The Open Door November/December 2014 S Hillsdale United Methodist Church is a faith community, offering opportunities to all people seeking to know God, advance God’s kingdom, and do God’s will, by following Jesus Christ. Hillsdale United Methodist Church Mailing address: 349 Hillsdale Avenue Hillsdale, NJ 07642 Office telephone: 201-664-5231 Fax telephone: 201-664-3010 Parsonage telephone: 201-664-1533 Email address: [email protected] Website address: Rev. Brian Neville, Pastor Lisa Schoelles, Layout/Images Congregation, Articles Please submit articles for the Nov/Dec Open Door to [email protected] no later than December 15th ince the end of summer my son, Davy, has been telling me “winter is coming, Dad.” When he asks “why is it cold?” I try to explain to him that it’s because we are farther away from the sun and that we go from warm days in summer, to cooler weather in the fall and finally to cold, snowy weather in winter. I’m not sure how much he understands at two, but I try anyways. As you get this issue of The Open Door, you are likely thinking about your plans for the gauntlet of the holiday seasons, from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Years. This time is often filled with family, big festive meals and lots of gifts for loved ones. For me, I’ll be watching the Lions play the Bears on Thanksgiving and looking forward to a week of vacation with my family after Christmas Eve. But I want to challenge you to think about more than food and presents this year. I want you to think about how you can be in ministry with all the people you come in contact with in this winter season. I’ve shared before that people are more open to visiting church on Christmas Eve than any other time in the year. Would an invitation from you be the nudge a person needs for them to attend a service at our church? But, of course, ministering to another person is about more than just inviting them to church. You could talk with them about problems they are dealing with, you could give them a simple, inexpensive gift, even something like making them a cup of coffee could be just what a person needs. Lots of little things can add up to big things in making a person feel loved, welcomed and invited. In the church, we sometimes call it radical hospitality and we all need to do it as people that are a part of God’s kingdom. Maybe you are especially gifted and you can do even more than these simple gestures. Maybe you are good at facilitating reconciliation, or calming people that easily become frazzled. Maybe you have money to give or medical skills desperately needed in other parts of the world. Whatever your gift, you are called to be a minister – that’s what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. All people who put their trust in Jesus Christ are called by God to do what they can to love God and love their neighbor as themselves. As winter is coming, how can you do that? What big or small role can you play in a person’s life so that they may know God’s love for them? I hope we, as a church, can make some big gestures that announce to the world “we love you and so does God!” Join with me in making sure this winter is not another ho-hum year, but instead a chance to change the world by changing people’s lives for God. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Neville’s! In Christ, Pastor Brian Neville 2 From Your Lay Leader … Submitted by Joanna Good I t’s getting close to holiday time . . . more to do and more to enjoy! More to think about and more to look forward to . . . I hope! Time to think about being thankful, about blessings, and gifts. Because of the need to schedule and plan ahead, it feels like the days of feasting and celebrating are almost here. Whoa, I thought, let’s slow it down and consider what could make this holiday time worthy of its name (Holy-Day). One way to slow down, is to be in the moment – only engage in one activity at a time, only think of one thing at a time, and when it comes to being with friends and family, give them, one at a time, your full attention. Those who study these things tell us such single mindedness (or mindfulness) can help to calm us, give us a greater appreciation of life. The author, Trevor Hudson, (“A Mile in My Shoes”) put it this way: “Being present involves letting go of our constant preoccupations, immersing ourselves in the here and now . . . If we are with another person, it means engaging with him or her with all our heart, our mind, our soul, and our strength. Such wholehearted attention requires patience, time, and disciplined effort. And it is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to those around us… .” And then I came across this idea that will help to get us from Thanksgiving to Christmas in a thankful frame of mind. We often talk about what we are thankful for at Thanksgiving. Well, what if we start a Blessing Jar on turkey day and keep it going during Advent. Each day during Advent, take time to write down something for which you are thankful, a blessing, and put it in the jar. Then, on Christmas Day, pour out your blessings from the jar and read them. The gift of thankfulness; no mall, no traffic, no shopping, and no wrapping required! “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of the Lord, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:4-7. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you, and enjoy your blessings one moment at a time! Joanna Upcoming Sermon Series Submitted by Pastor Brian Neville Please invite your friends and family to join us for these challenging and inspiring sermon series, Sundays at 10 am: November “Treasure” - December “Advent” - January “Love To Stay” Christmas Eve Candlelight Services: 7:30 pm - Family 11 pm - Formal 3 Annual Church Conference September 21, 2014 Administrative Committee Summaries Nominations: Our Nominations & Leadership Development team continues to seek individuals to serve on our ministries. You don’t have to be a member of our local church to serve on most of our ministries. All you need is a willingness to share your talents. If you are interested in helping the church, please contact Pastor Brian so we can match the right ministry for your gifts. SPRC: Annual performance evaluations for our employees were conducted by SPRC and salary recommendations will be discussed with Finance. Thereafter, recommendations will be submitted to Church Council for possible discussion and approval. Trustees: The Trustees continue with the improve- Finance: Finance is preparing for the Fall Steward- ments and maintenance of our buildings. A reminder to all who use our facilities that we are experiencing various outside doors being left unlocked. It is very important during the week to keep all outside doors locked for the security of our Nursery School. ship campaign which will lead us to Stewardship Sunday on November 23rd. Please be sure to read the article in this Open Door regarding our Stewardship Campaign and note that we are continuing our second year of A Future with Hope in our Campaign. 4 United Methodist Women News Submitted by Sue Moran & Vicki Brentnall I t has been a joy-filled fall for the UMW! On September 16, we were treated to an awesome presentation by Bill Griffeth. The topic was “Genealogy and Faith: Can faith be inherited?” A lively discussion followed. Thanks, Bill! Our second annual UMW Sunday worship service has held on September 28. Thanks to Rev Pam Pierce and Vicki Brentnall for leading our special service and to Lisa Schoelles for capturing the testimonies of the UMW ladies. Our annual dinner meeting took place on October 7. An evening of fellowship, friendship and, of course, delicious food was enjoyed by all. Thanks to Terry for the beautiful table arrangements. It was with great pleasure that we honored Virginia Phillips, Kelly Kennedy, Lisa Lavitol, and Lisa Schoelles as this year’s Mission Recognition Pin recipients. The evening closed with an inspired musical performance by members of the Men’s Group. Heartfelt thanks to Mike Lavitol, Jay Ford, Mike Schoelles and Terry Good! It was a great night! Upcoming UMW Events November: Tuesday, November 18, 11 a.m., Annual planning meeting for 2015 Sunday, November 23, UMW Thanksgiving Bake Sale December: General meeting/Holiday Outing - details tbd in the Sunday bulletins and at We wish you a Blessed Holiday Season Vicki Brentnall and Sue Moran Thank You! Submitted by Lisa Schoelles I am so honored, and so humbled, to receive a UMW Mission Recognition pin. I feel hugged and held close by all your love and friendship. Thank you for sharing with all of us, a little of the history and the missional significance of this recognition. I feel that I’ve earned a great privilege - to now be a part of this group of mission-minded individuals. I will always wear this pin proudly! To know that our UMW is giving a missional gift to the UMW National Office, in the names of all of this year’s pin honors, adds to the enormity of the experience! Like a matching gift - you recognizing our work, is, in turn, helping other women, children, and youth with a mission gift. It’s so beautiful - the multitude and expansiveness of this honor! Peace and blessings,, Lisa 5 Ministry Coordinators: We continue to seek Christians called into a variety of ministries within our church. Our greatest need is in the following roles: Worship Committee Chairperson, VBS Team Coordinator, and a variety of Sunday School support. If you, or someone you know, is interested in serving in one of these roles, or helping any other church ministry, please contact the church office. Collection Counters: The Finance Committee is always seeking counters to count and record the offering after worship services. Holidays are a particular time of need. This service only takes about an hour and is done in a team of 2 people. If you can help on any given Sunday or Holiday, please contact Mike Schoelles at 201-263-1179. Be A Go-For! From time to time we need to call upon volunteers to help out with various situations. Perhaps someone is not feeling well and could do with a helping hand. After a hospital stay there is often a need. Would you be prepared to assist when necessary? Contact Cathy D’Eletto at 201-664-5231 to join. Join us for STEW! After Worship Service, STEWardship