BULLETIN Executive Director’s Comments: W hen we consider the countless hours of school sport competitions that occur over the course of the year, the number of incidents involving student-athletes and coaches in regard to inappropriate conduct are very low. This low number is due to the efforts of member schools across Nova Scotia. When incidents do occur it has been my pleasure to work with many of you to turn those negative situations into learning opportunities. Thanks to all member schools for your efforts in this area! Over the last few years the number of incidents involving parents has been on the rise. For example, at the NSSAF Soccer Championships, four incident reports were received in regard to inappropriate parent behavior. Administrators, Athletic Directors and coaches… thank you for your ongoing efforts as we attempt educate parents as to what behaviors are appropriate in a school sport environment! Member schools are reminded of the steps the NSSAF follows in regard to changing Regulations. December 2014 In September and April the NSSAF conducts workshops. Regional Directors, District Coordinators and Junior High Coordinators from the four Regions (Capital, Highland, Northumberland and Western) attend. Prior to the meeting, proposals for changes to the Regulations are forwarded to all schools (administration and NSSAF rep). Feedback from schools is forwarded to the appropriate Regional Director by the Principal. At the workshop, the Regional Director presents a Regional position in regard to the proposed change. If consensus is reached, the proposed change is forwarded to the Board of Governors. In November (Semi-Annual Meeting) and May (Annual Meeting), following the workshop, the Board of Governors meets. Each of the four Regions has two members that sit on the Board. There is also representation from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the Department of Health and Wellness and two Members-at-Large. At these meetings, recommendations from the workshops are discussed. If passed at these meetings, the recommendations become Regulations. The Board also meets in September and at times in February. Recommendations for changes to Regulations can be forwarded at any time through the School’s Principal to the Executive Director and/or Regional Directors. On behalf of the Board of Governors, Regional Directors, Assistant Regional Directors, District Coordinators and staff of the NSSAF, I wish to extend to all of you my sincerest wish for a joyful and restful holiday. Darrell Dempster Inside This Issue: Executive Director’s Comments................................................. 1 Chair’s Comments .................................................................... 2 District Coordinator’s Spring Workshop ...................................... 2 French Banners ............................................................................ 3 Celebration of School Sport ......................................................... 3 Partnerships ................................................................................. 4 Upcoming Dates – December 2014 - March 2015 ...................... 5 1 NSSAF Awards ............................................................................. 7 NSSAF Champions Declared ........................................................ 8 Thank You – Provincial Host Sites ................................................ 9 NSSAF Fall Workshop Proposals Approved by Board of Governors.10 Junior High/Middle School Champions Declared ........................ 12 Host Schools for 2014-15 ............................................................ 12 Coach Education .......................................................................... 12 NSSAF December 2014 News Chair’s Comments: A nother busy fall sporting season has come to a close. Congratulations to all of our studentathletes on their participation and dedication to your schools. A special congratulations to all of our champions in Baseball, Football, Soccer, Cross Country, Golf and Volleyball. I would like to especially thank all of our parents and volunteers who assist in coordinating and getting our athletes to events. The Province and School Boards have adopted or revised volunteer and student travel policies that put parameters in place to keep our students and their families safe, during events and while travelling to and from their home school areas. Although there are some new logistical practices to work through, the end result is more accountability for safety of our students and community