94 (red hymnal - NOTE: This is a new version) CHILDREN’S MOMENT (all sing) LASST UNS ERFREUEN Rev. David Averill (As the children come forward, the congregation sings No. 2233 from The Faith We Sing - black hymnal) ALL: This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God's Word, bread and cup, prayer and song: This is where children belong. JOYS AND CONCERNS Leader: Lord, In your mercy. People: Hear our prayer. Rev. Averill THE LORD’S PRAYER No. 895 (red hymnal) HYMN No. 2089 (black hymnal) SERMON TEXT “Wild and Lone the Prophet’s Voice” Isaiah 40:1-11 LAGRANGE Rev. Averill [NIV pg. 1119] Reader: This is the Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God. SERMON Prepare the Way of the Lord HYMN No. 210 (red hymnal) “Toda la Tierra” (All Earth Is Waiting) BENEDICTION RECESSIONAL Rev. Averill TAULÈ Rev. Averill “Ash Grove” Paul R. Otte Lorraine Amick LIGHTING THE ADVENT WREATH CANDLE OF HOPE Reader 1: O God, we light the first candle of Advent – the candle of hope. (A member of a family lights the first candle.) Reader 1: We kindle it with hope. We long for you to come to our world, to break through and reign with compassion, justice, and peace. Reader 2: The prophet Isaiah also cried to God to tear open heaven and come down. He called God's people to do right. Isaiah called them to be refashioned like clay by God, the potter. This Advent, we call out to God. People: Mighty God, creator of the world, break through all that keeps us from you. We ask for your mercy and reform us in your image. This Advent, visit us with your hope, peace, joy and love. Amen. Sung Response: Advent Song verse 1 (see reverse page) LIGHTING THE ADVENT WREATH CANDLE OF HOPE Reader 1: O God, we light the first candle of Advent – the candle of hope. (A member of a family lights the first candle.) Reader 1: We kindle it with hope. We long for you to come to our world, to break through and reign with compassion, justice, and peace. Reader 2: The prophet Isaiah also cried to God to tear open heaven and come down. He called God's people to do right. Isaiah called them to be refashioned like clay by God, the potter. This Advent, we call out to God. People: Mighty God, creator of the world, break through all that keeps us from you. We ask for your mercy and reform us in your image. This Advent, visit us with your hope, peace, joy and love. Amen. Sung Response: Advent Song verse 1 (see reverse page)
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