th Tuesday 16 December 2014 Dear parents, caregivers, students and friends of the school. Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. Welcome to our final newsletter for 2014. This has been another awesome year with our students positioning Otumoetai Intermediate as one of the leading Year 7 and Year 8 schools in New Zealand once again. Highlights have been our school winning two Prime Minister’s Excellence in Education Awards including the Supreme Winners Award, a tremendous ERO Report and a top placing in the NZCT AIMS GAMES. A major feature of our school has been the high level of enthusiasm, skill and self-belief shown by the students in all aspects of school life. Every year we endeavour to develop in our students an expectation of manners, friendliness, encouragement, commitment and aspiration to do their best at all times. All representative teams leave the school with a winning attitude coupled with a belief in themselves and their team mates. The year’s results highlight this. This does not happen without the support and dedication of staff and parents. This has been an active and, at times, hectic year for the staff. I would like to publicly thank every member of the team for their commitment to the students. On behalf of the school community, I would like to say a big thank you and wish them all a restful break over the holidays. As Principal, I have appreciated the continued support of our parents, Board of Trustees, PTA and students. We have something special at Otumoetai Intermediate School and I look forward to a challenging and exciting year in 2015. To all our families and friends, a big thank you and a very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. Regards Henk Popping PRINICPAL Our school would like to acknowledge and thank EVES REALTY for their on-going support of our Sports Academy students and sports school wide. EVES REALTY has supported our school in a partnership since 2004 and are highly valued as supporters of our school. We ask that any families considering selling or buying property give EVES REALTY a call to discuss how they may help with this process. Proud sponsor of Otumoetai Intermediate Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 1 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 KERIKERI HIGH SCHOOL HIKOI TO OUR SCHOOL Last Monday we hosted representatives from Kerikeri High School after their hikoi from the Far North. This was in the form of a powhiri where we welcomed our guests followed by the handing over of the Prime Minister’s Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award (Atatu) which has been at Kerikeri High for the past six months. As joint winners of this award, it is now our turn to have the award and it joins the Supreme Award (Takiri ko te ata) in our school until the new 2015 winners are announced. 2015 TERM DATES Term 1: Monday 2nd February 2015 to Thursday 2nd April 2015 Term 2: Monday 20th April 2015 to Friday 3rd July 2015 Term 3: Monday 20th July 2015 to Friday 25th September 2015 Term 4: Monday 12th October 2015 to Wednesday 16th December 2015 There will be a Teacher Only Day on Monday 25th May 2015. SECOND HAND UNIFORM SALE All Year 8 students are invited to bring their uniforms to school and sell these to incoming families. This is a private arrangement between families and no change will be available from the office. We suggest Year 8 students set out their washed and clean clothes, priced and ready to go on the top Astroturf by the outdoor stage from 9.00 am on Thursday 18th December 2014. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 2 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 STUDENT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT 2014 The main intent of this final newsletter is to inform our parents and wider community on how we did academically school wide. Focus will be on the end of year achievements by our graduating year 8 students. Your child's report will provide you with quality feedback on how well they have achieved against the National Standards in reading, writing, and mathematics. The report will show the teacher's overall judgement on your child's achievement at this stage of their learning. The teachers use a range of standardised assessments such as PAT's, asTTle, STAR, GLOSS, and IKAN, plus what they have seen your child succeed in during the class. Much of this supportive information can be viewed in your child's portfolio which will come home for you to view as well. Please note – the asTTle results in the mid and end box are the results for the two tests sat mid and end of year. This may be different to the overall teacher judgement that takes all information into consideration. You will hear the term overall teacher judgment (OTJ) used when discussing National Standards. What is an Overall Teacher Judgment (OTJ)? An OTJ involves drawing on and applying the evidence gathered up to a particular point in time, in order to make an overall judgement about a student’s progress and achievement. Why use Overall Teacher Judgement? No single source of information can accurately summarise a student’s achievement or progress. A range