ISO 9001 Global Certification Numbers Source: ISO Survey 2012 October 31st, 2013 © DNV Business Assurance. All rights reserved. 3 Dr. Nigel Croft Dr. Nigel H. Croft is recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in quality management and conformity assessment of management systems. He has been actively involved in quality since 1974, when he began his career in the British steel industry as a student apprentice. Among his many professional activities, Dr. Croft currently holds senior management positions and serves as non-executive board member of a number of commercial and non-profit organizations in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas. He holds the post of visiting professor at the Business School of UUM (University of North Malaysia), one of the leading Management Universities in the region, and also acts as a Lead Consultant for UNIDO, the United National Industrial Development Organization. Within the standards development arena, Dr. Croftl has been an active member of ISO/TC176 (the ISO Technical Committee responsible for the ISO 9000 series of standards) since 1995, and currently serves as Chair of SC2, the subcommittee responsible for the ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 standards development. He also represents TC 176 at the strategic-level ISO/ILAC/IAF Joint Working Group which provides oversight of global management systems certification. Born in the UK, but with dual British and Brazilian citizenship, Dr Croft holds a first class honours degree in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, England, and a Doctorate in Materials Science from Sheffield University. He is a Chartered Engineer and Chartered Quality Professional in the UK, a Fellow of the Chartered Quality Institute and a Senior Member of the American Society for Quality. October 31st, 2013 © DNV Business Assurance. All rights reserved. 4 ISO 9001:2015 – From CD to DIS Dr Nigel H Croft Chair, ISO/TC176/SC2 (Quality Systems) (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 1 Disclaimer Any opinions expressed by the presenter are personal viewpoints, and no formal endorsement of ISO, IAF, ISO/TC176 or ISO/CASCO should be implied Information about the revision of ISO 9001 is not final and should not be used for making changes to existing quality management systems. (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 2 Webinar Outline………… Background ISO Directives “Annex SL” – the need for harmonization of management system standards ISO 9001:2015 – what to expect Transition arrangements Q&A (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 3 Background (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 4 Overall Scenario of ISO/TC176 Development of generic quality management system standards that have broad application: all market sectors both private and public organizations Approx. 1,200,000 worldwide certifications to ISO 9001 BUT It’s about more than just “certification” “Certification to ISO 9001” should be a result of a well-implemented quality management system! Other ISO/TC 176 products are aimed to assist organizations in improving their quality management system. ISO engaging more with IAF and others to “defend the ISO Brand” (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 6 ISO/TC176/SC2 Vision “SC2’s products* are recognized and respected worldwide, and used by organizations as an integral component of sustainable development” * ISO 9001, ISO 9004, and other guidance documents (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 7 ISO/TC176/SC2 Mission To develop, maintain and support a portfolio of products that enable organizations to improve their performance and to benefit from the implementation of a robust quality management system. To establish generic quality management system requirements that provide the foundations to build confidence in goods and services delivered throughout the supply chain to organizations and people worldwide. To provide guidance and support, where needed, to ensure the continued credibility of our products. (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 8 3 core concepts*………… Identify the processes needed to achieve the planned results Continually monitor the risks (“Cause and effect”) Manage the processes and the system using “Plan-Do-Check-Act” * = Nigel Croft’s understanding (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved “Annex SL” – the need for harmonization (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 16 Need for Alignment of management system standards! ISO Joint Technical Coordination Group (“JTCG”): Joint vision for management system standards High level structure for all ISO management systems standards Identical sub-clause titles under the high level structure Generic core vocabulary for management system standards Aim is to make life easier for those who wish to have a “single management system” (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 18 ISO Directives Part 1:2012 “Annex SL” Incorporates the recommendations of the JTCG work Defines the common structure and format for all new ISO management system standards and revisions to existing standards Common text (approx 30% or more of each standard will be identical text) Significant impact on future revisions of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 19 Revision of ISO 9001 (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 21 The Global Challenges for Quality Management Systems Increased customer expectations for confidence in products and services Increasing use of QMS standards for global trade Increasing use of ISO 9001 by various industry sectors Credibility of 3rd party certification Drive for greater efficiency (lean initiatives) Increased sophistication of quality management tools Increasing regulatory emphasis on public health and safety (e.g., food; medical devices) Multiple management systems standards, programs and schemes. (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 23 Key objectives for “ISO 9001:2015” Extracts from ISO 9001:2015 “Design Specification”: Provide stable core set of requirements for next 10 years or so Maintain current focus on effective process management to produce desired outcomes Take account of changes in QMS practices and technology since the last major revision (in 2000) Apply Annex SL of ISO Directives to enhance compatibility & alignment with other ISO management system standards Facilitate effective organizational implementation and effective conformity assessment by 1st, 2nd and 3rd parties Simplified language and writing styles to aid understanding and consistent interpretations of requirements. (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 24 Where we are now……… 2010 – 2012 June 2013 WG 24 develops and agrees Working Drafts June 2013 New Work Item Proposal and Design Specification for Revision approved unanimously by ISO/TC176/SC2 membership Nov 2012 – April 2013 Preliminary meeting of WG24 Oct 2012 Preparing the groundwork………. Committee Draft circulated to SC2 membership for Ballot & Comment Sept 2013 Committee Draft approved (approx. 80% approval; 51 Yes; 11 No; 3 abstain) Approx. 2800 comments received (compared to approx. 