Page 1 December 21, 2014 December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of ADVENT Fourth Sunday of Advent Pastor Rev. Joseph A. Scarangella Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Paul L. Bochicchio Weekend Assistant Rev. Robert K. Suszko In Residence Rev. Frank J. Burla, Retired Rev. Louis M. Pambello Pastoral Associate for Catechetical Ministry Ms. Mary Clinton Organist and Director of Music Mr. Preston L. Dibble Pastoral Associate for Parish Life Mrs. Yamilka Genao Office Staff Mrs. Bette Kuczek, Secretary Ms. Marcie Alexander, Bulletin Editor/Administrative Assistant Plant Maintenance Mr. Joseph Mulford Trustees Mrs. Joan Moriarty Mrs. Ceil Zimmermann CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Phone: 973-744-5650 30 No. Fullerton Ave. Email: [email protected] Fax: 973-744-7936 Montclair, NJ 07042 Website: Pastoral Council Mrs. Seton Feeney, Chair Immaculate Conception High School 973-744-7445; Mrs. Celia Triggs Honohan, President Mrs. JoAnn Degnan, Principal Immaculate Conception Cemetery 973-744-5939; [email protected] Ms. Lisa Hayducka, Secretary A Roman Catholic parish family since 1864, our call is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, in all our relationships and responsibilities. We encourage our members to embrace a lifestyle marked by Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure, engaging in active support of our ministries of the Word, Worship and Service. We welcome visitors and all who wish to join us as new members; registration forms are available at church entrances and at the Parish Office. Sacraments of Initiation The Eucharist Sundays: 5:30 PM (Sat.), 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM Adult Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist or Reception into the Catholic Church: call (choir) and 12:30 PM. about Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Weekdays: Monday—Friday 7:30 AM (Held in St. Gianna Molla Chapel–lower level of Parish Infant Baptism: celebrated monthly (except Center), and Monday—Saturday 12:10 PM in Lent); call for information about preparation process for parents. Church. Holy Days: 7:30 AM and 12:10 and 7:30 PM First Eucharist: generally celebrated in Grade 2; (Church has barrier-free access; limited call for information about preparation process handicapped parking is available.) for candidates and parents. Reconciliation Confirmation: generally celebrated in Grade 9; Rite of Penance with Individual Confession: call for information about preparation process Saturday at 12:45 PM and 6:30 PM; Seasonal for candidates, parents and sponsors. Communal Services as announced; Confession Anointing of the Sick any time on request. Those seriously ill or confined at home may Marriage call anytime for the Sacraments of Confession, Arrangements should be made in person with a Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick. Call for priest at least one year in advance. At least one times of communal celebrations. Please call to partner should be a registered parishioner. notify us of those who are hospitalized. Devotions Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal: Monday after 12:10 PM Mass (September–May) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: In rotation with our cluster parishes on First Fridays from 12:30 to 2:00 PM. (September –May) Prayer Group: Wednesday, 8:00 PM Faith Formation Religious Education: Pre-School to Grade 8 Sunday at 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM (Tegakwita Hall). Family-Based Religious Ed.: contact parish office. Adult Formation: see Bulletin for programs. Parish Office The Office is located at 1 Munn St. and is Open: Monday & Tuesday: 9:00 AM ‒ 6:00 PM Wednesday & Thursday: 9:00 AM ‒ 4:00 PM; Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 AM ‒ 1:00 PM; Friday: Office is Closed. Call the Rectory for emergencies, 973-744-5650 follow instructions. Page 2 December 21, 2014 Dear Parishioners, As we enter into the 4th and final week of Advent, our anticipation and excitement for the celebration of Christmas seems to intensify with each passing minute. The scriptures for this 4th Sunday of Advent take us back to the days