December_2014 - First United Methodist Church

307 Flint Avenue
Albany, Georgia 31701-2507
229-432-7407 FAX: 229-439-9750
Postage Paid
Albany, GA
December 2014
Recently I had the car radio on “scan” and stopped the search on a Chris5an radio sta5on. I stopped at that spot on the radio dial because it was playing a beau5ful arrangement of “Just As I Am.” “Just As I Am” has come to be closely associated with the invita5ons given at the end of Billy Graham crusade services. It is the ul5mate “invita5on” hymn. The lyrics to that hymn are really quite moving. Verse 3 is especially descrip5ve of “postmodern” Americans:
Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
figh5ngs and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
As I listened to the words in the quiet of the car I was struck with how universal they are, and how down to earth (literally) the story of Christmas is. Christmas is a “just as I am” story. Just as you and I are, God came to earth to be with us. There is nothing about the Christmas story that says, “This is for special people only.” To the contrary, the story shouts to all with ears to hear it, “Whosoever will may come to the manger and behold the lamb of God, born to take away the sins of every visitor to that humble place.”
I felt in my soul a longing for everyone to feel the tug of that open door invita5on.
For a moment I felt a deep wish that every name on our membership roll would feel again that they are welcome “just as” they are. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (USPS 671-560) published monthly periodicals postage paid at Albany, Georgia. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to First United
Methodist Church, 307 Flint Avenue, Albany, Georgia 31701-2507.
I am far from the first preacher to look at the Christmas scene and say, “Mary had a liSle lamb.” But I want to gladly affirm that great truth again. Mary gave birth to the one who would become history’s greatest offering. Just as I am, without one plea
But that thy blood (O Lamb of God)
Was shed for me, and that thou bidst me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come. I come.
“O come let us adore him…” Christ the Lord…Christ the Lamb…just as we are.
Leave your checkbook at home! Give electronically instead! Electronic giving is a convenient, secure way to provide consistent
financial support to our church. Have your weekly or monthly contribution debited from your checking or savings account and
transferred directly into the church account. Get started today! Go directly to the DONATE tab on our website’s homepage, Follow these 7 easy steps once
you click on the DONATE Tab.
1- Enter Dollar Amount. "
6- Save profile (This allows you to log in at any time to manage your
2- Enter Frequency of Your Payment. " "
transactions. To save the profile, simply enter a password.)
3- Enter Start Date, then click on Continue 7- Process (Click on the process button to complete your transaction.)
4- Enter your Donor Information 5- Select Payment Method (savings or checking) Don Adams
Come Home to Worship on Christmas Eve
Christmas Brunch for our Neighbors, 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon, Ford Hall
Communion Service, 12:00 Noon, Sanctuary
Candlelight and Communion Service, 6:00 PM, Sanctuary
A nursery is available for both the 12:00 Noon & 6:00 PM service.
If you do not have access to a computer and would like to give electronically, call Jill Willingham, 432-7407.
Our Church Staff
Would you like fast, simple electronic giving through your iPhone or Android? Follow these 4 easy steps if you do not already
have a QR Code App:
1- To download and install a QR code app on your iPhone or Android, open your App Store.
2- Search for Bakodo for your iPhone or QR Code Reader for your Android, then download and install this free app.
3- Open the Bakodo or QR Code Reader app. A new window should open with a square in the middle of it.
4- Center the QR code in the middle of the square that’s currently displayed by your Bakodo or QR Code Reader app.
The app should automatically scan the QR code for you. A new pop-up menu will appear, on an iPhone click on Open URL and an
Android click on OK; and you will be taken directly to the online giving page on our website.
Don Adams !
Senior Minister
Rebecca Rutherford!
Associate Minister
Scott Stanfill!
Associate Minister
Sylvia Broadaway!
Financial Secretary/Office Coordinator
Susan Dillard!
Administrative Asst.-Communications
Fred Glass !
Kamp Kirksey Caretaker
Virginia Griffin!
Dir. of Alzheimer’s Outreach Center of SGA, Inc.
Karyl Harris!
Administrative Asst. - Sr. Min., Assoc. Min., & Membership
Mary Brown Heritage !
Lay Visitor
Becky Herndon!
Administrative Asst. - Programming
Meri Beth Hillard!
Youth & Music Assistant
Pam Hinnant!
Zerike Jones!
Brandon Keaton!
DeeAnna May!
Joyce Pettit!
Todd Urick!
Allison Vandenbergh!
