THS BAND PROGRAM WEEKLY NOTES: 30/11/14 Rehearsals this week: Tuesday Concert Band 2 Concert Band 1 Friday 2.25 – 3.45pm 4.00 – 5.30pm Stage Band 2 Stage Band 3 Stage Band 1 3.15 – 4.15pm 3.15 – 4.15pm 4.15 – 5.45pm Events Calendar (new in bold): EVENT DATE Weds 3rd December 8:15-9:30am Orientation Day – CB1 Tues 9th December 7pm Presentation night – CB1 (pizza dinner will be organised between rehearsal and performance 2015! Sat 31st Jan or Sun 1st Fev Auditions for returning students – times TBA Fri 6th February Welcome concert for year 7 - CB1 Sat 7th February Auditions for new students \ Please let your band manager(s) know (see end of band notes) if you cannot make a performance or have a band-related problem that needs solving (e.g. how do I get my large instrument there?....). Band notes are avai lab le on th e s chool’s we bsite i n the band s ection: (ww w.turramur rahighs di ng-s chool -ban ds) Please note that the 2014 band managers are the current band managers to the end of term 4. Those elected at the BSG take up their new positions at the beginning of 2015. We apologise for any misunderstanding that there may have been. THS CD recording All 5 bands were involved in the CD recording last Tuesday. In a feat of logistical 1 of 5 wizardry, Humberto Ho, Geeta Jeeveratnam, Anne Perry and Jeff Lambert managed to ensure each band was ferried to the Uniting Church in Turramurra for its allotted time slot. Unfortunately Mark was sick and his wife Sophie was asked to step in at the last minute to conduct (this was despite everyone else in the family being sick – and we!re talking sicky sick !). The result will be a professionally recorded CD that everyone can be proud of. As well as being a great demonstration of the strength of the school!s band program, it will be a unique gift that you will be able to obtain for your family and friends. The finished product is expected to be available ~12th December; details will be released soon about how to order the CD via the Flexischool website, or alternatively by emailing Humberto ([email protected] or 0413752117). Special thanks go to Humberto, Geeta , Anne and Jeff for their incredible commitment and outstanding efforts in organizing the lead up to and actual success of Tuesday's recording session. Also to Sophie for stepping in to help magnificently Band structure in 2015 We have some very exciting news for the THS Band Program for 2015- we are ready to expand to 3 concert bands! This is very encouraging and shows the growth and consistency in numbers and overall success we have experienced in recent years. This will also allow us to more accurately place students in bands that will challenge them but ultimately not be beyond their ability levels. It will also give us a much more natural progression through the bands which will hopefully also allow year groups to be more consistent as well. Of course, the bands will still not be restricted by age and age will also not be a reason for promotion. The placement into the bands will be based on ability and commitment. The new bands will be called (in order from highest to lowest)- Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Senior Concert Band and Junior Concert Band. Rehearsals will still be on Tuesdays with timings as follows… Junior Concert Band2:30pm-3:45pm Senior Concert Band3:45pm-5:00pm Symphonic Wind Ensemble 5:00pm-6:30pm As a result of the new 3 tiered band setup we will need to audition everyone in the entire band program at the beginning of next year. Not only does this make placement into the 2 of 5 bands fair and equitable, but it also allows all students to be placed into a band that best suits their ability levels. This audition process will also be your audition for placement into a stage band (where applicable), which will also be rearranged next year, the three bands becoming Senior Stage Band, Intermediate Stage Band and Junior Stage Band. We also expect to see some movement across these bands. All of this is a very positive step for our band program and should help to raise the levels of all bands. Auditions for ALL current band members (not new band members commencing 2015) will be held on Saturday 31st January and Sunday 1st February.! !! Audition Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. Scales- Please prepare 1 major, 1 harmonic minor, 1 melodic minor and 1 chromatic. Students wishing to be included in Symphonic Wind Ensemble should play all scales over 2 octaves in quavers at != 140. Scales must be played by memory for everyone auditioning. Students wishing to be included in Senior Concert Band should prepare at least TWO of their scales over 2 octaves. Pieces- Please prepare 2 pieces that are