Mini Tutorial MT-234 One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. • Tel: 781.329.4700 • Fax: 781.461.3113 • The filter is composed of two sections: the decimation filter and the programmable filter. The decimation filter has a fixed transfer function, and it helps to prevent aliasing into the programmable block. The programmable filter is an infinite impulse response (IIR) filter that samples the output of the decimation filter at ⅛ the sampling rate of the input, and updates its output at the same rate. The SYNCO terminal generates a synchronization pulse every time the output changes, and can be used to reconstruct the filtered signal synchronously at other discrete-time devices such as ADCs. Using the ADA2200 as a Time Domain Filter by Gustavo Castro, Analog Devices, Inc. IN THIS MINI TUTORIAL This mini tutorial briefly introduces the operation of the ADA2200 as a programmable filter. Because the filters in the ADA2200 are determined by a well-defined set of capacitor arrays, the transfer function characteristics are repeatable, the filter location can be manipulated with the input clock, and its operation requires very low power consumption. INTRODUCTION The ADA2200 is a very flexible device that can be used as a programmable filter by disabling the synchronous demodulator function. Different filter configurations, such as low-pass, bandpass, high-pass, and band-stop filters can be implemented on the programmable filter block shown in Figure 1 by writing to 23 different registers via the SPI port or with an EEPROM during power up/reset. In addition, the frequency location of the corners or center frequencies can be adjusted by varying the clock rate fed into CLKIN or by changing the value of the clock divider. The goal of this tutorial is to briefly introduce the operation of the ADA2200 as a programmable filter, and to provide the user with the register contents to define the filters shown in Table 1. Table 1. Filter Type Band-Pass (BP1) Band-Pass (BP2) Low-Pass (LP1) Low-Pass (LP2) Notch 1 Order, Q 2nd, Q = 8.4 2nd, Q = 4.3 4th 4th 1st ADA2200 LPF OUTP PROGRAM FILTER OUTN fM CLKIN XOUT ÷2m fSI ÷8 VOCM 90° fSO VCM ÷2n+1 CLOCK GEN CONTROL REGISTERS SYNCO GND RCLK/SDO SPI/I2C MASTER RST BOOT Figure 1. ADA2200 Simplified Block Diagram Rev. 0 | Page 1 of 9 SCLK/SCL SDIO/SDA CS/A0 12892-001 8 INN Pass-Band Gain (dB) 0 0 0 0 0 For example, if fSI = fCLK = 500 kHz, the corner frequency is fSI/32 = 15.625 kHz. VDD INP Corner/Center Frequency (Hz)1 fSI/32 fSI/32 fSI/40 fSI/64 fSI/32 MT-234 Mini Tutorial 8fSO – f f fN = fSO /2 fSO 2 fS 8fSO = fSI ELIMINATED BY DECIMATION FILTER 8fSO – f 180 GAIN PHASE –10 8fSO + f (A) fSO – f fSO + f 2fSO – f 2fSO + f 225 0 GAIN (dB) fSO – f fSO + f 2fSO – f 2fSO + f 10 8fSO + f 135 –20 90 –30 45 –40 0 –50 –45 –60 –90 –70 –135 –80 –180 –90 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY (Hz/Nyquist) 0.9 PHASE (Degrees) The decimation filter helps prevent aliasing from the input and simplifies the input antialiasing requirements. As shown in Figure 2, without the decimation filter, all images above the Nyquist frequency (fSO/2) alias into the pass band. For example, the output for an input signal of frequency, f, would be identical to that of an input signal of frequency, f + fSO, and it is impossible to distinguish between the two by simply looking at the output. The transfer function for the decimation filter is shown in Figure 3. As it can be observed, significant attenuation is introduced for signal frequencies above fSO/4 (half of Nyquist), and it introduces a linear phase shift. This roll-off and phase shift need to be considered in the design of programmable filters. –225 1.0 12892-003 DECIMATION