leading up to the birth of the Lord. St. Matthew tells us literally how the birth of Jesus came about. And, as always, we are amazed by his words. May these final days of Advent and the joy of Christmas which we begin to celebrate this coming Wednesday evening lead us all into a deeper relationship with our loving God who sent his only Son into the world to bring us life to the full. If we will not see you at the Christmas Masses due to travel or commitments to participate at Mass at another church, on behalf of the entire staff here at Immaculate, we wish you and your families a very Merry and Blessed Christmas Day. Sincerely in the Lord, Fr. Joe Advent Prayer Week Four (Light the fourth candle: JOY) Thank you God for the joy you give us. We ask that as we wait for all your promises to come true, and for Christ to come again, that you would remain present with us. Help us today, and everyday to worship you, to hear your word, and to do your will by sharing your joy with each other. We ask it in the name of the one who was born in Bethlehem. Amen. Stewardship Reflection: Fourth Sunday of ADVENT December 21, 2014 “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” – Luke 1:28 Faith is a gift from God. During this Christmas season take time in silence and pray to God. Thank Him for all the gifts He has given you. Try to set aside any anger or resentment you have and rally open your heart to receive the gift of God’s grace. Please note: • The Parish Office will be CLOSED Wednesday & Thursday, Dec. 24 & 25 for the Christmas holiday. • During the Christmas season—(Mon., December 22 thru Fri., January 2) all daily masses will be held in Church. The 7:30am daily mass will return to the St. Gianna Chapel on Monday, Jan. 5, 2014. • There will be NO 12:10pm Mass on Christmas Eve (Wed., Dec. 24) and the day after Christmas and New Year’s Day (Fri., Dec. 26 and Fri., Jan 2, 2015) there will be only 1 mass for the day at 8:00am. Fourth Sunday of Advent 2014 I at mmaculate MASS SCHEDULE Solemnity of Christmas Wednesday, December 24th — Christmas Eve 4:00PM - Mass with Children’s Choirs 6:00PM - Vigil Mass 10:00PM - A Concert of Carols (Presented by Parish Chancel Choir and the Gramercy Brass Quintet of NYC) 10:30PM - Solemn Mass of Christmas with Choir Thursday, December 25th — Christmas Day Masses: 8:30, 11:00AM (Choir) and 12:30PM Feast of the Holy Family Saturday, December 27th Mass at 5:30PM Sunday, December 28th Masses 8:30, 11:00AM and 12:30PM Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Wednesday, Dec. 31st (New Year’s Eve) Mass at 5:30PM Thursday, January 1st New Year’s Day Masses at 9:00 and 11:00AM The Epiphany of the Lord Saturday, January 3rd Mass at 5:30PM Sunday, January 4th Masses 8:30, 11:00AM (Choir) and 12:30PM Do you have questions about the Catholic Faith? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: (RCIA) Is the formation process which guides people inquiring about our faith as well as Catholics seeking full initiation. The formation process includes doctrinal formation (believing with the Church community), experience of community, (sharing faith stories), Liturgical formation, (praying with the Church community) and apostolic formation, (serving with the Church community). People are helped in the discerning process of where God is calling them. This gradual development aims to help one live a full Christian life. For more information contact Deana Campion at 973-509-9036. 2015 Parish Calendars A Special Thank You goes out to the Hugh M. Moriarty Funeral Home for their generosity in supplying us with 2015 Parish Calendars. They are truly beautiful as well as inspiring. Parishioners look forward to them every year. Calendars are available at the back of Church-one per family. Page 3 December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Lessons from the Christmas Story The classic Christmas story—the story of Jesus being born in a manger, shepherds coming to visit and kings following a star to find the infant child is a story filled with stewardship messages. Lesson from the Infant Jesus: There is no shame in being poor. It is interesting to note that while throughout his adult life Jesus always taught