Deanna Weber!
George Whiddon!
Jill Willingham!
Kelvin Works!
Director of Preschool
Director of Music Ministries
Director of Nursery and Early Childhood Ministries
Office Receptionist
Director of Outreach Ministries
Director of Children’s Ministries
Director of Youth Ministries
Director of Business Administration
Maintenance Supervisor
First Sunday is Food Pantry Sunday at First Methodist. When you
come to Sunday school and worship, place your non-perishable
items in the containers in the hallways to help restock the shelves of
the Lord’s Pantry. Join our monthly luncheon and program by Kaye Blalock on Thursday,
December 18, at 11:30 AM in Ford Hall, Building 3. Cost: $6.00; takeouts $6.50. Reservations not required.
Join us in ministry when we take our monthly trip to Magnolia Manor
to visit our resident members and friends on Thursday, December 4.
We leave the church at 9:00 AM and return by 1:00 PM. Call the
church office, 432-7407, to put your name on the van list.
[email protected]
the GAP Children's Choirs will lead worship in both the 9:00 AM and
11:00 AM services on Sunday, December 7. Please arrive in the
sanctuary with your child(ren) by 8:45 AM. Your child(ren) can be
signed out from Sapp Worship Center following their song during the 11:00 AM
worship service.
Give the Gift of a SeaWorld Sleepover - Our annual trip to Orlando for 3rd, 4th, and
5th graders is scheduled for February 27-28. Cost is $180 and includes meals
(dinner on Friday - dinner on Saturday), park entry, and a t-shirt. A voucher can be
purchased for the sleepover by Friday, December 19 to give as a Christmas gift.
Sign-up deadline for the sleepover is Wednesday, January 21.
No Tuesday Downtown Lunch
during the month of December
Wednesday Night Supper
Ford Hall, Bldg. 3
Make reservations with the church office,
432-7407, by noon on Tuesday. If you have
standing reservations, please cancel by
Tuesday noon or payment is expected. Cost:
13 years & older - $6.00, 3-12 years - $4.00.
Family maximum - $20.00. All carry-outs - an
additional 50₵. Buffet line 5:30 to 6:15 PM.
December 3
Servers: Women of Worship Class
Entree: Fried/Baked Chicken or Full Salad Bar
Children’s Line: Fried/Baked Chicken
December 10
Servers: Library Class
Entree: Meatloaf or Full Salad Bar
Children’s Line: Hamburgers
December 17
Servers: Youth
Entree: Kaye’s Choice or Full Salad Bar
Children’s Line: Kaye’s Choice
December 24
BE GENEROUS! With all the hoopla surrounding Christmas, it is easy to lose focus
on why we celebrate it in the first place. To help us keep focused on the true reason
December 31
for the season, we will be studying generosity this month in children's Sunday school,
Kindergarten - 5th Grade. Generosity is making someone's day by giving something
away. When we learn to give like God gives, it changes us. Our memory verse for the
month is a great reminder for us. "Be rich in good deeds, be generous and willing to
share," 1 Timothy 6:18. This month, we hope kids will discover what it really means to be rich - to let God's generosity show up in their lives
and help them get wrapped up in others.
HEY PARENTS, DID YOU KNOW? There is a downloadable app for your smart phone that will help you grow your children in their
relationship with Christ. It is called Parent Cue. The content mirrors what is being taught to your child in Sunday school (Kdg-5th Grade).
This app will provide you with simple CUES throughout the week that remind you to pause and make the most of everyday moments like
drive time, meal time, and bed time. Check it out!
Welcome Our Newest Members
● Crisp and Katie Gatewood (2613 Ridgewood Lane, Albany, GA 31707). They have two
children, Fleming and James.
● Crisp and Katie Gatewood presented their son, James Crisp Gatewood, III for Holy
Baptism on Sunday, November 9, 2014.
● Jordan Law and Bryton Maynard presented their son, Haysen Anthony Law, for Holy
Baptism on Sunday, November 23, 2014. Grandparents are Shane and Julie Law and
great-grandparents are Bill and Susan Alford.
● Jay and Lyndsey Joiner presented their son, Jackson Lee Joiner, for Holy Baptism on
Sunday, November 30, 2014. Grandparents are Jim and Debbie Joiner.
Congratulations on the Birth of
● Margaret Elizabeth Strickland, daughter of Justin and Rebecca Strickland, on
November 12, 2014. Grandparents are Billie Mitchell and Keith and Susan Strickland.