FILTER Figure 3. Transfer Function of the Decimation Filter f fN fSO 2fSO fSI (B) 12892-002 Disabling the Decimation Filter Figure 2. Aliasing Rejection with Decimation Filter The decimation filter removes all the images above fSO/2 and below fSI − fSO/2. If large signals are expected to fall in this higher frequency band, it may be necessary to add an antialiasing filter before the input of the ADA2200. If the preceding stages are limited in frequency content, a simple RC network can be used to add additional aliasing rejection. It is possible to disable the decimation filter; however, that does not eliminate the decimation action. When the decimation filter is disabled, the input sampling occurs at the same rate fSI, and the programmable filter block continues to sample the output of the decimator block at ⅛ of the input rate. Therefore, the maximum operation frequency of the IIR continues to be fSI/8. What is accomplished by disabling the decimator is eliminating the decimator roll-off and the phase shift introduced by it. This may be desired if the additional antialiasing is not required. Disable the decimator by writing a Logic 1 to Register 0x027 Bit 6. Rev. 0 | Page 2 of 9 Mini Tutorial MT-234 IIR PROGRAMMABLE FILTER An IIR filter is a recursive filter. Recursion is analogous to feedback in a continuous time filter. For this reason, it is possible to define filters with only a few coefficients, but it is also possible to create unstable filters. By default, the IIR block is configured as a band-pass filter with a center frequency at fSO/8 (fSI/64). Figure 4 shows the transfer function for the default filter, including the effect of the decimation filter. 10 0 f C = 0.4 × 0.5 f SO = 0.4 × 0.5 × 0.125 f SI = 0.025 × 2 − m f CLK where: m is the divider of the clock frequency and can take values of 1, 2, or 8. fCLK is the frequency of the clock signal applied to CLKIN. If fCLK = 500 kHz and m = 1, the corner will be located at 12.5 kHz, fSO = 62.5kHz and fN = 31.25 kHz. With all the parameters remaining the same, reducing the clock frequency to 100 kHz would move the corner frequency down to 2.5 kHz. Note that band-pass or band-stop filters will remain with a constant Q. This means that if the frequency doubles, the width of the pass band will double as well. In the case of the notch, the stop band doubles. This effect is shown in Figure 5. –10 GAIN (dB) For example, the corner frequency for a 4th-order low-pass filter with a corner frequency at fC = 0.4 fN can be calculated by –20 –30 10 –40 0 FCLK/4 = 100kHz 0.75 1.00 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY (Hz/Nyquist) Figure 4. Transfer Function of the Default Band-Pass Filter To modify the IIR filter characteristics, it is necessary to modify the default filter definition, which is stored in the internal memory between Register 0x0011 through Register 0x0027. Note that while the content of these registers define the filter characteristics, they do not represent the actual filter coefficients, but the internal configuration of the ADA2200 that generates the coefficients that represent the desired filter. For detailed instructions on how to access these registers and change their contents, refer to the Programming IIR Filters section. FREQUENCY SCALING Because the ADA2200 is a sampled analog technology device, its frequency characteristics directly depend on the clock frequency. Therefore, parameters such as corner frequency, the center of the pass band, or the location of the Nyquist frequency depend on the frequency of the clock used to drive the device. A natural consequence of this fundamental property is that it is possible to scale these filters by changing the clock