THE CONNECTION A NEWSLETTER FOR THE GREAT LAKES CONFERENCE Fall greetings, I trust you are encouraged in life and ministry. The season before us is one of the greatest opportunities for new outreach of the entire year. Below you will find an abridged article that I like to read occasionally to help focus on the number one priority. I’ve read this in several publications and have had it in my file for decades. I hope you are encouraged in your ministry as you read. With prayer in Christ, Bishop John OCT. - DEC. 2014 IN THIS ISSUE: Pg. 1 Bishop’s Message Pg. 2 Equipping for Ministry Courses BICWM STEP Program BICF Grants Mennonite World Conference Pg. 3 Holiness Leaders’ Day WCA Global Leadership Summit Autumn Retreat GLC Pastors & Spouses Retreat Pg. 4 MHC Highlights Youth Quest Fall Youth Retreat Conference Office Transition Pg. 5 News from Our Churches New Church Planting Sheboygan, WI Bible Quizzing Pg. 6 Bishop’s Schedule NOW IT CAME to pass that a group existed who called themselves fishermen. And lo, there were many fish in the waters all around. In fact the whole area was surrounded by streams and lakes filled with fish. And the fish were hungry. Week after week, month after month, and year after year these who called themselves fishermen met in meetings and talked about their call to fish, the abundance of fish, and how they might go about fishing. Year after year they carefully defined what fishing means, defended fishing as an occupation, and declared that fishing is always to be a primary task of fishermen. Continually they searched for new and better methods of fishing and for new and better definitions of fishing. Further they said, “The fishing industry exists by fishing as fire exists by burning.” They loved slogans such as “Fishing is the task of every fisherman,” “Every fisherman is a fisher,” and “A fisherman’s outpost for every fisherman’s club.” They sponsored special meetings called “Fishermen’s Campaigns” and “The Month for Fishermen to Fish.” They sponsored costly nationwide and worldwide congresses to discuss fishing and to promote fishing and hear about all the ways of fishing such as the new fishing equipment, fish calls, and whether any new bait was discovered. These fishermen built large, beautiful buildings called “Fishing Headquarters.” The plea was that everyone should be a fisherman and every fisherman should fish. One thing they didn’t do, however; they didn’t fish… Some spent much study and travel to learn the history of fishing and to see faraway places where the founding fathers did great fishing in the centuries past. They lauded the faithful fishermen of years before who handed down the idea of fishing. Further, the fishermen built large printing houses to publish fishing guides. Presses were kept busy day and night to produce materials solely devoted to fishing methods, equipment, and programs to arrange and to encourage meetings to talk about fishing. A speakers’ bureau was also provided to schedule special speakers on the subject of fishing. Many who felt the call to be fishermen responded. They were commissioned and sent to fish. But like the fishermen back home they engaged in all kinds of other occupations. They built power plants to pump water for fish and tractors to plow new waterways. They made all kinds of equipment to travel here and there to look at fish hatcheries. Some also said they wanted to be part of the fishing party, but they felt called to furnish fishing equipment… Now it’s true that many of the fishermen sacrificed and put up with all kinds of difficulties. Some lived near the water and bore the smell of dead fish every day. They received the ridicule of some who made fun of their fishermen’s clubs and the fact that they claimed to be fishermen yet never fished. They wondered about those who felt it was of little use to attend the weekly meetings to talk about fishing. After all, were they not following the Master who said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men?” Imagine how hurt some were when one day a person suggested that those who didn’t catch fish were really not fishermen, no matter how much they claimed to be. Yet it did sound correct. - by John M. Drescher PAGE 2 DENOMINATIONAL NEWS Equipping for Ministry has three categories of study intended to further the training of those involved in professional or lay ministry in the Brethren in Christ Church. The three categories are the Directed Study Program, Core Courses, and Impact Opportunities. Impact E-Seminars – Current seminars available are: • “Women as Pastors” • “Bible Study that Works” • “Security of the Believer” • “Living Simply” To register go to impact_e.asp. The next term begins January 5, and finishes February 13, 2015. Core Courses – The 2015 core course schedule