of approaches are necessary in order to compile a comprehensive picture of the areas of progress, areas requiring attention, and what a student’s unique progress looks like. Using a range of approaches also allows the student to participate throughout the assessment process, building their assessment capability. Because of this, to assess a student in relation to National Standards, teachers need to bring together a range of evidence in order to form an overall teacher judgement (OTJ). You will receive additional information about National Standards and how to view your child’s report in the report envelope. Ministry of Education predictions were that 50% of year 7 and 8 students across New Zealand would meet the National Standards in the first year of their introduction. In the fifth year, we have done much better than that and are achieving above national norms in all standardised tests such as PAT’s and asTTle. As a school, our overall goal is to ensure that at least 85% of our students are achieving at National Standards when they graduate as Year 8’s. This will involve a significant amount of collaboration with our contributing schools so we can collectively achieve this. Teachers will also become more expert at developing their overall teacher judgment over time as students’ progress from one year to the next in the New Zealand education system. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 3 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 HOW OUR SCHOOL DID AGAINST NATIONAL STANDARDS THIS YEAR Reading The following graph shows the progress our Year 8 students made as a group during their two years at our school. The blue columns show what levels they were on at entry to our school in February 2013. The red columns show the levels for these same students on exit at the end of 2014. As these students graduate from our school, our school wide data shows 90.3% are at or above National Standards. Entry to Exit Rdg Asttle 2014 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% L2 3b 3p 3a 4b 4p 4a 5b 5p 5a 6+ entry to exit Yr 7 Feb 2013 21% 8% 8% 8% 13% 14% 20% 4% 3% 0% 0% entry to exit Yr 8 Nov 2014 2% 3% 2% 3% 7% 7% 20% 15% 15% 11% 15% Entry to Exit Rdg OTJ Nov. 2014 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Well Below Yr. 7 Rdg Feb 2013 70 Yr 8 Rdg Nov 2014 14 Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Below 55 24 At 181 151 Above 54 76 Well Above 8 130 Page 4 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 Writing This graph shows how our Year 8 students arrived at our school as new Year 7’s in February 2013. The National Standard for the start of Year 7 is 3a. Entry to Exit Writing Asttle 2014 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% L2 Yr 7 Feb 2013 40% Yr 8 Nov 2014 3% 3b 10% 3% 3p 15% 5% 3a 14% 11% 4b 12% 12% 4p 5% 21% 4a 3% 22% 5b 1% 12% 5p 0% 8% 5a 0% 1% 6+ 0% 2% Entry to Exit OTJ Writing Nov 2014 250 200 150 100 50 0 Yr 7 Wrtg Feb 2013 Yr 8 Wrtg Nov. 2014 Well Below 104 20 Below At Above 77 44 180 206 6 85 Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Well Above 2 40 Page 5 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 This cohort of students has made huge gains in writing during their two years at our school with 83.7 % at or above the National Standards at the end of 2014. As a school, we are aiming for a much higher percentage of our students graduating at or above national standard and will be working closely with our contributing schools to raise writing levels across our Otumoetai cluster. Mathematics Entry to Exit Maths Asttle Nov 2014 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% L2 Yr 7 Feb 2013 21% Yr 8 Nov. 2014 2% 3b 7% 1% 3p 19% 5% 3a 16% 8% 4b 13% 6% 4p 12% 9% 4a 5% 11% 5b 4% 8% 5p 3% 18% 5a 0% 19% Entry to Exit OTJ Maths 2014 250 200 150 100 50 0 Well Below Yr 7 Maths Feb 2013 69 Yr 8 Maths Nov 2014 15 Below 65 31 At 191 161 Above 36 66 Well Above 8 123 In mathematics 88.3% of our Year 8 students are graduating from our school at or above National Standards. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 6 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 General Comments Given the level of achievement that our Year 7 cohorts bring to the start of their time at our school and the fact we only have two years to accelerate their learning, their results are substantial. The work of Dr Kevin Knight in our school contributes hugely to this in terms of student engagement. Teachers gather accurate and succinct data, plan precise learning intentions with success criteria that make learning transparent for students and achieve a depth of learning where deeper thinking attributes are developed. This year brought about accelerated learning not only in students striving to meet the standard but also for those students sitting at and above the standard. The above graphs show the large number of students now achieving at level 5 and 6. We have a hugely committed and dedicated staff, who with Dr Kevin Knight and Lynne Hutchinson’s support, have achieved significant learning outcomes for all students. The enjoyment they show in their role and the focus by everyone on student