● Hardin Cunningham Walden, son of Trav and Marty Walden, on November 18, 2014. Grandparents are Nan Wuller and Larry and Kaye Walden.
Christian Sympathy Extended To
● The family of Vee Dunston.
● The family of Holli Reksten.
● Brenda Geer in the death of her brother, Carl Settles.
● Doug Beaty in the death of his father, Ron Beaty.
● Chad Hancock in the death of his father, Larry Hancock.
Stewardship Report
Oct. 26 - Nov. 16, 2014
Budget (November)"
Designated Gifts"
Sunday School Offering "
Capital Campaigns "
Sunday School Offerings
December 7 " " United Methodist Global
" Aids Fund
December 14 " Campus Crusade
" Ministries
December 21! " Central Conference
" Pension Initiative
December 28! " Altar Fund
Register for all studies at the registration table outside
the church office and in the Hospitality Center.
Start off the year “Better Together” with a small group as we begin a new study, The Genius of Generosity. Author, Chip Ingram, uses
powerful experiences from his own life, urging you to consider how to be truly smart when it comes to managing your finances and your
life. The secret? Generous living. Talk with your Small Group facilitator about using this material or join (start) a new group! It can be a 4
or 8-week study. Cost is $7 for the book.
Tuesday Women’s Bible Study - A new 6-week study, Walk as Jesus Walked, will begin on January 6 at 10:30 AM in Conference Room
A, Bldg. 3. Cost of the book is $10.
Christmas Shop - Give the Gift of Giving: First Methodist Missions is sponsoring our 2nd Annual Christmas Shop for
our McIntosh Neighborhood Families. This ministry gives the opportunity for the children to purchase presents for their
family and for the parents to purchase presents for their children at a reduced and affordable price. This exciting event is
scheduled for Saturday, December 13, 10:00 AM-1:00 PM. It will be held in the McIntosh Community Center. (corner of Society and
N.Davis) Opportunities to Serve:
1. Donate Gifts - A variety of small gift items for all ages are needed. Purchase and deliver unwrapped gift items to the church office no
later than Sunday, December 7.
2. Sorting and pricing items before the event.
3. Volunteering at the Christmas Shop (displaying items, assisting shoppers, collecting money, gift bagging presents)
Please contact Staci Wright at 229-881-0769 for more information.
December for THRiVE ministries means:
*Our annual holiday mission project! Once again, we will collect new hats, mittens, gloves, and socks to be given away at the
Mission:Change Christmas Eve brunch. Your gifts can be placed under the tree in the youth center.
*Dress rehearsal for the Regeneration/Hosanna Christmas choir program and our secret Santa party (no gift over $10) on Sunday,
December 7.
*All choir members are needed to deliver fruit ordered on Wednesday, December 10 – one day only!
*Our Regeneration/Hosanna Christmas program will be at 6:30 PM on December 14 in Ford Hall, party afterwards in the youth center.
*Caroling to nursing homes in the afternoon on Sunday, December 21.
Thank you to all our citrus fruit buyers – we appreciate you!
Confirmation begins January 4 at 4:45 PM in Sapp Worship Center. If your child is currently in 6th Grade or has not participated in
Confirmation previously, please let Becky Herndon, in the church office, know your child will be participating by December 15. Confirmation is a 14-week preparation for membership that includes a retreat. If you have any questions, you can also contact Rev.
Rebecca Rutherford or Kathy Wooten. We will have a parent information meeting on January 4 at 4:00 PM.
Christmas Eve Brunch - Are you looking for somewhere for you and your family to serve this Christmas season? Join us at the
Christmas Eve Brunch for our downtown neighbors to be held here in Ford Hall on Wednesday, December 24 from 10:00 AM - 12:00
Noon. Volunteers will need to arrive at 9:00 AM in order to decorate and get Ford Hall ready to serve our neighbors. We are collecting
hats, scarves, gloves, and socks for this event.
[email protected]
MINISTRY Over the last five years, the Sanctuary Choir has been blessed by the active participation of college student musicians
from the Albany area. The Herrington Scholarship program was designed to assist college music students who are
interested in pursuing a career in church music and to bring younger faces to our choir. The program affords students the opportunity to
study alongside seasoned choral singers and musicians in an environment conducive to learning and exploring vocational music ministry. If you are looking for a place to give back to the church, please consider making a donation to the Herrington Music Scholarship. If you
have further questions contact Brandon Keaton in the church office, 432-7407.