includes: • “Theology of Salvation” June 8-11, 2015, Roxbury Camp, Roxbury, PA • “Brethren in Christ History and Values”* June 22-27, 2015, Revolution BIC, Salina, KS • “Leadership and Structure Within the Brethren in Christ Church” June 29 – July 2, 2015, Refton BIC, Refton, PA • “Theology of the Church August 10-13, 2015, Grantham BIC, Grantham, PA * Live Streaming is for those who do not live in close proximity to any of the core courses offered. To register go to default.asp. Directed Study Courses – – Spring Term 2015 begins Jan. 5 and runs through April, 17. Courses offered are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bible Survey Biblical Interpretation Pentateuch Synoptic Gospels Paul and His Letters Wisdom & Poetic Lit. Introduction to New Testament Greek History of Christianity Anabaptist Story The Heritage of Pietism Life and Thought of John Wesley Evangelism Intentional Discipleship The World Christian Movement Pastoral Care & Counseling I • • • • • • • • • • • • Spiritual Formation Focusing our Faith Prayer Life of a Leader The Church and Conflict Transformation Discerning God’s Call, My Identity Practical Tools for Pastors Becoming a Coaching Leader Effective Children’s Ministry Building a Safe and Successful Children’s Ministry The Social and Spiritual Lives of Today’s Adolescents Ministry with Older Adults Focusing our Worship To register go to spring2015/default.asp. Our STEP training will begin in December. If you know any young adults looking for a cross-cultural internship, there is still time to sign up. After training in December, the team will fly to Honduras or Spain in January 2015. They will serve for 6 months. STEP provides these young adults with an opportunity to learn from international leaders, be immersed in local language and culture, and serve in practical ways. It is a time for discerning next steps in life and seeking God for clarification for their future. Interested young adults may check out the STEP BICWM Facebook page or apply on line at http:// or contact Vicky Landis at [email protected] for more information. Vicky Landis Mobilization Administrator BICWM 717.697.2634, x-5407 THE BIC FOUNDATION & THE GLC CONGREGATIONAL GROWTH TEAM CAN ENABLE YOUR CONGREGATION TO INITIATE UP TO $2,000 OF NEW OUTREACH AT ONLY A $500 COST TO YOUR CONGREGATION! An initiative of the Brethren in Christ Foundation is providing a 50% matching grant per qualifying congregation to launch new outreach programs. In addition, your Great Lakes Conference Congregational Growth Team (CGT) will provide 1/2 of the congregational amount up to $500 in 2014. This means your congregation may qualify for a $2,000 new outreach project at a cost of only $500 to your congregation! If your new outreach project is less than $2,000 and is approved by the BICF, your actual cost will be 25%, and you will be reimbursed for 75% (50% from BICF and 25% from GLC CGT). The program description and qualifications as well as an application for the BICF grant may be accessed online at: Every congregation across the GLC is encouraged to apply for this grant opportunity. The Anabaptist churches of North America have the opportunity to host the global Anabaptist body of Christ in July 2015. Pennsylvania 2015 will take place on July 2126, 2015 in Harrisburg PA at which time representatives of the 1.3 million baptized members of the over 101 national church members of the Mennonite World Conference will gather for an historic time of worship, learning, sharing and visiting. The theme "Walking with God" invites North American members to share their story and to experience the story and diverse gifts of their global family of faith. For more information about this monumental event, check out their website at: Page 3 Event Highlights HOLINESS LEADER’S DAY HIGHLIGHTS 5 GLC persons (4 pastors) participated in this event and rated it 8.75 on a scale of 1-10. Comments included, “I will celebrate sanctification more.” While the presentations by Dr. Tom Hermiz, General Superintendant of the Churches of Christ in Christian Union was quite traditional, his strong emphasis on the truth of God’s Word, and sin’s seriousness was appreciated. The day was a good emphasis and reminder of the holiness stream of our BIC theology and Dr. Tom Hermiz actually quoted Dr. Henry Ginder, a former BIC Bishop, “It is possible to be human and holy simultaneously.” The next Holiness Leader’s Day for Northern Ohio will take place on Tuesday, October 7th at Malone University in Canton, OH. BIC Pastor Bruxy Cavey will be the featured speaker. Both events qualify for Life Long Learning credit. On Thursday & Friday, August 14—15, 43 persons - Pastors, GLC Team Members and lay leaders from across the Great Lakes Conference attended this year’s Global Leadership