members. I think we can all agree that this is vital to our school sport environment. This fall, the Minister’s Panel on Education released their findings and as a Board we were very pleased to see student health and wellbeing mentioned as vital to the success of our students in Nova Scotia. The NSSAF is proud of the various programs that we bring to schools in this province and we look forward to playing a vital role in ensuring that physical activity, health and fitness levels are improved within our schools. At this time, I would like to thank Ann Blackwood of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for her contributions over the past number of years as a Board member. Ann has always been a strong advocate for students and we will miss her expertise around the Board table. Looking forward, a very special welcome to Susan MacDonald, the Executive Director of Education Program Services at the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, who joins us as our newest Board member. It was my pleasure to attend many different events this fall both as the Chair of the Board of Governors and as a parent of a student-athlete. I witnessed many examples of grit, determination, sportsmanship, fierce competition, goal-setting, and success. It is quite evident, that Education Through Sport is alive and well in Nova Scotia schools. With the busy fall sporting season behind us and as we recharge for what promises to be great winter and spring seasons, I would like to take this time to wish everybody involved in school sport a terrific and restful holiday season. Darrell LeBlanc Chair – NSSAF Board of Governors District Coordinator’s Spring Workshop T he Spring Workshop will be held on April 1-2, 2015. This is an opportunity for member schools to submit proposals, ask questions and give feedback on issues facing the NSSAF. Please forward your proposals to your Regional Director. Official Hotel Partner of the NSSAF FAST SERVICE Engraving, Embroidery & Imprinting l icia SAF f f ier l O S p N Sup 4 1/4'' X 6'' CHERRY FINISH WALL PLAQUE O SCH OL N A E YO M R U AN D LOGO ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2007-08 $ 7.45 each YOUR SCHOOL LOGO LASER ENGRAVED AND NAME OF AWARD ENGRAVED (Min. 24) Experience a “New Level of Comfort” at several of our 14 Conveniently Located Comfort Inns in Atlantic Canada! Preferred NSSAF rates 8th room, per team, per night is FREE “Your Morning Breakfast” is FREE Special “fan” rates for friends and family Comfort Inns in Atlantic Canada 6104 Almon Street P.O. Box 8326 "A" Halifax, N.S. B3K 5M1 PH: 455-0056 FAX: 455-3553 www.novatrophy.com NSSAF December 2014 News Managed by Westmont Hospitality Group NSSAF preferred rates of $83+tx Valid from September, 2014—June, 2015 2 French Banners Celebration of School Sport he NSSAF, with the cooperation of the Department of Education, is pleased to remind French member schools (that win Regional and Provincial Championships) that French banners may be ordered at no cost to your school. Fill out the order form (link below) and forward it to the NSSAF office. The banners will be delivered to your school as soon as they are received from the supplier. If schools wish to order banners for the 2011-2012 school year or earlier that will be at a cost to the school. Regional Banners cost $46 and Provincial Banners cost $69 (includes taxes). http://www.nssaf.ca/french-banner-order-forms-2014-15 his year the Celebration of School Sport event will be held at the World Trade and Convention Centre on Friday, May 1, 2015 starting at 12 noon. This event is in its 18th year and continues to be popular with member schools, coaches and student-athletes. Last year’s event attracted over 620 people. T T Amherst – NSSAF Baseball Champions The NSSAF Thanks all Volleyball Officials 3 NSSAF December 2014 News PARTNERSHIPS Subway Central Kings – NSSAF Division 2 Girls Soccer Champions S ubway has informed the NSSAF that the current partnership will not be renewed. The NSSAF thanks Subway for the seven-year partnership. Nova Scotia International Student Program T he NSSAF is pleased to remind the membership of the threeyear partnership with the Nova Scotia International Student Program. Thirty-three international students will attend the Celebration of School Sport event as chosen by the Nova Scotia International Student Program. Medallions are currently being produced for all international student-athletes which will include the NSSAF and NSISP logos. The NSISP has developed a pamphlet to assist member schools on how to involve