learning is to be commended. We have work to do as we move forward as a school and won’t be satisfied until every student who is not cognitively impaired, meets or surpasses the National Standard on graduation at Year 8. ADAM CLARKE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Adam was a highly talented student who was of great assistance as an ICT helper and peer mentor when he was a student at our school in 2003 and 2004. Sadly, Adam passed away in 2011 and David Isaacson, the school ICT teacher at the time, has kindly sponsored an annual scholarship in his name. David is now living and working in Melbourne but continues to take an active interest in our school. The Adam Clarke Scholarship is to acknowledge one Year 8 student each year that has been particularly helpful in ICT over their two years at our school. The Scholarship is for the amount of $100.00 It was our pleasure to award the 2014 Adam Clarke Scholarship to Eli Stoodley. We would like to thank David for this kind donation and instigation of this award in memory of Adam. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 7 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 FINAL ASSEMBLY AND END OF YEAR AWARDS Wednesday 17 th December at 11.00 am At this final assembly we will celebrate our students’ successes and present the school’s top award “The Principal’s Award” to students who have made outstanding contributions to the school and excelled across all four disciplines. These disciplines are: citizenship, sports, cultural and academic attainment. This is the 12th year we will be presenting these red ribbon awards to recognise the achievement of our top students. The basis for selection will be “Student Involvement and Success” forms from their portfolios. Programme for Assembly: Whole assembly singing National Anthem Welcome and introduction – Mr Stanley Address by Mr Mark Barrett – Board of Trustees Chair Principal’s Awards presented to Year 7 students (1st group) School Leaders Speech Principal’s Awards presented to Year 7 students (2nd group) Address by Mr Popping – School Principal Robotics Team – celebrating their success at recent Nationals Principal’s Awards presented to Year 8 students (1st group) Music Academy Item Principal’s Awards presented to Year 8 students (2nd group) Closing comments by Mr Popping Approximate finish time 1.00 pm Parents are invited to join us at this final assembly to celebrate the year. LECTERN UPDATE For those who have wondering what is happening about the lectern designed by Dannika Worthington and Madi Mackenzie, here is the current situation:. The lectern full scale mock up is now with the manufacturers who are fine tuning the design to suit their production methods. It is hoped to have the lectern complete in the new year ready for use in February 2015 when the girls will be invited back for its commissioning. PHOTOLIFE PHOTOS 2015 Class photos along with student ID photos will be taken on 20th February 2015. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 8 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 YEAR 8 MANSFIELD – COUNCIL GROUP Last term, Mrs Filipo contacted the Council to find out if there were any community issues that our group could work on and try and find solutions for. The Council came back with a variety of topics, so we split into groups and chose issues that we felt strongly about. Last week the Year 8 Mansfield group made presentations to members from the Council on a variety of issues, this was their response: Michael Vujnovich and Alison Clifford from the Council had a great time attending the presentations. “All of the ideas presented to us were fantastic. We were so impressed with the high standard of the presentations and the effort that had clearly gone into preparing them. It is wonderful to see our future leaders identifying things they can help with to make Tauranga City an even better place to live, work and play”. Below is a brief summary of the presentations we made. Chapel Street Toilets Our group decided that there was a need to get toilets put in at the Bay Central Shopping Centre in Chapel Street. This shopping centre is a popular place and we believe it is in real need of public toilets. Adding toilets would mean that people won’t have to leave the shopping centre early, therefore creating more business for the retailers. We created a PowerPoint presentation where we thought the toilets should be placed and our reasons for having some there. Akira, Courtney, Sam and Jack Teen Market Our group was focusing on bringing vibrancy back to the town centre. We chose this issue because it would be a challenging problem that would require creative thinking to solve. We chose to do a Teen Market to bring youth back to the city centre. The market would be run entirely by teens, for teens. We thought that students in Year 8 and up could use this opportunity to showcase what they learnt in business studies and other related courses. Our idea would take a lot of planning to execute but we think it would be worth it. Georgia, Kate and Rebecca Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 9 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 