us to give and to serve, He first came into this world as one who needed assistance. It was no accident that He was born without a place to lay His head. In coming to our world in this way Jesus shows us there is no shame in being poor. A risk we take when we practice stewardship is that we may begin to think of ourselves as better or luckier than someone in need and consciously or unconsciously look down upon those who need our generosity. When we look down upon the poor we look down upon the infant Jesus Himself. Lesson from the Shepherds: We all have gifts to give. The shepherds came from the fields bringing only themselves and their sheep. Yet their interest in Jesus was enough to win them a place in the Christmas story for all times. Their stewardship message is: Even if all we have to give is our interest, our caring, and our time to come and visit; those are important gifts to give. Lesson from the Wise Men: Just worshipping Jesus isn’t enough. The Wise Men present an entirely different message than the shepherds. Like most of us, these were men with many blessings. They are praised in the Christmas story not just for coming to worship Jesus but also for bringing Him gifts. The lesson is that just going to church is not enough. We also are expected to bring our gifts with us. Pro-Life Mass January 18, 2015 ‘Each of us is a Masterpiece of God’s Creation.’ The Archdiocesan Respect Life Office and the Pro-Life Commission will host a Pro-Life Mass at noon on January 18, 2015 at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, 89 Ridge Street, Newark. January 22, 2015 marks the 42nd anniversary of the legalization of abortion in this country. By attending this special Mass, those who wish to stand up for life but cannot attend the March for Life in Washington DC or the rally in Trenton can still show their support and defend those who cannot defend themselves. For more information, please contact Cheryl Riley at 973497-4350 or at [email protected]. Young Adult RESTLESS HEART Retreat Is your heart longing for something more in this world? Have you found yourself wear? Perhaps tired of the daily hustle and bustle? Are you bogged down by school, work or other responsibilities? Are you struggling with finding time to reconnect with yourself and God? — Or are you searching for God? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then God is calling out to you to be at this “Restless Heart Retreate” for anyone ages 18-39 January 16-18, 2015 — Archdiocesan Youth Center 499 Belgrove Dr., Kearny, NJ Cost: $100 Payable to Archdiocesan Youth Center (CYO) For more information contact: Msgr. Paul Bochicchio at 973744-5650 ext. 122 or email: [email protected] I.C. We welcome all who are visiting the parish family of Immaculate Conception in Montclair, and invite any who would like to join our parish to fill out a registration form, found on the tables in the back of church. Please complete both sides and give to one of the priests or return to the Parish Center. The registration form may also be found on the Parish Web site at To all our parishioners, please advise us of any changes to your address, phone # and email so that we can keep our files current. Immaculate this Week at a Glance Sunday, December 21 Fourth Sunday of Advent ― NO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES ― Installation of new Altar Servers (11:00 AM Mass) Monday, December 22 ― 7:30am daily mass celebrated in Church ― Rosary prayed daily (after 12:10 mass) Tuesday, December 23 ― 7:30am daily mass celebrated in Church ― Rosary prayed daily (after 12:10 mass) Wednesday, December 24 ― Parish Office CLOSED ― 7:30am daily mass celebrated in Church ― No 12:10pm daily mass ― Christmas Vigil masses: 4:00 PM; 6:00 PM; 10:30 PM ― Concert of Carols in Church Choir/Brass (10:00 PM) Thursday, December 25 Christmas ― Mass Schedule: 8:30 AM; 11:00 (choir); 12:30 PM ― Parish Office CLOSED Friday, December 26 ― One mass today celebrated in Church (8:00 AM) Sunday, December 28 Feast of The Holy Family ― NO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES New Year’s Eve Retreat for Women An overnight retreat for women. Join others to begin the New Year with