international students in activities. www.nssaf.ca Proud Supporter of School Sport FASTER ER REHYDRATE REFUEL RECHARGE CHARGE THE ORIGINAL RECOVERY DRINK FILE NAME: DFC-0012 NSSAF E-BULLETIN AD-Runner NSSAF December 2014 News DATE: April 21/14 REV #: 0 ARTIST: CS COLOUR: TRIM: 7.5065" x 4.8" BLEED: – SAFETY: – 4 Upcoming Dates – December 2014 - March 2015 Basketball Junior Varsity Div. 1-4 Junior Varsity Div. 1-4 Junior Varsity Div. 1-4 Regionals to be completed by Regionals to be completed by Qualifier Tournaments Qualifier Tournaments Boys and Girls Championships Provincial Championships February 14 February 21 February 20-21 February 27-28 February 26-28 March 5-7 BASKETBALL HOST REGIONS (2014 – 2018) Div 1 Boys Div 1 Girls Div 2 Boys Div 2 Girls Div 3 Boys Div 3 Girls Div 4 Boys Div 4 Girls JV Boys JV Girls 2014-152015-16 CEC Western Horton Capital BEC Capital Amherst Highland Springhill Western Dalbrae Capital Cabot Northumberland Lockeport Capital Sydney Academy Western North Nova Capital Wrestling Sir John A 2016-17 2017-18 Highland Capital Northumberland Highland Western Northumberland Western Capital Capital Highland Northumberland Western Capital Western Northumberland Highland Capital Northumberland Western Highland Regionals Provincial Championships Snowboarding 1st Competition Martock Provincial Championships February 27-28 March 6-7 January 2 March 9 (10) Central Kings – NSSAF Division 3 Football Champions Skiing Wentworth 1st Competition Provincial Championships Curling January 2 March 11 (12) Declaration Date Regionals to be completed by CEC-Truro Curling Club Provincial Championships January 14 March 7 March 26-28 Hockey January 14 March 13 March 27-29 Declaration Date Regionals to be completed by Provincial Championships Girls Div. 1 - Dr. J. H. Gillis Girls Div. 2 - West Kings Boys Div. 1 - North Nova Boys Div. 2 - Eastern Shore Boys Div. 3 - Forest Heights Badminton Start-up Date February 1 1st Game February 20 Cheerleading 1st Competition January 2 Table Tennis Start-up Date February 1 1st Competition February 20 Rugby Start-up Date February 1 Slo-Pitch Start-up Date March 1 Fast Pitch Start-up Date March 1 Track & Field Start-up Date March 1 Cross Country Championship – Intermediate Boys – Top 3 Teams Cross Country Championship – Intermediate Girls – Top 3 Individuals Cross Country Championship – Junior Boys – Top 3 Teams 5 NSSAF December 2014 News NSSAF JV Girls Soccer Champions – Horton High Sackville High – NSSAF Division 2 Football Champions Thank you Baseball Scorekeepers! Thank You to All Football Coaches! The NSSAF Thanks all Soccer Coaches! The Drumlin Heights Eagle NSSAF December 2014 News 6 NSSAF Awards T he Federation, in an attempt to give recognition to those who contribute to interscholastic athletics over several years, and to acknowledge outstanding contributions, shall provide the following awards: 15.1 The Hugh A. Noble Distinguished Service Award and The Dorothy G. Walker Distinguished Service Award: These shall be the highest awards given by the Federation. The recipients shall be selected on a regional basis as follows: Hugh A. Noble: Western, Northumberland, Highland and Capital. Dorothy G. Walker: Capital, Western, Northumberland and Highland. The Committee for selection shall consist of the Executive Director (Chair), Regional Director for the Region from which the recipient shall come, and the Board members who represent that Region. Nominations with full resumes must be submitted to the appropriate Regional Director one month prior to the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors. The recommendation of the Selection Committee shall be represented to the Board at the Annual Meeting and shall be subject to its approval. 15.2 Citation: Citations may be awarded as a tribute to an individual who has made a specific contribution in an area of secondary school sport, which is not adequately recognized by the Certificate of Recognition. Applications shall be submitted to the Regional Director or Executive Director and shall be acted upon by the Awards Committee. 15.3 Certificate of Recognition: To be eligible one must have: a) minimum of five (5) years coaching in schools. b) demonstrated adherence to Code of Ethics of NSSAF. c)recommendation of Regional Representatives who shall in turn report them to the Executive Director. Names of candidates shall be submitted to the Regional Director who shall in turn report them to the Executive Director. 