Alzheimer’s Bracelets Our group created the idea of affordable bracelets for Alzheimer’s patients. We knew there were already tracking bracelets available, but they were over $1,000.00 which not everybody can afford. So our idea was a cheap alternative – a silicone bracelet. It would be colour coded to represent the disease and have the patient’s basic contact information on it. After three weeks of hard work, we found them in a local pharmacy – somebody had thought of it already. Louise, Annabel, Zoe and Cleo White Roof Project Our group decided to try and get Tauranga involved in the White Roof Project, which is something that has started in America. We are hoping to reduce the effects of global warming by getting the council to create an agreement that states all new commercial buildings have to have a white roof. This will hopefully decrease carbon dioxide emissions and have a positive effect on global warming. A white roof reflects sunlight through the ozone layer and prevents heat accumulation, while black roofs emanate heat which gets trapped by the ozone layer and creates greenhouse gases. Liv, Georgia, Ben, Morgan and Adam Teen Website Our group took a look at getting the city’s youth involved with city problems and events. Our idea was to have a website made with fun and interesting content so that teenagers would want to go on the site. The Council could then ask teens for solutions on a variety of problems and give out rewards to the best ideas. The content of the website would be interested as well as informative. Eli and Harrison Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 10 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 After a Disaster Our idea was about the aftermath of a disaster. We think preparing classrooms for disasters is a very valid point due to recent events in New Zealand. Keeping certain resources on hand seemed like a very important step towards ensuring our safety. Vital resources could be kept in emergency kits which would be situated in every classroom. Some of the resources required would be first aid kits, non-perishable food, water, blankets and other survival equipment. Oliver, Paige, Grace and Brenna Community Art Wall We decided to present the idea of a Community Art Wall showcasing art from school all over Tauranga – from pre-schools to colleges and even universities. The art would be presented in pretty frames and the wall would be securely covered to prevent damage to the work. The art would spend one month on our art wall and then one month at the art gallery. The art would be a wonderful way to bring people into the city as well as brightening up the city centre. Maeve, Sophie and Tyler SPEECH AND DRAMA TRINITY EXAMS Congratulations to these students who sat their Trinity Guidhall Speech and Drama exams with the following results: Merit Distinction Camryn Stent Josie Stent Antonia Ballantyne Olivia Brown Jane Tingey Makayla Wadsworth Congratulations on your results. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 11 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 RUTHERFORD ENGINEERING GROUP This year the students in the Incredible Minds engineering class took on the challenge of redeveloping the courtyard area in front of rooms 1 and 2. These rooms were rebuilt this year due to leaky issues and as a result a tree had to be removed leaving the area quite bare. The students were divided into five teams and told the area was a blank canvas for them to put their stamp on. Using the engineering process and under the guidance of structural engineer Craig Fowler of BECA, the teams have all come up with unique designs. Key stakeholders were consulted to assess relevant needs and shade, seating, new planting and a new drinking fountain became common themes in the designs. After much planning, discussion and drawing concepts, final designs were produced, as were scale models of what their proposed design would entail. The students have learned the importance of being organised, having thorough planning, consulting with stakeholders, researching to consider many options and how to communicate effectively within their team. The senior management have decided on a design (pictured here) which will be used in the New Year to develop and enhance this area for future students use to enjoy. A number of students have expressed an interest in pursuing engineering as a career, having realised it is something they enjoyed and also suits their learning interests. Congratulations to Alex Dunlop, Caitlin Knox, Daniel O’Connor, Liam Hock, Madi Mackenzie and Pete Park from the Yellow team group for their thorough planning, effective teamwork and all-round diligence in producing the winning design. Thanks also to Craig Fowler and BECA for their time and guidance and all the best for the future to all the Rutherford Engineering students. Murray Thompson TAURANGA KOREAN TIMES INTERNATIONAL STUDENT OF THE YEAR 2015 Congratulations to Songheon Lee for being awarded the Tauranga Korean Times International Student of the Year for 2015. Well done Songheon. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 12 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 PTA HOME GARDEN COMPETITION 2014 SPONSORED BY PALMERS BETHLEHEM This year the PTA judging committee received a lot more entries in the competition than previous years which was a fantastic effort but made it a very difficult job to get down to nine winners. We judged the gardens according to: Presentation of the garden and the report The amount of effort put into building and displaying the garden And the originality of the design and presentation. Our awards are as follows: Flower Louise Bremner – Compact Maxine Burger – Creative Anna Raeburn – Pot Vege Tyler Bumby – Creative Ben Maxwell – Sustainable Talia Jackson – Compact Herb Anya Hawkins - Creative Annabel Averill - Compact Highly Commended Katrina Ford – every category entered We would just like to say well done to everyone who entered. Huge efforts have been made by all who entered and we would like to acknowledge this. PTA Committee Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 13 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 NZ GARDEN AND ARTS FESTIVAL A joint effort among the Arts Department, Rooms 1, 2, and 15 developed the theme of Our Backyard as an entry that was displayed at the NZ Garden & Arts Festival held at the Lakes last month. The display linked the sense of home, school and community by incorporating aspects of a typical Kiwi backyard, a mural to represent our school and the 52 flags represented the diversity of nationalities that make up our school. While the red wheelbarrow may seem out of place it symbolises the plight of children who only have the view from a window as described in the poem by William Carlos Williams, The Red Wheelbarrow. The Guardian Angels, an organisation that assists struggling families with terminally ill children were the recipients of a generous $200.00 donation from the Acorn Foundation. In the beginning there was... Who’s in charge here? So what have we here? Now for the mural and the barrow. Sure was a pretty big job! Hey, this is cool! Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Hey where are the workers! All set and ready to go. Yeah then we have to pull it out. Shame aye! Page 14 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 CHRISTMAS CHEER TOUR This year we were given the opportunity bring a little Christmas Cheer to the elderly on two occasions this term. The Performing Arts Academy visited a Care and Craft group at St Columbus Church on Wednesday 26th November 2014 and were joined by some of our Choir and Music Academy students for our final Christmas Cheer Tour to Bob Owens and Bethlehem Views Retirement Homes on Friday 5th December 2014. We performed a range of dramatic pieces, sung Christmas carols and took some time out to talk to the elderly in what can be a very lonely time of year for some. The students were fabulous and came back with great stories of men who had golfed with Tiger Woods, a woman who was on lookout for Japanese submarines in WWII and plenty more. "What an amazing group of students to work with this year, they have done me proud. Kia Kaha and Merry Christmas!' Kelly Vercoe Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 15 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 ROBOTICS Vex IQ Nationals. On Saturday 13th December 2014, nine students (three teams) went to Massey University in Palmerston North to compete in the VEX IQ nationals. The VEX IQ Highrise challenge involves teams working in a variety of disciplines to get as many points as possible. Teams have to move blocks of varying colours, from one end of the course to the other and then stack these. There were 60 qualification rounds and seven finals. Teams compete via driver control, in alliance with another team to gain as many points as possible. They then have to do individual driver control or individual autonomous programming. All teams’ placed in the top 5 and Otumoetai Intermediate is really proud to have won the Excellence award. This means we have been invited to compete in the Vex IQ Worlds which will take place in Kentucky USA in April 2015. We’re not sure how many students will be going yet and if we will be able to raise the funds, but will definitely aim to send a team. Teams who competed were: Builders League: Daniel Lee, Aleks Matic and Ashley Rickit – awarded the supreme award and gained the highest points for autonomous. Dem Guys: Jacob Guccione, Gabe Heays and Carta Greenway – gained second in Driver control. STT: Harry Taylor, Kyle Arthur-Worsop and Cole Davy - third equal overall. This team was also one of the top teams at the scrimmages throughout the year. Kate Rhodes Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 16 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 MUSIC ACADEMY TOUR 2014 To conclude a very busy and successful year the Otumoetai Intermediate Music Academy 2014 wanted to give back to the local contributing schools community. Over the school holidays, lunch times, weekends and after schools students from the Music Academy put together an engaging 45minute program of music which they were very excited about performing to a live audience at five local primary