PS Geochemical Study on the Origin of Organic Matter and Depositional Environment of Late Quaternary Sediments in the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea* Myong-Ho Park1, Ji-Hoon Kim2, and Gee-Soo Kong2 Search and Discovery Article #10672 (2014)** Posted November 24, 2014 *Adapted from poster presentation given at AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey, September 14-17, 2014 **Datapages © 2014 Serial rights given by author. For all other rights contact author directly. 1 E&P Technology Institute, Korea National Oil Corporation, Anyang, Republic of Korea ([email protected]) Petroleum and Marine Research Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of Korea 2 Abstract According to radiocarbon dating of planktonic foraminifera samples from the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea, the cores cover the time interval from the middle stage of marine isotope stage (MIS) III through the last glacial maximum (LGM) to the Holocene. In the cores, hemipelagic muds (bioturbated and slightly laminated mud facies) were mainly deposited during interglacial periods (MIS I/III), whereas non-hemipelagic muds (laminated and homogenous mud facies) were formed during glacial period (MIS II). During the cold time, sedimentation rates clearly increased more than the other times. Such characteristic changes in sedimentary facies and sedimentation rate evidently reflect paleoenvironmental variations on the Ulleung Basin during the Late Quaternary. Also, the cores contain several lapilli tephra layers, rhyolitic ash layers, and dark laminated muds. Among these, previously well-known tephra layers (Ulleung-Oki, Aira-Tanzawa, and Ulleung-Yamato) were identified and used to stratigraphically correlate the cores. Particularly, our sedimentary geochemical studies (Rock-Eval pyrolysis, elemental, and stable isotope analyses) allow us to discuss the origin of organic matter and the depositional environment of sediments. Down-core profiles of TOC (Total Organic Carbon), TN (Total Nitrogen) and δ13Corg show the lowest values during MIS II and the highest during MIS I. The relationship between TOC/TN and δ13Corg suggests that the organic matter was predominantly produced by a marine source rather than by a terrestrial source. However, redox-sensitive trace elements have not significantly varied during MIS II as well as during MIS I/III. The ratios of these trace elements also indicate a predominant oxic or suboxic environment, indicating that the Late Quaternary depositional condition of the Ulleung Basin was less dynamically changed than we expected before. References Cited Kim, J.H., M.H. Park, U. Tsunogai, T.J. Cheong, B.J. Ryu, Y.J. Lee, H.C. Han, J.H. Oh, and H.W. Chang, 2007. Geochemical characterization of the organic matter, pore water constituents, and shallow methane gas in the eastern part of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea): Island Arc, v. 16, p. 93–104. Park, M.H., J.H. Kim, B.J. Ryu, I.S. Kim, and H.W. Chang, 2006, AMS radiocarbon dating of the marine late Pleistocene-Holocene sediment cores from the Ulleung Basin, East/Japan Sea: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions and Materials and Atoms, v. 243, p. 211–215. Park, M.H., I.S. Kim, and J.B. Shin, 2003, Characteristics of the late Quaternary tephra layers in the East/Japan Sea and their new occurrences in western Ulleung Basin sediments: Marine Geology, v. 202/3–4, p. 135–142. Sept. 14~17 / Istanbul / Turkey Geochemical Study on the Origin of Organic Matter and Depositional Environment of Late Quaternary Sediments in the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea 1 2 M.H. Park , J.H. Kim , and G.S. Kong 2 1 E&P Technology Institute, Korea National Oil Corporation , Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources Abstract Type of Tephras o 135 E 140 E o 44 N 2 0 00 B E a st S ea 2 00 0 1 00 0 o 40 N 30 Origin and Diagenesis of Organic Matter A 00 20 B 0.75 B 00 10 2 00 OB UB MIS II Japan 08HZP-01 (Terrigeneous) 0.50 TN (wt%) 08HZP-01 (Marine) Ko rea Strait (d ep th 1 4 0 m) B G UI KP UBGH2-1_1 UBGH2-2_1 UBGH2-5 Ulleun g Is. C -20 -25 C3 Land Plants 0.25 15.4 0.95 1.02 1.57 AT 23.0 2.34 2.45 2.66 U-Ym 