Summit at nearly a dozen different sites over 6 states. The evaluations of the event were high- 8.9 on a scale of 1-10! Comments included: • The greatest strength of the Conference was the quality and variety of speakers. • I felt encouraged to keep taking steps of faith and leave the results in God’s hands. • I appreciated the insight that “People join organizations people leave leaders.” • Speaker Don Flow encouraged me to remember to “Thank people for their contribution to life and ministry.” • As a result of ideas presented at the Summit, our congregation is planning to meet with community leaders to help the community fill the gaps in needs that are not being met. • Felt encouraged to take on the mountain, one step at a time. • I appreciated the insight that “leadership is not a process of maintaining things and keeping them going; that is what a manager does. Leaders implement change!” Your Great Lakes Conference provides 100% subsidy for all Pastors, Associate Pastors and GLC Team Leaders to attend the Global Leadership Summit and also provides 50% subsidy for up to two lay leaders per congregation. 21 of 24 responding feel this event should be subsidized in the future. Highlights The Twelfth Autumn Retreat (for older adults) was September 16-18 at Lake Placid Christian Conference Center in Indiana. Galen & Malinda Oakes led sessions about The Perseverance of the Seasoned Saints. Twenty-seven persons participated in group sessions, fellowship, and relaxation. Reported by Winnie Knepper ENRICHMENT RETREAT FOR PASTORS AND SPOUSES SEPTEMBER 19- 2 1, 2 01 4 HIGHLIGHTS! Forty-two persons including pastors, spouses, interns and resource persons attended this year’s GLC Pastors & Spouses Retreat held at the Farmstead Inn in Shipshewana, IN. The weekend event featured speaker Lee Eclov who spoke on the topic of Pastoral Graces. Brethren in Christ National Director Alan Robinson attended the event on Friday and Saturday morning and brought greetings and words of encouragement from the denominational offices. Worship was led by Lakeview Community’s pastor Jon Grimshaw and his worship team. Pastor Keith Tyson from the Ashland congregation led in a time of fun & games and relationship building. Bishop John Zuck led in a time of prayer, worship and communion during Saturday evening and Sunday morning worship. Everyone enjoyed a great time including free time on Saturday afternoon, a wonderful family style dinner at the Blue Gate Restaurant on Saturday evening and the opportunity to be refreshed and renewed. Encouragement 2014 Page 4 MHC HIGHLIGHTS & YOUTH NEWS Memorial Holiness Camp 2014 Highlights! MHC Director Todd Hammond & Evangelist Gilbert Romero Bishop Zuck leads a dedication of missionaries on Missions Day Pam Arnold interviews missionaries preparing to go to Pakistan New Young Adult Camp participants share during closing worship about how MHC has impacted their lives Numerous people participate in the healing service during the closing worship During the 3rd full week in July the 71st annual Memorial Holiness Camp was held at the Church of God Campground (Formerly the West Milton Christian Center). More than 150 people from our five state conference and beyond came to be refreshed, revived, renewed and challenged to live more intentionally as disciples. Nursery, children, youth, young adult and adult age groups were all blessed by the various programs offered throughout the week. These included Bible Studies led by Pastor Keith Tyson and Dr. Jason Vickers which were uplifting and informative. The importance of missions was emphasized throughout the week with panel discussions, a seminar on how to support our missionaries led by John Hawbaker, and a tremendous Missions Day celebration. More than $9,000 was raised for missions beyond the MHC Budget! Evening worship was dynamic and inspiring. Led by John Hawbaker and Gilbert Romero, evening services highlighted the need to produce good fruit for Christ to further the work of the Gospel. On Friday evening more than 180 persons attended the closing service. Many came forward to participate in the service of anointing to be strengthened to live lives more deeply committed to Christian discipleship. At the end of the week we had raised approximately $19,000 towards the MHC Budget! To see more photographs and other highlights from MHC 2014 go to the Great Lakes Conference website! The deadline for early-bird registration for Youth Quest 2014 is fast approaching. Register by October 15 and pay only $340 for three awesome days (December 27 - 30) of fun, fellowship and spiritual challenge in Washington DC! YouthQuest is open to all high school students - in all stages of their spiritual journey. Whether you’ve been walking with Christ for years or just teetering