PARISH CONTACTS Physical Address .......... 404 S. Broadway Parish Offices .................... 402-254-6559 Rev. Jeffery S. Loseke, Pastor [email protected] Rosemary Kathol, Business Manager [email protected] Louise Guy, Receptionist [email protected] Steve Heine, Plant Manager Office Fax Line ................. 402-254-6553 Rectory (after hours).......... 402-254-6556 Order of Deacons: Deacon Paul Steffen ... 402-254-6720 [email protected] Elementary School ............ 402-254-6496 Terry Kathol, Principal [email protected] Lisa Klug, Administrative Assistant [email protected] There is one among you whom you do not recognize. Religious Education........... 402-841-7589 Sr. M. Jane Conrad, PBVM, Director [email protected] Council Leadership: Pastoral Council Sam Hochstein .... 402-841-4351 [email protected] Finance Council Matt Steffen ......... 402-254-2117 [email protected] School Board Jennifer Kleinschmit..402-254-6544 [email protected] Parish Website & E-mail: [email protected] SCHEDULE FOR HOLY MASS Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Daily (T-F): Saturday: 5:30 p.m. 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. 8:05 a.m. (and 6:30 a.m. on 1st Fridays) 10:45 a.m. at Golden Living Center SCHEDULE FOR CONFESSIONS Daily (T-F): 2nd & 4th Wed: Saturday: 7:40—8:00 a.m. 7:00—8:00 p.m. 4:00—5:00 p.m. December 14th in the Year of Our Lord 2014 Third Sunday of Advent: Gaudete Sunday Page 2 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, December 15th Away L/D of Francis & Theresa Gubbels family Tuesday, December 16th 8:05 a.m. L/D of Rudy Wortmann family Wednesday, December 17th 8:05 a.m. L/D of Alton & Delores Thoene family † Marie Lammers Thursday, December 18th 8:05 a.m. † John Murray 2:45 p.m. † Loren Steffen Friday, December 19th 8:05 a.m. † Wilma Promes Saturday, December 20th 10:45 a.m. Christian Mothers (at Golden Living Center) Vigil for Sunday 5:30 p.m. † Gert Konz The People of Holy Trinity Parish Sunday, December 21st Fourth Sunday of Advent 8:30 a.m. L/D of Francis & Grace Hoesing family 10:30 a.m. † Kristen Johnson The “O Antiphons” During the last seven days of Advent, beginning December 17th, the Church acknowledges Christ by addressing Him with seven ancient, descriptive titles for the long hoped-for Messiah. These verses are known as the “O Antiphons,” and are prayed at Vespers (i.e., Evening Prayer) each day. Daily Readings for This Week Mon: Nm 24:2-7,15-17a & Mt 21:23-27 Tue: Zep 3:1-2,9-13 & Mt 21:28-32 Wed: Gn 49:2,8-10 & Mt 1:1-17 Thu: Jer 23:5-8 & Mt 1:18-25 Fri: Jgs 13:2-7,24-25a & Lk 1:5-25 Sat: Is 7:10-14 & Lk 1:26-38 Sun: 2 Sm 7:1-5,8b-12,14a,16; Rom 16:25-27 & Lk 1:26-38 Points of Ellipses... Fr. Jeff n my homily last Sunday, I reflected on our need to face our sins and temptations by examining our consciences and going to Confession. (In case you missed it or would like to revisit it, you may watch it on our parish website at It was my goal and my hope that those who have been away from the Sacrament for some time—decades even—would hear the invitation of God calling them back to Himself to be reconciled with Him. Many times, fear and pride keep us from accepting God’s free gift of mercy. We may be afraid because we are unsure of what we are supposed to do in Confession. Likewise, we may fear having to face our sins, our ugliness, and the fact that we were wrong about our own goodness for so long. On the other hand, pride keeps us from sharing our sins out loud to the priest. Pride tells us that we don’t need to confess our sins to another person, that we can be forgiven all by ourselves. In the end, the gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation that Jesus Himself gave to His Apostles and to the Church (cf. John 20:19-23) is rejected by us. y the same token, however, we may not understand why God’s plan for forgiveness of serious sins requires the intervention of another person (i.e., a priest). In order to better understand this, picture yourself standing on level ground facing God, who is standing opposite you. Whenever we sin, we cause a rupture between us and God. A chasm forms, and we can cross it no longer on our own. We need a bridge. The Son of God, by taking on our humanity and dying for our sins has become the bridge that allows us to come back into relationship with the Father. No human being can cross this horrible chasm of sin that leads to death on his or her own. We always need Jesus to act as our