15.6 NSSAF Fair Play Award: Presented to one High School and one Junior High/Middle School in each School Board to recognize school sport programs which, throughout the year, demonstrate commitment to the ideals of Fair Play and good sportsmanship. Schools may be nominated by the Principal, District Coordinator, Regional Director or other appropriate NSSAF representative. 15.7 Ron O’Flaherty Scholar Athlete Award: $750 scholarship to be awarded at the Senior High School level to the top female and top male from each Region; scholarship recipients will recieve payment upon confirmation of registration at post secondary institution. Scholar-Athlete plaques to be presented at the Junior High/ Middle School level to the top female and top male from each Region; School may nominate one female and male annually. All school nominees shall recieve a certificate. 15.8 NSSAF Good Sport Award The NSSAF “Good Sport” Award is available to member schools at the Junior High/Middle School level. The award is intended to recognize those student-athletes who “best demonstrate commitment to fair play, ethical behaviour and integrity and who show respect and concern for others while participating in school sport.” The NSSAF will provide upon request a large plaque for display at the school. This plaque will have name plates for several years. Schools will then purchase keeper plaques for the student-athletes (one female and one male) through the NSSAF office. Cross Country Championship – Junior Girls – Top 3 Individuals Media Award: To be eligible one must be: a) employed in the news media; b)contributed in a significant way to the promotion of school sport. Names of candidates shall be submitted to the Regional Director by the District Coordinator. Each District may present one Media Award per year. 15.5 Certificate of Appreciation: To be awarded to any individual who has contributed to school sport. This could include coaches, parents and any other individuals who assist in providing programs for student-athletes. Requests for Certificates may be made by Principals, Event Organizers, etc. to the District Coordinator. 15.4 7 NSSAF December 2014 News NSSAF Champions Declared Gold Silver Baseball AmherstBarrington Cross Country Team Results Jr. Boys Madeline Symonds Berwick & District Girls St. Andrew Jr. Rocky Lake Jr. Int. Boys Horton High Halifax Grammar Girls Citadel High Dr. J. H. Gillis Sr. Boys C. P. Allen Citadel High Girls Dr. J. H. Gillis Citadel High Individual Results Jr. Boys 1st Jaden Perry – Berwick & District 2nd Drew Somers – Rocky Lake Jr. 3rd Ethan Macdonald – New Glasgow Cross Country Championship – Senior Girls – Top 3 Teams Bronze Halifax Grammar Madeline Symonds Yarmouth Cons. Mem. C. P. Allen Dr. J. H. Gillis North Nova Ed. Centre Girls 1st Tanna Burke – Astral Drive 2nd Lauren Lowther – St. Andrew 3rd Carley Birrell – Madeline Symonds Great Crowd at the Division 3 Football Championship Int. Boys 1st Hudson Grimshaw-Surette – Yarmouth Consolidated 2nd Isaac Cull – Drumlin Heights 3rd Coleman Hooper – Horton Girls 1st Maggie McClure – Citadel 2nd Aidan Macdonald – Dr. J. H. Gillis 3rd Hannah Estabrook – Citadel Sr. Boys 1st Tobias Wolter – Park View 2nd Paul MacLellan – Dr. J. H. Gillis 3rd Tim Longley – NKEC Girls 1st Hana Marmura – Dr. J. H. Gillis 2nd Emma Edmonds – Citadel 3rd Racquel Raiche-Marsden – Auburn Drive For complete results go to: http://www.nssaf.ca/cross-country/results/11347 SoccerGold JV Boys Riverview Girls Horton Div. 1 Boys Park View Girls Halifax West Div. 2 BoysMillwood Girls Central Kings Div. 3 Boys New Germany Girls New Germany Div. 4 Boys Hants North Girls CBHA Silver Park View Riverview Citadel Lockview Northumberland Millwood Bridgetown Dalbrae Pugwash Pictou Football Div. 1 Citadel Div. 2 Sackville Div. 3 Central Kings C. P. Allen Cole Harbour NKEC Volleyball Div. 1 Boys Citadel Girls Citadel Div. 2 Girls Horton Div. 3 Boys Clare Girls Clare Div. 4 Girls NDA Sommet CEC CEC Ecole Truro Sommet St. Mary’s Bronze Yarmouth C. P. Allen Dartmouth Citadel BEC NKEC Sommet Bridgetown Ecole NDA Sommet CEC Bridgewater Middleton South Colchester SAERC Pomquet NSSAF December 2014 News 8 Thank You – Provincial Host Sites T hank you to the host schools for Golf, Baseball, Cross Country, Soccer, Football and Volleyball! Your efforts on behalf of the student-athletes of Nova Scotia are commendable! Your flexibility in dealing with the weather, field conditions, school schedules, officials’ concerns, etc., etc., were appreciated by one and all. Golf – Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre/Academy – Aurel LeLievre Baseball – Auburn Drive High School – Erica Ans Soccer JV Boys: Yarmouth Cons. Mem. High School – Jim Surette, Dana Cunningham Girls: Horton High School – Jason Pleasant, Paul Veinotte Division 1 Boys: Dartmouth High School – Peter Halley Girls: Dr. J. H. Gillis Regional High School – Brian Boudreau, David MacFarlane Division 2 Boys: Millwood High School – Adam White Girls: Northumberland Regional High School – Ruth Ann Murray Division 3 Boys: Ecole sec. du Sommet – Guy Fortin Girls: South Colchester Academy – Kelly Spencer Division 4 Boys: Drumlin Heights – Brent Dickie Girls: East Antigonish Academy – Corey Hayne Cross Country: Citadel High School – Steve Harris, Jason Murphy J. L. Ilsley High School – Colleen Harris Football Div. 1: Citadel High School – Steve Harris Div. 2: Cole Harbour District High School – Patrick Hatfield Div. 3: Central Kings Rural High School – Melissa Hyson Volleyball Division 1 Boys: Ecole sec. du Sommet – Guy Fortin Girls: Lockview High School – Steve Wilcox Division 2 Girls: J. L. Ilsley High School – David Algee, Craig Parker Division 3 Boys: Middleton – Erin Belbin, Greg Bower Girls: Eric Melanson, Christy Kelly Division 4 Girls: St. Mary’s Bay Academy – Tonia Cromwell Cross Country Championship – Senior Boys – Top 3 Individuals Bridgewater Jr/Sr High – Div. 1 Girls’ Volleyball Bronze Medal Winners 9 NSSAF December 2014 News NSSAF Fall Workshop Proposals Approved by the Board of Governors – November 13-14, 2014 A – All Schools 1. Field Events – Schedules – Track and Field That the schedule below be approved. Field Events – Friday 10:30 a.m. Pole Vault Long Jump Shot Put 11:00 a.m. Long Jump High Jump Triple Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin 12:30 p.m. Shot Put Long Jump 1:00 p.m. Pole Vault 2:00 p.m. Long Jump High Jump Triple Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin 4:00 p.m. Long Jump High Jump Triple Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin Field Events – Saturday 10:00 a.m. Long Jump High Jump Triple Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin 12:00 noon Long Jump High Jump Triple Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin 2:00 p.m. Long Jump High Jump Triple Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin Intermediate/Senior Girls Special Athletes (JG, JB) Special Athletes (HS G, HS B) Intermediate Boys Junior Girls Intermediate Girls Junior Boys Senior Girls Senior Boys Special Athletes (JG, JB) Special Athletes (HS G, HS B) Intermediate/Senior Boys Junior Boys Intermediate Girls Senior Girls Senior Boys Junior Girls Intermediate Boys Senior Boys Senior Girls Junior Girls Intermediate Boys Intermediate Girls Junior Boys 45, 46 47, 48 49, 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59, 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Intermediate Girls Senior Boys Junior Boys Junior Girls Intermediate Boys Senior Girls Junior Girls Junior Boys Intermediate Boys Senior Girls Senior Boys Intermediate Girls Senior Girls Intermediate Boys Senior Boys Intermediate Girls Junior Boys Junior Girls 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Immediately after Events Presentation 1:30 p.m. Immediately after Events Presentations 4:00 p.m. Presentations 5:15 p.m. Presentations 12:30 p.m. Presentations 2:00 p.m. Presentations 4:30 p.m. 2) Javelin and Discus Size – Girls That the following girls’ implement sizes be approved: Javelin – Intermediate - 500 g, Junior - 400 g. Discus – Junior - .75 kg. NSSAF December 2014 News 10 B – High School Only 1) Regulation 25.15 Hockey Tie-Break Procedure That the following be added to Regulation 25.15 7. Fewest goals-against in games between the tied teams. 8. Fewest goals-against in all games. 9. Most goals-for in games between the tied teams. 10. Most goals-for in all games. 11. Fewest penalty minutes. 2) Hockey Proposal re: Fighting Instigator and Aggressor That the following be added to Regulation 25.14 ix Instigator/aggressor - The instigator of the fight will receive an additional two-game suspension; - The aggressor in the fight will receive an additional two-game suspension. - 2nd offense instigator and/or aggressor is an indefinite suspension pending an investigation. 