schools. The Music tour was a fantastic opportunity and experience enjoyed by all students and was well received by all of our audiences. It was a chance for students to showcase musically what they have been working really hard on for the second half of the year and showcase the opportunities available here at Otumoetai Intermediate. Jahvis Stantiall said his favourite part of Music Tour was, “Going to Bethlehem School, where everyone was up on their feet and dancing for the whole time, including their teachers. They didn’t want us to stop, they kept cheering for more.” Haritoa Chesley said his favourite part was “Having been given the opportunity to perform as a live band in front of a range of audiences.” Students learnt a range of performance and musical skills and began to understand what it really is like to be a travelling band. Huge congratulations to the Music Academy for putting together a fantastic and successful music tour for 2014. We wish to thank everyone that was involved parents, students and our audiences. Until next year. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 17 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 OTUMOETAI YOU GOT TALENT Congratulations to the below students for making it into the final live show of ‘Otumoetai You Got Talent 2014’, an exceptional performance by all. Alyssa: Singing “Mercy” Josie, Makayla and Abby: Musical Theatre from “Annie” Siokapesi and Haritoa: Singing “I’m not the same” Anna & Stella: Piano duet Hamish: Singing a cover from Stan Walker CJ: Singing “Run away baby” Levi & Bodhi: Lip-synch from “Flight of the Concords” Esta (NaYeong): Cello piece Aria: Singing “Safe and Sound” Sue and Victoria: Piano and Violin Duet Emily: Vocal and Piano Original Composition Grace & Alexi: Dance “Thirteen” Increase5: Rock Band “I love Rock and Roll” Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 18 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 ROOM 15 GARDEN A bit of time and a whole lot of team work took what started out as a couple of bare plots to become a productive garden. Stage one saw cabbage, silver beet, broccoli, beans and cauliflower harvested and the lettuce and beetroot are to come out this week. Corn and the next lot of beans are in the ground and with the new irrigation system they should be well on the way by the time we get back to school in the New Year. The Room 15 garden is now supplying a healthy range of vegetables for the dinner table. ELEMENTS WATERSPORTS Thanks for joining Elements Watersports for your Go Sailing Day in Year 8. It was great fun teaching you. As the weather wasn’t all that good for some of the days, the team feel that they didn’t get to show you the best side of sailing or get you all sailing your own boats, so we are offering you the chance to come back to Elements Watersports during the Summer School Holidays and try sailing, windsurfing and paddleboarding for half price. That’s just $27.00 for the whole day! The days normally cost $55.00 and $45.00 for a second child booked at the same time. During the days we will sail and maybe also try windsurfing or paddle boarding. To take advantage of this cool offer, all you need do is pick a day/s you would like to join us between 16th December 2014 and 30th January 2015 and call us free on 0800 486 729 and book in. For more information on our School Holiday Activities check out our Website at STATIONERY ORDERS FOR 2015 Last chance to pre-order your stationery for next year. If you would like to do so, please bring your form and money into the school office on Wednesday morning - stationery packs from $35.00 each. Spare forms are available at the office. You are able to collect your stationery packs from the school office from Thursday 29th January 2015 between 9.00 am and 2.00 pm or, alternatively, they will be waiting on your child’s desk in their classroom on the first day of school. There will be some spare stationery packs available on Thursday 29th January 2015 to purchase. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 19 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 2015 SCHOOL BUSES SchoolHopper If you haven’t already, make sure you check out the Schoolhopper route information – including the interactive maps which are available from the Baybus website at Schoolhopper buses will be replacing Ministry of Education urban school buses from next year and there are some key differences, such as minor route changes, so make sure you are aware of what these changes are. All travel on the Schoolhopper network will be free for Term 1 in 2015. From Term 1 school students travelling on the Bayhopper network will be able to take advantage of the reduced Schoolhopper fares – Smartride card fare: $1.15, Cash fare: $1.60 – Monday to Friday, during term time. Outside of this time (weekends and school holidays) the regular student fare will apply (Smartride card fare: $1.44, Cash fare: $1.80). If you have any questions about the service, please email the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s transport team at [email protected] or call them on 0800 884 880. Rural Buses For information regarding bus routes and stops, please visit (this website is being updated continuously). Bus fares for 2015 will be $50.00 per term per student and will continue to be issued from the school once payment has been received. 