prayer, reflection and a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The retreat runs from 4:00 PM on Wednesday, December 31st thru 1:30pm January 1, 2015 at the Benedictine Center, Elizabeth, NJ. Registration fee: $50. Registration is required. For more information and to register Call Sr. Marita at 908-353-3028 or email [email protected]. High School Basketball Festival The Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children—which provides partial tuition scholarships for low income students in grades K to 12 to attend Catholic schools—will hold its 12th annual High School Basketball Festival on January 2 and 4, 2015 at Kean University in Union. The teams playing include; St. Anthony HS, Roselle Catholic, Hudson Catholic, Seton Hall Prep, Mt. St. Dominic, St. Benedict’s Prep, Marist, Union Catholic, St. Dominic’s Academy, Paramus Catholic and St. Joseph’s Regional. For complete game schedule, times and information on ordering tickets, please visit or call 973-497-4279. Page 4 December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent LITURGICAL MINISTERS — Dec. 24-25 Lectors Christmas Eve 4:00pm Jeff Korgen 6:00pm Harold Ferguson 10:30pm Seton Feeney Christmas Day 8:30am Tom Walsh 11:00am John Hutchinson 12:30pm Calvin Navatto Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Christmas Eve 4:00pm Karen Hockstein, Nancy Juelis, Angela Zaccardi, Robert Rowan 6:00pm Ed Foley, Sue Trapp, John Trapp 10:30pm Robin Holcombe, Ann Kraus, Marilyn Graham, Carla Millien Christmas Day 8:30am Kevin Schlatmann, Floaters needed 11:00am Ed Haas, Carla Millien, Floaters needed 12:30pm Barbara Germann, Maria & Robert Dyer, Nina Biancamano Altar Servers Christmas Eve 4:00pm Catie Stanton, Julia Valerian 6:00pm Julia Malnak, Sean Trapp 10:30pm Christine Millien Christmas Day 8:30am Mary, Sean & Jude Demo 11:00am Dylan, John & Jessica Green 12:30pm Volunteers Needed LITURGICAL MINISTERS — Dec. 27-28 Lectors 5:30pm (Sat.) John Hutchinson 8:30am Tom Morris 11:00 Ann Gulyas 12:30pm Jim Feeney Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 5:30pm (Sat.) Ann Kraus, Karen Hockstein, Robin Holcombe, Nancy Juelis 8:30 Kevin Schlatmann, Carla Millien 11:00 Angela Zaccardi, Marilyn Graham Ed Haas, Nancy Clutterbuck 12:30pm Dennis Reis, Maria & Robert Dyer, Floater Altar Servers 5:30pm (Sat.) Nicolas & Sofia Graham 8:30 Catie Stanton, James Creaser 11:00 Dylan, John, & Jessica Green 12:30pm Volunteers Needed Rosary Intentions for the Week of Dec. 22 Mon.: For peace in the world. For world leaders; people in the military; people who are persecuted and tortured. Tues.: For the Holy Father, the Bishops, priests and religious brothers & sisters. For vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Wed.: For the respect of life from conception to natural death and the sanctification of marriage & family. Thurs.: May the Virgin Mary help us to welcome Jesus in our hearts, in Fri.: Sat.: our lives and in our families. For the souls in purgatory and deceased member of our Parish. For the sick of our families, Parish and communities. Saturday 5:30 Sunday December 20 Dorothy Nutile December 21 (Fourth Sunday of Advent) 8:30 For the People of the Parish 11:00 Marilyn & William Duthie 12:30 James F. Goble Jr. Monday December 22 7:30 Peter Frank Weiner 12:10 Henry Peter Belcsak Tuesday December 23 (St. John of Kanty, Priest) 7:30 Frank Krystyniak 12:10 Sr. Cora Marie McGuire, MBT (Living) Wednesday December 24 7:30 Harold & Helen Weiner 4:00 For the 6:00 Living and Deceased 10:30 of the Parish Thursday December 25 (The Nativity of the Lord) 8:30 For the 11:00 Living and Deceased 12:30 of the Parish Friday December 26 (St. Stephen, The First Martyr) 8:00 Mary Frances Kelley Saturday December 27 (St. John, Apostle and Evangelist) 12:10 Rose Grasso-Pugliese 5:30 Edward Wavrek Sunday December 28 (The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph) 8:30 For the People of the Parish 11:00 Kay & Bob Edwards 12:30 Edward A. Giblin - The Rosary is prayed daily in Church following the 12:10pm Mass. Readings for Christmas Week