on the verge of making a commitment, there is something for you at YQ. Attendees will rub shoulders with Atlantic, Overflow, Lost and Found, Andy Hunter, Jeff Goring, Danielle Strickland and more as well as having unique opportunities to hang out with Bishops, Pastors and Youth Leaders from all over North America. There will even be time to sightsee in our capital city. For more information, visit: TRANSITION IN THE CONFERENCE OFFICE Todd Hammond has accepted a call to full time pastoral ministry at the Agape Church of the Brethren in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, beginning on Oct. 1, 2014. He has served in the Great Lakes Conference in a number of roles. He has been the Pastor of the Highland, OH, congregation for more than 6 years, he has served as the GLC Office Assistant for nearly 5 years and has been the Director of Memorial Holiness Camp for the last 4 years. In addition to these roles he has been serving as the Interim Pastor of the West Milton Church of the Brethren for the last 1 1/2 years. While Todd & Andi will greatly miss their connections in the GLC and the BIC, this move will allow them to be close to their sons and Andi’s aging parents who live in No. IN. Page 5 News from Our Churches NEWS FROM OUR CHURCHES ACROSS THE GREAT LAKES CONFERENCE • • • • • Here are some happenings at some of the churches in the Great Lakes Conference. Let us continue to bear one another up in prayer. Amherst Community, OH - Pastor Galen reports that the congregation has been developing new mission and vision statements for their ongoing ministry to the community. These will be formally adopted by the congregation. The congregation has learned that it is easier to convince the unchurched to attend their worship service when they have a casual, outdoor service in their pavilion. They held outdoor outreach services each month, May through September. A woman came to faith in Christ through one of Amherst’s “Life Groups” held on Wednesday nights. In May she was taken by ambulance to the hospital and was in the coronary care unit for a month. The outpouring of prayers, cards, flowers, visits, texts and love from the congregation was overwhelming to her. She said she has never experienced such love before in her lifetime. God is sustaining her in difficult circumstances through God’s people. Praise His Name! Fairview, OH - A young woman and her “step-mom” gave their lives to Christ on Easter—the next week she brought her friend so she ‘could meet Jesus.’ Her dad had also accepted Christ in this process and all three were baptized at the end of June - PTL! Gethsemane, OH - A woman has lived a very stressful and abusive life. She had a baby at 17 and struggled with drugs. Since coming to church, she has witnessed the change and excitement in her daughter and wanted the same experience. She has since she trusted Jesus as her Savior. She has jumped in to help pass out church fliers, children’s ministry and nursery. She is singing for our church and using her talents for Christ. King of Glory, OH - Pastor Paul Meduri reports that the congregation has moved from their current location to a rented church facility at 935 Frost Rd., Streetsboro, OH, 44241. Their service time has been changed to accommodate the other church. They are now meeting 9:30 - 10:30. Their new location is a residential neighborhood, on a heavily traveled road, and next door to an elementary school. They are planning a fall fair and it will be a joint venture with the other church. We'll now have twice the workers and finances for this project! While they have made some compromises in our services and independence, it appears as though they will serve the Lord much better. God definitely orchestrated this move and everyone was blessed. Highland, OH - After six years of ministry, Pastor Todd Hammond has announced his resignation effective Sept. 28th to accept a call to a full time ministry position at the Agape Church of the Brethren in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. They will miss their Church family greatly. Pray for Highland in their search for a new Pastor. NEW CHURCH PLANTING HOPE COMMUNITY CHURCH in Sheboygan, WI will hold its launch Sunday in October 2014. This new congregation is being led by Pastor Mike Lueck. In the two months before the official launch Sunday the congregation has been averaging nearly 100 persons in attendance with 142 attending on a special event Sunday. More than 40 persons have been participating in small group meetings. A number of the persons involved in this exciting new ministry have worked with Pastor Mike in his Celebrate Recovery ministry. Mike reports that over the past 6 years 1,500 persons have moved through this program of which 90% are unbelievers. Nearly 450 have trusted