30.9 - 4.78 5.79 5.22 5.44 7.34 35 N (DLM, Dark laminated mud; U-Oki, Ulleung-Oki layer; AT, Aira-Tanzawa layer; UYm, Ulleung-Yamato layer) 3 HM 4 5 LM SLM HM LM BM FO SLM HM SLM HM SLM BM MIS 3 BM 4 5 MS G SLM BM BM SLM BM BM HM HM FO FO HM HM 3 MIS 1 OB 0 2 6 0 10 20 HM BM HM LM FO BM LM 5 BM BM 6 MIS 3 30 TOC 8 Downcore profiles of TOC/TN, δ13Corg and δ15Norg 15.9 cm/kyr Depositional Condition : Influence of Tephra and Biodetritus 6 20.7 cm/kyr 23.1 cm/kyr MIS 2 MIS 3 8 MIS 1 Abundance of redox-sensitive trace elements (e.g., Mn, V, U, and Mo) : Not varied from MIS 3 to MIS 1 Relationship between the depths and calibrated ages Characteristic Change in Sedimentary Facies Ratios of redox-sensitive trace elements indicate a predominately oxic or suboxic environment during times of sediment deposition since the Late Quaternary Tephra and foraminiferal shell fragments display abnormal element/Al ratios : Biodetritus and tephra obviously affect the variation of sedimentary facies and the geochemistry in the Ulleung Basin Oxic A Suboxic Anoxic 3 4 1 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 SLM AL AL BM BM U-Ym SLM Volcanic layers and grains are found in all cores. In particular, the U-Oki, AT and U-Ym layers are easily identified; the massive-type glass shards of the lapilli layers correspond to the U-Oki and U-Ym tephra layers, whereas the bubble-well and/or plane-type glass shards are the AT ash layer Suboxic 2 2 MIS I MIS II MIS III KCES-1 0.6 0 0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 18 60 1 1 12 40 0.5 0.5 6 20 0 0 0 0 MIS I MIS II MIS III MIS I MIS II MIS III 1.5 2 2.5 3 U/Th Ni/Co 1.5 Anoxic 0.8 V/Cr 2 Co EF 2 Suboxic 1 1.5 CuEF In the cores, hemipelagic muds (bioturbated and slightly laminated mud facies) were mainly formed during interglacial periods (MIS 1 / MIS 3), whereas non-hemipelagic muds (laminated and homogenous mud facies) were deposited glacial period (MIS 2) 3 Oxic B 6 Correlation (A) between V/Cr and Ni/Co and (B) between V/(V+Ni) and U/Th BM MS G BM : Bioturbated mud LM : Laminated mud SLM : Slightly laminated mud HM : Homogenous mud FO : Foraminiferal ooze AL : Ash layer TL : Lapilli (tephra) layer U-Ok i : Ulleung-Oki layer U-Y m : Ulleung-Yamato layer AT : Aira-Tanzawa layer DLM : Dark laminated mud layer MIS : Marine Isotope Stage BM SLM DLM HM FO HM LM SLM FO HM BM BM AT(?) HM AL HM SLM AL AL 4 4 U-Oki HM SLM SLM BM MIS 1 Oxic AT BM SLM BM SLM FO FO SLM BM AL BM LM HM BM FO HM U-Ym BM (30.9 ka) BM HM 40 VEF 2 0 MoEF 3 SLM LM BM 30 3 SLM 4.5 UEF HM 3 NiEF HM HM Slumped Sandy M 1 MIS 3 4 The decreasing downcore profile of nitrate concentration, the increasing downcore profile of phosphate concentration, and lower N/P ratio (<12.4) in the water column: Evidence of the occurrence of denitrification via micro-reducing environment or aerobic denitrification in the sea MnEF 2 BM DLM HM HM SLM SLM TL MIS 2 MIS 2 1 U-Oki HM MIS 3 2 DLM SLM (15.4 ka) SLM HM SLM HM SLM HM SLM HM SLM LM HM HM AT HM (23.0 ka) HM SLM BM SLM SLM HM SLM SLM HM SLM HM SLM SLM HM BM MIS 1 BM BM 1 0 (m) HM MIS 2 0 (m) MIS 3 U-Oki HM (10.1 ka) SLM MIS 1 BM 03GHP-04 20 03GHP-02 03GHP-03 03GHP-04 Depth (mbsf) Selected samples were 14C-dated by AMS at the lab. of Univ. Kiel, Germany After tephrostratigraphic studies, DLM, U-Oki, AT, and U-Ym represent 15.4, 10.1, 23.0 and 30.9 ka BP, respectively (e.g., Park et al., 2006; Kim et al., 2007). They are useful tie points for the chronostratigraphic correlation, and were here used to construct the age model of the sediment cores According to this method, the U-Oki layer is roughly designated as the boundary between MIS 1/2 and the AT layer is between MIS 2/3 10 2 Enriched δ15Norg : Usually caused by the denitrification process in the water column under suboxic condition o 132 E A g e (k y r) 0 MIS 1 an Ulleung Basin in the East Sea and core location Age Dating and Model 0 (m) p Ja o o 0 δ15Norg : 4 ~ 11 ‰ → Originated from marine algae KCES-1 130 E 1.5 TOC (wt%) 20 0 * - : no observation 03GHP-03 UBGH2-1_1 0 CrEF Length (m) Depth of three tephras and DLM layers in the cores 20 0 0 MIS 3 4 Anoxic DLM UB 2 Oxic/Suboxic 1.00 MIS 1 V/ (V+Ni) 0.49 12 Anoxic 0.32 9 6 50 0 10.1 HB U-Oki UBGH2-2_1 