Bridge. Before His Ascension into heaven, Jesus instituted the Sacraments and gave the Church a share in His own Priesthood. Now, every time we find ourselves separated from God by serious sin we approach a priest—one whose very soul has been configured to Christ—so that he can make present for us the bridge of our salvation through the Sacraments. ut why can’t I just tell God I’m sorry in my own personal prayer? Won’t He forgive me? Think of it like this: We say, “God, I’m sorry, please forgive me.” God responds, “I desire it, and so I already have sent you my Son to bring you back to me. He has come to you as a Man. Go to Him, and He will bring you home to me.” Jesus becoming a man makes our salvation possible. The Incarnation is a sign of God’s great love for us! This is why, even after Jesus’ Death and Resurrection, the continuation of these same saving mysteries would always be expressed in an incarnated way, that is, through our own humanity in the Church. As the Catechism reminds us, “reconciliation with the Church is inseparable from reconciliation with God” (n. 1445). Page 3 Points from the Parish & Community... ANNUAL APPEAL COMPLETED: We reached our goal of $31,685.83 this week—thanks to all who participated in the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal this year. SYMBOLON REGISTRATION: Because Holy Trinity has purchased a parish subscription for the Symbolon faith-formation series, all registered members of the parish can access it online without any payment or fees. Simply register online on our parish website. RELIGIOUS ED: Students in grades 7-8 & 12 will meet as usual this Wednesday, Dec. 17th. Students in grades 9-11 will meet at church at 6:45 p.m. for Confession. CHURCH CLEANING THANKS: Thanks to everyone who helped clean church this Saturday in order to get ready for Christmas! Your stewardship of time is most appreciated. CHRISTMAS CHURCH DECORATING: We will decorate the church for Christmas on Tuesday, Dec. 23rd after 8:05 a.m. Mass. Anyone wanting to help may come and lend a hand. PRELUDE OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC: The Holy Trinity Choir invites you to arrive early for the Christmas Midnight Mass to enjoy a “Prelude of Christmas Music,” beginning at 11:35 p.m. CHRISTMAS LITURGICAL MINISTERS: Please be attentive to the liturgical schedule for the Christmas and New Year’s Masses. If you or your children will not be able to minister at your assigned Mass, please find a substitute or trade with someone else. If you are unable to find someone, please notify Louise at the parish office as soon as possible. GUILD NOTES: December’s cleaning groups are Groups 7 & 8, led by Carla Wintz & Becky Jones. Group 4, led by Doris Feilmeier, will serve the next funeral luncheon. Also, you may receive a call from your group leader for putting up and taking down the Christmas decorations in church. ROME PILGRIMAGE: As introduced in last week’s bulletin, Fr. Jeff will lead a pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, and other Italian cities next year, Sep. 21—Oct. 1, 2015. If you are interested in receiving more information about this trip, please call the parish office to have your name added to the list. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS: Envelopes are in your stewardship packets for Christmas flowers. Please return your envelope and the names of those you wish to memorialize with your donation. Memorials will be listed in the bulletin on Sunday, Dec. 28th. PRO-LIFE CALENDARS: Pro-Life calendars are still available at the parish office for $20. PRAYER SHAWLS: The Prayer Shawl Ministry has many new prayer shawls available for Christmas. Shawls have been blessed by Fr. Loseke and sprinkled with holy water from Lourdes. They are available by calling Joyce Gentrup (402-254–3271) or Laurie Kathol (402-254-3307). OPEN ADORATION HOURS: Please call the parish office to take one of these open hours: Friday 6:00, 8:00, 9:00 & 11:00 p.m.; Saturday 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 & 4:00 p.m. SENIOR CENTER BREAKFAST: The Senior Center is having a Pancake & Waffle Breakfast this Sunday, Dec. 14th, at 8:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. OACCW SCHOLARSHIP: The Omaha Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (OACCW) offers a $500 scholarship to Catholic female seniors. The Rural North Central Deanery offers a $150 scholarship. Applications are available from high school guidance