Sunday, November 23rd! The Men’s Group will be cooking up a variety of stews as a Thank You luncheon for our congregation, as we submit our pledges of Time, Talent and Treasure to the continued support of the Hillsdale United Methodist Church, The Future With Hope Campaign, and all our missions and ministries. And complete your luncheon with a visit to the UMW Thanksgiving Bake Sale for seasonal baked goods. YUM! 11/01 James Suessmann 11/02 Madison McCausland 11/03 Michael Koons 11/03 Melody Atkinson 11/04 Abigail Fox 11/04 Dean Bauer 11/05 Ann Lahm 11/05 Christina Fanelli 11/06 Chad Griffeth 11/08 Meredith Martin 11/10 Jacki Stewart 11/10 Raymond Kohan 11/13 Vicki Brentnall 11/14 Ashleigh Chang 11/15 Jeffrey Brentnall 11/15 Donna Porter 11/18 Brooklyn Bujas 11/19 Donna Koeniges 11/19 Christopher Conti 11/19 Myron Theilmeier 11/20 Richard Landau 11/20 Anna Rizzie 11/20 Steven Rizzie 11/21 Ashley Unger 11/22 Gordon Blinn 11/23 Florence Finger 11/23 Samuel Porter 11/23 Emily Keizer 11/24 A. Marguerite Torres 11/25 Joan Kartan 11/25 Jeanne Kohan 11/25 Addison Capogna 11/27 Bob Salvati 11/27 Derek Pflueger 11/30 Ava Kohan 12/01 Marina Mehta 12/01 Jeffrey Berger 12/03 Leah Fox 12/03 Lana Pinon 12/04 Pamela Pierce 12/04 Holly Bosley 12/04 Jack UssherKeushkerian 12/05 Kenneth Porter 12/06 Jeffrey Ross 12/07 Jennifer Fanelli 12/08 Lucille Kramer 12/08 Carolyn Vezza 12/08 Michelle Schaffner 12/10 Ryan Friend 12/12 Nicholas Benoit 12/13 Garren Pflueger 12/15 Elizabeth Janssen 12/16 Noelle Hoffman 12/16 Lilyanna Catalano 12/18 Ryan Drisgula 12/18 Hailee Dapolito 12/20 Lois Nacinovich 12/21 Nicholas Pescatore 12/22 Scott Allen 12/23 Elijah Torres 12/23 Amelia Martin 12/24 Anita Joseph 12/24 Lorraine Loew 12/29 Alyssa Martin 12/30 Bradon Davila 12/31 Charlie Hill CHILDREN’S GIFTMAKING TIME!!! Soon it will be time for Christmas preparations. Our children will be able to make gifts for their families on Sunday, December 14 from 2:00-4:00pm in Fellowship Hall. All they need to bring is a smile and wear old clothes. Adult and Teen volunteers are needed to help. Please contact Jean Griffin if you would like to help. (201) 7221135. 6 Trustees Update Submitted by Bob Salvati Church and Nursery School Security reminder to all who use our facilities that we are experiencing various outside doors being left unlocked. It is very important during the week to keep all outside doors locked for the security of our Nursery School. Weekdays If you unlock a door to enter, exit the same way and make sure the door is locked behind you. Turn off all lights and close windows or blinds etc. in the area you are using. ALL leaders of meetings or events are responsible for unlocking and relocking doors. Do not assume someone else will lock up after you leave. There is no one else to do it. Weekends Saturday - same as during the week Sunday - The Nursery School Building is unlocked between 8 and 8:30am. All classrooms will be unlocked by 9:15am. The Narthex Doors, both sets on Magnolia Street, are unlocked by 9:15am. After the service all outside doors are locked at 11:30am. If you are staying in the building for any function or meeting, you are responsible for turning off lights, closing blinds, closing doors etc. Make sure when you leave, the outside door is closed tight behind you. AND please don't touch any of the thermostats in the building. They are pre-programmed. If you have a concern, ask a Trustee. Any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thanking You For Your Support A The Board of Trustees Finance Committee Update Submitted by Mike Schoelles W ell it is once again time for the holidays to begin. I just want to let everyone know the deadlines for giving coming up in December. If you plan to give online electronically please note that if the transaction is processed as a credit card or debit card transaction, that it will take 2 business days to clear. If done as an electronic fund transfer from a checking/savings account, it takes at least 3 business days to clear. If you plan on donating electronically in December please keep these timelines in mind to ensure the giving is processed in 2014: last day for electronic funds would be 12/26/2014 and the last day for a credit/debit card transaction would be 12/27/2014 If you would like to drop off cash or a check at the church, it must be received by noon on 12/31/2014 in the church office in order to be included in your 2014 statement of giving. We are also in the process of creating budgets for 2015 and I plan to meet with all mission leads and committees to discuss appropriate budgets for next year. I look forward to talking with everyone and getting their input. As always, if anyone has any questions regarding the church’s financial position or suggestions for the Finance Committee please let me know. I would love to share anything you want to know. Peace and blessings, Mike Schoelles 7 Endowment Update Submitted by Mike Schoelles T he HUMC endowment fund is a year old. It is hard to believe that the endowment fund is now a year old and we have had another anonymous donor. Thanks to all who have given to start this important fund. Note that