Dr. Brandon Keaton, Director of Music Ministries
[email protected]
10:30 AM - Women’s Bible Study
NO Tuesday Downtown Lunch
1:00 PM - The Joy Group, 171 Archie Dr.
6:00 PM - Over 40 Basketball
8:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM - Worship
9:50 AM - Sunday School
12:30 PM - Women’s Visioning Team Meeting
4-5:30 PM - Webelo Den 7
4-6:00 PM - Youth Choirs’ Christmas Program
5:30 PM - Sunday Evening with our Neighbors
6:00 PM - All Youth Secret Santa Party
6:00 PM - The Roundtable SS Class Christmas
12:00 Noon - Hawk/Disciple SS Classes
Christmas Luncheon
1:00 PM - Circle 9, 7813 GA Hwy 37, Leary
6:00 PM - Pack 64 Christmas Party
6:30 PM - Gideons
No 8:30 AM Worship Service
9:00 & 11:00 AM - Worship (Sanctuary Choir
Christmas Program)
9:50 AM - Sunday School
10:15 AM - Coffee with the Pastor(s)
4-5:30 PM - Webelo Den 7
4-6:00 PM - Regeneration/Hosanna practice &
5:30 PM - Sunday Evening with our Neighbors
6:30 PM - Regeneration & Hosanna’s Christmas
3:00 PM - the GAP
5:00 PM - Intercessory Prayer Group
5:30 PM - Wednesday Night Supper
6:00 PM - Handbells
6:30 PM - 12:2 Crew (Kdg-5th Grade)
6:30 PM - Youth Small Groups
6:30 PM - Disciple II
6:30 PM - Men’s Bible Study
6:30 PM - Knit One - Pray Too
6:30 PM - Better Together Small Groups
6:30 PM - Sanctuary Choir Practice
6:30 PM - Praise Band Practice
10:30 AM - Women’s Bible Study
3:00 PM - the GAP
5:00 PM - Intercessory Prayer Group
5:30 PM - Wednesday Night Supper
6:00 PM - Handbells
6:30 PM - 12:2 Crew (Kdg-5th Grade)
6:30 PM - Youth Small Groups
6:30 PM - Disciple II
6:30 PM - Men’s Bible Study
6:30 PM - Knit One - Pray Too
6:30 PM - Better Together Small Groups
6:30 PM - Sanctuary Choir Practice
6:30 PM - Praise Band Practice
NO Tuesday Downtown Lunch
6:00 PM - Nursery Staff Christmas Dinner,
2-4:00 PM - Hearts of Stonebridge feeds
6:00 PM - Over 40 Basketball
6-9:00 PM - Albany Chorale
Fruit Pick-up
3:00 PM - the GAP
5:00 PM - Intercessory Prayer Group
5:30 PM - Wednesday Night Supper
6:00 PM - Handbells
6:30 PM - 12:2 Crew (Kdg-5th Grade)
6:30 PM - Youth Small Groups
6:30 PM - Disciple II
6:30 PM - Men’s Bible Study
6:30 PM - Knit One - Pray Too
6:30 PM - Better Together Small Groups
6:30 PM - Sanctuary Choir Practice
6:30 PM - Praise Band Practice
10:00 AM - Mission:Change’s Christmas Eve
Brunch for Neighbors, Ford Hall
NO Tuesday Downtown Lunch
4-6:00 PM - All Youth Christmas Caroling
5:30 PM - Sunday Evening with our Neighbors
12:00 Noon - Christmas Eve Communion
Service, Sanctuary
9:00 AM - Full-time Program Staff Meeting
9:00 AM - Magnolia Manor Visitation
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM - DAR
11:00 AM - Preschool Christmas Program
6:30-8:00 PM - Women’s Event - From Frenzy to
Focus...Learning to Live Life Mindfully
7:00 PM - Second Mile SS Class Christmas Party,
The Culpepper’s
10:00 AM - District Ministers’ Christmas Brunch &
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM - McIntosh Community
Christmas Shop
6:00 PM - Church Staff Christmas Dinner
6:00 PM - Georgia Cochran SS Class Christmas
Dinner, The Exchange Club
4:00 PM - John Waller’s Eagle Scout Ceremony
6:00 PM - The Connection SS Class Christmas
Party, The Stanfill’s
6:30 PM - The Bridge SS Class Christmas Party,
The Brown’s
11:00 AM - Young at Heart
11:30 AM - New Beginnings Circle, Mayberry
6:00 PM - Sanctuary Choir Christmas Dinner, The
Church Campus Closed
Merry Christmas
NO Wednesday Night Supper
6:00 PM - Over 40 Basketball
6:00 PM - Christmas Eve Candlelight/
Communion Service, Sanctuary
NO Tuesday Downtown Lunch
NO Wednesday Night Supper or Activities
8:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM - Worship
9:50 AM - Sunday School
No Youth Activities
5:30 PM - Sunday Evening with our Neighbors
NO Tuesday Downtown Lunch
8:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM - Worship
9:50 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Women’s Bible Study
6:30 PM - Daugherty/Ashmore Wedding
5:00 PM - Daugherty/Ashmore Wedding
Regular Youth Activities