counselors. The deadline is January 15th. Late applications will not be considered. SCRIP AVAILABLE ALL YEAR: Use Scrip gift cards as gifts or for personal shopping and a percentage of your purchases will come back to our Catholic schools. Orders received by 11:30 a.m. on Monday mornings will be available on Friday afternoons for pickup at the Catholic Development Office or they can be sent home with your Catholic school student, if you choose. For more information, please call the Catholic Development Office (402-254-3912). FERTILITYCARE INSTRUCTION: Women and/or couples interested in learning more about their reproductive health and God’s design for achieving or postponing pregnancy are invited to contact Adel Fischer (402254-2352 or [email protected]) for consultation. Adel is studying through the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha to become the second NaProTechnology FertilityCare System Practitioner for our area along with Donna Kramer in Fordyce. Financial Update - November 30, 2014 Thanksgiving Envelopes (74 out of 570) = $7,580 Financial Info has not been Sunday Stewardship .............$ 9,087.00 Fiscal Year-to-Date Income: $ 493,234.29 updated this week as Rosemary Tuition & Other Income.. .......$has 11,078.82 Fiscal Year-to-Date Expenses: $ 502,458.84 been away on vacation. Total Income...................$ 20,165.82 Fiscal YTD Excess/(Deficit): ($ -9,224.55) Page 4 Penance Services with Confession Sun, Dec 14 Sun, Dec 21 3:30 p.m. Holy Trinity 7:00 p.m. St. Rose, Crofton 3:00 p.m. St. Jane Frances, Randolph 7:00 p.m. St. Mary, Osmond THE WEEK AHEAD AT A GLANCE… See what’s happening in our Catholic parishes and schools. SUNDAY DECEMBER 14TH MONDAY DECEMBER 15TH TUESDAY DECEMBER 16TH WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17TH Second Collection: Religious Retirement 8:30am—12:30pm Pancake & Waffle Breakfast at Senior Center 3:30pm Penance Service at HT Church 7:00pm Penance Service at St. Rose in Crofton 7:00pm Choir Practice at Church Additional Parish Confession Times Thu, Dec 18 Fri, Dec 19 Sat, Dec 20 Mon, Dec 22 Tue, Dec 23 7:00—8:00 p.m. 7:00—8:00 p.m. 8:00—9:00 a.m. 3:45—5:15 p.m. 12:00—1:00 p.m. 5:30—?:?? p.m. Wedding Banns Garrett Flamig & Makisha Brown December 20, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. Holy Trinity Church 6:45pm Rel Ed (gr. 7-8, 12) at HT Meeting Room or Godparents 6:45pm Rel Ed (gr. 9-11) Confessions at Church 7:00pm CCHS Christmas Concert at Activity Center THURSDAY DECEMBER 18TH FRIDAY DECEMBER 19TH 2:00—3:00pm Prayers for Priests Holy Hour at Church 2:45pm CCHS Mass at HT 7:00—8:00pm Confessions Day of Penance: Abstain from meat or take up some other penance 7:00—8:00pm Confessions SATURDAY VOCATION CRUCIFIX Dec. 14—20: Curt & Kristi Loecker family Dec. 21—27: Keith & Michelle Loecker family GOLDEN LIVING CENTER ROSARY LEADERS Dec. 16, 3:30pm: Sandra Loecker Dec. 23, 3:30pm: Darlene Wieseler DECEMBER 20TH 8:00—9:00am Confessions 1:00pm Flamig ~ Brown Wedding 3:45—5:15pm Extended Confession Time SUNDAY DECEMBER 21TH 3:00pm Penance Service at St. Jane Frances in Randolph 7:00pm Penance Service at St. Mary in Osmond 7:00pm Choir Practice at Church LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEK: DECEMBER 20—21, 2014 Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Lectors Jane Kathol Brooke Kleinschmit Duane Arens Aleacia Herbolsheimer Ron Wortmann Angela Barnell Greeters & Gift-bearers Rob & Brenda Miller Family Jeff & Julie Lentz Family Jim & Carla Wintz Rollie & Barb Becker Servers Stephen & Thomas Hillis Shane Hamilton Hunter Heimes, Kerby Hochstein Gina Jueden Jay & Sara Reifenrath Abbie Steffen EMHCs Bill Meyer, Chris Miller Jan Arens Don & Karen Hoesing Anna Brodersen Lisa & Jesse Kruse Ron Lammers Musicians Robin Potts Holly Kathol Rose Koch Don Noecker Kayla Guy Amber Leise Video Brad Arens If you are unable to be at the Mass for which you are scheduled, please exchange with another liturgical minister or arrange for a substitute. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. I have lied, gossiped, or spread rumors about others. I revealed secrets or broke the confidence of another. I betraying someone’s friendship or trust. I have criticized others uncharitably. I refused to forgive someone or held a grudge. I failed to apologize or make amends to someone I offended. I deliberately hid sins from the priest in Confession. Making A Good Confession You shall not covet your neighbor’s spouse or goods. I have entertained impure thoughts and desires. I have been greedy and selfish. I have been vain or boastful. I was jealous/envious of someone’s possessions or successes. I took delight in the misfortunes of others. I was ungrateful or failing to recognize my own worth. I put myself in tempting situations where it was easy to sin. I do not share my time, talent, and treasure as I ought. An Act of Contrition O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but, most of all, because I have offended you, my God, who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of your grace to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen. Prayer before Confession Father, send your Holy Spirit upon me. Help me to remember my sins and to be sorry for them. I know that my sins have caused your Son to suffer and die for me on the Cross. Help me to make a good Confession so that I might meet him in this Sacrament and be forgiven. I love you but cannot avoid sin without your help. Fill me and all who beg your mercy with your strength and healing. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. An Examination of Conscience You shall have no other gods besides the LORD your God. I denied or seriously doubted the existence of God. I refused to believe the teachings of the Church. I was afraid to practice my faith in front of others. I neglected to pray because of indifference or laziness. I committed sin presuming God would forgive me anyway. I relied on, trusted in, or experimented with superstitions. I focused too much time or attention on something or someone other than God. You shall not take the name of the LORD, your God, in vain. I used God’s name carelessly or in anger I have committed sacrilege (misused something holy/blessed). I have sworn or cursed. I have been angry at God. Keep holy the Lord’s Day. I missed Mass on a Sunday or Holyday of Obligation. I have arrived at Mass late or have left Mass early. I failed to respond, sing, or pray at Mass. I have done unnecessary labor on a Sunday or Holyday. I received Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin. I failed to observe days of penance, fast, or abstinence. Honor your father and your mother. I have disrespected or failed in my duties to my family. I was disrespectful, impolite, or discourteous toward others. I neglected my responsibilities at home, school, or at work. I have disrespected those in legitimate authority. I have broken laws or failed in my duty to be a good citizen. I tried to avoid just punishment for my offenses. You shall not kill. I have injured or killed someone else. I have encouraged or participated in an abortion. I have relied on non-natural methods to conceive a child. I have encouraged or allowed euthanasia. I failed to come to someone’s aid in their distress. I have hurt or mutilated my body or another’s body. I had myself surgically sterilized. I attempted suicide or seriously considered suicide. I sought revenge or dwelt upon thoughts of hatred or malice. I abused alcohol, tobacco, or any other kind of drug. I neglected to take proper care of my health. I discriminated against someone or a group of people. I have caused scandal by setting a bad example for others. I have driven recklessly. I have been cruel to animals. You shall not commit adultery I have viewed pornography or other impure shows, books, etc. I have aroused sexual desires by impure kissing or touching. I have aroused myself or another through masturbation. I have committed homosexual acts or other unnatural sex acts. I used artificial forms of contraception and birth control. I had sexual intercourse outside of the bond of marriage. I was unfaithful to my marriage vows in thought or action. I dressed immodestly or was too concerned with appearance. I have told or listened to impure jokes or stories. I have dated someone whom I could not marry in the Church. I have treated others as objects. You shall not steal. I stole, took, or borrowed something that was not mine. I damaged private or public property; vandalism. I downloaded or copied music or software illegally. I bribed or manipulated someone to get my way. I have wasted money, time, goods, or food. I have neglected the environment or other things in my care. I have cheated at work, school, games, sports, etc. I have gambled excessively. I have failed in my financial commitments to others.
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