frequency or using the on-chip clock dividers. This allows the user to perform frequency sweeps, lock the filter to a source for coherent filtering, or change the corner frequency without having to reprogram the device. –10 –20 –30 –40 –50 0.10 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 FREQUENCY (kHz) 12892-005 0.50 Figure 5. Effect of Scaling the Clock Frequency on a Band-Pass Filter An additional advantage that comes with reducing the clock frequency is that it lowers the power consumption, thus the system scales according to the bandwidth of interest. 500 475 450 425 3.3V 400 375 350 2.7V 325 300 275 250 0 200 400 600 CLKIN FREQUENCY (kHz) 800 1000 12892-006 0.25 GAIN (dB) 0 IDD (µA) –50 12892-004 FCLK = 400kHz Figure 6. Typical Current Draw vs. CLKIN Frequency at VDD = 2.7 V and 3.3 V Rev. 0 | Page 3 of 9 MT-234 Mini Tutorial COHERENT FILTERING AND THE REFERENCE CLOCK RECONSTRUCTION OF THE OUTPUT SIGNAL Certain applications, especially those involving pass-band filters or notches, require that the signal of interest (or the signal being rejected) fall precisely at the center frequency of the filter. Any mismatch between the signal and the center frequency (due to design tolerances, time and temperature drift, and uncertainty on the interference source), can cause undesired attenuation and phase errors in band-pass applications. In the case of a notch filter (or band stop), these mismatches limit the effectiveness of the interference rejection, making it very difficult to completely eliminate undesired signals. This is shown in Figure 7 for two different notch filters. A narrow notch is desired to avoid affecting adjacent frequencies, but its effectiveness is much less than that of the wider notch if the undesired signal does not match the center. The output voltage present across the OUTP and OUTN terminals of ADA2200 is equivalent to the voltage across a parallel capacitor combination, and therefore, this value remains constant until the next update cycle. For this reason, the output signal is formed by a sequence of discrete-time steps, as shown in Figure 8. OUTPUT INPUT RECONSTRUCTED 100mV/DIV 20µs/DIV 0 Figure 8. Input, Output, and Reconstructed Waveforms –40 –60 –78dB fC 10fC FREQUENCY (Hz) 12892-007 –80 Figure 7. Mismatch Between the Notch Frequency and the Unwanted Signal Limits Band Stop Effectiveness In cases where the signal of interest is known, it can be used to generate a clock signal to drive the ADA2200. As an alternative, the reference clock can be used to generate a time base for the signal of interest, synchronization, or to be the actual signal required as an excitation source, for example. The synchronization between the ADA2200 and the signal in question guarantees that it will always fall at the center frequency of the filter. In a continuous time system, the step sequence generates images at frequencies multiples of the output update rate. This effect can be observed in Figure 8, where the vertical lines are a consequence of the finite bandwidth of the output (the pin driver is a continuous-time device). The high-frequency image can be visualized by tracing a sine wave across the output steps and then subtracting it. The resulting saw-tooth waveform is a multiple of the fundamental frequency, and it is a typical and undesired artifact. To reduce undesired images in continuous time systems, a reconstruction filter is required at the output, as shown in Figure 9. +3.3V INPUT VDD INP OUTP INN OUTN OUTPUT ADA2200 VOCM CLKIN XOUT VSS SYNCO ADA4841-1 SCK SDI SDO CS 12892-009 MAGNITUDE (dB) –17dB –20 –100 0.1fC 12892-008 20 Figure 9. Adding a Second-Order Reconstruction Filter When interfacing to discrete time systems (such as SAR ADCs), a reconstruction filter is not required if the sampler of the following device is synchronized with the output. For example, if a SAR ADC takes only one sample for every output update of the ADA2200, the signal does not need to be reconstructed and all the high-frequency images will disappear; the ADC will not know they ever existed. Rev. 0 | Page 4 of 9 Mini Tutorial MT-234 The ADA2200 generates an output pulse through the SYNCO terminal, which can be used by a microprocessor or directly by an ADC to initiate an analog-to-digital conversion of the ADA2200 output. The SYNCO signal ensures that the ADC sampling occurs at an optimal time during the ADA2200 output sample window by generating a pulse with a frequency equal to the output update rate, fSO. It is possible to configure the pulse polarity, and to adjust 1 of 16 different timing delays, as shown in Figure 10. The timing delays are spaced at ½ fSI clock cycle intervals and span the full output sample window. Choosing the proper delay relative to the output update ensures a properly settled signal and avoids feed-through errors in the ADC. The configuration settings for the SYNCO pulse such as polarity and delay are contained in Register 0x0029. INx, OUTx SYNCO (0) SYNCO (1) FILTERING SIGNALS ABOVE NYQUIST The maximum recommended input sampling frequency for the ADA2200 is 1 MHz (equivalent to the clock frequency when the clock divider is set to 1), which would theoretically limit its bandwidth to fSO/16 or 62.5 kHz. Because the input signal bandwidth of the ADA2200 is 4 MHz, the ADA2200 will accept input signals up to this frequency. However, any of such signals will be down converted at the output, limited by fSO/2 (the Nyquist frequency of the output update rate). In other words, for frequencies above Nyquist, the ADA2200 acts as a filter and a downconversion mixer by taking advantage of the sampling nature of the input. For example, let us assume the ADA2200 samples the input at fSI = fCLK = 500 kHz, and the filter is configured for a center frequency at 7.8 kHz and pass band from 6 kHz to 10 kHz. If the decimator filter is enabled, a filter with 4 kHz bandwidth will appear around the center frequencies such as 492.2 kHz, 507.8 kHz, 992.2 kHz, 1.0078 MHz, 1.4922 MHz. Therefore, if a signal with a frequency of 3.992 MHz appears at the input of the ADA2200, it will appear as a 8 kHz signal at the output. The equivalent Q of the filter image with a center frequency at 3.9922 MHz for this example will be almost 1000. It is important to note that in all these cases, there is always an adjacent filter image below and above any multiple of fSI, therefore the designer must consider possible aliasing. In addition, the higher the frequency, the higher the Q that the antialiasing filter requires. SYNCO (13) SYNCO (14) CLKIN 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 12892-010 SYNCO (15) Figure 10. SYNCO Output Timing Relative to OUTP/OUTN, INP/INN, and CLKIN Rev. 0 | Page 5 of 9 MT-234 Mini Tutorial PROGRAMMING IIR FILTERS The test setup is shown in Figure 11. The board can get power from any active USB port. All the filters are relative to the 400 kHz on-board oscillator. The AD8476-EVALZ and the EVAL-INAMP-82RZ with the AD8429 coupled the singleended terminals on the network analyzer to the ADA2200. For additional details and circuit schematics on the ADA2200EVALZ board, refer to the ADA2200-EVALZ user guide. To program the filter via the SPI port, initiate a write cycle to transfer the new filter definition to the ADA2200 registers from Address 0x0011 to Address 0x0027. For a list of filter options and their corresponding register values, see Table 2. After loading