6000 for same stage of Year 2000 revision) (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 26 Some key changes........... Complete reformatting to align with “Annex SL” “Goods and services” instead of “product” More emphasis on addressing “risks & opportunities” Elimination of the term “preventive action” the concept still remains, and is actually reinforced throughout the standard (by addressing “risk”) “External provision of goods and services” instead of “purchasing” – includes outsourced processes Elimination of specific requirements for Quality Manual Management representative (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 27 Some examples of what to expect (Based on “Annex SL”)….. (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 28 4.1 “Understanding the organization and its context” “The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its “XXX” management system.” NOTE: “XXX” = “quality”, “environmental”, “information security” etc. ISO 9001:2015 might use the term “goods and services” instead of “product” (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 29 4.2 “Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties” “The organization shall determine the interested parties that are relevant to the XXX management system, and the related requirements of these interested parties” ISO 9001 is likely to add text requiring the organization to include direct customers end users suppliers, distributers, retailers or others involved in the supply chain Regulators (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 30 4.4 XXX management system The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an XXX management system, including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard. (This is key to maintaining the “process approach”, which will now be embedded in ALL ISO management system standards) (“Beefed-up” version of current clause 4.1 of ISO 9001:2008 likely to be incorporated into this clause) (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 31 6.1 Actions to address risks & opportunities “The organization shall consider the issues referred to in 4.1 and the requirements referred to in 4.2 and determine the risks and opportunities that need to be addressed to assure the management system can achieve its intended outcome(s) prevent undesired effects realize opportunities for improvement. The organization shall: a) evaluate the need to plan actions to address these risks and opportunities, and b) where applicable integrate and implement these actions into its XXX management system processes (see 8.1) ensure information will be available to evaluate if the actions have been effective (see 9.1).” (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 34 7.1 Resources The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the quality management system. Additional text for ISO 9001 likely to include: Infrastructure Process environment Monitoring & Measurement Knowledge management (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 35 Probable ISO 9001 “adders” for Clause 8 This is where most of the current ISO 9001:2008 Clause 7 will be included. Customer related processes Operational planning “Control of external providers” (Purchasing and outsourcing addressed together) “Creation or change of product” (Incorporates “design & development” from ISO 9001:2008) Product realization Monitoring and measurement of product Nonconforming goods and services (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 37 Probable ISO 9001 “adders” for Clause 9 Customer satisfaction Analysis and evaluation of data Greater emphasis on product conformity (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 39 What next? Nov 2013 Nov 2013 – March 2014 Face-to-face meeting to review results of DIS Ballot April 2015 Forecast publication of DIS for Ballot and Comment Nov 2014 WG 24 electronic working to develop “Draft DIS” Probable face-to-face meeting of WG24 to agree on DIS text April 2014 WG 24 face-to-face meeting in Porto. Review of “Strategic-level” comments Disposition where possible of ALL comments Define path forward for “sticky issues” Publication of FDIS Sept 2015 Publication of ISO 9001:2015 (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 41 Concerns and criticisms….. Some do not like or accept the “Annex SL” approach Concerns that some requirements are being “watered down” (Design & Development; Calibration and others) Concerns about “auditability” of some requirements Some want more prescriptive requirements …. But some want less prescriptive requirements!! Some ambiguous / inconsistent terminology in the CD Introduction of the concept of “Relevant Interested parties” “Elimination” of “Preventive action”; “Management Representative”; “Quality Manual” Concerns that new clause structure means we risk losing the “Process Approach” (I strongly disagree!) (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 42 Additional possibilities: SC2 is looking at the possibility to develop specific implementation guidance for ISO 9001:2015 (not decided yet) Generic implementation guidance (possibly to be numbered as ISO 9002) Updated guidance for small businesses Service sector (revive and revise the old ISO 9004-2?) Sector guidance (possible way to address concerns from Automotive Sector?) Application for “one-off” projects (updated ISO 10006) (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 45 Transition to ISO 9001:2015 Scheduled publication date September 2015 ISO/TC176, ISO/CASCO and IAF have approved a 3-year transition period All organizations will be strongly encouraged to start the transition as soon as the DIS is published (mid-2014) Aim is to avoid “peak” of audits to the new standard near end of transition period Avoid overload of CB resources (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 46 What you should do now……. No immediate action required Stay tuned to what’s happening with the revision to ISO 9001 “Risk-based thinking” Periodic updates will be made available by ISO/TC176/SC2/WG23 Start working on understanding and incorporating changes from mid-2014 (after publication of the DIS) (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 47 THANK YOU! – ANY QUESTIONS? [email protected] (C) Nigel H Croft 2013 - All rights reserved 48 Selected questions Why was risk integrated into the latest revision by the standard development team? How do you see the future of QMS and other management systems aligning with enterprise risk management? Dr. Croft, when we are developing requirements in a certifiable standard such as ISO 9001, the “auditability” of the requirement is paramount; otherwise conformity assessment against the standard becomes even more difficult. How is the “auditability” of requirements assessed during the development phase? Dr. Croft, the ISO 9001:2008 very clearly stated which Procedures, at a minimum, are required. I did not find any shall clauses as to which Procedure re required. Can you guide me, please? Dr. Croft. This sub-clause is not strong enough. Delete and restate: "Ensure that process approach is used," Reason: ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 2008 were promoting "Process Approach in 4.1 a. through f." Most Registrar Auditors have not followed it. Make it mandatory. Dr. Croft. 5.2 in the DIS states: "ensuring that quality policies and quality objectives are established for the QMS". Does this mean that Top Management has to establish more than one Quality Policy for the organization? October 31st, 2013 © DNV Business Assurance. All rights reserved. 5 Thank you for your time. For more information on ISO 9001:2015 join us for a ½ day workshop. • • • • Houston TX - November 18th Atlanta GA – December 2nd Oakland CA – December 12th Cincinnati OH – December 17th You will be receiving information to register for these workshops and to download today’s presentation by email this afternoon. 1-877-368-3530 [email protected]
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