2014 SHOWCASE DVDS We have 20 copies of the Showcase DVDs on sale for only $10.00 each. If you missed out, get in quick. Have a keepsake as your child goes on to college. Grab one as a Christmas present for the grandparents! Pick up from the office now. PAPER AND CARDBOARD RECYCLING We are collecting all your clean paper, newspaper and cardboard at the front of the school. For every tonne we collect, we receive $50.00. This can be dropped off over the Christmas holidays between Monday and Friday during school hours. Please note these bins are not available from 23rd December 2014 to 5th January 2015. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 20 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 YEAR 8 SOCIAL PHOTOS Social photography has been provided by Ambient Photography in partnership with Carters Photographics. Photos can be purchased from ‘online orders and event gallery’ (the password is OIS) or instore at Carters Photographics, Devonport Road, Tauranga (folder with photos to view in-store). Cost: $5.00 per print or packages available for more prints in-store. Any questions please call Wendy on 576 4828 or 021 278 9580. 2015 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HOME STAYS In 2015 we will be hosting an International group and requiring some homestays for International Students from four weeks to one year. We are looking for families to act as homestay families for the school and invite parents to express their interest by filling out and returning the international homestay form attached. All homestay families are paid a weekly allowance of $245.00. For more details, contact Monica Dadson on 576 5105 Ext 742 or by email on [email protected]. International Homestays 2015 Parent Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Student Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone No: _______________________________________ Mobile: ___________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________________ Our family is interested in providing the following homestay options for the school: Short term homestay up to a month Medium term homestay up to a term Long term homestay up to a year Yes No I understand that we will receive remuneration for providing a homestay and that all members of the family over 18 will need to undergo a police vet check. Signed: ________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 21 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 SPORTS NEWS Sailing Members of the Tauranga Yacht and Power Boat Club competed at the Optimist North Island Championships at Lake Taupo in early November 2014. There were 104 competitors in the Open Fleet up to the age of 15. James Barnett came 33rd, Joel Kenney came 34th, Sebastian Lemberg was 77th and Braedyn Denney came 83rd in his first Open Fleet regatta. Well done boys. Athletics Kayli Tuiraviravi competed in the Rotorua Athletics Competition will the following results: 100m, 200m, shot put, long jump and relay achieved first place, hurdles achieved second place and discus achieved third place. Kayli Tuiraviravi and Navana Tata competed in the Waikato Bay of Plenty Relay Championships on 29th November 2014. Kayli achieved a first place in the long jump and a gold medal for the 100m relay. Navana achieved a silver medal in the shot put with a personal best. Congratulations girls. Swimming Daniel Shanahan competed in the Bay of Islands Classic was held on 22 nd November 2014 which is a 3.3km swim from Russell to Paihia. Daniel finished 34th out of 750 swimmers and third in the under 15 category with a finishing time of 1 hour 2 minutes and 5 seconds. Daniel also competed in the State Harbour Crossing with 1,600 registered swimmers. Daniel finished in the top 50 and came fourth in the under 15 category. Tennis Caelan entered the North Island Intermediate School tournament in Hamilton and finished fourth out of the 16 finalists. Well done Caelan. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 22 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 Cricket Tim Pringle competed in the ND Cricket Tournament in Hamilton with the Bay of Plenty Coastland Team and carried his bat to an unbeaten 85 runs to lead his side to seven wicket victory against Northland. Congratulations Tim. Underwater Hockey Most Valuable Player for Otumoetai Yellow team was Ruth Lonsdale and Most Valuable Player for Otumoetai Green team was Mia Krueger-Reedy. Dannika Worthington, Ruth Lonsdale and Mia Krueger-Reedy were named among the top ten players and will compete in the tournament team. Rowing Fergus Bremner competed in a three day rowing regatta at Lake Karapiro recently and came third in the finals of the Novice Men’s Four. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 23 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 COMMUNITY NOTICES Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 24 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 ASB HOME LOANS Supporting success in your school. For every new ASB home loan over $150,000 taken out by members of our school community before 31st December 2014, our school will get $500.00. Terms and conditions apply. YMCA Y-Kids School Holiday Programme The pre-Xmas holidays are just around the corner and we are ready with plenty of awesome activities and exciting trips to keep your kids entertained! We have a YMCA van pick up service located daily from Otumoetai Primary School carpark and the Papamoa Surf Club Our Holiday programme is out now so check out our website at Book online and secure a discount or call in to our YMCA office for more information. RICKI HERBERT FOOTBALL ACADEMY January School Holidays - 3 Day Program Dates: 12th to 14th January 2015 Times: 9.00 am to 3.00 pm each day Venue: Gordon Spratt Reserve To register please go to TAURANGA SWIM SCHOOL Intensive Holiday Programme in the 2015 January School Holidays 30-45 minutes lessons each weekday starting at $70.00. We also have classes available in Term 1 to help your child prepare for school swimming sports and other water based activities! 30 minute classes at $13.50 each, Squad classes from $15.50 each lesson. Tauranga Swim School is also excited to be offering you an opportunity to apply for a grant of free swimming lessons in Term 1 2015. Phone Andrea on 572 4213 or 027 286 8506 for more information or email [email protected]. Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 25 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 LAKES RANCH KIDS CAMP We are hosting a Kids Camp in January 2015 which is a five day residential camp from 11-16th January 2015 full of fun, activities, challenges and memory making. Every day is full of fun. We have GAPe Time and 10 AMen and cabin devotions. Our activities may include horse riding, archery, hot pools, go karts, kayaking and more. For more information, email [email protected] or phone 07-350 3010 We are now OSCAR funded. TAURANGA YOUNG MARINERS We offer water based adventure activities for girls aged from 9 – 18 years including sailing cutter rowing and kayaking. Opportunities for camping/regattas. Regular meetings Thursday evenings and some week activities. No equipment or experience needed, just a willingness to join in and have fun. For further information phone Jillian Pilbrow on 577 0515 or text 027 223 5676 or email [email protected] WAIMARINO SUMMER HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Come and join all the fun these holidays with the wicked Waimarino crew. We have exciting adventure days for the juniors and seniors; as well as our Waimarino Park Days every day Free pick up and drop off points: Baypark, Maungatapu School, Otumoetai and Tauranga. OSCAR subsidies available. For brochures visit the School Office or Like us on Facebook – RISE DANCE CO Dance Holiday Programme – 5 to 13 Year Olds Learn a variety of dance styles including jazz, hip hop, acro dance contemporary, ballet and Zumba. Singing and confidence building games; baking and art and craft; lots of outdoor activities, including swimming. Monday 19th to Friday 30th January 2015 8.00 am to 5.30 pm WINZ subsidies available for those eligible. Numbers limited. For more information and to enrol go to Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 15 2014 Page 26 th Tuesday 16 December 2014 DIGISCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Running from 14th January 2015 and onwards. Dates to be advised. Classes will run from 9.00 am to 3.00pm. Learn 21st century thinking skills that future employers are looking for: problem solving, creativity, critical thinking & team work through a range of experiences such as basic coding, game design, film and animation Contact Jonathan Stewart for more information on 571 0629 or visit Kids go Free! From the 15th of December until the end of January, KIDS GO FREE in the park. If you have visitors over the summer, this is a great deal and with other promotions running in our cafe and gift shop there are lots of chances to win some fantastic prizes. Some special conditions apply so check out our website for details. Junior Keeper Programme This summer we are running our Junior Keeper Programme again. Bookings and all relevant information are available on our website. This is a fantastic opportunity for your young wildlife enthusiast to work alongside our park staff and animals for a day! Bookings are essential and these programmes will run for different age groups on different days throughout the holiday period. Kiwi Did you know that Rainbow Springs is the worlds largest kiwi facility? Kiwi Encounter at Rainbow Springs has now hatched 74 kiwi chicks since the 4th of September and thousands since we started this valuable conservation work. Remember that if you book to do a Kiwi Encounter tour here at the park, the cost of the tour is a 100% donation to the National Kiwi Trust. We have attached a picture of a kiwi chick for you to admire! You can contact us on Tel: 07-350 0440 or Freephone 0800 RAINBOW (0800 724 626) or via e-mail: [email protected] or visit our website at for more information. 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