the filter values, write 0x03 to Register 0x0010 to configure the ADA2200 with the new filter. For more information for interfacing via the SPI port, refer to the ADA2200 data sheet. HP 3577A NETWORK ANALYZER To program the ADA2200 via an external EEPROM during boot or after a reset operation, it is necessary to preload the EEPROM with the memory configuration between Address 0x0011 to Address 0x002B, which includes the filter definition plus additional configuration registers. For the default memory contents and predefined filter definitions, refer to Table 2. For detailed instructions on how to program the ADA2200, refer to the Device Configuration section in the ADA2200 data sheet. OUTPUT +3.3V A +15V 400kHz OSC P2 The filter measurements in this tutorial were performed with the ADA2200-EVALZ, by rewriting the contents of the onboard EEPROM with an EEPROM programmer. The EEPROM contents were the same as in Table 2 for each configuration, starting at Offset 0x00. Loading the programmed EEPROM on X1 and setting the EEPROM_BOOT switch automatically loads the new filter after applying power to the board. R P11 AD8429 ADA2200 AD8476-EVALZ P3 EEPROM P12 –15V ADA2200-EVALZ (POWERED FROM USB) EVAL-INAMP-RZ 12892-011 AD8476 Figure 11. Test Setup Using ADA2200-EVALZ The recommended register contents to configure the ADA2200 as a time domain filter are shown in Table 2. Table 2. Recommended Register Contents for Different Filters ADA2200 Address 0x0011 0x0012 0x0013 0x0014 0x0015 0x0016 0x0017 0x0018 0x0019 0x001A 0x001B 0x001C 0x001D 0x001E 0x001F 0x0020 0x0021 0x0022 0x0023 0x0024 0x0025 0x0026 0x0027 0x0028 0x0029 0x002A 0x002B 1 Register Name Filter configuration Analog pin configuration Sync control Demod control Clock configuration BP1 0xC0 0x0F 0x36 0xD1 0xC0 0x0F 0x07 0x80 0x07 0x80 0x00 0x20 0xC0 0x4F 0xAA 0xAA 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x4F 0x23 0x02 0x02 0x00 0x0D 0x08 0x02 BP2 0xC0 0x0F 0xFA 0xD5 0xC0 0x0F 0x15 0x92 0x15 0x92 0x00 0x20 0xC0 0x4F 0xB2 0x2F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x4F 0x23 0x02 0x02 0x00 0x0D 0x08 0x02 LP1 0x52 0xAE 0x52 0xA6 0x52 0xAE 0x74 0x81 0x74 0x81 0x4E 0x9D 0x22 0x53 0x4F 0x80 0xC0 0x0F 0xF1 0xDE 0x23 0x02 0x12 0x00 0x0D 0x08 0x02 LP2 0x51 0x80 0x40 0x80 0x51 0x80 0x56 0x10 0x56 0x10 0xC8 0xA0 0x97 0xD9 0xED 0x12 0xC0 0x0F 0x00 0xE0 0x23 0x02 0x06 0x00 0x0D 0x08 0x02 The EEPROM is loaded on the X1 position in ADA2200-EVALZ. Rev. 0 | Page 6 of 9 Notch 0xC0 0x4F 0x84 0x9B 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0x84 0x9B 0x36 0x14 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x4F 0x23 0x02 0x07 0x00 0x0D 0x08 0x02 Default 0xC0 0x0F 0x1D 0xD7 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0x1D 0x97 0x7E 0x88 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0x00 0xE0 0x23 0x02 0x24 0x00 0x2D 0x08 0x02 All-Pass 0x00 0xA0 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0xC0 0x0F 0x23 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x2D 0x08 0x02 External EEPROM Address1 0x000 0x001 0x002 0x003 0x004 0x005 0x006 0x007 0x008 0x009 0x00A 0x00B 0x00C 0x00D 0x00E 0x00F 0x010 0x011 0x012 0x013 0x014 0x015 0x016 0x017 0x018 0x019 0x01A Mini Tutorial MT-234 The following plots show the transfer function characteristics for the filters on Table 2. 