this could be an option if you have additional funds you wish to donate before year end to get the tax breaks. I am including the information from last year as a refresher for everyone. What is an endowment fund? An endowment fund is used to invest the donations in a specified fund or funds (similar to mutual funds) and use the interest from those funds as either operating funds for the church or reinvested for future use leaving the original donations in the fund for perpetuity. In the beginning we will be reinvesting the dividends until such time that the dividends are substantial or we need to draw on the dividends. Who manages these funds? We have chosen to use the Greater NJ Annual Conference to manage the funds. This will ensure that the funds the money is invested in meet the guidelines that the United Methodist Church has set up. Why an Endowment Fund, we have plenty of options already? We wanted to provide an option for those who wish to donate to the church now, that will last in perpetuity. Yes, we ask for your time, talent and donations to sustain the mission of the church, we are asking for your generous donations to the Fellowship Hall project, and this is just another area that you can donate to the church that will carry us into the future. How can I donate? You can make a donation now by giving a check and writing Endowment on the memo line, you can make an electronic donation securely online, you can remember the church in your will. You can also transfer funds from current tax sheltered accounts – Lois Nacinovich, Cindy Griffith or myself can provide you with the details to transfer those funds. You should work with your financial advisor on a strategy that is best for you. If you need an advisor please keep in mind that Jim Geitz, from our congregation, provides these services and would gladly provide you with a confidential consultation without any obligations. What if I have further questions? Please feel free to contact me at 201-263-1179 or [email protected] and I would be happy to answer any further questions you might have. Peace and blessings, Mike Schoelles Stewardship Submitted by Mike Schoelles N ow that the fall is upon us it is time to start our Stewardship campaign leading us up to Stewardship Sunday on November 23rd. You will be getting a letter in November along with a pledge card. We ask that you fill out your pledge card and bring it with you to service on November 23 rd. If you are unable to join us then please return it to the office by November 30th at the latest. I will also be leading a small, 4 week Bible study in November called “Treasure”. We will be meeting after church on Sunday November 2, 9 and 16 and before church on Sunday, November 23 rd. Please contact the office or me directly at 201-263-1179 or [email protected] if you would like to join the group (this helps us facilitate ordering the correct number of books). Hope to see you in November. The Men’s Group will also be sponsoring a Thanksgiving celebration after service on Sunday, November 23rd to celebrate Stewardship Sunday. Further details will be in the bulletin. Look for more information in your mailboxes soon. Peace and blessings, Mike Schoelles 8 Sunday School Update Submitted by Ellen Stratton A t the end of October, the Sunday School will have completed eight weeks of study. The children in grades four through eighth are now working with the same Bible. Many received their first Bible from our church on Laity Sunday when Pastor Neville visited the Sunday School and distributed Bibles. The teachers have said working with the same Bible version improves class participation and reduces confusion. I appreciate the approval by the Church Council of an increase in the budget to achieve this uniformity. Currently there are 36 children registered in grades pre-K through 8th, led by eight teachers, with an additional 12 High School aged participating in Sunday School on the second and fourth Sundays. The High School class is a new venture, meeting in the youth room, and is staffed by visiting teachers from our congregation. We have a need for additional visiting teachers in 2015. Emily Neville has been supporting the visiting lead teacher on each occurrence of this class. Her enthusiasm and energy, along with her skills, has been greatly appreciated. Thanks so far to Janet Castrillion, Kierstin Arvello, and Rocco Vezza for their leadership. In November, Lay Leader, Dr. Joanna Good and Church Council Chair, Tammy Molinelli will lead the class along with Emily Neville. The teens are happy to have this opportunity and genuinely feel the church cares about them. A huge thanks to Donna Porter who has prepared a variety of foods for this Sunday morning class. We have secured a gently used but much improved TV and DVR player for the youth room. Thanks to John and Janet Castrillion for making that possible. Contact me if you’d like to participate in any aspect of this exciting ministry to our youth. Thanks also to the following who have substituted in various classes: Laura-Jean Arvelo, Michelle Rausch, Donna Koeniges, Janet Hoffman, Andy Hoffman and Donna Porter. December is