03GHP-03 UBGH2-5 03GHP-02 08HZP-01 10 0 0 03GHP-04 6 -35 0.00 Korea 03GHP-03 Freshwater algae 4 03GHP-02 3 MIS 2 2 2 00 37o N 20 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 0 2 Dok Is. 15 0 0 Cal Age (ka BP) 03GHP-04 15 6 -30 Depth (mbsf) 10 C4 Land Plants Marine algae -15 MIS III 00 10 0 20 5 MIS 2 -10 MIS I 0 6 3 00 0 YB 0 15Norg ‰ MIS 2 Correlation between TN and TOC and between δ13Corg and TOC/TN → Most organic matter has been located in or near the region of marine algae since MIS 3 20 36o N A YR 00 13Corg ‰ TOC/TN TOC/TN ratios : 6 ~ 10 and δ13Corg : -21 ~ -28 ‰ → Organic matter is predominantly generated by marine algae rather than by terrestrial plants → and has not significantly changed since MIS 3 in the basin 00 KP Korea To present the stratigraphic age dating and characteristic sedimentary facies of samples taken from the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea To identify the source of organic matter, and then, to reconstruct the depositional environment of sediment since Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 Piston cores were taken from the central Ulleung Basin part during the R/V Tamhae II cruise of KIGAM for the Gas Hydrate R&D Project ES 0 300 Tsug aru Strait (dep th 1 30 m) 20 0 0 1 00 (Park et al., 2003) Depth (mbsf) Purposes of Study and Materials 130 E o Japanese origin (AT) Japanese origin (AT) → Plane-type and/or bubble-wall shards → K-poor glasses (R=ca. 0.04) and rhyolitic composition 13Corg ‰ A o Ulleung origin (U-Oki and U-Ym) → Pumice-type glass shards → K-rich glasses (R=K2O/SiO2>0.09) ranging from phonolitic to trachytic alkali compositions Depth (mbsf) Particularly, our sedimentary geochemical studies (Rock-Eval pyrolysis, elemental and stable isotope analyses) allow us to discuss the origin of organic matter and the depositional environment of sediments. Down-core profiles of TOC (Total Organic Carbon), TN (Total Nitrogen) and δ13Corg show the lowest values during MIS 2 and the highest during MIS 1. The relationship between TOC/TN and δ13Corg suggests that the organic matter was predominantly produced by a marine source rather than by a terrestrial source. However, redox-sensitive trace elements have not significantly varied during MIS 2 as well as during MIS 1/3. The ratios of these trace elements also indicate a predominant oxic or suboxic environment, indicating that the Late Quaternary depositional condition of the Ulleung Basin was less dynamically changed than we expected before. Ulleung origin (U-Oki & U-Ym) Depth (mbsf) According to radiocarbon dating of planktonic foraminifera samples from the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea, the cores cover the time interval from the middle stage of marine isotope stage (MIS) 3 through last glacial maximum (LGM) to Holocene. In the cores, hemipelagic muds (bioturbated and slightly laminated mud facies) were mainly deposited during interglacial periods (MIS 1/3), whereas non-hemipelagic muds (laminated and homogenous mud facies) were formed during glacial period (MIS 2). During the cold time, sedimentation rates clearly increased more than the other times. Such characteristic changes in sedimentary facies and sedimentation rate evidently reflect paleo-environmental variations on the Ulleung Basin during Late Quaternary. Also, the cores contain several lapilli tephra layers, rhyolitic ash layers and dark laminated muds. Among these, previously well-known tephra layers (Ulleung-Oki, Aira-Tanzawa and Ulleung-Yamato) were identified and used to stratigraphically correlate the cores. 03GHP-02 2 MIS I MIS II MIS III Box plots for EF values of Mn, V, Cu, Co, Cr, Ni, U, and Mo MIS I MIS II MIS III ※ Enrichment Factors (EFs), XEF = (X/Al)sample/(X/Al)AS Acknowledgements: BM BM 7 FO BM Lithology of core sediment and inferred stratigraphy correlation based on tephra and DLM layers (mbsf, meters below sea floor) This work was supported by the projects “Construction of carbon storage map and selection of demonstration sites in Korean offshore areas” (20052004) and “ Small-scale CO2 injection-demonstration project in offshore Pohang Basin” (20132010201760). MS G [email protected]
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