appropriate to your current grade level. These are NOT to be pieces from band. Sight reading will be given to you on the day. A photocopy of the sheet music for your pieces (not scales) MUST be brought into the audition with you and given to Mark. For guitar and bass guitar, tablature will not be appropriate. Even if you plan on performing by memory, still bring music in so I can see what you’re playing. Audition Tips · When preparing scales, please practise them thoroughly and regularly with high repetition. Scales are very easy to learn, but if you only play them once or twice per practice you will struggle to remember them. The best way to practise 4 scales (considering your time frame) would be to play each scale once every day. Then for week 1 focus on 1 scale and play it 10 times in a row correctly with the music before you move on. Do this 3 times during your practice separated by other things. Choose a scale to be your focus scale for each week, but remember to keep playing all scales each day to keep them fresh. Special note: Use sheet music when practising scales until you’re absolutely sure that you are playing them correctly at every repetition. Don’t ‘feel’ your way through the scale by memory to learn them. · Use a metronome for all your preparation- for scales start learning them slowly, then once you know them thoroughly and correctly, start to increase the speed. 3 of 5 · · For your pieces it is very important that you choose things you can play really well. Don’t choose something way too hard for you in order to impress, then not be able to play it. Conversely if you choose something that is very easy it might not qualify you for entry into the upper bands. Sight reading can be practised. There are wonderful books available with playable etudes appropriate for all instruments. Not only are these great to play, but excellent as sight reading practice. Please consult your teacher and if you don’t have one already, buy one immediately and start working on it (to buy sheet music in Sydney, Zephyr Music in Crows Nest is the best place to go. If you prefer to order online, is excellent but in order to receive music quickly you need to choose the most expensive shipping method. Sometimes this choice isn’t made available so leave a comment with your order). · Holidays- many people like to take a break from playing during the holidays. While it is sometimes good to have a break in order to come back refreshed, the flip side is that you lose a substantial amount of quality in your playing when you don’t practice for even a few days. If you’re going on holidays and can’t/won’t take your instrument, there are still ways you can practise- take your music with you and work through your pieces and scales in your mind. This means think through the process of playing, using fingers to pretend to play as your internally sing/think through the pieces/scales. The actual audition is a nice atmosphere. It is a time for you to be able to show me what you can do and a time for me to enjoy hearing you play on your own rather than covered within the band (which is why audition days are one of my favorite musical days of the year). Try not to stress too much about it- no one is there to jump down your throat. The aim is just to make sure everyone is placed into the correct band for them. Band support group ! The BSG for 2015 is: President Steve Taylor 0407 101 814 [email protected] Vice President Humberto Ho 0413 752 117 [email protected] Treasurer Jill Taylor 0410 697 602 [email protected] Secretary Nicole Dale 0418 256 583 [email protected] Weekly Notes Co-ordinator Jo Parr Music Librarian Elizabeth Willis Instrument Coordinator Elizabeth Willis Publicity Coordinator Humberto Ho Vacant CB1 Manager Cathy Sanders Geeta Jeeveratnam CB2 Manager Anne Cornford 0439 431 375 9489 0146 0407 756 798 9489 0146 0407 756 798 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 0413 752 117 [email protected] 9418 2882 0431 736 143 0408 698 894 [email protected] [email protected] 9498 6132 0412 616 691 [email protected] 4 of 5 0412 493 484 [email protected] ! ! ! Vacant ! ! ! Band Camp Committee (minimum 3) Anne Perry Humberto Ho Elizabeth Willis 9489 9478 0400 987418 [email protected] [email protected] Regional Tour Committee (minimum 3) Christine Ashton Anne Perry Vacant International Tour Committee (minimum 4) Megan Grover Geeta Jeeveratnam Mary Hill Band Master Mark Barnsley [email protected] SB3 conductor Ray Cassar [email protected] SB1 Manager Diane Maher SB2 Managers Vacant SB3 Manager 0408 698 894 [email protected] 9440 5836 0481 538 394 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 5 of 5
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