always busy; no surprise to any of us. On Sunday, December 14, the Sunday School will present in the worship service a Christmas program. Mark your calendars now. Also that Sunday, there will be the annual White Gift collection. The White Gift is a donated item for any aged person that will be given out for Christmas to needy families in our community. The program coordinator for our church is Lois Kohan, semi-retired Town Nurse. Lois, working with the Town of Hillsdale, will ensure your gift is matched to a person in need. Wrap your gift in plain white tissue and bring it to worship on Sunday, December 14. Our children will collect the gifts that day as they roll a wagon through the Sanctuary. I am enjoying my role as the Superintendent. Your support of our program is very much appreciated and is also essential. Thanks to my able assistant John Castrillion who has been at my side every week. Wishing you the blessings of the holidays ahead. See you in church. In Christ, Ellen Stratton Mixed Bowling League Submitted by Sylvia Kleister W e have started another year of wonderful fellowship and fun! Our mixed league bowls at 7:30 pm on Thursdays, through May 2015. The league is open to all adults, all skill levels. We need one more team bowler! Why not join us for a weekly evening of fun? Cannot commit to a full season? Substitute bowlers who wish to bowl occasionally are always welcome to join us! Anyone interested in joining or learning more about our league, please contact Sylvia Kleister at 201-666-1317 or speak with any of our church bowlers. 9 Leadership Institute 2014 P astor Brian, Carolyn Vezza, Doug Kennedy, and Lisa Schoelles attended the Leadership Institute held at the UMC Church of the Resurrection in Kansas on Sept 24-27. This dynamic leadership forum focused on how to answer Christ’s call to “serve in the present age”. Reach out to Doug, Lisa, Carolyn, or Pastor Brian to learn more about this inspiring and challenging trip, and please let Pastor Brian know if you’d like to attend next year. Congratulations & Welcome to our New Members Cathy Bailey, Gerry Costello, Joseph & Janet Gemignani, and Michelle Rausch Hillsdale UMC Recognized D uring the October 14th town council meeting, the Hillsdale Mayor, Council, and Hillsdale Environmental Commission presented a certificate of appreciation to Mike Schoelles for his outstanding efforts to help with the Beechwood trail repairwork this past June. Mike represented Hillsdale United Methodist Church as part of our Change The World mission work. Well done! 10 Hillsdale United Nursery School Submitted by Carol Stalter H illsdale Unite Nursery School kicked off its 41st Year with an enrollment of 111 students, which increased to 112 in October! “Fun Fridays” began with “B is for Building!” Children brought a lunch and after eating spent an hour building on the playground. Bagel and Pizza lunches return in October. On Oct. 13 & 14, dads were invited into the classrooms to experience their child’s morning routine. “Dads & Donuts” was a huge success. Thank you to Jason Degise for donating the Demarest Farm donuts! Our playground is shaping up nicely! The play structure directly outside the doors had to be removed to comply with NJ state code. In its place, a picnic table was purchased in memory of Beverly Taup, former Education Director for over 20 years. Also, Eagle Scout Ryan Viceconte, Troop 109, built sandboxes for our playground. Ryan, a Pascack Valley senior, built the boxes on Columbus Day weekend. We are thrilled to have sandboxes for the children to play in! We wish you a Happy Holiday Season Carol Stalter 11 Thank You! Submitted by Dorothy DeSandre S eptember 14th was a very special Sunday for me. You presented me with the Faith in Service award. I am so grateful to you all. These past 48 years have been filled with wonderful memories. Singing in the choir with Ray Frasche’s leadership for the last 20 years - has been a pure pleasure. All the members of the choir have given me their love and help. There are times - when our voices are lifted in song - God’s presence is there. My thanks and gratitude to you, my church family, for your show of love. God bless you all with my love to you! Dorothy DeSandre Read The Open Door Online! Being environmental stewards is part of our Methodist tradition. An easy way for you to reduce paper waste is to read The Open Door on Simply send us an email at [email protected] and let us know you no longer wish to receive the paper edition. W e honor the recent passing of our beloved ones, and keep their families and friends in our prayers. Sybil Speake (Pat Martin’s mother) Muriel Pfiefer “Remembrance” Chorale Come, listen to Tammy Conti sing as a member of the Pro Arte Chorale in this beautiful chorale performance, dedicated to All Souls. “Remembrance” November 16th 3pm. West Side Presbyterian Church, Ridgewood. Call 201-497-8400 or visit for tickets. 12 Advertise your business in The Open Door. Call 201-664-5231 or email [email protected] for details The Open Door Hillsdale United Methodist Church 349 Hillsdale Avenue Hillsdale, NJ 07642
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