90 –20 90 –30 45 –30 45 –40 0 –40 0 –50 –45 –50 –45 –60 –90 –60 –90 –70 –135 –70 –135 –80 –180 –80 –180 –90 –225 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY (Hz/Nyquist) 0.9 225 0 180 0 135 –10 10 225 180 GAIN PHASE 135 90 –30 45 –40 0 –50 –45 –60 –90 –70 –135 –70 –135 –80 –180 –80 –180 –90 –225 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY (Hz/Nyquist) 0.9 GAIN (dB) PHASE (Degrees) –20 GAIN PHASE 0 90 45 –40 0 –50 –45 –60 –90 1k 10k –225 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 13. Transfer Function of the BP2 Filter 10 –20 –30 –90 100 12892-013 GAIN (dB) –225 100k Figure 15. Transfer Function of the BP1 Filter, Logarithmic Sweep, fCLKIN = fSI = 400 kHz 10 GAIN PHASE 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 12. Transfer Function of the BP1 Filter –10 1k Figure 16. Transfer Function of the BP2 Filter, Logarithmic Sweep, fCLKIN = fSI = 400 kHz 225 10 180 0 225 180 GAIN PHASE 135 –10 –20 90 –20 90 –30 45 –40 0 PHASE (Degrees) –10 135 45 –40 0 –50 –45 –50 –45 –60 –90 –60 –90 –70 –135 –70 –135 –80 –180 –80 –180 –90 –225 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY (Hz/Nyquist) 0.9 12892-014 0.1 GAIN (dB) –30 0 PHASE (Degrees) GAIN (dB) –90 100 135 PHASE (Degrees) 0.1 PHASE (Degrees) –10 –20 0 GAIN (dB) 180 GAIN PHASE 12892-015 0 135 12892-012 GAIN (dB) 180 225 12892-016 GAIN PHASE 10 Figure 14. Transfer Function of the LP1 Filter –90 100 1k 10k –225 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 17. Transfer Function of the LP1 Filter, Logarithmic Sweep, fCLKIN = fSI = 400 kHz Rev. 0 | Page 7 of 9 PHASE (Degrees) 0 –10 225 12892-017 10 MT-234 Mini Tutorial 10 225 180 0 180 90 –20 –30 45 –40 0 –50 –45 –60 –90 –70 –135 –80 –180 –90 –225 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY (Hz/Nyquist) 0.9 GAIN PHASE GAIN (dB) –50 –45 –60 –90 –70 –135 –80 –180 10 225 180 –10 –20 90 –20 –30 45 –40 0 –50 –45 –60 –90 –70 –135 –80 –180 –90 –225 1.0 0.9 GAIN (dB) PHASE (Degrees) 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY (Hz/Nyquist) GAIN PHASE 0 135 GAIN PHASE 90 –30 45 –40 0 –50 –45 –60 –90 –70 –135 –80 –180 –90 100 1k 10k –225 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 19. Transfer Function of the Notch Filter 10 –225 100k 225 135 0.1 10k Figure 21. Transfer Function of the LP2 Filter, Logarithmic Sweep, fCLKIN = fSI = 400 kHz 180 0 1k FREQUENCY (Hz) 12892-019 GAIN (dB) 0 –10 0 Figure 22. Transfer Function of the Notch Filter, Logarithmic Sweep, fCLKIN = fSI = 400 kHz 225 10 180 0 225 180 135 –10 –20 90 –20 90 –30 45 –30 45 –40 0 –50 –45 –60 –90 –60 –90 –70 –135 –70 –135 –80 –180 –80 –180 –90 –225 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY (Hz/Nyquist) 0.9 GAIN (dB) PHASE (Degrees) –10 12892-020 GAIN (dB) 45 –40 –90 100 Figure 18. Transfer Function of the LP2 Filter 10 –30 PHASE (Degrees) 0.1 90 12892-023 0 135 GAIN PHASE PHASE (Degrees) –10 –20 12892-022 135 PHASE (Degrees) –10 12892-018 GAIN (dB) 0 225 GAIN PHASE 135 –40 0 –50 –45 –90 100 1k 10k PHASE (Degrees) GAIN PHASE –225 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 23. Transfer Function of the Default Filter, Logarithmic Sweep, fCLKIN = fSI = 400 kHz Figure 20. Transfer Function of the Default Filter Rev. 0 | Page 8 of 9 12892-024 10 MT-234 10 0 225 180 135 –10 –20 90 –20 90 –30 45 –30 45 –40 0 –40 0 –50 –45 –50 –45 –60 –90 –60 –90 –70 –135 –70 –135 –180 –80 –180 GAIN PHASE –80 –90 0 0.1 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.2 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY (Hz/Nyquist) 0.9 –225 1.0 GAIN (dB) PHASE (Degrees) 0 –10 –90 100 180 GAIN PHASE 135 1k 10k PHASE (Degrees) 225 –225 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 25. Transfer Function of the All-Pass Filter, Decimator Enabled, Logarithmic Sweep, fCLKIN = fSI = 400 kHz Figure 24. Transfer Function of the All-Pass Filter, Decimator Enabled REVISION HISTORY 12/14—Revision 0: Initial Version ©2014 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. MT12892-0-12/14(0) Rev. 0 | Page 9 of 9 12892-025 10 12892-021 GAIN (dB) Mini Tutorial
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