3) Two Divisions for Boys’ and Girls’ Rugby at the Provincial Level That the NSSAF adopt a Division 2 Championship in Boys’ and Girls’ Rugby. Citadel High – Division 1 Boys’ Volleyball Champions Coaches’ Pledge – NSSAF Division 3 Boys’ Volleyball 11 Citadel High – Division 1 Girls’ Volleyball Champions Thank You Volleyball Coaches NSSAF December 2014 News Junior High/Middle School Champions Declared WESTERN Gold Silver Bronze Soccer Tier 1 Boys BarringtonHebbville Horton Girls New Germany Clare West Hants Tier 2 Boys EMS WolfvilleHantsport Girls Pine Ridge CAMS West Kings Volleyball Tier 1 Boys BridgetownPar-en-Bas Girls YarmouthClare Tier 2 Boys Pine Ridge Hebbville Girls Pine Ridge Par-en-Bas Hebbville Hebbville Rose-des-Vents West Hants Capital Soccer Boys Fairview Girls Fairview Astral Drive Madeline Symonds Five Bridges Astral Drive Volleyball Boys Hfx. Central G. P. Vanier Girls Elizabeth Sutherland Oxford Division 2 Football Championship – Athlete’s Pledge Carrefour Ecole Sommet NSSAF December 2014 News 12 Host Schools for 2014-15 Coach Education Basketball nly coaches who have completed “Keeping the School in School Sport” are eligible to coach in NSSAF Regional or Provincial competition effective September 30, 2012. JV Boys Sydney Academy Div. 1 BoysCEC Div. 2 BoysBEC Div. 3 BoysSpringhill Div. 4 BoysCabot JV Girls North Nova Div. 1 GirlsHorton Div. 2 GirlsAmherst Div. 3 GirlsDalbrae Div. 4 GirlsLockeport Hockey Div. 1 Boys North Nova Div. 2 Boys Eastern Shore Div. 3 Boys Forest Heights Div. 1 Girls Dr. J. H. Gillis Div. 2 Girls West Kings Millwood – NSSAF Division 2 Girls Soccer Silver Medal Winners O New! The Board of Governors approved a mechanism (online) to inventory all active NSSAF Coaches by sport. This will enable the KTSISS program to identify eligible coaches more efficiently and will provide significant data for continued efforts in Coach training, particularly as this training relates to the NCCP. Schools have the ability to update Coach lists as required and to confirm completion of any NSSAF required training. The Coach Education Coordinator will have complete data for NSSAF sport and in concert with the Dept. of Health and Wellness and the Provincial Sport Organizations be able to more effectively address technical training for school coaches. How does it work? 1. Principals and Presenters have a new link on their menu, which will take them to a Coaches list for their school. 2. The form is pre-populated with the school information. 3. The form contains the list of NSSAF sports. 13 NSSAF December 2014 News 4. If the school coach for the sport selected completed the KTSISS training, you will find his/her name on a drop-down list. 5. If they have not taken KTSISS, you are required to fill in the information: First name. last name, email. 6. For multiple coaches for one sport select the Add Coach button. Complete the form and save. In the future, the link will be an edit link for updating. 7. The database will generate: a list of all Coaches in the school by sport a list of Coaches who have completed KTSISS a list of Coaches who need to complete KTSISS NCCP Training for School Coaches: The Federation has, in consultation with provincial sport organizations, established recommended standards of competency for junior and high school sport. (NSSAF Handbook – page 27) In light of changes in NCCP terminology and new program development, we are presently reviewing these standards with the provincial sport organizations. Technical training required for NSSAF Coaches Football: ✔ By August 1, 2016 all Football Head Coaches must be trained as a Competition Introduction Head Coach (NCCP). ✔ By August 1, 2016 all Football Coordinators must be trained as a Competition Introduction Coordinator. (NCCP). ✔ By August 1, 2016 all Football Coaches must be trained as a Competition Introduction Position Coach. (NCCP). Rugby: All NSSAF Rugby Coaches must complete the IRB Rugby Ready Module (online) by February 1, 2015 (start-up date for the 2014-15 Rugby season.) Cheerleading: • Coaches must complete the NSSAF-approved Coaching Clinic. • Other: The NCCP Concussion eLearning Training Module is recommended for all school coaches. Ron O`Flaherty NSSAF Coach Education Coordinator NSSAF Baseball Championship – Shaking Hands after the Championship NSSAF JV Boys Soccer Championship – The Coin Toss NSSAF Division 2 Football Action NSSAF JV Girls Soccer Championship – The Coin Toss NSSAF December 2014 News 14 Please support our partners Senior Partner Media Partner Major Partners Education Partner Government Partner Official Suppliers 15 NSSAF December 2014 News CELEBRATING WHAT MATTERS TO YOU The Chronicle Herald is proud to be a part of Nova Scotia communities like yours delivering local coverage, employing local people and offering local support. We are proud to support the Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation and young athletes from across our province.
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