3:30 PM - Youth Praise Band Practice
4:00 PM - Regeneration Choir
4:45 PM - Middle School Devotional
4:45 PM - Hosanna Choir
5:40 PM - Youth Snack Supper
Prayer Requests December, 2014
“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:15
Hazel Burger
Tyler Cook
Bobby Dillard
AnnEarl Jones
Kay Lennard
Mark Majors
Becky Milner
Jerry Newman
Ashley Pasteka
Pete Peckham
Taffy Peckham
Janelle Ragan
Dot Shillcutt
Janice Simmons
Joyce Thompson
Susan Alsobrook
Cami & Struthers Bremer
Sherrie Butts
Alice Caromedy
Katherine Clark
Deborah Crawford
Anna Cuff
Gladys Dollar
Ed Hall
Wendy Ham
Jen Hartney
Stan Jackson
Eric Johnson
Frances McCall
Leslie McDaniel
Todd Peterson
Stephanie Simpson
Clark & Carol Smith
Bonnie Sproull
Sunday School Greeters
December 7 ""
December 14"
December 21"
December 28"
Did you
If you drink Coke products and are not
using your Coke rewards points we would
love to have them for THRiVE Student
Ministries. On most every Coca-Cola product there is a Coke
rewards code (a string of numbers and letters) that can be
entered on the Coca-Cola website to collect points. With these
points we can purchase Coke products for the youth group at
no cost. This is not an endorsement for Coca-Cola or any soft
drinks, but is a way that we can save some money on items we
already purchase for the youth. The codes are normally under
the caps of bottles, inside the cardboard flap on 12 packs, and
on the inside of the plastic wrap on cases of Dasani, CocaCola, Powerade, etc. If you have rewards codes that you would
like to turn in, give them to Meri Beth or myself or bring them to
the front office to be placed in one of our boxes. Thank you for
supporting THRiVE Student Ministries, George
You can support our Youth throughout the year!
for all your holiday needs: babysitters, yard
cleaners, gift wrappers! Your check will go directly into their
Hosanna tour account. Call Meri Beth Hillard at 432-7407 or
email [email protected] to place your order!
out your closets to make room for your new holiday
wardrobe. Bring your oldies but goodies to the Then and Now
Consignment Shop on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays
and mark your card First United Methodist Church!
S" erilentvant
Do you know a Silent Servant? Once again, it is time
to submit your nominations to the Littleton Sunday School
Class for the 2014 Silent Servant Award. All submissions are
due by the end of December.
Make each gift count twice this Christmas!
UMCmarket, an opportunity to earn money for
our church, makes it possible to receive
donations from your favorite retailers every time
someone in our congregation makes an online purchase.
Every store at UMCmarket pays a percentage of the purchased
amount as a donation to our church. There is no additional cost
or charge. The stores send UMCmarket their contribution
within 30-90 days. Once our church reaches $100 in total
donations, a check will be mailed. You can easily sign up for
When you go to, click on the “Get
Started” button. Simply sign up with your email or through
Facebook, find our church, and start shopping and donating.
Giving couldn’t be easier! Just a few of the stores are: Old
Navy, Kohl’s, Lowe’s, Amazon, JCPenny, Kay Jewelers, Disney
Store, Columbia, and hundreds more.
"First Methodist
Are you a visitor to the church? If
you are interested in finding out
more about our church, or think
you might be interested in membership, please join us for
Coffee with the Pastor(s) on the second Sunday of each month
in the Hospitality Center, Bldg. 2 at 10:15 AM. You’ll meet other
visitors, find out about First Methodist, and what membership
means. We look forward to getting to know you.
December Anniversaries - There are no anniversaries in
December; however, Staff Parish would like to wish a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the staff and our
ministers here at First United Methodist! We are so blessed to
have each one of you as servants in ministry. Thank you for
your dedication to the Lord.