Monday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Thursday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Friday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Saturday: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] Page 5 December 21, 2014 “To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” ––Ecclesiastes 3:11 “…… A time to be healed……” Sick List: Michael Quinn, Sr. Cora Marie McGuire, Anita Szarzinski, Flo Rusnak, Donna Valenti, Ronald Haegele, Rosemary Thomasberger, Gloria Reinhardt, Amy Brown, Pamela Doffont, Jill Cerullo, Shelia Settle, Sr. Carol Jaresewski, Thomas D. Sheen, Damion Regan, Barbara Regan, Stephen Bacino, Edward Britt, Barbara Wisniewski, William Crum, Mary King, Ann Bongiovanni, Joan Emerson, Baby Maisy Chapman. “…… A time to die……” Deceased: Rosemary Kingsley. May all the faithful departed Fourth Sunday of Advent A PRAYER FOR CHRISTMAS Look on us, Jesus, and let all the darkness of our souls disappear before your brightness. Fill us with your holy love, and open to us the treasures of your wisdom. You know all our desire, so bring to perfection what you have started, and what the Holy Spirit has awakened us to ask in prayer. We seek your face, turn your face to us and show us your glory. Then our longing will be satisfied and our peace will be perfect. Amen. —St. Augustine of Hippo rest in peace. Altar Bread and Wine in memory of Magliaro & Petronaci Family. Altar Candles burn for Louise & Henry Mennett. Sanctuary Lamp burns for Serena Bobrowsky. Memorial Candle burns in memory of Gennaro Di Minico We pray for national and world leaders and for those in the armed services, especially, Joshua Dibble, USN; SGT. David Raggi; SrA Edward Walker, USAF. Intercession for Life December 21st. For all expectant mothers, especially those facing challenges: That they may look to Our Lady’s example of faith in God’s care; We pray to the Lord. Intercession for Vocations—December 2014: That our belief in the Incarnation may move us to greater appreciation for the sacraments and fuller understanding of the power of grace in our lives; We pray to the Lord. The Holy Father's Intentions —DECEMBER, 2014 Christmas, hope for humanity. That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of good will. Parents. That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious give of faith. SAVE THE DATE! WOMEN’S CORNERSTONE coming to Immaculate February 6 & 7, 2015 A retreat to connect with God, Spirituality and Women of Faith. Brochures will be coming soon or please contact Ceil Zimmermann at 201-245-7397. For the latest news about happenings at Immaculate Conception: follow us on Facebook at We rejoice in our newly Baptized Please join us in celebrating and welcoming those newly baptized here at Immaculate Conception in November 2014. Emilie Brooke Alvarado ╬ Austin Benjamin Colwell ╬ Violet Araña Díaz ╬ Taylor Rose Hachey ╬ Isabella Grace Kopidlowski We also congratulate their parents, Godparents, and families. “May the Lord give you strength for the days ahead and all the new things they hold.” AAA Wrapping Up for 2014 We wish to thank all who have pledged to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal and ask that if you have an outstanding balance on your pledge, that you fulfill that pledge by December 31, 2014. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. If you have not yet made a donation, please complete an AAA envelope (Appeal envelopes are at the back of church) and either send directly to the Archdiocese of Newark or drop in collection basket. All donations large or small are welcome. Donations may be charged to your credit card. Every gift is needed and welcome! See the video presentation of the many good works of the appeal http:// Thank you for your consideration . Christmas Flower Donations You should have a Christmas Flower envelope in your current contribution envelope packet. (Extra envelopes are available at the back of church.) This is a wonderful way to remember a loved one, and to decorate our church for the Christmas season. Please note person(s) to be remembered on the envelope (for the Christmas flower intention sheet) and drop in collection basket. HUGH M. MORIARTY FUNERAL HOME, INC. HUGH M. MORIARTY, JR., Manager NJ LIC. 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