Christ as Savior through this ministry. Pastor Mike reports the following exciting progress as they prepare for their launch Sunday: • An online database has been established which will better enable the congregation to communicate with interested persons. • Software has been obtained for presentations during worship and teaching times. • Small groups for the fall are being planned. • Both Under 50 and Over 50 Groups have already been started. Bishop John plans to attend Hope Community Church’s Sunday on Oct. 5th. Pastor Mike Lueck has been supported by PRAYER and subsidy of two days per week pastoral compensation since May 1st, and 3 days since Aug. 1st, 2014. PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS EMERGING CONGREGATION! BIBLE QUIZZING 2013-2014 SEASON The 2013-14 Bible quizzing season has come to an end. New Vision BIC in Pewaukee, WI, represented the Great Lakes Conference at this year’s denominational finals held during General Conference in Lancaster, PA on July 11-14. They earned 2nd seed after the double round robin round and finished 3rd overall. Dillsburg BIC (located about 20 miles south of Harrisburg, PA) won 1st place. Great Lakes Conference Bible Quizzing Quiz Master, Jeff Williams of the Nappanee, IN BIC, reports that he was impressed with the youth themselves. “This was such an impressive group of young people—youth who are committed to growing in Jesus Christ, caring for each other and to serving Jesus with their lives.” The new Bible Quiz season will start in October 2014. This year Bible Quizzers will be studying, reading, memorizing and meditating on the Book of Acts (NIV). Bible Quizzing is open to those ages 8-19. Director Jeff Williams would love to see more churches involved in this wonderful program. If you have questions or need more information about starting a Bible Quizzing Team in your congregation, contact: Jeff Williams [email protected] 574.773.3365 574.773.4925 Page 6 DATES TO REMEMBER: 2014: October Pastor Appreciation Month The Bible says, “Give a bonus to leaders who do a good job, especially the ones who work hard at preaching and teaching.” (I Tim. 5:17 - The Message) Oct. 7 Holiness Leaders Day with Bruxey Cavey Malone University Canton, OH 2015: Jan. 4 - 11 BIC Week of Prayer & Fasting March 6 & 7 GLC Regional Annual Meeting Morrison Morrison, IL July 17 - 25 Memorial Holiness Camp West Milton, OH Aug. 6 & 7 WCA Global Leadership Summit Multiple sites Sept. 18-20 GLC Pastors & Spouses Retreat Farmstead Inn Shipshewana, IN BISHOP’S SCHEDULE October 2 5 7 8:30 - 3:00 pm 7:00 pm 12 14 21 25 2:00 - 4:00 pm 26 am pm November 2 8 9 am 3:00 pm 15 16 27 30 December 7 13 14 21 25 28 31 January 3 2:00 - 4:00 pm 4-11 Pastor Appreciation Month! Highland , OH Past. Search Com. Mtg. Hope Community, WI Holiness Leaders’ Day - Canton, OH RDT Meeting - Conference call Installation message for Todd Hammond at Agape Church of the Brethren, Ft. Wayne, IN S. OH Cluster meeting - Fairview Westside Christian Community, OH board meeting Michiana Cluster meeting, Union Grove, IN Carland-Zion, MI Christ Community ETC, MI King of Glory, OH La Roca Eterna, VA Community of Faith, VA Pastoral Search Committee Bethel, VA SEC BOD meeting, FL Community Bible Chapel, FL Happy Thanksgiving Day! Amherst, OH New Vision, WI GLC BOD meeting, Ashland, OH Mt. Zion, IN Calvary Bible Church, VA Have a great Christmas celebration Fairview Church, OH New Year’s Eve MI Cluster concert of Prayer at CarlandZion BIC BIC Week of Focused Prayer! SEND WORKERS FOR WITNESS & SERVICE ACROSS THE GLC AND BEYOND PARTNERSHIP MINISTRIES 2014 Your congregation’s goal of giving 10% of offerings to Cooperative Ministries is greatly appreciated. Each congregation’s timely and generous contributions facilitates SENDING WORKERS FOR WITNESS & SERVICE ACROSS THE GREAT LAKES CONFERENCE AND BEYOND. Many thanks! NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: Items for our January-March issue of The Connection should be in our office by December 20, 2014. MAILING LIST: If you do not wish to receive the Great Lakes Conference newsletter, please email our office or call us. If you prefer to receive a hard copy of the newsletter, please let us know. We will honor your request. Please notify us if your email or mailing address has changed. VISION STATEMENT “Every person reaching people for Jesus Christ by developing a framework of community that encourages growing, discipling, and sending congregations.” Bishop’s Office: 306 S. Miami St., West Milton, OH 45383 Phone: 937.698.6284 Cell: 937.232.4361 Fax: 937.698.1000 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 69, West Milton, OH 45383 Email: [email protected] (Bishop) Email: [email protected] (Assistant)
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