First Word Submissions for January 2015 must be turned in
to Susan Dillard at [email protected] by
December 15.
Nancy Ellanson
Sheila Phillips
Margaret Brannan
Joy Harrison
Prayer requests may be given to the church by using the Prayer Request Card in our worship areas or by calling the church
office (229-432-7407, ext. 235). Please re-submit your prayer request by the 15th of each month if continued prayer is needed.
From Frenzy to Focus...Learning How to Live Mindfully Women’s Event
with guest speaker Kay Stewart
Thursday, December 4
6:30-8:00 PM
Ford Hall
Admission is free, but a ticket is required for planning purposes. Tickets are available through the church office.
We look forward to an evening of fruit, desserts, coffee, and fellowship as we learn how to cultivate our innate human capacity for
wholehearted awareness of the Holy Spirit, mind, body, heart, soul, and relationships. Worship Greeters
8:30 AM "
9:00 AM "
11:00 AM"
Jimmy Harris, Captain; Laurence Crimmins, Phil
Gresham, Hank Hayes, and Bob Wallace
Hannah and Chad Cioban and Melody and David
Hank Wright and Charley Ivy, Co-Captains;
David Bobo; Jeff Cook; Wayne Hollomon; Ed
Hudson; Matt Joiner; Felix Marbury; Foy
Shemwell; Austin Turner; and Jake Williams
8:30 AM
December 7" "
December 14"
December 21"
December 28"
Joyce and Alvin Pettit
No Service
Jane and Gene Smith
Maxine and Walt Strickland
11:00 AM
December 7" "
December 14"
December 21"
December 28"
Louise Wangen, Rosemary and Gerry
Gail Davenport, Tim Yates, and Lynne
Mary and Ken Barnhill and Kaye Walden
Lark Ledbetter and Pat Cannon
Parking Lot Duty
Sunday, 12/7 - 8:15 AM, Buddy Rainey; 10:15 AM, Bridges Sinyard; 5:00 PM, tba; Wednesday, 12/10 - 5:00 PM, Tom Liner
Sunday, 12/14 - 8:15 AM, Drew Pennington; 10:15 AM, Stuart Sinyard; 5:00 PM, Bo Strickland; Wednesday, 12/17 - 5:00 PM, Courtland
Sunday, 12/21 - 8:15 AM, Lew Culpepper; 10:15 AM, Jake Reese; 5:00 PM, George Anderson; Wednesday, 12/24 - 5:00 PM, Buddy
Sunday, 12/28 - 8:15 AM, Woody Boyd; 10:15 AM, Doug Porter; 5:00 PM, tba
Sunday Evening with our Neighbors
December 7 ""
December 14"
December 21"
December 28"
Supper Hosts - Providence Church; Coordinator - Todd Urick; Dishwasher - The Bridge Sunday School Class
Supper Hosts - The River Sunday School Class/Covenant Presbyterian Church; Coordinators - Rick and Pam Doherty;
Dishwasher - The Second Mile Sunday School Class
Supper Hosts - The Anchorage; Coordinator - Alan Dismuke; Dishwasher - The Second Mile Sunday "School Class
Supper Hosts - The Monk Thompson Sunday School Class; Coordinator - Larry Walden; Dishwasher - The Monk
Thompson Sunday School Class
Prayer Room
Decenber 7 " "
December 14"
December 21"
December 28"
Substitute" "
Sharlene Stephens
Dorothy Morris
Myrna Liner
Margaret Brannan
Kay Lennard
Flower Delivery
December 2" "
December 9 ""
December 16"
December 23"
December 30"
Faye Webb
Sharon Williams
Myrna and Tom Liner
Phyllis and James Speir
Minister on Call
(after hours & weekends)
Prayer Chain
Our prayer chain passes along urgent prayer needs.
To activate the Prayer Chain after hours contact:
December 7" "
December 14"
December 21 "
December 28 "
Jeanette Weathersby, 432-6585
Molly Strickland, 343-3011
Hank and Staci Wright, 347-6730
Kay Lennard, 439-0428
December 7" "
December 14"
December 21"
December 28"
Rev. Don Adams - home: 432-1994,
cell: 343-4309
Rev. Scott Stanfill - home: 594-2303,
cell: 706-614-1953
Rev. Rebecca Rutherford - cell: 344-2975
Rev. Don Adams - home: 432-1994,
cell: 343-4309